EXTREMISTS AND RAFID:ITES [ A CRITICAL STUDY OF ENGINEER "ALI: MIRZA: OF JHELUM]. An Extremist some time declares a Moderate person as Extremist. He is on such a level of Extrmisnm such that he some times declares any thing that is less than the Extremism as Extremist yet he is uncapable to realise that he is one who is an extremist. Similarly A Rafid:i:te is a person who often declares pure Sunnism as Nas:ibism or Kharijism or a person who have some tendencies towards any one of the two yet he is neither of the two. Example. If a person is an Extremist and believes that What So Ever Deity Knoweth is also Known to Holy Prophet. There is nothing whether it be Necessary Existent or Possible Existent or Absurd Existent that is Known to 'ALL-H but not known to Holy Prophet. How ever the difference between the Knowledge if the two is that the Divine Knowlege is Essential ['Adh: Dh:a:ti:] and the Knowledge is Bestowed ['Al 'Al"at:a:'i:]. According to 'Ah:mad Rad:a: of Baraili to claim such a person as Extremist [Gh:a:;i:] is an Extrimism. This shews that 'Ah:mad Rad:a: Of Bans Baraili was an extremist who was unable to delect his own Extremism. More ever if a person who believes that The Temporal Knowledge of Holy Prophet is exactly equal to the Essential Knowledge of 'ALL-H even then such a person is neither a Kafir nor a Mushrik as according to 'Ah:mad Rad:a Of Bans Baraili. For details see Foots Notes of the Book 'Addaulatul Makkiah. Both the TEXT of the book and the FOOT NOTES are authored by Maulavi Rad:a: Of Bans Baraili. The Accusation on the stated above author is not that He believes in this belief,the accusation on him is that he does not consider this belief as Kufr or Shirk or Both. But what does this shew, it does shew his extremism. An other example is that if some one believes that the Knowledge is less than the
Knowledge of Deity 'ALL-H , yet both of them are Essential [ 'Adh: Dh:a:ti:] or Eternal [ Qadi:m] or Both. Such a person is definitely a Kafir and a Mushrik. But if a person does not believes this belief yet does not believe that a person who does believe in it is a Kafir or aMushrik or Both is a Kafir and a Mushrik. Now we come to discuss Engineer "Ali: Mirza: . Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is an Extrmist Rafid:i: since he declares all those persons:= 1] Who are Pure Sunnis and follow true believes about S:ah:a:bah RD: . 2] Who are Sunnis yet have some Nas:ibi Tendencies as Nas:ibis or Kha:jis or both. But he does not declare those who := 1] are Rafid:ites 2] have Rafid:i:tes tendencies as Fafid:ites. This is a certain proof that that Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is not only an Extremist but also a Rafid:i: . This completes the proof that Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is not only an Extremist and a Rafid:i: but an Extremist Rafid:i: . Additionally this Engineer is a Mushrik and what is his Shirk? Appearently he claims that he does not believe in any article of Shirk. It is well and good but the goodness is limited to this non believing point. After this point the Badness begins. He claims that these articles of Shirk are not Kufr. One who say such a thing is a Mushrik and a Kafir. The definitisation of the Accusation is that He does not consider Articles of Shirk [ATLEAST ONE] as Kufr or Articles of Kufr. This is Kufr and Shirk. Actually if a person even doubts that such a person is not a Mushrik or not a Kafir or is neither is both with certainity i.e he is certainly and definitely a Kafir ,a Musrik and an Extremist.
