25 years with you

Al Shiraa Arabian Horse Show

23rd - 26th February 2023 Abu Dhabi photo by Glenn Jacobs
23rd - 26th February 2023 Abu Dhabi photo by Glenn Jacobs
Scottsdale preview 14 Saudi Breeders Cup and Saudi Bred Champions Cup ............................... 27
Brazilian Breeders’ Cup .................. 114 11th AHO Breeders’Egyptian Championship 134 Paris. World Arabian Horse Championship 156 Fujairah. International Arabian Horse Championship
Suppl. n. 6/2022 February pubb. bimestrale iscr. trib. di Milano n. 732 del 18/09/99 - Spedizione in A.P. 70% Milano
Alim Editrice s.n.c. Via Ressi, 22 - 20125 Milano - Italy Tel. +39 02 36762850 info@tuttoarabi.it @tuttoarabi_magazine @tuttoarabi_showsandevents www.tuttoarabi.com
Direttore Responsabile / Publisher Simone Leo - (leo.simon@tiscali.it)
Editore / Editor Fabio Brianzoni - (fabiobrianzoni56@gmail.com)
Ufficio Contabilità / Account Office Barbara Belloni - (amministrazione@alimeditrice.it) Ufficio Abbonamenti / Subscription Office Barbara Belloni Fotografi /
Testi / Writers
Grafica e Impaginazione / Digital Artwork Viviana Castiglioni
The 68th Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show takes place at the City of Scottsdale’s WestWorld, February 16-26, 2023. The largest event of its kind in the world, the show routinely attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators to experience the passion and versatility of the Arabian horse. The show draws more than 2,400 of the world’s finest Arabian and Half-Arabian horses for 11 days of thrilling competition in pursuit of the coveted “Scottsdale Champion” title. These magnificent animals and their owners gather to celebrate this exciting show and compete for more than $4 million in prize money, luxurious trophies, and wonderful awards given to the best. With more than 1,000 colorful classes, there is always something exciting to see.
In addition to exciting competitions, gala parties, educational seminars and an international cuisine court, the event features an amazing Shopping Expo with more than 350 commercial exhibitors, offering everything from lavish jewelry, clothing and works of art, to boots, saddles and gifts. Guests also can stroll the luxurious and exotically decorated stabling areas in which the horses are housed. Each year the show has a variety of family-friendly events: Meet an Arabian Horse, behind-the-scenes barn tours, educational seminars, Paint a Pony, and games to name a few.
This is a must-attend event if you are a horse lover. The expansion of the breeding division makes this the Westminster of the Arabian horse world as we anticipate the best collection of athleticism and breeding stock anywhere in the world, including new, up-and-coming supermodels.
Scottsdale is not only the world’s largest display of Arabian horses, but offers a multitude of activities that help promote the Arabian horse. The mecca for the Arabian horse, Scottsdale is a great place to see, touch and feel the finest Arabian horses! If you are an exhibitor, the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show presents an unprecedented showcase opportunity to compete center stage, and offers prize money and abundant marketing opportunities for breeders and purebred Arabian horse enthusiasts. You can find the schedule and entry forms on our website at scottsdaleshow.com
Set against the beautiful backdrop of the Sonoran Desert, the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show is a great vacation destination as well; there is so much to see and do. The excitement of the show is sure to inspire, the scenery of the desert allows you to relax, and best of all, the discovery of new friends and wonderful experiences will leave you wanting more. Plan to join us in Scottsdale in February!
To purchase tickets scan the QR code.
In this February edition of Tutto Arabi we interviewed Mr Jaroslav Lacina, the President of ECAHO. We asked him to give us a preview of what is new for the 2023 season that has just begun.
Mr Fabio Brianzoni: Mr. Lacina, there are some changes made during the past few years, including the fact that there is much more emphasis on the welfare aspect, where the Disciplinary Committee will have a more challenging role, due to some additional responsibilities added to their function. Regarding this, can you describe what is changing and what items were discussed at the ECAHO Show Commission meeting in Paris?
Mr Jaroslav Lacina: I would have to say that the Disciplinary Committee has always been responsible for horses’ welfare and horses’ health at the shows. That was the main reason why ECAHO created Disciplinary Committee positions at the shows. The main responsibility is not only to control horses’ identity and proper vaccinations schemes, but also to check the current state of the horse and their ability to be presented without any pain, injuries or any other harm. Thus, the role of Disciplinary Committee members at shows is very important. For the upcoming 2023 season, there are some new tasks transferred from judges to the DC members. Specifically, it will be a control of hereditary deceases such as overbite and underbite, and also cryptorchidism. Detailed description will be available in the new Blue Book 2023 (shows rule book of ECAHO). Creation of new rules and regulations is not completed at one meeting only. Any item must go through several discussions at different committees to find a proper solution. There are always many aspects which need to be considered and sometimes the
outcome might take longer than anyone would expect. However, all ECAHO committees are working hard to find a solution to all situations, which can appear during a show. Currently the most discussed item has become about the aggressivity of some horses in the arenas. ECAHO is fully aware of this problem and has already started discussions in order to find a proper solution to this.
Mr Fabio Brianzoni: At the Paris Show Commission meeting, the 2023 calendar was approved. In your opinion, is the division of International and National shows well done or are there fewer National shows? Also, regarding International shows in Europe, we see that participation in some shows is on the lower side. Very often they reach around 40 horses entered and sometimes even less. Is there a rule in the Blue Book where in case of a certain number of horses competing is not reached, the show would be downgraded from International B to C?
Mr Jaroslav Lacina: Yes, the Show Commission usually approves the show calendar for the upcoming year during the last meeting of the season. I am really pleased that the Show Commission, under the leadership of Mr. Nils Ismer, is focusing on proper discussion of all show dates and division of shows in ECAHO countries. We must realize that Europe and countries outside of Europe have totally opposite issues. In Europe we are lacking horses at shows, but outside of Europe the organizers are usually forced to limit the number of
horses participating at their shows. It is not always easy to find an appropriate solution, when several shows have date clashes, which does present issues with such a total number of shows during a season. But the committee is doing its best to be fair to everyone. It is correct that there are rules regarding the minimum number of horses at different categories of shows and that shows not fulfilling these requirements might be downgraded. However, ECAHO always considers all aspects and tries to advice before deciding to downgrade a show. As an example, I can mention that some European show organizers have started to organize more shows during one weekend in order to award as many participants as possible, which in return is causing an insufficient number of participants in each of these shows. These organizers are advised to first revise their concept, before any downgrading rules would be applied.
Mr Fabio Brianzoni: In 2023 there will be a World Championship in Qatar for the first time. Can you tell us how this decision was arrived at? It is also planned to alternate between Paris and Qatar for three years, in 2023 the World Championship will be held in Qatar, in 2024 in Paris, in 2025 in Qatar and then in 2026 in Paris again. In the future, is there a plan to alternate with other Arab countries, or will the alternation be limited to Qatar, or will the World Championship still return to Paris every year? Do you already have in mind what the future of this competition will look like?
Mr Jaroslav Lacina: The idea and the decision to move the World Championship out of Europe was a big surprise to all of us. ECAHO was not informed about this agreement ahead of time, which has caused a lot of unnecessary tension and uncertainty on all sides. After almost 40 years, of the World Championship being organized under the ECAHO affiliation and thereby being shielded by ECAHO rules, officials and
procedures, ECAHO has become an essential part of this event. This experience led at the end to a mutual agreement to approve the possibility to organize the 2023 edition of the World Championship outside of Europe. However, several basic conditions have had to be followed: responsible organizer of the event (CENECA) would remain the same, the right for participants to attend the event regardless of their nationality would remain and a possibility for any country to apply to organize this event in the future. Also, Paris edition should every second year be held, as it has been thus far. For the moment any other future editions of this event are still under discussion.
Mr Fabio Brianzoni: In 2022 some shows were cancelled by ECAHO. Can you tell us what the reasons are for cancellations and blacklisting of some shows?
Mr Jaroslav Lacina: It is impossible for ECAHO to cancel any show. ECAHO is not the organizer of any shows and thus the shows can only be cancelled by their organizers. However, ECAHO has a clear procedure for blacklisting, in case of shows which do not follow the rules or are not fulfilling criteria for show affiliation. In such cases support from the National association is also quite important and ECAHO always keeps in contact with its representatives, to be able to carefully consider all facts before blacklisting any show. If the decision to blacklist a show has been made, it is usually to protect all participants, horses and also officials who might be officiating at the show.
Mr Fabio Brianzoni: Over the years the handlers’ license has been introduced, including yellow and red cards. Will there be any other changes regarding handlers? Will there be a licensing requirement? To get this profession to be even more instrumental in ECAHO, might it be a good idea to include a handler representative inside the Executive Committee of ECAHO?
Mr Jaroslav Lacina: There is a cooperation in place between ECAHO and handlers’ association ITHA (previously ETHA), for several years now. ITHA representatives are regularly attending ECAHO Show Commission meetings, and they are allowed to bring items for discussion or to comment on any agenda points. To find the best solution to any problem one needs to see things from all angles, which makes this cooperation very needed and appreciated. Any other handler representation in ECAHO is impossible right now, due to the ECAHO constitution. Regarding the handlers license, ECAHO requires a handlers license only for A and Title shows for the moment, and the procedure to receive the license is more for legal purposes. However, it would be beneficial to create an international educational system for handlers in the near future, where horse welfare and natural methods of training for show horses would be taught.
Mr Fabio Brianzoni: We know that at shows there are always happy and unhappy breeders/owners. Many of those who do not win blame the judges. How can ECAHO make breeders/owners trust the integrity of the judges more, who obviously do not have an easy job? Could a popular jury of experts be created within the big shows?
Mr Jaroslav Lacina: To me there is no popular or unpopular jury. What is important for a good outcome of any show is the composition of individual judges.
