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[Pick the date] HUSAM
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A number of atheists think that the gOOgOplex argument is very dangerous against G-D..Actually this argument does not disprove G-D but attempts to make some non serious doubts in the article of faith of EXISTENCE OF G-D in major religions like JUDAISM,CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM. But if this argument is analyzed logically it revers and reduces to old atheism.
Statement of the argument. When Some one claimed to be G-D in front of the founder of any religion, the cla iment (claimer) may not be G-D but gOOgOplex. A gOOgOplex [Googoplex] is defined by the Learn2Draw as a being which is very powerful , a very large in size and very intelligent/Rational , knowing almost every thing in the Cosmos/world Universe/ Multiverse what so ever it is BUT IS FINTE IN STS SUBSTANCE,PROPERTIES AND QUALITIES. IN A NUT SHELL IT IS a very powerful,intellegent old SUPPOSITUM. A modification in the concept of gOOgOplex is c00c0plex which IS A FINITE POWERF UL INTELLEGENT SUPPOSITUM .which may be a spirit or size-less but very very old. What so ever they may be they have one thing in common they can claim to be G-D when they are not, and have power to deceive each and every human being that each one of them is G-D. Page 2 of 8
Page 3 of 8 Let us retern EITHER OF THE supposed being as Suppositum X or simply X.. It is claimed that this being has made heavens, paradizes and heavenly hells. To analyze this alternative let us study the following four possible cases. There are 0nly four possible cases. 1)G-d and X both exist. 2)G-D exists but X does not. 3)G-D does not exists but X exists. 4)Neither of them exists. If the case cases 2,4 are true then it is very clear that this arguments of doubt fails. Since if there is no X then it can never claim to be G-D. If the 3 is true then the whole argument reduces to old atheism, that is their is no G-D. So it is nothing new, since all the atheists inspite of their internal disputes appear to disbelieve in G-D. They ask for a proof of G-D and then try to find ERRORS in the proofs presented to them. It is useless to discuss that if there is no G-D then which thing/being claimed to be G-D where it be gOOgOplex OR G00g0plex or SATAN or a DECIEVER.etc. So this case is nothing but our old rival ATHIESM. THE CASE ONE IS HOWEVER INTERESTING. G-D is a PERFECT BEING .G-D is PERFECT in both types of His Attributes and Quali ties 1} Essential or Divine. 2) Active or Relative. . The 0nly DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BOTH TYPES OF attributes and qualities IS THAT TH
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Page 4 of 8 E FORMER STATED ATR BEYOUND THE DIVINE POWER while THE LATTER STATED ARE IN DIV INE POWER. Discussions on the distinction is beyond the scope of present ARTICLE.. If God creates a being like X so powerful that the being can easily cinvinced an y one to be G-D ,this means G-D has done an UNWISE ACT/ACTION/ACTIVITY/WORK/DOING what so ever it may be termed. To Create/Make a being so powerful that it can confuse the very existence of G-D it self is Unwise. It is similar to lie. It is just like to argue that if G-D can speak a FALSE STATEMENT why should he not do so in general , and deny that HE is Not G-D in particular The simple answer is that Divine perfection demands that Essential A ttribites must be beyond Divine Power and Active Attributes are not violated, even if they are in Divine Power. Again any debate on this issue as stated above/earlier is beyond the scope of present ARTICLE. Further if G-D HAS CREATED SUCH A SUPPOSITUM X then G-D can easily destroy the SUPPOSITUM rather ANNHILIATE the said Suppositum, for his crime of claiming to be G-D which the SUPPOSTUM X is surely NOT . Now we once more come to the case G-D does not Exist but X exists. According to this case their is no Eternal/sempiternal being hence consequently no G-D. As there is no G-D THERE IS NO ONE TO STOP THIS SUPPOSITUM X from claiming to be G-d and decieving others. However we see that each and every disbeliever in G-D suggest some alternative for the revelations believed to be Divine. But this is not a disprove OF BELIEF IN G-D. In this case the alternative has been definitized as SUPPOSITUM X. iN ORDER TO doubt in the belief in the Existence of G-D by using this argument , Page 4 of 8
Page 5 of 8 a doubt in the EXISTENCE of G-D is pre-requisit.This makes this argument nothing but just a new form of the old argument which is far more logical and which can be stated as follow: Even if there is a G-D , the proofs/evidences of His Existence are Not Convincing.. BUT even this doubt in G-D can not make a shadow of doubt in the Existence of G-D. Further supposing that there is such a SUPPOSITUM X then either There Is a G-D o r no G-D. IF NO G-D THEN THIS X is a demigod like Gods and Godesses of Pagan religion eg :ZEUS , HERA etc. rather more powerful than them. If there is G-D then this X must be an intelligent Suppositum and a rational suppositum ,there fore it must know that the best way is to be obedient to G-D and would never ever try to claim to be G-D. In fact there are a number of sects of some religions who believe that some persons are even more powerful then this suppositum X, some of them go beyond rationality by claiming that their respective temporal knowledges are equal to the Eternal knowlidge of G-D. CONSEQUENTLY THEY CAN SAY THE SAME THING FOR POWER. ANY HOW THEY BELIEVE SAINTS ,PROPHET ARE MUKHTAR AL KULL (ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY/IKHTIAR AL KULLI/Omnivolent) HAD:IR WA NAZ:IR (OMNIPRESENT) etc. making saints and Prophets more powerful then Suppositum X yet they believe that they are obedient to G-D. HOW EVER THERE THESE VIEWS ARE INCORRECT AND ABSOLUTELY WRONG FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF ORTHODOX CERCLES OF THEIR RELIGIONS BUT THE POINT IS THAT ATHIESTS HAVE DONE NOTHING NEW. Such suppositums / supposita can not make doubts in the Existence OF G-D. One may argue as given below: When some one claims THAT G-D spoke to the FOUNDER of his R eligion, and an ATHIEST some time tries to make doubt by asking several questions and one of them is about a Suppositum X.