Now one can prob in the mind of this Apostate Engineer from his lectures that he either does not consider a person who believes in a belief of Shirk yet recite K-LMAH as Muslim. According to this person [who is knwn as Engineer "Ali: Mirza:] such a Shirk cannot expell a person from the Di:n of 'Isla:m. This is a Kufr. It is repeatedly reported that Engineer "Ali Mirza: ascribe such views to Zubair "Ali: Zai . We say that we do not expect that Zubair could say such things. Who ever if Engineer does provide some proofs of his claim then we shall say that IF ZUBAIR ALI ZAI did believe that such a Person is not a Kafir then he himself was out of the folds of 'Isla:m. Even Zubayr "Ali: Zai can not violate the basic principles of 'Isla:m. Even if Zubair violated the Principle of Tauh:i:d then is constitute no exception. But it is highly improbable that Zubair "Ali: Zai did say such a thing. Similarly if the claim of Engineer "Ali Mirza is correct that Zubair "Ali Zai held some Rafid:ite view and did say bad things about Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: , Saiyiduna: "Uth:ma:n , Saiyiduna "Amr Bin 'Al "A:s: , Saiyidatuna: "A:'ishah RD: etc. then he ceased to be an 'Ahlussunnah and became an 'Ahlul Bid"ah. But this is just the principle, Zubair "Ali: Zai is not superior to S:ah:abah RD: . But such accusations are not proved yet. His proper students do not report such believes from him. Only an improper studdent does report such things which are unaithentic and irreliable. How ever is Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is some how able to provide some proofs and evdences of his claims then there is no option for us Since a Muslim cannot prefer Zubair "Ali: Zai over S:h:abah RD: . Similarly Zubair "Ali: Zai is not superior to Tauh:i:d. But speaking logically it is said in If and Then form. If A then B. If " If A then B" is true then it does not imply that A is true. Where A and B are atomic statements and " If A then B" is a Molecular Statement.
We do not declare Zubair "Ali Zai as guilty of this Kufr. What if it is some how proves it then one is left with no other option .
Comming back to our discussion if Zubair "Ali: Zai declared 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH: AS KAFIR or MUSHRIK then Zubair "Ali: Zai did commit a Sin and a Transgrssion. If this is true then Zubair is a Takfi:riah. If this is false then the burden of falsehood and false accusation is upon the former improper student of Zubair "Ali: Zai. It is reported that Zuabair "Ali: Zai was unable to understand the works of 'Ima:m Ibn Taimiah. His mind was so simple that he was unable to understand Theological discussions of 'Ima:m 'In Taimiah RH: . Zubair was often unable to understand the Logical and Philosophical Arguments of 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RD:. If Zubair "Ali: Zai declared 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah as a Munkir of a Mutvatir H:adi:th: then it is the Error and Mistake of Zubair "Ali: Zai and not of 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RD: . 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah was greater then Zubair 'Ali: Zai and `Shaikh: ``Al B`a:ni: even in the cases the last two agree with one an other against 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH: . Zubair "Ali: Zai is even less than Maula:na 'Irsha:d 'Al Haqq 'Ath:ri in the filed of Chain of Reporters.
Comming back to the discussion , Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is an Extremist and his former Teacher Zubair did have extremist tendencies if he was not an Extremist. But uptill now no Rafid:ite belief has been reported from him. From all reliable sources it is reported that he respected Saiyiduna: Mu"aviah RD: and held the normal Sunni Views about him. Similarly he never ascribed any Kufr to 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH: . His proper studends do report that till his death they did not hear such views which are now ascribed to him. Unless and otherwise Engineer "Ali: Mirza provides some proof with certainty he cannot be accused of such heretical believes and articles of Heresy. One of his proper student [ whose Proper Noun is kept from being exposed on request] presented a doubt that Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is trying to copy the voice of Zubair "Ali: Zai to misguide those who were never close to Zubair "Ali: Zai.
