MB Business Magazine

Page 1

ISSUE 29 | MARCH 2017



Financial Goals: Keep It Simple, Stupid P.20 THE CYBER SECURITY... P.28




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EDITOR'S NOTE Dear Readers, This is MB Magazine’s March issue and this month we are bringing to your doorstep another issue packed with investment recommendations, real estate tips, articles on health, politics and travel along with the latest trends in HR and Management. March issue will also catalogue two insightful articles penned by our Country Head and Vice President, one that discusses ethics in the business place and another that sheds light on the importance of first impressions in business. As always, we hope the magazine is entirely to your liking and that you appreciate the efforts of our contributors and editors to bring you a refined, avant-garde business magazine experience. Your feedback, comments and suggestions are valuable to us, feel free to call us at 1-866-667-1377 or email us at info@mbeforyou.com to tell us what you think about this issue! For advertisement placements and marketing related queries, please email us at mbe-marketing@mbeforyou.com Thank you, Aurora Zabala, Editor In Chief.

A Leader's Way To Live Happier Life In today's world, we are all working hard...


Make Your First Impression Your Best Impression Most people think first impression is last impression...


Ethics In The Workplace Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied...


Kickstart A Healthier Life Most of the people when start to think...

Senior Editor Peter Z. Vaisey Managing Editors Steve Montgomery Mahmood Naqvi Design Cynthia Tolson A. Khan Z. Zaidi Production, Technology & Print Simon Wilson R.J Advertising S. Hassan Shoeib Kamal Administration Alamdar Hussein Erum Asghar R. Adil HOW TO REACH US



Publisher MB Enterprises Editor-in-chief Aurora Zabala


Event Calendar


Condominiums, Drinking Water Systems...

March Event Calendar

Drinking water act, 2002 namely, several municipalities...


Nova Scotia Journey, Part 2: Ode To A... Top 5 discoveries on classic road trip...

20 22

Financial Goals: Keep it simple, stupid...

Startup Guide: How Can I Start...

Website: www.mbeforyou.com Feed-back: 1-866-667-1377 E-mail: info@www.mbeforyou.com Mail: 100 Dynamic Drive, Unit 104, Scarborough, ON, M1V 5C4. Fax: 1-866-204-6888 MB Business Magazine is a monthly issue business magazine published by MB Enterprises Ontario, Canada. Printed by Vision Printers Contents Š Copyrights 2017 by MB Enterprises, may not be reprinted without written permission.

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A Leader's Way to Live Happier Life

Courtesy: MANSOOR NAQVI President MB Enterprises

In today's world, we are all working hard.

difference and how they can also have it

get home you don’t have to be flushed

Our goals are to bring something into

all. Anyone can accomplish this by

with paperwork, and meeting deadlines

our home, so that our family can enjoy

following these simple steps,

you were unable to meet. What you

the same success we feel at work. But

• Staying focus

would like to do is take out time for

slowly, as we start becoming more

• Honesty

yourself. Have time to talk to your wife or

successful, the things that would oncs

• Being real

husband, and ask them how their day

make us happy are nothing but small

• Having an agenda plan

was. Ask your kids how their day at

goals in our eyes. We at one point at our

• Positivity

school was, focus on what they say as

life, forget where we started, and how

sometimes it's hard for kids to build

hard it was to build from the bottom up.

Let begin with you're day of the office.

relationship, as many kids nowadays

Because of this our family slowly,

You need to stay focused and know what

only care about computerized items.

unnoticeably starts to separate, we

you're plan in for the day. You will need

With this you can build a strong

slowly stop caring about the family

to make a goal for the day in order to

connection in the four walls of your

around us and start getting involved in

have something complet. You want to

home. Talking to your family about how

our work more. This also happens to us

make sure that what happens at work,

the day went by with you, and some

while we are working. Many people

stays at work. This is because when you

challenges you had to overcome, shows

forget what they are working for, and what their goals are. They use the power that they have gained for foolish and childish things. It is the leader’s responsibility, to remind them about the roots of where they started and make sure that they stay on track. If you fail to do so, then everything that you have worked for will slowly start crumbling in front of your own eyes. If you would really want to be successful and want to pass the same passion you have of your work from one generation to another, you need to work like the day you first started. You need that passion that you had in your eyes when you first started your dream job, and to work towards whatever dreams you first had. For this we need to create a balance between both our work and family life, to teach the younger generation the



them how hard you also work, and how

we pretend that we know everything,

always happy about what we do. We

hard someone has to work in order to be

and we believe that whatever we are

sometimes let work or family issues get


doing, is right. We slowly start building

the best of us. This is very dangerous,

this lie around us which will only stab us

as negativity only leads to negativity.

Now this brings us to honesty, a simple

in the back when something happens to

Working on being positive will lead us to

word that we are told as a kid. But how

us, as well need to deal with the real

a happier life and this will make the

would this relate to work and family?

world and not our fantasy. This is why we

people around us enjoy what they are

This does have a very big impact on

need to be our self a 100% of the time.

doing, if that is work or spending time

these two places in your life. You have to

With the people who we work with and

together as a family.

be honest with the people around you, if

the people we come home to. When we

you lie and try to take the easy way out

are our own self, we can understand

Overall, my message to you today is,

then that person's trust for you will

other people around us and build a deep

success is not always easy, and it can

vanish and they will no longer see you


be very easy to be able to forget our

as a role model. Being honest to the

roots and for the people around us to

people that you work with is just as

Now to be able to finish all the goals that

also forget their roots. And to make sure

important to being honest with your

we have we need to make an agenda.

that we don’t associate success with

family. Telling people in your life that you

Planning what we want to do for the day,

weath. If you want to succeed, you need

are having a hard time, instead of lying

and what goals we need to meet. An

to be credible, and acceptable. Both of

and telling them that everything will be

agenda will help you remember what

these things will help you balance

okay, will open their mind, and they will

you have to do at what time. This will

between your family and work.

help you which at the end will benefit

help you separate work time with family

you and your relationship that you have

time. Being able to keep track of your

built on honesty.

work will help you to make new goals that you can also work on.

Being yourself during this is also

Bring positive about your decisions and

important. You cannot pretend to be

the choices that you make, may

someone who you are not. Many times

sometimes be hard, as we are not



Make Your First Impression Your Best Impression M

ost people think first impression

Courtesy: MAHMOOD NAQVI Vice President MB Enterprises


is last impression, however I don't agree with this statement,

discuss business and might be entering into a business relationship then you

If I am in this particular situation, than I

have to be very careful, be original and

as my point of view is different. If I have

would start with listening to them, and

give honest and true advice.

to say the same then I would say “make

try to understand there personality

your first impression your best


impression” with confidence and honesty.

Introduce your business although he/she might know you in person , give them

While in the meeting it is important to

overview of your business and show

understand what the priorities are with

them how you can help them and give

All of us need confidence and that will

each individual and how you can advise

them time to think, don’t rush and do not

come with the full knowledge, practical

them, as it differs from case to case. As

get upset when they ask you questions

experience, and most importantly

pointed out earlier first be good listener

be ready to reply them as a true

eagerness to learn by experience

and then give your point of view if you

professional with respect.

regardless of age.

are in that particular situation then you would have to handle that situation in

Finally I would like to conclude with a

To achieve success one should be

your way which should be logical and be

message that a positive composure and

confident enough to be presentable and

real and give honest advice through

selection of words will open doors to

should know how to impress others with

which confidence will develop and

success whereas, a bad one will cause

the ideas which are practical, honest

relationship will be established and you

those doors to shut off. Therefore, to get

and result oriented. It is not easy to

will have an excellent impression. It is

achievement in your life you need to opt

influence anybody, one should know

also important to understand that in the

for those words which does not shows

how to talk and what to talk, where to

first meeting we will not get the

artificiality but looks original and honest

stop, and how logical you talk in your

business, we must not get disappointed

which touches heart and give first

discussion, then you will conclude the

and never think it was a waste of time

impression the best.

meeting with good results and success,

you never know some times it takes

and this comes with the experience. A

months or years to establish the

successful person is one who has ability

relationship. The requirements to get into

to talk confidently with full knowledge

any business relationship you must first

and experience and one who knows how

establish a relationship of “Trust &

to start any meeting, and one who does

Confidence” this will happen only with

not lose control while discussing and

your first impression which should be the

one who is a good listener and gives fair

best one as that is the

opportunity to the other person to talk.

roots to build that particular relationship.

