Nadyia duff Nadyia Duff creates eleborate narratives using her method of drawing and painting. She combines the painterly artistic styles with the realistic. Every layer of her traditional work is a unique and uncalculated build- up of mediums and colors. Together, the juxtaposition of roughly drawn background imagery and the detailed subject imagery creates vast visual narratives. My work is about telling stories and “snapshots” of time. A lot of the imagery we are exposed to in media and in life, are curated snapshots that often do not tell us the complete story. However, it is up to us as viewers to interpret it in our own way. Many of the subjects in my portraits are strangers who give me creative freedom to use their image. I create narratives with their images by placing them in backgrounds curated by me. I make up a visual story that the viewer can interpret in their own way. The backgrounds are randomly chosen and based on my world view. I depict them with a minimalist style to keep the viewers eye moving around the subject. The backgrounds are often out of perspective and simplified to contrast with a realistic but stylized figure since these people I choose to draw/paint do exist but the space behind them isn’t real.