Contemporary Salem

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Contemporary Salem

yraropmetnoC melaS

Tracked, Captured,



fo tcejbus eht eb oT .noitagorretni

Witch-hunting has looked very differently throughout history and across the world, but the conduct of the hunt remained the same as suspects were tracked, captured and persecuted based on accusations made by others.

To be the subject of interrogation.

Tracked, Captured,



Witch-hunting has looked very differently throughout history and across the world, but the conduct of the hunt remained the same as suspects were tracked, captured and persecuted based on accusations made by others.

,dekcarT ,derutpaC



yltnereffid yrev dekool sah gnitnuh-hctiW eht tub ,dlrow eht ssorca dna yrotsih tuohguorht stcepsus sa emas eht deniamer tnuh eht fo tcudnoc no desab detucesrep dna derutpac ,dekcart erew .srehto yb edam snoitasucca

reviously untainted celebrities are being included in these ‘witch hunts’ of those that make unsolicited sexual advances towards women they are working with or in most cases worked with decades before. Their reputation as great actors, directors and producers are questioned when these allegations emerge, but the attachment of the #MeToo hashtag brings its own strength of believability. This time “she” carries the weight.

We ask the questions of why would he do this, wonder how many more names will come and listen intently to each new headline and accompanying article detailing their alleged offences. And then we wait for the response from the accused, many let their publicist respond and others wear their heart on their sleeve as they defend themselves. It is the he said, she said situation, but this time “she” carries more weight.

The Accused

and/or sorcery. Therefore, they pose a threat to

.dehsinup dna thguac eb tsum dna secitcarp xodohtronu rieht ot eud srehto

tfarchctiw gnitcudnoc fo detcepsus slaudividni rof gningiapmac ro gnihcraes

fo tca eht si tnuh hctiw a fo gninaem lanigiro ehT




yltnereffid yrev dekool sah gnitnuh-hctiW eht tub ,dlrow eht ssorca dna yrotsih tuohguorht stcepsus sa emas eht deniamer tnuh eht fo tcudnoc no desab detucesrep dna derutpac ,dekcart erew .srehto yb edam snoitasucca

and/or sorcery. Therefore, they pose a threat to

others due to their unorthodox practices and must be caught and punished.


searching or campaigning for individuals suspected of conducting witchcraft

The original meaning of a witch hunt is the act of

reviously untainted celebrities are being included in these ‘witch hunts’ of those that make unsolicited sexual advances towards women they are working with or in most cases worked with decades before. Their reputation as great actors, directors and producers are questioned when these allegations emerge, but the attachment of the #MeToo hashtag brings its own strength of believability.

fo edoC ehT ibarummaH

This time “she” carries the weight.

We ask the questions of why would he do this, wonder how many more names will come and listen intently to each new headline and accompanying article detailing their alleged offences. And then we wait for the response from the accused, many let their publicist respond and others wear their heart on their sleeve as they defend themselves. It is the he said, she said situation, but this time “she” carries more weight.

To put a spell upon another without warrant

ibarummaH fo edoC eht ,4571 tuoba ot kcab gnitaD tneicna fo wal fo edoc nainolybaB devreserp llew a si sgnitirw derehpiced tsedlo eht fo eno si tI .aimatoposeM a dedulcni edoc ehT .dlrow eht ni htgnel tnacifingis fo nosrep eno fi enod eb dluohs tahw detats taht noitces .tnarraw tuohtiw rehtona nopu lleps a tup ot erew

The Accused

rednow ,siht od eh dluow yhw fo snoitseuq eht ksa eW yltnetni netsil dna emoc lliw seman erom ynam woh elcitra gniynapmocca dna enildaeh wen hcae ot rof tiaw ew neht dnA .secneffo degella rieht gniliated tsicilbup rieht tel ynam ,desucca eht morf esnopser eht eveels rieht no traeh rieht raew srehto dna dnopser dias ehs ,dias eh eht si tI .sevlesmeht dnefed yeht sa .thgiew erom seirrac ”ehs“ emit siht tub ,noitautis

desuccA ehT

”ehs“ emit sihT .thgiew eht seirrac

and/or sorcery. Therefore, they pose a threat to

others due to their unorthodox practices and must be caught and punished.

gnieb era seitirbelec detniatnu ylsuoiver taht esoht fo ’stnuh hctiw‘ eseht ni dedulcni sdrawot secnavda lauxes deticilosnu ekam sesac tsom ni ro htiw gnikrow era yeht nemow sa noitatuper riehT .erofeb sedaced htiw dekrow denoitseuq era srecudorp dna srotcerid ,srotca taerg tnemhcatta eht tub ,egreme snoitagella eseht nehw fo htgnerts nwo sti sgnirb gathsah ooTeM# eht fo .ytilibaveileb

searching or campaigning for individuals suspected of conducting witchcraft

The original meaning of a witch hunt is the act of

fo edoC ehT ibarummaH

To put a spell upon another without warrant

ibarummaH fo edoC eht ,4571 tuoba ot kcab gnitaD tneicna fo wal fo edoc nainolybaB devreserp llew a si sgnitirw derehpiced tsedlo eht fo eno si tI .aimatoposeM a dedulcni edoc ehT .dlrow eht ni htgnel tnacifingis fo nosrep eno fi enod eb dluohs tahw detats taht noitces .tnarraw tuohtiw rehtona nopu lleps a tup ot erew The witch hunts of today are just the same. Those who are accused are said to have performed an act upon someone who did not want or expect the act. Proving that the process of making accusations is just as instinctive to humanity as the act of attacking a fellow human being.

gnieb era seitirbelec detniatnu ylsuoiver taht esoht fo ’stnuh hctiw‘ eseht ni dedulcni sdrawot secnavda lauxes deticilosnu ekam sesac tsom ni ro htiw gnikrow era yeht nemow sa noitatuper riehT .erofeb sedaced htiw dekrow denoitseuq era srecudorp dna srotcerid ,srotca taerg tnemhcatta eht tub ,egreme snoitagella eseht nehw fo htgnerts nwo sti sgnirb gathsah ooTeM# eht fo .ytilibaveileb

The Code of Hammurabi

rednow ,siht od eh dluow yhw fo snoitseuq eht ksa eW yltnetni netsil dna emoc lliw seman erom ynam woh elcitra gniynapmocca dna enildaeh wen hcae ot rof tiaw ew neht dnA .secneffo degella rieht gniliated tsicilbup rieht tel ynam ,desucca eht morf esnopser eht eveels rieht no traeh rieht raew srehto dna dnopser dias ehs ,dias eh eht si tI .sevlesmeht dnefed yeht sa .thgiew erom seirrac ”ehs“ emit siht tub ,noitautis

”ehs“ emit sihT .thgiew eht seirrac

Dating back to about 1754, the Code of Hammurabi is a well preserved Babylonian code of law of ancient Mesopotamia. It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world. The code included a section that stated what should be done if one person were to put a spell upon another without warrant.

nopu lleps a tup oT tuohtiw rehtona tnarraw

desuccA ehT

There has always been a stigma associated with the practice of witchcraft or sorcery. This leads those who are involved in such acts to become outsiders or be persecuted by the general public.


