Michałów Stud
Michałów Stud
Glenn Jacobs
Sylwia Iłenda
Karolina Misztal
Ewa Imielska-Hebda
Mirosław Capiga private archive
Michałów Stud
Alim Editrice s.n.c.
Michał Romanowski
Organizatorem aukcji “Winter Arabian Horse Auction 2023” odbywającej się w dniu 18 lutego 2023 roku na terenie Stadniny Koni w Michałowie jest Stadnina Koni Michałów sp. z o. o. z siedzibą w Michałowie – dalej jako “Organizator” lub “SKM”.
Niniejsze Warunki Aukcji (Warunki Sprzedaży) odnoszą się wyłącznie do aukcji “Winter Arabian Horse Auction 2023” odbywającej się w dniu 18 lutego 2023 roku na terenie Stadniny Koni w Michałowie, dalej jako “Aukcja” lub “Licytacja”.
Udział w Aukcji (Licytacji)
1. W Aukcji mogą uczestniczyć na równych prawach osoby fizyczne, osoby prawne i inne jednostki organizacyjne posiadające zdolność prawną.
2. Aby wziąć udział w Aukcji należy (spełnić łącznie):
1) wpłacić wadium w wysokości 500,00 EUR (słownie: pięćset euro) na rachunek:
Nr konta (IBAN):
PL 20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546
najpóźniej do dnia 17 lutego 2023 roku, przed rozpoczęciem Aukcji Organizator musi fizycznie dysponować wadium na jego rachunku bankowym;
2) podać dokładne dane kontaktowe oraz adres email, na który zostanie przesłany link do Aukcji oraz instrukcja uczestnictwa w Aukcji
3. Wpłata wadium umożliwia wzięcie udziału w licytacji każdego konia lub innego obiektu. Wpłacając wadium, uczestnik licytacji akceptuje niniejsze Warunki Aukcji i zobowiązuje się do ich przestrzegania.
4. Wpłacone wadium w razie braku przesłanek do jego zatrzymania zostanie zaliczone na poczet ceny nabycia jednego konia lub innego obiektu.
5. Wadium zostanie zwrócone niezwłocznie (w terminie nie dłuższym niż 7 dni) po zakończeniu Aukcji, jeśli zakup nie zostanie zrealizowany i nie istnieją przesłanki do jego zatrzymania. Zwrot wadium dokonany zostanie zgodnie ze sposobem jego wpłaty (przelew bankowy). Koszty operacji są pokrywane przez uczestnika Aukcji.
6. Organizatorowi Aukcji przysługuje prawo niedopuszczenia do Aukcji uczestnika, który na przestrzeni ostatnich 5 lat dopuścił
The Organizer of the “Winter Arabian Horse Auction 2023” held on the February 18th, 2023 at the Horse Stud in Michałów is Stadnina Koni Michałów sp. z o.o. (Michałów Stud limited liability company) with its seat in Michałów – hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer” or “SKM”.
These Auction Terms (Sale Conditions) apply exclusively to the “Winter Arabian Horse Auction 2023” held on the February 18th, 2023 at the Horse Stud in Michałów – hereinafter referred to jointly as the “Auction”.
Participation in the Auction (Bidding)
1. Both individual persons and legal (corporate buyers) as well as other organizational units with legal capacity may participate on equal terms.
2. In order to participate in the Bidding one must (fulfill jointly):
1) pay a bid bond in the amount of EUR 500.00 (say: five hundred euros) to the following account:
Account No. (IBAN):
PL 20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546 SWIFT (BIC): INGBPLPW
no later than on the February 17th 2023, before the start of the Auction, the Organizer must physically dispose of the bid bond on its bank account;
2) provide contact details and email address, for which link to the Auction shall be sent and technical instruction of participating in Auction;
3. The bid bond payment allows one to participate in the bidding of each horse or other object. By paying the bid bond, the Bidder accepts Auction Terms and Conditions and makes a commitment to comply with them.
4. The bid bond, in the absence of prerequisites for its retention, is treated as an integral part of the sale price for one horse or one breeding only.
5. The bid bond will be returned immediately (within 7 days) after the Auction ends, if the purchase is not effective and there are no reason to detain it. The return of the bid bond shall be made in accordance with the method of its payment (via bank transfer). The costs of the operation are covered by the Bidder.
6. The Organizer of the Auction has the right to exclude from the Auction a participant who, over the last 5 years, has failed to pay and collect a horse or an object put up for any auction held in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
się niezapłacenia i nieodebrania konia, obiektu wystawionego na jakąkolwiek aukcje prowadzoną na terenie Rzeczpospolitej.
7. W uzasadnionych przypadkach Organizator zachowuje sobie prawo niedopuszczenia danej osoby do uczestnictwa w aukcji bez podania przyczyny.
8. Aukcja odbywa się w poprzez:
1) Udział osobisty
a) Każdemu Uczestnikowi przed aukcją zostanie przypisany indywidualny numer identyfikacyjny. Przed rozpoczęciem aukcji przy stanowisku rejestracyjnym Organizatora Uczestnik biorący osobisty udział w aukcji, otrzyma tabliczkę z tym numerem. Uczestnik posługuje się w/w tabliczką w trakcie licytacji w celu akceptacji kolejnych postąpień i jest zobowiązany okazać ją na każde wezwanie Aukcjonera.
b) Przy stanowisku rejestracyjnym Uczestnik potwierdza swoją tożsamość ważnym dokumentem ze zdjęciem na każdą prośbę pracownika Stadniny Koni Michałów dokonującego rejestracji.
c) Bezpośrednio po zakończeniu aukcji Uczestnik obowiązany jest zwrócić tabliczkę, o której jest mowa w ust. 1 powyżej.
d) Uczestnik aukcji jest odpowiedzialny za skutki użycia otrzymanej od Organizatora tabliczki licytacyjnej przez osobę trzecią.
e) W przypadku dokonania zakupu przez Uczestnika, Organizator na prośbę Uczestnika wyda mu pisemne potwierdzenie zawartych umów.
2) Licytację telefoniczną
a) Uczestnicy aukcji mają możliwość wzięcia udziału w aukcji przez telefon (licytacja telefoniczna).
b) Uczestnik licytacji telefonicznej powinien nie później niż na 12 godzin przed terminem aukcji skontaktować się ze Spółką, celem zarezerwowania linii telefonicznej.
c) Osoba, która zgłasza chęć uczestnictwa w licytacji telefonicznej jest zobowiązana do wskazania numerów Obiektów Aukcji, które zamierza licytować oraz numeru telefonu, pod który pracownik Stadniny Koni Michałów zadzwoni do niej w czasie aukcji.
d) Spółka nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za brak możliwości wzięcia udziału w licytacji telefonicznej z powodu trudności z połączeniem z numerem podanym przez Uczestnika.
e) Licytacja telefoniczna może być nagrywana, a złożenie zlecenia jest równoznaczne z wyrażeniem zgody na nagrywanie rozmowy telefonicznej. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do archiwizowania rozmów.
f) Spółka zapewnia możliwość uczestnictwa w licytacji telefonicznej w języku angielskim.
3) System online w czasie rzeczywistym z prezentacją koni na żywo.
a) Organizator udostępnia możliwość licytacji w czasie rzeczywistym przez Internet razem z Uczestnikami zgromadzonymi w hali aukcyjnej.
b) Warunkiem uczestnictwa w aukcji w sposób opisany w ust.3 powyżej jest zarejestrowanie się przez Uczestnika na stronie internetowej www.onebid.pl.
c) Organizator Aukcji nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za wszelkie problemy, utrudnienia, a w szczególności brak możliwości
7. In justified cases, the Organizer reserves the right not to allow a given person to participate in the auction without giving a reason.
8. The auction takes place in via:
1) Personal participation
a) Each Participant will be assigned an individual identification number before the auction. Prior to the start of the auction at the Organizer’s registration desk, the Participant taking part in the auction in person will receive a plate with this number. The Participant uses the above-mentioned plate during the auction in order to accept subsequent bids and is obliged to show it whenever the Auctioneer calls.
b) At the registration stand, the Participant confirms his/her identity with a valid document with a photo at each request of an employee of Michałów Stud making the registration.
c) Directly after the end of the auction, the Participant is obliged to return the plate referred to in section 1 above.
d) The auction participant is responsible for the consequences of using the bidding plate received from the Organizer by a third party.
e) If the Participant makes a purchase, the Organizer, at the request of the Participant, will issue a written confirmation of the concluded contracts.
2) Telephone bidding
a) Auction participants may participate in the auction by telephone (telephone bidding).
b) A participant in a telephone auction should contact the Company no later than 12 hours before the date of the auction in order to book a telephone line. c) A person who wishes to participate in a telephone auction is obliged to indicate the numbers of the Auction Objects that he/she intends to bid on and the telephone number to be called by an employee of Michałów Stud during the auction.
d) The Company is not responsible for the inability to participate in the telephone auction due to difficulties in connecting to the number provided by the Participant.
e) Telephone bidding may be recorded, and placing an order is tantamount to agreeing to the recording of a telephone conversation. The organizer reserves the right to archive the conversations.
f) The Company provides the opportunity to participate in the telephone auction in English.
3) Real-time online system with live horse presentation.
a) The Organizer provides the possibility of bidding in real time via the Internet together with the Participants gathered in the Auction Hall.
b) The condition for participating in the auction in the manner described in section 3 above is that the Participant registers on the www.onebid.pl. website.
c) The Auction Organizer is not responsible for any problems, difficulties, and in particular the inability to bid due to difficulties or technical failure on the part of the Participant or the operator of the Internet connection used by the Participant.
The beginning of the Auction is planned by the Organizer on February 18, 2023 at 1.30 pm. The Organizer reserves the right to change the start time of the Auction and inform the Auction participants about it.
4) The Organizer allows for the possibility of sending an
licytacji spowodowany trudnościami lub awarią techniczną po stronie Uczestnika lub operatora łącza internetowego, z którego korzysta Uczestnik.
Rozpoczęcia Aukcji planowane jest przez Organizatora w dniu 18 lutego 2023 roku o godzinie 13.30. Organizator zastrzega możliwość zmiany godziny rozpoczęcia Aukcji i poinformowania o tym uczestników Aukcji.
4) Organizator dopuszcza możliwość przesłania oferty na konkretny Obiekt Aukcji drogą elektroniczną na adres office@stadninamichalow.pl do godz. 13.00.
9. Licytacja będzie prowadzona w sposób wskazany w niniejszych Warunkach Aukcji, systemem zwyczajowo przyjętym na aukcjach sprzedaży koni. Licytacja będzie prowadzona w walucie euro. Minimalna kwota postąpienia wynosi: 1000,00 EUR (słownie: tysiąc euro), jednak pozostawia się Organizatorowi prawo zmiany kwoty postąpienia w trakcie Aukcji przez Aukcjonera, wówczas wiążąca dla uczestników Aukcji jest kwota postąpienia ogłoszona przez Aukcjonera i nie może być ona obniżona bez zgody Aukcjonera.
10. Każdy koń i inny obiekt posiada cenę minimalną (rezerwową) wyznaczoną przez właściciela i może zostać sprzedany nabywcy za najwyższą cenę wylicytowaną, nie niższą od ceny minimalnej (rezerwowej), chyba że ogłoszone zostanie inaczej (wyrażona będzie zgoda właściciela na zaoferowaną cenę). Osiągnięcie ceny minimalnej ogłaszane jest przez prowadzącego Aukcję po zakończeniu danej licytacji (danego Lotu) lub w jej trakcie podczas prezentacji konia lub innego obiektu.
11. Cena nabycia, będąca najwyższą ofertą ogłoszoną przez prowadzącego Aukcję, jest ostateczną ceną netto, nie podlega negocjacjom i zostanie powiększona o podatek VAT w obowiązującej wysokości (8 procent). Kwota podatku VAT zostanie zwrócona nabywcom, którzy:
1) posiadają numer rejestracyjny VAT w Unii Europejskiej i potwierdzą wewnątrzwspólnotową dostawę odbieranych koni, albo
2) przedstawią dokumenty wywozowe, potwierdzające wywóz zakupionych koni poza terytorium Unii Europejskiej, konieczne dla potraktowania sprzedaży jako eksportu, pod warunkiem, że procedura celna wywozu będzie miała początek na terenie Polski i zamknięta zostanie w ciągu 2 (dwóch) miesięcy od dnia dokonania pełnej płatności za zakupione konie.
12. Z chwilą przybicia dochodzi do zawarcia umowy sprzedaży. Przybicie przez aukcjonera ceny jest równoznaczne z nieodwołalnym zawarciem umowy sprzedaży.
13. Oferta złożona w toku Aukcji przestaje wiązać, gdy inny uczestnik aukcji (licytant) złożył ofertę korzystniejszą.
14. Prowadzący Aukcję ma prawo do odmowy przyjęcia dowolnej oferty lub unieważnienia dowolnej licytacji bez podania przyczyny.
15. W razie powstania jakiegokolwiek sporu pomiędzy dwoma lub więcej oferentami, przeprowadzana jest licytacja dodatkowa tj.: licytacja realizowana począwszy od najwyższego poziomu oferty
offer for a specific Auction Object by e-mail to the address office@stadninamichalow.pl by 13.00.
9. The bidding will be conducted in the manner indicated in these Auction Terms and Conditions, with the system customarily adopted at horse sales auctions. The bidding will be conducted in Euro. The minimum increment amount is: EUR 1000.00 (in words: one thousand euro), however, the Organizer has the right to change the increment amount during the Auction by the Auctioneer, then the increment amount announced by the Auctioneer is binding for Auction participants and it cannot be reduced without the Auctioneer’s consent.
10. Each horse and other object has a minimum (reserve) price set by the owner and may be sold to the buyer for the highest bid price, not lower than the minimum (reserve) price, unless otherwise announced (the owner’s consent to the offered price). Reaching the minimum price is announced by the Auctioneer after the end of a given bidding (a given Lot) or during it during the presentation of a horse or other object.
11. The purchase price, which is the highest bid announced by the Auctioneer, is the final net price, non-negotiable and will be increased by VAT at the applicable rate (8 percent). VAT will be refunded to buyers who:
1) have a VAT registration number in the European Union and confirm the intra-Community delivery of the collected horses, or
2) present export documents confirming the export of purchased horses outside the territory of the European Union, necessary for the sale to be treated as export, provided that the export customs procedure will begin in Poland and be closed within 2 (two) months from the date of full payment for purchased horses.
12. At the moment of nailing, a sales contract is concluded. The price being lowered by the auctioneer is tantamount to an irrevocable conclusion of the sales contract.
13. An offer submitted during the Auction ceases to be binding when another participant in the auction (bidder) has submitted a more favorable offer.
14. The Auctioneer has the right to refuse to accept any bid or cancel any bid without giving any reason.
15. In the event of any dispute between two or more bidders, an additional bidding is carried out, i.e. the bidding is carried out starting from the highest bid level reached before the dispute occurred, or such a dispute will be settled in a different way by the Auctioneer.
16. The Organizer reserves the right to withdraw one or more horses from the Auction before its commencement or during its duration without giving any reason, and also allows the possibility of rebidding a horse for which the contract of sale was not concluded during the first auction (e.g. minimum/reserve price).
Bidding and sale of horses
17. Each horse offered for sale has a confirmed pedigree, has a
osiągniętego przed zaistnieniem sporu, lub spór taki zostanie rozstrzygnięty w inny sposób przez prowadzącego Aukcję.
16. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do wycofania jednego lub więcej koni z Aukcji przed jej rozpoczęciem lub w czasie jej trwania bez podania przyczyny, a także dopuszcza możliwość powtórnej licytacji konia, na którego nie została zawarta umowa sprzedaży podczas pierwszej licytacji (np. nie została osiągnięta cena minimalna/rezerwowa).
Opis i kwestie zdrowotne
17. Każdy koń wystawiony do sprzedaży ma potwierdzony rodowód, posiada paszport i jest zarejestrowany w Polskiej Księdze Stadnej Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi. Każdy koń oferowany na Aukcji posiada aktualne szczepienia przeciwko grypie.
18. Każdy koń oferowany na Aukcji został poddany weterynaryjnemu badaniu ogólnego stanu zdrowia – na życzenie nabywcy lekarz weterynarii przedłoży stosowne zaświadczenie.
19. Każda klacz opisana jako „źrebna” posiada certyfikat hodowlany oraz oświadczenie lekarza weterynarii w formie pisemnej potwierdzające ciążę z datą badania.
20. Każdy koń płci męskiej opisany niezgodnie ze stanem faktycznym, tzn. jako „ogier” w przypadku wnętra jedno lub obustronnego, podlega zwrotowi, chyba że zostało to zaznaczone w opisie.
21. Każdy koń „tkający”, „wędrujący po boksie” podlega zwrotowi, chyba że narowy te zostały zaznaczone w opisie.
22. Zastrzega się, że nabywca ma prawo do zwrotu zakupionych koni z powodu wymienionych w ust. 19-20 narowów pod warunkiem, iż: w terminie 7 (siedmiu) dni od daty wydania konia, Organizator otrzyma pisemny wniosek ze strony nabywcy z prośbą o dokonanie oględzin zakupionego konia, u którego stwierdza się któryś z powyższych narowów lub aby stwierdzić, że koń nie został prawidłowo opisany zgodnie z niniejszymi warunkami.
23. Każdy koń, u którego wyniki testów krwi wykluczają możliwość wysyłki eksportowej, podlega zwrotowi.
Obowiązki nabywcy
24. Nabywca każdego konia lub innego obiektu zobowiązany jest:
1) podania dokładnych danych osobowych kupującego;
2) podpisania umowy przesłanej przez Organizatora via-email po wygraniu licytacji (po przybiciu), w przypadku klienta biorącego osobisty udział w Aukcji do podpisania umowy bezpośrednio po wygranej licytacji;
3) wpłacenia całkowitej ceny brutto za zakup danego konia pomniejszonej o wpłacone wadium przelewem na rachunek bankowy Sprzedającego (Wystawcy) podany w umowie sprzedaży (dzierżawy), niezwłocznie po wygraniu licytacji: (i) w ciągu 7 (siedmiu ) dni licząc od daty sprzedaży (tylko nabywcy krajowi); (ii) w ciągu 7 (siedmiu) dni licząc od dnia uzyskania wyników badań weterynaryjnych umożliwiających wysyłkę konia za granicę (tylko nabywcy zagraniczni). Przedłużenie terminu płatności może mieć miejsce wyłącznie na podstawie nieodwołalnej, bezwarunkowej gwarancji bankowej płatnej na pierwsze żądanie Sprzedającego (Wystawcy), przedłożonej
passport and is registered in the Polish Stud Book of Purebred Arabian Horses. Each horse offered at the Auction has current flu vaccinations.
18. Each horse offered at the Auction has been subjected to a veterinary examination of general health - at the buyer’s request, a veterinarian will submit a relevant certificate.
19. Each mare described as “in foal” has a breeding certificate and a written veterinarian’s statement confirming pregnancy with the date of the examination.
20. Each male horse described inconsistently with the facts, i.e. as a “stallion” in the case of a one-sided or two-sided interior, is subject to return, unless it has been indicated in the description.
21. Each “weaving” horse, “wandering around the stall” is subject to return, unless these conditions have been indicated in the description.
22. It is reserved that the buyer has the right to return the purchased horses due to the reasons listed in section 19-20 narows, provided that: within 7 (seven) days from the date of handing over the horse, the Organizer receives a written request from the buyer with a request to inspect the purchased horse with one of the above narows or to state that the horse has not been properly described in accordance with these terms.
23. Any horse whose blood test results exclude the possibility of export shipment shall be returned.
Buyer’s duties
24. The buyer of each horse is obligated to:
1) provide accurate personal data of the purchaser;
2) signing the contract sent by the Organizer via e-mail after winning the auction (after winning), in the case of a customer participating in the Auction in person, to sign the contract immediately after winning the auction;
3) pay the total contract value, deducting the bid bond amount, by unconditional money order to seller’s bank account indicated in Sale contract (or Lease contract), shortly after winning the bid: (i) within 7 (seven) days counting from the date of the sale (only domestic buyers); (ii) within 7 (seven) days from the date of obtaining the results of veterinary tests enabling the horse to be sent abroad (only foreign buyers). The extension of the payment deadline could be done exclusively on the basis of the irrevocable, unconditional bank guarantee payable at the first request of the Seller (the Exhibitor), presented by the Buyer;
4) undertake to cover all the expenses connected with maintenance of the horses purchased after the Auction, including stabling costs as well as the export shipment including costs of veterinary tests, forwarding expenses, custom clearance, costs of shipping the blood or serum samples to the laboratories performing the test etc.;
5) pick up each horse purchased during the Auction at his own expense, on the day and at the place specified by the Seller.
6) It is unacceptable for the Buyer to behave in particular by impersonating any person or entity or falsely stating or otherwise distorting its connections with a person or entity,
przez nabywcę, na całą należną kwotę;
4) zobowiązania się do pokrycia wszystkich wydatków związanych z utrzymaniem koni po Aukcji z uwzględnieniem kosztów przebywania w stajni, jak również kosztów transportu wywozowego wraz z kosztami wysyłki próbek krwi lub surowicy do laboratoriów wykonujących testy, innych wymaganych kosztów weterynaryjnych, kosztów związanych z odprawą celną, itp.;
5) odebrania każdego konia lub innego obiektu nabytego podczas Aukcji na własny koszt, w dniu i w miejscu określonym ze Sprzedającym.
6) Niedopuszczalne są zachowania Nabywcy polegające w szczególności na podszywaniu się pod jakąkolwiek osobę lub podmiot bądź fałszywym podawaniu lub przeinaczaniu w inny sposób swoich powiazań z osobą lub podmiotem, zakłócaniu lub powstrzymywaniu innego Uczestnika do udziału w Aukcji;
25. Jeżeli nabywca nie spełni któregokolwiek z warunków określonych w ust. 24:
1) traci wadium bez możliwości jego zwrotu ani negocjacji;
2) traci prawo do konia lub innego obiektu, tak jak w przypadku rezygnacji z zakupu;
3) Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do upublicznienia danych takiego nabywcy, na co nabywca wyraża zgodę.
26. Każdy koń i jego potomstwo urodzone po Aukcji z klaczy opisanej jako „źrebna” może być sprzedawane po raz kolejny. W każdym przypadku sprzedaż może nastąpić od razu lub później podczas aukcji publicznej lub w sprzedaży bezpośredniej;
27. Prawny tytuł własności dotyczący zarówno konia nabywanego, jak i jego potomstwa urodzonego po Aukcji z klaczy opisanych jako „źrebne” nie zostanie przeniesiony na nabywcę do momentu opłacenia całej należnej kwoty wraz z wszystkimi pozostałymi wydatkami brutto, związanymi z obecnie obowiązującymi Warunkami Aukcji lub innych opłat należnych Sprzedającemu (Wystawcy) i/lub Organizatorowi.
28. Ryzyko związane z nabywanymi końmi i potomstwem urodzonym po Aukcji przenoszone jest na nabywcę z chwilą dokonania przybicia (ogłoszenia nabycia przez prowadzącego Aukcję) podczas licytacji.
29. Jeśli nabywca odmówi zapłacenia należności dotyczących któregokolwiek konia w terminie podanym w niniejszych Warunkach Aukcji, zarówno sprzedający konia, jak i Organizator, mają prawo niezależnie od innych uprawnień domagać się zapłaty od nabywcy, a także wykorzystać wszelkie możliwości prawne w celu uzyskania takiej zapłaty. Ponadto Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do upublicznienia danych takiego nabywcy, na co nabywca (uczestnik Aukcji) wyraża zgodę.
30. Odbiór zakupionego konia z miejsca Aukcji jest możliwy jedynie w przypadku uiszczenia całkowitej ceny zakupu konia w formie
disrupting or stopping another Participant from participating in the Auction;
25. If the Buyer would fail to fulfill any of the conditions specified in item 24:
1) he loses the bid bond without the feasibility of its return or any negotiation;
2) he loses the right to the horse as though he would resign from the purchase;
3) the Organizer reserves the right to publicize the data of such a Buyer, to which the Buyer agrees.
26. Each horse and the offspring foaled after the Auction out of the mare described as “in foal” may be sold once again. In any case, the sale might occur right away or later on during a public auction or direct sale;
27. The title of possession concerning either the horse being purchased or the offspring being foaled after the Auction of the mares described as “in foal” would not be transferred to the Buyer unless he should pay the total amount of money being due including all the remaining expenses connected with the present conditions of the Auction Terms or other dues to the Seller and / or the Organizer.
28. Any risk connected with the horses being purchased and the offspring being foaled after the Auction is being transferred to the Buyer with “the fall of hammer” during the Auction (i.e. time of announcement of the purchase by the Auctioneer).
29. If the Buyer would refuse to pay the money due for any horse within time being stated in these Auction Terms and Conditions, either the Seller or the Organizer has the right to demand the payment from the Buyer, as well as to find and use all legal terms to obtain such payment. In addition, the Organizer reserves the right to publicize the data of such a Buyer, to which the Buyer agrees.
30. Picking up the horse being purchased from the place of the Auction would be possible only in case of immediate payment of the total contract value by confirmed money transfer.
31. Right after the Auction is finished, all the horses being sold should be shipped back to the stables of the Seller in order to be maintained there at the Buyer’s risk and the expense of the Seller (owner) up to 14 (say: fourteen) days after the Sale. Further stabling is possible at the Buyer’s expense of 12 EUR, per day.
32. Other solutions regarding the transport or the maintenance of horses after the time being stated in item 31 may be settled directly between the Buyer and the Sellers on the basis of separate agreements (in particular, this applies to mares, which the foaling date precludes collection on the required date).
Notice for the Buyers
33. All horses and other objects are sold on the terms of the Auction specified by the Organizer in these provisions. All statements and corrections regarding data in the catalog announced during the Auction remain in force and therefore all buyers are required to be present in person, through a representative or online presence at
sprzedaży. Dalsze przebywanie konia w stajniach sprzedającego jest możliwe za dodatkowym kosztem nabywcy w kwocie 12 EUR za każdy dzień.
32. Inne rozwiązania dotyczące transportu lub utrzymania koni po czasie określonym w ust. 31 mogą zostać uzgodnione bezpośrednio pomiędzy nabywcą a sprzedającymi konia na podstawie odrębnych umów lub porozumień (w szczególności dotyczy to klaczy, których termin wyźrebienia wyklucza odbiór w wymaganym terminie).
Uwagi dla nabywców
33. Wszystkie konie i inne obiekty sprzedawane są na Warunkach Aukcji określonych przez Organizatora w niniejszych postanowieniach. Wszelkie oświadczenia i korekty dotyczące danych w katalogu ogłoszone podczas Aukcji pozostają w mocy i w związku z tym wszyscy nabywcy są zobowiązani do obecności osobistej, przez przedstawiciela lub obecności internetowej na początku licytacji danego konia lub innego obiektu w celu poznania wszystkich komunikatów dotyczących tego konia lub obiektu.
Odpowiedzialność za konie
34. Wszystkie osoby przebywające na terenach aukcyjnych podczas trwania Aukcji i imprez z nią związanych czynią to na własne ryzyko. Organizator Aukcji nie będzie ponosić odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek straty lub szkody na zdrowiu czy mieniu poniesione przez te osoby podczas trwania Aukcji lub imprez z nią związanych.
35. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za żadnego konia powierzonego na czas Aukcji, ani za żadne szkody wyrządzone koniom i za żadne kontuzje, jakie odniosą podczas przybywania na terenie Aukcji.
36. Właściciel ponosi odpowiedzialność za poszkodowanie koni w wyniku choroby, wypadku lub z innych przyczyn, od momentu przyjazdu na miejsce Aukcji i podczas całego pobytu na miejscu, chyba że dany koń zostanie sprzedany, w wyniku czego ryzyko związane z końmi przechodzi na Nabywcę wraz z uderzeniem młotka.
37. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do dokonania oględzin poszczególnych lub wszystkich koni wwożonych i/lub stacjonujących na teren Aukcji i do nie przyjęcia lub odizolowania każdego konia uznanego za nie nadającego się do sprzedaży z jakiegokolwiek powodu. Organizator nie będzie ponosić żadnej odpowiedzialności w związku z dokonaniem oględzin, wycofaniem lub odizolowaniem danego konia.
Postanowienia końcowe
38. Niniejsze Warunki Aukcji są regulowane wyłącznie przez prawo polskie. Wyłączną jurysdykcję posiadają polskie sądy powszechne. Sądem miejscowo właściwym do rozstrzygania wszelkich sporów związanych z Aukcją jest sąd właściwy dla siedziby Organizatora.
39. Organizator zastrzega możliwość wprowadzenia uzupełnień lub zmian postanowień Warunków Aukcji nie później jednak niż na 3 (trzy) dni przed planowanym terminem Aukcji.
the beginning of the bidding of a given horse or other object in order to know all messages regarding this horse or object.
Responsibility for the horses
34. All persons are present at the ground of the event throughout the entire time at their own risk. The Organizes of the Auction shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage, which could happen to any persons during the whole event.
35. The Organizer is not responsible for any horse entrusted for the duration of the Auction, nor for any damage caused to the horses and for any injuries they will suffer while arriving at the Auction area.
36. The owner of the horse is responsible or liable for the damage to the horse as a result of any disease, accident or any other cause, from the moment of entering the ground of the Auction and during the whole stay unless the particular horse would be sold which should result in transferring the risk concerning the horse to the Buyer with “the fall of hammer”.
37. The Organizer reserves the right to inspect a particular horse or all the horses entering and/or stabled at the ground of the event and to forbid the entrance or to decide to isolate any horse for sale due to any reason. The Organizer will not bear any responsibility in connection with the inspection, withdrawal or isolation of a given horse.
Final Provisions
38. These Terms and Conditions of Auction are governed by the applicable laws of Poland. In case of any dispute the Polish courts shall have an exclusive jurisdiction. The court with jurisdiction over all disputes related to the Auction is the court competent for the seat of the Organizer.
39. The Organizer reserves the right to introduce amendments or changes to the Auction Terms and Conditions not later than 3 (three) days before the planned date of the Auction.

