Event Fieldwork Portfolio

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Fall 2019
















THE FIELDWORK PROGRAM The Center of Leisure Services at Central Michigan University coordinates students with a short-term work experience called fieldwork. Fieldwork is like earning internship or practical credit for work and experience in entry level positions within the recreation and tourism professions. This entitles any student, regardless of their major, to be placed at recreational facilities in an entry level or seasonal position. They may enroll for anywhere between one to 15 credits based on the job-related recreation experience. This credit offering can be applied to non-recreation majors' electives requirement or fulfill requirements for Recreation or Event Management minors. Through my experiences, I earned approximately 80 hours of fieldwork experience to further my event management skills.

From May until December 2019, through real-world experience, I was able to further my leadership, management and technology literacy skills. I chose three organizations and production companies to collaborate with. Both Summer Camp Music Festival and Panky Rang Productions L.L.C. are music-related production companies, in which I got to demonstrate strong leadership skills and show initiative as the official street team leader/coordinator. Additionally, I worked alongside the Fashion Association of Merchandising and Design, which is a registered student organization on-campus at Central Michigan University. It was with this organization that I completely planned all details surrounding our end-of-semester banquet which was hosted at an off-campus location.



SUMMER CAMP MUSIC FESTIVAL weekend. The event typically attracts on average

all genre music festival located at Three Sisters

20,000 visitors, of which between 8,000 and

Park in Chillicothe, Illinois. Summer Camp first

10,000 arrive before the gates even open! In

began back in May of 2001 and allowed patrons

2014, it was listed as one of the top 40 music

to enjoy a two-day event with just 15 bands. Since

festivals in Rolling Stone magazine. Despite all of

then, Summer Camp has completely transformed

its growth, Summer Camp remains the “home

the grounds and itself on an annual basis, allowing

away from home� stomping grounds for its

them to welcome in more fans, more fun, more

dedicated SCampers, welcoming in new

genres and even more music! This event now hosts

attendees each year to become a part of its

over 180 bands and musicians on nine stages over

giant, music-loving family. Each year gets larger

the three-day event (four if you make it to the

with more interactive art, galleries, vendors,

Thursday Pre-Party). Additionally, the festival has

amusement rides, swings, great food and field-

begun to offer late night shows for an additional

day activities. After three years in a row of

cost. Summer Camp is the biggest event in the

attending the festival, I don't see myself ever

Midwest that takes place each Memorial Day

going anywhere else on Memorial Day weekend!


Summer Camp Music Festival is a three-day long,

RESPONSIBILITIES SUMMER CAMP MUSIC FESTIVAL Central/Western, MI markets. Here, I would have

exchange program that offers Summer Camp

the responsibility of managing the Michigan

Music Festival perks and rewards in exchange for

market, and keeping Ian and the other

promoting Summer Camp. This occurs leading up

coordinators up-to-date on the progress that the

to the festival at several concerts, special events,

team was making by reporting back with bi-

key areas in your market, bulletin boards, and

weekly updates on how things are going. This

more. As an ambassador, you are expected to

included taking initiative and making sure there

promote at concerts of Summer Camp type bands

was promotion being done at any relevant events

or those of similar genres (largely jam bands,

by creating a document that contained all

bluegrass, EDM, nationally touring bands, etc).

upcoming concerts, events or festivals. After creating this document, members of the market

Ambassadors are responsible for reaching all

could sign up for events they were interested in

major concerts in their area, especially any

attending or knew they would be at for sure.

headliners from the festival. It is expected to be promoting at a minimum of 1-2 concerts per

From March until May, I worked with seven other

month. The production team is responsible for

members in the Michigan market and assisted

sending out the handbills that are to put passed

them in all aspects by assigning specific events to

out at these events. There, you can pass out flyers

promote at. I was responsible for finding key

to guests and members within the audience. To

areas within our market to promote at, including:

show proof of your promotion efforts,

college campuses, bars, coffeeshops, restaurants

ambassadors will take pictures of the venue's

and more. Once each member received their

marquee or their ticket for that event, as well as

posters, they hung them up and submitted photo

photo evidence of attendees holding the

proof to the coordinators. Every two weeks I

handbills. Then, you submit them to the platform to

would send the team leader report over to Ian

be reviewed by the production team.

and relay any feedback they had about the ambassador team and would contact the

This was my third year attending Summer Camp

coordinators if a member needed any additional

Music Festival. The last two years I was actively

handbills and posters. I would report back if any

involved in the ambassador team and earned a

members in our market weren’t doing their part,

free ticket in exchange for promoting at concerts

as well as those who showed team initiative and

and other events in my area. At the beginning of

get things done.

February 2019, I applied once again to be a part of the ambassador team. I was accepted right

This was a rewarding and exciting experience to

away due to my previous experience and was

participate in, as I got to work with a large-scale

eager to start once again. Shortly after, Ian

festival, manage people, set regulations,

Strasser, the ambassador team coordinator,

responsibilities, requirements, and network with

reached out to me personally, letting me know

industry professionals. Additionally, the music and

that he believed I would be a good fit to take on

atmosphere is always unlike other festivals I have

the role of ambassador team leader for theÂ

attended in the past.


The Summer Camp Ambassador Team is a work


Performance Evaluation for my Summer Camp Music Festival experience. Completed by Ian Strasser, Marketing Associate and ambassador coordinator.



DETAILS Summer Camp 2019 took place from May 23 -

Tickets for the festival will typically go on sale

May 26 in Chillicothe, IL at Three Sisters Park.

between early December - January and can be

Three Sisters Park consists of 400 acres located on

purchased up until the days of the event. Tickets

the south edge of Chillicothe, Illinois. The Pavilion

typically vary between $250-500 on average.

and special events area offer a panoramic view of

There is the option for presale then tickets go up

the Illinois river and bluffs to the east. The west

by different tier levels. You have the option to get

side of the Park is bordered by rich Illinois

a general admission ticket or VIP which includes

farmland. To the south is the community of Rome

extra amenities including skipping the lines, early

and to the north is the community of Chillicothe. It

entry, drink tickets, and more. The festival has

is also within a convenient three hour drive from

begun offering the "Thursday Pre-Party", where

Chicago, St. Louis, and Indianapolis. This provides

attendees can arrive on the grounds an entire day

a huge population base for potential Park visitors.

earlier. This gives them access to convenient camping locations wherever they may choose,

This year was larger than most, although the event

especially one that may be in the shaded area of

was nowhere near to selling out. It was crowded

the festival, away from the Porta Potties. Pre-Party

at some points but offered plenty of space to

attendees will also receive an additional day of

accommodate everyone. I attempted to get exact

music and early entry into the actual festival site.

numbers from my contact, but he relayed that he

You will typically always catch SCAMP veterans on

was not able to give out information on the

this day!

attendance or staff numbers. On average however, it is estimated that approximately

Since my role only required me to focus on

20,000 people attend the festival each year. The

preparation, promotion and ambassador

festival also attracts a large number of volunteers,

management for the event, I did not have anything

working from vehicle searches, field-day staff,

to do with the actual festival being put on or was

trash pickup, merch booth and first-aid medics. By

assigned any responsibilities during the festival. My

volunteering your time, you are able to gain

fieldwork efforts included getting people aware of

admission into the festival.

the festival by handing out flyers to people during shows or as they were leaving, posting about the

The festival is catered towards all ages. Just

festival on social media and spreading it word-of-

walking around the campgrounds will you see

mouth. I became consumed of all things Summer

children and adults of all ages getting their groove

Camp and would not stop talking about it for the

on. There is even a "kiddy-area" with playground

life of me! From March until May, I worked with the

equipment! The festival takes place on natural, flat

other street team members and we each focused

grounds and allows patrons to camp wherever

on our promotion efforts. I tried to set an example

they may please. When you're not catching a set,

by focusing on SCAMP related artists and sharing

you will most likely be participating in field day

my favorite sets and memories. Since Michigan

activities, snacking on some amazing food or

gets a lot of performances by a variety of artists, it

checking out all of the vendors.

was extremely easy to make sure we would all be able to hit our goal and get people excited!