Here are two examples: 1) When you meet someone for the first

2) If the situation is

time having no idea about his/her

different, if you know

temperament or personality and you

each other and you are

have a challenge conducting a meeting

meeting first time to

having positive results which benefits







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Courtesy: ALAMDAR HUSSAIN Country Head MB Enterprises

orkplace ethics leads to happy

company’s information to any of the

• Recruiting and retaining top-quality

and satisfied employees who

external parties. It is better not to


enjoy coming to work rather

discuss official matters with friends and

• Building and sustaining your


association’s reputation within the

than treating it as a mere source of burden. Employees also develop a

communities in which you operate;

feeling of loyalty and attachment towards

There must be absolute fairness in

the organization. Organizations need to

monetary transactions and all kinds of

• Providing ethical guidance and

have fool-proof systems to measure the

trading. Never ever cheat your clients.

resources for employees prior to making

performances of individuals. Appraisal

difficult decisions.

system needs to be designed keeping in

Organizations must not discriminate any

mind employee’s performance

employee on the grounds of sex,

Formal ethics programs and informal

throughout the year and his/her career

physical appearance, age or family

ethics practices are related to key

growth. Management ought to be


outcomes. Employees who work in

transparent with its employees. Let them

organizations with ethics programs, who

have a say in company’s decisions. Let

Organization must not exploit any of the

see their leaders and supervisors

them decide what is right and what is

employees.The employees must be paid

modeling ethical behavior, and who see

wrong for them. Sit with them, discuss,

according to their hard work and efforts.

values such as honesty, respect, and

brainstorm ideas and listen to what they

The management must ensure

trust applied “frequently” at work

have to say. Never ignore their opinions.

employees get their arrears, bonus,

generally report more positive

Let them come out with their grievances.

incentives and other reimbursements on

experiences regarding a range of ethics


outcomes that include the following:

guidelines and principles which decide

Never lie to your customers. It is

• Less pressure on employees to

the way individuals should behave at the

unprofessional to make false promises

compromise ethics standards;

workplace. It also refers to the code of

to the consumers. Do not commit

conduct of the individuals working in a

anything which your organization can’t

• Greater likelihood of “feeling valued”

particular organization.

offer. It is important to be honest with

by their organizations.

Organization ethics includes various

your customers to expect loyalty from Every organization runs to earn profits

them. It is absolutely unethical to fool the

What managers and coworkers do on

but how it makes money is more


the job can influence their own views of

important. No organization should

what is acceptable or unacceptable

depend on unfair means to earn money.

The products should not pose a threat to

One must understand that money is not

environment and mankind.

the only important thing; pride and honor are more important.

Proper planning is important, but the

Establish Ethics Program

effectiveness of any association’s

Ethics programs are meant to affect how

approach also depends on

Employees should not indulge in

people think about and address ethical

characteristics that are unique to its

destruction or manipulation of

issues that arise on the job.

culture, the leadership style of the

information to get results. Data

executive director and executive team,

Tampering is considered strictly

The list of potential benefits linked to an

discussion of workplace ethics can raise

unethical and unprofessional in the

effective ethics program includes the

sensitive issues. Some people in your

corporate world.


organization may have difficulty or be

Employees should not pass on



uncomfortable discussing these issues.



Kickstart A Healthier Life M

ost of the people when start to

go for a walk with your friends, take

think about a change or the

stairs instead of elevator or walk or cycle


people who wait for the new

year to introduce a change in their lifestyle with a ‘new year, new me’ let me tell you that will simply not going to work. According to a research, you cannot adapt such drastic changes in your lifestyle but trying to incorporate little things in your life can certainly make a big difference. Changing your routines a

if you are going someplace near instead

water so you have to give the body what

bit and adapting new habits can

of using a vehicle. Everything counts.

it needs. An average person should be drinking 12 cups of water. You will find it

definitely take your health to a different

Avoid snacks

effective in reducing your snacking.

Well, you really need to lower the

These zero calories drinks won’t help

Here I have for you 5 simple tips which

proportions of snacks you are having

your body in any way. Substitute it with a

will help you to get started. You have to

unless it’s a healthier one like nuts, plain

bottle of water and your body will end up

start small, choose any one habit first

yogurt, boiled egg but I know that you

thanking you.

and try to adapt to it until it became a

might not be having these as your

part of your routine.

snacks. If you can’t replace it you need

A Good Night Sleep

to reduce it because it will spike your

Yes, it is more important than you think it

Move Around

insulin levels leading to the quick

is. You should be getting about 8 hours

By moving around, it means any sort of

storage of glucose in your body as a

of sleep to completely freshen up your

physical activity. It doesn’t have to be a

consequence asking you for more of

body. It does have number of benefits

definite amount of time in the gym; it can


you never really thought about. Getting


be anything you find interesting. Save some time from your busy schedule to

more creative, losing some weight, more

Hello Veggies

concentration, boosting up your mood, it

And yeah, some of you might not a big

all has to do with a good night sleep so

fan of it but let me tell you it’s the best

you better start having it.

you can give it to your body. Flooded with anti-oxidants and enriched with

There you go five simple changes that

vitamins and minerals, you can’t get any

will set you on track in no time. It needs

better. But here’s the thing pick the

time and dedication but it pays off.

veggies you can consume raw like

Always remember to start small but think

cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce.


Frying vegetables kills the precious nutrients and you are left with nothing. A little stir-fry or a boil isn’t a big deal.

More and More Water I can talk on and on about the benefits of water. After all 75% of your body is






Ash Wednesday Many Christians in Canada mark Ash Wednesday as the first day of Lent. It is the beginning of the Lenten fast and is the day after Shrove Tuesday.

MAR 01


St David's Day Many Canadians of Welsh descent or those with Welsh connections celebrate St David’s Day on March 1 each year. The Welsh flag is often seen during celebrations on the day, as well as daffodils or leeks pinned to clothing.

MAR 12


Daylight Saving Time starts

MAR 13


Commonwealth Day

When local standard time is about to reach Sunday, 12 March 2017, 02:00:00 clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, 12 March 2017, 03:00:00 local daylight time instead Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on 12 Mar 2017 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening.

Commonwealth Day is annually held on the second Monday of March. it commemorates the Commonwealth of Nations, which is a union of some countries that used to be part of the British Empire. The date was chosen because it did not have any previous historical connotations.

MAR 17


MAR 20


St. Patrick's Day St Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador on the nearest Monday to March 17 each year. It remembers St Patrick, a missionary who converted many of Ireland's inhabitants to Christianity in the 5th century. His feast day also celebrates Irish culture.

March equinox here are two equinoxes every year – in March and September – when the Sun shines directly on the equator and the length of night and day are nearly equal.