Their individual knowledge, experience and integrity plays the main role for fair results in a show. Moreover, judges are shaping the breed, so we must keep an eye on its general development. ECAHO is fully aware of these needs and aspects, which is why ECAHO is constantly improving its judges’ educational system. Next to it, an ongoing system of training the already accepted judges must be regularly provided. These are procedures which have already been implemented in ECAHO judges’ educational system. However, what is new for the upcoming year is an introduction of
the Judges consulting group, which is an independent subcommittee having the right to discuss individual judges scores from ECAHO affiliated shows. Judges might then be questioned, and their explanations and actions evaluated. Another very often discussed item is conflict of interest. Process of conflict of interest declaration is strictly followed and is valid for all officials at shows. Credibility should therefore be important not only to ECAHO, but to everyone who is taking an active role in the whole show scene. We are aware that there are several indications, that some individuals are bringing credibility in question, however without any clear proof of this, ECAHO has very limited possibilities to act on these indications. For this reason, I am not particularly pleased about public claims of corruption, without anyone providing any evidence in support of these claims. This is mainly causing an unnecessary space for uninformed speculations and is mostly bringing in question the hard work of those who are trying to be correct and fair. Another thing which is deeply unfortunate is a common negative presence happening at several shows. In the past people were enjoying the performance and the happiness of their horses in the arena, and the prizes were just a cherry on the cake. These days, very often, the second place or a silver medal is not at all appreciated anymore. The stress under which some horses and handlers are under seems almost unbearable. While I understand that horse training and showing horses costs a lot of money, especially these days, the joy from horses and fair competition should still remain.
Mr Fabio Brianzoni: What are your wishes for the upcoming 2023 season?
Mr Jaroslav Lacina: That would be stronger regulations which help in protecting the horses, making the shows more attractive for people to participate in and above all bring the joy of showing horses again. This can only be achieved with everyone’s cooperation and where we unite in changing things for the better. q
We are located in Saudi Arabia, 30 km from Riyadh to be exact, in Al-Diriyah. This is where the Al-Duhami Horse Center is located. It is in this center that from November 29 to December 3 the first edition of the “Riyadh Arabian Horse Festival (Jawadi 2022)” will be held, which may become one of the most important events in this nation. The location is nothing short of magical, situated in the middle of the desert, in a natural
basin surrounded by sand mountains. On one of these hills is clearly visible the silhouette of a white horse, this leads the imagination to think that the location was chosen by magic, that the very earth has destined this location for the presence of horses. Hence the establishment of an equestrian center, which over the years has led a team of Saudi riders to win an Olympic medal.
Planned, executed, and organized by Athbah Arts, “Jawadi 2022” is a product of Athbah Arts’ vision to create a captivating world that manifests the beauty of purebred Arabian horses combined with Saudi history and heritage, providing a plethora of awe-inspiring experiences enriched by arts and culture. The “Jawadi 2022” festival houses many activities and delightful experiences for visitors of all ages. At its heart, two main Arabian horse shows launch for the first time, organized by the “Arabian Horse Organization” (AHO) and supervised by King Abdulaziz Arabian Horse Center.
AHO was conceived in Saudi Arabia by H.R.H. Prince Abdulaziz Bin Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, specifically to boost breeders around the world, and has at its decision-making summit a board of directors of which he is chairman, consisting of thirteen members from various Arab countries. AHO organizes many events in the Middle East and Europe every year. Shows of this organization have resumed their course, starting with the first 2022 edition in Morocco at the El Jadida show, subsequently in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. These
events are not only competitions between breeders, they are also a meeting place to compare breeding programs in Europe and around the world.
The two main shows at “Jawadi 2022” have at their board of directors Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Subaie chairman of the supreme organizing committee for both
shows, Mr. Ahmed Abdel Razek AHO member and breeder in Giza where with his son Adel they own Al Bawady stud, Mr. Mohammed Al-Harbi AHO member and General Manager of Arabian Horse Society (UAE). Dr. Mohamed Machmoum AHO member and Mr. Fahad Al-Arini member of the supreme organizing committee for both shows.
The first show is the SAUDI BREEDERS’ CUP which takes place on the days from November 29 to December 1. At this first meeting in Al-Diriyah, 177 horses were entered, and judging them in the ring were Mrs. Renata Schibler (Ch), Mr. Bruce McCrea (UAE), Mr. Sufian Taha (Palestine), Mr. Omar Mohamed
Zaghloul (Egypt), Mr. Mohamed Al Khamis (Kuwait), Mr. Mahamood Faraj Jawad (Bahrain), Mr. Mukhtar Khalil Ebrahim (Bahrain) and Mr. Majed Abdullah Al Mehyawi (KSA).
The Ring Master was Mr. Waleed Hadi Mohammad Al Haddadi (KSA), and the DC were: Dr. Vet. Mohammed Hammad (Egypt), Dr. Vet. Bassem Badr (KSA), Eng. Obadah Zabadi (KSA), and Mr. Saad Al Qassim (KSA).
Our compliments and personal thanks for entertaining us with her beautiful voice to show commentator and announcer Mrs. Sarah Mohammed Al-Akoor. Thanks also to Ms. Lina Abu Shmais for coordinating our stay and media work during the event.
The event is held from the first day and in the following days in the afternoon starting at 4:00 P.M. At the entrance to the festival, the visitor is immediately transported back in time to a past of simplicity and deeprooted heritage. The place is built like a small village, where a boulevard is embellished in Saudi traditional decorations and lined with booths and shops of local production and handicrafts on each side. Amongst the
myriad of activities is an area where visitors can admire and interact with beautiful Saudi desert-bred horses, an art gallery, a theater with characters and performances for children, and an amphitheater with live folklore performances and where videos of AHO shows in Europe and around the world are on a giant screen.
On top of the well-coordinated efforts with AHO via Mrs. Nahlaa Baraka to bring forth two exciting Arabian horse shows, the Athbah Arts team is working incessantly to ensure that every aspect of the festival and the main shows is unforgettable. Everything is taken care of down to the smallest detail, the VIP
area is nothing short of opulent, of great elegance the ethnic decor is in total harmony with the place, and the food, drinks, and catering service were impeccable. The sound and lighting effects in the show arena were all-encompassing, with projections of galloping horses bringing the surrounding mountain wall to life. As an interlude between the main show classes, two equestrian acts entertained us and diluted the tension of the competition. Very impressive and emotional was the performance by Dubai-based French company “Team Z7 Show Horses”, riding their beautiful horses through light and fire, showing the deep bond between man and horse. Magnificent was the presentation of the Athbah
household legendary stallions: World Champion “EKS ALIHANDRO” (Marwan Al Shaqab x Ofw Psylhuette), and one of his many sons “HATEM ATHBAH” (EKS ALIHANDRO x Esperanza Al Ventur) already a champion and in the wake of his sire’s victories. Exciting and adrenaline-pumping was the performance by the military men of “Sahawat” who, riding their Arabian horses at a wild gallop, twirled swords and flaming spears. It must be said that Athbah Arts has proven itself as a planner and organizer of memorable events that combine the equestrian arts with entertainment. Through “Jawadi 2022”, Athbah Arts underscores its goal to bridge between artists, performers and Arabian horse admirers to showcase their mesmerising work and celebrate cultural heritage and authenticity together, as well as educate the public about all aspects related to equestrianism.
The first championship of the day in the SAUDI BREEDERS’ CUP is the Yearling Fillies, and the result are as follows:
• Gold medal winner “MOTHHELAH ALMUAWD” (Fa El Rasheem x Moth`Hela Al Zobair) Owner and Breeder Asalt Najd Llc - Al Muawd Stud
• Silver for “D A MAYDAH” (Alexxanderr x Da Fouz) Owner and Breeder Kahld Soliman Salim Al Radian - Dam Alaz Stud
• Bronze for “AYLA DE NESMA” (Royal Asad x Emanolla) Owner and Breeder Khalid Zaid Aliq Alroweidan - Nesma Stud.
Junior Fillies Championship:
• Gold medal goes to “SALWA AL MAMLAKAH” (Vegas Hec x Sweet Veneratta) Owner and Breeder HRHP Saud Bin Sultan Bin Saud AlsaudAlmamlkah Stud
• Silver for “NOUF ALAWAL” (Excalibur Ea x Passionata LSR) Owner and Breeder Abdullah Saad Abdullah Alwaijri - Al Awal Stud
• Bronze for “NUJUD NESMA” (Exxalt x Xxpectations) Owner and Breeder Khalid Zaid Aliq Alroweidan - Nesma Stud.
Last championship for females and Senior Mares
• Gold goes to “DURRAH AL SAYED” (Alexxanderr Delights Divah RB) Owner and Breeder AL SAYED STUD
• Silver for “NWAIR AL QASMIAH” (Revolution x Sh Jamila) Owner and Breeder Ibrahim Bin Suleima Bin Abdallah Al-Qasim - Alqasimiah Stud
• Bronze for “JAWHARAT ERAB AL SAHRA” (Nawar El Safinat x Karima Al Shaqab) Owner and Breeder Saad Bin Saleh Bin Ibrahim Bobeshait.
The championship for the male Yearling Colt classes now begins and it is still AL SAYED STUD with
• Gold for “ANWAR ALSAYED” (EKS Farajj x Antigua HVP)
• Silver for “FARID ALSAWARY” (RFI FARID x FS Mona Lisa) Owner and Breeder Sons Of Hussain Bin Mohammad Noorbasha - Al Sawary Farm
• Bronze for “SAAD DE NESMA” (Shiraz De Lafon x Emanolla) Owner and Breeder Khalid Zaid Aliq Alroweidan - NESMA STUD.