MORION bay, 2013
Michałów Stud
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
bay filly, foaled on 12th of May, 2020 measurements: 150-180-17,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
ESPANA grey, 2013
Michałów Stud
KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar
MESALINA bay, 2008
Michałów Stud
QR MARC grey, 1996
Bábolna Stud Hungary
ESPADRILLA grey, 1997
Michałów Stud
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
Mata Hari
Marwan Al Shaqab
Swete Dreams
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Mishaah OFW Balarina
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Magic Dream
Kouream De Ment
ESPENITA is a two year old line bred to World Champion Stallion MARWAN AL SHAQAB through both sire and dam. She is the daughter of the Michałów-bred champion sire MORION, grandson of MARWAN, whose first crops have take shows by storm. Only last year medals were won by the following MORION get: EL MEDAR, DELIKT, LARGO KL, ZŁOTA AURA, BELLA MIA, EL BRILLO, EL MARIELLA & EL MEDIDA.
to the purchased mare, the Stud adds the breeding of stallion EL OMARI or PTOLEMEUSZat PLN 1 net price, to be chosen by the buyer (in the case if the mare will stay in Michałów, the costs of semen collection and insemination are borne by the Stud, the cost of stabling above the statutory 14 days from the date of purchase is borne by the buyer)
The second link to MARWAN can be found in the damline through QR MARC, sire of ESPENITA’s dam. Her dam ESPANA is furthermore a daughter of ESPADRILLA, one of the exquisite MONOGRAMM daughters who not only ruled the show arenas, but further proved their worth in the breeding barn. Apart from being Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare twice and Senior Champion Mare from shows in Falborek and Bełżyce, ESPADRILLA is a splendid producer as the dam of Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare ESPINILLA, Wrocław Summer Show Junior Reserve Champion, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Top Five & World Junior Top Ten Mare EMANDILLA, as well as several accomplished foals from Knocke Arabians: ELAN DE MARC K.A. (Wels International Senior Gold Champion, Palermo Senior Gold Champion, Chantilly ABCE Junior Bronze Champion, Milan Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show), EQUIBORN K.A. (Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Chantilly AHO World Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, Chantily AHO World Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Junior Silver Champion, Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Silver Yearling Champion, among others), ESTOKADA K.A. (Deauville Senior Bronze Champion, Bruges Yearling Bronze Champion, Belgian National Senior Gold Champion, Belgian National Yearling Gold Champion) and EPICA K.A. (Tulip Cup Senior Silver Champion).