EXPERIENCE The most enjoyable part of my role was getting to

For the most part, things ran very smoothly

be “in charge” and having others report back to

throughout the experience. Since majority of my

me. I was flattered when Ian had reached out to

work was to be done online, the main focus was

me personally asking if I wanted to be a team

making sure that everyone stayed in contact with

leader for the market. Normally I would not

each other and followed through with what they

describe myself as the “team leader”, but decided

were assigned. I had a few members in our

since it was going to be my third year attending

market drop out at the beginning because they

that I wanted to become more involved with the

didn’t believe they would be able to commit the

festival, so I decided to step up and become a

time it took when it came to promotion efforts or

team leader. I had already had more than enough

just wasn’t interested at all. Although our market

experience when it came to the ambassador side

became smaller, it became easier for everyone to

of things, but was looking to expand my

stay in contact with each other and not feel

communication and people skills.

overwhelmed when discussing efforts with the rest of the members.

Ian, as well as the other coordinators, really valued my opinions and the information I would relay back

As a team leader, I was sent each members full

to them about our market. They were always there

name and email by the coordinators, but had

to assist and really made me want to move up

trouble finding everyone on Facebook to add

within the organization. Having daily

them into our group chat. Since they did not

responsibilities kept me excited and focused, and I

know me personally, I had to attach a message

became motivated on promoting all things

explaining who I was. I noticed more often than

Summer Camp.

not that members would leave my messages on read, so I would have to be persistent and reach

Overall, I would say the least enjoyable part of my

out to them individually and explain the

experience was not having face-to-face

importance of communication.

communication with members of our market. Each member lived throughout Michigan, so I did not

I felt like I was the most excited person for the

get a chance to meet up with them in person and

event throughout the experience. Although it was

discuss promotion efforts. Our market maintained

my job as team leader to be active, I was

contact with each other through a Facebook

extremely dedicated to the experience and was

group chat just in case everyone did not have an

always going out of my way to push social media

iPhone or GroupMe account. It was the easiest

promotion, concert promotion and signage

way to communicate, however, I noticed that

promotion. I was flattered that I had a chance to

people weren’t always checking it right away and

become more involved than I ever have. At the

would take a while to respond back. I can’t really

beginning, I did countless research when it came

think of a better solution to this problem because

to organizing upcoming concerts, events and

everyone lived so far away from each other,

festivals spread all over Michigan to place in our

except for being more sterner about

document. I tried to cover all major cities and

communication efforts and responding back.

would share them on my personal social media.



EXPERIENCE I would 100% say that I was used in a role that

did not want to put in the work. It was important to

developed my professional event knowledge and

keep them motivated and remind them of the

skills. I became extremely organized by knowing

incentives they would receive in return for their

about upcoming events from all the major target

promotion efforts, including: flyering, hanging up

markets. I practiced communicating with the

posters and posting on the Sweet platform. Doing

management level and interpersonal

all of these tasks increased your points for earning

communication. This role was one of the first

rewards, including a weekend pass to the festival

opportunities I have had managing people and

or official merchandise. I had not originally

maintaining a disciplinary role. Since we were

planned on having to motivate others to try their

promoting Summer Camp and I was representing

best in their promotion efforts. I was strongly

the brand, I made sure to think before I spoke,

motivated throughout the entire experience, so I

become adaptable, and offer positive

did not really understand why they were a part of

reinforcement. The role was a great way to

the market if they truly did not want to push

demonstrate a strong work ethic by working

promotion hard. Nonetheless, I worked hard on

independently and as a team. I learned how to

remaining positive towards my market, offering

successfully build and organize a team and

words of encouragement, and interacting with

demonstrate goal setting.

them regularly to keep them updated of my own promotion efforts. Seeing this allowed them to see

I did not personally encounter any office politics

how motivated I was and would give them a push

throughout this experience because I did not

to increase their efforts.

interact with anyone face-to-face, but rather communicated and participated during my own

There is no doubt in my mind that the event was a

free time. If I were to have worked in the office, I

total success! Each year Summer Camp only

believe I would have witnessed more of the hands-

grows larger, and I have met people from

on aspects in the planning and preparation of the

everywhere (my proudest encounter: a lovely

event. I know how stressful operations are the day

gentleman from New Zealand!). They will always

of and was grateful for the chance to be able to

bring typical fan favorites, SCAMP residents, and

sit back and enjoy the festival. Working

at least one major hip-hop act each year. This

independently motivated me on my own time to

year included some of my personal favorite

produce quality work in a timely fashion. If I had

performers and the atmosphere was nothing but

the opportunity to be involved during the actual

kind and inclusive throughout. The entire duration

festival, I believe I would have had even more of

of the festival seemed as if operations and

an amazing experience working with Summer

production were running smoothly and they did not


face many issues, except weather delaying or canceling sets which was ultimately out of

Something I learned throughout this experience

anyone's control. The decorations were less as

is motivation is key. While everyone in my market

bold and interactive as they had once been in

was excited and eager for the festival, they did

prior years and was missing the infamous “Vibe

start strong in the beginning and by the end they

Tent� this year (another of my favorites!).



EXPERIENCE Our promotion efforts stayed strong and

who share the love for the festival and will make it

consistent, and I personally knew many people

an annual event. The festival is well known and will

who would be attending the festival already. Each

be celebrating its 20 year anniversary next year.

year that I have been an ambassador I have tended to talk it up and share it with anyone and

As a Fashion Merchandising major, I was heavily

everyone. I would say almost all of our goals were

interested in the event planning side but focused

reached through the duration of the promotion

more of my interests and efforts on Visual

period. From the beginning, I had created specific

Merchandising. Before this experience, as well as

goals related to our promotion efforts including

my other field work experiences, I was strongly

flyering, postering and posting on social media

dedicated towards fashion and knew that's the

platforms. I had created a calendar of upcoming

career field I would pursue. After these

events a few months ahead so that people knew

experiences, I just continued to replay how much

from the beginning shows to plan for and could

fun I had and how rewarding the outcomes of the

make sure they would attend. Each week I would

experiences were. Although I had prior experience

continue to check in with them via our Facebook

in events such as planning a fashion show, I knew I

Messenger chat and see where everyone was at

did not want to end up as a general manager of

for the week, what shows had been hit, and if any

some store somewhere.

new poster locations were discovered. I would then relay this information on the weekly team

This experience helped me begin to concentrate

leader reports to send to the festival coordinators.

on what I want to do and expect for my future

It was very important to me that I set up and

career. I know I am deeply invested in both fashion

followed my own goals as well as markets goals.

and event management and think it would be

This experience was important to me and I wanted

incredible to find a career that combines the two.

to make sure I was always available and ready to

I know for a fact I chose the best concentrations

solve whatever needed to be done.

for my duration at Central Michigan University. I believe they both connect with each other very

I would say Summer Camp Music Festival is a

well and the skills I pick up along the way will be

great experience for other college students

beneficial in any field I choose to pursue. They

looking to gain experience in the music festival

both allow me to equally express the arts and my

industry. This experience would work well if you do

very own creativity.

