Annual Report 2020 Protecting Heritage to Build Peace
Annual Report 2020 Flexibility and responsiveness in the face of new challenges
Forewords 6 The ALIPH Way: Action, Action, Action! 16
Our projects
ALIPH in the world 20 ALIPH in numbers 22 COVID-19 Action Plan 27 Beirut Action Plan 30 E-learning platform 34 Our impact 36
Reports from the ground
The Restoration of Yazidi Heritage: Supporting stability and the return of inhabitants to Sinjar (Iraq) 43 Timbuktu: The manuscripts of Al Aqib and the preservation of knowledge (Mali) 57 Our completed projects 61
Our daily life
Communications 82 Partnerships 86 Budget and finances 88
Our governance Our ethics 92 Foundation Board 94 Scientific Committee 96 Finance and Development Committee 97 Audit Committee 97 Ethics, Governance, and Remuneration Committee 97 Secretariat 97 Support ALIPH 99
Forewords The ALIPH Way: Action, Action, Action
Dr. Thomas S. Kaplan Chair of the Foundation Board
In the two full years since ALIPH’s effective operationalization, the world underwent significant change and unprecedented disruptions — testing head-on the audacious concept of “project multilateralism” on which the Foundation was built. In 2019 ALIPH made a mark on the landscape of international organizations, establishing itself as a central actor in the field of cultural heritage protection. The still young Geneva-based foundation, over which I have had the honor and pleasure of presiding since October 2017, quickly displayed its great potential by supporting dozens of concrete projects to protect or rehabilitate sites in 15 countries either in conflict or emerging from crisis — from Iraq to Mali. 2020 has been of a different nature altogether. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a set of extraordinary challenges and confronted us all with a new and extremely difficult reality. It also brought immense pain and long-lasting anxiety to millions. As we reflect on this past year, our thoughts go first and foremost to those who have directly suffered from this tragedy — whether in their body, or their soul. As the world went through this harrowing experience — a health emergency with massive economic, social, and indeed cultural reverberations — what could ALIPH do? In one word: act. To act, time and again. Faithful to our credo and consistent with our impact-driven approach — what our ViceChair HE Mohamed Al Mubarak refers to as “The ALIPH Way” — the Foundation mobilized rapidly to provide direct assistance whenever it could be useful and wherever it could make a difference. This was all done in the service of dedicated institutions large and small, and with a particular focus on modest cultural heritage organizations on the ground — whose very survival was threatened by the pandemic’s effect on both operations and access to funding. Thanks to our trademark reactiveness and nimble structure, ALIPH played a vital role in helping mitigate the dire — and mostly overlooked, given the broader urgency — consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for the field of cultural heritage protection and the livelihood of its professionals.
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By April 2020, the Foundation had earmarked an initial aid package of USD 2 million to finance extremely concrete emergency measures (e.g., purchasing masks, implementing sanitary regulations, covering operating costs, improving internet access, supporting the digitization of collections, online training, etc.), for the benefit of some 100 museums, cultural institutions, heritage associations, and groups of artisans located in 37 highly vulnerable countries. The unreservedly positive and heart-warming feedback received from these various operators only reinforced our belief in the critical relevance of rapid, needs-based, and tailored assistance in confronting this new type of “war.” Then, only a few months later, Beirut was to become the stage of yet another catastrophe with the double explosion that hit its port. The images of historical houses, museums, monuments, and places of worship blown away by the conflagration shocked the world and left an indelible mark of sadness in the minds of all that so cherish this magnificent city. It also morphed into a powerful, if tragic, symbol of a people struck by a profound and intractable crisis. ALIPH could not but be at the side of Beirutis — the proud and resourceful heirs to a great Mediterranean civilization, at the crossroads of East and West. By September 2020, through a vetted network of local and international partners, the Foundation was able to support the stabilization and waterproofing of over 30 historical houses, as well as the rehabilitation of several cultural institutions and religious buildings — including the Sursock Museum, the National Museum of Beirut, the Saint George Maronite Cathedral, and the Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral. All tangible evidence of solidarity and practical sources of hope that our Vice-Chair Bariza Khiari championed when she visited Lebanon accompanying President Macron shortly after the trauma. Amidst it all, the past year also witnessed the eruption of new conflicts in which cultural heritage constituted not only collateral damage, but an actual target too. These civil and regional wars serve as a reminder that the “weaponization” of heritage as a hostile practice in fact goes beyond the Islamist terrorism of the past two decades, to encompass a far broader and more complex realm — one that emphasizes identity-politics, zero-sum narratives, and systematic exclusion. Here again, ALIPH strove to stand at the forefront of that emerging and volatility-laden frontier in the conservation of endangered heritage. In these campaigns, the Foundation is fortunate to benefit from the wisdom and experience of leaders such as HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah Al Saud, Board member and Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Culture. With more than USD 18 million committed across four continents, including the preservation of the majestic citadel of Bala Hissar in the heart of Kabul, Afghanistan, 2020 proved to be a time of both consolidation and expansion for ALIPH — strengthening our core function as a trusted provider of financial assistance to quality and needle-moving projects; and reacting to unexpected, underserved needs with characteristic speed and efficacy. The year thus represented a notable milestone in our ambitious quest to protect heritage in order to build peace. None of these considerable achievements would have been possible without the hard work of our Secretariat team; the constant dedication of our Foundation Board, Scientific Committee, and all governing bodies; and the steadfast support of our member states and partners. But as always, credit ultimately belongs to the true unsung heroes of cultural heritage protection, the women and men whose vocation it is to save the treasures of the past, so that our present may be firmly anchored and our future ever more buoyant. To all, I wish to express my most sincere gratitude and utmost admiration. Thank you for contributing with such passion to this fantastic adventure that is ALIPH — and through that singular vessel, to the protection and celebration of our shared humanity.
Introduction | 7
Ms. Bariza Khiari Representative of France and Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board
France places great importance on the protection of cultural heritage, which not only sparks wonder and inspiration for all, but also connects generations. As a legacy from our ancestors, it is our duty to transmit cultural heritage to our children. It also creates a space for encounters and dialogue among peoples, cultures, and religions. It is both an identity marker and a purveyor of ideas, knowledge, and emotions. In 2020, in France, this priority took the form of government support for the heritage sector hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis; it was also illustrated by the substantial progress seen in the restoration project for Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, following the devastating April 2019 fire and in the success of the Fondation du Patrimoine. As an international organization, ALIPH works in conflict areas to manifest this drive to place heritage at the center of policies that straddle crisis management, sustainable social and economic development, stability, and peace. In this respect, the past year firmly rooted support for heritage within the global international landscape and alongside aid for development and reconciliation policies. In 2020, not only did we receive an increasing number of funding applications for projects on all continents, thereby revealing the extent of the need, but we also initiated dialogue on cultural heritage protection as a vector for development and peace, with key partners such as the World Bank and the European Union. And what ALIPH can bring to the international community’s debate and action are a vision, an approach, and a method. Our vision is that cultural heritage protection can be a driver for broader public policy aims, such as peacebuilding, without neglecting that it is also part of the human soul, in war zones as much as anywhere else. Our approach consists of turning every preservation or rehabilitation project into an opportunity for transferring knowledge and training local professionals, raising awareness about heritage protection, and fighting against looting and illicit trafficking in cultural property, as well as promoting dialogue among experts, populations, and communities. Lastly, our method is based on a demonstrated multilateralism built on fieldwork, concrete projects, and responsiveness.
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Introduction | 9
HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak Chairman, Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi Representative of the United Arab Emirates and Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board
The COVID-19 crisis knows no boundaries, and for more than a year now the pandemic has changed the world, taking a devastating human toll, affecting how people live their daily lives and causing global economic distress. It has also impacted our ability to protect cultural heritage for the benefit of present and future generations. A young organization, only formed in 2017, ALIPH has faced extraordinary challenges in its short existence because of the events of 2020. But as the only global fund that is dedicated solely to the protection of cultural heritage in conflict areas, its mission is a vital one and must not be hindered no matter the circumstances. Resilience and commitment have been key themes of 2020, as demonstrated by collaborators, institutions, heritage professionals, and communities. They ensure the conservation of heritage despite limitations imposed by the pandemic to be able to physically work together on site and handle heritage objects. ALIPH was quick to support training in precautionary measures to ensure safe access to sites and collections and resume collaboration on the ground. At the same time, the challenges of the pandemic spurred creative thinking and innovations in the field of heritage conservation, in the harnessing of digital monitoring tools and new project implementation models for preventive and curative interventions. Agility has been an invaluable trait of the organization, with ALIPH’s swiftness in evaluating and funding projects ensuring a rapid response for emergency cases that occurred in 2020, such as the 4 August blast in Beirut, demonstrating solidarity and cooperation in the face of such tragedy. Despite the difficulties posed by COVID-19, 33 new projects were funded by ALIPH in 2020, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to heritage threatened or destroyed by conflict around the world. While many projects are located in the Middle East and Africa, ALIPH is now also supporting more projects in South America and Asia, highlighting opportunities for post-conflict interventions spanning the globe, and emphazising ALIPH’s global mission as set out in the Abu Dhabi Declaration of 2016. Having successfully persevered in the face of such extraordinary circumstances, there is no question that ALIPH is well equipped to forge ahead with its ambitious plans, no matter what the future brings. I greatly look forward to witnessing its positive impact on communities and nations in the years to come.