The witch hunts of today are just the same. Those who are accused are said to have performed an act upon someone who did not want or expect the act. Proving that the process of making accusations is just as instinctive to humanity as the act of attacking a fellow human being.


gnieb era seitirbelec detniatnu ylsuoiver taht esoht fo ’stnuh hctiw‘ eseht ni dedulcni sdrawot secnavda lauxes deticilosnu ekam sesac tsom ni ro htiw gnikrow era yeht nemow sa noitatuper riehT .erofeb sedaced htiw dekrow denoitseuq era srecudorp dna srotcerid ,srotca taerg tnemhcatta eht tub ,egreme snoitagella eseht nehw fo htgnerts nwo sti sgnirb gathsah ooTeM# eht fo .ytilibaveileb

The Code of Hammurabi

rednow ,siht od eh dluow yhw fo snoitseuq eht ksa eW yltnetni netsil dna emoc lliw seman erom ynam woh elcitra gniynapmocca dna enildaeh wen hcae ot rof tiaw ew neht dnA .secneffo degella rieht gniliated tsicilbup rieht tel ynam ,desucca eht morf esnopser eht eveels rieht no traeh rieht raew srehto dna dnopser dias ehs ,dias eh eht si tI .sevlesmeht dnefed yeht sa .thgiew erom seirrac ”ehs“ emit siht tub ,noitautis

”ehs“ emit sihT .thgiew eht seirrac

Dating back to about 1754, the Code of Hammurabi is a well preserved Babylonian code of law of ancient Mesopotamia. It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world. The code included a section that stated what should be done if one person were to put a spell upon another without warrant. ohw esohT .emas eht tsuj era yadot fo stnuh hctiw ehT nopu tca na demrofrep evah ot dias era desucca era gnivorP .tca eht tcepxe ro tnaw ton did ohw enoemos sa tsuj si snoitasucca gnikam fo ssecorp eht taht wollef a gnikcatta fo tca eht sa ytinamuh ot evitcnitsni .gnieb namuh

nopu lleps a tup oT tuohtiw rehtona tnarraw

desuccA ehT

There has always been a stigma associated with the practice of witchcraft or sorcery. This leads those who are involved in such acts to become outsiders or be persecuted by the general public.



gnieb era seitirbelec detniatnu ylsuoiver taht esoht fo ’stnuh hctiw‘ eseht ni dedulcni sdrawot secnavda lauxes deticilosnu ekam sesac tsom ni ro htiw gnikrow era yeht nemow sa noitatuper riehT .erofeb sedaced htiw dekrow denoitseuq era srecudorp dna srotcerid ,srotca taerg tnemhcatta eht tub ,egreme snoitagella eseht nehw fo htgnerts nwo sti sgnirb gathsah ooTeM# eht fo .ytilibaveileb

The Code of Hammurabi

rednow ,siht od eh dluow yhw fo snoitseuq eht ksa eW yltnetni netsil dna emoc lliw seman erom ynam woh elcitra gniynapmocca dna enildaeh wen hcae ot rof tiaw ew neht dnA .secneffo degella rieht gniliated tsicilbup rieht tel ynam ,desucca eht morf esnopser eht eveels rieht no traeh rieht raew srehto dna dnopser dias ehs ,dias eh eht si tI .sevlesmeht dnefed yeht sa .thgiew erom seirrac ”ehs“ emit siht tub ,noitautis

”ehs“ emit sihT .thgiew eht seirrac

Dating back to about 1754, the Code of Hammurabi is a well preserved Babylonian code of law of ancient Mesopotamia. It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world. The code included a section that stated what should be done if one person were to put a spell upon another without warrant. ohw esohT .emas eht tsuj era yadot fo stnuh hctiw ehT nopu tca na demrofrep evah ot dias era desucca era gnivorP .tca eht tcepxe ro tnaw ton did ohw enoemos sa tsuj si snoitasucca gnikam fo ssecorp eht taht wollef a gnikcatta fo tca eht sa ytinamuh ot evitcnitsni .gnieb namuh

nopu lleps a tup oT tuohtiw rehtona tnarraw

desuccA ehT

There has always been a stigma associated with the practice of witchcraft or sorcery. This leads those who are involved in such acts to become outsiders or be persecuted by the general public.



eht htiw detaicossa amgits a neeb syawla sah erehT ohw esoht sdael sihT .yrecros ro tfarchctiw fo ecitcarp eb ro sredistuo emoceb ot stca hcus ni devlovni era .cilbup lareneg eht yb detucesrep



A man’s word was the last word.

Most accusers of witchcraft were male, reflecting the social makeup of the times. Before the 1920s, females were viewed as the lesser sex and easily dominated, leaving them open to oppression without proper means of defence. This construction of female status in society was derived from several different places. The view of woman as instrument of the Devil, a thing at once inferior and evil, took shape in the earliest period of Church history and was indeed originated by the Church. etween the years 1300 and 1500, two-thirds of those accused of witchcraft were women, allowing them to be used as scapegoats by men to draw attention away from various political or social issues. They were also used to put reason to health epidemics and unexplained incidents.

.hcruhC eht yb detanigiro saw dna yrotsih hcruhC fo doirep tseilrae eht ni

eht fo tnemurtsni sa namow fo weiv ehT .secalp tnereffid lareves morf devired

saw yteicos ni sutats elamef fo noitcurtsnoc sihT

Devil, a thing at once inferior and evil, took shape

eht gnitcelfer ,elam erew tfarchctiw fo sresucca tsoM selamef ,s0291 eht erofeB .semit eht fo puekam laicos ,detanimod ylisae dna xes ressel eht sa deweiv erew reporp tuohtiw noisserppo ot nepo meht gnivael sutats elamef fo noitcurtsnoc sihT .ecnefed fo snaem .secalp tnereffid lareves morf devired saw yteicos ni gniht a ,liveD eht fo tnemurtsni sa namow fo weiv ehT tseilrae eht ni epahs koot ,live dna roirefni ecno ta yb detanigiro deedni saw dna yrotsih hcruhC fo doirep .hcruhC eht sdriht-owt ,0051 dna 0031 sraey eht neewte ,nemow erew tfarchctiw fo desucca esoht fo yb staogepacs sa desu eb ot meht gniwolla suoirav morf yawa noitnetta ward ot nem osla erew yehT .seussi laicos ro lacitilop dna scimedipe htlaeh ot nosaer tup ot desu .stnedicni denialpxenu

saw drow s’nam A .drow tsal eht


.hcruhC eht yb detanigiro saw dna yrotsih hcruhC fo doirep tseilrae eht ni

eht fo tnemurtsni sa namow fo weiv ehT .secalp tnereffid lareves morf devired

saw yteicos ni sutats elamef fo noitcurtsnoc sihT

Devil, a thing at once inferior and evil, took shape

in the earliest period of Church history and was originated by the Church.

eht gnitcelfer ,elam erew tfarchctiw fo sresucca tsoM selamef ,s0291 eht erofeB .semit eht fo puekam laicos ,detanimod ylisae dna xes ressel eht sa deweiv erew reporp tuohtiw noisserppo ot nepo meht gnivael sutats elamef fo noitcurtsnoc sihT .ecnefed fo snaem .secalp tnereffid lareves morf devired saw yteicos ni gniht a ,liveD eht fo tnemurtsni sa namow fo weiv ehT tseilrae eht ni epahs koot ,live dna roirefni ecno ta yb detanigiro deedni saw dna yrotsih hcruhC fo doirep .hcruhC eht

saw drow s’nam A .drow tsal eht

sdriht-owt ,0051 dna 0031 sraey eht neewte ,nemow erew tfarchctiw fo desucca esoht fo yb staogepacs sa desu eb ot meht gniwolla suoirav morf yawa noitnetta ward ot nem osla erew yehT .seussi laicos ro lacitilop dna scimedipe htlaeh ot nosaer tup ot desu .stnedicni denialpxenu

derived from several different places. The view of woman as instrument of the

This construction of female status in society was

Devil, a thing at once inferior and evil, took shape

noitubirteR Justified or undeserved

Who is to be punished?