not have reliable transportation or are currently enrolled in school. The experience could be done

I sharpened a lot of transferable skills that I will be

whatever your availability is and allows you to

able to continue to apply with my future career. A

work steadily while at your own pace. Since I was

few skills include data analysis, work ethic,

located in Michigan, it became an easy way for

creativity and teamwork. I learned how to

me to still be directly involved without having to

thoroughly manage a market online rather than

travel. Summer Camp is always looking for

working with each other face-to-face. This is

ambassadors to help spread the word. There are

something I do not have as much experience with

ambassadors located all over the United States

as much of my teamwork experiences have been



EXPERIENCE done in person. I improved on creating and

I did not have many similarities in this fieldwork

working towards business strategies and learning

experience when compared to RPL 430, however, I

to compile data based on a specific market.

believe it was still an essential opportunity to further develop my understanding of marketing

I believe this opportunity can easily be justifiable

and promoting events. I did a lot of research on

as an educational experience and worth college

my own confirming the details of a variety of

credit because it allows you to participate in an

upcoming events within our market and took note

independent setting and become directly involved

of each city’s most popular venues. I had to try

in marketing and promotion of festivals. This

and incorporate each regions environment and

experience will require you to practice

select cities that had a strong music presence to

adaptability, problem-solving, strategic thinking,

focus our promotion efforts on. Although I was not

research and prioritization skills, which are useful

the one who created the promotional materials, I

in ultimately any career choice. If you don’t have

still was responsible for the distribution of them, as

much prior leadership experience, this opportunity

well as being the main contact to reach out to if

can allow you to practice team building and

ambassadors needed extra materials. If someone

communication, constructive criticism, active

reached out to me requesting anything, I would

listening and integrity. Additionally, it is a great

reach out to the festival coordinators and inform

way to build on technology literacy skills by

them that we would need more by email.

accessing, managing, evaluating, creating and communicating materials. If you a fan of social

Overall, this was an incredible experience for me,

media already, this opportunity will allow you to

and I am so happy I got a chance to be a part of

network with people from all over.

it. Whether it counted as fieldwork as or just something to do for fun, it made this year of

According to a new Nielsen report, 32 million

Summer Camp Music Festival one of the best I’ve

people attend a music festival in the U.S. every

attended thus far. It was rewarding to enjoy and

single year. That being said, the industry is and will

relax at the festival without hesitation, but I would

continue to grow each year, and will provide

definitely love to see myself working in a more

potential job opportunities within all key areas,

permanent position with the festival in the future.

including: production, marketing, sales, hospitality,

Although I have been an ambassador for the last

tourism, etc. You name it! Music festivals are a

two years, it was an honor to see my hard work

popular way for people to spend vacations, time-

and recognition paid off by becoming an

off, and leisure all around the world. It fits right

ambassador team leader this year. I gained

into the event management world within

confidence and assurance that I know how to

recreation, parks and leisure. After completing this

effectively promote an event, as well that I can

experience on my own, I can only describe it as

motivate others, offer advice and support, and

doing what you love and, “never working a day in

communicate effectively. Before, I feel as If I

your life”. It was always fun, exciting, and a very

lacked few team building skills and really could not

rewarding experience.

motivate others to get excited for the cause.



EXPERIENCE I would like to work improving my task delegation

If I had the opportunity to repeat this experience, I

skills, as I am often one to complete most of the

definitely would. It allowed me to be tech-savvy,

work by myself. I would definitely say I was the

work within a leadership role, and communicate

top promoter within our market. Mostly this is

with the organizers of the festival. I believe I

because I was trying to set an example, but also

brought a lot of prior experience with my position

because I really wanted to enjoy the festival’s

and was able to effectively manage the market

rewards. I wanted the ambassadors to know I’m

and follow the exact wants from the festival.

serious, but excited and ready to help. I did not want to seem overbearing, or constantly nagging

Summer Camp continues to rise in number of

to them because I would remind them about

attendees every year, so I imagine the

promoting. I believe I did a good job of keeping a

ambassador team and the fun will only continue to

positive attitude and encouraging from a

grow even larger in the near future. Overall, I

distance, but looking back, I need to establish

believe this was a great affiliation to volunteer my

more of a system and routine to keep them in the

time with. I strongly recommend it and am already

flow of things to keep promotion efforts steady.

so excited to attend my fourth year in a row!

Summer Camp Music Festival 2020 website cover.

















the Facebook Messenger group chat, create Google Doc to keep track of signups (3/8/19 - 2 hours) 2. Research already announced shows/events for upcoming months within target cities, finalize Google Doc, share links with Michigan market (3/9/19 - 2 hours) 3. Continue researching upcoming shows up announced until the month of May (3/10/19 - 1 hour) 4. Fill out first Team Leader Report, brainstorm potential poster locations, poster sign-ups, confirm member addresses, send info. to coordinators (3/13/19 - 2 hours) 5. Complete weekly report, record attended shows on Google Doc, remove past shows (3/18/19 - 1 hour) 6. Receive first round of flyers, hang around locations either on/off campus (3/22/19-3/25/19 - 2 hours) 7. Complete weekly report, record attended shows on Google Doc, remove past shows, updated list of poster locations (4/1/19 - 2 hours) TOTAL = 24 HOURS


1. Setup - Add other ambassadors on social media, create


remove prior shows off Google Doc, discuss social media promo (4/3/19 - 2 hours) 9. Complete weekly report, record attended shows on Google Doc, remove past shows, updated list of poster locations (4/9/19 - 2 hours) 10. Receive additional flyers, hang on/off campus, continue social media promo (4/10/19-4/11/19 - 2 hours) 11. Complete weekly report, record attended shows on Google Doc, remove past shows, updated list poster locations (4/15/19 - 1 hour) 12. Complete weekly report, record attended shows on Google Doc, remove past shows, updated list of poster locations (4/22/19 - 1 hour) 13. Complete weekly report, updated list of poster locations, last day to submit poster proof (5/13/19 - 1 hour) 14. Review and complete ambassador evaluation, continue to update portfolio (5/13/19 - 1 hour) 15. Summary of overall experience, final email to street team coordinators (5/17/19 - 2 hours)



8. Gather and send in additional poster/flyer requests,



Summer Camp Music Festival official 2019 Lineup.



Attendees at a variety of shows within the Michigan market after interacting. Each are holding Summer Camp flyers that features the festival information and lineup.

Bulletin boards in Mount Pleasant where I hung up official Summer Camp Music Festival posters. This included locations on and off campus.


Google Doc used by the Summer Camp MI Market Street Team. This document was used to sign up to flyer/promote an event and see what SCAMP related events are coming up.

Spreadsheet of Michigan street team ambassadors that

Google form used by team leaders to relay information

I was responsible for leading and assigning promotion efforts.

and promotion efforts to Summer Camp's street team coordinators on a bi-weekly basis.


SCampFam platform used to share posts, earn rewards and see top ambassadors.



FASHION ASSOCIATION OF MERCHANDISING AND DESIGN and are responsible for planning their meetings

Design is an on-campus organization for students

and any events on-campus. I joined FAMD my first

who are planning a career in the fashion retailing

semester attending Central Michigan University

industry on Central Michigan University’s campus.

because of my involvement in the program, as

The main goal is to establish a working relationship

well as to have the chance to network and travel.

with each other and professionals working in the

From what I witnessed beforehand, e-board had

industry. Many people within the Fashion

complete control within the organization, and

Merchandising program are a part of this

were followed by a faculty led advisor, Ian Mull. In

organization, however, it welcomes anyone with

the past, I have experienced several popular

an interest in fashion and the chance to network.

events and gotten to travel to see the real-world

The organization meets every few weeks on-

fashion industry. In the past, we have taken trips

campus with guest speakers, workshops, socials

to Detroit, Chicago, and Las Vegas, where we

and a chance to network at each meeting. The

have attended seminars, resume workshops,

organization is led by the e-board, which are all

career days, and actively assist with Central

students who have been active in the program

Michigan University's fashion show.