Introduction | 11
HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud Minister of Culture, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Foundation Board
As a result of global events, the world’s treasured heritage sites have suffered immeasurable tragedy over the last two decades. In our region and further, this has led to the loss of art, literature, historical structures, traditions, heritage, and all the other components that form the culture of a society. However, humans are extremely resilient; we can survive any environment and recover from almost anything. It is our collective history, traditions, and heritage from generations that ensure our ability to recover and move forward. This is the core belief upon which ALIPH was formed. As the Minister of Culture for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I have been leading efforts to document, preserve, and build a broader appreciation of the rich and diverse heritage and culture of our country. We are privileged to have the resources to do so, as developing the cultural sector is an essential part of Saudi Arabia’s national transformation plan – Vision 2030. Yet, for nations caught up in, or recovering from, armed conflict, their limited resources must be dedicated to addressing the needs of its citizens. In these cases, precious resources cannot often be spared for the protection of heritage sites and traditions, despite how critical these efforts are. As part of the Foundation Board of ALIPH since 2019, and as the representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I have witnessed this organization of committed sovereign states and private actors dedicate significant resources to protect heritage in the most trying of circumstances and the most challenging of conflict zones. I have seen ALIPH move beyond its core mandate during the exceptional circumstances of 2020. ALIPH’s COVID-19 Action Plan and its commitment to support heritage sites in Lebanon after the catastrophic explosion in the port of Beirut are only two examples that demonstrate ALIPH’s approach to heritage protection. It is only through acknowledging our diverse culture and complex history that human society will collectively evolve. Over the last century, we have seen the creation of multilateral organizations dedicated to world peace. ALIPH is an extension of that legacy, and only through dialogue and understanding of who we are and where we have been can we hope to create a world that is more tolerant, understanding, and collaborative. ALIPH’s immediate focus is protecting our world’s cultural heritage, while its long-term legacy will be remembered as growing together as one human nation in the absence of armed conflict.
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Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez President-Director, Musée du Louvre Chair of the Scientific Committee
ALIPH’s Scientific Committee concentrated its expertise on adapting the Foundation’s focus to respond to cultural heritage emergencies in conflict zones, where the risks to sites, museums, and collections increased in the wake of the 2020 international health crisis. Following the catastrophic explosions of 4 August 2020 in Beirut, the National and Sursock Museums as well as the historic houses of Beirut faced extreme emergencies. In response to calls from the Lebanese authorities, the Scientific Committee examined nearly 20 projects. One month later, the first works were underway, demonstrating the agility of ALIPH’s intervention method: financing projects by relying on local and international expertise. The Scientific Committee encourages the development of ALIPH’s activities in areas where operations are more difficult, such as in Libya. ALIPH has been able to finance the emergency protection of Apollonia and ErythronLatrun, significant sites located in Cyrenaica. These efforts complement programs to develop the technical capacities of Libyan teams, enabling the long-term protection and enhancement of this rich Libyan heritage that is today threatened by internal conflict. I thank all the members of the Scientific Committee for the quality of their expertise, their constancy, and their responsiveness, all of which have contributed to the success of ALIPH’s actions in the field.
Introduction | 13
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Mr. Valéry Freland Executive Director
The unyielding call of the field When it comes to performing our mission of materially protecting heritage in danger, nothing can match time spent in the field. Our success is contingent upon conducting site visits to evaluate needs or projects underway; meet with populations, the public, or religious authorities; and hold talks with local and international professionals and operators. In this respect, despite the pandemic, in recent months, ALIPH has striven to maintain close ties with the dynamic forces working in heritage protection, whether it be through its COVID-19 Action Plan, enabling it to support local networks, or its ongoing contact with actors in countries including Iraq, Yemen, and North-East Syria. This effort has also entailed properly masked visits to countries in conflict or coming out of crisis. And so, we traveled to Mali, and Gao in particular, in March 2020; to Beirut in September of that year, just after the explosion at the port; and to Afghanistan in March 2021, where we were awed to discover the diversity and historical breadth of Afghan heritage and the scale of the task at hand. At every step, this close proximity to the actors involved and the needs they expressed reinforced for us the notion of the physical and spiritual bond that connects people to their heritage. I am reminded of the smile of the woman who takes care of Saint Anthony’s Church in Deddeh, northern Lebanon, where we are supporting the church’s restoration by Oeuvre d’Orient; or the eyes of the children who came to meet us on the site of the magnificent Buddhist stupa at Shewaki, which is being rehabilitated with our support by the local association, ACHCO (Afghan Cultural Heritage Consulting Organization). ALIPH exists for this woman and these children, and it is for them that we are undertaking our work.
Introduction | 15
The International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH) is the only global fund exclusively dedicated to the protection and rehabilitation of cultural heritage in conflict zones and post-conflict situations. It was created in response to the massive destruction of cultural heritage that began to escalate 20 years ago, predominantly as a result of terrorism and war in the Middle East and the Sahel. ALIPH was founded in 2017 as a private-public partnership assembling eight countries and three private donors. Based in Geneva, this Swiss foundation has the status of an international organization. By the end of 2020, ALIPH had committed more than USD 35 million to support over 100 projects in 22 countries on 4 continents. Wherever possible, ALIPH strives to finance projects that are carried out on the ground. In all cases, ALIPH’s objective is to work hand in hand with local partners, authorities, and communities. The guiding spirit of ALIPH is “Action, Action, Action!” and the organization is run with the mindset of a startup; however, quality and rigor are never compromised. All projects are thoroughly reviewed—in the framework of annual calls or throughout the year for emergency measures—by the Secretariat, the Scientific Committee, and an international network of 200 experts before being approved by the Foundation Board.
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ALIPH in the world ALIPH in numbers COVID-19 Action Plan Beirut Action Plan E-learning platform Our impact
ALIPH IN THE WORLD In 2020, ALIPH expanded its work to support over 100 projects in 22 countries on 4 continents.
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Lebanon Libya
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Côte d’Ivoire
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
On Syrian heritage and North-East Syria
Afghanistan Iraq
Our projects | 21
ALIPH IN NUMBERS Overview 2018 – 2020: Approved Calls for Projects, Emergency Relief, and the Beirut Action Plan* Projects supported
Funds committed
$ 14,239,531
$ 2,318,532 TOTAL $ 33,947,614
$ 16,024,251
$ 1,365,300
Beirut Action Plan (2020)
* The numbers indicated here do not include projects supported under the COVID-19 Action Plan.
Calls for projects: Rising numbers of applications Proposals submitted 2018
Projects supported
1st call (2019)
2nd call (2019)
3rd call (2020)
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Emergency relief measures: Quickly reacting to urgent needs $ 55,000 Funds committed* TOTAL $ 1,299,544 Projects supported TOTAL 21
$ 321,197
1 6
$ 923,347
2018 2019 2020 * For projects approved in 2018-2019, the amounts indicated also include any budget increases that may have been approved in 2020.
Calls for projects: Steadily increasing committed funds Funds requested 2018
$ 1,310,300
1st call (2019)
$ 34,838,149
2nd call (2019)
$ 34,437,635
3rd call (2020)
Funds committed*
$ 6,306,714
$ 51,295,886
$ 9,435,940
$ 13,276,584
$ 120,571,670
$ 30,329,538
* For projects approved in 2018-2019, the amounts indicated also include any budget increases that may have been approved in 2020.
Our projects | 23
2018–2020: Supporting more than 100 projects in 22 countries on 4 continents
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* Countries that received ALIPH support for the first time in 2020 The numbers indicated here do not include projects supported under the COVID-19 Action Plan
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“When the pandemic hit, we knew we needed to shift our focus and immediately assist cultural heritage sites and the women and men who work there. Our flexibility enabled us to respond to their urgent needs and release funds within a very short timeframe.” Rosalie Gonzalez, Project Manager, ALIPH
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The year 2020 will be forever marked by the global coronavirus pandemic and the devasting impact it has had on people’s lives and livelihoods. The cultural heritage sector was not sheltered from this global catastrophe, which forced the closure of monuments, museums, libraries, and other cultural sites around the world. Without question, these sites embody manifold identities and histories, but they are also important sources of employment for local operators, cultural institutions and associations, as well as experts, engineers, builders, and artisans.
In solidarity with these groups, and to contribute to the global effort of alleviating the suffering caused by COVID-19, in April, ALIPH launched its COVID-19 Action Plan to cover the costs related to the implementation of sanitary measures (masks, hand sanitizers, etc.), as well as some operating costs, given the impact that the crisis has had on the resources of heritage institutions. In addition, information technology acquisition and online learning programs were financed to help bridge the digital divide while also building resilience for the future. Finally, emergency heritage preventive protection and income generation projects were supported. Thus, in 2020, ALIPH committed USD 2 million to assist about a hundred operators in countries in conflict or vulnerable regions. The foundation supported 48 heritage operators directly and 43 others indirectly through partnerships with major world heritage protection institutions: UNESCO, the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the Prince Claus Fund, World Monuments Fund (WMF), REMPART association, the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, and Petra National Trust. These organizations were instrumental in identifying beneficiaries and allocating the funds. On top of these efforts, training programs and protection measures for collections were put in place. The German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and the Centre Français de Recherche de la Péninsule Arabique (CEFREPA) cooperated with the General Organisation of Antiquities and Museums in Yemen (GOAM) to develop protection measures for the collections in five Yemini museums as well as providing digital tools and training for their staff. The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) designed training modules on conflict-sensitive cultural first aid. And the Prince Claus Fund Cultural Emergency Response Programme oversaw ten small-scale first aid cultural heritage projects and three rehabilitation projects in Africa and Asia. At the same time, ALIPH established a repository of e-learning resources on the protection of cultural heritage (
Our projects | 27
“This is just wonderful and great news for Blue Shield Pasifika. This will be our first ever International Grant.” Elizabeth Edwards, Secretary General, Blue Shield Pasifika, Fiji
“Thank you for helping us in the mission of safeguarding and preserving the cultural heritage of this ethnic community by supporting the community museum in Mulaló.” Esmeralda Ortiz Cuero, Representative of the community Mulaló museum, Colombia
“I just wanted to pass on the thanks of the artisans and the apprentices that this emergency fund is supporting. This is so very important for their craft, this heritage, and its future — so many thanks for all the efforts you and your colleagues have made on their behalf.” Richard Dwerryhouse, Country Director Jordan, Turquoise Mountain
Number of projects
Number of countries
Number of heritage operators
Number of regranting partnerships
Funds committed
$ 1,296,171 Our projects | 29
BEIRUT ACTION PLAN On 4 August 2020, a large quantity of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse in the port of Beirut ignited, triggering a devastating double explosion. These violent explosions killed many people and injured thousands. They caused extensive structural damage throughout the Lebanese capital, including in its oldest neighborhoods, damaging historical buildings that line its unique streets. Many museums, schools, religious buildings, libraries, and historical houses were among the damaged heritage.