Who is to be believed?

ith women feeling the confidence to make their accusations without fear of not being believed or having their own career damaged; it is the time where men face persecution and women are in control. But just as the men of the middle ages were unjustified in their allegations should we not give the accused of today their fair trial. Especially as many of the claims date back decades and vary in the severity of the incident; pre-#MeToo movement. However, the victims of the witch hunts from a by gone era faced torturous, physical punishments and often died in the process. The victims of today are removed from their careers and have the potential to recover their damaged image

in the earliest period of Church history and was originated by the Church.

Retribution devresednu ro deifitsuJ

ekam ot ecnedifnoc eht gnileef nemow hti ton fo raef tuohtiw snoitasucca rieht reerac nwo rieht gnivah ro deveileb gnieb ecaf nem erehw emit eht si ti ;degamad tuB .lortnoc ni era nemow dna noitucesrep erew sega elddim eht fo nem eht sa tsuj eht evig ton ew dluohs snoitagella rieht ni deifitsujnu fo ynam sa yllaicepsE .lairt riaf rieht yadot fo desucca ytireves eht ni yrav dna sedaced kcab etad smialc eht .tnemevom ooTeM#-erp ;tnedicni eht fo yb a morf stnuh hctiw eht fo smitciv eht ,revewoH dna stnemhsinup lacisyhp ,suorutrot decaf are enog era yadot fo smitciv ehT .ssecorp eht ni deid netfo ot laitnetop eht evah dna sreerac rieht morf devomer egami degamad rieht revocer

derived from several different places. The view of woman as instrument of the

This construction of female status in society was

Devil, a thing at once inferior and evil, took shape

Once an accusation had been made of an affiliation with witchcraft or sorcery, it had to be determined if the individual truly was a witch. Various methods, called ordeals, were used to ascertain guilt, usually resulting in serious harm or the death of the accused.

Who is to be believed?

Who is to be punished?


in the earliest period of Church history and was originated by the Church.

Retribution ?deveileb eb ot si ohW

ekam ot ecnedifnoc eht gnileef nemow hti ton fo raef tuohtiw snoitasucca rieht reerac nwo rieht gnivah ro deveileb gnieb ecaf nem erehw emit eht si ti ;degamad tuB .lortnoc ni era nemow dna noitucesrep erew sega elddim eht fo nem eht sa tsuj eht evig ton ew dluohs snoitagella rieht ni deifitsujnu fo ynam sa yllaicepsE .lairt riaf rieht yadot fo desucca ytireves eht ni yrav dna sedaced kcab etad smialc eht .tnemevom ooTeM#-erp ;tnedicni eht fo

devresednu ro deifitsuJ

?dehsinup eb ot si ohW

yb a morf stnuh hctiw eht fo smitciv eht ,revewoH dna stnemhsinup lacisyhp ,suorutrot decaf are enog era yadot fo smitciv ehT .ssecorp eht ni deid netfo ot laitnetop eht evah dna sreerac rieht morf devomer egami degamad rieht revocer

derived from several different places. The view of woman as instrument of the

This construction of female status in society was

Devil, a thing at once inferior and evil, took shape

Once an accusation had been made of an affiliation with witchcraft or sorcery, it had to be determined if the individual truly was a witch. Various methods, called ordeals, were used to ascertain guilt, usually resulting in serious harm or the death of the accused.


noitailiffa na fo edam neeb dah noitasucca na ecnO denimreted eb ot dah ti ,yrecros ro tfarchctiw htiw ,sdohtem suoiraV .hctiw a saw ylurt laudividni eht fi yllausu ,tliug niatrecsa ot desu erew ,slaedro dellac .desucca eht fo htaed eht ro mrah suoires ni gnitluser


laedrO eriF yB

The fire will continue to burn if you are truly The accused is burned regardless of the truth, but will it leave a scar ?

Will an intervention come in time?

When those accused are put through the ordeal of fire, this is the test. Will the accusations stick and be believed by others, will their reputation disappear as the offences become too difficult to accept. Or will enough people that know them to be good, come to their defence and prove the accuser wasn’t truthful. Often in present day, those invested in the circus of the rumour mill decide which way the ordeal will play out. Disregarding evidence for who is telling the truth in favour of what will make the more alluring headline.

Ordeal By Fire noitailiffa na fo edam neeb dah noitasucca na ecnO denimreted eb ot dah ti ,yrecros ro tfarchctiw htiw ,sdohtem suoiraV .hctiw a saw ylurt laudividni eht fi yllausu ,tliug niatrecsa ot desu erew ,slaedro dellac .desucca eht fo htaed eht ro mrah suoires ni gnitluser

denrub si desucca ehT ,hturt eht fo sseldrager ? racs a evael ti lliw tub


The fire will continue to burn if you are truly

Will an God intervene? intervention come in time?

When Ordealthose by fireaccused consisted are of putthe through accusedthe holding ordealaof fire, red-hot thisiron is the and/or test. Will walking the accusations across a nine-foot-long stick and be believed path of burning by others, coals. willThe their burn reputation wound would disappear be as the inspected offences three become days after too difficult completion to accept. and ifOr it had will enough healed orpeople was healing, that know it was them deemed to be that good,God come hadto their intervened, defenceproving and prove the the individual’s accuser wasn’t innocence. truthful. The Often ordealin bypresent hot water day, involved those invested the accused in the reaching circus of the rumour into a potmill of boiling decide which water to way retrieve the ordeal a stone, willfollowed play out. Disregarding by a three-dayevidence waiting period for whotoissee telling whether the truth God in favour would intervene. of what will make the more alluring headline.

Ordeal By Fire noitailiffa na fo edam neeb dah noitasucca na ecnO denimreted eb ot dah ti ,yrecros ro tfarchctiw htiw ,sdohtem suoiraV .hctiw a saw ylurt laudividni eht fi yllausu ,tliug niatrecsa ot desu erew ,slaedro dellac .desucca eht fo htaed eht ro mrah suoires ni gnitluser

denrub si desucca ehT ,hturt eht fo sseldrager ? racs a evael ti lliw tub

a gnidloh desucca eht fo detsisnoc erif yb laedrO gnol-toof-enin a ssorca gniklaw ro/dna nori toh-der eb dluow dnuow nrub ehT .slaoc gninrub fo htap dah ti fi dna noitelpmoc retfa syad eerht detcepsni dah doG taht demeed saw ti ,gnilaeh saw ro delaeh ehT .ecneconni s’laudividni eht gnivorp ,denevretni gnihcaer desucca eht devlovni retaw toh yb laedro dewollof ,enots a eveirter ot retaw gniliob fo top a otni doG rehtehw ees ot doirep gnitiaw yad-eerht a yb .enevretni dluow

?enevretni doG lliW


The fire will continue to burn if you are truly

Cruel and unusual and futile Will an intervention come in time?