Junior Colts Championship:
• Gold for “ALFAHAD” (Alexxanderr x Haifa ED) Owner and Breeder Abdulaziz Ibrahim Abdulaziz Albarghash - ALSAKAB STABLES
• Silver for “AALI AKMAL” (FA EL Rasheem x HHC Ali-K) Owner and Breeder HRH Prince Abdulmajeed Bin Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al SaudAKMAL STUD
• Bronze for “BAREZ RH” (Excalibur EA x Silk III) Owner and Breeder Faisal Turki Al Amaj - ALREEH STUD.
Last championship, the one for stallions:
• Gold deservedly for “MIRSAL AL SAYED” (Alexxanderr x Jawharat Al Sahraa) Owner and Breeder AL SAYED STUD
• Silver for “EZ AMT” (S.M.A. Magic One x Sofiia) Owner and Breeder Abdullah Mutasher T
• Bronze for “WARD ALBARARI” (Design For Life x Abah Ubar) Owner and Breeder Bassam Mohammed Abdullah Boodai - AL BRARI STUD.
Thus ends the first part of this edition of the “Riyadh Arabian Horse Festival (Jawadi 2022)”. The following day, December 2nd begins the other show intended for all horses that are not necessarily born and owned by the same breeder. At 4 P.M. thus begins the “SAUDI BRED CHAMPIONS CUP.” Also in this show the beauty of 80 horses will compete for medals and the title of champion. The jury, technical staff, location and intermission shows have not changed.
The best Yearling Filly who won the • Gold medal in the final championship of the SAUDI BRED CHAMPIONS CUP was: “ERADAH ATHBAH” (Parys K x Leen Athbah) Owned by HRHP Abdulaziz Bin Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - ATHBAH STUD
• Silver went to “LAYALI ALSAYED” (Validoro x Lujain Sayed) Owned by Alsayed Stud
• Bronze for “TF WASMEIAH” (Ghaith Al Zobair x Salamaa Al Tiflan) Owned by Salm Nasser Eid Al Agmi - TF STUD.
2 and 3 Year Old Fillies Championship: the
• Gold medal went to “DEMASHEQ ALSAYED” (Validoro x Delights Divah RB) owned by ALSAYED STUD
• Silver for “NOUF ATHBAH” (EKS Alihandro x OF W Praise) Owned by HRHP Abdulaziz Bin Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - ATHBAH STUD
• Bronze for “NEOM AL KHALEDIAH” (Hilal Al Khalediah x Yara Al Khalediah) owned by Turky Mohammed Abdullarahman AlothmaniAJAMAL STUD.
Mares Championship:
• Gold for “TEEJAN AL MUAWD” (Alexxanderr x Adh Just Divine) owned by Saleh Manee Bakht Almutrafi - AL BAKHET STUD
• Silver for “HAIFA ED” (Khail Al Shaqab x Prestic) owned by Abdulaziz Ibrahim Abdulaziz Albarghash - ALSAKAB STABLES
• Bronze for “MEQBILAT ATHBAH” (Qr Marc x Martinique J) owned by Turky Mohammed Abdullarahman Alothman - AJAMAL STUD.
Yearling Colts Championship:
• Gold for “EYAD ALKHALED” (Meteor Arabco x Eureka K.A.) by Khalid Ahmed - Bagedo AL KHALED FARM
• Silver for “SK SHAEEN” (Nabil Alsakab x SK Mia) by Emad Mohammed Saad Al Rasheed - Al Tamimi Stud
• Bronze for “FARID ALSAWARY” (Rfi Farid x Fs Mona Lisa) by Sons Of HussainBin Mohammad Noorbasha - AL SAWARY FARM.
Colts Championship:
• Gold for “SHAMAN AL AREEB” (Excalibur EA x Morjana Al Nawasi) by Faisal Saad Jofain Al Otaibe - AL AREEB STUD
• Silver for “JARRAH ALMUAWD” (S.M.A. Magic One x Jumana Almuawd) by Abdullah Abdulaziz Abdullah Bin Mahmoud - Abdullah Almahmoud Stud
• Bronze for “ZAYED AL ZAYED” (Bade Al Hawajer x SS Dana) by Saad Saeed Zaead Alaead.
Stallions Championship:
• Gold for “FAHD AL TINHAT” (Shanghai EA x Barbarella RV) owned by Abdullah Fahad Dakhel Alhaqbani Aldosari - AL TINHAT STUD
• Silver for “GABEL ATHBAH” (EKS Alihandro x Meqbilat Athbah) owned by HRHP Abdulaziz Bin Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - ATHBAH STUD
• Bronze for “MIGELAD III” (Psytadel x Abha Hammadi) property of Sultan Mohammed Jalimid Alkharfani Aldosari - DOSAR STUD.
The following pictures in the article are by Simone Bergamaschi (@simone_bergamaschi_fotografo). Streaming and scores are by Arabian Essence. q
My name is Bernie Leadon-Bolger I live in the county of Wicklow known as the garden of Ireland. I coach actors to ride for the film and television industry, also providing therapy for those who may have lost their competitive edge when riding their horses.
Owning, breeding, training and also training my horses brings with it a life of joy.
I’m a successful Race horse syndicate manager and am also a pedigree / bloodstock consultant.
From the time I yearned my first dapple grey rocking horse is when my Arabian horse passion started. Throughbreds are very much in the family so perhaps I broke the mould.
When I hung up my boots riding on the race course my quest for the ideal Desert Horse began.
My dream horse came in the form of a grey colt of a lifetime Shaka by Dhakshah. The script was already written, yes I brought him, trained him, successfully showed him and thought perhaps he had the ability to become an Arabian racehorse.Alas these races did not exist in Ireland and our paths took us on another adventure.
This was to lead to Shaka becoming an International endurance horse and we competed at the World Equestrian Games in Jerez this lead to an invitation to compete in Dubai.
This was truly an awesome experience to bring
Shaka to the Middle East the home of his ancestors to ride though the sands of time.
Following Shaka’s hoof prints came the beautiful Nashab bred by Major Maxwell a winner on the race track in Poland who I would train to compete 160 KLM in one day.
Another Arabian Leahstreak was to give me my first four star qualification this little Arabian was kindly loaned to me by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Makthoum.
My Endurance days are memories now.
Showing and producing has again lead to me my very special mare Alleyah Athena by the late great Stival, she portrays strength, kindness and beauty.
These qualities I would like to promote the most noble breed both here in Ireland and Worldwide. There are a very small percentage of Arabian horses here in Ireland thus we are a very specialised group.
I like to believe that by showing people fine examples of the most noble breed and how it influences other breeds too as women we can share our wisdom with generations to come.
As a woman I am very fortunate to say that once respect has been earned for my achievements in the Arabian horse World in Ireland my door is always open to welcome women who would like to learn more of the history, confirmation, temperament of our Desert steed.
My name is Al Sayyida Dhabia Sami Al Busaidi from the Sultanate of Oman. I am an entrepreneur and recently entered the Arabian horse world.
It’s always been my dream to own a horse since childhood but owning an Arabian beauty horse just takes you to another level of affection. Before taking care of my first filly I was doing a lot of research about breeding and there’s so much more to learn.
It’s a very proud moment for me and all the women of the Arabian world, I really didn’t expect to see all the support from everyone in this industry. I am also looking forward to what’s coming next.
No not really, since I’ve been raised to believe that nothing is impossible and if there’s a will there will always be a way. Determination is key to success.
Be ambitious, strong and determined because nothing comes easy, you must work hard for it. Don’t give up and keep trying with everything you’ve got to reach your dreams.
I hope so and a part of me would love to help and support anyone that enters this world, not that I’ve been in it for long but being accepted and appreciated made me feel honored. I’m really happy that our society is changing and noticing that women can also contribute in such events.
I am Binini Greta, I have always lived in Parma and for the last couple of years I have been working in a training center.
Since I was a little girl I have always had a passion for the Arabian horse, and through a friend I had the opportunity to start working in the show Arabian field.
I was not faced with what I expected to be a male way, the Arabian is a horse that needs sensitivity and gentleness, often these qualities come more naturally to women, which is why they are valued
in the riding world.
I made my passion my job, this allowed me to always be comfortable in what I was doing.
The desire to learn I think is decisive, I started by riding to find myself in a world where the saddle does not exist and I am more and more curious to discover and improve.
I hope that one day I can get to say that I have made a path that can be an inspiration to other women.
My name is Cindy Kemper Bistodeau and I have been in the horse industry since I was five years old. Born in Tennessee USA and raised with my thee sisters in a happy family, we grew up with the well known smooth gaited Tennessee Walking Horses. My oldest sister Carin and I were the ones always found in our barn sleeping at the stalls because we could not be a single night separated from our horses!
Looking back I know the love for horses was in me since I can remember. Naturally at that time the breed or blood was not of any interest, just the feeling that I had being with them made me choose my life towards horses always for the better. It didn’t mean fame or money: it meant love, inspiration and passion … at fifty-nine, nothing has really changed. I can’t tell you how many times I had to eat potatoes so my horses had good hay to eat.
Fast forward... the first horse I bought with my hard earned money was a half Arabian mare by the name of Authentic Charm by Authenticity +/ Charm was professionally trained by Jack Teague, a legend in the western Arabian Industry. Her specialty was Western Pleasure and she was smooth to ride and beautiful to look at!
Jack was well ahead in the Performance world of the Arabians in Scottsdale Arizona. Also known as the Marlboro man, he was very successful in Cutting, Cowhorse and Reining!
He would show off his purebred Arabian Authenticity +/ at the opening event of the Scottsdale Arabian Show with the American Flag like no other... spinning, sliding and changing leads! May he Rest In Peace in Heaven!
Little did I know that I would fall in love with Reining later on!
My little girl Charm learned after-all Reining and ended up winning in 1999 at Scottsdale and was qualified to compete at the American Nationals in the half Arabian Reining classes in 1999.
Today the Half Arabian Reining is the highest paying Western Stock-horse Class in Scottsdale where famous Reining trainers such as Andrea Fappani and Crystal McNutt go all out for the price money!