EMPIRE grey, 2009
Michałów Stud
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud
grey mare, foaled on 11th of February, 2018 measurements: 156-179-18 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew
grey, 2009
Janów Podlaski Stud
2/8 (0-1-3-1)
ENZO chestnut, 1999
Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA
EMIRA grey, 2000
Michałów Stud
1/4 (0-0-0-1)
Al Shaqab Stud
PILAR grey, 1996
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/5 (0-0-0-0-1)
Padrons Psyche
RD Bey Shahmpane
Anaza El Farid
Bey Shah
Bey Shahdar
Imperial Imdal
AK Latifa
Ruminaja Ali
Bint Deenaa
Banat Pilarka
PAQUITA is a daughter of a full sister to World Platinum Champion PINGA. This young mare descends from Janów Podlaski’s most famous P-line of PIEWICA. The link to the family foundress in PAQUITA comes through the most renowned branch of PILARKAPIPI-PILAR.
2021 – 3 starts: 1xI, 1xIII (Polish Arabian Horse Breeders Association St. – cat. B)
Bred to MORION (last service on 23rd of March, 2022)
The mares PAQUITA and BASKONIA, offered for sale in the Winter Auction at Michałów Stud are in foal in accordance with the above. Janów Podlaski Stud reserves the ownership of the foal, which, despite the sale of the mare, will be born in 2023. The purchaser of the mare: PAQUITA, BASKONIA and ELOIZA has the right to choose a stallion with which the mare, after foaling, will be re-inbred to him with the Company’s selected stallion. Thus, the foal born in the 2024 season remains the property of the buyer of the mare.
PILARKA, Polish, UK, European & World Champion, forever etched in history as the “flying beauty” for her phenomenal trot, is a direct female ancestor of the legendary PIANISSIMA. However her best producing daughter is PIPI, known as broodmatron extraordinaire. Named Polish National Senior Champion and Elran Cup Senior Champion Mare, PIPI’s true value lay in her producing abilities. She is the dam of 15 foals, many of which went on to achieve greatness on both the show arena and the breeding barn. PIPI’s male produce include champion chief sires PILOT and PIAFF and champion daughters PISTACJA, PIKARDIA and PILAR. PIPI’s daughters also inherited her producing abilities and have proven themselves as superb broodmares: PRERIA (dam of PRIMERA), PILICA (dam of PALMETA, who in turn is the dam of multi champions PALATINO, PALABRA, PALATINA, PATRIA & PARIS) and PILAR – PAQUITA’s granddam - who delivered further champions in the shape of PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA, POMIAN and the afore mentioned PINGA, who has by now also produced Polish National Champion Mare & Best in Show PINIATA.
PAQUITA is also lucky to benefit from another famous damline, that of Michałów’s E-dynasty of champions stemming from EMIGRACJA via her sire EMPIRE. The stallion EMPIRE, a Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, a Polish National Junior Champion, a European Junior Bronze Champion a World Junior Top Ten Stallion, a Wels International Junior Champion and a Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion, passed away in May of this year, making his get even more sought after.