When those accused are put through the ordeal of fire, this is the test. Will the accusations stick and be believed by others, will their reputation disappear as the offences become too difficult to accept. Or will enough people that know them to be good, come to their defence and prove the accuser wasn’t truthful. Often in present day, those invested in the circus of the rumour mill decide which way the ordeal will play out. Disregarding evidence for who is telling the truth in favour of what will make the more alluring headline.

lliw erif ehT ot eunitnoc era uoy fi nrub ylurt

foalganedidrlooehhdtehsguucocarhethtufpo edreatsdiessnuoccceareifsoyhbtlnaedhrW O egbndoln-atokocfi-tesnsinnoaitsassourcccaagenhitkllaiw Wr.ots/edtneahntosri isithoth,-edreirf sa raeebpdplausoidwndoniutaotw upnerrurbieehhtTll.iswla,oscreghntionyrubbdfeovehitlaepb ldlaiwh rtiOfi.tdpneaccnaooitetlpum cifofcidreotofat esymaodceeebrhsetcdneetfcfeopeshnti odt aehmdoocG,dtoaohgt edbem otem edeshatwwtoin,gkntialahethelspaoweprohdgeuloan ehe hti ehvot rgpndivnoarpec,nden feedvreiethnti e.lhuTfh.etcunrtect’onnsnaw i sr’leasuudcicvaiden eht fogsnuichrciaceerhdtensiudcceatseehvtndi evsolohvtn,yi aredttanwestoerhpynbilnaetdfrOo .dtuew o oyalllopfl,leiw noltaseadreoveihrt eyraowt hrectiahw gendilcieodblfliomtorpuaom otunri ni hdtouG rtreehhttgen illeet s ioothdw veygandi-derearhgetrasyiDb hw oiroepf egcnnietidaiw .enildaeh gnirulla erom eht ekam lli.wenteavhrwetfnoirdulouvoawf

?enevretni donGa lliW noitnevretni ?emit ni emoc

Cruel and unusual and futile

leurC dna lausunu dna elituf

not guilty and were freed; however, many drowned .ton lliw as tnuahresult eht fo tof cathis. eht

Ordeal by water Will God intervene?

The ordeal by cold water involved submerging the accused in a stream or body of water while their hands and feet were tied. If the accused sank, they were found not guilty and were freed; however, many drowned as a result of this ordeal. Such ordeals would be considered cruel and unusual punishment today, besides being, to say the very least, futile.

.tontheir lliw tnhands uh ehtand fo tcfeet a eht the accused in a stream or body of water while

The cold submerging tubordeal egnahcby yam tnewater mhsinuinvolved p ehT

The punishment may change but

were tied. If the accused sank, they were found

leurC dna lausunu dna elituf

. s i h t f o tl u s e r a s a d e n w o r d y n a m ,r e v e w o h ; d e e rf e r e w d n a y tl i u g t o n

t e ef d n a s d n a h r i e h t e l i h w r e t a w f o y d o b r o m a e r t s a n i d e s u c c a e h t

g n i g r e m b u s d e v l o v n i r eta w d l o c y b l ae d r o e h T

were tied. If the accused sank, they were found

.ton lliw tnuh eht fo tca eht

tub egnahc yam tnemhsinup ehT

Ordeal by water Will God intervene?

The ordeal by cold water involved submerging the accused in a stream or body of water while their hands and feet were tied. If the accused sank, they were found Will God intervene? not guilty and were freed; however, many drowned as a result of this ordeal. Such ordeals would be considered cruel and unusual punishment today, besides being, to say the very least, futile.

.ton lliw tnuh eht fo tca eht

The punishment may change but

leurC dna lausunu dna elituf

. the s i h tact f o of tl uthe s e rhunt a s a will d e nnot. w o r d y n a m ,r e v e w o h ; d e e rf e r e w d n a y tl i u g t o n

the t eact ef dof n athe s d nhunt a h rwill i e h tnot. e l i h w r eta w f o y d o b r o m ae r t s a n i d e s u c c a e h t

g n i g r e m b u s d e vThe l o v npunishment i r eta w d l omay c y bchange l ae d r obut ehT

were tied. If the accused sank, they were found The punishment may change but

Ordeal by water Will God intervene?

The ordeal by cold water involved submerging the accused in a stream or body of water while their hands and feet were tied. If the accused sank, they were found Will God intervene? not guilty and were freed; however, many drowned as a result of this ordeal. Such ordeals would be considered cruel and unusual punishment today, besides being, to say the very least, futile.

The punishment may change but

the act of the hunt will not.

eht gnigrembus devlovni retaw dloc yb laedro ehT sdnah rieht elihw retaw fo ydob ro maerts a ni desucca dnuof erew yeht ,knas desucca eht fI .deit erew teef dna a sa denword ynam ,revewoh ;deerf erew dna ytliug ton deredisnoc eb dluow slaedro hcuS .laedro siht fo tluser ot ,gnieb sediseb ,yadot tnemhsinup lausunu dna leurc .elituf ,tsael yrev eht yas

?enevretni doG lliW

the act of the hunt will not.

laedrO retaw yb

The punishment may change but

,ton ro ytliuG eb lliw laedro siht .uoy fo htaed eht yeht ,tnuh hctiw siht ni nam desucca yreve htiW .noitucesrep cilbup a fo laedro eht hguorht tup era dna lanosrep rieht fo sisylana na fo mrof eht gnikaT tcudnoc rieht fo noitanimaxe dna efil lanoisseforp lanif eht semoc nehT .desucca neeb evah yeht retfa hcum oot ,yletanutrofnU .tliug rieht fo noitpmussa yeht dna desuac neeb sah noitatuper rieht ot egamad .ton ro ytliug era yeht rehtehw fo sseldrager delixe era

Will God intervene?

Guilty or not, this ordeal will be the death of you. ?enevretni doG lliW

With every accused man in this witch hunt, they are put through the ordeal of a public persecution. Taking the form of an analysis of their personal and professional life and examination of their conduct after they have been accused. Then comes the final assumption of their guilt. Unfortunately, too much damage to their reputation has been caused and they are exiled regardless of whether they are guilty or not.

Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, which depicts the horrors that surrounded witch-hunting in this period: false accusations, poor evidence, little or no due he Witchcraft Act ofprocess 1541, also known as afforded the accused, and public execution of innocent Henry VIII’s Act, was the first law put into individuals. practice that defined the offense of witchcraft as a felony, making a conviction worthy of death and/or the loss of goods and property. Under this Act, the right of individuals to read a passage of the Bible to spare them from the punishment of death (called the benefit of clergy) was taken away, but reinstated six years later by Henry’s son, Edward VI. In 1562, Elizabeth I passed the Act Against Conjurations, Enchantments, and Witchcrafts, which was seemingly more lenient toward those convicted.

Public Executions

Times changed

Individuals found guilty of witchcraft would only receive the death penalty when harm had been caused; otherwise they received a prison term. Those who had been found guilty of a minor offense involving witchcraft were punished by one year in prison, with the stipulation that, if found guilty a second time, they were to be hanged.

Following the atrocities committed at Salem, Massachusetts and the termination of the court of Oyer and Terminer, witch-hunting decreased across the colonies.

