FAQs - ALIPH's Call for Projects

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

6th Call for Projects

The following questions/answers focus on ALIPH’s Call for Projects 2024-2025 to protect cultural heritage from the impact of climate change.

Please note that Grant application guidelines are available online This document provides a few additional elements based on frequently asked questions.

Once your application is submitted online, our Scientific Committee will review your project proposal and make recommendations to our Foundation Board that will make the final decision.

Online application

→ How can I apply for a grant?

Your application must be submitted online through our platform, accessible here: https://aliph.smartsimple.ie

The platform includes a user guide to help you through the application process. Once you log in to the platform, you can contact us using the “Notes” button on the right.

All questions relating to grant applications should be submitted through this platform. If you have technical difficulties accessing the platform, please contact us at: grants@aliph-foundation.org.


→ In which language should the application be submitted?

The application must be submitted in English. The Executive Summary is the only section which must be submitted in two languages: French and English.

If it proves difficult for you to submit the Executive Summary in French, you can use the translation tool at the right of the text field of to translate your text. Please note that we are not responsible for the quality of the translation that the tool will provide.

→ In which language should the supporting documents be submitted? Can I provide supporting documents in other languages then English?

Supporting documents are accepted in English or French. For other languages, please provide an informal translation into English, in particular for letters of support or elements that are important to demonstrate the relevance of your application.

Eligible costs and actions

All eligible costs are listed in the guidelines for the Call that can be found on www.aliphfoundation.org/en/our-grants


→ Are salaries eligible costs for funding?

The salaries of those directly involved in the implementation of the project can be covered by the budget. You may also include under “personnel” administrative personnel time dedicated to the project.

Please note that ALIPH is willing to finance concrete activities with a direct impact on the ground and that salaries should not be the main aspect financed by the grant.


→ Are materials such as wood, bamboo, etc…. eligible for funding?

Yes, materials for rebuilding and rehabilitation can be funded by ALIPH.

Monitoring & Evaluation

→ Are monitoring & evaluation eligible for funding?

Monitoring and evaluation are eligible for funding. New technologies for monitoring could be considered for funding when part of projects of heritage protection in conflict areas.


→ Are research projects eligible?

Research may fall within the aims of the types of projects ALIPH would support. ALIPH would fund practical research projects, that is to say research that is “actionable” and “applicable”.

Private buildings

→ Can ALIPH fund projects related to private buildings?

ALIPH can support the stabilization and rehabilitation of private buildings. However, they should serve a public interest and/or are somehow accessible to the public.

ALIPH’s mission is to protect heritage in conflict areas with an aspiration to make it available again for local populations.


→ Is digitization eligible for funding?

Documentation of heritage is included in the list of actions that ALIPH may finance. It should be accompanied by an appropriate data management plan.


Budget format

→ Do you have a specific format for the budget?

When you log in to the online platform, you will see in the application form a "budget tab” where you will find budget template. In the "supporting documents" tab you can upload quotes or subcontracts to complete this financial aspect.

Budget range

→ Are they maximum and minimum amounts?

Concerning the budget range for projects submitted under the Call for Projects, there are no minimum or maximum amounts. You will have to make a strong case to justify the proposed budget in relation to the added value of the work you wish to implement. The submitted projects are also evaluated in a competitive manner, with value-for-money as one of the criteria.

Overheads – indirect costs

→ Can we add indirect costs?

“Indirect costs” (overheads) can be included for up to 10% of the total budget.


→ Is co-funding required?

While co-funding is not required, ALIPH does encourage applicants to identify cofunding.

Duration of the grant

→ Are multi-years projects eligible?

There is no limit set to the timeframe for financing projects. Most of our projects under the Call for Projects have a duration of 2-3 years.

Scope of the projects

Geographical scope

→ Are projects outside of Africa eligible?

Projects in Africa will be prioritized. Projects outside of Africa can be submitted but will not have priority if there are sufficient submissions form Africa.

→ Can operators from outside of Africa apply for projects implemented in Africa?

Yes. The priority is for projects to be implemented in Africa. The origin of the operator is not part of the priority criteria.

Climate Change

→ Are projects unrelated to climate change eligible? Are projects related to conflict eligible? Are projects related to illicit trafficking eligible?

Under this Call for Projects absolute priority will be given to projects related to climate change. Only in exceptional cases, projects not related to climate change may be selected.

Natural heritage

→ Are projects on natural heritage (not related to cultural heritage) eligible?

ALIPH’s mission is to protect cultural heritage at risk. Projects focusing on natural heritage are therefore not eligible for funding under this Call.

Eligible applicants


→ Are universities eligible?


Private individual

→ Can individuals submit an application?

ALIPH cannot give grants to individuals under the Call for Projects The signing legal representative / signing authority must be the person that legally represents the organization applying for the grant and which has the necessary authority to legally and financially bind the organization to an agreement.

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