The Fashion Association of Merchandising and


board did their introduction presentation and

best I could online, I attempted to find as much

announced they were looking for chair positions

information as possible. I looked through each of

for the organization. They were looking for a

their websites to see if they offer hosting events

banquet coordinator, who would be responsible

or parties. Most websites did not display pricing

for planning the banquet and booking the venue

of any kind, so I had to reach out and contact

for our semester banquet within September to

each personally either by phone or email.

December. They would discuss and reflect ideas with the rest of e-board and would be responsible

After communicating back and forth between the

for attending all meetings. Right from the start, I

venues, I created a presentation of what I had

knew this was something I was interested in

content wise to present to the e-board. It

applying for. After the first meeting, I decided I

contained a list of our past venues, the venues I

was going to apply for the position.

came up with, decoration ideas, entertainment ideas as well as a general theme. I brought the

Since I have an Event Management minor, and

presentation with me to one of our general

already had several events under my belt, I felt

meetings so that people could see the route I

confident that I would be able to effectively

was planning to go with the event as well as help

execute this role for the Fall 2019 semester. While

finalize a venue location. I had to get eboard and

only one other person applied for the position of

other members to agree on the venue before I

banquet coordinator, e-board decided to work

could continue. They all loved my first choice

with the both of us by allowing myself to plan the

from the start and wanted me to proceed.

fall banquet, and another member would plan the spring banquet. I knew I wanted this event to be

I was then responsible for negotiating prices

memorable and unlike anything we’ve done in the

between the organization and the venue and

past, so I began to brainstorm and plan an

remain the contact for FAMD. Since we were on

eventful evening.

a budget and relied on fundraising and membership dues, I had to put the organization

The first step of my planning process was to

first and focus on needs over wants. I worked on

research about our organizations past FAMD

the proposal and came up with a list of potential

banquets, what had been done and the locations

food options to be presented. Additionally, I had

of the banquet. I already knew I didn’t want to

to find out any members dietary restrictions to

host it at a location we had used in the past, so I

relay to the venue to ensure everyone's needs

began to brainstorm venues in the area that I

were met. After the venue was chosen, I got to

knew, liked and believed would be a good fit. This

work on selecting and gathering decor, creating

venue would have to fit all of our needs, be

a snapchat filter, creating a slideshow

accessible for those on-campus and most

presentation and creating our Secret Santa

importantly, be enjoyable. In the past, we have

exchange. After we finalized attendance and

had banquets at Pisanello's Pizza, Courtyard

dietary restrictions, I sent the final headcount to

Marriott Hotels, Island Park and Riverwood Resort.

the general manager and began collecting funds.


At the first meeting of the Fall 2019 semester, e-


Performance evaluation for my Fashion Association of Merchandising and Design experience. Completed by Alyssandra Jarvis, President of Fashion Association of Merchandising and Design.



DETAILS On December 5th, 2019, the Fashion Association

While members enjoyed their meals and had great

of Merchandising and Design (FAMD) hosted a

conversation, I had pulled up a slideshow of FAMD

semi-formal banquet to celebrate and reflect

members and pictures throughout the semester

back on the first semester of the year, distribute

taken by our organizations photographers were

candles we sold through our fundraiser, and

displayed on the projector that Mountain Town

participate in a Secret Santa exchange between

had provided us. The slideshow was displayed

members. The event was hosted at Mountain Town

throughout the entire meal and served as

Station from 7:30-9pm. Although I have been a

memoriam for all that we have achieved during

member of FAMD for the last four years, this is by

this semester. Additionally, a Secret Santa gift

far one of the smallest turn outs of members

exchange was hosted since it we were

actually attending I’ve seen within the last few

approaching the holiday season and was the last

years. 16 people including members, faculty and e-

time we would be meeting as an organization for

board attended the event.

the semester. Members signed up through Elfster, an online Secret Santa generator and were given

There were no volunteers at this event, however,

another member's information to gift an item.

Mountain Town staff was there to assist us during

After eating, those who participated gave their

our reception. The average cost per person was

gifts away to their selected Secret Santa.

$20, which included dinner and a member certificate. Based on the proposal the general

After the activities and meals, membership

manager sent over, the food total would be $700

certificates were handed out to active members

based on 35 guests ($20 per/person). FAMD

who had completed the requirements for the

charged members $10 to gain admission to the

semester, which included participating in 1

banquet and covered the other half through the

fundraiser, 1 professional development experience,

organization. Non-active members, those who had

2 socials and attending a total 4 meetings. These

not met the member requirements or had not yet

certificates were signed by the FAMD president

paid dues, were charged $12 to attend. Others

and faculty member.

who would like to attend were charged $15 if they wanted to attend the event.

Mountain Town proved to be a great and memorable experience for our members. Many of 17

our members had not yet had the chance to visit


and experience Mountain Town, and loved the


atmosphere. They presented excellent customer

$36 $428

service and were there to bring our vision to life. Additionally, they were willing to work with us no matter what our budget! They represent a part of

$3.47 $1205.47

Mount Pleasant culture and are the definition of what fine dining really is. I would recommend working with this venue in any setting.

Table used to display costs of banquet.



EXPERIENCE When planning the event, I had a clear and

The part that challenged me the most came to

focused vision with the route I wanted to go with. I

when booking the venue. I had already a clear and

wanted to focus on a formal and exciting event

established vision of where I wanted the event to

that would allow us all to wind down after a busy

be hosted, but was experiencing communication

semester. I was really excited to see my

delays between the venue and myself. They simply

brainstorming ideas come to life! Although I did

weren’t responding back to me with details or an

not have much prior experience when it came to

answer on availability. I began to hear rumors from

planning a complete banquet from start to finish, I

peers and general friends that Centennial Hall

was totally up for the challenge!

was going to be closing down in December. Although this was just a rumor, I never received

Through Central Michigan University's RPL 430

confirmation from Chelsie if this was true or not. I

course through the Department of Recreation,

had worked with this venue in the past and

Parks and Leisure, I was able to use experience I

connected with them on a personal level, so was

had previously learned from when I was the key

confused why I wasn’t getting the response I

person responsible for planning our groups


convention dinner gala and keynote speaker. Because of this past experience, I believe I was

I began to reach out to my other venue options,

able to thoroughly and rationally brainstorm,

even though I originally anticipated swiftness with

organize and undergo preparation more easily

Centennial Hall. Mountain Town Station did not

than I would have without taking the course.

have an email listed online so that I could send over all of the information relating to our event, so

Through my own experience of past banquets, I

I had to call them instead. I filled out the contact

knew what I liked and what I didn't like on how

me form listed on Soaring Eagle’s plan an events

they organized and executed. After having the

page but never got a response back via phone or

event planning side under my belt, I believed I

email. It just seemed as if nothing was going as

could execute one for the organization smoothly,

planned, and not having the venue booked was

with little to no complications, and have fun doing

beginning to frustrate me since the event was

so. Since I had a lot of freedom of my own in

coming up within a month and a half. I tried my

planning the event and a lot of time on my hands, I

best to remain persistent, but not annoying or a

knew this project would be relatively easier than

constant bother trying to contact them.

working within a team. I know firsthand how chaotic the event I had the most fun being the main contact

management industry is so ultimately decided it

between venues and the organization. I would

would be best to really evaluate all of my options. I

reach out to members of the e-board frequently to

finally heard back from Centennial Hall and she

ensure they were updated on what was going on.

informed me that they would not be available on

This leadership experience was exactly what I

that day. Because of this, I began to shift my focus

needed for my remaining months until graduation.

completely on Mountain Town.



