A powerful technique to start you on your journey to changing your life

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February 12th, 2013

Published by: alifeoffreedom.com

A powerful technique that will help you create change in your life A Powerful technique that will help you create change in your life

A Powerful technique that will help you create change in your life By admin on December 5th, 2012

In this article, I will share with you all a powerful technique that will help you change a behavior that’s currently holding you back in life. I recently watched the classic Christmas movie: A Christmas carol.

One night he got a visit from the ghost of his old business partner. He told him 3 more ghosts would appear that night, the ghost of christmas past, present and future. This was to give scrooge a hope and chance of changing his fate. The 3 ghosts took him to the past present and future and how his behaviour was affecting his life. It ended with him being dead and no one caring. The ghost told him that would be his fate if he didn’t make a change. He was brought back to real life. He woke up on christmas morning and was so grateful to be alive. He bought his employee a large turkey for his family to eat and he doubled his salary. He gave money to the poor and he decided to join his nephew for dinner on christmas day.

The ghosts got his to associate massive pain to how his current behaviour of him being so cold hearted was affecting his life. Watch this video to find out how I used this technique to create change in my own life. In order to change your behaviour, you need to create the right MINDSET.

I thought it was a good way of showing how to use pain to motivate yourself to take action and change something in your life. If you haven’t seen the movie before i’ll give you a quick summary. Ebinizeer Scrooge is an old wealthy man. He owns a book keeping business. In his life he choose the path of being wealthy and following his career rather than starting a family.

• You need to associate lots of pleasure to achieving your goal • Associate lots of pain to not achieving it. In order for you to follow through you need to get to the point that you have associated so much pain to your current behaviour & so much pleasure to achieving your goal. You need to stop & think how you would feel if you never achieved your goal. How would it affect you:

He spent all of his life working in the business . He is quite lonely. He lives on his own and doesn’t have many friends.


Scrooge lived his life disconnected from himself and other people.

~ Your relationships?



February 12th, 2013

~ Your career? You need to really dig deep & imagine how you would feel. If you do this successfully & associate so much PAIN to not achieving your result you will create massive MOTIVATION. By taking consistent ACTION everyday you can achieve your goal. Currently in my life, I am working towards the goal of creating an income online, so that I can leave my job & start living a life I love.

Published by: alifeoffreedom.com

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I have got to the point in my life that I associate lots of PAIN to working in a job that is repetitive and boring. I associate lots of PLEASURE to achieving my goal. This is my reasons WHY I want to achieve my goal: • I want to be FREE • I want to have money so that I can create a life that I love to live. • I want to get married and have children. • I want me and my partner to be at home with our family. • I want to travel and explore the world. • I want to spend money on eating healthy & exercising so that I can feel vibrant and alive • I don’t want to reach the end of my life and have regrets. • I want to laugh everyday & have JOY in my life. Me and my partner came across a unique online business opportunity that has given us a roadmap to achieving our goal of earning an income online. There are people who using the system & earning 6 figure incomes. We know that if we follow through each day, we can achieve the same results & we’re really excited. We are so glad that we came across it and that we have the chance to take control of how we earn our money. If you have also got to the point in your life that you fed up being broke & working in a job you hate. Join us on our journey & make the commitment to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to succeed. So what’s the next step? Just follow these instructions: 1. Click on this link to watch a short video. You will begin by entering your email address and then You will be given more information on the custom affiliate blog I am referring to. 2. Join the system and get your viral blogging system ($25/ mo) and become an affiliate so that you can get paid ($19.95/mo). 3. Once you’ve registered, I will personally contact you within the next 24 hours to give you personalized coaching on how to get started. 2

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