Guilty or not, this ordeal will be the death of you.

sa nwonk osla ,1451 fo tcA tfarchctiW eh otni tup wal tsrif eht saw ,tcA s’IIIV yrneH tfarchctiw fo esneffo eht denifed taht ecitcarp fo yhtrow noitcivnoc a gnikam ,ynolef a sa .ytreporp dna sdoog fo ssol eht ro/dna htaed ot slaudividni fo thgir eht ,tcA siht rednU eht morf meht eraps ot elbiB eht fo egassap a daer )ygrelc fo tifeneb eht dellac( htaed fo tnemhsinup yb retal sraey xis detatsnier tub ,yawa nekat saw dessap I htebazilE ,2651 nI .IV drawdE ,nos s’yrneH ?enevretni doG lliW With every accused man in this witch hunt, they dna ,stnemtnahcnE ,snoitarujnoC tsniagA tcA eht are put through the ordeal of a public persecution. tneinel erom ylgnimees saw hcihw ,stfarchctiW Taking the form of an analysis of their personal and .detcivnoc esoht drawot professional life and examination of their conduct after they have been accused. Then comes the final degnahc semiT ylno dluow tfarchctiw fo ytliug dnuof slaudividnI assumption of their guilt. Unfortunately, too much ;desuac neeb dah mrah nehw ytlanep htaed eht eviecer damage to their reputation has been caused and they ohw esohT .mret nosirp a deviecer yeht esiwrehto are exiled regardless of whether they are guilty or not. gnivlovni esneffo ronim a fo ytliug dnuof neeb dah htiw ,nosirp ni raey eno yb dehsinup erew tfarchctiw yeht ,emit dnoces a ytliug dnuof fi ,taht noitalupits eht .degnah eb ot erew

Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, which depicts the horrors that surrounded witch-hunting in this period: false accusations, poor evidence, little or no due process afforded the accused, and public execution of innocent individuals.

Public Executions Following the atrocities committed at Salem, Massachusetts and the termination of the court of Oyer and Terminer, witch-hunting decreased across the colonies.

It were better that ten suspected witches should escape

than that one innocent person should be condemned.

Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, which depicts the horrors that surrounded witch-hunting in this period: false accusations, poor evidence, little or no due process afforded the accused, and public execution of innocent individuals.

Public Executions Following the atrocities committed at Salem, Massachusetts and the termination of the court of Oyer and Terminer, witch-hunting decreased across the colonies.

eht stciped hcihw ,elbicurC ehT yalp s’relliM ruhtrA :doirep siht ni gnitnuh-hctiw dednuorrus taht srorroh ssecorp eud on ro elttil ,ecnedive roop ,snoitasucca eslaf tneconni fo noitucexe cilbup dna ,desucca eht dedroffa .slaudividni

csinolibtucuexP E ,melaS ta dettimmoc seiticorta eht gniwolloF fo truoc eht fo noitanimret eht dna sttesuhcassaM ssorca desaerced gnitnuh-hctiw ,renimreT dna reyO .seinoloc eht

dna raeF fo cimedipE daerps taht emalb .dlrow eht ssorca The trial for innocence continues long after any criminal trial has ended...

...for the world enjoys to observer the deterioration of others.

Many believe that there existed no such thing as a witch cult at any point in history, rather an enigmatic epidemic of fear and blame that spread across the world. Today, the usage of the phrase “witch hunt” refers to a panic created by constructed societal morals resulting in the prosecution of those individuals believed to be enemies of the populace. These types of witch hunt are associated heavily with the “Red Scare,” which accompanied the spread of communism across the world.

Epidemic of Fear and blame that spread across the world. eht stciped hcihw ,elbicurC ehT yalp s’relliM ruhtrA :doirep siht ni gnitnuh-hctiw dednuorrus taht srorroh ssecorp eud on ro elttil ,ecnedive roop ,snoitasucca eslaf tneconni fo noitucexe cilbup dna ,desucca eht dedroffa .slaudividni

...dedne sah lairt lanimirc yna retfa gnol seunitnoc ecneconni rof lairt ehT

csinolibtucuexP E ,melaS ta dettimmoc seiticorta eht gniwolloF fo truoc eht fo noitanimret eht dna sttesuhcassaM ssorca desaerced gnitnuh-hctiw ,renimreT dna reyO .seinoloc eht

...for the world enjoys to observer the deterioration of others.

Many believe that there existed no such thing as a witch cult at any point in history, rather an enigmatic epidemic of fear and blame that spread across the world. Today, the usage of the phrase “witch hunt” refers to a panic created by constructed societal morals resulting in the prosecution of those individuals believed to be enemies of the populace. These types of witch hunt are associated heavily with the “Red Scare,” which accompanied the spread of communism across the world.

Epidemic of Fear and blame that spread across the world.

in the prosecution of those individuals believed to be enemies of the populace.

The fear of a mere touch

...for the world enjoys to observer the deterioration of others.

Who will be next?

Many believe that there existed no such thing as a witch cult at any point in history, rather an enigmatic What the witch of thethat middle agesacross did was epidemic of fearhunts and blame spread thedrive people exile of fear of being Many of world. into Today, theout usage of the phraseaccused. “witch hunt” the #MeToo accusations areconstructed what the accuser feels was refers to a panic created by societal morals an inappropriate text message a hand on the knee and resulting in the prosecution ofor those individuals classing harassment. This has caused many believedittoasbesexual enemies of the populace. These types of to fearhunt that they might be the nextwith to bethe called witch are associated heavily “Reda sexual Scare,” predator for being overly friendly to a female colleague which accompanied the spread of communism across and to have their name along side legitimate abusers. the world.

spreads across the world. The usage of the phrase “witch hunt” refers to a panic

An enigmatic epidemic of fear and blame that

created by constructed societal morals resulting

Epidemic of Fear and blame that spread across the world.

.srehto fo noitaroireted eht revresbo ot syojne dlrow eht rof...

a sa gniht hcus on detsixe ereht taht eveileb ynaM citamgine na rehtar ,yrotsih ni tniop yna ta tluc hctiw eht ssorca daerps taht emalb dna raef fo cimedipe ”tnuh hctiw“ esarhp eht fo egasu eht ,yadoT .dlrow slarom lateicos detcurtsnoc yb detaerc cinap a ot srefer slaudividni esoht fo noitucesorp eht ni gnitluser fo sepyt esehT .ecalupop eht fo seimene eb ot deveileb ”,eracS deR“ eht htiw ylivaeh detaicossa era tnuh hctiw ssorca msinummoc fo daerps eht deinapmocca hcihw .dlrow eht

in the prosecution of those individuals believed to be enemies of the populace.

The fear of a mere touch

Who will be next?

spreads across the world. The usage of the phrase “witch hunt� refers to a panic

An enigmatic epidemic of fear and blame that

Trial by media

What the witch hunts of the middle ages did was drive people into exile out of fear of being accused. Many of the #MeToo accusations are what the accuser feels was an inappropriate text message or a hand on the knee and classing it as sexual harassment. This has caused many to fear that they might be the next to be called a sexual predator for being overly friendly to a female colleague and to have their name along side legitimate abusers.

created by constructed societal morals resulting

cinap a ot srefer ”tnuh hctiw“ esarhp eht fo egasu ehT .dlrow eht ssorca sdaerps

.srehto fo noitaroireted eht revresbo ot syojne dlrow eht rof...

a sa gniht hcus on detsixe ereht taht eveileb ynaM citamgine na rehtar ,yrotsih ni tniop yna ta tluc hctiw eht ssorca daerps taht emalb dna raef fo cimedipe ”tnuh hctiw“ esarhp eht fo egasu eht ,yadoT .dlrow slarom lateicos detcurtsnoc yb detaerc cinap a ot srefer slaudividni esoht fo noitucesorp eht ni gnitluser fo sepyt esehT .ecalupop eht fo seimene eb ot deveileb ”,eracS deR“ eht htiw ylivaeh detaicossa era tnuh hctiw ssorca msinummoc fo daerps eht deinapmocca hcihw .dlrow eht

.ecalupop eht fo seimene eb ot deveileb slaudividni esoht fo noitucesorp eht ni

Epidemic of Fear and blame that spread across the world. taht emalb dna raef fo cimedipe citamgine nA

created by constructed societal morals resulting

The fear of a mere touch

Who will be next?