EXPERIENCE Once the venue was finalized and complete, I felt

aspect of the event individually. I followed the

like such a huge weight was lifted over my

standard outlines of the planning process I had

shoulders! I may have been too optimistic at the

learned in prior classes and put it to use. I learned

beginning about choosing a new venue for this

how to submit a proposal and work on

semester. After compromising over price with the

compromising of items and ideas.

rest of e-board, we decided that we would charge $10 for our members to attend and we

I knew that things could go wrong, because

would cover the other half for the banquet.

anything that can go wrong will go wrong when planning these types of events. I knew I would be

I believe I did the most when attempting to go

pushed to be persistent but realized the problem

above and beyond when it came to this

was lack of communication. Typically, I am often

experience. From the beginning, I knew I wanted

nervous when it comes to speaking on the phone,

to plan something that was unlike anything we’ve

and rarely will call businesses because of my

done in the past and preferably at a venue that

shyness. I had to get over this fear and discuss

hasn’t been used at all or as often. Additionally,

exactly what we wanted and were expecting

this was the first time I’ve ever planned a banquet

banquet wise to the general managers. Although I

completely myself, so it gave me the motivation I

was nervous, I felt accomplished that I got the

needed to go above and beyond. I only had one

answers I needed and put this together by myself.

class this semester, so I had a lot of time to brainstorm and develop ideas as I thought of

I would not say I encountered “office politics” per

them. I tried to think about things that I wanted to

say, since I was never directly involved with the

see done at a fashion related event and pursued

rest of the e-board, however, I would say that me

them the best I could. I felt extremely proud of

being involved with the rest of e-board could

myself overseeing the entire event from start to

potentially fall under this. From my understanding, I


thought I would join the e-board at their meetings and discuss things I’ve worked on, however, they

I feel confident that FAMD used me in a role that

just had me keep updated via email instead of

that effectively developed my professional event

meeting in person. Besides what I had told them

knowledge and work ethic. This opportunity was

prior, they were not fully aware of the things I had

the best of both worlds by getting to use the skills

been working on but knew I was beginning to plan.

I’ve developed from my major and my minor in a

I guess overall this would be one of my complaints.

real-world setting. Although I had never personally

I thought joining this semester would give me more

planned a banquet before, I felt as if I already had

hands-on experience with a leadership role and

all the tools I needed sitting in front of me. I felt

connect more with my peers, but that was not the

confident that I could complete an event like this

case. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but just

with little to no guidance needed. E-board gave

allowed me to learn how to fully plan one on my

me complete freedom when planning the event,

own and work towards solving a problem

except for the date and time which had already

individually which is always a useful skill to work on

been established. This allowed me to plan every

in any setting.



EXPERIENCE Adaptability was the biggest lesson learned

option of having appetizers with no entrees. If the

throughout this experience. I executed the event

cost to attend was cheaper overall, it's possible a

on my own and was responsible for learning how

few more members would have signed up to

to prioritize my tasks and strengthen my deadline

attend. However, for charging only $5 more per

management skills. I learned how to communicate

person, the quality of the food only went up

and interact with several potential venues on a

drastically, as well as the variety. I really do not

regular basis. It was important for me to stay

disagree with going with the more expensive

open-minded, practical and flexible. I reached out

option and believe it helped towards the success.

to several venues in the area to potentially host our event very early on. Most of them either did

The food was excellent, and the atmosphere was

not respond until it was too late or did not respond

incomparable with any other restaurant in Mount

to me at all. The venue I was originally so eager to

Pleasant. The staff was great, extremely friendly

host the event at ended up closing business and

and were dedicated to their jobs. Everyone was

were no longer able to host us, even though they

feeling the pressures of exam week coming up, so

were eager and excited to host us at the

the banquet gave the perfect opportunity to relax

beginning. Because of this, I learned how to be

and enjoy great food and Mount Pleasant culture.

patient, yet understanding when getting denied or

Although it was small in attendance, it was

not receiving a response. It was important to try to

intimate and was a good way to finish the

stay in touch and try again with each business

semester. Almost all of our goals set beforehand

regularly, but without becoming a bother to the

were reached except for not getting as much

business. I learned how to get straight to the point,

attendance as anticipated, and we were able to

bargain, negotiate, and really learn how develop

save more off the total than we thought. This was

needs versus wants. Additionally, I learned how to

the more formal banquet of the year, as next

work within a budget, gather attendance and

semester’s will be more casual, and ultimately

communicate within an e-board.

cheaper as well.

I believe the event was as much of a success as

This is a great opportunity for those who are active

possible. Although it wasn’t announced until closer

in the Fashion Merchandising and Design program

to the end of the semester, I feel as if a lot of

here at Central Michigan University. FAMD offers

people were not able to come up with the funds

this position every semester to members in the

to pay for it during that time. This typically

association. It is easy to apply and able to be

happens during this time of year, especially

completed no matter what your schedule. If you

around the holidays, so it played a big factor on

do not have any banquet coordination experience

why we didn’t get as much interest as originally

yet but are looking for work, this would be a great

planned. Ultimately, the chosen meal plan was the

role for you. You have to be able to work

cheapest plan that we could get for that venue,

independently and be actively listening to

and for having a somewhat above-average meal.

understand and meet the organization's needs

If we would have chosen this venue and gotten a

and wants. Additionally, if you’ve ever wanted to

cheaper meal plan, we would have only had the

pursue a leadership role, this opportunity allows



EXPERIENCE you to hold a spot on the e-board. I have tried in

After being able to plan all aspects surrounding a

the past to obtain an e-board position in other

fashion show and a reception, I believed it would

organizations but was never chosen. This

be important to go further and acquire skills

experience made me feel confident about my own

related to preparing a banquet. While I enjoyed

skills and ability to plan. Although you have 100%

seeing the event come to life and witness the

freedom in the planning, design and preparation

behind the scenes action, I would like to plan more

of the event, the e-board ultimately has to

than just a banquet. I enjoyed having complete

approve the venue and general ideas. This is an

freedom when it came to coordinating the event

excellent way to learn how to receive constructive

and be able to let my creativity shine, however,

criticism, attention-to-detail and resourcefulness.

since our event was at a restaurant, the staff were the ones responsible for attending the guests. I did

Even if not in the fashion industry, I would say this

not have much of a role on the day of the

experience would still be beneficial to

banquet, except for communicating with the

strengthening one's coordination skills. All career

general manager and assisting in payment. I am

fields participate in either a banquet, conference

typically not used to this and enjoy being a part of

or convention setting at some point, so learning

it every step of the way from start to finish.

how to plan them or decipher needs versus wants

Although it was nice to relax at the event and see

can be beneficial when attempting to get the

all the hard work come alive before my eyes, I

most out of the experience. Knowing how to relate

know now that I would enjoy a career where I am

to different personalities, how to connect with

constantly running around and can be of use

someone, and making a positive impression are

throughout the duration of the event.

keys to success. It is a good way to learn how to prioritize numerous tasks while multitasking.