Domenico D’Onza Italy
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
bay filly, foaled on 14th of February, 2021 measurements: 147-175-16,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
CHEROJA bay, 2016
Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-1-2-0)
Al Shaqab Stud USA
ETIOPIA EL AZIZ chestnut, 2010
G. Gubbiotti Italy
GANGES bay, 1994
Michałów Stud 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1
CHERONEA bay, 2010
Michałów Stud 1/5 (0-1-0-0-3)
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
FS Eternal Flame
Eritrea El Aziz
QR Marc
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
OFW Balarina
Temptress MSC
E.L. Ninjo
Etruska GB
Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams
Emigrant Czereda
CHOREA is a young daughter of the Italian-bred TRESOR ENZINO. Sires by World Champion and Menton Champion Stallion WADEE AL SHAQAB, TRESOR ENZINO is a Top Five finalist from the Montefalco Arabian Summer Festival and L’Arte del Cavallo championships.
Her dam CHEROJA represents the best of Michałów Stud through both sire and dam. CHEROJA’s sire GANGES, embodies the famous Polish tradition of “bold and beautiful” as a son of Oaks winner GARONNA and sire of show champions MONOGRAMM. Ganges has been justly recognized as twice Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Blommeröd International Senior Champion/ Best in Show, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Reserve Champion, Columbus Champion Stallion (US) & US National Reserve Champion Stallion. He was also a successful race horse, winning on three occasions, including the Koheilan I Stakes.
CHEROJA’s dam CHERONEA is a bronze medalist from Poland’s toughest competition - the Polish National Senior Mares Championship. She is sired by World Champion QR MARC, son of triple World Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB. CHERONEA is also the dam of EUREKA EA (class top five finalist from Bruges, the Elran Cup and Menton) and OLYMPIC EA (Arabian Horse Weekend Yearling Bronze Champion Colt).
CHERONEA is out of CHIMERA, daughter of Michałów’s beloved EMIGRANT. Apart from CHERONEA, CHIMERA’s accomplished produce include daughter CHARUNA (French National Junior Reserve Champion Mare & French National Senior Champion Mare, dam of French National Junior Silver Champion CHADINA DE NAUTIAC) and chief sire CHIMERYK - a fabulously masculine stallion and a tremendous mover, crowned Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion & Autumn Show Junior Top Five Stallion.

KABSZTAD grey, 2006
Michałów Stud
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Kurozwęki Stud
grey mare, foaled on 16th of February, 2014 measurements: 152-188-19,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szeykowska 1800 Sławuta
2017 – 6 starts: 1xV
WENTAJA grey, 2009
Kurozwęki Stud
POGANIN grey, 2001
Janów Podl. Stud
KWESTURA chest., 1995
Michałów Stud
GASPAR grey, 1998
Michałów Stud
WENTA grey, 2000
Kurozwęki Stud
Imperial Imdal AK Latifa
Ararat Emigrantka
Probat Gizela
Partner Warzecha
Weleta, a mare bred by SK Kurozwęki, after racing training, is riding under the saddle. In year 2021 gave birth to the gray filly Wonder Women by Star Inb Pasquel.
The father of the mare WELETA is the stallion KAPSZTAD (Poganin, Kwestura /Monogramem) 2006 born Michałów Stud, stallion’s show career:
2008: Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion – Białka (PL)
2008: Polish Junior Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL)
2008: European Junior Reserve Champion Stallion - Moorsele (BE)
2008 Top Ten of the World Junior Stallion Championships - Paris (FR)
BREEDING STATUS: in foal to A.L.R. ALRAHEED, last date of service 11.06.2022
2009 Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Junior Stallion Reserve Tebrak/Riyadh (SA)
2009: International Second Reserve Champion Stallion – Dubai (UAE)
2009: International Junior Champion Stallion - Sharjah (UAE)
2009: Arabian and Mediterranean Junior Reserve Champion Stallion - Menton (FR)
2009: European Junior Stallion Top Five - Verona (IT)
2009: Top Ten of the World Junior Stallion Championships - Paris (FR)
2010: Polish Senior Reserve Champion Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL)
2011: Polish Senior Champion Stallion – Janów Podlaski (PL)
2011: Top Five of the European Senior Stallion Championships –Verona (IT)
2011: Top Ten of the World Senior Stallion Championships - Paris (FR)
2012: Top Ten of the World Senior Stallion Championships - Paris (FR)
2014: Second Reserve Champion of the Al Khalediah European Horse Festival Senior Stallions - New Wrońska (PL)
Currently the mare is in foal to the chestnut stallion ALR ALRASHEED (by FA EL RASHEEM from ARIA MARQUESA/ Marwan El Shaqab ) from United Arab Emirates Arabian. Date of insemination 11.06.2022, mare for confirmed pregnancy.
ALR ALRASHEED’s show career includes:
- Gold Champion Montefalco Arabian Summer Festival 2021
- Gold Champion Emirates Arabian Horse Breeders Championship 2021
- Silver Champion Emirates - Arabian Horse Breeders Championship 2019.

ZŁOTY MEDAL grey, 2012
Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-2-0-3-2)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
grey mare, foaled on 19th of April, 2018 measurements: 155-172-18,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
EMILY grey, 2011
Michałów Stud 1/9 (0-2-1-1-1)
QR MARC bay, 2005
V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA
ZŁOTA ORDA grey, 1999
Michałów Stud 1/1
POGANIN grey, 2001
Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2)
EMBORIA grey, 2004
Michałów Stud 1/9 (0-2-1-1-1)
Swete Dreams
Magic Dream
Kouream De Ment Partner
Imperial Imdal AK Latifa
Pepton Pestka
Eukaliptus Gaskonia
BREEDING STATUS: to the purchased mare, the Stud adds the breeding of stallion EL OMARI or PTOLEMEUSZ, at PLN 1 net price, to be chosen by the buyer (in the case if the mare will stay in Michałów, the costs of semen collection and insemination are borne by the Stud, the cost of stabling above the statutory 14 days from the date of purchase is borne by the buyer)
EMILIA ZŁOTA is a daughter of ZŁOTY MEDAL, Białka Junior Spring Show Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, European Cup Senior Silver Champion and Inter Cup Senior Silver Champion. ZŁOTY MEDAL himself is a son of World Champion QR MARC and grandson of the even more famous ZAGROBLA. ZAGROBLA is not just one of the remarkable MONOGRAMM daughters bred at Michałów that have become synonymous for the model Arabian broodmare, but is actually one of the “Grand Three”, the absolute cream of the MONOGRAMM crop, alongside KWESTURA & FALLADA. ZAGROBLA’s most significant accomplishments include twice Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, twice Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Babolna International Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Reserve Champion, Babolna International Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, twice European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Reserve Champion & US National Champion.
On the distaff side of the pedigree EMILIA ZŁOTA lays claim to Michałów’s E-dynasty of champions. Her grandam EMBORIA is a sister to such distinguished equines as (among others) Polish National Champion/Best in Show & All Nations Cup Champion EMIRA (dam of multi champions EL SAGHIRA & EMPIRE), Wrocław Arabian Horse Weekend Champion EMMBLA and double Autumn Show Reserve Champion & Polish National Bronze Chanpion EL OMARI.
Their dam EMBRA, a highly decorated show horse as All Nations Cup Top Five, European Top Five, World Top Ten, Arabian Breeders World Cup Reserve Champion and multi Polish Nationals class Top Five finalist is herself a full sister to the highly acclaimed EMMONA - Polish National, Austrian National, European, All Nations Cup and World Championships finalist. Both ladies originate from Michałów’s “E” dynasty of champions founded by ESTOKADA, by means of seven consecutive generations of champion broodmares (beginning with their dam EMILDA-EMANACJAEMIGRACJA-EMISJA-ESPADA-ESKAPADA-ESTOKADA).

Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
bay mare, foaled on 1st of January, 2019 measurements: 153-189-18,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szeykowska 1800 Sławuta
SHAMS SHARAV AA grey, 2012
Ariela Arabians Israel
SIMEON SHARAV grey, 1999 Simeon Stud Australia
SANIYYAH RCA grey, 2005 Rock Creek Arabians USA
EKSTERN grey, 1994
WIEŻA MARZEŃ dark bay, 2002
Michałów Stud 1/4 (1-2-0-0)
Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)
WIAŹMA bay, 1991
Michałów Stud 1/3 (0-2-0-1)
Simeon Shuala
Mishaal HP
My Shooting Star
Simeon Shai
Ramses Tinah
Ansata Sinan
Mesoudah M
Thee Desperado
El Paso
WIEŻA MELANCHOLII is a maternal sister to the extraordinary WIEŻA MOCY, known as the “Tower of Power”. Her long list of accolades includes Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare, European Junior Bronze Champion Mare, Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show, European Junior Gold Champion Mare, World Junior Gold Champion Mare, US Triple Crown Mare (Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare, Arabian National Breeder Finals Senior Champion Mare, US National Champion Mare), Scottsdale Arabian Show Senior Champion Mare, World Senior Top Ten Mare, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion Mare & Polish National Senior Champion Mare.
to the purchased mare, the Stud adds the breeding of stallion EL OMARI or PTOLEMEUSZ, at PLN 1 net price, to be chosen by the buyer (in the case if the mare will stay in Michałów, the costs of semen collection and insemination are borne by the Stud, the cost of stabling above the statutory 14 days from the date of purchase is borne by the buyer)
By winning the US National Champion title WIEŻA MOCY repeated the feat of her great-granddam WIZJA, who claimed the very same honor 37 years earlier during her lease to Lasma Arabians. After returning to Poland WIZJA secured her legacy with daughter WIAŹMA, an exemplary specimen as Junior Spring Show Champion Mare and producer extraordinaire, source of the entire “Tower-named” collection of exquisite equines. WIAŹMA’s two daughters, WIEŻA BABEL & WIEŻA WIATRÓW, have both won the Junior Spring Show and become Best in Show while there. The third daughter, WIEŻA MARZEŃ, continues the family tradition not just with WIEŻA MOCY, but also with show contenders WIEŻA MARC’A, WIEŻA BAJEK & WIEŻA CZARÓW.
WIEŻA MELANCHOLII’s sire SHAMS SHARAV AA is a son of SIMEON SHARAV from the world respected breeding program of the Australian Simeon Stud. He is a Reserve Champion from the European Egyptian Event and Saqqara National Championships, a Unanimous Champion stallion at the International Show in Egypt, an International Champion from Mooslargue a Bronze Medal champion from the Israeli Egyptian Cup.