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“ALIPH was the first international organization to be at our side. I must say that we were able to sign a contract, come to an agreement, and figure out all the logistics in just one month! And we just received the funds. It was very fast, very, very fast.” Zeina Arida, Director of Sursock Museum
ALIPH quickly initiated a “Statement of solidarity with Lebanon and support to recover the damaged cultural heritage in Beirut,” signed by over 40 government ministries, cultural heritage operators, museums, and international organizations around the world. As a follow up to this statement, the ALIPH Foundation Board responded with the Beirut Action Plan, earmarking USD 5 million to help stabilize and rehabilitate the city’s cultural heritage. In mid-September, ALIPH, ICOM, and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) undertook a joint mission to Beirut to evaluate the damage, consult with national and local authorities, and meet with heritage partners and members of civil society groups. To carry out the Beirut Action Plan, ALIPH has been working in close coordination with the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) of Lebanon and various international partners and local NGOs. In six months, ALIPH committed USD 2.3 million for 17 projects, including the emergency stabilization of more than 30 buildings under imminent threat of collapse and initiatives to rehabilitate monuments and cultural institutions. In particular, ALIPH supported the rehabilitation of the National and Sursock Museums, the Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral, the Saint George Maronite Cathedral, the National Library, and the Oriental Library. These projects have been implemented by operators including the Directorate General of Antiquities of Lebanon, the Musée du Louvre, the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, the Sursock Museum, the Ecole supérieure des affaires (ESA), the National Heritage Foundation (for the Beirut Heritage Initiative Campaign), the Institut français du Proche-Orient, the Institut national du patrimoine, Prince Claus Fund, Œuvre d’Orient, Monumenta Orientalia, Saint Joseph University and many more organizations. All of these projects have contributed to on-site training and job creation.
Our projects | 31
“As soon as we heard about the blast, we jumped into action to support our friends and colleagues in Beirut. This was not just to stabilize the endangered cultural heritage as quickly as possible but also to convey to the world that the cultural heritage community was committed and ready to help.” Alexandra Fiebig, Project Manager, ALIPH
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Projects supported
Urgent assessment
Residential historic homes, villas, and palaces*
Educational establishments
Places of worship
33 $ 2,318,532
Number of operators and partners
Funds committed
* 35 buildings were stabilized under the 5 projects listed in this line.
Our projects | 33
The coronavirus pandemic made it more difficult for international experts and professionals to access the field, thus contributing to the development of distance learning and profoundly transforming how skills are transferred to local actors. Naturally, the heritage sector has not been spared by this evolution: better still, ALIPH wished to accompany it by developing an e-learning platform to bring together a large number of partners and specialists in the field. To assist these groups, in the spring and summer of 2020, ALIPH launched an e-learning reference repository, gathering links to web-based resources—including online courses (MOOCs), tutorials, webinars, lectures—on the protection of cultural heritage, conflict and peacebuilding. The ALIPH repository categorizes the resources by theme, gives a short summary of the content (with the possibility of their automatic translation into multiple languages), and provides a link to the resource itself. Courses run the gamut, from “The Palmyra Portrait Project: Preserving Cultural Heritage in a Time of Conflict” offered by the Getty Research Institute to “Guidelines for Building an Effective Archival Storage Strategy” by the German Archaeological Institute, or from “Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime” by the University of Glasgow to “Architectural Conservation and Historic Preservation” by the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpour. All the resources are provided by leading institutions and experts around the world. Courses listed on the site include offerings from ICOMOS, ICCROM, the Musée du Louvre, the Getty Conservation Institute, Harvard University, the Antiquities Coalition, Open University, University of Naples, l’Université Numérique Francophone Mondiale (World Digital Francophone University), World Monuments Fund and many other institutions. By November, the e-learning repository listed 100 entries, and in the six months that followed, nearly 2,000 unique users accessed the site. These users have come from more than 100 countries, with Yemen and Iraq listed in the top 20.
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“Our goal is to make this e-learning resource available to an increasing number of practitioners, in regions with limited access to dedicated learning facilities. We wish to enable them to enroll in vocational training in just a few clicks, building skills and expertise where they are most needed, and to counter the effects of protracted conflict and insecurity.” Andrea Balbo, Project Manager, ALIPH
However the pandemic situation evolves in the next few months, the pivot toward online learning or mixed learning (online and in-person) will have been made. For this reason, moving beyond the necessity of overcoming the challenges of COVID-19, ALIPH will continue to build this repository and cooperate with e-learning course providers.
“This is fantastic! Thank you for creating a centralized hub for these programs—it is a real service to the field. I hope it will encourage the development of additional resources to fill the gaps.” Daniel Reid, Whiting Foundation
“This is an absolutely great resource for the field, thank you and congratulations!” Sanne Letschert, Prince Claus Fund
“This is an amazing work and the collection of courses looks really helpful for organizations around the world. Congratulations! We will definitely make it known to our partners.” Anna Lauter, Gerda Henkel Stiftung
Our projects | 35
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ALIPH: Agility and reactivity at the service of heritage ALIPH was created following the massive destruction of cultural heritage in the Middle East and the Sahel by terrorism and wars. Today, a large part of the heritage in these countries is endangered and, with it, the collective memory of the world. But this is not just a problem of the past: more recent conflicts testify to the vulnerability of heritage and how it may be instrumentalized as a weapon of war. This phenomenon is likely to continue as identity is made into a central issue in multiplying regional conflicts or protracted wars: indeed, cultural heritage is one of the main markers of our identities. ALIPH's strength is its agility—its capacity to intervene rapidly—which was highlighted throughout 2020. In April, the Foundation launched a USD 2 million action plan to help nearly 100 heritage operators in 37 vulnerable countries overcome the COVID-19 crisis. After the explosion of 4 August in Beirut, ALIPH initiatied a USD 5 million program to help stabilize the city’s endangered cultural heritage. Since October and into 2021, ALIPH has allocated USD 775,000 to finance the stabilization of the 6th-century Arch of Ctesiphon, located south of Baghdad (Iraq), the largest brick arch built before modern time and facing a risk of collapse. This responsiveness is made possible thanks to the cohesion of ALIPH’s governing bodies, the agility of its tenperson Secretariat, the availability of funds, and its close collaboration with a wide range of local and international partners. In 2019 and 2020, ALIPH's operating costs were under 10% of its total expenditure, meaning that 90% of its budget was dedicated to funding concrete projects in the field.
Our projects | 37
A challenge for global governance The issue of heritage protection is becoming increasingly prominent on the international stage. In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in which the eleventh goal on sustainable cities and communities includes the target to “strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and nautral heritage.” In addition, on 28 March 2017, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2347, focused exclusively on protecting heritage and enshrining its role in building peace and security. ALIPH's work, focused on concrete projects on the ground, contributes directly to these awarenessbuilding efforts. Behind the heritage of countries at war are women and men who depend on heritage not only for their livelihoods but also as an essential part of their identity. This heritage, sometimes used a weapon of war, can also become a vehicle for peace: this is what ALIPH is working towards. And even if heritage is not the essential condition for this peace, there can be no lasting peace without the protection of heritage. ALIPH promotes partnerships between international and local operators to reinforce the impact of the projects it supports. Indeed, the long-term preservation of heritage can only happen if local populations and communities are directly involved in protection and rehabilitation activities.
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A contribution to sustainable development and peace Part of protecting cultural heritage means fighting the illicit trafficking of cultural property, whose revenues make it the third largest source of terrorist financing. For this reason, ALIPH supports several projects that protect archaeological sites and storage areas of cultural artifacts (for instance, in the north-east of Syria) or that safeguard museum collections from looting (such as in Côte d’Ivoire or Yemen). The rehabilitation of heritage also favors economic and social development, job creation, and training—objectives that contribute to stabilization policies carried out by the international community, notably in Iraq, Mali, and Afghanistan. To that end, alongside India, ALIPH is co-financing a major project by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, the rehabilitation Kabul’s Bala Hissar Citadel, in order to create a space for the city’s inhabitants to walk and discover the history of Kabul. This project, implemented in close collaboration with local heritage authorities, will create more than 1,000 jobs. The protection of heritage can also contribute to intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, as long as local populations or actors are initiators of or fully involved in the project. ALIPH has thus supported the rehabilitation of the Mar Behnam Monastery in Iraq, a place of Christian, Sunni, and Yezidi pilgrimage, which has given rise to exemplary work involving all communities. Protecting heritage also means working for sustainable development, in particular through the use of local materials and traditional techniques. A prime example is the rehabilitation of the Tomb of Askia in Mali, where local wood is being used for the reconstruction works and the plastering tradition is being preserved.
Our projects | 39
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The restoration of Yazidi Heritage: Supporting stability and the return of inhabitants to Sinjar (Iraq) Azhar Al-Rubaie Timbuktu: The manuscripts of Al Aqib and the preservation of knowledge (Mali) Dédé Faconam d’Almeida Our completed projects
THE RESTORATION OF YAZIDI HERITAGE: SUPPORTING STABILITY AND THE RETURN OF INHABITANTS TO SINJAR (IRAQ) Azhar Al-Rubaie Azhar Al-Rubaie is a freelance journalist and researcher from Iraq. His writing focuses on a variety of issues, including politics, health, society, wars, and human rights. He has contributed to VICE, Middle East Eye, Al-Jazeera, Al-Monitor, The New Arab, The Arab Weekly, London School of Economics and more. All photos in this article by Al-Rubaie.
It has been nearly six years since the liberation of the Sinjar District (in of the Nineveh Governorate), putting an end to Daesh’s control and the systematic campaign of destruction waged against the Yazidi community. The terrorist group destroyed temples and religious centers dating to the 12th century, core elements of Yazidi heritage. ALIPH, in cooperation with local organizations, has played a leading role in funding the rehabilitation of this heritage and religious sites so important to Yazidis, particularly the temples of Sheikh Hassan and Sheikh Mand and the shrine of Mam Rashan, located in Sinjar, and the sacred grove of Sheikh Bakr near the village of Bahzani, north-east of Mosul.