Eventually I decided to get into the American Quarter Horse Industry to excel in the Reining and Cowhorse world. Showing in AQHA, NRHA and NRCHA in the last twenty years, I have learned no matter what breed or event one shows in its all about the passion and love for horses.
So far I ended up with my horse Gangsters Reflection - Top 10 in the World in Cow Horse and two times top 10 World show in Ranch Horse classes in Las Vegas. He stayed my best partner for over 8 years, because we decided to do different events and cross over to keep his mind fresh and loving to compete. Never the less there are many more bragging moments to list but at the end of the day the only thing that truly matters is to be the BEST horse-woman one can be … true to the love and passion of horses.
I have been fortunate to meet great people and legends in the Arabian Industry! For example my friend and mentor Mr. John Blincoe, who has been a legend in the Arabian Industry for over 50 years, and who is an inspiration for me to proceed with my interest of the Arabian Performance Horse Association in Italy. John showed in the Western Pleasure classes as a child in California and understands the importance of our youth riders to have a place to show.
This was brought to me as I worked for a forage company that understood my passion and approved to support the riders and associations of many different breed shows as well as different competitions.
My main focus was the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show in Scottsdale Arizona. Largest Arabian Show in the world. Since 1955 horses have been flown in from all across the world. What an event, 10 days of halter, English and Western Performance classes! 2400 horses on site.
Incredible event to see and participate in. Which brings me to the next subject.
Where do Arabian horses in Europe go if they do not make the cut as a top Halter horse? Is there a Performance show in EU....?
My vision today is to establish or be part of an association for Arabian Performance Horses.
This is the future for the Arabian breed in my opinion. Here and now is the time to give these great horses an opportunity to go in different directions. Which will involve the youth of today to learn to appreciate Arabians for their versatility and beauty outside the Halter Pen.
Develop Performance judged events based on International standards such as the AQHA and NRHA. Provide judges seminars for judges to expand their knowledge and enjoy the Arabian Horse for its versatility!
Add special needs classes for the Disabled. Grant money for Equine Colleges world wide. Breeding donations at onsite Auctions at main events help gain money to achieve these goals. Make European qualified shows and start breeding for competition specializing in different categories and all around events!
This is my vision for the future of our Youth and our Arabians in Europe.
Today I have clients of all ages learning to ride in
Western Disciplines here in Italy. Such as Reining, Ranch Riding and versatility classes. The horse breeds are all different. Let’s start focusing on what can be done and jump on board to grow the Arabian market for any individual that loves the breed and loves horses. Today I am very fortunate to be part of a family owned business in the Hay industry. Starting new at Gruppo Carli I am finding that again, we are all in the Equine industry for the same reason- The Love and Passion for horses.
It always shows….what we feed our horses is how they are able to develop and perform at their best level. Gruppo Carli has been excelling in this Industry since 1960. Being based in Italy they are now opening their gates and using my knowledge to step into offering their Horse Line all over Europe. I am very blessed to be included into this journey and excited that once again I am following my dream and my love and passion for horses! Even at 59 years of age starting a new journey never grows old!
Margot Chazel Sunny Sassudelli Chiara Carrer
Antonia Bautista Jennifer Dhombre Kamila Kozlowska Anna Maria Raffa Jennifer Von Dahn
Urszula Łęczycka Kathleen Ohlsson
Ally Nelson Mindy Peters Rosangela Brugali Elena Vignato Cristiane Durante Guardia Talitha Bakker Desiré Faraone
Sandra Platzeck
Raquel Jacovas Adriana & Alessandra Moura Magdalena Muraszko-Kowalska Helena Jodie Byrne
Manuela Lucini
Christie Metz Dana Russo
Patrycja Makowska Mary Hellen Chavez
Dulce Rosas
Flávia Torres
Kasia Dolińska-Witkowska
Elisa Grassi
Raquel Sorvilo
Yassmin Atieh
Nadia Boersch
Paola Marinangeli
Sandra Zänglein
Lisa Brown Anna Scarpa Judith Forbis Taryl O’Shea
Beth Ellen Hunziker
Judith Wich-Wenning Martine Van Hee Nabila Al Ali Eileen Verdieck Samantha Mattocks Laurelle Anderson Diana Cantey Claudia Brugman Lætitia-Marie De Belsunze D’Arenberg Olivia Strauch Verena Heiss Vivian Tucci Alves Fonseca Ewa Imielska-Hebda Ilona Bax Saria Almarzook Barbara Morali Deirdre Hyde Johanna Ullström Laura Mascagna Dominika Pawłowska Kelly Delen Nancy De Lustoza Barros Pamela Moell Michaela Weidner Camila Gama Evelyn Schweizer Luciana Fasano Marcia Cristina Pereira Bortolotto Lina Ismer
Giovanna Rosicarelli Rita Montalbano
Bettina Von Kameke
Claudia Orsi Kerstin Wisniowski Serenella Zerbini
Alessia D’Onza Catherine Noël
Bernie Leadon Bolger Al Sayyida Dhabia Sami Al Busaidi Greta Binini
Cindy Kemper Bistodeau
Text and photos by Agricon Logistic
Profit from our passion for horses. Win time and security with Agricon Logistic horse transport.
We take care of everything and ensure you a safe and smooth transportation of your horses! A professional and secure horse transport requires not only a lot of experience and knowhow, but also a comprehensive and competent preparation. Before your horses arrive at the destination, you will of course receive a detailed and professional advice of the entire shipping process. That way you have a secure feeling from the start.
From the application of permits, the preparation of health certificates, the clearance and inspection by the official veterinarian, the transportation in special horse transport trucks to the airport, plus the customs clearance to load
your horses into special flight containers and the airfreight to country of destination we take care and watch over everything during the horse transportation.
We assure that, throughout the whole horse transport your horses will be attended and cared by our own professional grooms. Starting with the preparations and the coordination of loading, the securing of your horses for a comfortable and safe transport through to the reception at the destination. We are there when your horse needs us. If requested, we have the capacity to prepare your horses in our own stables consisting of 25 boxes as well as a separate quarantine barn with 20 horseboxes.
We know what your horses feel.
The preparation for transport of course includes the professional and permanent support from the stables of departure to the final reception barn.
In addition to the employed staff of our professional flight attendants, we only work with reliable horse grooms (according to IATA Live Animals Regulations), professional
horse transport companies and specialized agents. To ensure an optimum of supply, jerry cans, buckets, hay net and bedding are of course provided. The flight attendants for our international horse transports are precisely briefed in advance to assure that your horses are in good hands during the entire flight.
We are prepared for global horse transportation.
Profit from our ambition to find and realise the optimum for your horse transport! Profit from our passion, our experience and our highly qualified team. Profit from our worldwide network of selected partners who share our passion for highest standards in horse shipping - worlwide.
• road transport in Germany and Europe
• Import and export clearance
• application and preparation of all required documentation incl. health certificates according to countries of destination
• pre export quarantine in our own quarantine stables
• Preparation of horses for export, blood tests, official veterinary inspection at our own stables incl. grazing.
• transport to/from airport in special horse trucks
• completion of all customs formalities
• stabling at airport of departure upon request
• global horse shipping by airfreight
• coordination and secure of the horses
• flight attendance by professional grooms
• preparation of import- and export documentation
• application of import and export permits
• import and export customs clearance
• veterinary inspection and clearance at airport of destination
• road transport to stables at destination
We accompany your horse safely through all requirements.
Each country has its own laws and regulations, regarding the necessary health certificates, customs clearance and quarantine requirement. That does not make things easier. But there is no need to worry.
We know the requirements and with our long-term experience with international horse transports you have an expert at your side, you can rely on. You will receive a comprehensive consultation regarding all the preparations for the export. This includes the process and implementation
of import customs and veterinary clearance in the destination country, as well as the booking of any required post-arrival quarantine.
Afterwards the horses are then moved in special horse transporter to reach the stable. Everything for your horse transportation is planned to the smallest detail, so that your horses arrive comfortably and safely in the country of destination.
We provide everything, to make sure your horses arrive safely at their destination.
Agricon Logistic sets up highest standards for the safe transport of your horses.
We exclusively work with reputable airlines such as Lufthansa, KLM, Martin Air, Emirates, Qatar Airways and experienced horse transporters. The horses entrusted to our care are transported safely to and from the airport by special horse-trucks. At the airlines handling terminal the animals are loaded in disinfected special horse transport containers before shipping by air. Of course the containers
meet the requirement of the IATA Live Animals Regulations. If necessary, the horses can be stabled at the airport before departure. That way the horses get the opportunity to get some rest before going on a long trip. We can assure that the monitoring and comprehensive care of the horses are guaranteed at any time during the entire horse transport.
This way it is guaranteed that your horses are safe and sound until they reach their point of destination.
transportation - Worldwide: Wherever you want your horses to go - we will make it possible.
Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Istanbul, London, Liege, Luxemburg, Maastricht, Moscow, Munich, Ostend, Paris, Toulouse, Vienna, Wildeshausen
Amman, Bangkok, Beirut, Casablanca, Chennai, Doha, Dubai, Hongkong, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait, Lahore, Mumbai, Muskat, Dehli, Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Tashkent, Tehran, Tokio, Riyadh, Dammam, Jeddah
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Agricon-Logistic GmbH & Co. KG | International Horse Transports
Contact: Agricon-Logistic GmbH & Co. KG
Bargloy 17 | 27793 Wildeshausen (Germany) Fon: +49 (0) 44 31 - 73 84 -80 | Fax: +49 (0) 44 31 - 73 84 -81 Mail: info@agricon-logistic.com www.agricon-horsetransports.de
Bargloy 17 - 27793 Wildeshausen - Germany phone: +49 (0) 44 31 - 73 84 -80 - Fax: +49 (0) 44 31 - 73 84 -81 - E-Mail: info@agricon-logistic.com www.agricon-horsetransports.de
In the cover: Eralda (Emerald J | Enezja) www.alshiraaarabians.com
Photo by Antonia Bautista
NK Katharinenhof’s Arabian brood mares are of a very particular quality. Each one of them is a member of a carefully elaborated breeding concept, which is unique in its
worldwide which are comparable to them due to the following detailed facts:
Only one closed private population has been exist for 40 years; it is the one of NK Arabians at Katharinenhof in Germany. It is composed of about
25 breeding horses; they are ordered into 4 families and one single stallion line; they all trace back to the El Zahraa Arabian Horse Stud in Egypt.
yearling fillies. They were chosen from such families, which had proven to be very important and essential for the success of the El Zahraa Stud in the past. Four of these fillies became finally the root mares of the Katharinenhof stud.