PALATINO grey, 2006
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/9 (2-2-3-1)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud
grey mare, foaled on 12th of February, 2015 measurements: 153-183-18 cm
Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 to Sławuta
Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 Jarczowce
2021 filly BALETKA (El Omari) chestnut
2022 colt BALENO (Haash OSB) chestnut
BELLISA brown, 2008
Janów Podlaski Stud
PESAL grey, 1991
Białka Stud
2/14 (2-3-2-3)
PALMETA grey, 2001
Janów Podlaski Stud
POGANIN grey, 2001
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/11 (0-5-1-2)
BELLANDA black, 2002
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/6 (0-1-2-1)
Eleuzis Parma
Ernal Pentoza
Fawor Pipi
Imperial Imdal AK Latifa
Fawor Pipi
Europejczyk Bellona
Baskonia is a maternal sister to the exceptional BAMBINA, who received a score of 94,67 (!) from the jury panel upon her debut at the Junior Spring Show in Białka, where she ultimately won the yearling gold medal. Her other titles include Champion from the Al Khalediah Show and World Top Ten and European Top Five. BAMBINA has since gone on to becoming a stellar broodmare, as the dam of BRODNICA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Filly, Polish National Yearling Bronze Champion Filly, European Yearling Bronze Champion Filly, Bruges Arabian Horse Event Junior Gold Champion Filly) and BASILEA – 2nd in class at the Junior Spring Show and Polish National Championships as a yearling. Another sister, BELINDA, is the dam of this year’s Białka Junior Spring Show Top Five BRODIA.
Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (last service on 28th of March, 2022)
The mares PAQUITA and BASKONIA, offered for sale in the Winter Auction at Michałów Stud are in foal in accordance with the above. Janów Podlaski Stud reserves the ownership of the foal, which, despite the sale of the mare, will be born in 2023. The purchaser of the mare: PAQUITA, BASKONIA and ELOIZA has the right to choose a stallion with which the mare, after foaling, will be re-inbred to him with the Company’s selected stallion. Thus, the foal born in the 2024 season remains the property of the buyer of the mare.
Both Baskonia and BAMBINA trace directly to BANDOLA, one of Poland’s legendary broodmatrons (and full sister to epochchanging stallion BASK). Bandola is also the dam of the iconic sire BANDOS, however it is the females that have recently brought new fame to this family. Bambina’s immediate relatives include BELGICA (Bełżyce Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, Autumn Show Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show), BERENIKA (Autumn Show Junior Silver & Bronze Champion Mare, Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare, European Cup Senior Silver Champion Mare, Ströhen Senior Bronze Champion Mare), BERNADETTA (Inter Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare, International St. Petersburg Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare), BALLENA (International St. Petersburg Cup Junior Silver Champion Mare) and just recently at the 2022 Junior Spring Show in Białka: BELLA MIA (bronze medal).
Baskonia is sired by PALATINO - Autumn Show Senior Bronze Champion, InterCup Senior Bronze Champion, twice World Senior Top Ten, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Top Five, InterCup Senior Silver Champion, European Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion. PALATINO’s sire multi champion
PESAL remains the “pride of Białka” as their most “winningest” horse in history. His dam, European Senior Champion, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion and WAHO Trophy honoree PALMETA has also produced champions PALABRA, PALATINA, PATRIA & PARIS.

SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008
Equus Arabians Spain
Arabian Mare
Bred by “WinDoor” Paweł Redestowicz and owned by Bartosz Redestowicz
grey mare, foaled on 25th of May, 2023
measurements: 154-200-18,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta
2019 filly FIRE OF NIGHT (Wadee Al Shaqab)
2021 filly FLAMORIA (Morion)
2022 filly FLANTIA (Morion)
Not bred
• 4th place, 2-years old fillies, Intercup Int. B-show, Prague 2015
• 4th place, mares 4-6-years old, Int. Days for Arabian Horses, Strӧhen 2017
• 5th place, mares 4-6-years old, Arabian Horse National Show, Janów 2017
• 1st place, mares 4-6-years old, Cracov Arabian Horse Show, Kraków 2017
grey, 2000
S. Redestowicz
WH JUSTICE grey, 1999
D.&J.A. Goodrich USA
SALYMAH grey, 2005
R. Verrijdt Belgium
EMIGRANT grey, 1991
Michalow Stud
FUMA chest., 1994
Michalow Stud
Magnum Psyche
Vona Sher-Renea
Libanon Azadika
Ararat Emigrantka Monogramm
Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle
El Sher-Mann Renea
Ansata Sinan Elizja
Om El Azadik
Warandes Shaklana
Eukaliptus Emigracja
Negatraz Monogramma
Emigracja Flotylla
• 2nd place, mares 4-6-years old, Al Khalediah Horse Festival, Nowe Wrońska 2018
• 4th place, mares 4-6-years old, Al Khalediah Horse Festival, Nowe Wrońska 2019
• 4th place, mares 7-9-years old, European C-Show, Strӧhen 2022
• 5th place, mares 7-10-years old, Arabian Horse National Show, Janów 2022

EL OMARI chestnut, 2008
Michałów Stud
1/8 (1-0-2-3)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
chestnut mare, foaled on 21st of March, 2013 measurements: 155-168-17,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta
2016 – 7 starts: 2xIII, 1xIV, 1xV
2018 filly LA PRIMA DONNA (Eryks) bay
2019 filly LATAKIA (Shams Sharav AA) chestnut
2020 colt LUNAR (Equator) bay
2021 filly LACERNA (Morion) bay
2022 filly LIVORNA (AJ Azzam) grey
LARANDA grey, 2003
Michałów Stud 1/5 (1-0-1-2)
ENZO chestnut, 1999
Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone - USA
EMBRA grey, 1995
Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-2)
EKSTERN grey, 1994
Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)
LARISSA grey, 1992
Michałów Stud
Padrons Psyche
RD Bey Shahmpane
Padron Kilika
Bey Shah
Bey Shahdar
Palas Lida
LIGURIA is an experienced broodmare with several foals on the ground. She is the daughter of EL OMARI, a Polish National Gold Champion Stallion sire EL OMARI, himself a son of royalty as he is out of EMBRA - Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Top Five, All Nations Top Five & World Top Ten Mare, who in turn is out of EMILDA - Polish National, UK National & European Champion Mare, herself a daughter of Michałów’s iconic broodmatron EMANACJA.
LIGURIA’s dam LARANDA is a daughter of two Polish National Champions: EKSTERN (who holds several other titles to his name, including the European Triple Crown) and LARISSA (also a Junior Spring Show Champion and European Championships class winner), an iconic daughter of EUKALIPTUS. Apart from LIGURIA, LARANDA has also produced LARANDO (Polish National Junior Bronze Champion) and LATONA (Kauber Platte Senior Silver Champion & International Kuwaiti Senior Champion). LARANDA herself is a maternal sister to LISSAR - Scandinavian Open Senior Silver Champion, Danish Senior Champion, Normandie Arabian Festival Senior Reserve Champion. Broodmares from the “L” line are greatly appreciated by breeders worldwide. The few offered at the Pride of Poland Sales have all been big hits with the buyers - LAVERNA (a sister to LANCKORONA’s dam, purchased for 140 thousand Euro), LARISSA (80 thousand Euro), LOZANNA (58 thousand Euro) - significantly adding to the auctions’ aggregate.

CHIMERYK brown, 2008
Michałów Stud 1/4 (2-0-1-1)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
bay mare, foaled on 28th of April, 2014 measurements: 154-176-18,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
2019 filly ENDEMIA (Forman) dark bay
EMMBLA chestnut, 2007
Michałów Stud 1/6
ERYKS d.bay, 2003
Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1)
CHIMERA bay, 1998
Michałów Stud 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1)
AL MARAAM bay, 1998
Ariela Arabians Israel
EMBRA grey, 1995
Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-2)
Gazal Al Shaqab
Imperial Imdal
The Vision HG
2020 filly EMIREMIA (Morion) bay - Junior Spring Show Yearling
Bronze Champion Mare – Białka (PL)
2021 colt EMANON (Morion) dark bay
2022 colt EBENUM (Paris) grey
In foal to MORION (date of last service – 6th of May, 2022)
Anaza El Farid Kajora
Ansata Imperial Dalia
Thee Desperado Belle Staar
EMBLEMA is a daughter of the Michałów-bred CHIMERYK, a versatile stallion performing well both in hand on the arena, as well as under saddle in dressage and performance classes. He is the sired by ERYKS, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion. CHIMERYK’s dam CHIMERA has also produced CHARUNA (French National Junior Reserve Champion Mare and French National Senior Champion Mare) & CHERONEA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare, Barcelona International Senior Bronze Champion Mare & Best Mover).
EMBLEMA has already made a name for herself as the dam of EMIREMIA – a Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion Mare from Białka. EMBLEMA is out of EMMBLA, a Gold Medalist from the Summer Arabian Horse Performance in Wrocław. She is also a maternal sister to EMIRA, double Polish National Champion Mare as both a junior and senior, as well as to Polish National Champion Stallion EL OMARI. Their dam EMBRA is a Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Top Five, All Nations Top Five & World Top Ten Mare. Moving further up this damline we have EMBRA’s dam EMILDA (Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion, UK National Senior Champion), who in turn is out of the legendary broodmatron EMANACJA - Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion Mare and All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare, one of the main contributors to the success of Michałów’s E-dynasty of champions.

