False allegation of Ali mirza on Zubair Ali Zai

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Zubair "Ali: Zai was a Semi 'Ahlul H:adi:th: .He had some heretic tendencies. Yet he was not a Rafid:ite. He had defended Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah, Saiyiduna: "Am-r Bin 'Al "A:s: and even Abu Ghadah RH: . But the question is on what basis the improper student of Zubair "Ali: Zai claims that he became a supporter of Saiyiduna: "Ali: against Saiyisuna: Mu"a:viah. Actually in initial stages Zubair "Ali: Zai was an Extremist in literalism. He took some Traditions literally which required interpretations. In several debated he was silenced by 'Ahlul H:adith: scholars and accepted that in general case there is no interpretation but in special and exceptional cases one must reject the pure literal approach. But he limited the cases when Noble Characters of S:h:bah and 'Anbia:' brcome objectionable by pure literal aproach. A letter was written by my self and he was unable to response it properly. But what "Ali: Mirza: ascribes to the Semi Sami Ahlul H:adith: is incorrect and false. "Ali" Mirza: of Jhelum tries to prove that what he believes about S:h:a:bah who opposed Saiyiduna: "Ali: was actually believed by Zubair "Ali: Zai but this is a False Allegation. Zubair even held 'Abu: Ghadah RH: with highest esteemed and respected him. How ever Zubair "Ali: Zai was against Yazi:d since according to his own words Yazi:d was NOT a S:ah:abi and Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: was a S:h:abi:. Once asked what if Yazi:d was a S:ah:a:bi he replied := "If Yazi: was a S:ah:abi: my opinion about him would have been different. But he is not so I have no respect for this person". 'Abu Jabir Damanvi was on the views of Zubair yet he changed his view and rejected his book about H:Adi:th: and Tradition of Qustuntuniah [Constantinople]. "Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum have alleged that Zubair did incline towards Saiyiduna: "Ali: as believed by "Ali: Mirza:. But this is a false report from a speaker of falsehood. Till death Zubair "Ali: Zai was in his mentioned above views. The only thing was that one he was asked that what if he would have travelled back in time, in the time of Saiyiduna: "Ali: RD: . He said as it is now clear that Saiyiduna: "Ali: RD: was on " 'Ijtiha:di Haqq " he would support Saiyiduna: "Ali: . When asked to what extent he replied that he did not like these time of questions which are based on impossible event of time trevelling. When Zubair read two works written by 'Ash-Shaikh 'Irsha:dul Haqq about Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: and a number of S:ah:bah who opposed Saiyiduna: "Ali: , Zubair "Ali: Zai, he said that that he accepts them at it is , further he added that all by doubts are answered.

Zubair "Ali: Zai was often contradicted by 'Ash Shaikh: 'Irsha:d 'Al Haqq and Zubair always said that he always accepted Shaikh:'s view. But Apostate Engineer "Ali Mirza: has no respect for Shaikh:'s Books and Shaikh: Himself. So Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is an Unreliable source of reports and information about Zubair "Ali: Zai. If the Engineer is not fabricating reports ascribed to Zubair "Ali: Zai , the Engineer is certainly distorting and mutating them. An opinion of Zubair about the Engineer in personal voice of Zubair may be heard if some one clicks the following URL link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkRmcgOwruw

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