Condominiums, Drinking Water Systems and the Safe Drinking Water Act

Courtesy: www.rcllp.ca

ecently we have run into a

Therefore, it appears that in most, if not

when considering what type of

number of issues surrounding

all, of these cases it is not a safety

condominium to use for your

the interpretation of the Safe

concern that results in the vacant land

development be aware that a vacant

Drinking Water Act, 2002 (the “Act”).

condominium corporation having to

land condominium plan is likely to run

Namely, several municipalities have

comply with the added security,

into this issue. We suspect that common

declared that the system of works that

reporting, inspection, and testing

element condominium plans and

supplies water to the unit owners of the

imposed by the Act on non-municipal

possibly phased condominium plans will

condominium plan is a “non-municipal

drinking water systems, but rather the

receive similar treatment, however, to

year round drinking water system”, a

location of the unit boundaries. We draw

date we have not experienced this first

“non-municipal drinking water system” or

this conclusion based on the fact that if


in laymen’s terms a private drinking

there was a legitimate safety concern

water system under the Act.

with the system of works distributing

It should be noted that we have


water itself, then the municipalities

solutions to the concerns raised by the

The interesting part from our perspective

would not allow standard condominium

municipalities, which should satisfy even

is that municipalities only appear to be

plans to be exempt from these

a strict reading of the legislation.

raising this concern when the project is

requirements. Further, we are

being developed as a vacant land

experiencing these issues in

If you’re considering developing a vacant

condominium plan. As you may be

developments where one hundred per

land condominium, a standard phased

aware, a standard condominium plan

cent (100%) of the water supplied to the

condominium, or a common element

and a vacant land condominium plan

condominium has already been treated

condominium we strongly recommend

can appear exactly the same once built

in accordance with the Act by the

discussing drinking water systems with

out (although this is not always the

municipal drinking water system.

your legal counsel at the outset of the

case). Yet, it appears that if two developments are built side by side, one

project. This issue is yet to be resolved, but

a standard condominium plan and the other a vacant condominium plan, both of which have the exact same number of units, the exact same layout, and the exact same system of works distributing water, the municipalities would only consider the vacant land condominium plan a non-municipal drinking water system under the Act.




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Nova Scotia Journey, Part 2: Ode To A Summer Road Trip

Courtesy: MARIELLEN WARD www.breathedreamgo.com

the stuff of road trip iconography. Mundane tasks take on added significance. Looking for a road side café that hits the sweet spot of authentic yet sophisticated becomes ritualized. Watching the sun set from a new location gives you a feeling of accomplishment. It all makes you wonder if movement is in fact the natural condition of being human. I started my summer road trip this year

Top 5 discoveries on my classic road trip in Nova Scotia

destination. And with the start of each

in Nova Scotia’s capital, Halifax. You can

new day, an unaccountable swell of

read about my journey to Halifax from

IN MY VIEW, THERE ARE few places

excitement about the unknown

Toronto, and my stay in the historic, port

better for a summer road trip than Nova

adventures that lie ahead.

city in Journey to the Ocean. From Halifax, there are essentially three

Scotia, Canada. Winding roads, coastal scenery, rustic beauty, lively music,

And then there’s the rituals of loading

routes you can take. South to the very

roadside shacks selling lobster rolls, and

the car, choosing music, refolding the

popular South Shore, inland and north

some of the friendliest people you will

map, buying water and snacks … this is

along the Trans-Canada Highway 104,

ever meet. I first went on a road trip to Nova Scotia when I was four years old, and it’s drawn me back ever since. There’s genuine magic in the meeting of the perfect location and a summer road trip. After a day or two on the road, the rhythm of the trip begins to take hold. The forward movement becomes the focus, the organizing principle, to each new day. There’s no time for angst or doubt, the car must be packed, the attention directed at the new day’s



and north along the lesser known

deserted, gorgeous on a hot sunny day

fresh seafood and perfectly cooked

Eastern Shore. I opted for the Eastern

with refreshingly chilly water. Bliss.

vegetables, and drank crisp, Nova Scotia white wine, for dinner the night I was

2. Finding the lost shores

there. I am planning to return for a week

At the very top of the Eastern Shore,

or two of solitude on the sea. Highly

there’s a coastline that stretches along


the Atlantic from about Tor Bay to Guysborough on beautiful Chedabucto

The jewel of the “authentic seacoast,”

Bay. This region is dotted with small

tiny Guysborough is one of the most

communities that date from as early as

picturesque spots you will see anywhere, any time. A historic

Shore. And I’m so glad I did.

community dating from 1636, Guysborough has more recently seen a

My 5 top Nova Scotia discoveries

revival due to the efforts and

1. Stepping back in time

investments of one man, Glynn Williams,

The Eastern Shore starts directly north

an entrepreneur from Toronto. His

of Halifax and follows the Atlantic

company, which is called Authentic

coastline all the way up to the Canso

Seacoast, runs the DesBarres Manor

Causeway over to Cape Breton Island. A

Inn, the Rare Bird Pub, the Skipping

less popular tourist destination than

1636 and is sometimes referred to as

Stone Café and Store, the Osprey

other parts of Nova Scotia, it invites an

the “lost shores” and the “authentic

Shores Golf Resort, a coffee company,

unhurried pace. In fact, driving the

seacoast.” It’s historic, quaint,

brewery and a brand new distillery that

Eastern Shore, I felt like I had stepped

undiscovered and a bit wild. And by far

makes Nova Scotia’s favourite spirit,

back into a golden age of tourism, when

my favourite part of Nova Scotia.


It’s a great drive, a winding coastal road

Seawind Landing is the leading

All of these are lovely establishments,

dotted with picturesque picnic stops,

accommodation in this region. It’s

though perhaps a bit city-slicker for this

whimsical ice cream stands, and

certainly the best that I saw or

maritime themed folk art. The stretch

experienced. I recommend it as a base

from Halifax to Sheet Harbour has the

for exploring this part of the Eastern

most tourist amenities.

Shore, but it’s also a destination in itself,

there was more time, space, and peace.

ideal for artists, writers, nature lovers I drove most of the Eastern Shore in a

and people who just want to relax in a

day and I regret it. This part of Nova

peaceful, natural, comfortable setting.

Scotia is delightfully undiscovered. It’s

Right on the ocean, with room options in

the kind of charming vacation find we all

either the main lodge or separate two-story wood building with wide

otherwise very unpretentious area.

verandahs, Seawind Landing sits on 25

Guysborough also boasts a small

acres that include trails and rugged

marina, walking trails, the very popular

ocean beaches. Owners Dave and Ann

Days Gone By Café and the Old Court

Marie are friendly and helpful, and the

House Museum, which is also the

food is fantastic. I ate a cornucopia of

shiretown’s information centre. (Yes, Guysborough is a shiretown!) The museum is well worth a visit. I was roundly entertained by the bubbly


dream about. I am already dreaming of

story-telling talents of Brendan, who

returning. The highlight for me was a

knows a lot about the history of this

picnic lunch on Taylor Head Provincial

region. Here I learned that Prince Henry

Park Beach. A sweeping stretch of

Sinclair of Orkney landed on the shores

ocean beach, almost completely

of Nova Scotia, near what is now


Guysborough Harbour, in 1398 — almost 100 years before Columbus. I also learned a lot of gruesome things about early dentistry and the role Nova Scotia’s telecommunications played in the Titanic disaster. Here’s Brendan, in the video below, talking about the delights of Guysborough. 3. Hearing the music of Cape Breton Island’s soul Music is the heart and soul of Cape Breton Island. I remember the first time I visited, in 1998, I was surprised to learn that a well-known Canadian musician seemed to hail from almost every hamlet or village, and many of them fiddlers. The music of Cape Breton is steeped in the Celtic tradition of fiddlers, step dancers and the Ceilidh (kay-lee) – which is Gaelic for a music infused party or gathering.

lunch to the sound of live music, visit the

The Ceilidh Trail is the name given to the

interactive museum and find out about

roadway that runs up the western side of

square dances and Ceilidhs in the

Cape Breton Island, which you can

region – there’s something on almost

immediately access after crossing the

every night in the summer. Another

Canso Causeway. It’s a gentle drive

recommended stop is the Red Shoe Pub

along rolling hills, between pastoral

in Mabou, which features tasty lobster

meadows and sea-facing cliffs. Be sure

rolls and live Celtic music – and is

to stop at The Celtic Music Interpretive

owned by the Rankin Sisters.

