Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Borrows the Tecniques of Missionaries and Apostates.

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Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Borrows the Tecniques of Missionaries and Apostates. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a man of borrowing techniques and methods while combating ‘Ahlussunnah and ‘Ahlul H:adith: . A deep study of his techniques reveals that his techniques are similar to the techniques of Missionaries and Mirza:’i:s . These similarities indicates that he has borrowed it from them. But in the case it is supposed that he did not borrow from them , then these similarities does imply that his mind functions as that of Missionaries ,Denouncers Of ‘Aha:di:th:, Mirza’is [Both Lahorites and Qa:diyanites] Et ce tera. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a great borrower and a borrowing machine. He borrowed may interesting techniques but used them in his own way. But the techniques remained the same , their use may be different. Some time he slightly modifies the borrowed techniques.

If his mind functions like their minds then it is a good proof that he is not of ‘Isla:mic Mind but of ‘Anti ‘Isma:mic mind. In this case he becomes very problematic person and he must not be listened by any one who is not expert in such subjects. We shall shew some techniques used by Missionaries , Anti Islamic Objection Makers etc. which are borrowed by the Mirza: Of Jhelum and used according to Mirza:s religious views .

First of All 1] They in general take a meaning from the text of a sentence of an ‘A:yah [Verse] of Qur’a:n and make an objection on it. When the correct meaning of the verse is told to them , they refuse to accept the correct meaning and Insist that the Muslims are telling the incorrect meaning , and the only correct meaning is that which is told by themselves. In general they use the Literal Meaning as if an Interpreted meaning is incorrect by itself. They even reject any meaning if literal but not objectionable. The very same technique is used by the Engineer From Jhelum. But he applies it on the sentences of Great Sunni Scholars.

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EX:1.1] Anti Isla:mic Objection Makers insist that the verse [] states that Sun not only revolve around earth but also sinks in water and comes out from a place on earth. Then they begin to make objections on this view. When they are responded that this is an incorrect meaning , and the correct meaning is told to them they begin to argue in favour of their incorrect meaning and against the correct meaning.

EX:1.2] Some Anti Isla:mic Objection Makers does not go so far yet the insist that Qur’a:n believes in Geocentric Theory . They even quote rather shew the book of ‘Ah:mad Rad:a Of Bans Baraili i.e Fauzul Mubi:n” in which he had attempted to prove from Qur’a:n that Sun [Solaris] Revolves around the Planet Earth. When it is said that ‘Ah:mad Ra:da Of Bans Baraili did err and Holy Qur’a:n does not teach the theory that Sun Revolves around Earth, they begin to support the meanings taken by the author of he stated book and begin to refute any other meaning. As “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum was a Barailvi for a large part of his life he must have believed that Sun Revolves around earth and must have tried to prove this dogma from the verses of Qur’a:n. It is possible that he still believes in this horrible dogma , since he is an extreme literalist and does not believe in interpretation unless and otherwise he himself wants to interpret .

EX:1.3] Using a verse of Su:rah Rah:ma:n Anti ‘Isla:mic Objection Makers try to shew that Space Travelling is Impossible according to the meaning of the verse of Qur’a:n. They then begin to make objections on the Text of the Sentence of the Verse. When it is told that they have erred in taking this meaning they begin to support the meaning just to shew that their objection on the Truth of Qur’a:n is Valid. EX:1.4] Borrowing from ‘Al Fauz ‘Al Mubi:n they insist that Earth is stationary and static. It neither revolves around any Star not it rotates on its axis. Then they begin to make objections on this meaning as suggested by the Author of the book Fauzul Mubi:n. If any other meaning of the verse is told to them they reject it and begin to make objections how so ever in correct they may be on the correct meaning.