VITORIO TO bay, 2008
Thirteen Oaks Arabians USA
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
grey mare, foaled on 16th of February, 2016 measurements: 148-183-17,5 cm
Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa
Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce
2021 colt GUERRERO (Tresor Enzino) grey
2022 colt GUDRIK (Paris) bay
GALILEA grey, 2000
Michałów Stud 2/11 (0-5-1-1)
DA VALENTINO bay, 2003
Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. USA
SOL NATIQUE grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation USA
LAHEEB grey, 1996
Ariela Arabians Israel
GEORGIA grey, 1994
Michałów Stud 2/15 (2-3-8-1)
Da Love
Imperial Imdal
AK Latifa
Fame FV
Precious as Gold
Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA Salon
Nabor Ruzica
Ansata Imperial Dalia
Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima
Negatraz Monogramma
GUERNIKA is a young broodmare sired by five-time National Champion from the US, Canada and Brazil - VITORIO TO – a son of the most decorated Arabian halter stallion in breed history, DA VALENTINO.
GUERNIKA’s dam is one of Michałów’s most treasured broodmatrons, World Senior Champion Mare & Polish National Senior Champion Mare GALILEA. GALILEA’s most famous produce (and GUERNIKA’s half-sister) is GALERIDA, a multichampion from arenas in both Europe and the Middle East, having such accolades as Białka Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, Mediterranean & Arab Countries Senior Bronze Champion, West Coast Cup Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show, Dubai Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show and All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion.
In foal to ZŁOTY MEDAL (date of last service – 24th of March, 2022)
GUERNIKA and GALERIDA are both out of GEORGIA, one of Michałów’s elite group of MONOGRAMM daughters - alongside ZAGROBLA, ESKALOPKA, PALESTYNA, ESPADRILLA, FALLADA & EKSCELLA - that set a new breed standard. Furthermore, GEORGIA is one of seven extraordinary sisters out of the “bold and beautiful” GIZELA, who excelled both on the show arena (winning a class at the Salon du Cheval) and the race track (a five time winner, including the Amurath & Orgia St.), traits that the Polish breeding program is famous for. GEORIA’s accomplished sisters include 7-time race winner (including 5 stakes) GENEZA, Polish National Reserve Champion Mare & Oaks St. winner GARONNA, Polish National Senior Champion Mare GASKONIA, Pride of Poland high-seller GEHENNA and top broodmares GWARANCJA & GIZA. They have further contributed to the breed by producing excellent race horses (Derby winners GEPARD & GWARO), supreme show champions (GIOCONDA, GASKOŃCZYK, GALLIA, GOTICO, GIZELDA, GARDENS, GEORGETOWN, GEMELLIA, GORDON, GERMANIK) and three Polish National Champion Stallions: GANGES, GASPAR & GRAFIK.

EL OMARI chestnut, 2008
Michałów Stud
1/8 (1-0-2-3)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud
grey filly, foaled on 6th of February, 2021 measurements: 146/165/17
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna
Not bred
ATMA grey, 2007
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/5 (1-1-0-1)
ENZO chestnut, 1999
Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA
EMBRA grey, 1995
Michałów Stud
1/8 (1-1-1-2)
EKSTERN grey, 1994
Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)
ALTONA grey, 1999
Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (2-2-2-3)
Padrons Psyche
RD Bey Shahmpane
Padron Kilika
Bey Shah
Bey Shahdar
Pamir Emanacja
Negatraz Monogramma
Piechur Erwina
Fawor Algeria
AL HAMADA is a young daughter of ATMA, sired by the late EKSTERN, the undefeated King of the Ring. ATMA herself is a Summer Show Senior Bronze Champion Mare from Wrocław & an Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare from Janów Podlaski. ATMA is also the dam of ATANDA - a Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare and a class winner from the Polish Nationals and ATAKAMA – All-Polish Junior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show, Junior Spring Show Junior Gold Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Top Five Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, Sopot Arabian Horse Show Senior Top Five Mare and high-seller of the 2022 Pride of Poland Sale at 175 thousand Euro.
ATMA is just one of three Janów Podlaski-bred foals of ALTONA, herself also a Pride of Poland high-seller at 180 thousand Euro, and best producing daughter of the beloved Kuhailan mare ALBIGOWA and her dam ALGERIA. ATMA’s stellar sisters are ALTAMIRA (Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare, Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare, European Junior Top Five Mare, World Junior Top Ten Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, World Senior Top Ten Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, high-seller of the 2015 Pride of Poland at 250 thousand Euro, as well as dam of champions AMANITO, ANAWERA & ADELITA) and ALABAMA (Scandinavian Open Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Deauville Arabian Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare & high-seller of the 2014 Pride of Poland at 165 thousand euro).
AL HAMADA’s sire EL OMARI is a royally bred son of US National & Scottsdale Champion ENZO and Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Top Five, All Nations Top Five & World Top Ten Mare EMBRA from Michałów’s E dynasty of champions, who in turn is out of EMILDA - Polish National, UK National & European Champion Mare, herself a daughter of Michałów’s iconic broodmatron EMANACJA.

SHAMS SHARAV AA grey, 2012 Ariela Arabians Israel
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
bay mare, foaled on 6th of February, 2019 measurements: 155-185-18,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
grey, 2012
Michałów Stud
SIMEON SHARAV grey, 1999 Simeon Stud Australia
SANIYYAH RCA grey, 2005 Rock Creek Arabians USA
chestnut, 2007 Yeguada Ses Planes Spain
EMANDA grey, 1996
Michałów Stud
Simeon Shuala
Mishaal HP
My Shooting Star
Marwan Al Shaqab
ZT Ludjkalba
Malik Hanan
Simeon Shai Ramses Tinah
Ansata Sinan Mesoudah M
Thee Desperado
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Ludjin El Jamaal ZT Shakalba
Eukaliptus Emigracja
BREEDING STATUS: to the purchased mare, the Stud adds the breeding of stallion EL OMARI or PTOLEMEUSZ, at PLN 1 net price, to be chosen by the buyer (in the case if the mare will stay in Michałów, the costs of semen collection and insemination are borne by the Stud, the cost of stabling above the statutory 14 days from the date of purchase is borne by the buyer)
ELETTA is a young daughter of the exceptional EMANDORISSA, a seasoned show mare at the prime of her life, with an abundance of titles to her name. EMANDORISSA is the Junior Silver Champion Mare from the 2015 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival, a 2019 Polish National Senior Top Five Mare and an absolute stunner in 2020 when she became Polish National Senior Silver Champion Mare and European Senior Silver Champion Mare. Her sire is ABHA QATAR, a well-known show champion from the Middle East, winner of the Qatar International Show and the Prince Sultan Arabian Horse Festival, among others. Whereas EMANDORISSA’s dam is none other than Michałów’s esteemed broodmatron EMANDA, making EMANDORISSA a maternal sister to the one and only EMANDORIA.
EMANDORIA is a living legend and an absolute Queen of Michałów Stud. Her beauty exceeds boundaries, as she has been crowned champion mare in Europe, America and the Middle East, including World Champion, European Champion, US National Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion, Polish National Champion, All Nations Cup Champion, as well as multiple champion from internationals shows in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. EMANDORIA has also received two “lifetime achievement awards” of the highest calibre: the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding Arabian individual and World Platinum Champion Mare. EMANDORIA’s most recent accomplishment is her granddaughter EL ESMERA – the 2022 Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show.
On the spear side of ELETTA’s pedigree is SHAMS SHARAV AA, highly decorated as Palestinian International Junior Gold Champion, Galilee Arabian Horse Show Yearling Gold Champion, Israeli Egyptian Event Silver Yearling Champion, Israeli National Silver Yearling Champion and most recently in 2017: Strohen Senior Bronze Champion Stallion, Bruges Egyptian Show Senior Silver Champion & West Coast Cup Egyptian Event Senior Gold Champion Stallion.

ZŁOTY MEDAL grey, 2012
Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-2-0-3-2)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
grey mare, foaled on 10th of February, 2017 measurements: 151-170-17,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
RACING RECORD: 2020 – 3 starts: 1xI, 1xV
BREEDING RECORD: 2022 filly ELYRIA (Wares) grey)
EMPERA grey, 2012
Michałów Stud 1/4 (1-0-0-0-1)
QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA
ZŁOTA ORDA grey, 1999
Michałów Stud 1/1
KABSZTAD grey, 2006
Michałów Stud
EMIRIONA grey, 2005
Michałów Stud
Marwan Al Shaqab
Swete Dreams
Magic Dream
Kouream De Ment Partner
Monogramm Emilda
ELZANI is a daughter of ZŁOTY MEDAL, son of World Champion QR MARC and grandson of the even more famous ZAGROBLA. ZAGROBLA is not just one of the remarkable MONOGRAMM daughters bred at Michałów that have become synonymous for the model Arabian broodmare, but is actually one of the “Grand Three”, the absolute cream of the MONOGRAMM crop, alongside KWESTURA & FALLADA. ZAGROBLA’s most significant accomplishments include twice Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, twice Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Babolna International Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Reserve Champion, Babolna International Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, twice European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Reserve Champion & US National Champion.
BREEDING STATUS: to the purchased mare, the Stud adds the breeding of stallion EL OMARI or PTOLEMEUSZ, free of charge, to be chosen by the buyer (in the case if the mare will stay in Michałów, the costs of semen collection and insemination are borne by the Stud, the cost of stabling above the statutory 14 days from the date of purchase is borne by the buyer)
ELZANI’s dam EMPERA is a Senior Bronze Champion Mare from the Arabian Horse Event in Bruges. She herself is out of EMIRIONA, a Senior Silver Champion Mare from the Arabian Horse Days in Ströhen and a Senior Bronze Champion Mare from the European Cup and Inter Cup held simultaneously in Prague. EMIRIONA is a daughter of the highly decorated EMMONA - Białka Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, World Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, four time World Senior Top Ten, Austrian National Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, twice European Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Champion & Best in Show and Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion.

EL OMARI chestnut, 2008
Michałów Stud
1/8 (1-0-2-3)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
grey filly, foaled on 27th of February, 2021 measurements: 148-174-17,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
Not bred
EL GAZONA grey, 2014
Michałów Stud 1/6 (1-0-1-1)
ENZO chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA
EMBRA grey, 1995
Michałów Stud
1/8 (1-1-1-2)
KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud
ELGAZONDA grey, 2008
Michałów Stud 2/15 (2-5-4-1)
Padrons Psyche
RD Bey Shahmpane
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
Al Maraam
Bey Shah
Bey Shahdar
Pamir Emanacja
Gazal Al Shaqab
Little Liza Fame
OFW Balarina
Imperial Imdal
The Vision HG
Eldon Elganda
ELGRACJA boasts a double combination of Michałów’s damline of ESTOKADA, responsible for the world famous E-dynasty of champions, through both sire and dam. Her Polish National Gold Champion Stallion sire EL OMARI is a son of EMBRA - Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Top Five, All Nations Top Five & World Top Ten Mare, who in turn is out of EMILDA - Polish National, UK National & European Champion Mare, herself a daughter of Michałów’s iconic broodmatron EMANACJA.
The second link to family foundress ESTOKADA comes through ELGRACJA’s damline. Her granddam ELGAZONDA is a Senior Gold Champion Mare from the European Arabian Horse Show in Bruges and a Senior Silver Champion Mare from the Arabian Horse Weekend in Sint-Oedenrode. ELGAZONDA’s grandam ELGANDA has produced EGZYNA (Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Senior Reserve Champion Mare), who in turn is the dam of two showy colts: ECHO GAZAL (Senior Silver Champion Stallion from the Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship and Senior Bronze Stallion Champion from the Berlin Cup) and ECHO OFIRA (Junior Champion Stallion from the International St. Petersburg Cup).