If such a thing is possible then one may be careful , since A conspiracy may be attempted to distort the believes of Zubair "Ali: Zai. From the above it is clear that Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is a Heretic and an Extremist. He decieves people when he recites the Texts of H:adi:th: in wrong and incorrect contexts, with distorted explanations in general and in case of some S:ah:abah RD: . If Engineer "Ali: Mirza: can distort the explanations of 'Ah:adi:th: he can make conspiracies of such type against his former Teacher Zubair "Ali: Zai. How ever we do not consider Zubair "Ali: Zai as a Perfect 'Ahlul H:adi:th: . He may be a Semi- 'Ahlul H:adi:th: but not a Pure one. But this does not imply that what so ever is ascribed to him by the Engineer of Jhelum is reliable and authentic.Zubair "Ali: Zai did have some tendencies of Extrmism but certainly not the ones which are ascribed to him by the cunnig mind of his former student. This is just a conspiracy engineered by the Engineer. ENGINEER "ALI: MIRZA: AND HIS UNCLEARITY OF HIS MIND. Engineer "Ali: Mirza: claims that if a person believes in:= 1] Deity 'ALL-H 2] His Last and Final Prophet. 3] Qur'a:n as the last Divine Book 4] In the Final Day 5] In Books Of 'Ah:a:dith: Yet still believes in some articles of Belief and Articles Of Shirk then the Shirk is found in the believes of such a person YET the Person is not a Kafir. He be a Muslim Mushrik and not a Kafir Mushrik. May one ask this Engineer a simple equestion:= Are these articles of Shirk Kufr????? If the response is in Affirmation then this implies that the Engineer accepts that Kufr is found in the believes of such a person yet this person is still not a Kafir. If this is the concept of Engineer "Ali: Mirza: then one should expect that sooner or latter this Engineer can use this incorrect argument for Mirzais , BY saying :=
"Kufr is found in their believes yet they are not Kafir". Na"u:dh:u Billah Va 'Astaghfarullah. For sake of argument let it be suppose that Resonce of the Engineer is in negation. In this case Shirk is not Kufr. But if this Shirk is not Kufr according to this Engineer then one should expect that one day Engineer may say := If a person believes that Knowledge of Holy Prophet is less then the Knowlidge of Deity 'ALL-H yet Konowledge of Holy Prophet is Essential [ 'Adh: Dha:ti:] even then he is not a Kafir since this belief is only Shirk but not Kufr. 'Astaghj:farullah VaNa"u:dh:u Billah. This conundrum is sufficient to expose and unvail the actual and factual heretic mind of Engineer "Ali: Mirza of Jhelum. As he is constantly and continously playing with the fundamentals of 'Isla:m and'Ahlussunnah his heretic mind is sufficiently shewn once for all times.
TO THE AUDIANCES OF THE ENGINEER "ALI: MIRZA Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is proved to be a Deciever and a Falsehood Speaker several times. He tires to make connections in unconnected traditions , events reported in them , to inject heresy in the mind of Simple Muslims , to provide incomplete informaion as complete informations,to present Shirk as not Kufr, to ascribe heretic believes to great Sunni Scholars, to attack all those Scholars who defended S:h:abah and to keep silence on those who attacks on S:ah:a:bah as a Church's mouse. He is also proved to be toying with Tauh:i:d, Toying with the sanctity of Great scholars of H:adi:th: , toying with the sacraments of S:ah:a:bah, making fun of supporters of S:ah:a:bah and so on. A Mushrik not only in heart but also in lectures. A distorter truth of 'Isla:m and Noble characters of a number of S:ah:abah. His hereces may be found in his different lectures , scattered in different lectures. A very clever thing he use to do is that he does not write all his problematic believes in a book form in explicit words. This further exposes his ambitions. How many proofs and evidences are required to convince you that he is one of the greatest heretic personalities of this era. Are you still in doubt???? How may times we have to provide Proofs and Evidences with certainty to convince you. For the sake of 'ALL-H , Qur'a:n , Holy Prophet and His S:ah:a:bah , drift from this
person and this person's followers. He is spoiling the believes of his listeners and is more dangerous then a Missionary. If you are still in doubt then study his lectures critically if you have sufficient knowledge of 'Isla:m. If you still cling with this person then a day may come that he shall be succesful in expelling you from the folds of Di:n Of 'Isla:m. ['Astaghfarullah] For sake of 'Isla:m please drift from him before it is too late. For sake of Qur'a:n please drift from him while you still can. For sake of H:adi:th: do not listen to his distorted explanations of 'Ah:adith: unless and otherwise you have sufficient knowledge of 'Ah:adith: . For sake of Holy Prophet and His S:h:a:bah please do not listen his comments on them unless you have sufficient Knowledge about Expalnations, Interpretations ,Commentaries and Contexts of 'Ah:di:th: .