Fashion Advertising Portfolio #5

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SELF-ESTEEM CHAMILIA Self-esteem refers to the positivity of a person’s selfconcept. Self-Esteem advertising attempts to change product attitudes by stimulating positive feelings about the self. This Chamilia ad demonstrates this by using displaying a happy women wearing the brand's jewelry. The text in the ad entices the consumer to wear these products, as it will "make them shine uniquely" as well as mention the statement that Chamilia is a gift like no other, for a women like no other. Women consumers would enjoy this ad because it convinces them to stay true to themselves and be unique, as well as remind them they are special and deserve special. Vogue; New York Vol. 205, Iss. 12, (Dec 1, 2015): 167.


This Prada ad demonstrates multiple selves by using the same model twice. Although her features are styled the same, both outfits are different from each other and couldshow an alternate self. Additionally, she's styled differently potentially based on different roles that she could have, such as a class look or a work look. Since we are multifaceted in our daily lives, different selves have different consumption patterns. Brands will demonstrate their benefits to all the roles consumers play to meet more than one need that may have. Additionally, the way we dress changs the way we perceive ourselves. It is possible she is dressing to demonstrate both her ideal vs actual self. Harper's Bazaar; New York Iss. 3636, (Sep 2015): 20-23.


Fantasy appeal refers to communications aimed at individuals with a large discrepancy between their real and ideal selves. This Guess ad demonstrates a fantasy appeal by creating a sensual and romantic style ad. You get the impression from this ad that buy wearing this clothing, others will see you as attractive, approachable, independent and confident, although you may never fully fall in these categories. Creating a fantasy around a product and what it can do for a consumer often aligns with the need to identify with something bigger than oneself. In this case, it looks as if she is famous. Harper's Bazaar; New York Iss. 3660, (Feb 2018): 32-33.

EXTENDED SELF EFFY Extended Self refers to external objects that consumers consider a part of themselves. This ad is demonstrating the idea that jewelry is important as being distinct and unique, and that jewelry can play as an extension of yourself. Traditionally, jewelry represents a symbol of prestige, wealth and power. Additionally, accessories are often referred to as the "cherry on top" to an overall outfit or look. Jewelry is an important ornament for all special occasions a woman goes through in life. A successful outfit isn't truly complete without the right accessories. Harper's Bazaar; New York (Apr 2015): 230-231.



Advertisement: Chamilia. (2015, Dec 01). Vogue, 205, 167. Retrieved from Advertisement: (effy). (2015, 04). Harper's Bazaar, , 230-231. Retrieved from accountid=10181 Advertisement: (guess). (2018, 02). Harper's Bazaar, , 32-33. Retrieved from accountid=10181 Advertisement: (prada). (2015, 09). Harper's Bazaar, , 20-23. Retrieved from

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