EX:1.5] The use a verse of Holy Qur’a:n to shew that Earth is not an Ellipsoid but a flat plain. They begin to make objections on the Holy Qur’a:n. But when it is told to them that it is incorrect to take the meaning that

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Page 3 of 14 Earth is Mathematically Flat and Mathematically Plain from this verse they begin to make objections on the correct meaning. These are the five examples of what Anti Isla:mic Objection Makers do. But the very same technique is used by the Engineer of Jhelum who if not have engineered a technique similar to the Anti ‘Isla:mic Objection Makers, then he must have borrowed it from them. It must be noted that he does not borrow the objections but the method of objections. He use the method in various ways. He select a sentence from the book of a Great ‘Ahlussunnah Scholar and then takes an incorrect meaning and then begin to make objections on the taken meaning and saying “Astaghfarullah” from time to time . If some one tries to take the correct meaning , Engineer “Ali: Mirza: rejects it in the similar way as done by the Anti ‘Isla:mic Objection Makers. He goes one step ahead. He declares those to state correct meaning of the Text of the Sentence as Blasphemers . So it is evident that this method his exactly the same which is used by ‘Anti ‘Isla:mic Objection Makers. Yet it is applied on different works . Second Of All. Anti ‘Isla:mic objection makers some time do not want to go in details and just make some objection in a bird’s eye view. Then they move on. The same method is used by the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: . For example an Anti Isla:mic Objection Maker may point at an ‘A:yah that It commandeth Muslims to Kill Non Muslims out of any reason. But as it is evident that this Commandment is not such as alleged, they generally move one with out discussing the ‘A:yah in Its Proper Context. The same thing is correct for Engineer “Ali: Mirza: He some time does use this technique.

Third Of All:= Some time an Anti Islamic Objection Maker [Missionary] makes an Objection On the Text of ‘A:YAH Of Holy Qur’a:n but does not state that a similar objection may be made on the TEXT Of NT or on the TEXT


Of Septuagint. ( )

EX:3.1] A Missionary some time makes an objection on the Text of Qur’a:n that Qur’a:n believes in Skies when they are just illusions. But the them selves know that Both NT and Septuagint believes in Skies but this time they translate it as Heavens. Even they know that Qur’a:nic words mean heavens and not the Page 3 of 14

Page 4 of 14 illusion. But they do use this technique. If there objection is SUPPOSED to be Correct on Holy Qur’a:n then it is also correct on Septuagint and NT. If Incorrect on Septuagint or NT then also incorrect on Qur’a:n. The very same Technique is used by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: when he accused some of the S:ah:a:bah RD: and remained silenced on some of the S:h:a:bah . But if accusation is ASSUMED to be correct on one Group of S:h:bah RD: similar accusations are also valid on other group of S:h:a:bah. If in correct on any one of the Groups , then invalid on both of the groups of S:h:a:bah RD:.

EX:3.2] Some Missionaries declare that the event of Ascension [Mi”ra:j] of Holy Prophet PBUH stated in Qur’a:n is Impossible. [Na”udh:ubillah] But they the them selves believe in the Ascension of Holy Messiah [Masi:h:] . They know that it is not an impossible event. Yet they only point out the alleged impossibility in the case of Holy Qur’a:n and do remain silent on the statements of Gospels in NT. If ascension is Impossible it is Impossible every where, not only in Qur’a:n, if Ascension is Possible it is Possible every where not only in Gospels of NT. The very same trick is found in the lectures of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: . But the essence is that if a thing is incorrect at one place and by parity of reasoning it is incorrect at another place then to declare it correct at the second place and correct at the first place is incorrect. Similarly , if a thing is correct at one place and by parity of reasoning it is correct at another place then to declare it incorrect at the second place and correct at the first place is incorrect.

Fourth Of All:= Neglecting the Major and Emphasizing the Minor.

EX:4.1] This technique is often used by Missionaries in their attempt to Shew that Saiyiduna: “I:sa: “AS is higher in rank then Holy Prophet S”AVS. But this technique is used by the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: to shew that it is permitted not to bend hands while praying S:-l’a:vh . He uses an ‘Ath:ar of a S:ah:abi to contradict all those traditions which state that Bending Of Hands is Sunnah during Prayers. So he neclects the major

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Page 5 of 14 and emphasizes on the Minor. A technique invented by Missionaries, borrowed by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: and he uses on a different topic. Yet the technique is the same.

