Tutto Arabi May edition

Page 69



w w w. t u t t o a r a b i . c o m

WE, WOMEN by Giorgia Mauri

I’m glad to have started this journey because thanks to We, Women project I’m having the chance to know better and more closely many women in this world who are leaving an indelible mark, with their work and their personalities. Many of the women interviewed have appointed other women as their mentors and as examples to inspire them in their everyday life, breeding and otherwise. What these mentors have done has accompanied them in their choices and in their lives as women. Now the baton is passing from hand to hand and will reach future generations. The women of today are depositing in their writings, in these interviews, words, inspirations and advice that will encourage the actions of the women of tomorrow. If some changes need to be made to the situation today, at every level and certainly on a general and global level, the women of tomorrow will be able to count on the strength and courage of the women of today. I believe that We, Women project is a precious space for those who are writing it and for those who will feel like reading it. Valuable because it represents an emotional exchange. Thanks for reading and being part of it.

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Tutto Arabi May edition by Alim editrice - Issuu