On the paternal side, stallions from Egypt are listed - sires of the imported yearling fillies as Alaa El Dine - and later on stallions stationed in Europe or in the USA as Madkour I, Ghazal, Ansata Halim Shah. Only these ones became a part of the breeding program, not any other stallion of the existing Egyptian sire lines are involved in Katharinenhof’s breeding program. It is important to note that only those stallions, which are members of the “Nazeer stallion line” have been used in this closed population.
After a testing and selection period of 15 years in Germany, enough
results were collected, which would allow to choose those horses which looked to be suitable for a closed population. It was very essential that all the unwanted characteristics and features had to be detected and if possible, removed during this time, either for constitutional or health reasons. Since then, only stallions and mares bred by Katharinenhof have been introduced into the breeding stock.
In cooperation with the University of Göttingen and later with the University of Florida under the guidance of Prof. Samantha Brooks, the development of the herd was studied in detail mainly by investigating the speed of rate of homozygosity over a period of 20 years and establishing its status in that year of testing. At the same time the studies focused on the genetic imprint of each Arabian in the stud, showing the influence of the
ancestors on each horse and allowing to determine the prevailing ones. Further studies on similar topics are in preparation. It is felt that by applying such a narrow breeding concept, monitoring is a necessity and very essential.
The decision for a closed population was triggered by the fact, that a certain type of breeding and even inbreeding was applied in history on many occasions by the Bedouin breeders and that this happened according to old records (Abas Pasha Manuscript and others) mostly in the southern part of Arabia, that means in the Arabian Peninsula. Certain Bedouin tribes were very keen on their own breed, guarded it with great jealousy and kept it away from other breeding stock. It is an interesting fact, when looking to a single Bedouin family or a tribe, which such a family belongs to, that they all lived also in a
closed society and were used to such a system.
Finally, under these conditions the Arabian breed emerged. It is a great challenge to choose such a historical concept as a breeding goal, the corresponding model of such an Arabian horse would be characterized by a certain type, a noble head, a very light constitution, an overall dryness and a firm mental constitution. All selections for these features should be also strictly controlled following today’s scientific knowledge. By time and after several generations, a herd with a high increased homozygosity would show up and consequently similar offspring of a well proven quality.
The respective mare families at Katharinenhof have until now produced four to six generations under this closed program. From each generation, those mares were selected for further testing which corresponded to the required overall quality, but also, they had to show the type of the family they belonged to. The prevailing mating in this herd follows the principle of breeding “equal to equal”. Due to the fact that only four families are involved, inbreeding as generally specified is not applied. In addition, attention is paid to the fact that certain differences in type and conformation remain; such a variation is required to give room in order that new and interesting characteristics and features could show up in the future. The same principles apply for the stallion candidates.
This breeding concept could be carried out until today without any mayor setbacks. Even the contrary is true, a high percentage of good typical foals were born in every season; certainly, a result due to the fact that the choice of the four foundation mares from the Egyptian El Zahraa stud was carried out with great care. At this time, it should be mentioned that this breeding stock of El Zahraa in Egypt goes largely back to mares which were brought in the 19th century from Bedouin breeders in the Arabian Peninsula to Egypt, a population always under the pressure of heavy natural selection due to a hostile environment; heat,
drought and shortage of feed. This rigorous selection allowed that only the toughest horses survived, in terms of physical constitution and health. To build a program on such a history and rich heritage is a great challenge by using these already existing generous gifts of nature.
These are the mares which were very influential in Katharinenhof’s closed breeding concept and they created the type of which the NK Arabians are known for. They are the following:
The greatest group in the concept are the Arabians of the Hadban family best represented today by
NK Nadirah. She is with 19 years the oldest mare in the stud and is still the greatest attraction for most of the visitors. People like her lively and overwhelming expression, shown as best in her style of movement. This mare is dancing upright on the spot and when moving forward, she lifts the front legs high up and her acting is unique in this respect. She raises her head high up, snoring loudly and intensive when she is in full activity. NK Nadirah is a daughter of Adnan, a Sala El Dine son, and her mother, the charismatic chestnut-colored Nashua; one of the finest mares ever born in this stud, a daughter of Lotfia once imported from Egypt. Still NK Nadirah exposes her own type, a
perfect mixture between sire and dame line. As a brood mare she was very prolific, some of her offspring went to Kuwait and later to Qatar. Her latest daughter stayed in Germany: The four-year old NK Naala. She the closest to her mother in look, in movement and in character. It is good luck for any breeder to have such a worthy successor of a perfect mare. NK Nadirah produced as well two impressive stallions, both by NK Hafid Jamil. The first one is NK Nadeer. He is really his “mother’s son”, grey and elegant and of finest character. The second follows the look of his father NK Hafid Jamil. His name is NK Nizam, of bay colour, of powerful movement, in total of
strong confirmation and attractive but different type. In total NK Nadirah can be named as an exceptional typical Arabian mare, a mare of finest “desert type”.
Her sister NK Nasrin was different; she is her father’s daughter not only on pedigree paper, but also in reality. She exposes Adnans strong back and croup, his powerful movement from behind in perfection and his overall type. She became a producer of four excellent fillies, and one colt. The stud retained her last daughter NK Nazli; very much similar to her mother in type, expression and again in her exciting movement. NK Nazli’s first daughter NK Nawaal
can be considered as one of the most impressive yearling fillies at this time. It is a delight to look to such a gracious Arabian.
There is a third member of the Hadban family which had opened so to say another branch of the Hadban group. Again, the lovely mare NK Nashua was this time bred to NK Nahaman, a tall dark gray stallion by Saala El Dine out of the Madkour daughter Ameera. Ameera was a full sister to Hanan’s first son Jamil, a very well-known sire in the past. Out of this cross three daughters were born, one of them “NK Nabeela”; she was kept for the stud. Again, like her father, a
dark-colored grey mare, tall like her father NK Nahaman, about 154 cm. NK Nabeelah’s first daughter by NK Hafid Jamil became the reason of many arguments between interested buyers. Mr. Osama Al Kazemy was finally the lucky man, who could bring this mare NK Nakeebya to Kuwait. Her daughter Nabaweyah Ezzain was sold to Rashediah Stud in Bahrain and became the mother of the famous stallions Naseem Al Rashediah and also Ezz Al Rashediah.
Finally, NK Nabeelah produced the mare NK Nerham by Jamal El Dine. She remained at Katharinenhof and by surprise this time a bay colt
was born by NK Nadeer which was named NK Nabhan. He developed to be one of the best stallions which Katharinenhof has owned.
In summary the mare Lotfia, an Alaa El Dine daughter out of Bint Kamla, member of the famous Hadban line in El Zahraa made history due to her marvelous daughter Nashua. Her six daughters, three by Adnan and three by Nahaman, brought this family up to the top of Egyptian breeding.
Three mares are representing today the Obayan family at Katharinenhof. NK Abla, her daughter NK Amsha and NK Ninnifee. They carry onwards
the reputation of her late ancestor, the root mare Hanan. This bay mare became a legend due to her three sons and five daughters.
Jamil was the first stallion of Katharinenhof and was later on leased to Ansata Arabians in the US. Asfour, the second, was chief sire ant Simeon Stud in Australia and finally Ibn Galal, was bought by the Hungarian stud Babolna and his influence on all the mares in Babolna was very obvious. Out of Hanans five daughters it was Ghazala by Ghazal and Ameera by Madkour I, which were the ones which brought this family into further generations. Ameera with her son Nahaman, as mentioned before,
and Ghazala through her daughter Amroulla by Jamil. This Amroulla could look back to seven beautiful daughters when she passed away at the end of 20 years, daughters which went to England, to Kuwait, to Qatar and the two ones which stayed in Germany. This family became a solid flee-bitten grey group as colour stayed very uniform in size, type and conformation. The living three mares NK Abla, NK Amsha and NK Ninifee are solid columns of the NK Arabian breeding concept.
The next and third family belongs to one of the oldest Egyptian blood lines, the Siglawis, world-known due to her famous member Moniet El
Nefous. This mare was a dream for all admirers of Egyptian Arabians in the 1960ies – 70ies. Definitely due to her son Morafic, the chief stallion of Gleannloch Farm in Texas US.
It was Mahiba, again an Alaa El Dine daughter, which was chosen for the breeding program. A mare which qualified later perfectly for the closed concept. The two full sisters NK Lina and NK Lateefa, both by NK Kamal El Dine and the young mare NK Lamya by NK Nabhan filled out an important position in the concept. All three are of chestnut colour like Moniet El Nefous. However, all the three are in their overall conformation different from the two previous families. The
Hadbans are always the tallest ones, followed by the Obayans and then come the Siglawis. They show a wonderful strong body, good necks and a fine head, they are broad in the breast, but of shorter legs, which gives them a height of about 148 –149 cm. A well-formed solid body makes them look taller as they are. This is true for Moniet El Nefous, her daughter Mona, which was the dam
of Mahiba; they all had the same size. NK Lina is the one which people like due to her wonderfully shaped head, elegant in its typical concavity. This family is very calm, friendly and extremely healthy. No trouble at all with infections, with birth problems or intestinal accidents. All these are very noticeable and appreciated characteristics since it was easy to produce and to keep such family
successfully going. Mahiba created, distributed overall Germany her own important population through her children, grandchildren and furtherer on in many other studs.
