Ingredients: - Cos Lettuce - Four Rashers of Bacon - Two Hard Boiled Eggs - 40g of Parmesan Cheese, Shaved - Toasted Bread Pieces
Method: Preheat oven to 220 degrees. Heat a non stick frying pan over high heat and add bacon. Cook, stirring for 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel. Place lettuce in a large bowl. Add bacon, egg, cheese and bread pieces. Serve with dressing.
If there is nothing else on the menu, why not a Caesar Salad? Caesar Salad is an easy, nutritious meal that can be altered to your likings.
Ingredients: - Crumbed Chicken - Iceberg Lettuce - Bacon - Tomato - Mayonnaise - Sweet Chilli Sauce - Tortilla Wraps
If you want a simple, quick and easy meal made to your likings, a chicken wrap is an ideal selection.
Method: Place wraps on a clean work surface. Place lettuce along centre of wrap. Drizzle with dressing, then top with chicken, bacon and tomato. Roll up to enclose filling. Serve.
Ingredients: - 2 1/2 Cups Self-Raising Flour - 1 Tablespoon Caster Sugar - 3/4 Cup Milk - 1 Egg, Lightly Beaten - 1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil - 3/4 Cup Brown Sugar - 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract - 1 Cup Frozen Blueberries
A meal you can enjoy hot or cold. Blueberry muffins never fail to impress.
Method: Preheat oven to 190째C. Line a 12 hole, muffin pan with paper cases. Combine the flour caster sugar and brown sugar in a bowl. Make a well in centre. Add milk, egg, oil and vanilla. Mix until just combined. Fold in blueberries. Spoon mixture evenly between paper cases. Bake for 20 to 22 minutes or until golden and just firm to touch. Transfer to a wire rack to cool when done.
Lighting: The lighting used in this shot is fairly bright and is centered on the main subject, which is the meal itself.
Props: The props used in this shot, was a bowl. Time: Would the food need to be photographed straight away? The food could be left for quite a while because its not hot and using any timed reactions. Style: The style is very circular and the ingredients are tossed together.
Angle: The angle used is landscape and taken from the side. Zoom: It only shows the food close up with no background or props.
Lighting: The lighting is consistent throughout the whole photo. Props: The props used was a nice wooden chopping board, tomato and string used to help keep the wraps together. Time: Would the food need to be photographed right away? Yes because the ingredients used can make the wrap go limp, the bacon and chicken can get hard and odd looking. Style: The style was angled and the main food also became part of a background prop. Angle: The angle was from a side and the food was on an angle to face the camera. Zoom: The photo was fairly zoomed out to capture the full image including all the props.
Lighting: The lighting in this shot was slightly darker around the edges, but lighter in the middle to bring out the main feature. Props: The props used was a cooling wire and muffin patties. Time: Would the food need to be photographed right away? Yes because they will go soggy after a while, and the icing sugar will melt into it from the food being warm. Style: The muffins were dusted with icing sugar. Angle: The food is on a slight angle to the camera. Zoom: The zoom is close enough to get a close up of the muffins but far enough away to get full image.