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ENGINEER ALI MIRZA AND KUFR {INFIDELITY} OF QA:DIYA:NISM AMD NAS:I:RISM: A CRITIQUE OF ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA: AND HIS HERETIC VIEWS ON THE ISSUE OF KUFR AND TAKFI:R . In a recent clip Engineer “Ali: Mirza: has said that He declares Qa:dianism and Nas:irism as Ka:fir not on their respective believes but because they declare all the others as Ka:fir. If they would not have declared other Muslims and Engineer “Ali: Mirza and His Followers as Ka:fir then He would not have declared them as Ka:fir . How ever Engineer “Ali: Mirza: suggests that they shall never cease to declare others as Ka:fir. Then he provides some reasons for his claim. In this Article the belief of the Heretic and Apostate ENGINEER OF JHELUM Shall be discussed in detail with the grace of ‘ALL-H [SVT]. FIRT OF ALL IT IS NECESSARY TO PRESENT THE SENTENCES OF THE SERMON/LECTURE OF THE ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA: OF JHELUM IN ENGLISH. A PORTION OF THE LECTURE IS GIVEN BELOW:“ I have to declare two Schools Of Thought as K:afir (i.e doing Takfi:r of them) unwillingly (Majbu:ran) . For they declare ME a Ka:fir. a) The Offshoot of ‘Ahlunnunnah which is found in India ,Bangladesh and Pa:kista:n. Qa:dianism b) The offshoot of ‘Ahluttashaiyu” which is found in Sha:m . Nas:i:rism.
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Page 4 of 11 Nas:iriah who believe in the Divinity of Saiyiduna: “Ali: (or believe Him to be God). They declare (all) those who do not believe Him (i.e “ALI: RD:) as God as Ka:fir [Infidel] ; believe Muslims as Kafir. So as the last result they are declared as Ka:fir {There Takfi:r is done}. If today Qa:diya:niah and Nas:iriah do begin to consider us as Muslim, we shall stop declaring them as Ka:fir. (We shall stop doing their Takfi:r). But they shall not do it. [For] If they (Qa:diya:niah) begin to consider us as Muslim then Mirza: Gh:la:m ‘Ah:mad Qa:diya:ni ceases to be a Prophet [Nabi:]. If after denying Mirza: Gh:la:m ‘Ah:mad [Engineer] “Ali: Mirza: remains as a Muslim then Gh:la:m ‘Ah:mad is not a Prophet.” This is portion of his controversial lection found on You Tube. We request that after reading this article those who are still in doubt in the translation may compare the sentences of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: in Urdu and ourthis rendering in English. At times we have presented two possible translations of the Urdu sentences of the Heretic Of Jhelum known as Engineer “Ali: Mirza:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bFRkxlqGWU See the Video from 5:35m to 7:09m The total video is of 45:01 m ANALIZATION The basic points in the given portion of the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum are as follow: 1] Engineer “Ali: Mirza declares only two deviant sects as Ka:fir [Takfi:r=declaring some one as Ka:fir or Non Muslim]. 2] According to Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Qa:diya:niah is an Offshoot of ‘Ahlussunnah. [Na”u:dh:u Billah]. 3] Nas:i:riah is the offspring of ‘Ahluttashaiyu”. 4] The reason that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: declares them as Ka:fir is not that the hold Infidelic believes [Kufriah Believes] but that they the declare Muslims , Engineer “Ali: Mirza: (and His followers say “Ali:mirzais or Engineerites or Jhelumites ) as Ka:fir. 5] Engineer “Ali: Mirza is confident that they shall not stop declaring others as Ka:fir. 6] He provindes an Argumentation why Qa:dianis shall not believe others as Muslim. 7] The same reason may be assumed as hidden in between the lines of “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum Page 4 of 11
Page 5 of 11 For Nas:irites /Nas:i:ris. CRITICISM The following points of Knowledge and Criticism may please be noted. 1] This meaneth that the Apostate Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum does not declare the following sects and religions as Ka:fir [Na”u:dh:ubillah]. a) Baha:’ism. [An Offspring of sub-sect of Shaikh:iah , which is in tern a Subsect of Twelvers, which is in tern a Sub-Sect of ‘Ahluttashaiyu”]. b] ‘Akhbariah of Ira:n which is a SubSect of Twelvers. c] S:iddi:q Di:nda:r and Di:ndar Tah:ri:k. d] Druz of Lebanon. They are the offshoot of ‘Isma:”i:liah, which is a Sb Sect of ‘ahluttashaiyu”. Instead of Saiyiduna: “Ali: they consider H:a:kim as God or God Incarnate or Incarnated God or Incarnation of God or all of them. Probably they have some how informed the Heretic Enginner that they do consider Him and His followers ( Alimirzais/Jhelumites/ Engineerites) as Muslim. e] Followers of Late Captain RETIRED Mas”u:d “Uth:mani and Cap-Mas”udites. f] Last but not the least in this article , Lahorites, the Second Mirzai Sect and a rival sect of Qa:dianism in the Religion of Mirza:’ism. [They are also known as ‘Ah:madiah]. If he was also considering them as Kafir he must not have restricted to only two of such sects/religions. 2] Mirzais are not offshoot/offspring of ‘Ahlussunnah but deviant from ‘Ahlussunnah. Mirzaism with all its sects is a Separate religion distinct and distinuised from ‘Isla:m. 3] What different Sub sects of ‘Ahluttashaiyu” say about Nas:irha ,we leave this for them say ‘Isma:”I:liah, Zaidiah and ‘Ithna: “Ashariah. 