EX:4.2] Qa:diya:ni Mirzais use this technique in their apostate attempt to refute the Finality Of Holy Prophet. [NA”U:DH:UBILLAH] The misinterpret the famous verse which explicitly stateth the Finality and Lasthood of Holy Prophet, and attempt to shew the continuity of Prophethood from irrelevant verses. [NA”U:DH:UBILLAH] The very same technique is used by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: , how ever he uses this technique on other issues.

Fifth Of All: Accepting Contradictions and advocating the possibility of Contradiction: Some time we find contradictions in different works of Apostates like Mirzais [Both Lahorites and Qa:diya:nites], Baha’ites and Babites. But the donot accept it .

For Example Mirza: Mah:mu:d Son of Mirza: Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad of Qa:iya:n, some time said that there is no Prophet after Mirza: and some time said that it is not known whether there is a Prophet after Mirza , and some time said there will be a series of Prophets till the Doomsday/Day of Judgement. These are all


contradictions. ( ) The same is true for the Engineer Of Jhelum. Mirza: of Jhelum like Mirza:s of Qa:diyan also believes in the Possibility of Contradiction instead of Impossibility of Contradiction. At one time he accepts that some belief like belief in the Omnivolence and Omnipresence of Holy Prophet as Shirk yet he immediately believes that if some one who recites Kalimah and believes in these types of Shirk [Pl ‘Ashra:k/Shirks] remains a Muslim.

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Page 6 of 14 A contradiction. From where he borrowed this idea. Very simple from Qa:diya:nis who accept Possibility Of Contradictions at some places.

Sixth Of All: Mirza: Of Jhelum Nounly /Namely Muh:ammad “Ali: Mirza: purports to be a Literalist as his Former teacher Zubair “Ali: Zai was , but at times he has singularities and in those singularites he makes interpretations with out any Rule or Principle [or both]. We have seen that in order to prove the faith of the Father Of Holy Prophet he does interpret the text of a Tradition. But he does not have s set of rules of interpretation. He interprets where he likes to interpret. He does not interpret some traditions which are anthropomorphic in appearance. This means that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: does not have any Principle of interpretation and in this regard he is akin to Mushabbah and Mujassamah. Yet he claims that he does not believe that Non Eternal things can Sustain in Divine Essence. This is directly in contradiction with his Anthropomorphic views. Once again his believes contradict one an other if not directly then indirectly.

Seventh Of All: He some time takes different Traditions from different parts of different books and fuse them in a synthetic plot, and this he considers as an evidence of the plot. This is very dangerous way to deceive his followers who are not aware of the proper respective contexts of these Traditions. This method is Absolutely Invalid yet Engineer “Ali: Mirza: excercises this type of technique. But the question is from where this technique is borrowed. At first I opined that this is one that is invented by him. But on further study this techniques is borrowed from “Abdullah Chakr:a:lvi. “Abdullah Chakr:a:lvi did invent this technique to prove S:ala:vh [Prayers] fromQur’a:n. He collected different Verses of Qur’a:n and arranged then in a self styled plot making an impression that he proved it. This technique was latter used by Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez in some cases. Borrowing this Technique Jhelumite Mirza: used this technique in historical issues. He first uses to propose a plot and Page 6 of 14

Page 7 of 14 then attempt to select different traditions to be fitted in it making a false impression of proving the plot. In the case of history this technique becomes a very dangerous fallacy making machine and it requires a very logical and critical study to capture the fallacy generated by this techniques. So far so dangerous.