The last family which Katharinenhof favored to be a part of its breeding concept was a member of the Egyptian famous Dahman Shawan strain. In Egypt one can find two families, the one tracing back to the mare El Dahma, the other back to Bint El Bahrain, both were very different. The El Dahma is a very refined one. Regrettably this family in Egypt showed not the type which was expected. Stallions were used which brought this family into another direction. However, the preferred type was available in Ansata Arabians in the US. Two young mares Ansata Gloriana, a taller one and Ansata Primarose, middle in size and both Jamil daughters, where bought. Both belonged to the Bukra-Nazeer-Ibn Halima cross.
While the three other families in the concept developed as usual, this one remained a problem. Ansata Gloriana produced only two daughters, both by Sala El Dine, and passed away. One of them was Helala. She was fertile in bringing four daughters. They all were very much asked for and became brood mares in Kuwait and Qatar. Regrettably shortly after Helala died due to a stroke at only nine years of age. Ansata Primarose went back and forth to the US, finally her daughter Ansata Ken Ranya could be bought back by the stud. She became a good stallion mother
as the mother of Kamar El Dine and Jamal El Dine. From her two daughters NK Habiba by NK Nadeer was finally a good consolation. This beautiful mare has now all the future on her shoulder. Her latest foal was NK Houssain El Dine, now a strong powerful stallion, similar to her type which should assure that her genetic potential does not get lost.
A few years before a good friend of mine made a list of all foals which were born in Katharinenhof since the beginning. The figure came to a total of 450 foals, 221 females and 229 males. Considering some later mortality about 200 registered females carry the blood of these four families, which originally came from
Egypt. Only 20 of them are grouped together in Katharinenhof’s stud and will be bred further on under a well-considered and controlled concept as a closed population. This comparatively small breeding
population, in comparison to so many bigger ones, is bringing the stud into the direction to be a more and more equal population and to become a source of very fine Arabians, with a high rate of homozygosity. u
Training and handling horses is a challenging occupation for a man or woman. However, Luca Oberti from Italy is undaunted. His love for horses is overwhelming, to the extent of spending twenty-four hours with the most elegant animal in the world.
Hello Luca! Thank you very much for accepting the invitation. To provide some background to our readers, could you tell us a bit about yourself, your family and your education?
Hello Arabian Horse Magazine! It is a pleasure to receive
Luca lives nearby Bergamo where he owns and operates his own Training Center. He was pleased to walk me through the main stages and highlights of his professional career as a Handler.
this invitation from you. Let me introduce myself. Besides breeding, I also train. Horses have always been a part of my family’s life. As we attended the shows, other breeders always requested that we prepare their horses. Therefore, our first centre opened in 1999. A number of years and a great deal of experience in va-
rious countries around the world have led us to where we are today!
When have you first met an Arabian horse? Who was it?
In 1988, my family bought our first Arabian horse, a Straight Russian mare named Natovka imported to Italy by a local trader. The mare was chosen because she was in foal to Gomel, the stallion owned by the Den Hartog family, owners of the renowned Kossack Stud. Just a few days earlier, Gomel had been named European champion.
Tell us about your early stages in the show industry as a Handler. How did it all start?
When I started helping my father with the daily stable duties at the age of ten, I became fascinated with animals. He inspired me to become a trainer, so I kept following him. It was then that this great passion of mine became my profession.
As a son and then as an assistant to my father, I followed him not only in the stables but also in various shows. In the future, as a professional trainer who has been a groom for many years. The second crucial step was my stay in America, where I spent a lot of time with Michael Byatt. I learned a lot there, including the different approaches to horses and the various stages of training. As soon as I returned to Italy, I prepared and presented horses almost everywhere...
Have you developed a systematic program for handling Arabian horses of your own? In order to prepare a horse best for a show, how can you make sure that he is physically and mentally prepared? How can the horses be made to perform at their best when needed?
Each horse requires a different training and preparation program. Besides training sessions, I prefer them to have more free time to spend in the paddock, perhaps even with other horses.
Diversifying the work as frequently as possible should begin as soon as pos-
sible. This method helps relax the horses a lot. Systematizing a job is impossible for me, no matter how much time you shorten it for lack of time, you will never succeed.
Is there a limit to what an Arabian horse can be taught through handling?
Who was the most challenging horse to train? (If any) Invictus ... It’s the horse that won my heart... He’s our flagship stallion! Besides breeding him, we also saw him born, raised, prepared, and then put aside to make room for the horses in the training centre. Once we had the chance to prepare him, he won some important titles at both the Italian and European levels. Every time I enter the ring with him, all those memories come flooding back, the birth, the first feeding, the weaning, the first days at work and in the paddock. Basically, I recall all those moments in three minutes, and I realize feeding him, breeding him, and showing him at shows is always an emotional challenge.
What are your favourite bloodlines? And your favourite stallion/mare? Why?
There is no particular bloodline or mare or stallion that I prefer. The breeding world and shows have allowed me to fall in love with many horses over the years. Due to its niche status in the breeding industry, the Straight Egyptian bloodline has always fascinated me. The fact that they constitute a small percentage makes breeding them even more challenging. Even so, I prefer “show bloodlines” perhaps due to the fact that it is easier to find more subjects to prepare and stallions to prepare.
What, in your opinion, really defines a good Trainer / Handler? What do you need to become a successful one?
I believe passion must always be accompanied by patience, humility, and a desire to learn, which should never cease. Understanding a horse’s needs without taking them for granted is an important gift. There is more to working a horse than turning him on a rope or riding a merry-go-round. Above all else, it means making him feel
good and loving him also for the rest of the day’s 23 hours. Thus, a trainer’s team plays a crucial role in making him or her an excellent trainer.
What have been the best experiences at the shows most recently? Can you tell me about the horses you presented and which stud (s) they belonged to?
My most exhilarating experiences have come with Qatari friends in recent years. My work and show experience with Al Rayyan and Al Shaqab horses has taken me not only to Qatar but also to Italy and Europe. In this way, I got to know many outstanding horses. Especially their Straight Egyptian horses that won numerous medals.
Do you have any other shows that will always be etched in your mind as a Handler? Did it take place in Europe or the Middle East?
Brazilian Nationals, Scottsdale, Las Vegas, Paris, Aachen, Menton, Khalediah, Dubai, and Katara... They are all etched in my mind. In many of these shows, I have shown beautiful horses or worked on important horses for friends, clients, or other trainers. In the course of my intensive training, I was fortunate to be able to assist. I have a beautiful story to tell for each of these.
What do you think about the show environment of today, Luca? Would it be better to have less / more of something? Do you have any thoughts on this?
Post-covid era is not a great time. Additionally, with the war and the economic recession, the entire world is suffering a slowdown both in terms of breeding and attendance at shows. As a trainer, I would like to be much closer to all breeders trying to encourage participation and creating new national shows where even the small breeder can compare their horses on par with other small breeders without always having to come to terms with the extremely exceptional quality of the big farms.
In which country have you experienced a better quality of the organization of the shows? Did it take place in Europe or the Middle East? The Katara show in Doha is by far the best in terms of location, elegance, setting up the space, and VIP tables. Horses and boxes are prepared with care, and the arena is nothing short of exceptional.
What are your current commitments? Where do you see yourself, say, in ten years?
Currently, I’m running a training centre in Bergamo that houses over 100 horses in two stables, which I have managed for 15 years. I’ve also trained and bred for some prestigious studs, including AL Kharafi from Kuwait, Al Rayyan Farm, and Al Shaqab Stud, which has allowed me to participate in several shows in Qatar. I also assist many Italian and European breeders in the care and breeding of their mares and their stallions.
Do you feel like leaving a message for the readers of Arabian Horse Magazine?
In Europe, we are experiencing a difficult time... Keeping the passion for breeding these fantastic Arabian horses that give so much satisfaction would be an important message. Together, united by this very strong passion, we will find a way to relaunch the show business in Europe. Thank you AHM for giving me this wonderful opportunity to introduce myself and my Training Centre!
A famous saying in Brazil states that if something comes too easily, it is usually not properly valued. That may be true but it was not the case when it came to realize this year’s Brazilian Breeders´ Cup show. After bravely dealing with the chaos brought by the COVID pandemic just recently the Brazilian Arabian Horse Breeders Association was faced this time with yet another challenge as unpredictable as the previous one. Amidst an intense political turmoil in Brazil that led to some major logistical issues the show committee endured and thanks to their tireless effort, the event was once more a major success.
A total of three shows happened between November 12th and 14th in the city of Tatuí, São Paulo, namely the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup, The Brazil Cup and the International Show. An increase of 38% in the number of entries was a good indication of the importance of this show in the Brazilian calendar.
In charge of judging were George Z from the U.S.A, Antonia Bautista from Spain, Vico Rocco from Brazil, Joseph Polo from the U.S.A and Majed al Mehyawi from Saudi Arabia. The scoring system was used as always in the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup, which was the first show to introduce its use in Brazil.
The absence of Haras JM, one of the great supporters of the Brazil Cup circuit was strongly felt this year. Nevertheless and despite the smaller number of entries, the quality of the horses did not disappoint.
The winner of the Junior Colt Championship was Nawan HEC a son of Brazilian National Champion Wandan El Madan and Mars Natasha HEC, bred and owned by Haras Estancia California.
The Filly Championship went to Princess Anna FWM (FA El Shawan x Nahla El Madan), bred and owned by Haras Lone Star. The filly Sara Di Ajmer 7F (Ajmer Moniscione x Emira HEC) bred by Haras Sete Flechas and owned by João Carlos Milan came in Reserve.