A few transferable skills I have sharpened

Additionally, you can practice effectively

throughout this experience include: data analysis,

communicating your own ideas and the ability to

negotiation and sales, budget management, and

explain the scope and purpose of an event.

proposal writing. All of these skills can be applied in any career field and may be resourceful on the

As a Fashion Merchandising major, this experience

job. I demonstrated these skills by communicating

helped affirm my future educational and career

back and forth between management positions,

choices. This experience was a great way to

weighing between the pros and cons of each

intertwine my fashion and event management

meal plan, discussing with the e-board about

expertise together. I already had experience when

available options, finalizing then signing off on the

it came to planning a variety of events. In relation

final meal proposal and finalizing the budget. I

to fashion, I was a Thread’s Venue committee

was responsible for negotiating prices for the

member for Central Michigan University’s very own

attendees with Erik, the general manager of

fashion show in 2018. Additionally, I was a part of

Mountain Town Station. Erik was great and was

the Art of Event Planning class where we hosted

really willing to work with us no matter what our

the Threads reception.

budget was. Mountain Town Station is a true gem



EXPERIENCE of Mount Pleasant, and they love supporting the

Association of Merchandising and Design for the

community. I would definitely work with them

last four years and have always wanted to hold an

again in the future. I believe I have improved the

e-board position. When I saw this position was

most on the negotiation and sales skills that I

available, I knew I would be able to effectively pull

acquired throughout this experience. I have not

it off based on the skills I have learned throughout

had experience with being the main contact when

my educational experience at Central Michigan

discussing dining with a restaurant for a banquet


before this. We went back and forth between a few of the available meal plan options, but we

This experience was very similar to what I

eventually settled on the one I was aiming for. The

completed in the RPL 430 course, primarily

cost of each attendee's meal would cost $20 and

because I was responsible for planning our gala

would include 2 entrees, instead of the $14 plan,

dinner and keynote speaker. Right away, I had a

which includes appetizers. Attendees would pay

clear vision of the route I wanted to go with the

FAMD $10, and FAMD would cover the other half

banquet. I wanted it hosted somewhere exciting,

for anyone who wanted to attend. After finalizing

new and never been done before. I took in the

the cost and payment, I compiled a list of

overall idea I took away from the class of really

attendees who would be coming and gave him a

embracing the city it’s hosted in culture and

final number the week of the event. The day of the

believed Mountain Town Station would be the best

event I introduced myself and was the face of the

and most intimate fit. It turns out not a lot of our

relations between the venue and our organization.

members have ever been here before which would make the perfect opportunity.

I believe this opportunity is easily justifiable as an educational experience and worth college credit

Although this not an event I would typically have

because it allows you to participate in an

planned on my own, I had a good time learning

independent setting while working on conflict

from it and completing the process independently.

management, negotiation, resilience, and

I had experience planning receptions before but

innovation. You get to practice creativity by

had not yet had a banquet under my belt. I gained

developing an event theme, synthesizing

the ability to negotiate a price and work with food

information and event presentation. I had so much

proposals. I enjoyed the fact that I got to do this

fun in the event execution of the event. This

by myself, as it made me feel as if I know exactly

included identifying, booking and direct

what the people are looking for, because I have

communication with the venue, proposal writing,

personally witnessed good and bad events, and

supervising event setup, overseeing the event

know what works versus what doesn't work. When

execution and evaluating the event success.

we first announced the location, many of the members were shocked when they found out this is

Already being a part of the organization made it

where we were going to host our banquet. A lot of

that more exciting to be included in the planning

people from Mount Pleasant know it as “the

process. I have been a member of the Fashion

fanciest place in town”.

















presentation, view past locations, decide a theme (10/13/19 - 3 hours) 2. Email Centennial Hall + present banquet overview, check availability and estimated headcount, discuss dress code (10/16/2019 - 2 hours) 3. Contact Soaring Eagle Casino, contact Centennial Hall with an estimated attendance, discuss space and catering (10/17/19 - 1 hour) 4. Contact Centennial Hall again, fill out contact form for Italian Oven, update presentation (10/22/19 - 1 hour) 5. Call Mountain Town Station, discuss food options, availability, and amenities (10/28/2019 - 2 hours) 6. Discuss with e-board Mountain Town proposal and cost, figure out cheaper budget as a backup (11/1/19 - 1 hour) 7. Update the e-board, brainstorm backup venue locations, update overview presentation (11/3/19 - 1 hour) 8. Contact Mountain Town Station about booking, present estimated timeline, make slideshow template, update presentation (11/8/19 - 2 hours) 9. Search/purchase decorations/props, create list and discuss with eboard, create Secret Santa exchange through Elfster (11/10/19 - 2 hours) 10. Gather all photography, create a slideshow presentation, create name tags + button design (11/11/19 - 3 hours) 11. Contact GM from Mountain Town, search for a decor/estimate, stay in touch with secretary with info. to put in email (11/21/19 - 1 hour) 12. See if any members have dietary restrictions, Secret Santa deadline, go through list of active members (11/22/19 - 1 hour) 13. Finalize headcount and return to manager, update/send in presentation, purchase last decorations or ISO (12/1/19 - 1 hour)



1. Brainstorm/research possible venue locations, prepare general



Mountain Town Station banquet proposal presenting

Banquet Presentation that was on display during the

the menu, amenities and estimated quote for event.

evening containing pictures taken throughout the semester.

FAMD banquet invitation created that was sent

Secret Santa exchange created through Elfster for members

to active members and FMD faculty.

to receive a partner. Gifts were then gifted at the banquet.



Pictures of the buffet style dining setup and presentation with members enjoying their meals, hosted at Mountain Town Station.



Fashion Association of Merchandising and Design faculty and members celebrating their end-of-semester banquet.



PANKY RANG PRODUCTIONS L.L.C. custom built canopy, truss system, extension

production company that offers an array of

decks for speaker mounting, mounting for

services including: mobile stage setups, artist

projection mapping hardware, a staircase,

management, equipment rental, music distribution,

seating areas, audio/visual mounting location,

renegade after parties, night club takeovers, and

tables, and an sound/visual booth. All of this was

more. Panky Rang was established in 2012 and

created for one purpose: to rock people’s worlds

since then has set the standard on RV takeovers at

with the pleasure of music made from the soul.

music festivals, specifically Electric Forest. The

Panky Rang houses many artists under their label,

Panky Rang Bus into a full-blown mobile stage

have their own shop, and are there to plan any

where we can throw epic parties at any location.

and all music related needs or events. They

The roof has been modified with a steel frame and

haven't stopped growing and are only becoming

supports to act as a stage. Further upgrades

larger in the music industry. Additionally, they

include: a new floor, DJ booth, safety railings,Â

offer sense of community by the love of the pinky!