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Page 6 of 8 But when it is asked imeediately four cases are implied which can be REDUCED/REV ERTED to two cases each one can be divided to TWO subsases. 1)IF G-D EXIST 2) IF G-D does not EXIST. IF G-D DOES EXIST Then it is immeterial whether Suppositum X exists or NOT. If G-D does not EXIST Then it is immeterial whether Suppositum X exists or NOT. Thus this doubt is based UPON the DOUBT in Existence OF G-D,And it is not and i ndependent doubt,therefore It DEPENDS Upon the doubt in G-D and not some thing which makes doubt in the Existence of G-D. When shall these ATHIESTS learn from GREAT ALTHIESTS LIKE RUSSEL etc. Great Atheist scholars do not make such FALLECIES as these not so great atheists make.
A QUESTION TO ONLY THOSE ATHIESTS WHO MAKE USE OF SUPPOSITUM X DOUBT. Suppose that there is a Suppositum X; AND Let It Be not G-D;Then It is Not Eternal,which implies it is TEMPORAL which implies it has a Begening.Now it is up to these Athiests to explain how this Suppositum came in Existence. Unless the Atheists present some possible grounds for the coming of this suppositum in existence,they can not use this SUPPOSED SUPPOSITUM to make doubt in Existence of G-D. IT IS SHOWN THAT NEITHER THIS ARGUMENT IS DANGEROUS NOR IT IS ANY THING NEW , RATHER IT IS THE OLD ARGUMENT IN ESSENCE WITH NEW STYLE.
Epilogue There are four possible cases in the case there is a Living being called Googoplex.Either it does exists or it does not exist.In the case it does not exist the all the argument becomes invalid which is presented by Learn2Draw on Youtube. It it does exist then there are two cases. Either it Exist and Deity/God Does not Exist. In the case God/Deity does not exist then the this is nothing but old theism which denies the Omnificent and Omnipotent Deity. If such a Deity/God Does not exist then this argument reduces to the question who claiming that he is God/Deity in Revelations to Prophets and Apostles when there is No Deity/God? If there is a Deity/God then Googoplex is nothing but a Creation of Deity and Deity can Annihilate this Creature since the creature is finite and Contingent. In this case Deity can prevent this Rational Suppositum called Googoplex from claiming that he/she /it is the Supreme Being.It may be said Page 6 of 8
Page 7 of 8 that what if Deity Has allowed such a Suppositum to claim Divinity and to misguide people. This is not a new question. It is just like thje question what if Deity has Made false promises or has made lower Gods and Goddesses. So not thing is new in this alleged new argument . It is not so dangerous as alleged.
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Page 8 of 8 Googoplex is a Finite Number.
In 1940, the mathematician Edward Kasner published the book "Mathematics and the Imagination", in which he popularized the words googol and googolplex which his nephew suggested as names for big numbers. The number googol has been defined as 1 followed by a hundred zeros: googol = 10100 = 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 The much larger number googolplex has been defined as 1 followed by a googol zeros. While this number can easily be written as googolplex = 10googol = 10((10))(100) using the exponential notation, it has often been claimed that the number googolplex is so large that it can never be written out in full. 1000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 volumes, and each volume contains 1 000 000 zeros of the number googolplex. But it is still a finite number and infinite many real numbers exist which are greater then Googoplex. Even Googoplex +ﻚ Is greater then googolplex, where ﻚis a real positive number how so ever small. Googoplex is a finite number which belongs to the Set of Real Numbers. It obey the following rules. [Googoplex]/Infinity=0 [Infinity]/[Googoplex]=Infinity Infinity-Googoplex=Infinity [Googoplex]exp 0 =1 If this is the the case with the Googoplex what is the scope of the Googoplex Suppositum against the Absolute Infinite Per Se Subsistent Essence called Deity/God/’ALL-H.
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