Curiously the same lineup of owners happened in the Colt Championships. The winner Jafar FWM (Prince Valentino FWM x Victoria FWM) is bred and owned by Haras Lone Star. His runner-up Fuego Royal JM (Royal Treasure JQ x Shea Di Pscore JM) is owned by João Carlos Milan and was bred by Haras JM.
In the Mare Championship, mother and daughter shared the spotlight by winning respectively the Gold spot with Karenina El Madan (El Tino x TM Jamili) bred by Haras El Madan and the Bronze spot with VV Yasmin (Preludio OSB x Karenina El Madan), bred by Vinicius Viana of Viana Arabian Horse who also owns both of them. The Silver Champion was Nigraa REC (Bandit SRA x Alaya REC) bred by Haras Brown River and owned by Haroldo Dante of Miluna Arabian Horse.
The 2022 edition of the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup brought in for the competition ten of the finest breeding programs in the country. Each of these farms chose four of their best production to defend their colors at one of the toughest shows in Brazil.
One of the show’s great admirers is Luciano Cury from Haras Boa Vista: “The Brazilian Breeders´ Cup is one of my favorite shows and the fairest show there is in Brazil because it limits the maximum number of entries to 4 horses per farm (one of which must be from a different sex), it also limits the age limit at 36 months and most
importantly all horses entered must be bred by the farm who is showing them. Under these conditions all exhibitors are at the same level of competition and it is always a thrill to wait until the last animal is judged to find out which farm was the winner”.
The winner of this year’s Brazilian Breeders´ Cup, RFI Arabians, of the Forte family, repeated their triumph of last year presenting RFI Intense, RFI Elena, RFI Lenno and RFI Sharam. It is the fourth time that RFI Arabians wins the coveted Brazilian Breeders´ Cup.
Rodrigo Forte, the founder of RFI Arabians alongside his father Carlos Forte, and the president of the Brazilian Arabian Horse Breeders Association, reflects over their journey from the first victory to the latest, revealing us thus the very evolution of his breeding program through these years:
“We are extremely pleased with the fourth title at the Breeders´ Cup 2022, the second in a row, since we also won in 2021. We feel very honored to be the farm (still in activity) with the most amount of wins at this show, not forgetting that in the past Haras Vanguarda from the Diniz family won it five times, a feat that inspires us all.
The horses that won us the four titles (2011, 2017, 2021 and 2022) have always represented the RFI breeding program in the best way and most of them descended from paternal and maternal families developed by us. By analyzing the horses that represented us in these four victories throughout the years, we can observe a
clear evolution of our program and of these bloodlines.
In 2011 we won with three sons of RFI Maktub, the most important stallion of our breeding history, namely: RFI Sophie AlMaktub (x RFI Sophia Al Neschi by Neschnij) who also conquered the Premium Cup, RFI Fire Al Maktub (x Fire Glory by NV Sure Fire) and RFI Fidji Al Maktub (RFI Faiza El Shiraz by Shiraz El Jamaal).
After the loss of our beloved RFI Maktub in 2014, we started to give more visibility to his sons from which Quasim CRH (x Maxine CRH by Nuzyr HCF) stood out and since then has become our chief sire. Then, in 2017, we won the Breeders´ Cup with two of Quasim’s oldest daughters, namely RFI Fahaara AlMaktub (x RFI Fayara El Shiraz by Shiraz El Jamaal) and RFI Faenza AlMaktub (x Fire Glory by NV Sure Fire) as well as two of RFI Sophie AlMaktub’s get, RFI Sawari by Excalibur EA and RFI Splendor by El Tino, all four of them grandsons of RFI Maktub.
Once again in 2021 we gave a big emphasis on the production of Quasim CRH who emerged as the winner
of the Stallion Cup. In this case we brought three of his offspring including RFI Phenomena (x Evening Star TGS by Lumiar Amadeus), RFI Raffaella (x S Rhapsody by Marwan Al Shaqab) and RFI Theodora (x Turquya Sams by HK Keav Power), as well as one grandson, RFI Fiorano (Dominic M x RFI Fahaara AlMaktub), who was sold and exported to the U.S. shortly after.
For this year’s victory we had the opportunity to introduce in the show ring for the first time the production of our new stallion RFI Unique (AF Maden x RFI Ultraa AlMaktub by RFI Maktub) through RFI Sharam (x RFI Sawari by Excalibur EA) and RFI Elena (x RFI Elisha by Quasim CRH) both awarded with a top ten at the Breeders Cup finals. Our team was completed with two sons of Quasim CRH, RFI Lenno (x HDF Saphira by Ajman Moniscione) and the extraordinary RFI Intense (x Insignia Rach by El Shakhyr), who became the second highest scored horse of the show and the best scoring male.
Lastly, I believe that this last victory had a special taste
since we haven’t seen such a competitive Breeders´ Cup show in a long time.”
In second place at the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup came Haras Vila dos Pinheiros, also repeating the position of 2021 and once again crowning the Premium Cup Champion this time with Shahbrys HVP who was presented alongside her stable mates Moraynah HVP (maternal sister to last year’s Premium Cup winner Polarhis HVP) and Lughan HVP.
The farm’s general manager, Zetão Rodrigues was extremely glad with the result:
“We are very proud to be the winners of the Premium Cup two years in a row, with Polarhis HVP in 2021 and with Shahbrys HVP in 2022. We were also elected the
second Best Breeders of the show for two consecutive years; in 2021 just one point behind the winner and in 2022 we were technically tied in first place. We are extremely happy with the results and looking forward to the 2023 edition”.
Like Polarhis HVP in the previous year, Shahbrys HVP was the talk of the show, receiving high praises from the judges and spectators. Her sire, Royal Asad, is by El Tino and out of the iconic black RFI Maktub daughter Lumiar Ethna, whose dam line traces to the Brazilian
National Champion Promise V, as well as Varian Arabian’s foundation mare Bachantka. In the mother side Shahbrys HVP is the fourth generation of HVP breeding, through Rebecca HVP who is a daughter of U.S National Champion Magnum Chall HVP whose aristocrat mother Tamaara HVP was also bred at the
The Brazilian Breeders´ Cup is the favorite show of many breeders in Brazil. That is the case of Luciano Cury, of Haras Boa Vista, who bred one of the Top Tens of the show this year (fourth place) La Belle De Jour HBV, and have previously won this show twice and the Premium Cup three times (with Psyches Illusion HBV, Seduction HBV and Margiela HBV). This is the second time that Haras Boa Vista takes the Stallion Cup, the first being with RHR Marcedes (Marwan Al Shaqab x Ellegant Dream).
Pharaoh HBV was bred by Haras Boa Vista and divides his time between Belgium and Brazil. He is by Psyche HBV (Padrons Psyche x NV Cocoa by Bey Shah) who is a full sister of the famous Psyche Illusion HBV, herself a Premium Cup champion. His mother is the distinguished and above-mentioned RFI Sophie AlMaktub, Brazilian National Champion Mare and also a Premium Cup winner.
Despite his young age, Pharaoh HBV has been a siring champion in several countries and in continents such as Europe, North and South America. Three of his babies helped him win the Stallion Cup this year: La
Completing the top five winning farms at the show were:
It was a great show for the Haras Cruzeiro team who ended up in third place and brought with them three offspring of Brazilian National Champion EKS Farouk, whose production has been much anticipated by many breeders in Brazil and abroad. Completing the team was the beautiful Jamaica LA who also took top honors at the International show.
Zico Guardia, the general manager of Haras Cruzeiro shares with us the farm’s criteria to choose their contenders:
“We are very fond of the Breeders Cup show, and we select our contenders based on what is more adequate to assemble and show at a given time, in order to fulfill our goal of presenting the best qualities of our breeding program.
We had still not so many foals from our stallion EKS Farouk who was having his first foal crop, so we decided to take his son, our National Gold Junior Junior Colt, Keanu LA since we knew of his great quality and his potential of obtaining high scores. We also took a very refined daughter Karmela LA and Kaspya LA who has never been shown before. All three of them were probably still very young for a show with these traits.
And lastly we decided to take an older filly, Jamaica LA a very feminine daughter of Bandit SRA, with a long neck and excellent structure and still very different in type from the offspring of EKS Farouk.
Belle De Jour HBV, Phalyssa HBV and Pharagon HBV.Flavia Torres brought a group of beautiful horses for this edition of the show, representing the lines of two of her cornerstones FT Sofia El Bogart, through the offspring of her son FT Saeed and FT Shaella, whose full sister FT Saamira produced that who is arguably the most important mare at the farm right now, FT Sephora (by HK Keav Power). Two of Sephora’s beautiful daughters were presented at the show in 2022.
“It was very special for us to participate and earn such great results at this Breeders.”
Besides the high level of competitiveness in this 2022 edition, we have placed all four of our contenders within the 15 highest scores of the show, two of them being by our stallion FT Saeed (El Tino x FT Sofia El Bogart), and that made it all even more special.
We are really thrilled!” (Flavia Torres)
Haras 7 Flechas
The team at Haras 7 Flechas, whose name means seven arrows in portuguese, seemed to be prepared for the battle when they brought their contenders to the show. Three fillies and a colt were presented to honor the brothers Leandro e Junior Santos, their proud breeders who shared their thrill with the top five results:
“The Breeders´ Cup is one of the most important shows in Brazil and after eleven years since we started our Haras 7 Flechas we decided to gather a team to compete for the Cup, much aware that we were surrounded by amazing breeders who have been breeding excellent quality horses for many years with international pedigrees. A feeling of being a small ant in the middle of a herd of elephants for we knew that the best bred horses in Brazil would be there. Nevertheless, we did not fear and were very confident for our team that was comprised of:
Iza 7F (Bandit SRA x Sublime Morab by RFI Maktub); Hermione 7F (Dominic M X Beatrix ZR by Salieri K); Kiara Di Ajmer 7F (Ajmer Moniscione x Grazzy 7F by Shiraz De Lafon); Inocenzo Di Ajmer 7F (Ajmer Moniscione x Carmen HVP by Legacy Of Fame).