Panky Rang Productions is a electronic music

RESPONSIBILITIES PANKY RANG PRODUCTIONS L.L.C. A major requirement was being tech-savvy. Since I

did not have a solid street team set in place.

became the coordinator, I began operating as the

Through personal connections, I was able to

“face” of a brand in physical and virtual networks. I

network with Eric Chandler, a partnering manager

would promote across social media platforms,

for Panky Rang. I discussed with him on what I had

including: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I

been going to school for, as well as my interest in

would post attention-grabbing and creative posts

the music industry and past street team

used for viewers to preview the event page. I

experiences. He informed me that he was looking

would send out invites, share the link to purchase,

to create a solid street team for the company, was

and tag the artist and company. Posting across all

impressed by me, and would love to have

platforms ensured that it was being spread around

additional experience behind him. Previously, he

to a variety of people and create awareness.

had been looking for ways on how he wanted to organize it and appreciated the past street team

I was the main contact for street team members to

experience I had.

sign-up, submit promotion proof, and assist in handling comments or concerns. I would then be

While working together, we discussed regions in

responsible for compiling the guest list, relaying

and outside of Michigan that seemed appropriate

evidence and results to the company and other

for marketing and decided a 3-hour radius would

coordinators and sending the guest list in to the

work best. This would hit all major cities, including:

venue staff. As an admin in the Facebook group,

Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Mount Pleasant,

and would be required to respond to messages

Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor, to name a few.

and emails from members, staff and other

Additionally, we decided that Toledo, Columbus

coordinators. I used a variety of online services,

and Cincinnati seemed appropriate for regions

such as Google Sheets and Canva, to create

outside of Michigan to promote at.

monthly our calendars, spreadsheets and general presentations used to notify street team members

As the Street Team Coordinator, I was responsible

on details and updates.

for planning, directing and coordinating marketing plans and street team volunteers for Panky Rang

I was not only informing the public of upcoming

Productions. I practiced innovative solutions and

events in their area that they might have previously

ideas to service the many challenges presented by

been unaware of but was also convincing new

businesses as they evolve. To do this, I practiced

potential consumers to attend our events or

personifying and championing the company

purchase our services over others. Each month I

through word-of-mouth, social media and direct

would compile a list of all upcoming shows, place

marketing tactics. Duties I completed on a regular

in a calendar format, and send out street team

basis included advertising services and events on

members and on social media for the public. In my

social media networks, spreading brand

own leisure, I would also be found attending

awareness through word-of-mouth marketing

relevant events to promote their brand. I was

techniques. Additionally, I was also involved in the

responsible for displaying a self-motivated

distribution of posters, stickers, and flyers

attitude and engage with others on a friendly and

throughout the community.

personal basis.


Before I joined the Panky Rang community, they


Performance Evaluation for my Panky Rang Productions experience. Completed by Dan Villarreal, Panky Rang Productions.



DETAILS Organizing and creating the street team layout

The first matter of business was creating a weekly

came naturally to me, motivated me and left me

and monthly calendar. I created this document on

more excited each day. I already had previous

Google Docs so it was easily accessible and could

experience being a part of a street team, but

be updated regularly. This document was created

never had the opportunity to assemble and lead

in the format of a checklist to help street team

one. In the past, I have been a part of Elektricity,

members follow along with promotion efforts, as

The Intersection, and React Detroit's street teams,

well as to be aware of what to expect in the

where I was rewarded with tickets to the events I

upcoming months. Each week, members would

was promoting at. Because of this, I knew how

follow along and complete the listed requirement

they worked, and personally knew what I liked and

criteria for that specific week. Criteria was listed

disliked about them. This allowed me to come up

within this document but could also be found

the with the most appropriate approach in how I

posted on Monday's each week on the Panky Rang

believed the street team would run best.

Michigan Promo Team Facebook page. These weekly posts would be pinned at the top of the

When first creating the street team, I was tasked

Facebook group for their convenience.

with finding other motivated individuals would make a great fit for the street team. I posted on

All required criteria were to be completed by

Facebook and Twitter recruiting talent and finding

street team members by the end of the following

people who were interested in joining. Panky Rang

week on Sundays by 11:59 pm. Once members had

already has a very large community, so it wasn't

completed that current week's criteria, they would

hard at all developing a team. Eric and I came up

then be required to comment “DONE” on that

with a finalized list of the street team and began

specific week’s Facebook post. This allowed

relaying how it would work. After we made a

myself and other management to stay up-to-date

general post on each of Panky Rang's groups, we

on members progress and see who was eligible for

invited members to join and become a part of the

incentives. It was important for me to create

street team.

relatively easy to follow requirements each week so that members would consistently do them

From here on out, I assisted in the day-to-day

without it becoming too much or unobtainable.

operations regarding the street team alongside

Since the team was continuing to grow, we knew

the management team. I became a moderator on

we would be able to hit all major Michigan cities

our Facebook group page and had access to

on a regular basis without question.

making the weekly promotion posts and answering members questions and concerns regarding the

While I developed both the weekly and monthly

street team. Additionally, I had access when it

calendar to get them setup and ready to go for

came to accepting or denying any invitations to

street members, I worked on a variety of tasks that

join the street team group and the ability to add

included creating and monitoring promotions such

them into our Facebook messenger group where

as giveaway posts, upcoming artists biographies,

members could chat directly. These groups blew

SoundCloud playlists, submission demo links to

up in size rather quick and allowed us to cover all

play Electric Forest, promoting exclusive Panky

major Michigan cities.

Rang merchandise and managing posts.



EXPERIENCE Although I was not directly involved with planning

The least enjoyable part of my role was not

an event for the company, I helped assist in the

directly meeting with the other members of the

promotion of the event they already had coming

management team and living so far away from the

up on December 27, 2019. This is Panky Rang

action. Although my role could easily be

Production's first Detroit curated event held at

completed online, I had wished I was back closer

Tangent Gallery. I was already aware of this event

to home so I could play a more direct role. This

before I started my experience but made sure to

included things like hanging up promotion

make it a priority on my own personal social

materials around town, working together on

media. After creating the Panky Rang Michigan

completing tasks, working with the exclusive Panky

Promo page, I would make a post about the event

Rang merchandise, and other day-to-day

and have street team members share to their own


feeds. The only problems we encountered through the While continuing to promote the event, I

experience was low ticket sales and another major

presented the idea of creating a biography

show being announced on the same day as our

about each artist who would be playing at our

event, The Underground. By the time I first started

show. Every few days we would release one of

my experience, we had not yet sold a ticket to the

the artists bios on The Underground's event page

event, so I was assigned the job of thinking of

for potential attendees to gain a little more

ways that we could boost ticket sales. Although I

insight about each artist and become excited for

had brought a lot of really great and efficient

the event. I suggested to the management team

ideas to the table, a new event had been recently

that we create an exclusive Panky Rang playlist

announced on the same day that we had

on SoundCloud that would feature a few songs,

scheduled our event for. To work around this, we

mixes, or remixes by each artist and share it

discussed making a late-night show that guests

across social media, as well as in the Panky Rang

could attend if they chose to go that other show.

group chat. The event has not yet happened, but

We continued to push promotion posts and were

I believe it will be a success!

quickly working on getting the official street team set up so we could have members promote it

The most enjoyable part of my role was getting to

within their own communities.

work alongside my own personal interests and networking with the community. I have always

I definitely believe I went above and beyond when

been very active in the electronic scene and was

it came to this experience. To be honest, it didn't

very eager to become involved with the company

even feel like I was working most of the time. I was

as soon as I had a friend introduce me to the

genuinely excited to develop ways to better serve

team. I was very welcomed to the team from the

the company, as well as the community. I would

start and always had a great time when it came to complete tasks head on and in a timely fashion. discussing, developing, critiquing, and executing

The team was always thrilled by the work I

each of the tasks we worked on. I felt as if I

completed and would complement myself on how

became important to the overall success and

efficiently I was getting work done. If anything, I

efficiency of the street team.

would work on obtaining more tasks to complete!