4] Engineer “Ali: Mirza declares these two sects [Qa:dianism which is a sub sect of Mirzaism,and Nas:irism ] as Ka:fir NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR APOSTATE BELIEVES BUT ONLY BECAUSE THE DECLARE MUSLIMS AND ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA: AND HIS FOLLOWERS AND REST OF MUSLIMS AS KA:FIR. 5] He is confident but his Confident is doubtful . How can one be confident upon a confident of 6] His provided argument in case of Qa:dianism is invalid against the rival Subsect Lahorites. This means that he according to his own standard is compelled to consider Lahorites as Muslim [Na”u:dh:ubillah]. Page 5 of 11
Page 6 of 11 This clearly meaneth that ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA OF JHELUM cannot consider Mu:ammad “Ali: Lahori: and his followers [Lahorites] as Ka:fir upon his stated standards.[Na”u:dh:ubillah]. 1] Lahorite Mirzaites do not believe that Mirza: Gh:la:m ‘Ah:mad was a Real Prophet but a Virtual and Projective Prophet. 2] Lahorites do not declare those who deny Mirza as a Real Prophet and as a Vrtual Prophet as Ka:fir, unless and other wise they declare Lahorites and Mirza: Gh:la:m ‘ah:mad as Ka:fir. This is the very same principle used by the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: as shown above. So this also proves that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Borrows heavily from Heretics , Apostates, Deviants and Innovators. But we do declare Lahorites as Ka:fir since we do not hold the heretic borrowed principle which Mirza of Jhelum has used in the quoted portion of his heretic and apostate lecture. Further it is possible that some day the leadership of Qadianism may make an amendment and provide some benefits of doubts to Engineer “Ali: Mirza: and his followers. Or the stated above leadership may make a possible or necessary Exception for Engineer “Ali: Mirza: and his followers (say “Alimirzais or Jhelumites or Enginerites ). Further it is also possible that some day an offspring or offshoot of Qa:diya:nism do say that “although Mirza: was a Real Prophet but as he was an Assistant Prophet or Subordinate Prophet , to deny him is not Kufr but only an error”. If so then Mirza: of Jhelum shall be compelled to accept them as Muslims based upon his own standard which he borrowed from Lahorites. It is known that there were intermediate Mirzais sects between Qa:dianism and Lahorism who believed that Mirza: was a Real Prophet like Qa:dianism believes, but considered him as Subordinate Prophet or assistant Prophet or Semi Prophet some thing between the two major sects and believed that to deny Mirza: is not a Kufr but just an Error as held by Lahorites. But according to All Muslims even such sects are Ka:fir and Non Muslim. So if Engineer “Ali: Mirza: has some sympathy with such Ka:firs this proves that he is also like them. We shall discuss this in detail when we shall discuss the believes of Kufr and Engineer ‘s attitude towards them shortly ‘INSHA: ‘ALL-H. 7] As it has been discussed that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum does not consider a Person as Ka:fir, and consider him a Muslim if the person i) Claims to be a Muslim, ii) Recites Kalimah ,iii) Holds some Articles of Shirk say asking assistance from grave in Ma: Fauq ‘Al ‘Asba:n , considering “Ilm ‘Al Gh:aib as a Communicable Attribute instead of Incommunicable Attribute. It has been discussed in earlier Critiques of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: . Page 6 of 11
Page 7 of 11 But this is an extreme case that if a Person who claims to be a Muslim and Recites Kalimah is a Muslim even if he believes that Sayiniduna: “Ali: is God or God Incarnate or Incarnated God or Incarnation of God or all of them. How ever once such a person declares Engineer “Ali: Mirza: , His followers [say “Alimirzaites etc.] and other Muslims as Ka:fir such a Person becomes Ka:fir not upon his belief of Shirk but on the declaration stated above. This is certain Kufr and definite Shirk. Only a Mushrik and a Kafir can hold such a belief. This does shew his Ra:fid:iah as well. If some sect had declared some other person as God or God Incarnate Engineer “Ali: Mirza: would not have waited to ask him whether he considers Engineer “Ali Mirza: and His Followers as Ka:fir or not but would have declared him Ka:fir immediately with the possible [rather necessary] exception of Druze an other Ra:fid:ite sect, who believe that ‘Al H:a:kim is God , God Incarnate and incarnated God. Any how it is now clear that Engineer “Ali Mirza: is the greatest Heretic Mind of the 21st Century CE , who has gathered all sort of heresies from all over the world. Some time he amazes his critics to such an extent that they use to opine that if such a person was a true Muslim he would have served ‘Isla:m better. But this does not mean that he cannot be refuted. He use to deceive those who are not students of religious topics. REFUTATION It is now necessary to refute the basic heretic idea of Kufr and what Engineer “Ali: Mirza: has discussed so far in the portion of the lecture. There are two types of believes of Heretsies. 