Eighth Of All: Engineer “Ali: Mirza: explains the Verses of Qur’a:n and Correct Traditions o ‘Ah”a”dith: in the same way Gh:ula:m ‘ah:mad Pervez used to explain the verses of Holy Qur’a:n. But as the Commentaries of Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez and other ‘Ahlul Qur’a:n th on the ‘A:ya:t Of Qur’a:n are wrong and incorrect the very same is the case of Engineerb with the following Engineered Difference. Gh:ula: ‘Ah:mad Pervez etc. did not believe in ‘Ah:adi:th: and used invented and modified techniques of


Elder ‘Ahlul Qur’a:n ( ) for the ‘Aya:t of Holy Qur’a:n Only, Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum used this


Technique for both Qur’a:n and ‘Ah:a:di:th: . ( )

Ninth Of All: Borrowing From Jama:”atul Muslimi:n [Ta: Tavi:lah]. The Claim that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: do not follow any sect or cult of ‘Isla:m but only ‘Isla:m which is sectless and cultless is not originated in the mind of the Engineer . It was invented not by any Engineer but by a Graduate called Mas”u:d ‘Ah:mad BSc. He was the founder of an alleged Sectless and Cultless Isla:m. His claim was that he does not belong to any sect and preach pure ‘Isla:m. But he was declared by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: as Kh:arji: . If Mas”u:d ‘Ah:mad was alife he would have declared Engineer “Ali: Mirza: as Rafid:i: . It is an irrefutable fact that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: did borrow this technique to convince his audiences from Mas”u:d ‘Ah:mad BSc. Page 7 of 14

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Although Mas”u:d ‘Ah:mad BSc. has passed away yet his founded sect still exist with a new ‘Ima:m . One may ask him about his comments of the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: . (5) However both sects deny that they are sects and this is a common factor of both of them .Yet both are new cults/sects whether one deny that it is not a sect or accept that it is a sect. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is certainly a founder of a sect and those who accept his teachings are accepting his sect, even if they deny that they constitute a sect. Any how this technique is


borrowed from the founder of the Sect/Cult of Jama:”atul Muslimi:n. ( )

Ninth Of All: Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is an Anthropomorphic believes. He takes some traditions literally which implies Anthropomorphism. In one of his lectures he quoted a tradition which is Anthropomorphic and then informed that he asked an editor of a Monthly of ‘Ahlul H:Adi:th , to publish the tradition, which the Editor refused to do so. This does shew that there are some Traditions which are so Anthropomorphic that even Salafites and ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: cannot allow to publish. In real Engineer “Ali: Mirza: did not present the idea correctly. Although ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: do not interpret in general, yet even they some time interpret , but in rare cases. The Editor who so ever he was did not agree to publish the tradition because this tradition does require proper interpretation and to publish this tradition with out interpretation may motivate a person to Anthropomorphic believes. We shall ‘Insha:’ All-h write an entire discussion on this tradition. But this is beyond the scope of present discussion. The scope of the present discussion is what techniques “Ali: Mirza: Borrowed from different groups which did pre-exist him. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: did borrow Anthropomorphism from Mushabb-h and Mujass-mah. Even they used such verses or traditions whose Signified Concordance [‘Al Madlu:l ‘Al Mut:abiqi:] is Anthropomorphism. Now Engineer “Ali: Mirza: borrows this technique and rejects any Possible Interpretation. This makes him Anthropomorphic. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: may respond that in this case ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: may also be declared as Anthropomorphic. The answer is as follow:= ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: is declared as Anthropomorphic for some of his views. 1] He takes the words Hand [Yad], Fingers [‘As:a:bi”], Eye [“Ain], Foot [Q-d-m],Face [V-J-H]], Form [S:urah] etc. in literal meanings when these are ascribed to Divine Essence.

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Page 9 of 14 But actually even he interprets.Since he does not take them as Divine Parts and Divine Organs. He takes them as Divine Attribute. To take a Word which is coined for a Part of Human Body or an Organ of it as an Attribute is an Interpretation. However this Interpretation is hidden , that is why may scholars are unable to consider it as an interpretation; the dispute between ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: and other become verbal and terminological. 2] ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: believe in ‘Istiva:’ [Ascension] and N-zu:l [ Descension/Descending] . This implies Anthropomorphism. But ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH:takes them as Attributes. Even this is an Interpretation since these acts are not Attributes. As Acts are Not Attributes and Attributes are Not Acts. The words Bila Caifa/ Bila Kaifa is used after the necessary condition of interpreting Words /Nouns for Organs and Parts of Body as Attributes. And this is an Interpretation according to excogitators. On the other hand Engineer “Ali: Mirza: does not take this type of interpretation. He takes them at it is which is not even done by ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: . So it is clear that he is akin to M-jass-mah and M-shabb-h and not Akin to Salafites. But why Engineer “Ali: Mirza: does so, just because he some time execrates. (