Reports from the ground | 43
The temples of Sheikh Hassan and Sheikh Mand: A light at the end of the tunnel Support for the reconstruction of Yazidi temples and mausoleums came in response to the strong demand voiced by local populations upon the liberation of their region from Daesh’s control, on 13 November 2015. The religious rites and public events held by this community are strongly tied to these sanctuaries. The INGO Nadia’s Initiative restored the Sheikh Hassan Temple in the village of Gabara, which had been destroyed by Daesh in July 2015; and the Sheikh Mand Temple in Gedala following its destruction on 14 August 2014. The restoration was done in collaboration with two local civil society organizations: Sanabel Future for Civil Society Development (Sheikh Hassan) and Nabu Organization for Awareness (Sheikh Mand).
Below: The Sheikh Mand Temple, located in the village of Gedala, destroyed by Daesh on 24 August 2014 (after its restoration).
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Salah Hassan, communications coordinator for Nadia’s Initiative, explained that “rehabilitation work on the temples of Sheikh Hassan and Sheikh Mand began in November 2020 and was completed in April 2021, for a total cost of over USD 85,000. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the region’s craggy, difficult landscapes, our efforts were successful. When we opened the two temples, a large number of inhabitants from the region came to the ceremony given its religious importance for the Yazidi community. And they held prayers and religious rituals traditionally practiced there, before Daesh destroyed the two sites.” We encountered Kernos Qaru Omar, a resident of the village of Gabara, during his visit to the Sheikh Hassam Temple. He explained, “I felt unimaginably happy at seeing the ruined temple rise up once again. This is a clear message to extremist terrorist groups on their failure to annihilate us, despite their many attempts to do so, because we have the will to survive and meet the challenge. I remember the day Daesh destroyed the temple. I was at the refugee camp with my family when we got the news. We cried, and today, we are witnesses to its reconstruction, as it was before.”
Above: The Sheikh Hassan Temple, located in the village of Gabara, destroyed by Daesh in July 2015 (after its restoration).
Omar added, “We come to Sheikh Hassan Temple every Wednesday to pray, invoke God and light holy olive oil candles, to promote love and peace among the Iraqi people. We also come to visit nearby graves, to share food with family and friends, and to help each other out. We are hoping that the reconstruction effort will continue in the Sinjar District, and that organizations will provide support to enable us to fully return to how it used to be, and peacefully practice our rituals with our loved ones.”
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Hussein Nayef Khodr, head of the Sheikh Mand Temple, who lives in Gedala, told me that the inhabitants have been gradually returning since the site’s reconstruction: “Dozens of Yazidis have come back to the Sinjar district and are happy to see the temple reopen its doors to visitors and believers.” He added, “Seeing my house destroyed was not as painful for me, as this temple is extremely important for us. At the time when Daesh blew it up, a number of women over the age of 80, unable to flee to the mountains, were hiding in it.”
Below: The Sheikh Mand Temple, located in the village of Gedala, destroyed by Daesh on 24 August 2014 (after its restoration).
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Right: Hussein Nayef Khodr, head of Sheikh Mand Temple.
“I want the missing people and those captured by Daesh in remote areas to come back. I lost seven members of my family. “ Hussein Nayef Khodr, head of the Sheikh Mand Temple
Below: The Sheikh Mand Temple, located in the village of Gedala, destroyed by Daesh on 24 August 2014 (after its restoration).
Reports from the ground | 47
Reconstruction of the Mam Rashan Shrine: Restoring what Daesh destroyed
With support from World Monuments Fund (WMF), the Eyzidi Organization for Documentation (EOD), in cooperation with a network of experts, started to research and document the region where the Mam Rashan Shrine is located. This effort began in September 2020 and was completed in October of that year. The reconstruction of the Mam Rashan Shrine is a three-phase process: research and evaluation (1 to 4 months), restoration (5 to 14 months), and completion (15 to 18 months). In the field, the work is being overseen by the engineer Mirza Haju Murad, and the engineer and advisor for religious affairs Khairi Kdi from EOD, which was created in 2014 following the genocide of the Yazidi population. This organization has the mission of documenting acts of genocide and crimes through the colllecting of evidence and encouraging inhabitants to return to Sinjar now that security has been restored.
Below: The remains of the top of the dome of Mam Rashan Shrine, following its destruction.
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Right: The Mam Rashan Shrine, at the summit of Mount Sinjar, destroyed by Daesh in 2014 (before its restoration).
Following a field survey at Mount Sinjar, the need to rebuild the Mam Rashan Shrine became clear to the EOD team. According to Murad, engineer for the shrine’s rehabilitation project, “WMF provided enough support for us to finish all phases of the shrine’s restoration, from research and evaluation to the complete reconstruction of the building. We were fully committed to respecting the religious tradition for the shrine’s reconstruction, as with the shape of the dome and other cultural details. Some essential construction materials were modified, but the shrine’s religious and architectural model did not change. Materials used in times past were produced manually, using lime mortar and plaster, as well as other stones. Because of the progress that has now been made, we can replace some of the materials with others that are of better quality.”
Left: Site of the reconstruction project, part of the effort to restore the Mam Rashan Shrine.
Reports from the ground | 49
We met the Yazidi priest Kamal Bedley Juli, head of the Mam Rashan Shrine, who used to walk several kilometers twice a week to visit the site blown up by Daesh in 2014. “The distance never once bothered me, as I was going in service of God and my religion. I am happy to have witnessed the reconstruction of this shrine, and to have contributed to the effort. This shrine was my workplace for 12 years and is a part of me.” Juli didn’t leave the Sinjar region upon its invasion by Daesh on 3 August 2014—quite the opposite: he volunteered to fight the organization, defending his community and places of worship.
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Left: Yazidi priest Kamal Bedley Juli blessing the construction of the new reception room of the Mam Rashan Shrine.
“Sadly, I lost my cousin and my son. I still don’t know what became of a number of my friends. What hurt me the most was seeing the shrine’s explosion, on 16 October 2014, from Mount Sinjar. I was overcome with sadness and shock at seeing this shrine, which we have protected since it was built in 1844, go up in smoke at the hands of Daesh. I thank all of the international organizations who have worked for the reconstruction of destroyed sites. The restoration of holy temples and shrines has been vital in encouraging displaced Yazidis to come back home after being driven out by Daesh. We have also seen that the region’s inhabitants are visiting these holy sites in growing numbers, which makes us happy.” Left: Engineer Mirza Haju Murad displaying two photos of the Mam Rashan Shrine, showing it before and after its destruction.
Kamal Bedley Juli, head of the Mam Rashan Shrine
Reports from the ground | 51
The return of the Sheikh Bakr Al Qatani Grove: The farmers are “extremely happy!” Twelve kilometers north-east of Mosul, we reached the Sheikh Bakr Al Qatani Grove in Baashiqua-Bahzani, a sacred site of 3,000 olive trees that has been revitalized. Daesh had burnt 800 of them and damaged 2,200 in attacks carried out between 2014 and 2016. Olive trees are sacred and precious to Yazidis, who use olive oil in their religious festivals. They are also the source of income for the 50 farmers formerly employed here. The Lalesh Cultural and Social Center launched the project to revitalize the Sheikh Bakr Al Qatani Grove. The first step taken was to clean the damaged trees, uprooting burnt ones and replacing them with new trees. A protective barrier was then built to project the grove from animals and vandalism. We met Mumtaz Ibrahim, the agricultural engineer in charge of the Al Qatani Grove, who stated that “the rehabilitation of this grove took place in three phases: first, a 2,400-meter-long barrier was built; next, we installed 200 meters of irrigation canals; and lastly, we planted 1,185 trees.”
52 | Annual Report 2020
Above: The olive trees of the Sheikh Bakr Al Qatani Grove, and the irrigation canals on both sides.
Left: A farmer linking the olive trees with the canals.
Reports from the ground | 53
“What the damaged olive trees really need is water, but it’ll take them an average of three years to grow.” Mumtaz Ibrahim, agricultural engineer of the Al Qatani Grove
Below: A farmer linking the olive trees with the canals.
54 | Annual Report 2020
Left: The canals of the Sheikh Bakr Al Qatani Grove.
Chamel Sulaiman Murad Lasso, a 52-year-old farmer, spoke with us about the quality of the olive trees that were burnt by Daesh when the group captured the village of Bahzani in 2014: “Bahzani’s olive trees are among the best in the world: they can hold up for more than ten years without losing their characteristics, like the taste and color of their olives. The rehabilitation of the grove and construction of the canal has allowed us to protect the trees and more efficiently irrigate them. It used to take hours to irrigate them, but now it takes just 30 minutes.” Lasso adds, “the restoration of this grove has changed our lives. We are all delighted to see our trees growing once again, and to be able to use more efficient work methods thanks to the efforts of international organizations. These olive trees are part of our identity, and they also imbue our region with beauty.” The project has a budget of $145,000, covering the work undertaken on the grove, including its rehabilitation in three phases. The trees were planted on 13–25 February 2021, and the barrier was built in September and October 2020. Work on the canals began in March 2021 and is still underway.
Above: A farmer linking olive tree seedlings with the canals.
According to Chahd Khoury, coordinator of the Sheikh Bakr Qatani Grove project for the organization Mesopotamia, “Thanks to the funding provided by ALIPH and the Saint Irénée Foundation, two phases of this project are now finished, as well as 60% of the construction of the canals, which will be completed at the end of May 2021. Through this aid, the situation for the farmers has drastically improved, and many of them will benefit from this grove. These trees are their heritage, from one generation to the next.” The inhabitants of regions liberated from the yoke of Daesh, including those of Sinjar, are continuing this fight to rebuild their destroyed homes and temples, with the help of local and international organizations. Many people are also seeking to return home to these liberated territories and recover a normal life.