Trial by media

What the witch hunts of the middle ages did was drive people into exile out of fear of being accused. Many of the #MeToo accusations are what the accuser feels was an inappropriate text message or a hand on the knee and classing it as sexual harassment. This has caused many to fear that they might be the next to be called a sexual predator for being overly friendly to a female colleague and to have their name along side legitimate abusers.

cinap a ot srefer ”tnuh hctiw“ esarhp eht fo egasu ehT .dlrow eht ssorca sdaerps

.srehto fo noitaroireted eht revresbo ot syojne dlrow eht rof...

a sa gniht hcus on detsixe ereht taht eveileb ynaM citamgine na rehtar ,yrotsih ni tniop yna ta tluc hctiw evirdehsatwssdoirdcasedgaaeerpldsdtiam t faolbstdnnuahrahecftifwo ceihmt teadhipWe hteehm fo y”tnnauMh .hdcetsiuwc“ceasganrhiepbefhotrfaoefegfoastuueohetli,xyeadootnTi .edlplrooewp sleleaftreeicsousccdaetechutrttashnw sslarwom oceyrab sdneotaitearscuccicnaaopoaToetMsr#eefehrt dna eenkslaeuhdt invoiddnniaehsoahrtofeognasosietm ucetxsoertpeteahirt pnoi rgpnpiatlnuisnera yfnoasm sa.hecsaihluTp.otpnem epdyet seusaehc T htsfsoarsaehimlaeunxeeesbsaotidgenviesislaelbc ”l,aeuraxceSs daedRe“lleahc tebhtoitwtxyelinvaeehht debettahigcoim ssayehrat tnahuthrhacetfiowt eusgsoarecllaom c eslianm efm a otcyfloddnaeeirfpsylerhetvdoeginiaepbmrofccraothacdiehrwp um .sresuba etamitigel edis gnola eman rieht ev.dalhroowt den hta

?txen eb lliw ohW

.ecalupop eht fo seimene eb ot deveileb slaudividni esoht fo noitucesorp eht ni

Epidemic of Fear and a f o r a e f e h T blame that spread h c u o t e r e m across the world. taht emalb dna raef fo cimedipe citamgine nA

created by constructed societal morals resulting

Trial by media

lairT yb aidem

Innocent until The trial not all get proven guilty. the chance to have.

Menconcept who areof observing this present day witch hunt The a witch hunt is frequently invoked, must be forming own aopinions. Many believe in recent times, totheir describe kind of procedure thatdeciding the nature the of witch hunt against is justified if someone for theofguilt a person whom an has committed abusemade. and should be outed for their accusation has been behaviour. However, they feel uncomfortable with the ideaenthat some people just “jumping on conditions haveare been formulated as athe cluster bandwagon� and making allegationsthe ofwitch acts that of properties characterizing hunt as don’t garner the same ofarguments abuse as others. Many a framework inlevel which are used. The believewitch that men areasnow acknowledging thatcriteria, sexual hunt, characterized by these harassment is a systemic problem across all industries is shown to function as a negative normative and their part in for abolishing it. argumentation used in structure evaluating particular cases.

I am not like them.

,dekovni yltneuqerf si tnuh hctiw a fo tpecnoc ehT erudecorp fo dnik a ebircsed ot ,semit tnecer ni na mohw tsniaga nosrep a fo tliug eht gnidiced rof .edam neeb sah noitasucca retsulc a sa detalumrof neeb evah snoitidnoc ne sa tnuh hctiw eht gniziretcarahc seitreporp fo ehT .desu era stnemugra hcihw ni krowemarf a ,airetirc eseht yb deziretcarahc sa ,tnuh hctiw evitamron evitagen a sa noitcnuf ot nwohs si ni desu noitatnemugra gnitaulave rof erutcurts .sesac ralucitrap

teg lla ton lairt ehT .evah ot ecnahc eht

Innocent until proven guilty.

Men who are observing this present day witch hunt must be forming their own opinions. Many believe that the nature of the witch hunt is justified if someone has committed abuse and should be outed for their behaviour. However, they feel uncomfortable with the idea that some people are just “jumping on the bandwagon� and making allegations of acts that don’t garner the same level of abuse as others. Many believe that men are now acknowledging that sexual harassment is a systemic problem across all industries and their part in abolishing it.

I am not like them.

.nosrep rehtona ot mrah desuac neve

.nosrep rehtona ot mrah desuac neve

reven evah ohw esoht otni raef eticni oT

To incite fear into those who have never

tn ,duehkohvcntiiwylytandeutnqesrefrspi tsnihuthghncivtirwesabfooetrpaeochnw ocneehM T eveielerbudyencaoM rp.sfnoodinikpoa nebwiorcrsiedhtogt n,siem mriotftnebectesrum ni enoem naosmfoi dhewiftistnsuiajgsai tnnoushrehpcatifwo etlhitufgoeehrtugtnanideichetdtarhoft rieht rof detuo eb dluohs.eddnaamesnuebeabdseathtinmom itaoscuscacha htiw elbatrofmocnu leef yeht ,revewoH .ruoivaheb ujr“otfsunjeeerbaeevlpahoespnoem retsuelhctansoa dgnetiaplm um itiodsntoachnt eaedi eht t sctciw a feohstngoniitzaigreltlcaagrnahikcasm sa tntuahhh eitdrnepa o”rnpogfoawdnab esuugbraafhocliehvwelneimkarsow ehetmreanrfrag t’nod ehyTn.adM esu.sreerha tsotnsaem t eveileb ,laiurxeetisrtcaehsteghnt iygbddelewziornetkccaarw ahocnsear,atnnuehmhtcathiw seiervtsituadmnri ollna essvoitracgaem siothnsesmi ssarah n ealsbaonrpoicticmneutfsoyts na w ni desu noitatnemugra g.nti tganuilhasvielorboaf neriutrtcauprrtiseht dna .sesac ralucitrap

ekil ton ma I .meht

teg llaittnountlnaeirctoenhnTI .evah.yottlieucgnn ahevc oerhpt

Innocent until proven guilty.

Men who are observing this present day witch hunt must be forming their own opinions. Many believe whoofdo not affiliate those that theMen nature the witch huntthemselves is justified with if someone who haveabuse already been accused do not any has committed and should be outed forfeel their fear for their next encounter with a woman. behaviour. However, they feel uncomfortable withThey feelidea thatthat if you’re decentare human being thenonthese the someapeople just “jumping the problems would occur. However, howthat many of bandwagon” andnever making allegations of acts us believe that witch thataswitches don’t garner the samecraft levelexists, of abuse others. exist. Many How many theare women who were accused and faced believe thatof men now acknowledging that sexual torturous ordeals had never believed, norall committed harassment is a systemic problem across industries an act of witch craft. Those women were innocent and their part in abolishing it. and likely never predicted that their names would be included in such allegations. Therefore, should we not give those accused of sexual harassment their time to speak their case.