MORION bay, 2013
Michałów Stud
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
bay mare, foaled on 8th of May, 2019 measurements: 153-180-18,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
2022 – 6 starts: 1xI, 1xII, 1xIII, 3xV
ELBERA grey, 2012
Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-1-1-1)
KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar
MESALINA bay, 2008
Michałów Stud
QR MARC bay, 2005
V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA
EL EMEERA grey, 2002
Michałów Stud
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
Mata Hari
Marwan Al Shaqab
Swete Dreams
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
OFW Balarina
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Magic Dream
Kouream De Ment
EL BATINA is a young filly sired by the Michałów-bred champion MORION and is inbred to World Champion Stallion MARWAN AL SHAQAB through both sire and dam.
to the purchased mare, the Stud adds the breeding of stallion EL OMARI or PTOLEMEUSZ, at PLN 1 net price, to be chosen by the buyer (in the case if the mare will stay in Michałów, the costs of semen collection and insemination are borne by the Stud, the cost of stabling above the statutory 14 days from the date of purchase is borne by the buyer)
MORION has taken the show world by storm. His list of titles includes Białka Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, World Junior Champion, Qatar International Arabian Horse Championship Junior Champion, AHO World Cup Senior Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion. But his abilities as a breeding sire are even better. In 2022 several of his progeny won medals at the Junior Spring Show at Białka and the Polish Nationals in Janów Podlaski: EL MEDAR, DELIKT, LARGO KL, ZŁOTA AURA, BELLA MIA, EL BRILLO, EL MARIELLA & EL MEDIDA.
On the dam side EL BATINA is out of ELBERA, a daughter of EL EMEERA, whose pedigree is made of dreams. EL EMEERA’s parents are none other than two Michałów legends known the world over: EKSTERN and EMANACJA. Apart from ELBERA, EL EMEERA has produced also EL LARINERA (Silver Junior Spring Show Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Champion, European Junior Top Five, dam of EL BRILLO – Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Champion, European Top Five Champion, World Top Ten Champion), EL MEDARA (dam of EL MEDIDA – Polish National Gold Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, European Bronze Champion) and EL MEDIARA (dam of EL GOTTA – All-Polish Yearling Gold Champion).

ASCOT DD chestnut, 2011
DD Arabians Belgium
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud
chestnut mare, foaled on 11th of January, 2016 measurements: 154-185-18 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Cherifa d.b. imp. 1870 Tiaret
2022 colt EMIGRATO (Haash OSB) bay 2023 colt (Haash OSB)
Not bred
EL FATHA black, 1999
Janów Podlaski Stud
GLORIUS APAL grey, 2007
DST Arabians USA
LADY NINA DD chestnut, 2007
DD Arabians Belgium
ENTYK grey, 1991
Janów Podlaski Stud
ELFINA brown, 1994
Janów Podlaski Stud (2-0-0-0-1)
Gloria Apal
Monogrammed Lady
Magnum Psyche S Justadream
SA Misha Apal
Padrons Psyche
Bint Bey Shah
Agracious Lady
Engano Elka
ELOIZA is the daughter of the very much in demand ASCOT DD, a highly decorated show star as Menton Yearling Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Gold Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, DIAHC, Menton & World Junior Silver Champion and European Junior Bronze Champion Stallion, as well as outstanding sire with such champion offspring in Poland as APLAUS (Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Stallion), BENONA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Mare), EL BELLISIMA (twice Polish National Junior Silver Champion Mare), ENCARINA (Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Mare, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion Mare, KAAHC Junior Bronze Champion Mare), ERANTIS (Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion), PARILLUS (Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Stallion) and PASCUALA (Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare).
The mares PAQUITA and BASKONIA, offered for sale in the Winter Auction at Michałów Stud are in foal in accordance with the above. Janów Podlaski Stud reserves the ownership of the foal, which, despite the sale of the mare, will be born in 2023. The purchaser of the mare: PAQUITA, BASKONIA and ELOIZA has the right to choose a stallion with which the mare, after foaling, will be re-inbred to him with the Company’s selected stallion. Thus, the foal born in the 2024 season remains the property of the buyer of the mare.
ELOIZA’s dam EL FATHA has produced two successful show contenders: Polish National Junior Champion Stallion EL AZEM, Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion & Prague European Cup Junior Top Five Stallion EL PAIS and ESFAHAN – a multi Liberty Championship winner. ELFINA is also a half-sister to EFUZJA, an Autumn Show Senior Champion Mare from Janów Podlaski. All these “E” named equines descend from family founder ELEONORA, a damline especially known for its superior sires, including champion stars ELKIN, ELEMI, ELEUZIS, ELEGION, ENGANO, ENOS, chief sires ERNAL, ELF, ELBRUS, EL BAK, the influential, utilized in Anglo-Arabian breeding sire ELSING & Swedish Champion EXELSJOR - sire of BOREXIA & EDJORA, dam of legendary sire PROBAT & granddam of the one and only GAZAL AL SHAQAB, respectively.

grey, 2003
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/5 (1-0-1-2)
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
PASB Vol. XVI-5 grey mare, foaled on 8th of January, 2011 measurements: 152-171-18,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I
2016 filly PIĘKNA PANNA (Empire) chestnut
2017 colt PIĘKNODUCH (El Omari) grey
2018 filly PIĘKNA MUZA (Ekwist) grey
PIĘKNA PANI grey, 2003
Michałów Stud 1/5 (0-1-0-1)
GAZAL AL SHAQAB bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar
PEPESZA grey, 1993
Janów Podlaski Stud
2/18 (2-4-1-4-1)
EKSTERN grey, 1994
Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)
PASJA bay, 1995
Michałów Stud
Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa
Probat Pentoda
Eukaliptus Pascha
2019 filly PIĘKNA HELENA (Muranas Jassehr) grey
2020 colt POLEMISTA (Muranas Jassehr) grey
2021 colt PIĘKNY DZIEŃ (Al Ayal AA) chestnut
2022 colt PIĘKNY GEST (AJ Azzam) bay
In foal to EL OMARI (date of last service – 8th of May, 2022)
PIĘKNA DAMA (“Beautiful Damsel”) is a daughter of PEGASUSJanów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion Stallion, World Senior Top Ten Stallion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Stallion - a chief sire from the world famed damline of PIEWICA, through her granddaughter PESTKA. Dubbed as the “sire making” branch of PIEWICA, PESTKA’s female descendants have produced as many as nine champion stallions. This group of versatile males includes sport-oriented stallions (PENTAGRAM, POLIGON, PEDAGOG) and high quality show stars (PRADO, PERSEUSZ, POGANIN, POGROM, PITAWAL). PEGASUS is the maternal brother to a slew of champion siblings, including PERSEUSZ, POLIFONIA, PERNILA and the record-seller of the Pride of Poland Sales at 1.4 million euro PEPITA – Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, as well as Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, KAAHC Senior Gold Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion, Dubai Senior Gold Champion and Sharjah Senior Gold Champion and just recently –2023 PSAIAHF Platinum Champion Mare.
PIĘKNA DAMA’s dam, PIĘKNA PANI (“Beautiful Lady”) is a full sister to POLONIA, a top five class honoree from Salzkotten, Prague, Kauber Platter & Överkalix, dam of successful show contenders PANTHEROS, PYRONIA K.A. & PENELOPE K.A. The sister duo of PIĘKNA PANI & POLONIA are granddaughters of one of Michałów’s finest and most accomplished EUKALIPTUS daughters - PASSA, a living example of the Polish “bold and beautiful” breeding program concept. PASSA excelled as an athlete (winning the Amurath Stakes) and a show horse - securing the title of World Junior Reserve Champion Mare, the first official World Championship title for Michałów. PASSA stems directly from one of the iconic broodmatrons of world breeding, the bay TAKTIKA, an All-Union Champion in the then USSR and graded “ELITE” at Tersk Stud, the highest possible honor in Russian breeding.

CALYPSO OS (DE) chest., 2010
Gestüt Osterhof
Arabian Mare
Bred and owned by Paweł Dobrzyński
bay filly, foaled on 4th of April, 2021 measurements:
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
bay, 2015
Michałów Stud
Azienda Agricola Buzzi Giancarlo - IT
AB NASTRAPSY grey, 2005
Arabians Biskaborn DE
KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud
EMANDILLA bay, 2010
Michałów Stud
WH Justice
Anthea Moniscione
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
Om El Shahmaan
Magnum Psyche Vona Sher - Renea
Padrons Ghibli Armonia
Padrons Psyche Bint Bey Shah
Nebraska IV
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Mishaah OFW Balarina
Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Shaina
Monogramm Emanacja

Elkasun Arabians Republic of South Africa
Arabian Stallion
Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-2 grey colt, foaled on 06.05.2018 measurements: 152-182-18 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew
RACING RECORD: 2021 -1 start: 1xIII
PALMETA grey, 2001
Janów Podlaski Stud 1/1
Al Shaqab Stud Qatar
OFW PSYLHOUETTE chest., 2005 Orrion Farms USA
ECAHO grey, 1990
Janów Podlaski Stud 2/20 (2-4-7-2)
PILICA bay, 1994
Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (0-0-1-1-1)
Gazal Al Shaqab
Little Liza Fame
Padrons Psyche
Hafati Julianna
Pepton Etruria
Anaza El Farid Kajora
Fame VF
Padron Kilika
RSD Dark Victory PGN Flirtation Bandos
Palas Etna
Probat Fatma
Banat Pilarka
PATHOS holds an exceptional pedigree as the son of two greats: EKS ALIHANDRO and PALMETA. Bred in the Republic of South Africa, EKS ALIHANDRO is a multi champion holding such prestigious titles as Menton Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion and the ultimate honor - World Senior Gold Champion Stallion, among others.This statuesque equine is sired by triple World Champion Stallion MARWAN AL SHAQAB, himself a son of the already legendary GAZAL AL SHAQAB.
2019 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Junior Spring Show –Białka (PL)
2019 Polish National Top Five Yearling Colt – Janów Podlaski (PL)
PATHOS’ dam PALMETA is a living legend at Janów Podlaski Stud. She has been numerously acknowledged at the show arenas with titles of Junior Spring Show Champion, European Senior Champion, World Top Ten Mare and Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Mare with a “Best in Show” honor on both occasions! In 2015 PALMETA received the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding and an ambassador of the breed. Her achievements on the show arena was splendid, but those in the breeding have been even more spectacular. She is the dam of the following champions: PALATINO (Prague Intercup Senior Silver Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion Stallion), PALABRA (Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion Mare and high-seller of the 2011 Pride of Poland at 400 thousand Euro), PALATINA (Junior Spring Show Champion, Prague Intercup Junior Champion, ArabiaPolska Warsaw Championship Senior Gold Champion & Best In Show, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion Mare), PATRIA (Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Top Five, European Junior Top Five, World Junior Top Ten, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion Mare) & PARIS (Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Bronze Champion, European Yearling Bronze Champion Stallion).