Reports from the ground | 55
TIMBUKTU: THE MANUSCRIPTS OF AL AQIB AND THE PRESERVATION OF KNOWLEDGE (MALI) Dédé Faconam d’Almeida Dédé Faconam d’Almeida is a journalist and a specialist in communications for development in Mali. She collaborates with several local and international media and is passionate about human rights and peacebuilding issues. Since November 2019, she has headed ODEKA, a training and media company. She is also a TV producer and presenter.
Timbuktu. In May, it is hot and the darkness in the manuscript room contrasts with the heat outside. With a smile in his voice, Mohamed El Moktar Cissé describes his treasure, passed down through his family for generations. “We have centuries-old manuscripts here. There is everything from scientific documents to historical accounts and of course thousands of religious books. They are written in several languages and on various materials such as paper, but also leather ... It is our most valuable asset,” proudly explains the son of the Imam of the great hundred-year-old mosque that stands majestically on the square that bears his name: Sankoré. These manuscripts are the soul of this thousand-year-old city, which over time, but especially with all the peoples and knowledge that have crossed through it, has become and remains a significant holder of humanity’s heritage. The whole world learned about these manuscripts after the crisis of 2012 when they almost disappeared. Faced with the destructive intentions of the extremist groups occupying the city, the families holding the precious documents preserved them as best they could. The inhabitants of the “capital of knowledge” saved thousands of them, sometimes even at the risk of losing their own lives. In January 2014, a year after the end of the occupation of the city, “Al Aqib,” the old library attached to the Sankoré mosque, was the first to reopen and make the manuscripts available to the public, explains Mohamed El Moktar Cissé, the library’s Director. He remembers that these already weak manuscripts suffered even more from the long months spent locked in the canteens. After a first initiative to “save their lives,” as he says, the family “wrote a letter to the Association Archives Manuscrits et Livres Anciens (AMALIA) for help.” The Director of the library remembers explaining in his letter that the conservation of some 4,000 manuscripts fell under his responsibility.
Reports from the ground | 57
“This collection of manuscripts was being kept in problematic conditions,” explains Maria Luisa Russo, expert in the conservation, management, and enhancement of archives and libraries, and President of AMALIA. With the financial support of ALIPH, her organization implemented the project, “which was for the physical conservation of the manuscripts, for instance, dry cleaning them, storing them in conservation boxes and, in some cases, undertaking small interventions to restore the leaves. The operations were carried out entirely on site. All this was in addition to organizing the room where the works are kept. We also had to work on the physical environment in which the works are conserved. This was all done thanks to the local staff who we trained to carry out this work.” “We were seduced by the project’s approach. First of all, they did a thorough investigation of the project even before accepting our request,” recalls Mohamed El Moktar Cissé. “Then we received training in conservation techniques. That changed everything, because before, we had really rudimentary techniques: we put the manuscripts in canteens, we took them out, we spread them out on the tables, and we dusted them. Today we have really evolved,” he rejoices. The conservation project, which ran from 2019 to December 2020, was necessary and offered a twofold challenge: to preserve the content but also the container. As a cultural asset, a manuscript is above all a physical object with all its particularities. “The text can be preserved through digitization. But the physical manuscript can only be preserved if an action is executed on the object itself,” explains Maria-Luisa Russo.
58 | Annual Report 2020
The AMALIA Association is active mainly in Mali and Italy. The project at Al Aqib was supported by Mali’s Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and other focal points have been identified at the Ministry of Culture and other departments to ensure the longevity of the project. According to Maria Luisa Rosso, working on books, both printed and handwritten, is important for Mali as well as for the rest of the world. Through this project, beyond the conservation of documents for their historical, artistic, and physical aesthetic value, it is a question of “promoting knowledge of this heritage, and not only for academics: it is also essential to transmit the importance of the role of libraries and books to the general public, to contribute to the awakening of civic consciousness. This is why we organize activities to open up these spaces to people who do not normally have access to this knowledge, to books. AMALIA’s mission is to carry out a series of activities to protect heritage and make it accessible to local people.” For Yéhia B., a student from Timbuktu, having access to the manuscripts again “is an incredible opportunity.” Like him, many other Malian and foreign scholars are making the trip to consult or even just see the Timbuktu manuscripts. “The oldest of the manuscripts here dates from 1621; it is a work on Islam. Knowing that I will be able to pass it on to others is a blessing,” concludes El Moktar Cissé.
Reports from the ground | 59
“When I joined ALIPH in September 2020 as Scientific and Programs Director, I was welcomed into a large network of partners, collaborators, and colleagues – many of whom I had worked with in the past and some whom I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time. That already 14 projects have been completed since ALIPH’s founding, is testament to the determination, scientific rigor, and expertise of these colleagues around the world. On behalf of ALIPH, I extend our gratitude and congratulations to all!” Maja Kominko, Scientific and Programs Director
Reports from the ground | 61
Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan: Protection of the collections of the Museum of Civilization of Côte d’Ivoire Operator: Fondation Tapa The Museum of Civilization of Côte d’Ivoire lost part of its valuable collection in 2011, following looting during political unrest. The project reinforced the security measures of the museum building and the storage rooms.
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Reports from the ground | 63
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Iraq Hatra: Damage assessment and first aid interventions to the world heritage site of Hatra after Daesh occupation Operators: Associazione Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente (ISMEO) in cooperation with the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH) Located in an isolated area of the desert steppe of northern Iraq, Hatra is the best-preserved example of a Parthian city. Hatra was occupied by Daesh in 2014 and the site has been listed on the World Heritage in Danger List since July 2015. The site was liberated in April 2017, and in February 2020, ISMEO, in cooperation with the SBAH, undertook the first damage assessment by combining a survey with targeted field observations as well as securing damaged sculptural decorations.
Reports from the ground | 65
66 | Annual Report 2020
Khidr: Rehabilitation of the Mar Behnam Monastery Operators: Fraternité en Irak in cooperation with the Syriac Catholic Dioceses of Mosul and local authorities The Mar Behnam Syriac Catholic Monastery in Khidr, 35 km south-east of Mosul, is one of the oldest Christian monuments in the country. The monastery dates to the 4th century, although some buildings are medieval. The monastery is a site of pilgrimage for Christians, Sunni Muslims, and Yazidis, making it a symbol of a peaceful coexistence throughout the centuries. The monastery was badly damaged by Daesh in 2015, during the occupation that nearly destroyed the trust between the different communities. In close cooperation with the Syriac Catholic diocese of Mosul and local authorities, the project rehabilitated the monastery using materials from destroyed historical buildings whenever possible and with the support of Christian and Muslim groups, thereby helping to rebuild a common trust.
Reports from the ground | 67
Sinjar province: Restoration of Yazidi temples destroyed by Daesh Operators: Nadia’s Initiative in cooperation with the NGO Nabo Many Yazidi temples in the Nineveh governorate of northern Iraq have origins as far back as the 12th century. They were destroyed by Daesh as part of a systematic campaign to eradicate the Yazidis from the Sinjar region. The temples are publicly owned by community members and are important places for upholding the Yazidi communal identity. In cooperation with the local Yazidi NGO Nabo, this project has reconstructed the Sheikh Mand in Gedala village and Malack Sheikh Hassan in Gabara village. It used locally sourced materials and traditional building techniques in an effort to also support the sustainable development of the region.
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Lebanon Beirut: Technical damage assessment, first aid, and stabilization activities for approximately 20 museums, libraries, and archives Operators: Prince Claus Fund in cooperation with Blue Shield Lebanon Around 20 museums and libraries were damaged in the Beirut blast. To assess the extent of this damage, Blue Shield Lebanon conducted a technical assessment and installed temporary window and door coverings to avoid further degradation of the premises and the collections. This project also contributed to waterproofing some of the historical buildings.
Beirut: Urgent roof covering for historical houses following the Beirut blast (two projects) Operators: Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo) in cooperation with the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) of Lebanon; National Heritage Foundation for the Beirut Heritage Initiative campaign (Lebanon) in cooperation with Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA) As part of the urgent stabilization efforts for historical buildings damaged by the blast, two projects provided temporary roof coverings (such as tarps or sheet metal) for 30 historical houses in the Achrafieh, Rmeil, Medawar, and Saifi quarters.
Reports from the ground | 71
Beirut: Evaluation of the architectural rehabilitation project of the Old City of Beirut Operators: Ecole de Chaillot and Institut National du Patrimoine (France) After the widespread destruction of the Old City of Beirut following the Beirut blast, a team of three architects and one engineer was commissioned to support the General Directorate of Antiquities to overview the damage, estimate the resources required for repairs, and contribute to a long-term strategy through concrete recommendations.
Beirut: Stabilization of glass artifacts at the Archaeological Museum Operators: Institut National du Patrimoine (France) and the American University in Beirut The collection of the Archaeological Museum of the American University was mostly spared by the Beirut blast, with the exception of one vitrine in the Phoenician Gallery hosting 74 glass artifacts dating from the Roman to the Islamic periods. Alongside museum staff, a glass conservator hired by the Institut National du Patrimoine carried out a first-aid recovery mission. They set up an emergency conservation lab where they identified and sorted the fragments, and whenever possible, objects were consolidated on site.
Beirut: Management and conservation of the paper-based collection of the Sursock Museum Operators: Institut National du Patrimoine (France) and Sursock Museum The Beirut blast shattered many vitrines and frames displaying artifacts at the Sursock Museum, damaging 27 paper-based works, including pastel works, drawings, newspaper clippings, letters, notebooks, and photographs. An emergency mission was organized with a paper conservator to evaluate the most damaged pieces as well as recondition them. Approximately ten graphic pieces underwent emergency conversation.
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Reports from the ground | 73
Mali Timbuktu: Preserving manuscripts in the Al-Aqib Library, Sankoré Mosque Operator: AMALIA The Al-Aqib Library at the Sankoré Mosque in Timbuktu holds a unique manuscript collection, which remained in Timbuktu during the armed attacks of 2012. This project improved the critical preservation conditions of the collection through collaboration between AMALIA and library personnel. The Al-Aqib collection is also part of a digitization project led by the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, and of a research project coordinated by the University of Hamburg.