The innocent should never be fearless.

I am not like them.

.nosrep rehtona ot mrah desuac neve

.nosrep rehtona ot mrah desuac neve

reven evah ohw esoht otni raef eticni oT

To incite fear into those who have never

To incite fear into those who have never

even caused harm to another person.

ekil ton ma I .meht

litnu tneconnI .ytliug nevorp

even caused harm to another person.

tnuh hctiw yad tneserp siht gnivresbo era ohw neM eveileb ynaM .snoinipo nwo rieht gnimrof eb tsum enoemos fi deifitsuj si tnuh hctiw eht fo erutan eht taht rieht rof detuo eb dluohs dna esuba dettimmoc sah htiw elbatrofmocnu leef yeht ,revewoH .ruoivaheb eht no gnipmuj“ tsuj era elpoep emos taht aedi eht taht stca fo snoitagella gnikam dna ”nogawdnab ynaM .srehto sa esuba fo level emas eht renrag t’nod lauxes taht gnigdelwonkca won era nem taht eveileb seirtsudni lla ssorca melborp cimetsys a si tnemssarah .ti gnihsiloba ni trap rieht dna

To incite fear into those who have never

If you aren’t guilty, you have nothing to Men who do not affiliate themselves with those who have already been accused do not feel any fear for their next encounter with a woman. They feel that if you’re a decent human being then these problems would never occur. However, how many of us believe that witch craft exists, that witches exist. How many of the women who were accused and faced torturous ordeals had never believed, nor committed an act of witch craft. Those women were innocent and likely never predicted that their names would be included in such allegations. Therefore, should we not give those accused of sexual harassment their time to speak their case.

The innocent should never be fearless.

To incite fear into those who have never

even caused harm to another person.

litnu tneconnI .ytliug nevorp

.sselraef eb reven dluohs tneconni ehT

ekil ton ma I .meht

even caused harm to another person.

tnuh hctiw yad tneserp siht gnivresbo era ohw neM eveileb ynaM .snoinipo nwo rieht gnimrof eb tsum t hotsifwi dseviflietssm toenhotdfo herwuntaenMeht taht eensooehm ujeshittnetuahilihfcftaiw ynriaelhetefrotof ndeotduodesbudclcuaonhesedbnyadeaseurlbaaedveathtiomhm w oc sah yehTh.tniw amelobwatarohftm iworcentunuleoecfnyeethxte,nrerview htorHof.rruaoeifvaheb eesheht n t noeghntipgnmieubj“ntasumj uerhatenlepcoeedpaeemr’ousotyahfittaaehdtileheft fo yntaam enddnlua o”nwosgm eldbnoarpb htwstocha f,roesvneowiotaHge.rlulacgconirkeavm aw xe .serhehctiowsataehstu,bsatsfioxeletvfealrcem hcatsiw b osud y.ntsaiM ehttarhetnervaegilte’n delacuafxedsntaadhetsguncicgadeerlewwonokhcwa nweomnoew fotyanhat m raenhetm evw eioleHb eiellebborrepvceinmdeathsysslaaesdirtonseumosrsuatrraoht sediertttsiumdm niolclarsosnor,dceavm tneconni erew nemo.twi gensoihhsTilo.tbfarncihtcrtaipwrfioehttcadna eb dluow seman rieht taht detciderp reven ylekil dna ton ew dluohs ,eroferehT .snoitagella hcus ni dedulcni ot emit rieht tnemssarah lauxes fo desucca esoht evig .esac rieht kaeps

To incite fear into those who have never

If you aren’t guilty, you have nothing to

When will it end


To incite fear into those who have never

even caused harm to another person.

tnuh hctiw yad tneserp siht gnivresbo era ohw neM eveileb ynaM .snoinipo nwo rieht gnimrof eb tsum t hotsifwi dseviflietssm toenhotdfo herwuntaenMeht taht eensooehm ujeshittnetuahilihfcftaiw ynriaelhetefrotof ndeotduodesbudclcuaonhesedbnyadeaseurlbaaedveathtiomhm w oc sah yehTh.tniw amelobwatarohftm iworcentunuleoecfnyeethxte,nrerview htorHof.rruaoeifvaheb eesheht n t noeghntipgnmieubj“ntasumj uerhatenlepcoeedpaeemr’ousotyahfittaaehdtileheft fo yntaam enddnlua o”nwosgm eldbnoarpb htwstocha f,roesvneowiotaHge.rlulacgconirkeavm aw xe .serhehctiowsataehstu,bsatsfioxeletvfealrcem hcatsiw b osud y.ntsaiM ehttarhetnervaegilte’n delacuafxedsntaadhetsguncicgadeerlewwonokhcwa nweomnoew fotyanhat m raenhetm evw eioleHb eiellebborrepvceinmdeathsysslaaesdirtonseumosrsuatrraoht sediertttsiumdm niolclarsosnor,dceavm tneconni erew nemo.twi gensoihhsTilo.tbfarncihtcrtaipwrfioehttcadna eb dluow seman rieht taht detciderp reven ylekil dna ton ew dluohs ,eroferehT .snoitagella hcus ni dedulcni ot emit rieht tnemssarah lauxes fo desucca esoht evig .esac rieht kaeps

litnu tneconnI .ytliug nevorp

.sselraef eb reven dluohs tneconni ehT

ekil ton ma I .meht

even caused harm to another person.

t’nera uoy fI evah uoy ,ytliug ot gnihton

To incite fear into those who have never

It ends when the abuse ends.

When will it end


nehW lliw ti dne


It ends when the abuse ends.

lauxes tsniaga tnuh hctiw tnerruc ehT nehw dne dluohs dna lliw sressarah sdnuos hcihW .tnemssarah lauxes cimetsys woh gniredisnoc ,ffo raf smees ti erutan namuh fo trap a dna lliw esoht eb syawla lliw erehT .eb ot rieht esu taht esoht dna seisatnaf lauxes euqsetorg syawla lliw erehT .syaw gnigamad ni rewop fo snoitisop rieht fo noitatpmet eht thgif tonnac ohw esoht eb .segru lauxes


ends ends.

The current witch hunt against sexual harassers will and should end when sexual harassment. Which sounds far off, considering how systemic and a part of human nature it seems to be. There will always be those will grotesque sexual fantasies and those that use their positions of power in damaging ways. There will always be those who cannot fight the temptation of their sexual urges.

eht nehw sdne tI .sdne esuba

nehW lliw ti dne



ends ends.

twentieth Century are overwhelmingly rich and

? flesti ot pu gnihctac yllanif ecitsuj si ro ?ecnedicnioC .elam dna lufrewop

eht fo sressarah lauxes desucca ehT .roop dna elamef ylgnimlehwrevo erew

eporuE nredom ylrae fo sehctiw desucca ehT

The current witch hunt against sexual harassers will and should end when sexual harassment. Which sounds far off, considering how systemic and a part of human nature it seems to be. There will always be those will grotesque sexual fantasies and those that use their positions of power in damaging ways. There will always be those who cannot fight the temptation of their sexual urges.

eht nehw sdne tI .sdne esuba

neneh W hw lliw ti dne

? sdne .sdne

Would the accused witches of the sixteenth-century help those being hunted today?

The past holds a lesson, we should hear it.