Centre in Judique. Here, you can have

4. Enjoying the island’s crowning glory The Cabot Trail and Cape Breton Highlands National Park are the crowning glory of Nova Scotia. The winding drive through this ruggedly beautiful region is one of the most scenic in Canada. Or anywhere. It all starts at about Cheticamp and runs around the top of the island, down to Ingonish. Dramatic coastlines, thickly forested mountains, charming fishing villages, and more opportunities for outdoor adventure than you could fit into one vacation. I chose whale watching. From Pleasant Bay, I went out onto the ocean in a zodiac with Capt. Mark’s Whale and Sea Cruise. A few miles out, we spotted a school of pilot whales and for a glorious time were surrounded by them They swam and jumped around us, just a few feet from the small boat, seemingly aware that we were entranced. As I watched their movements, like liquid grace, I felt uplifted and joyful. I was for a time at one with them in the water. It was a thrilling experience. Here it is, with music from Troy MacGillivray.



At the end of the day I arrived in

5. Adopting a lobster in Pictou

I was taken on a tour of the museum

Ingonish, along a particularly wild

The end of my road trip. Pictou is a small

and the hatchery, and learned how they

stretch of coastline, and my favourite on

town on the Northumberland Straight.

grow and feed the baby lobsters. Lindy,

Cape Breton Island. Dinner was at the

From here, you can take a ferry over to

one of my tour guides, scooped two

Keltic Lodge, in the Purple Thistle Dining

Prince Edward Island (which is what I

Stage IV lobsters out of the hatchery for

Room, where I ate fresh seafood while

did). There is an air of fading seaside

me to “adopt.” I named them Romeo and

gazing out over a sweeping lawn to the

resort in Pictou, perhaps it saw better

Juliet and together we went out onto the

sea during a golden sunset.

days 50 years ago when families in

pier, where I poured the containers with

station wagons and honeymooning

the tiny lobsters – smaller than my

I stayed at the Keltic Lodge when we

couples came to stay in small, cosy inns

thumbnail – through a tube and into the

went on our family road trip to Atlantic

and eat ice cream while strolling along

ocean, where they will settle among the

Canada when I was four years old. I

the harbour front.

rocks to grow.

have a hazy memory of a castle-like

Pictou is called the birthplace of New

building on a craggy rock jutting into the

Scotland. The first migration directly from

By releasing Stage IV lobsters onto the

ocean. And, indeed, Keltic Lodge is a

Scotland landed here in 1773, on board

ocean’s rocky floor, they increase their

very atmospheric place of architectural

the ship Hector. A replica is anchored on

chances of reaching adulthood from less

grandeur and natural beauty, all kitted

the Hector Heritage Quay in town. Next

than 1 per cent to about 70 percent. And

out in a Scottish theme.

to it is the Northumberland Fisheries

in this way, they help preserve the health

Museum, and that’s where I headed. A

of the lobster fishing industry, a staple of

From the Keltic Lodge, you can access

series of brightly painted wooden

Nova Scotia. Here, in the video below,

the Middle Head hiking trail out to the tip

buildings along the waterfront, the

Lindy explains the Adopt-A-Lobster

of the peninsula. I hiked out after

museum houses an array of interactive


breakfast and stood at the edge of

exhibits including a Lighthouse Museum

Canada. High above the crashing ocean

and shipwreck artifacts. But I was after

Adventures on the high seas

waves, with the wind whipping my hair

the lobsters.

It’s my last night in Nova Scotia. I’m at a country inn on the ocean, and the sea

around my face, and the sound of darting seabirds in the air, I thought

The Fisheries Museum is home to one

breeze is blowing in my window. There’s

about my parents, who are gone now,

of Canada’s only accessible lobster

a smell of the ocean, of fish, salt air. At

and how I was probably here with them

hatcheries and the unique

first, I didn’t think I liked this inn. It

once. I was overcome with longing for

Adopt-A-Lobster program. Created to

seemed too musty and old fashioned.

the past, and also reminded that nature

teach visitors about lobster fishing, when

Then I thought of Treasure Island, and

cycles on, like the ocean waves.

you Adopt-A-Lobster, you help the

the Admiral Benbow Inn — which is

Sometimes, we need to be reminded

support the sustainability and future

where the tale begins — and suddenly I

that we are part of these cycles, too.

health of the industry.

saw the romance inherent in a traditional ocean side inn. Though it’s the end of my Nova Scotia journey, with the Northumberland Straight stretching out in front of me as I write this, I see nothing but possibilities and hear nothing but the call of adventure.



The Art of Packing T

Courtesy: Saleem Akhtar

here is something uplifting

plates. (If you have not mastered the

to move again within a few years, hold

about moving: a new home is

Zen of unpacking you may also want to

onto the coveted computer boxes.

a new beginning and packing

add aspirin to your box of essentials!)

becomes a purifying ritual, a time to

A great way to save time is to use a

decide what you will take and what you

Packing breakables can be the most

system of coloured labels. Even if you

will leave. Packing for a move is the

time consuming part of preparing for

don't consider yourself ultra-organized,

packrat's only true redemption. When

your move. Each glass, cup, plate, and

it's a simple time-saver. Buy large office

else are they likely to discard, recycle or

bowl must be wrapped. Most of us use

labels in four or five colours and use

donate the mountains of clothes, unread

old newspaper but the ink can become

different colours to denote different parts

magazines, and knickknacks? Packrat or

messy. Try wrapping your plates in

of the house (ex. yellow for the kitchen,

not it can seem like a daunting task.

tablecloths, dishtowels, clothes or bath

blue for the bathroom etc.) Colour

Take a deep breath and meditate on this

towels. Using fabric items as the actual

coding can be a quick visual reference.

phrase: packing can be pleasant. All you

wrapping material saves space and

need to know are a few tricks from the

weight-you would have had to pack them

No self-respecting mover would ever


up regardless but this way you do not

admit to it but sometimes boxes get left

transport unneeded newspaper which

in the rain just a little too long. The result

Whether you are moving across town or

will just end up in a crumpled pile in your

is wet belongings and occasionally

across the country, it's a good idea to

new kitchen.

clothes get ruined when colours bleed

pack a box of basic necessities and if

from dark to light fabrics. It's a good idea

possible transport the box with you to

You may be surprised at how expensive

to place any moisture-sensitive items in

your new home rather than putting it in

boxes can be if you decide to buy them

clean plastic bags before packing in

the moving truck. In case of any

from your movers or other packing


unforeseen delays in the arrival of your

suppliers. Veteran movers are in the

belongings, you won't be completely

know on the best places to find free,

A Few Reminders:

inconvenienced. Keeping the box with

sturdy boxes: grocery and furniture

• Always pack the heaviest objects on

you also means you won't have to dig

stores receive most of their inventory in

the bottom and work up to those which

through stacks of boxes when you get to

boxes which must be disposed of. These

are light and breakable.