MORION bay, 20
Michałów Stud
Arabian Stallion
Bred and owned by Kurozwęki Stud
bay stallion, foaled on 2nd of February 2019 measurements: 155-181-19,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szwejkowska 1800, Sławuta
2022 – 4 starts: 1xIV
Young, promising stallion with a racing career. Son of multichampion stallion MORION.
WEDA bay, 2013
Kurozwęki Stud
Al Shaqab Stud
MESALINA bay, 2008
Michałów Stud
ERYKS bay, 2003
Michałów Stud
WERSJA chest., 2006
Kurozwęki Stud
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
Mata Hari
Gazal Al Shaqab
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Mishaah OFW Balarina
Anaza El Farid
Empres Walia

DRAGOMIR bay, 2004
Michałów Stud
Arabian Stallion
Bred by Andrzej Majchrzak and owned by Mirosław Capiga
bay stallion, foaled on 25th of April, 2011
measurements: 155-000-0,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Wołoszka 1810, Sławuta
2014 – 4 starts, 1xI, 1xII (Embargo),1xV(Kwestura)
EMELIA bay, 2004
A. Majchrzak
Al Shaqab Stud
DRZEWICA bay, 2000
Michałów Stud
ESPADERO grey, 1997
Janów Podl. Stud
EMANUELA bay, 1995
A. Majchrzak
Anaza El Farid
Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa
Penitent Erotyka
Fawor Etruria
Probat Parma
Europejczyk Etanika
2015 – 6 starts, 2xI, 2xIV(Bandos, El Ghazi),1xV(Witraż)
2018 – colt SALIK (Sagara); 1-5(1/2/0/0/0)
2019 – colt SEMKO (Sagara); 1-4(1/0/0/1/0)

POGROM bay, 2009
Janów Podlaski Stud
Arabian Stallion
Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud
bay stallion, foaled on 15th of March, 2018 measurements: 151/172/19
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew
2021 – 3 starts: 1xI, 1xIV
PINGA bay, 2004
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/5 (0-0-1-0-2)
QR MARC bay, 2005
V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA
PĘTLA bay, 1994
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/5 (1-0-0-2-1)
Al Shaqab Stud Qatar
PILAR grey, 1996
Janów Podlaski Stud
1/5 (0-0-0-0-1)
Marwan Al Shaqab
Swete Dreams
Anaza El Farid
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Magic Dream
Kouream De Ment
Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa
Kaborr Edjora
Probat Fatma
Banat Pilarka
PRINS is an exceptional offer as a son of the late PINGA, World Platinum Champion Stallion and WAHO Trophy Honoree, among many of her accolades. PRINS also benefits from inbred to GAZAL AL SHAQAB through both sire and dam, as well as a double dosage of Janów Podlaski’s champion P-line of PIEWICA.
PRINS’ dam PINGA is remembered as one of the most prized mares in the world. Besides being Platinum, PINGA has also been named (among others) PSAIAHF Senior Champion, European Senior Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion and Best in Show on both of these occasions. Apart from PRINS she has also produced PITAWAL (Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, ), PINIATA (Polish National Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show), PATERNA (Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare) and PETULA (European Yearling Top Five Mare). PINGA’s dam PILAR, a Polish National Junior Champion and best producing daughter of the peerless PIPI, one of the most famous members of the P-line of PIEWICA, also contributed to the breed with the following show winners: PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA & POMIAN. The second link to P-line foundress PIEWICA comes through PRINS’ sire POGROM, Janów’s best bred sire of recent years. In 2013 he took America by storm, becoming a US Triple Crown Winner as Scottsdale Supreme Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion & US National Champion Stallion, beating many of the most respected and acclaimed stallions from all over the globe. POGROM is the son of World Champion QR MARC, himself a son and grandson of the world’s most prominent World Champions of today, MARWAN AL SHAQAB & GAZAL AL SHAQAB.

ZŁOTY MEDAL grey, 2012
Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-2-0-3-2)
Arabian Gelding
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
grey gelding, foaled on 16th of February, 2021 measurements: 147-170-18,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta
grey, 2014
Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-1)
QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA
ZŁOTA ORDA grey, 1999
Michałów Stud 1/1
ESPARTO grey, 2002
Michałów Stud 1/4
EMBERIZA grey, 2007
Michałów Stud 2/17 (1-4-2-2)
Swete Dreams
Al Maraam Empiryka
Magic Dream
Kouream De Ment Partner
Imperial Imdal
The Vision HG
EDREDON comes from Michałów’s famous E-dynasty of champion founded by EMIGRACJA, through her most successful daughter – EMANACJA. EMANACJA is a highly titled equine as Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion & All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare and best producer in the family. Her get form an incredible collection of accomplished show horses, including twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion
ESPADRILLA, Polish National Junior & Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion & Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion & World Senior Champion Mare EMANDA, Polish National Senior Champion/Best in Show, Canadian National Reserve Champion, US National Champion & Scottsdale Champion Stallion EMANOR, Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion Mare & UK National Senior Champion Mare EMILDA and Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare EMPIRYKA –EDREDON’s direct female ancestor.
EDREDON’s dam ELGERIA is a daughter of the late ESPARTO, Polish National Champion and multichampion from shows in the Middle East, considered an heir apparent to his undefeated Triple Crown sire EKSTERN. Interestingly, ESPARTO is a full brother to EKLIPTYKA – dam of Platinum World Champion EQUATOR and show champions ELAWIRA, EDAN AA, EL BELLISIMA and ESSELITA.

Domenico D’Onza Italy
GUERRERO Arabian Gelding
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
grey gelding, foaled on 14th of February, 2021 measurements: 146-173-18,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce
GUERNIKA grey, 2016
Michałów Stud
WADEE AL SHAQAB bay, 2010 Al Shaqab Stud USA
ETIOPIA EL AZIZ chestnut, 2010
G. Gubbiotti Italy
VITORIO TO bay, 2008
Thirteen Oaks Arabians USA
GALILEA grey, 2000
Michałów Stud 2/11 (0-5-1-1)
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
FS Eternal Flame
Eritrea El Aziz
DA Valentino
Sol Natique
Gazal Al Shaqab
Little Liza Fame
OFW Balarina
Temptress MSC
E.L. Ninjo
Etruska GB
Versace DA Love
Solstice Natique
Imperial Imdal AK Latifa
Monogramm Gizela
GUERRERO is a son of GUERNIKA, who belongs to Michałów’s “bold and beautiful” family of GIZELA. Her produce and further descendants excelled both on the show arena and on the race track. GIZELA herself won a class at the Salon du Cheval and five races, including the Amurath & Orgia St. Her get include 7-time race winner (including 5 stakes) GENEZA, Polish National Reserve Champion Mare & Oaks St. winner GARONNA, Polish National Senior Champion Mare GASKONIA, Pride of Poland high-seller GEHENNA, top broodmares GWARANCJA & GIZA and GEORGIA (Polish National Senior Silver Champion & Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion) – GUERRERO’s direct female predecessor. GIZELA’s daughters have further contributed to the breed by producing excellent race horses (Derby winners GEPARD & GWARO), supreme show champions (GIOCONDA, GASKOŃCZYK, GALLIA, GOTICO, GIZELDA, GARDENS, GEORGETOWN, GEMELLIA, GORDON, GERMANIK) and three Polish National Champion Stallions: GANGES, GASPAR & GRAFIK.
GEORGIA herself has added a very valuable member of this family – the great GALILEA, World Senior Champion Mare & Polish National Senior Champion Mare, who is GUERRERO’s great granddam. In turn GALILEA went on to produce GALERIDAmultichampion from arenas in both Europe and the Middle East, having such accolades as Białka Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, Mediterranean & Arab Countries Senior Bronze Champion, West Coast Cup Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show, Dubai Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show and All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, GUERRERO’s grandam.

Domenico D’Onza Italy
Arabian Gelding
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
LAMBADA grey, 2016
Michałów Stud 1/5 (1-2-0-0)
Al Shaqab Stud USA
ETIOPIA EL AZIZ chestnut, 2010
G. Gubbiotti Italy
EMERALD J bay, 2010
Jadem Arabians Belgium
LAWINIA grey, 2008
Michałów Stud
chestnut gelding, foaled on 11th of February, 2021 measurements: 149-173-18,5 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
FS Eternal Flame
Eritrea El Aziz
QR Marc Emandoria
Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame
Mishaah OFW Balarina
Kubinec Temptress MSC
E.L. Ninjo Etruska GB
Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams
Gazal Al Shaqab Emanda
Monogramm Ernestyna
Emigrant Loretta
LAMBERT is a son of LAMBADA, whose pedigree is full of Michałów-bred greats. Not only is she the daughter of the exquisite EMERALD J (son of Michałów’s uber-champion EMANDORIA), but her subsequent maternal sires have are also notable specimens bred at her maternal stud: EKSTERN, EMIGRANT & WOJSŁAW. EMERALD J, bred by Jadem Arabians in Belgium, is a Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship Senior Gold Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion, Chantilly World Cup Senior Gold and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival (A cat) Senior Gold Champion. He is also the sire of multi champions GALLARDO J, MOUNIRA J & ADMIRAAL. He is out of Michałów’s World Platinum Champion EMANDORIA, adding further glory to the world famous E-line.
LAMBADA’s dam is LAWINIA, an experienced show horse and Gold Champion Mare. Her accomplished siblings include Polish Nationals class top three honoree LIZBONA and LANCKORONA (herself a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show in Białka) - dam of Kuwaiti National Yearling Gold Champion Mare JEWAHER LEMAR.
LAWINIA comes from Michałów’s noble family of LINDA. This small strain of equines abounds in plenty of refined individuals, such as Polish National Senior Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Reserve Junior Champion & European Championships class winner LARISSA, Scandinavian Open Senior Silver Champion, Danish Senior Champion, Normandie Arabian Festival Senior Reserve Champion LISSAR, Kauber Platte Senior Silver Champion & International Kuwaiti Senior Champion LATONA, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion LARANDO and LENKA - Arabhäst i Väst Senior Silver Champion.
Broodmares from the “L” line are greatly appreciated by breeders worldwide. The few offered at the Pride of Poland Sales have all been big hits with the buyers - LAVERNA (a sister to LANCKORONA’s dam, purchased for 140 thousand Euro), LARISSA (80 thousand Euro), LOZANNA (58 thousand Euro) - significantly adding to the auctions’ aggregate.

MORION bay, 2013
Michałów Stud
WILDOMAR Arabian Gelding
WILDA grey, 2004
Michałów Stud 2/15 (1-2-3-1-1)
Bred and owned by Michałów Stud
grey gelding, foaled on 30th of January, 2021 measurements: 150-173-18,0 cm
Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala
Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta
Al Shaqab Stud Qatar
MESALINA bay, 2008
Michałów Stud
Al Shaqab Stud Qatar
WILGA grey, 1999
Michałów Stud 1/7 (0-1-0-0)
Marwan Al Shaqab
OFW Mishaahl
Mata Hari
Anaza El Farid
OFW Balarina
Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa
Kaborr Edjora
WILDOMAR bears a stunning pedigree, a he is inbred to GAZAL AL SHAQAB through both sire and dam. Both his parents ae exceptional show horses in their own right: MORION holds the titles of Białka Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, World Junior Champion, Qatar International Arabian Horse Championship Junior Champion, AHO World Cup Senior Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion. Whereas his dam WILDA is a Falborek Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Champion Mare, European Senior Top Five and twice World Senior Top Ten.
Through WILDA, WILDOMAR is a maternal brother to the extremely accomplished WILDONA (European Senior Gold Champion, Polish National Senior Silver Champion, All-Polish Senior Gold Champion, Menton Senior Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare), WILANDRA EA (Travagliatto Cavali Yearling Gold Champion Mare) and WORONIN (All-Polish Junior Bronze Champion Stallion, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five).
Wilda’s dam, WILGA, is a Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare from Białka. The damline traces to founding mare WARMIA through her US National Champion Mare daughter WIZJA. It is exactly this branch of the family that has given the breed such specimen as WIAŹMA, WIEŻA WIATRÓW, WIEŻA BABEL, WIEŻA RÓŻ and the ultimate champion of them all, WIEŻA MOCY: Polish National, European Junior, World Junior, Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior, Scottsdale Arabian National Breeders Finals Senior, US National Senior, Scottsdale Arabian Show Senior and Polish National Senior Gold Champion.