Tenth Of All: He some time confuses between La:zim of Mazhab ( Implication Of Religion) and “Ain ‘Al Mazhab (Identical To Religion/ The Self Of Religion). Consiquently he some time confuses between La:zim of Qaul [/Saying] ( Implication Of Dictum /Saying) and “Ain ‘Al Qaul (Identical To Dictum/Saying// The Self Of Saying//Dictum). He cleverly uses this technique against the scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah and attempt to shew that the scholar did believed in some ‘UnIslam:ic believes. In his different lectures he accuse Great Sunni Scholars for committing Infidelity or Blasphemy or both. This does shew that he is the master of distortion and accusation. He sometimes claims some unimplied believes to be implied and then attempts to shew that they are implied . Once he is successful to convince his audience , he then confuses the implication and self as stated above .

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Page 10 of 14 Then he used an other technique which is some times used independently by him and shall be discussed under the title “Eleventh Of All”. One may listen to those lectures in which he has criticized the texts of sentences of different books of Great Scholars.

Eleventh Of All: Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum often uses the technique of saying “ ‘Astaghfarullah ” When he wants to condemn a thing immediately . It may be heard in his lectures . It is said that he uses the very same technique in Question and Answer Sessions . But even this method is not his original but borrowd. Prof. Muh:ammad Di:n Qasmi writes in his book “ Jina:b Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez ‘Apne: ‘Alfa:z: Ke: ‘A:’ine: me(n)” on page 173 a technique used by the followers of Gh:ula:m ‘Ahmad Perve:z against Maula:na: Maudu:di: (8) The learned author writes [Translation] As a Coincidence once a debate occurred on the Issue of Ambiguity of ‘A:ya:t if Qur’a:n with some enthusiastic young men , an enthusiastic young man in an emotional style presented a quotation of Tafhi:m ‘Al Qur’a:n With Words like TAUBAH TAUBAH, ‘ASTAGH:FARULLAH ASTAGH:FARULLAH ,M-”A:DH: ‘ALL-H TH:MA M-“A:DH: ‘ALL-H, NAQL E KUFR KUFR NAH BASHAD Other friends of the Young Man were also repeating such words ; and were saying Did Maudu:di: remained in the circumference of ‘Isla:m after writing such words? [Pg 173, Jina:b Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez ‘Apne: ‘Alfa:z: Ke: ‘A:’ine: me(n) by Prof Muh:ammad Di:n Qa:simi]. So even this technique is not Originally Engineered by the Engineer but was borrowed . It appeared that these young men were preached to use this technique BY the Preachers of T:-lu:” E ‘Isla:m. Page 10 of 14

Page 11 of 14 How ever this does shew that Engineer is cleaver enough to borrow the most deceiving techniques by Anti ‘Isla:mic Objection Makers who so ever they may be.

Twelveth Of All: Some modified adoptations 1]Engineer “Ali: Mirza: uses a technique of accepting the Text of Qur’a:n and ‘Ah:di:th: and ascribing to them his own meanings. This technique may be traced back to Mirza: Mah:mu:d son of Mirza: Gh:ula: ‘Ah:mad of Qa:diya:n as they have done in some verses of Holy Qur’a:n. EX1.1]: Qadiyani Mirzai ‘Ima:m , Mirza: Mah:mu:d tried to apply the Noun ‘Ahmad in a verse to Mirza: Gh:la:m ‘Ah:mad of Qa:diyan [his father] instead of Holy Prophet Peace be Upon Him . This is a Kufr in itself. But the technique is to accept the words in the Text of ‘A:yah and to ascribed self invented meaning. This very Technique is used by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: for Qur’a:n and ‘Ah:adi:th: . A generalization of the technique invented by an other Mirza . So he borrowed an old Technique and generalized it while adopting. In this case he proved himself much more smart then Mirza Mah:mu:d. If Mirza: Of Qa:diyan was alive , he would have been amazed by Mirza: of Jhelum. Two Mirza:s and one Technique , with special and general forms. EX1.2]: Qa:diya:ni Mirza’is apparently accept the ‘A:yah which states the Finality of Prophethood [KH:A:T-M ‘AN NABIYI:N]. But they ascribe a heretic meaning and reject the Real Meaning. A layman was unable to understand this trick, but latter it was exposed and every one new this trick. Mirza: of Jhelum like Mirza:s of Qa:diya:n did the very same thing but he Generalized this trick/technique. He used this trick/technique on the Texts of Traditions of First Category [S:ah:i:h] in general. A very cleaver thing Page 11 of 14