your new house. Some 'must-haves' are

merchants are usually happy to give

• Chemical cleaners should never share

shampoo, soap, coffee mugs, tea or

these away but try to ask for boxes in the

a box with food even those items which

instant coffee, pens, paper, a small box

first two weeks of any month; lots of

are canned or unopened.

of laundry detergent, scissors, a few

other people have the same idea and

• Criss-cross tape across the bottom of

washcloths and towels, toothbrush,

there may be none left if you wait until

boxes then up the sides to prevent

toothpaste, plastic utensils and paper

the end of the month. If you work in a

boxes from breaking open.

large office which frequently

Hopefully, by keeping these tips in mind,

updates its

you will manage to avoid any moving


mishaps and make the first days in your

equipment, ask

new home as special as they should be.

for these particularly strong boxes in anticipation of your move. If you have storage space and plan



Financial Goals: Keep It Simple, Stupid

Courtesy: www.financialuproar.com

Ah, the week between Christmas and New Year’s. The best week of the year, assuming you don’t like getting anything done. And if you don’t like gettin’ crap done, what’s wrong with you? Oh, laziness. Of course. The blog world is similar. Many writers take the whole week off, justifying it by saying nobody’s going to read their stuff anyway. Even YOUR BOY Nelly took three days off, a long-ass time for this workaholic. Don’t worry, I was still doing stuff behind the scenes. Other bloggers (personal finance ones, especially) decide that this week is a perfect time to reflect on 2016 and come up with some financial goals for 2017. These can include anything from tackling a mountain of debt to becoming slightly richer, with everything in between. Normally these will also include blogging goals, because, hey, who doesn’t like to see the sausage

The problem with financial goals

year is a long time and plans can be

There’s a reason for writing down goals

altered. The things we value constantly

for the whole world to see. Such an

shift and change too.

action does make one more accountable. It’s been proven by

A big thing affecting most people is they


spread themselves way too thin. Instead of focusing on two or three big


But at the same

I’m convinced the main reason why

pass/fail rates

these blog posts exist is fodder for the writer, a plight I can certainly sympathize with. I’ll probably write between 1,000 and 1,200 articles next year. That’s a lot of topics. Add in a regular bi-monthly update and that’s a nice start to the ol’ editorial calendar.

time, goal are abysmal, something that happens for a number of reasons. Targets are often wildly

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accomplishments they set ten or twelve

net worth increased closer to 15%, and

goals of varying importance.

that’s even before December numbers

My favorite example of this is reading

are official.


The system I use Here’s what I do. If I set a financial goal

challenges. It isn’t enough to read because you enjoy it or because you get

And that’s it. Those are my two goals,

to increase my net worth 10% I can do

value out of the activity for these folks.

with only one being relatively short-term.

so in two ways — savings and

It’s all about maintaining a certain

Next, I focus more on systems and less

investment returns.

volume. Even if it does suck the fun out

on results, something I learned from

of a leisure activity. Besides, if someone

Scott Adams. Yes, that Scott Adams. The

I start with savings. I can’t save enough

really enjoyed reading, they’d find a way

crazy nutbar Trump supporter (who, by

to bump it up by that much, but I can

to fit it into the schedule.

the way, did a far better job predicting

save enough to get a 5% increase. The

the election than the smart folks paid to

other half comes from investment

That’s the way all values work, actually.

do so). Adams is less about goals and


If you really want to do something it

more about what you’ve gotta do to get

doesn’t matter how many times you


I then break both down even further. Saving is easy for me at this point, so I

write it down or tell the rest of the world you’re gonna do it. Sure, all that helps,

Say you want to increase your net worth

don’t spend a lot of time there. Investing

but ultimately the impetus of change

50% this year, going from $25,000 to

is where I spend most of my time these

comes from within.

$50,000 in the bank. Okay, great. How

days. So I do things like setting aside

are you going to do this? The answer is

time to analyze potential investments.

simple. It’s going to be mostly savings.

I’ve also decided this year to join a

Thus, you’ve got to save $22,000 to get

couple of local organizations to expose

there and then earn an additional $3,000

myself to more local opportunities. And

from investments.

so on. This can get really detailed if you

How I’m approaching it I’m on the fence about personally making financial goals. I suppose it’s

let it.

something the wife and I will have to talk

Good start. Now let’s break it down even

about, a conversation I’ll ruin with farts

further. How are you doing to save

The bottom line

and terrible fantastic jokes.

$22,000? Will it be by spending less?

Financial goals are all fine and good, but

Earning more? A combination of the

as we often do, we take a good thing


and slaughter it to the point where it’s

I do have a couple of long-term financial goals I focus on. The first is getting a net


worth of $50 million (nope, not a typo),

Say the solution is to save an additional

which is something I hope to hit by the

$11,000 and earn an additional $11,000.

Instead of spreading yourself thin with a

time I’m in my early 70s. That’s a long

Now it’s time to break it down even

dozen goals, focus on one or two. And

way off, so I have an intermediate goal

further. How will you save $11,000? It’s

rather than focusing on the result, spend

of growing my net worth by 10% a year.

going to take some drastic changes to

more time figuring out what steps will

The intermediate goal is a little tougher

do that, assuming you go from $0 to

get you there.

to hit because a lot of it depends on the

eleven g’s. It might mean getting rid of

stock market. If stocks are up like they

your car or downsizing into a cheaper

were this year, I’ve beaten my goal. Our

place. Do the same analysis for earning


Startup Guide: How Can I Start An Online Business From Scratch? S

tarting your own business from

Step 1. Searching For A Team

scratch is not as difficult as it

As the saying goes: “two heads are

may at first appear. Follow

better than one”. Before setting about

simple instructions, believe in yourself

organising your business, take some

and you will make it.

time to think who may be able to help

Where can I find like-minded co-workers? There are various methods with which to find people for your team, for example:

you to your realise project to the full.

1. At specialist events - various IT

Do you want to start your own online

Select the very best people for your

conferences, startup launches etc. It is

business, but you don’t know how?

team- those who can and want to move

recommended to visit such meetings

Maybe you are lacking in experience

forward irrespective of trials and

regularly, since it is possible not only to

and you’re afraid to make a mistake?

tribulations. At the initial stage you will

find co-founders and investors, but also

have to dedicate a lot of time and energy

to listen to experts’ advice and acquire

In this article we will try to give some

to the startup, though the result of your

new knowledge in the field of business

simple recommendations for creating a

work will not always be noticeable.


successful online business – from

Therefore it is very important that the

searching for a team to taking your

founders be well-motivated, not lose

2. Via social media - Join different

startup to the next level.

faith in their success and work with

groups and business communities, join


discussions on forums, add interesting people as friends, create your own group and publish interesting content, linked to your startup, on your profile page. 3. Create a profile on specialised websites - It is possible to find like-minded co-workers, partners and investors via specialised services and exchange. Remember that a strong team is one of the most important factors affecting the success of your future business, and therefore we advise to carefully select true professionals for your team, and not people to whom you are bound by friendly or personal links. As is well-known, a “nice guy” is not a



profession, and that is why starting a business with friends is one of the most widespread mistakes made by aspiring startuppers.

Step 2. Come Up With A Business Plan And Usp Creating a business plan which allows you to avoid making a lot of mistakes is the second step on the road to developing a successful online business.