It was not an easy task, but with a lot of dedication and hard work from the 7 Flechas Team and A&D Arabian Horse, we conquered TOP 5 honors at the Breeders´ Cup, with our Iza 7F placing third overall and named the second best mare in Brazil for 2022.
Considering it was our first participation at the Breeders´ Cup, we achieved an extraordinary result along with many emotions and teachings for the future. We thank God, the ABCCA, the 7F Team and A&D Arabian Horse. We now look forward to 2023 show season!
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
And now, here are this year’s top ten high scoring winners of the show:
Shahbrys HVP (Royal Asad X Rebecca HVP) – Haras Vila dos Pinheiros
RFI Intense (Quasim CRH x Insignia Rach) – RFI Arabians
Iza 7F (Bandit SRA x Sublime Morab) – Haras 7 Flechas
La Belle de Jour HBV (Pharaoh HBV x Prada HBV) – Haras Boa Vista
Kaspya LA (EKS Farouk x Faena LA) – Haras Cruzeiro
Karmela LA (EKS Farouk x Gazala LA) – Haras Cruzeiro
RFI Elena (RFI Unique x RFI Elisha) – RFI Arabian
Moraynah HVP (SM Azraff x Charis RBV) – Haras Vila dos Pinheiros
FT Marquesa (FT Saeed x FT Miss Moon) – Haras FT
RFI Sharam (RFI Unique x RFI Sawari) – RFI Arabians
“I always enjoy judging in Brazil and this time was no different. Because the dates of the show changed, I spent longer time in São Paulo than planned. I’m forever grateful to the Association and especially to Maria Helena Vidal for spending time with me and sharing some beautiful and interesting sides of São Paulo.
The show itself was beautifully organized and was nothing but perfection. It wasn’t a huge group of horses but the quality made up for the smaller number of entries. Looking back at the quality of young horses, I am absolutely sure that the Brazilian breeding as whole is doing well and it is heading for a bright future.
Of course, it is almost impossible to pick just one favorite horse. Several classes had a few fantastic individuals. However if I had to pick just one that captured my heart it would be the beautiful filly by Royal Asad (Shahbrys HVP). She was not only very correct and beautiful but despite of number of her appearances in front of the audience, she was always fresh, happy and showy.
Over all, once again I could witness the tremendous talent of Brazilian breeders. No wonder we are able to see the influence of Brazilian horses all over the world.”
“It is always a pleasure to judge the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup show, especially with this amazing group of judges. This year there were several horses with a very good degree of type, which is essential to be competitive anywhere in the world right now. Congratulations to the ABCCA for once again overcoming external challenges and organizing a great show. Congratulations to all the winners and all the breeders who attended the show.”
The International Show traditionally follows the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup and it is judged by the comparative system. The same panel of judges of the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup was assembled for the show.
This year’s Gold Junior Champion Filly was Shahbrys HVP (Royal Asad x Rebecca HVP), bred and owned by Haras Vila dos Pinheiros, who also emerged as the Premium Cup winner at the Breeders´ Cup in the previous day. Following her with the Silver champion was the beautiful FT Simphonia, bred and owned by Haras FT. She is a daughter of FT Saeed and FT Sephora and therefore the bearer of the same dam line
as the famous FT Shaella. The winner of the Bronze was Katara LA, a daughter of EKS Farouk and the WH Justice daughter Dakota LA, bred and owned by Haras Cruzeiro.
Haras Cruzeiro was also the winner when it came to the Gold in the Junior Colt Championship with Kayak LA, yet another beautiful son of EKS Farouk this time out of the Ajman Moniscione daughter VA Exotica by Alija. The Silver Junior Champion Colt Azkaban El Farid RB comes from the traditional breeding program of Haras das Cascatas who also owns him. He is by the acclaimed RFI Farid out of Lakyshah
Moon RB, a maternal sister to the Brazilian and U.S National Champion Honey’s Delight RB but by the Marajj son Sirajj UB. The Bronze Junior Champion Gazani JSZ also comes from nobility. Bred and owned by Jorge Selume of Haras Santa Marta, he is by Gazal Al Shaqab out of Sahara Gallina whose family includes the National Champions Sahara Daghirah, Wandan El Madan, Sahara Dawarah and Emir Sahara.
Two daughters of the impressive son of DA Valentino, Bandit SRA (x LL Albufera) took to two top spots in the Filly Championship. Winning the Gold for Haras Carandá was their beautiful homebred Carandá Lulikah whose mother Sahara Latifa is a daughter of Sadeek Van Ryad, a former chief sire for Haras Sahara by Ryad El Jamaal. Jamaica LA, the Silver Champion is bred and owned by Haras Cruzeiro and her mother is the DA Vinci FM daughter DA Vinci’s Jewel. She also helped Haras Cruzeiro achieve top five honors at the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup this year. DA Vinci FM is also the maternal grandfather of the Bronze Champion Filly Monah HVP, bred and owned by Haras Vila dos Pinheiros who is by Hariry Al Shaqab out of Monalisa
HK Gran Valehoso, a very typey chestnut son of Dominic M out of champion daughter of HDF Lugano won the Colt Championship for his breeders and owners Cesar Schmidt of Haras Katu and Humberto Florezi of Haras Al Hosçan. Taking the Silver was another beautiful colt who has won the National Champion Junior Colt
some years before. Kamal Ali HEC, bred and owned by Haras Estancia California is by the Chilean import HP Ali and out of Khyki HEC a cross between HK Keav Power and their iconic Khyara HEC. The Bronze medal went to Pharagon HBV (Pharaoh HBV x Abbiat El Shams) bred and owned by Haras Boa Vista.
Sophie AlMaktub) bred and owned by RFI Arabians is a previous Brazilian Gold National Champion Young Mare and her son RFI Sharam was placed among the top ten winners at the Brazilian Breeders´ Cup.
Felma LA (Mashoor Al Mohamadia x Bela LA) took the Silver medal at the show and was also named the Brazilian National Silver Young Mare in 2021. She is owned by Leandro Aguiar e Cristiane Durante Guardia and was bred by Haras Cruzeiro. The Bronze Champion Mare Rhona Vul Do Divino (Vulcano HVP x Rhona Rach), bred and owned by Ricardo Mesquita was previously named Brazilian National Silver Filly Champion.
Crowned with the Gold Champion Stallion by unanimous decision, Toryno JQ is a son o Halyr Meia Lua, a stallion bred by Haras Meia Lua who was exported to the U.S.A and that has been producing several champions in different countries such as Brazilian National Silver Champion Stallion Abbas Al Ventur and European multi champion Bianca AL. His mother is Giorgia El Shawan JQ by FA El Shawan. He was bred by Haras dos Faveiros and is owned by Rach Stud of Paulo and Ricardo Saliba. The Silver spot went to the chestnut Daimmen HVP, bred and owned
by Haras Vila dos Pinheiros. He is a son of Nuzyr HCF and Maqna Leenda HBV by Magnum Psyche. Another chestnut bred and owned by Haras FK conquered the Bronze. Stefan FK is a son of Dominic M out of Big Soul W.
Toryno JQ also had the distinction of winning the most classic head for males while Hanna 7F (HDF Lugano x Venza El Madan), bred by Haras 7 Flechas and owned by João Carlos Millan won the prize for females.
The Brazilian Breeders´ Cup 2022 will be remembered as the show edition that brought back the energy, the joy and the many beautiful horses after the limbo created by the pandemics. People were all looking forward to participate and engage in such an atmosphere of joy that only a true “Made in Brazil” style event, in the best sense of the word, could be able to create.
On December 15th-17th 2022 the 7th Fujairah International Arabian Horse Championship was held as usual in front of the historical Fujairah Fort and under the aegis of His Highness the Crown Prince of Fujairah. His Highness expressed appreciation for the efforts of the Organizing Committee of the Fujairah International Arabian Horse Championship and stated that the success of this event contributes to the revitalization and enrichment of equestrian sports in the region and UAE. In fact the broadparticipation of 300 horses competing in the ring was welcomed by a very well cared ring and the 180 owners from UAE and abroad were welcomed by a very elegant Vip area and, not at least, by a total prize pool of 4 million dirhams!
His Highness’ oldest son attended the competition and His Highness was glad to crown the winners of the final day of the tournament and honoured the participating referees, and the Dubai Horse Stud, winner of the coveted Fujairah Golden Sword Award and collecting three gold medals from six final championships.
His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Hamid Al-Nuaimi, the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Ajman, witnessed the conclusion of the championship and its final competitions, were His mare was crowned unanimous champion mare and the highest score of the show totaling 93.40 points.
The international judges panel that had the hard job and honour to select the best competitors was a duty of: Mr. Abdelrazek Ahmed (Egypt), Mrs. Darius Claudia (Germany), Mr. Cristian Moschini (Italy), Mrs. Stigler Irina (Italy), Mr. Bialobok Jerzy (Poland), Mr. Detailleur Koenraad (Belgium), Mrs. Van Hee Martine (Belgium) and Mrs. Weidner Michaela (Germany). Ring master: Dr. Wahab ben Ali Amira Abdel and Mr. Almenhali Eidha from United Arab Emirates.
The disciplinary committee that made everithing go smoothly was Mrs. Keyser Christine (Norway), Mr. Ouelhazi Kaies Bin Hadi (United Arab Emirates), Dr. Bedair Sameh (Egypt), Dr. Gill Ummar Raza (United Arab Emirates), Dr. Surywanshi Sujeet Bhaskar (United Arab Emirates), Mrs. Zouaghi Farah, Mr. Tayfour Haitham Babiker (United Arab Emirates). The official results were taken by Mr. Biju Peter from United Arab Emirates and by Arabian Essence team. q