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indeed, but equally Kufr and Infidelity. Mirza: of Jhelum is far more cleaver then the Mirza:s of Qa:diyan.

2]Jama”atul Musli:m (9) tries to purify ‘Isla:m from sects and to find a sectless ‘Isla:m by declaring all the Pre Existing sects as Ka:fir and Murtadd. But he was so cleaver not to declare them Ka:fir in explicit words of sentences yet it became clear that he does declare all pre existing sect of ‘Isla:m as Ka:fir. But Engineer “Ali: Mirza is more cleaver than him. He declares all the Laymen of existing sects as Muslim , but all the Scholar of these sects as Kafir and Blasphemers. This is a Modified technique . This means that “Ali: Mirza: did Modify the Technique of Jama:”atul Musli:n with with some modifications. Thus he wants to purify ‘Isla:m from sects by declaring the scholars of sects as Ka:fir. From where such ideas came in the mind of the Engineer? We can just assume that these Anti ‘Isla:mic Ideas were aspired to him from the Created Suppositum( 10) stated in the following “Arabic Text. This can be the only source of his modified ideas.

‘A”udh:ubillahi Minash Shaita:nir Raji:m.

FOOT NOTES (1) Greek Translation Of Jewish Bible [Tanakh] . Septuagint is also known as LXX. (2) The Truth is that Muh:ammad PBUH is the Last and Final Prophet, and no Rational Supposita shall ever be Prophesied [i.e No one shall ever be made a Prophet since all sempiternity which is unceaseable]. (3) Like “Abdulla:h Chakr:a:lvi etc. (4) We have presented a separate Article on this topic. (5) The present existing leader of this sect has declared Engineer “Ali Mirza: as a sect and asked him to become a member of Jama”atul Muslimi:n. (6) There may be different differences between a Cult and a Sect. But we have used in the following meaning. A Sect with a small number of Followers is a Cult. An other meaning is as follow:= A sect which does not accept itself as a sect and claims all other sects as false and wrong is a cult. (7) Some time he used this technique to Attract Barailvis to wards himself and his cult.He remained Barailvi for a very large period of his life. He knows how to attract them . (8) Maula:na: Maudu:di: is a beloved person of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: due to some Rafid:ite tendencies as embedded in his controversial Book “Kh:ila:fat Va M-lu:kiat”. But when Followers of Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez used a technique of saying ‘Astagh:farullah or Na”u:dh:ubillah etc. against some of his writings Engineer “Ali: Mirza: did borrowed it and used it for some other scholars.

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Page 13 of 14 (9) Mas”u:d always wrote the Noun of his Party with Ta: T:avi:lah instead of Ta: Mudauv-rah. This is an error and this error made the word Jama:”at [Ta: T:vi:lah] a meaningless word in “Arabic. So Divine Essence Did Save the Misuse of of a Grammatical Construction [Phrase] in the Text of H:di:th: . (10)A suppsitum is a Non Eternal Intelligent Essence with its Other Qualities , whether it be a Human Being or a Jin Being .


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THE MASTER OF ART OF DECIEVING, A MISGUIDING MACHINE AND A DISTORING DEVISE. How may evidences do you require to be convinced that he is a heretic. Do you still require more evidences?

It is our duty to inform you .

You are informed.

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