Your business plan should be as close as possible to reality and take into account all aspects of your future project’s work: • Detailed description of the good/service; • Marketing strategy, market analysis and analysis of competitors; • Production plan, description of the

independently with specialised

• Developing the technical process

development platforms.

behind sales/service; • Using new advertising media for your

Step 4. Receive Your First Profit And Analyse The Results

business (SMM, contextual advertising

So then, you have received your first

forums, free notice boards, popular

orders and your first profit. The time has

marketplaces, various coupon websites

then come to analyse the results and

and others);

determine the new development

• Entering a new market (neighbouring

horizons for your business.

communities, large cities etc). Remember that the success of any

your competitors.

Step 5. Take It To The Next Level Your online business has started to bring you a regular income? Congratulations: your product is in-demand, and this means that it’s time to expand. This involves taking the following actions:

Step 3. Search For Your First Clients

• Registering as a legal entity

to demonstrate persistence, to draw the

It is easiest to find your first clients

• Searching for new partners and

amongst your friends and relatives.

employees (sales managers, couriers,

Spread the word about your startup on

service specialists- depending on your

social media and try to conclude your

line of business);

technical process of creating the product/providing the service; • Organisational plan with deadlines for carrying out each stage; • Financial plan and risk assessment; • Perspectives for development and expected results. To make it understood to your future clients and investors what you are offering, we advise you to come up with a USP- unique selling point. Try to find the strengths which set you apart from

and targeting marketing, thematic

business depends on different factors: the team’s professionalism and its motivation, a clearly thought-out action plan, the extent to which your product is unique and in-demand amongst consumers. The most important thing is right conclusions and adjust your development strategies according to reality.

first transactions with people you know. To widen your audience and to reach as many potential clients as possible, we advise you to create your own website. If your budget allows, it is better to take advantage of freelancers’ services or those of a professional agency. It is possible to create a website



Tax Tips For Newcomers To Canada A

re you a newcomer or know

• Want to claim a refund

Courtesy: ALLAN MADAN, CA www.madanca.com Date of entry in Canada: When

someone who is? Read this

completing this area on your return,

blog to learn more about

enter the date you became a resident of

Canadian taxes and the deductions and

Canada for income tax purposes.

credits that are available to you.

Residency Status As a resident of Canada you are liable for Canadian income taxes on your worldwide income. You become a resident of Canada for income tax purposes when you establish significant

Even if you have not received income in

residential ties in Canada. You can

the year, you have to file a tax return to

usually establish these ties on the date

continue receiving the benefits and

Partner Information: Enter your

you arrive to Canada.

credit payments that you are entitled to.

partner’s net world income for the year.

The filing due date for personal tax Significant ties include:

returns is April 30 of the following year.

Benefits You Can Claim Canada Child Benefit:

• A home in Canada either rented or owned

Complete Your Tax Return

If you have kids, claim the Canada Child

• A spouse in Canada

There are three areas on your tax return

Benefit. This is a tax-free monthly benefit

• Dependents in Canada (such as

that must be completed during

payment made to eligible families to help



them with the cost of raising children under 18 year of age. Families with

File a Tax Return

Identification: Complete the entire

children under age 6 will receive an

As a resident of Canada you must file

identification area on page 1 of your tax

annual tax-free benefit of up to $6,400

a tax return if you:

return. This is used to assess your tax

per child. Those with children between

• Have to pay tax; or

return and calculate your GST/ HST

the ages of 6 and 17 will receive up to

credit, plus any benefits you may be

$5,400 annually. Households with

entitled to under the Canada child

children with annual income below


$30,000 will receive the maximum payment. To apply for the Canada Child Benefit , fill out and send form RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).



GST/ HST Credit:

Canada on December 31, 2015, you can

Support Payments:

The GST/HST credit is a tax-free

elect to split your pension income. To

If you make spousal or child support

quarterly payment that helps individuals

make this election, you and your spouse

payments, you may be able to deduct

and families with low-income offset all or

or common-law partner must complete

the amounts you paid, even if your

part of the GST/HST that they pay. You

and attach Form T1032.

former spouse or common-law partner does not live in Canada.

no longer have to apply for this credit, the CRA will automatically determine if you are eligible for the credit when you

Other Deductions:

file your next tax return. The credit is

1. Professional fees

determined by the number of children

2. Employment expenses

that you have registered for the Canada

3. Childcare expenses

Child Tax Benefit or the GST/HST credit; Make sure you consider these tips if you

and your family net income.

are a newcomer to Canada, and claim

Deductions You Can Claim

all the tax credits and deductions that

RRSP Contributions:

Moving Expenses:

You can deduct contributions made to a

Generally, you cannot deduct moving

Canadian registered retirement savings

expenses. However, if you entered

plan. The maximum deduction limit is the

Canada to attend courses as a full-time

lesser of:

student enrolled in a program at an

• 18% of your prior year’s income

educational institution, and received a

• $25,370 (2016)

taxable Canadian scholarship, you may

Pension Income Splitting:

be eligible to deduct your moving

If you and your partner were residents of



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What Happens if You’re in a Parking Lot Accident? P

Courtesy: www.insurancehotline.com

arking lot accidents tend to be

have the right of way over a driver in a

a parking lot. You are automatically at

reported less frequently since

feeder lane. A feeder lane is a lane in a

fault if you are in an accident as a result

they are usually relatively

parking lot that does not directly exit

of failing to follow the directions of a

minor incidents, but they can be every

onto a road or highway, such as the lane

traffic sign in the parking lot, such as a

bit as significant to your driving and

between two rows of parked cars. So, for

stop or yield sign, or if you fail to follow

insurance records. It’s important to

example, if you were in a feeder lane

the directions of a police officer.

realize that they can affect your car

turning into the lane that leads directly to

insurance premiums just as much as

the parking lot exit, you must wait for any

• If you open your car door and hit

any other accident.

traffic in that lane to pass before turning.

another vehicle, you are automatically at

Who’s at fault in a Parking Lot Accident?

• Drivers leaving a parking space must

responsibility of the person opening a

yield to any other oncoming traffic. You

car door to ensure that there is no traffic

Sometimes it can be difficult to

must wait for all traffic to pass before

approaching before they do so.

determine who is at fault in a parking lot

pulling out or reversing out of your

accident, since the rules of the lot are

parking spot.

What should you do after a parking lot accident?

road. However, they are very similar. In

• If you are driving your vehicle, and you

A parking lot accident should be handled

addition, if there are no witnesses, it

collide with a legally parked car, you are

the same as any other accident. Any

often comes down to one driver’s word

automatically at fault. No matter the

accident should be reported to the

against the other. Here are some rules

circumstance, if you hit a legally parked

police if damage exceeds the province

to help you determine who is at fault in a

vehicle, you are at fault. On the other

limit (for instance, Alberta and Ontario’s

parking lot accident.

hand, if the car is parked illegally, the

is $2000).

fault for any damage. It is the

not as well-known as the rules of the

driver of that car could be at fault. Some people choose to pay for the

• Drivers in a thoroughfare (a lane that directly exits onto a road or highway)


• You must obey all traffic signs while in

accident out of their pocket without

can from the other driver, including their insurance company and policy number, along with their name, address, and phone number. If there are witnesses, collect contact information from them as well. • Report the accident to the police if the damage exceeds the province limit. If you’re in doubt on whether or not you should report the accident, call the police (non-emergency number) and ask for instructions. For more information on how to report an accident and who to report it to, check out our past video on reporting collisions. • Call your insurance company to report informing their insurance company, but

• Make sure that no one in your vehicle

the accident. Your insurance company

this approach can backfire. You are

is injured. If there are any medical

needs to know about the accident as

required to report all collisions to your

emergencies, you need to deal with

soon as possible. They can help with the

auto insurance carrier. If you don’t report

these as quickly as possible. If anyone is

arrangements to get your car repaired

it, the other driver can still contact their

in serious condition or unconscious, call

and get your claim started as soon as

insurance to make a claim – even if you

911 immediately.