The false accusations are damaging to the cause of holding the guilty responsible. Their lies for what can only be presumed as attention seeking can have lasting damages like the punishment and mental torture of an innocent man. Or their lies can invalidate the words of the genuine victims and a continued culture of the powerful being able to take advantage of others. The justice for those who faced a witch hunt centuries ago should not be seen as women having their vengeance against men. We should learn from the injustice of those women and give those accused today their fair trial.

twentieth Century are overwhelmingly rich and

? flesti ot pu gnihctac yllanif ecitsuj si ro ?ecnedicnioC .elam dna lufrewop

eht fo sressarah lauxes desucca ehT .roop dna elamef ylgnimlehwrevo erew

eporuE nredom ylrae fo sehctiw desucca ehT

The current witch hunt against sexual harassers will and should end when sexual harassment. Which sounds far off, considering how systemic and a part of human nature it seems to be. There will always be those will grotesque sexual fantasies and those that use their positions of power in damaging ways. There will always be those who cannot fight the temptation of their sexual urges.

eht nehw sdne tI .sdne esuba

neneh W hw lliw ti dne

? sdne .sdne

meht eviG .ecnahc a Would the accused witches of the sixteenth-century help those being hunted today?

The past holds a lesson, we should hear it.

The false accusations are damaging to the cause of holding the guilty responsible. Their lies for what can only be presumed as attention seeking can have lasting damages like the punishment and mental torture of an innocent man. Or their lies can invalidate the words of the genuine victims and a continued culture of the powerful being able to take advantage of others. The justice for those who faced a witch hunt centuries ago should not be seen as women having their vengeance against men. We should learn from the injustice of those women and give those accused today their fair trial.

twentieth Century are overwhelmingly rich and

? flesti ot pu gnihctac yllanif ecitsuj si ro ?ecnedicnioC .elam dna lufrewop

eht fo sressarah lauxes desucca ehT .roop dna elamef ylgnimlehwrevo erew

eporuE nredom ylrae fo sehctiw desucca ehT

twentieth Century are overwhelmingly rich and

powerful and male. Coincidence? or is justice finally catching up to itself?

?yadot detnuh gnieb esoht pleh yrutnec-htneetxis eht fo sehctiw desucca eht dluoW

were overwhelmingly female and poor. The accused sexual harassers of the

The accused witches of early modern Europe

meht eviG .ecnahc a

How should we feel?

The past holds a lesson, we should hear it.

The witch hunts of the past all had the recurrent theme of public accusation, deconstruction of their reputation and in many cases a public execution. Putting guilt aside, every person who becomes the subject of the hunt is put through the process of being accused of unacceptable acts, have their lives and careers changed forever and face a trial in the public eye where their The accusations areisdamaging to the cause of ownfalse defence testimony disregarded. holding the guilty responsible. Their lies for what can only be presumed as attention seeking lasting e should give those accused ofcan anyhave crime or damages like the punishment and mental torture of an inappropriate behaviour the opportunity innocent to man. Or their lies canand invalidate the words defend themselves the benefit of the of the genuine anduntil a continued cultureshould of the doubt.victims Innocent proven guilty powerful be being able to advantage others. Theask an ethos wetake should honour.ofWe should justice forourselves those who faced witchwant huntto centuries ago how we awould be treated should notever be seen as women having their if we were in that situation. Until we, vengeance ourselves against men.that Wefeels should from the injustice of those know what likelearn we should never jump to women and give those accused today their fair trial. conclusions about anybody.

?yadot detnuh gnieb esoht pleh yrutnec-htneetxis eht fo sehctiw desucca eht dluoW

fo esuac eht ot gnigamad era snoitasucca eslaf ehT nac tahw rof seil riehT .elbisnopser ytliug eht gnidloh gnitsal evah nac gnikees noitnetta sa demuserp eb ylno na fo erutrot latnem dna tnemhsinup eht ekil segamad sdrow eht etadilavni nac seil rieht rO .nam tneconni eht fo erutluc deunitnoc a dna smitciv eniuneg eht fo ehT .srehto fo egatnavda ekat ot elba gnieb lufrewop oga seirutnec tnuh hctiw a decaf ohw esoht rof ecitsuj ecnaegnev rieht gnivah nemow sa nees eb ton dluohs esoht fo ecitsujni eht morf nrael dluohs eW .nem tsniaga .lairt riaf rieht yadot desucca esoht evig dna nemow

a sdloh tsap ehT dluohs ew ,nossel .ti raeh

twentieth Century are overwhelmingly rich and

powerful and male. Coincidence? or is justice finally catching up to itself?

Give them a chance.

were overwhelmingly female and poor. The accused sexual harassers of the

The accused witches of early modern Europe

How should we feel?

The witch hunts of the past all had the recurrent theme of public accusation, deconstruction of their reputation and in many cases a public execution. Putting guilt aside, every person who becomes the subject of the hunt is put through the process of being accused of unacceptable acts, have their lives and careers changed forever and face a trial in the public eye where their own defence testimony is disregarded. e should give those accused of any crime or inappropriate behaviour the opportunity to defend themselves and the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty should be an ethos we should honour. We should ask ourselves how we would want to be treated if we were ever in that situation. Until we, ourselves know what that feels like we should never jump to conclusions about anybody.

?yadot detnuh gnieb esoht pleh yrutnec-htneetxis eht fo sehctiw desucca eht dluoW

emeht tnerrucer eht dah lla tsap eht fo stnuh hctiw ehT noitatuper rieht fo noitcurtsnoced ,noitasucca cilbup fo tliug gnittuP .noitucexe cilbup a sesac ynam ni dna eht fo tcejbus eht semoceb ohw nosrep yreve ,edisa fo desucca gnieb fo ssecorp eht hguorht tup si tnuh degnahc sreerac dna sevil rieht evah ,stca elbatpeccanu rieht erehw eye cilbup eht ni lairt a ecaf dna reverof fo esuac eht.doetdgrnaiggearm hT siaddsieyransonmoitsaestueccna eefseladfnew o nac tahw rof seil riehT .elbisnopser ytliug eht gnidloh gnirtosaelmevirachynnaacfgondiekseuecscnaoeistonhetteavsiag delumouhseerp eb ylno na foyteirnuuttrrootplaptoneehmt rdunoaivtnahem ebhestianiurppoerhptpeakniil segamad l reiheht tdrnOef.endam eshdtrfoowtiefhetnetbaedhiltadvnai nseavclseesim ot tneconni edhltufoohesryuttlliuucgdneeuvnoirtpnloictnaudtnnaescm onitncIiv.tbenuioudneg eht fo o fo.ruegoantonhavddluaoehksaet w otseolhbtaegnnaieb lufrewop ksaehdTlu.osrheshetW ogdaetsaeeirrut tenbeoctttnnuahwhdcltuiw owa edwecwafoohhsw evelesosrhutorof ecitsuj escenvalegsrnueov ,reiw ehltitgnnUiv.n ahointaeumtoiswtashatnneierseevbeteornew dleuwohfsi esoht fotepcm itsuujjrneiveehnt dmluoorfhn noiangka s eraweel kdillusolheesfetW ah.tnteam hwtsw .lairt riaf rieht yadot de.syudcocba yensoahttueovbiagsdnnoaisnuelm cnoowc

?leef ew dluohs woH

a sdloh tsap ehT dluohs ew ,nossel .ti raeh

twentieth Century are overwhelmingly rich and

powerful and male. Coincidence? or is justice finally catching up to itself?

Give them a chance.

were overwhelmingly female and poor. The accused sexual harassers of the

The accused witches of early modern Europe

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