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Niger Agadez: Documentation and restoration of the Old City of Agadez Operators: Imane Atarikh in cooperation with the Planning Committee of the Old City of Agadez and Iconem The city of Agadez, built along caravan roads before the 15th century, preserves the rich tradition of local architectural styles. The minaret of the Great Mosque of Agadez is one of the tallest mudbrick structures in the world, and the earthen houses around it are decorated with unique complex shapes and patterns. The combined effects of civil unrest, which resulted in bombings in 2013, and climate change, causing flash floods, put this architecture at significant risk. This emergency project documented and restored the Great Mosque and four surrounding houses as well as provided on-the-job training for 30 young people to ensure that the community is able to maintain these buildings in the future.
Reports from the ground | 75
North-East Syria Raqqa: Rehabilitation of the Raqqa Museum Operators: La Guilde Européenne du Raid in cooperation with the local NGO Roya The Museum of Raqqa held an important collection of cultural and archaeological artifacts dating from pre-history to modern times. However, the museum suffered damage and was reportedly looted by Daesh in 2013. The rehabilitation of the museum was conducted in cooperation with the local NGO Roya. A new project will carry out restorations of part of the remaining collection so that the museum may be re-opened. This project had the financial assistance of the Principality of Monaco.
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Al-Hasakah Governorate: Urgent Intervention: Stabilizing the historical Tell-Beydar Palace site and securing and improving conservation conditions of artifacts Operator: Fight for Humanity The Tell Beydar archaeological site, located in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, dates to 2600 BCE. As a result of the conflict in Syria, the site has faced threats ranging from illegal excavations and vandalism to climate hazards. A local team implemented emergency measures for the site, including protecting the walls and refurbishing the visitor facilities. In addition, security was reinforced for the warehouse in Rmelan, where the local authorities store over 20,000 artifacts seized at the border and which originate from the region (taken from archaeological sites and armed forces). This storage space was also refurbished (cleaning, aeration, plumbing, electricity, installation of security camera) so that the artifacts can be better protected in the future.
Reports from the ground | 79
80 | Annual Report 2020
Communications Partnerships Budget and finances
La Brésilienne Jaqueline Martins s'installe à Bruxelles p.5
Protecting Iraq's cultural he from the coronavirus pande
Abu Dhabi's Aliph Foundation has launched a US$1 effect of lockdown on communities who rely on cultura
Il Louvre e ALIPH si mobilitano per restaurare il Museo Nazionale di Beirut By Niccolò Lucarelli - 1 settembre 2020
Temple of Maran in Hatra, Iraq. Courtesy ISMEO
ALIPH (International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Con�ict Areas) e il Musée du Louvre insieme per salvare il Museo Nazionale di Beirut. Con 200.000 dollari e l’invio di due squadre di esperti per dirigere i lavori
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Lundi 21 septembre 2020 - N° 2012
The final stages of a major restoration project were almost comple
was reduced to rubble.
Beyrouth, premiers pas vers une lente reconstruction
In 2014, the faded mansion in Mosul, Iraq, had finally regained its
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carved in Mosul marble again made it among the finest examples house in a city known for its evocative architecture.
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before coalition air strikes destroyed its northern and western wing
Now, like much of Mosul’s proud heritage, it is waiting to be pieced from the rubble brick by brick.
Stéphane Janssen, collectionneur boulimique p.4
Veduta aerea dell’area del porto dopo l’esplosione. AP Photo/Hussein Malla
ArtDependence | ALIPH will Devote a First Envelope of 5 million Dollars to the Stabilization and Rehabilitation of Beirut’s Dam
In seguito all’esplosione del 4 agosto scorso che ha causato circa 150 vittime e danni per 4,6 miliardi di dollari al quartiere del porto e a quelli vicini, si compiono i primi passi per la necessaria ricostruzione
della città. Tra gli edi�ci danneggiati, anche il Museo Nazionale di Beirut.
Home (/) / Articles (/articles/) / ALIPH will Devote a First Envelope of 5 million Dollars to the Stabilization and Rehabilitation of Beirut’s Damaged Cultural Heritage
Sono iniziati il primo settembre i sopralluoghi per i successivi lavori di ripristino delle condizioni di
sicurezza al Museo Nazionale. L’esplosione di agosto, sulle cui cause non è ancora stata fatta piena luce,
Un masque maya restitué au Guatemala
ha infatti divelto quasi tutte le porte e le �nestre dell’edi�cio, così come ha danneggiato l’impianto
ALIPH will Devote a First Envelope of 5 million Dollars to the Stabilization and provvisoria. Per questo ALIPH (International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Con�ict Areas) e il Rehabilitation of Beirut’s Damaged Cultura Musée du Louvre si sono uniti nel fronteggiare l’emergenza, portando aiuto economico e specialistico al museo di Beirut. La Direzione generale delle antichità del Libano, nei giorni immediatamente successivi Heritage elettrico e il sistema di allarme e videosorveglianza. Attualmente, il Museo è costantemente vigilato dalla polizia per evitare furti o atti di vandalismo, ma questa può essere soltanto una soluzione
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al disastro aveva censito i danni, stimandone l’ammontare in circa un milione di dollari. Quando
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
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Following the explosion of 4 August and the damag it caused to museums, libraries, monuments an historic houses in central Beirut, the ALIP Foundation Board decided to allocate an init La memoria deldollars Beirutto histórico envelope herida of 5 million finance emergen Las explosiones del 4 de to agosto han destruido o dañado 652 de th l measures stabilize, protect, orgravemente rehabilitate Ahora se temen los estragos de las lluvias por el riesgo de derrumbe city’s cultural heritage. LA MIRADA DEL CORRESPONSAL
Assassinat d'un directeur du Musée national
Image courtesy to ALIPH Foundation
Following the explosion of 4 August and the damage it caused to museums, libraries, monuments and his houses in central Beirut, the ALIPH Foundation Board decided to allocate an initial envelope of 5 million do to finance emergency measures to stabilize, protect, or rehabilitate thecity’s cultural heritage.
Aliph doubles its emergency funding for cultural sites in response to overwhelming need
A total of $2 million will go to heritage sites affected by the coronavirus pandemic
Gien lance son chantier de la Faïencerie
Vista aérea de los daños en el palacio y Museo Sursock. H. AL ACHKAR / GETTY
ROSA MENESES @rosameneses10
Vous êtes ici : Accueil » Infos des régions » D. A. Abidjan / Grands ponts » Abidjan » Côte d’Ivoire -AIP / Covid 19 : La fondation ALIPH lance un fonds d’urgence pour la protection du patrimoine culturel
Domingo, 20 septiembre 2020 - 03:04
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Côte d’Ivoire -AIP / Covid 19 : La fondation ALIPH lance un fonds d’urgence pour la protection du patrimoine culturel ABIDJAN
Veinte años se prolongaron los trabajos de rehabilitación del Aná Museo Sursock, en Beirut, para borrar los estragos de la guerra civil en la que se sumergió el Líbano entre 1975 y 1990 y poder Nue polí reabrirlo al público. El 4 de agosto pasado, bastaron pocos segundos para devolver esta joya histórica a sus tiempos más oscuros. Las explosiones originadas en un almacén con 2.750 toneladas vidrieras coloreadas, descabalgaron cuadros, quebraron estatuas, rompie artesonados y lo cubrieron todo de cenizas y escombros.
28/04/2020 à 10:35
El Museo Sursock data de 1912 y se alza, rodeado de jardines, frente al p erigió en el centro histórico de Beirut. Construido en 1860 por Musa Sur siempre ha sido una insignia del Beirut más cosmopolita. Los Sursock que atesoraron obras de arte durante tres generaciones. Nicolas Sursock para convertirla en museo.
A stupa at Shewaki, Afghanistan, photographed in June 2020, that is being rehabilitated with funds from the Aliph Foundation. Work on the Shewaki site was interrupted by the coronavirus, but has now resumed. ACHCO
Melissa Gronlund
July 30, 2020 Abidjan, 28 avr ( AIP) – La Fondation ALIPH a annoncé, mardi, le lancement d’un fonds d’urgence pour renforcer la protection du patrimoine culturel dans les zones en con�it et post-con�it, et aider les communautés concernées à surmonter les conséquences du COVID-19. La Fondation alloue une première enveloppe d’un million de dollars soit 500 millions FCFA pour aider les opérateurs locaux à couvrir leurs coûts de fonctionnement, de santé et de personne, l’acquisition d’outils informatiques et l’accès à des programmes de formation en ligne. Des projets urgents de protection préventive du patrimoine ou générateurs de revenus seront également soutenus, selon un communiqué transmis à l’AIP. Selon le directeur exécutif d’ALIPH, Valéry Freland, son organisation s’engage à travailler à la protection du patrimoine culturel dans les zones en con�it avec et pour les communautés. ” Derrière chaque monument, chaque site, il y a des hommes et des femmes qui subissent de plein fouet la pandémie”, a-t-il indiqué. Ce fonds exceptionnel a pour but de les aider à surmonter cette période di�cile et à se préparer à la relance, le moment venu, de notre travail commun de protection du patrimoine
The Aliph Foundation has doubled the amount of emergency funding allocated for its coronavirus relief call. The Swiss-based organisation, which helps safeguard world heritage sites that are in conflict or post-conflict areas, will give more than $2 million (Dh7.3 million), up from the $1m
pour le développement et la réconciliation, selon le directeur exécutif d’ALIPH.
it envisaged giving to cultural heritage sites that have been affected by the coronavirus
Dans le monde entier, la pandémie a en effet entraîné la fermeture de nombreux musées, bibliothèques et autres sites culturels et patrimoniaux, et souvent mis un terme aux
pandemic. These include more than 100 organisations in 60 countries, including the
travaux de réhabilitation.