possible to get you the assistance you

already paid for the damages yourself. If

• If you feel it is safe to do so, approach


it is determined that you were wholly or

the other driver to

even partially at-fault for the accident,

see if they are ok.

your rates may end up increasing as a

Use your


judgement to determine if it

If you cause damage to another vehicle

seems safe to

and the other driver is not present, leave

approach the

a note on their dashboard with your

other driver. Ask if

contact information to avoid a potential

they require any

hit-and-run claim against you. If your


vehicle was damaged when you were


not present, and no note was left with the other driver’s contact information,

• Get as much

you may not be held at fault, but you will

information as you

likely be required to pay the deductible

can. Your auto

to have the damage repaired.

insurance company will need

All of the same procedures following an

to know the time,

accident on the road are still good

date, and location

guidelines to follow if you are involved in

of the accident, as

a parking lot accident.

well as the make

• Move your vehicle out of the way of

and model of the

traffic if you are able and it is safe to do

other driver’s car.

so. If you are in the way of oncoming

Get as much

traffic, pull over to a less busy area if you



information as you




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The Cyber Security “As A Service” Strategy C

Courtesy: www.itworldcanada.com

yber security is, without doubt,

There is increasing demand for security

future threats, especially when the

the biggest elephant in the IT

and privacy to be more than an

systems are cloud-based, the apps are

room. Like the blind men and

after-thought. The idea of privacy and

dynamically composable and

the elephant parable, security isn’t easy

security by design was first introduced

to define and it is seldom possible to

by Ann Cavoukian and has been taken

most functions are virtualized and/or

claim anything is completely secure.

up around the world. A 1997 book by


Over the past decade, security has

Don Tap Scott and Ann Cavoukian

probably been the single biggest

called “Who Knows?” also talked about

Developers need to integrate security

inhibitor to the emerging digital

privacy in a networked world.

into their software at all levels –


infrastructure, platform and applications Robust security should be a

– and should include standard interfaces

There are simply too many publicized

characteristic of any well-designed IT

to allow security services to be

examples of serious breaches, including

component, network, system and

integrated across multiple clouds,

loss of data (e.g., identities), loss of

ecosystem. However, purely protective

networks, data centres and providers.

control and direct financial cost (such as

measures will not be sufficient as long

from ransomware). The Dyn DDOS

as intruders remain both innovative and

Basic security requirements include:

attack in October 2016 and the recent

motivated. No one can predict all

• Know the enemy – Collect and filter

Yahoo disclosures show that, even in


IT industry information by sharing

2016, the security problem has not been

intruder data and hopefully benefitting

adequately solved. It is especially bad

from the trials and tribulations of other

when it takes several years to detect the intrusion! The next big security challenge will be the Internet of Things. The estimate of 50 billion connected “things” by 2020 makes assuring high security into a “never ending story.” Many of these IoT things will be associated with safety-critical systems. It’s hard even to imagine someone hacking your watch and listening via its microphone, but the idea is not that far-fetched.

companies; • Know yourself (i.e., your own environment) – Keep track of what you have by doing a far better job of asset management than ever before, including both physical and virtual assets, software components, system configurations and change history; • Stay aware of your world – Watch over your IT environment, including remote cloud services; monitor each application or service to establish a baseline history, to detect unusual



centre of excellence that is responsible for advocating security. Some also have separate groups for privacy oversight. These groups often have trouble obtaining adequate funding and must also compete for expert resources. Option 2 – Fully outsourced: Another possibility is to outsource most or all security functions to a third party, although accountability must remain with the company. This option can be valuable if a trusted partnership can be established. It is also useful if substantially all assets are cloud-based. Option 3 – Security-as-a-Service: A SaaS-based approach can be the best activities (much like a bank checks for

to harden systems against known

approach when selective outsourcing is

unusual payment card use) and to

threats (at least those known at design

preferred or when in-house resources

detect unauthorized changes;

time); and

are not available. The SaaS approach

• Plan for incident responses – Things will happen despite the best defenses, so act quickly and decisively when necessary to minimize loss or damage, and work as quickly as possible when global events increase local risks; and • Avoid “not invented here” concerns – Take advantage of shared services using an “as a service” strategy to avoid

• Combined proactive and reactive – take advantage of all security life cycle processes from a priori protection to intelligent monitoring to post-incident “big data” analyses.

also minimizes capital costs, encourages state-of-the-art processes and encourages a joint effort that can be better aligned with hybrid cloud environments.

Three options exist for organizations to implement security services, regardless of the approach chosen: Option 1 – Do-it-yourself: Many organizations have their own security

the tendency to “re-create the wheel” for security systems. Since these security requirements are closely aligned with IT governance and overall systems management they should share the underpinning services and support systems, even if there are third party providers involved.

The three basic approaches to security are: • Reactive only – wait for a problem to occur (which is usually a given) and then work hard to quickly neutralize the problem and restore normal operations; • Proactive only – build generic “walls”



Trucking Today TV Interview For MB Business Magazine: Baldeep Channi and Neha Khosla. MB Business Magazine: Mr. Baldeep Channi can you please start of by telling us about your unique venture which is Trucking Today TV?

people are involved in this business. It is

like to spend this money on nice fashion,

not only drivers that are part of this

cars, houses etc. I wanted to give them

industry it is also made up on

a platform where we could not only talk

mechanics, back offices, logistics and

about trucking but also about lifestyle

massive companies.

and business.

I moved to Canada from England in

As I was new to Canada and new to the

When I first started this channel I also

2012 where I had been involved in the

trucking industry I realized that I would

felt it would succeed because the

Media for many years. As soon as I

have to partner up with someone who

content that we have on our channel is

moved to Canada I wanted to start and

had not only experience but a deep

not just meant for those working in the

do something different and unique which

understanding of the industry and those

trucking industry but also for their

would help me stand out from the herd.

involved in it. I was fortunate enough to

families. For example we have

Conceptualized channels have always

meet people who were involved in the

programmes that are meant specifically

been my speciality and I immediately

industry and who had vast experience.

for the children of those involved in the

started to plan to start something similar

This gave me the confident to go ahead

industry. These shows range from

of my own. My first step was to research

with my idea to start a new Trucking TV

cartoons to kids shows. I felt because of

the market and try and find an industry


the number of people involved in the

Baldeep Channi:

that was booming. I decided upon the trucking industry based on its vast reach and how many

industry and the number of families

MB Business Magazine: Mr. Baldeep what made you believe that Trucking TV could be a success?

attached along with them, the channel

Baldeep Channi:

MB Business Magazine: Miss Neha what is your speciďŹ c role in the Trucking TV team and how are you ďŹ nding the experience so far?