1] Those that are Kufr or Shirk in Themselves. 2] Those which are neither Kufr nor Shirk in themselves but imply a Kufr or a Shirk It must be noted once for all that “ALL SHIRK ARE KUFR”. For example one who believes that there is a person who is Prophetised after Holy Prophet is a Certainly and Definitely a Ka:fir, whether he apologizes that he means a Semi Prophet, a Hemi Prophet, a Female Prophet, an Assistant Prophet, a Subordinate Prophet , a Virtual Prophet, a Real Prophet etc. These is no excuse and no apology in this regard. So When SOME ONE say Mr X whether a Qa:diani or else claims that there is a person say Mr Y who is prophetised after Holy Prophet, THE Person Mr X becomes a Ka:fir immediately whether Mr X declares all those who deny the Prophethood of Mr Y as Ka:fir or declares them as Muslim. This is totally immaterial. Now if some one says as Mister E is not a Ka:fir due to believing in the Prophethood of Mr Y but due to he declares all those who deny the Prophethood of Mr Y is Ka:fir becomes a Ka:fir because he does not consider the Denial of the Finality of Holy Prophet as an Independent, Ultimate, Separate and distinct KUFR. Page 7 of 11
Page 8 of 11 On this ground any one who says what the Engineer of Jhelum has said cannot be a Muslim. Not in the least sense and not in the minutest meaning. Similarly if some one who claims that Saiyiduna: “Ali: or any other Person is God or God Incarnate or Incarnated God or Incarnation of God etc. he becomes a Ka:fir and a Mushrik imeediately. It is purely irrelevant and immaterial whether he declares others who deny the Divinity of the reffered person who so ever he may be, as Ka:fir or declares them as Muslim. This shews that Engineer “Ali Mirza: is one of those Heretics who does not declare thse two sects as Ka:fir not upon their believes but as an equal and opposite reaction. This is a Kufr it itself. It has been proved in earlier articles that the the Engineer From Jhelum does not consider a person who holds some articles of Shirk [ atleast one] as Ka:fir. https://www.scribd.com/document/362796742/REFUTATION-OF-CONCEPTION-OF-ENGINEERALI-MIRZA-ABOUT-SHIRK Now it is further clarified from his own statements and sentences. It may further be noted that this man from Jhelum is very dangerous and “Ulamas have not yet recognized his heresy. They have not considered him so dangerous. He his Far more dangerous to faith then he appears to be. He is only uncovering himself. Mathematical Representation If a Person P1 Believes A Person P2 is God or Prophet (Prophet after the Final Prophet Na”u:dh:billah). Let Call this belief “A Pesrson P2 is a God or a Prophet” as belief “X” There fore X= A Person is God or Prophet Let Y be a belief that one who disbelieve as God or a Prophet is Kafir So the person P1 is Kafir on belief X . Whether he believes in Y or not in Y. This is the problem in the Heretic Mind of Engineer “Ali: Mirza:. Y is totally independent of X. The both be Kufr, both each one is an Independent Kufr. If a person believes in a belief which is not Kufr in itself but implies a Kufr [i.e Kufr is La:zim of it] this is a different case. If a Person believes in a belief that is Kufr in itself then it implies an other Kufr in itself it is a different case. Page 8 of 11
Page 9 of 11 “Ali Mirza: deliberately makes confusion between the two types. In the first case if La:zim co exists with ‘Iltiza:m then it is a Kufr. If it is not then there are some minute details. This shall be discussed separately ‘Insha:’all-h in an other article. But in the second case the person who so ever he may be is not a Muslim. Takfi:r [Declaration of Kufr] of the person who so ever he may be is Necessary. Engineer “Ali Mirza: has made a false allegation that the National Assembly declared Qa:dianis as Ka:fir only because Qadianis declared all Muslims as Ka:fir. No this is not the reason. They declared them as Ka:fir because it became crystal clear to every one that one who so ever denies the FINALITY OF HOLY PROPHET is a Ka:fir with Certainty . If Engineer was correct then in this case Lahorites would not be declared as Ka:fir. But even Lahorites are Ka:fir. This exposes the Falsity of Engineer “Ali: Mirza Of Jhelum . BELIEVES OF AHLUSSUNNAH [Ghair Barailviah] Any one who believes any human being as God or God Incarnate etc. is a Kafir, independent of his declaration“Whether he declares the deniers of his belief as Ka:fir or Muslim”. Any one who believes any human being after Holy Prophet as a Prophet. is a Kafir, independent of his declaration“Whether he declares the deniers of his belief as Ka:fir or Muslim”. Although Barailvis may themselves explain their own views and we are not talking on their behalf but it may be informed to the reader of this Article that they do agree with us on these two issues . only engineer ali mirza disputes as it may be seen once again if needed by the readers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bFRkxlqGWU See the Video from 5:35m to 7:09m
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