National Museum of Mali, the Uganda Museum in Kampala, Corporacion Cultural Museo
ALIPH a été lancée en décembre 2016 à Abou Dhabi, en réaction à la destruction massive du patrimoine culturel du Moyen-Orient et du Sahel par la guerre et le terrorisme. Il
del Vidrio of Bogota and the Directorate of Heritage and Archaeology of Mosul.
s’agissait pour la communauté internationale de créer un nouvel instrument �nancier, agile et �exible, pour protéger le patrimoine dans les zones en con�its.
Patrimoine en danger
De Genè en aide
L’Alliance internati patrimoine dans le des projets de reco francs.
Aujourd’hui, grâce au soutien de ses donateurs publics et privés, ALIPH �nance près de 50 projets dans 14 pays sur 4 continents. (AIP) nmfa/ask
82 | Annual Report 2020
Pascale Zimmermann Corpata Publié: 16.09.2020, 16h25
eritage emic
Au Mali, le tombeau des Askia, patrimoine mondial, va être réhabilité -
Se connecter
1m fund to ease the al heritage sites Histoire (
Au Mali, le tombeau des Askia, patrimoine mondial, va être réhabilité Par GEO avec AFP - Publié le 12/03/2020 à 8h43 Mali
China increases heritage protection efforts in conflict regions By Xu Keyue Published: 2020/1/17 1:16:49
ete when Beit Al Tutunji
The young Foundation’s agility and responsiveness did not go unnoticed in 2020. In the course of the year, over 150 stories either about ALIPH or the projects it supports were published by the media on nearly every continent, on radio, television, print, and the web.
former grandeur.
hallways and bas-reliefs People walk at a mosque in Naghshe Jahan Square in Isfahan, Iran, on July 17, 2019. of an Ottoman
Constructed between 1598 and 1629, Isfahan is now an important historical site, and courtyard one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. Photo: Xinhua/Ahmad Halabisaz © Getty
China is joining global heritage protection efforts in conflict regions amid rising Middle East tension, according to a multilateral alliance aimed at
an artillery encampment protecting cultural heritage.
The International Alliance for the protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH) told the Global Times at a press conference on Wednesday that
tombeau d back together, rebuilt China has provided the group with financialLe support globally des and isAskia à Gao (nord-est), un des quatre sites au Mali encouraging more expert guidance from Chinese professionals and inscrits au patrimoine heritage preservation institutions.
de l'Unesco, va être réhabilité, ont indiqué mercredi les autorités maliennes et une organisation de sauvegarde
Cultural heritage is often target during armed conflicts. Restoration en is anzone de con�it. des monuments important part of social and cultural countries 9/22/2020reconstruction in the Four weeks after blast, rehabilitation work begins at National Museum of Beirut | The Art Newspaper involved. Some countries, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, have suffered from decades of unrest and their culture and heritage have been damaged, NEWS Freland. MUSEUMS & HERITAGE said ALIPH Executive Director Valéry
maged …
Tensions in the Middle East escalated after the US targeted strike on January 3 killed Iranian Major-General Qasem Soleimani. Iran responded with missile strikes aimed at US bases in Iraq.
Four weeks after blast, rehabilitation work begins at National Museum of Beirut
The move sparked increased concern over the fate of the region's Louvre collaborates with Lebanon’s antiquities authority on repairs to cultural heritage.
doors, windows and security system
As China has advanced technology in bronze, pottery, porcelain, and temple restoration, ALIPH hopes professionals and related institutions cooperate with them to protect heritage sites in conflict areas, Freland NANCY KENNEY said.
31st August 2020 19:44 BST
Chinese authorities with the National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) welcomed ALIPH members and took them to China's iconic Terracotta Warriors Museum in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi
Gerardo Vera
Ganadores Emmy MENÚ
ge nd PH tial ncy los he755 edificios de la capital clasificados como patrimonio.
Workers at the National Museum of Beirut beginning a rehabilitation project financed by Aliph and undertaken by the Musée du Louvre alongside the Directorate General of Antiquities of Lebanon
© © Julien Chanteau
Staff members from the Musée du Louvre and Directorate General of Antiquities of Lebanon today began overseeing work on a joint rehabilitation project at the National Museum of Beirut, which was heavily damaged in this month’s explosion in the city’s port area, the International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (Aliph) reports.
storic ollars
The museum is 3km south of the port, and the blast on 4 August destroyed the museum’s windows and doors and caused serious damage to the security system. At least 180 people were killed and over 6,000 wounded in the city and countless buildings were leveled.
When the port of Beirut was hit by double explosions in early August, ALIPH responded not only in its capacity as a financial instrument, but also by launching the “Statement of Solidarity with Lebanon and support to recover the damaged cultural heritage in Beirut.” Written in English, French, and Arabic, this short statement was issued two days following the explosion, and it was signed by over 40 government ministries, cultural heritage operators, museums, and international organizations around the world. Thanks to these partners, in the week following the blast, nearly 500 tweets under the hashtag #BeirutHeritage reached an audience of over 3 million people. Moreover, the Statement of Solidarity was written about in publications as varied as L’Orient le Jour (Lebanon), The National (UAE), the Architect’s Newspaper, and Vogue. In Geneva, in December, the ALIPH flag waved proudly on the iconic Pont du Mont Blanc for a week, bringing attention to its mission Protecting Heritage to Build Peace. This was also the theme of a series of short videos released throughout the year, each one highlighting rehabilitation projects supported by ALIPH in Raqqa (North-East Syria), Gao (Mali), Beirut, Khidr (Iraq), and Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire). Stay tuned in 2021 as more videos are published.
álisis. Las cinco crisis del Líbano
evo gobierno. Emmanuel Macron redobla su presión para que la clase ítica del Líbano ponga en marcha reformas
de nitrato de amonio hicieron añicos sus cristales y eron vasijas, derrumbaron techumbres, estropearon
palacio del mismo nombre que esta dinastía greco-ortodoxa rsock, el magnífico palacio de estilo veneciano-otomano k fueron una rica familia de terratenientes y mercaderes k legó a su muerte, en 1952, su casona a la ciudad de Beirut
ève on vient e à Beyrouth
ionale pour la protection du es zones de conflit (ALIPH) soutien onstruction pour 4,5 millions de
Our daily life | 83
COMMUNICATIONS: MENA OUTREACH In 2020, ALIPH extended its connections with the women and men who work every day to protect their heritage and contribute to the preservation of cultural diversity. To know these people better, and to deepen our support to them, the Secretariat organized a series of events—both in person and virtual — to offer advice, answer questions, and provide feedback on grant proposals in development. Emphasis was particularly given to support the Arabic-language operators working in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. To that end, in March 2020, just before the COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, ALIPH facilitated a two-day workshop in Barcelona on “Empowering Civil Society for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas,” in cooperation with the Spanish NGO Heritage for Peace. This event, hosted by the Spanish Research Council, convened heritage operators from Iraq, Libya, North-East Syria, and Yemen, as well as international funding agencies. In English and Arabic, participants exchanged ideas and best practices. One session was dedicated to training participants on grant writing and ALIPH’s SmartSimple platform. After ALIPH announced its COVID-19 Action Plan, it organized a webinar with Heritage for Peace to help Arabic-speaking actors apply for this funding. Nearly 150 people from 18 countries, including Iraq, Libya, and Yemen, participated in this virtual meeting in Arabic.
84 | Annual Report 2020
“These Arabic-language outreach events have been a wonderful way to get to know local operators who are working tirelessly to protect cultural heritage in their region. These personal connections are invaluable for understanding which initiatives should be prioritized and then together building robust projects with the potential for lasting impact.” Mahdia Siari, Project Manager, ALIPH
Our daily life | 85
Launch of the rehabilitation of the Tomb of Askia On 10 March 2020, in Gao, Mali, N’Diaye Ramatoulaye Diallo, Minister of Culture, and Valéry Freland, Executive Director of ALIPH, in the presence of former Prime Minister Ousmane Issoufi Maïga and representatives of administrative and traditional authorities and civil society, launched the project for the rehabilitation of the Tomb of Askia. The project is being implemented by Mali’s National Directorate of Cultural Heritage (DNPC) with the support of the French organization CRAterre and financed by ALIPH.
The Principality of Monaco, a new ALIPH donor On 22 April 2020, Laurent Anselmi, Government Councillor and Minister for External Relations and Cooperation of the Principality of Monaco, and Valéry Freland, Executive Director of ALIPH, signed a partnership agreement. According to the agreement, Monaco will contribute to the financing of two ALIPH-supported projects being implemented by international or local operators: the rehabilitation of the Raqqa Museum (North-East Syria) and the renovation of St. Anthony’s Church in Deddeh and the conservation of its murals (Lebanon).
Strength in numbers: ICOM, ICOMOS, and ALIPH make a joint mission to Beirut Following the explosions at the port of Beirut in August 2020, MarieLaure Lavenir (ICOMOS), Peter Keller (ICOM), and Valéry Freland (ALIPH) undertook a joint mission to the Lebanese capital from 14-16 September. This trip was an opportunity to meet with the Minister of Culture, the Director General of Antiquities (DGA), and representatives of many cultural institutions and civil society groups to assess their needs and launch several partnerships to stabilize historical houses and rehabilitate museums, libraries, and religious buildings.
ALIPH reinforces its support to Mosul On 21 October 2020, ALIPH strengthened its partnership with the Iraqi authorities through two cooperation agreements. The first, signed by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of Iraq, Musée du Louvre, the Smithsonian Institution, World Monuments Fund, and ALIPH, refers to the rehabilitation of the Mosul Museum. The second, between the Iraqi Ministry and ALIPH, formalized the Foudation’s support for the rehabilitation of two mosques, two churches, and a patrician house in the old city of Mosul (together known as the “Mosul Mosaic Project”).
New partnership between the Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and ALIPH On 10 December 2020, Miguel Moratinos, former Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs and High Representative of the Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), and Valéry Freland, Executive Director of ALIPH, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions. In particular, they agreed to support concrete projects in conflict and post-crisis areas that contribute to cultural diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, and peace.
