How to build successful habits to create the life of your dreams

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January 26th, 2013

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How to build successful habits to create the life of your dreams How to build successful habits to achieve the life of your dreams

How to build successful habits to achieve the life of your dreams By admin on January 26th, 2013

Life is a gift…living it is a skill. Life is a truly amazing gift…& is filled with so much FUN and JOY …getting married …having a family …climbing mountains, swimming in the sea, exploring the beauty of nature …dancing, singing, playing Yet so many people don’t LIVE their lives with purpose and passion. Most people settle for a mediocre existence.

This skill of truly living your life involves building successful habits into your daily life. In this article I will share with you what habits I have built into my own life. We all have different goals we want to achieve. In this article I am going to focus on two common goals..

…loosing weight & having your ideal body. …having an abundance of money. For me these are two goals, I am currently working towards in my life.

I know that there is more to life than achieving these two goals and deeper fullfillment will come from loving relationships and sharing my life with others. But I feel these two achievements are an important starting point to creating a life I love to live…

A life where I wake up each day with passion & be excited about being ALIVE on this planet. One year ago I stepped on the scales and discovered I had put on 14 pounds in weight, I hadn’t realised I had put on weight and it was a wake up call for me. I didn’t want to continue on the path of putting on more weight so I made a DECISION that I wanted it to be different.

Our lives change when we make decisions. Deciding that we are not willing to settle for less than we deserve. I starting building habits into my daily routine for me to achieve my goal of loosing weight. I got up each morning and went for a jog or a walk. I prepared a healthy salad for my lunch. I gave up snacking on high calorie sugary foods. Within 6 months I lost the weight that I had put on. I am still on my jouney of achieving my ideal body. It involves getting up each day and following through.

6 months ago I started to build more successful habits into my life. Me and my partner started an online business. We are working towards the goal of earning enough money so that we can leave our jobs. Click here to find out more about the unique online business we are using. This means getting up each morning, …writing blog posts & making videos …watching and listening to training …marketing our content


January 26th, 2013

We know that if we take daily consistent action that we will achieve our goal.

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If so, click the link below, get started for only $25, and begin your your journey to creating a life you love to live.

Our goal of FREEDOM from working in a job. We want to be FREE to live life how WE want to live it & be free from any constaints. Instead of getting up each day and follwing through, you could get up, go to work in a job, you don’t like, come home, watch t.v and eat unhealthy foods. Some people may be ok living in this way. They don’t have an abundance of money and they don’t have their ideal body. For a lot of us, we want more in life, we want to live with passion and purpose.

If you want more from life, it starts with you making a DECISION. DECIDING that you are going to wake up each day and take ACTION. YOu are going to do whatever it takes to reach your goal. Because you know it will be worth it. You know that your DESERVE it. When we set out to achieve anything in life, its really crucial that we follow the correct strategy to achieve our goal. I have came across a unique blogging system that gives you the exact strategy you need to achieve your income goals.

Other people have used this exact strategy and started to earn 6 figure incomes. This gave them the FREEDOM to leave their jobs and start living the life of their DREAMS. If you are willing to do whatever it takes you can achieve the same results using this system. You can be FREE to live life how you want to live it. Spending time with people you love and doing things that you are passionate about. This is possible, only working 4 hours a day. So what’s the next step? Just follow these instructions: 1. Click on this link to watch a short video. You will begin by entering your email address and then You will be given more information on the custom affiliate blog I am referring to. 2. Join the systemand get your viral blogging system ($25/ mo) and become an affiliate so that you can get paid ($19.95/mo). 3. Once you’ve registered, I will personally contact you within the next 24 hours to give you personalized coaching on how to get started. 4. You will then log in to the system and watch the quick training. You’ll know EXACTLY how to get started blogging & earning money as soon as TODAY! Does this interest you?


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