The reason I felt that this could be a success is the sheer size of the industry and how much money is involved in this

was sure to reach out to a large population that would appreciate it.

business. In the GTA you can see that those involved in this industry be it the

Neha Khosla:

drivers or the company owners they are

I first moved to Canada a couple of

all making a decent amount of money.

years ago and came here and did my

These people are the same people that

MBA. At the time I had no experience or knowledge of the trucking industry but


highlight of the kind of channels that are available during the day and night?

when I met Mr. Baldeep and he asked

were able to setup everything technically

me to become a part of the team I was

I got my first breakout story when I

instantly ready to take upon the

heard about a very big strike that was

challenge. The reason this intrigued me

being planned by truck drivers from all

Baldeep Channi:

was because I was interested in doing

over the GTA. I had found out that the

At Trucking TV Television we are now

something completely out of the box and

drivers were planning to meet at a

trying to cater to all ages. At first we

out of my comfort zone. Mr. Channi soon

temple to discuss their issues. As soon

thought we would try and reach out to

came up with the idea that I should

as I heard this I gathered my team and

truck drivers but then I realized that they

come in front of the camera and speak

we headed to this temple to meet and

are also children, parents and partners

about student life in Canada. After that

speak to the drivers. When we reached

of those drivers sitting at home and they

first segment Mr. Channi and the team

the temple we met with the drivers and

must also be interested in the industry

believed that I would be the right face to

asked them what they were protesting

their family works in. We run everything

be in front of the camera representing

and they told us that no one was

from trucking industry related programs

the Trucking TV Television channel. I am

covering them and discussed various

to dramas, cartoons and music

also overseeing the operations part of

different issues they were facing in the

programmes. We want the channel to be

Trucking TV Television and the channel


something made for the whole family not just the drivers. They are also some

list and program list is also my responsibility. So far the experience has

The next day the drivers planned to park

specialized programs that are just for the

been a great learning one and I am very

their trucks at the MTO offices and have

drivers which include important advice

much enjoying my journey being a part

their strike over there. So at 5 A.M my

regarding the trucks, insurance,

of Trucking TV Television.

team and I headed to the location of the

mortgages, how to stay healthy on the

drivers and were the first and only media

road and special deals that are made

team over there to cover the story. At the

just for the drivers.

MB Business Magazine: How is your television channel helping people in the Trucking industry on a daily basis? Neha Khosla: One of the biggest ways we help people in the industry is by giving technical advice for all those that are involved. This ranges from driving instructions and training for drivers, to segments involving the actual trucks and its mechanical parts. We also have a website and an app for drivers which have many articles and tips on them. The website and app also help drivers face and tackle day to day issues that are our experienced team of people in the industry help them with.

MB Business Magazine: How was the start of Trucking TV Television when you ďŹ rst aired the channel and how were you able to break out into the public eye?

time I had no idea what a big deal this strike was going to be and how fortunate we were to be the channel to break the story. Within half an hour all the large channels such as CP24 had arrived at the scene and I had started getting calls from their offices asking me to give the footage of the starting of the strike and events of the day. For the next three days we heavily covered the events of the truck drivers’ strike and we were the go to channel for all news concerning the strike. Those three days truly were the start and boost that Trucking TV Television needed to become a success. After the strike was over the truck drivers called us to a local temple and thanked us for our help during the entire strike and for getting their message out to the public. We had officially become known in the industry after that event.

Baldeep Channi: When we first started the channel it took a couple of months to get the production and technical details set up. Once we


MB Business Magazine: Having established yourself as a part of Canadian Media what is your advice for the next generations and how can they become a part of the media? Baldeep Channi: I truly believe that in the Canadian media there is a lot of space for conceptualized channels. The future generations should try and focus on creating something new that stands out from the norm and something that will intrigue people. When I came to this country I was told that I would not be able to compete with the larger sharks in the media industry but I never got scared or let this stop me from pursuing me dream and passion. My message is that people should do the same thing and not feel intimidated and should always believe they can do it if they have the right intentions and the right idea.

MB Business Magazine: Being a 24 hour channel can you give us a


The Secret to Getting Exactly What You Want In Business G

Courtesy: www.businessesgrow.com

etting exactly what you want in

I found the perfect rug for our space to

Media, grew by over 230%. As much as I

life or in business seems next

the tune of $3,500. My husband would

want to celebrate that, I’m busy picking it

to impossible these days. I’m

stroke out if I told him that’s what we’re

apart so we can do the same or better

spending on a rug — being a finance

this year.

here to tell you, it’s not.

man, he gave me a budget and a stern

Getting what you want in life or business

I’ve noticed something lately as I’ve

warning that we would stick to that

comes down to the same principles.

been trying to get my way. Tenacity pays



off and so does data. Patience is also


As I reach the five-year mark, I’ve

I knew that I was probably not going to

stopped saying I want to “grow.” Last

In our current society, where we

get this rug. So I saved myself the

year was an excellent lesson in hyper

subscribe to the “I wanted it yesterday”

trouble of coming up with some pitch

growth — and truth be told, it was harder

mentality, we are basically setting

about how this was going to be the best

than I would have liked.

ourselves up for not getting what we

$3,500 rug EVER purchased.

something to note.

want. Let me explain.

See, all of these writers are running


around telling you how easy it is to grow,

Keeping patience as a mantra, I found

to get the money, and scale your

several similar rugs that were cheaper

business. Either I didn’t have the same

The Secret To Getting Exactly What You Want (At Home)

but not quite as fitting for the space. I

magical experience with growth, or

presented all options and explained how

they’re selling you one of those “get rich

Recently, my husband and I decorated

I’d keep looking for a rug that looked like

quick” schemes.

our front room. It sat empty for two years

the expensive rug but was reasonably

because it’s a more formal space, and


It took me four years to have enough business to put a team together (rather

when we combined our furniture from our single days, we just didn’t have


than do it all myself). And all that growth

enough to work in this fancy type of

I have a knack for research and my

revenue we made last year? Most of it

setting (think: giant 1930s fireplace,

husband has a knack for finding THE

went to paying for that team.

chair railing, and old school box

BEST deals. Together, we kept

windows with even more molding).

searching until we found the same exact

My mental mindset in 2017 is to focus

rug on a discount site for $1,200.

on editing and refining the processes and people that got us to grow. This year

Of course, I picked decorating elements

is about focused growth or scaling.

straight from magazines like Better

Needless to say, I got the rug of my

Homes and Gardens and Crate and

dreams, we stuck to the budget, and

Barrel. And as we marketers know, with

now we’re both enjoying our new fancy

Data (In Business)

the big name, comes the big price.

formal room.

Mark recently asked his Alpha Audience Facebook Group what processes they

Here’s where patience, tenacity, and data come in.

Patience (In Business)

use to assess their career path.

Last year my company, B Squared



I think data is a must — whether you’re

team members are doing low-value

often feel that our “I wanted it yesterday”

advancing your career working for

tasks (so we can save money by

society and way of thinking has people

someone else, or own your own

adjusting who is assigned to certain

chasing their own tails.

business. Focus on what you can



It’s hard (so hard) to keep at something 3. We also uncovered the next logical

… especially because it’s hard! Growing

We just completed a time/task exercise

area to hire for, allowing us to replicate

so much last year was incredibly difficult.

where we looked at three things:

processes AND people as we scale.

1. What is the average time to complete

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a

that I’m given fuel to continue to be

common tasks?

numbers person. But I am truly in love

tenacious in achieving what I want.

2. Who is currently assigned to a task

with using data to uncover ways to grow.

Of course, I’m never going to get exactly

By combining patience and data, I feel

(and their hourly rate)?

what I want. This isn’t about pushing the

3. Who should be assigned to the task

Find a way to love your data, and then

easy button and getting exactly what you

(and their rate)?

put it to work to help you flourish.


We found three golden nuggets in the

Tenacity (In Business)

It’s about learning to use these three


Approaching my fifth year in business,

themes, or your own processes and

1. We discovered an average time to

I’ve seen a lot of other business owners

workflows to inch your way closer to

complete tasks by pay grade. This allows

come and go. Some of them found more

winning at most things.

us to set better pricing with packages

passionate paths or decided to go back

that include many different tasks and

to corporate life.

processes or team members. There is no right or wrong answer, but I 2. In some cases, more experienced

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