Our daily life | 87
BUDGET AND FINANCES Finances in brief Grants approved (2020)
USD 17,854,234 Cumulative grants (2018-2020)
Contributions received (2020)
Operational expenses* (2020)
* Calculated with 2020 average CHF/USD exchange rate.
88 | Annual Report 2020
Support ALIPH’s fund is thanks to the generous support of all its members and donors:
Member states France United Arab Emirates Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Kuwait Luxembourg China Morocco
Private members Dr. Thomas S. Kaplan Fondation Gandur pour l’Art
Host country Switzerland
Public and private donors The Principality of Monaco The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Lionel Sauvage Family Foundation
Our daily life | 89
90 | Annual Report 2020
Our ethics Foundation Board Scientific Committee Finance and Development Committee Audit Committee Ethics, Governance and Remuneration Committee Secretariat Support ALIPH
OUR ETHICS ALIPH’s work is guided by the following fundamental values: the protection of heritage cultural and religious diversity education and capacity building gender equality social cohesion and peaceful coexistence sustainable local development peace and reconciliation international solidarity
Ethics and financing ALIPH takes its responsibility to fund concrete and sustainable projects seriously and the Foundation is committed to integrity and transparency in all financial matters. For these reasons, prior to receiving a contract, all potential grantees are subject to a financial due diligence process carried out by the Foundation. In addition, in 2020, ALIPH adopted a purchasing policy based on competitive bidding by service providers.
92 | Annual Report 2020
Our governance | 93
Vice-Chair: Ms. Bariza Khiari
HE Sheika Hussa Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
HE Amb. Martine Schommer
Mr. Jean Claude Gandur
Dr. Mariët Westermann
(Private Donor)
(Private Donor)
(Qualified Personality)
Prof. Marc-André Renold (Switzerland)
Mr. Ernesto Ottone Ramírez (UNESCO)
Vice-Chair: HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak
(United Arab Emirates)
HH Prince Badr Bin Abdullah Bin Farhan Al Saud (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Mr. Wen Dayan
Mr. Mehdi Qotbi
Dr. Richard Kurin
Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert
(Qualified Personality)
Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez (Chair of the Scientific Committee)
(Qualified Personality)
Mr. Valéry Freland (Executive Director)
Our governance | 95
Scientific Committee 6
Chair: Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez (France), President-Director, Musée du Louvre
Dr. Mounir Bouchenaki (Algeria), Special Advisor to the Director General of UNESCO and ICCROM
Ms. Amel Chabbi (United Arab Emirates), Conservation Section Manager, Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (as of April 2021) Mr. Wang Chunfa (China), Director, National Museum of China Dr. Laith Hussein (Iraq), Director, State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (as of September 2020)
96 | Annual Report 2020
Dr. Patrick Michel (Switzerland), Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity Sciences, University of Lausanne (as of April 2021)
Prof. Claudio Parisi Presicce (Italy), Director, Archaeological and Historical-Artistic Museums (as of April 2021)
Prof. Eleanor Robson (United Kingdom), Professor of Ancient Middle Eastern History, University College London (as of April 2021)
Mr. Samuel Sidibe (Mali), Director General, National Park of Mali
Ms. Bahija Simou (Morocco), Director, Royal Archives of Morocco
Finance and Development Committee 6
Chair: Dr. Richard Kurin (United States)
HE Saood Al Hosani (United Arab Emirates), Undersecretary, Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi
Ms. Irene Braam (United States), Executive Director, Bertelsmann Foundation (North America), Inc. (as of April 2021)
Audit Committee 6
Chair: Mr. Jeffrey D. Plunkett, J.D. (United States)
Mr. Abderrazak Zouari (Tunisia), University Professor and Former Minister of Regional Development
Ethics, Governance, and Remuneration Committee
Ms. Deborah Stolk (Netherlands), Director, Helicon Conservation Support B.V.
Chair: Mr. Jean Claude Gandur
Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert
Mr. Valéry Freland (Executive Director)
Prof. Marc-André Renold
Secretariat 6
Mr. Valéry Freland, Executive Director
Dr. Maja Kominko, Scientific and Programs Director
Dr. Andrea Balbo, Project Manager
Mr. Othman Boucetta, Special Assistant to the Executive Director (as of June 2021)
Dr. Sandra Bialystok, Communications and Partnerships Officer
Ms. Olivia de Dreuzy, Special Assistant to the Executive Director (as of June 2021)
Ms. Alexandra Fiebig, Project Manager
Ms. Rosalie Gonzalez, Project Manager
Ms. Leilani Olson, Resource Mobilization and Institutional Relations Officer (until May 2021)
Mr. Laurent Oster, Head of Finance and Administration
Ms. Mahdia Siari, Project Manager
Ms. Laura Willis, Executive Assistant (until May 2021)
Our governance | 97
98 | Annual Report 2020
Regardless of your country of residence, you can make a direct contribution to ALIPH’s mission. If you are a tax resident of one of the following countries, you may be eligible for a TAX DEDUCTION: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States. TO DONATE online and for all other information, either scan the QR code or go to:
COLOPHON Editors: Sandra Bialystok, Valéry Freland Editorial Assistance : Olivia de Dreuzy Graphic design: EyeTalk Communication – Translations: Sara Heft Proofreaders: Colette Stoeber (English); Céline Genevrey, Véronique Danis (French) Photos: ALIPH would like to thank all its partners for providing photos of their projects. None of these photos may be reused, copied, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright owner. The following photos have been reprinted with the permission of these independent photographers and ALIPH grantees:
Cover page
Ethiopia: © French Embassy in Addis Abiba Somalia: © Horn Heritage Yemen: © GOAM, Mohanad al-Sayani Eritrea: © Pontificio Instituto di Archeologia Cristina Afghanistan: © UNESCO Iraq: © ISMEO
Page 17
Pages 24-25
© EFEO Bourdonneau
© EFEO [GrezProdCunin]
Page 18
Pages 26-27
© The Palestinian Museum
© The Palestinian Museum
Inside cover
Pages 20-21
Pages 28-29
© The Palestinian Museum
Cambodia: © EFEO [GrezProdCunin] Peru: © Dana-Echevarria Chile: © Centro Latinoamericano del Vitral Mauritania: © CC 3.0 Mali: © Michele Cattani Côte d’Ivoire: © Fondation Tapa Libya: © Mission archéologique française en Libye Bosnia & Herzegovina: © Archive, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Dejan Kulijer Lebanon: © ALIPH Niger: © Imane-Atarikh Turkey: © WMF DRC: © Comité Consultatif National pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé On Syrian Heritage: Valery Sharifulin/ TASS – Getty Images Sudan: © BIEA Georgia: © International National Trusts Organisation (INTO) Palestine: © Universita degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Left column (top to bottom) © Bureau for Rights-Based Development © Karamoja Museum © Mesopotamia Heritage Middle column (top to bottom) © Karamoja Museum © Sanid Organization for Cultural Heritage © L. Kanceljak Right column (top to bottom) © Sanid Organization for Cultural Heritage © Sanid Organization for Cultural Heritage
(clockwise, from top left) © ACHCO © ALIPH © ALIPH © Première Urgence Internationale © DAFA © Turquoise Mountain © DNCP (Mali) © CRAterre, Thierry Joffroy © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © WMF © ACHCO © ALIPH
Table of contents © Sanid Organization for Cultural Heritage
Page 5 © EFEO Bourdonneau
Page 9 © G. Tomljenovic
Page 10 Left column (top to bottom) © Karamoja Museum and Cultural Centre © Vidrio Museum © Yemeni Ministry of Culture © Archive, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Damir Šagolj Middle column (top to bottom) © Sanid Organization for Cultural Heritage © ALIPH © The Palestinian Museum © Vidrio Museum
100 | Annual Report 2020
Right column (top to bottom) © The Palestinian Museum © Julien Chanteau © Julien Chanteau © CC 3.0
Page 14
Pages 30-31 (left to right) © Live Love Beirut © Ifpo © Ifpo
Pages 32-33 (left to right) © Dia Mrad © Julien Chanteau © Yasmine Dagher © Live Love Beirut
Page 35
Pages 68-69
Pages 86-87
(top to bottom) © Andrew Wilson/Manar al-Athar © W.L Walton, British Library, 1839-1846 © ALIPH © Shutterstock - Dalius Juronis © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet
All photos, except top right © ALIPH - Azhar Al-Rubaie Top right © WMF
© Marianne Gharzouzi
Column 1 (left to right) © CRAterre © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © Julien Chanteau Column 2 (left to right) © Michele Cattani © ALIPH Column 3 All photos © ALIPH Column 4 (left to right) © ALIPH © Xavier de Lauzanne © Fraternité en Irak
Page 74
Pages 88-89
All photos © AMALIA
© Aga Khan Cultural Services 2020
Page 40
Page 75
Pages 90-91
© CRAterre, Thierry Joffroy
All photos © Imane-Atarikh
Pages 43-55
Pages 76-77
Pages 92-93
All photos © ALIPH - Azhar Al-Rubaie
© Consultancy for Conservation and Development (CCD)
All photos © AMALIA
All photos, except bottom right © Xavier de Lauzanne Bottom right © La Guilde Européenne du Raid
Page 60
Pages 78-79
© Fight for Humanity
All photos © Fight for Humanity
Pages 62-63
Page 80
All photos © Fondation Tapa
Pages 64-65
Pages 84-85
All photos © ISMEO
Top left, top middle © ALIPH All other photos © Turquoise Mountain
Pages 36-37 (left to right) © ALIPH – Antoine Tardy © Iconem
Pages 38-39 (left to right) © LarkAbroad © Aga Khan Cultural Services 2020
Pages 56-59
Pages 66-67 All photos © Fraternité en Irak
Pages 70-71 (clockwise, from top left) © Ifpo © Ifpo © Dia Mrad © Youssef Kassar
Pages 72-73
Pages 94-95 © CRAterre, Thierry Joffroy
Pages 96-97 © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet
Pages 98-99 © ALIPH
June 2021
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