EXPERIENCE I believe Panky Rang Productions offered me a

Throughout the month of December, I learned how

role that truly expanded my career options and

to stay organized, self-efficient and self-

allowed me to have fun doing so. Each day I used

motivated. I oversaw the majority of each

skills upon all areas of technology literacy and

performer's biographies, schedules, assisted in

working within a management team. I had to

creating introductions, and would send them to

demonstrate a strong social media presence, pay

management to be posted on the event page.

close attention to detail, and efficient conflict

Each post was made every few days a part to

management. I got a lot out of the opportunity by

keep the event relevant and allow for engagement

having a lot of freedom when it came to the

between attendees. Although I did not originally

organization and preparation of how the street

plan on interacting with artists directly, I learned

team would be set up. The experience was

how to stay clear, calm and collected when

rewarding because it coincided with my own

associating with each of them. While creating the

personal interests and allowed me to gain

artists biography, I had the ability to reach out to

numerous networking connections.

them directly, introduce myself and explain why I was reaching out to them. I gathered their

The management team welcomed me with open

information that they wanted to be presented on

arms and was always there to answer questions

our event page to get people aware and excited

and offer advice. I would not say that I

for the event. Everyone was nice and seemed

encountered anything that could be considered as

really excited about performing at our first Detroit

office politics throughout my experience. The team

curated event, The Underground at Tangent

seemed to really enjoy the ideas I brought to the


table and loved getting a fresh perspective from someone who was also involved in the electronic

Although I did not specifically plan an event on my

scene. We stayed in touch on a regular basis

own throughout this experience, I still believe I had

through our Facebook chat and worked on many

success when it came to promote their upcoming

of our objectives as a team. Everyone was already

event, The Underground, and creating a general

extremely self-motivated, had a strong work-ethic,

overview for the street team to be followed. As a

and shared a love for the music.

new member of the management team, it was up to me to develop effective ways to boost sales for

I learned how to ultimately trust my instincts and

this event. When it was first announced, there was

try not to hold back any ideas I had when

little to no engagement on the events page and

regarding to the street team. Management always

they had not yet sold a ticket. Through developing

valued my opinion and allowed me to learn how to

ideas such as giveaways, releasing artist

absorb feedback. Communication was key. While I

biographies and creating SoundCloud playlists,

did not have much experience working with them

we pushed the event to reach its full promotion

in the past, they taught me how to look forward to

potential. We each made sure to promote the

the future and begin the planning process early

event on our own and use word-of-mouth tactics.

on. I am honored to have had the experience of

While this experience is still a work in progress, we

working with them. We are no longer

are confident that the event will be a total success

acquaintances but are now lifelong friends.

when it occurs on December 27, 2019.



EXPERIENCE I believe this was a great production company to

Although I am a Fashion Merchandising major, I

volunteer my time with and would recommend it to

have become deeply invested in my event

any other college students looking to enter the

management minor. I had a lot of fun overseeing

music industry, in regard to event management. If

operations among several events and networking

you are a big fan of electronic music, this is the

with other individuals. I no longer see myself as

company for you! Majority of the experience was

being a store manager of a clothing store or

done independently, which allows you to show

working as a visual merchandiser, instead I would

initiative and ultimately take charge in what you

like to become involved in a career that allows me

want to do. This excited me and ultimately kept

to incorporate my love for fashion, music and party

me self-motivated each day. You get to oversee

planning. There is always a demand for all three

many production tasks from start to finish, spread

and believe that working alongside a music

the word about the mission and services of the

festival can include each one.

company, and network along the way. This experience would be beneficial if you’d like to

I have been involved in the electronic dance music

learn a little bit of everything within an event

community and attended several music festivals

production company or are looking to broaden

within the last seven years. It was always so fun

your horizons in the field. I was able to participate

getting to enjoy the experience from front row, but

within a variety of key areas and was not bound to

I knew I was always interested in what goes on

just doing one task, and wrote much of the

backstage, as well as the overall preparation and

material we posted across social media.

setup. After this experience, being on the back end of things feels like the ultimate dream and

Panky Rang Production’s was more than willing to

where I want to end up career-wise. Lately, I have

place me in an area that I wanted to focus on.

been thinking of a career that would combine

They took the time to discuss what I expected out

both the fashion and event management fields. I

of the experience and was there for any support I

see fashion vendor coordinator at a music festival

needed throughout. I was able to apply

to be very alluring and a possible future career.

fundamental skills that I had already learned

Either way, I feel as if I get less motivated with one

throughout my education experience and was

field, that I can always move to another because

able to spread social media presence.

they are both so deeply connected and will allow

Additionally, they always wanted to hear what I

me to gain networking experience. I believe I

had to say! They have opportunities within all key

would always have fun while working and focus

areas, and are now becoming popular out-of-

more on creativity.

state, which would be beneficial if you’d like to travel often. They offer a variety of services and

This fieldwork experience helped me sharpen my

are very accepting of the community and have

technology literacy, management, and time

already made an exciting name for themselves as

management skills. Each day I was very active on

the RV legends at Electric Forest. As for the future,

social media and used a variety of platforms to

Panky Rang still considers me as a valuable team

create, analyze and distribute work. I was placed

member and I will continue to work with them even

in a management position and learned how to

after my fieldwork experience.

work within a management team,



EXPERIENCE collaborate and execute tasks on a daily basis. I

This experience was very rewarding and has really

was required to plan accordingly for the next

helped me plan where I would like to be in the

upcoming six months, which I had to be able to

future. I was already a big fan of Panky Rang and

complete in a timely fashion to ensure all materials

it was a huge deal to me to become a part of the

could be reviewed and ready to post on time. I

team, network, experience the bus and have it

would make the weekly posts within the Facebook

count towards my education. I believe I have

group, update our member spreadsheet, and

grown as a person through the duration of the

check progress every Sunday night and relay that

experience and feel as if I have really made an

information back to management. I believe I

impact on how it will run in the future. I enjoyed

improved the most on creating checklists to follow

having the opportunity to collaborate amongst a

along with, making sure I stayed organized, and

team and develop my own ideas and

being able to simplify materials as best I could for

recommendations. I was actively a part of the

street team members.

company as a whole and gained much experience within all key areas including marketing, street

I justify this opportunity as an educational

team management, public relations, etc.

experience worth college credit because it allows you to become familiar in a variety of fields. You

I feel as if I have gained major confidence when it

will be able to use technology literacy skills,

comes to discussing and spreading my own ideas,

journalism and writing, collecting and sorting data,

professional writing, and communicating between

and leading a winning team. While working

artists. I did not necessarily lack these skills before

independently, you’re able to oversee tasks from

the experience, but feel as if they helped

start to finish and act as the main contact for your

strengthen my experience and made it

area. Additionally, you are able to work within a

memorable. I would like to continue working on

management position that will allow you to get a

developing a winning team and inspiring others to

feel for the industry, network, and have fun while

pursue the music industry. As of now, I would really

you’re working. I was always heard, my opinions

like to dive in more with my street team roles and

were valued, and they cared about any feedback

would love to experience the opportunity of talent

or advice I had to give.


I did not have many similarities in this specific

Looking back, I feel as if I helped play a crucial

fieldwork experience when compared to the RPL

role in the overall setup and organization of the

430 course, however, I consider it to be an

street team. It was originally just an idea, and now

essential opportunity that helped highlight my

it has developed into a real active street team

understanding of the marketing and promoting

with a passionate group of people. This

events. I had to do a lot of research on my own

experience came naturally to me and really

about any upcoming events within our market and

allowed me to involve my passion for music and

take note of each city’s most popular venues. I had

party planning. I am very excited to continue my

to try and incorporate each regions environment

role as the street team coordinator for the

and select cities that had a strong music presence

upcoming future and can't wait for the highlight of

to focus our promotion efforts on.

their year, Electric Forest.

















the setup of street team, upcoming promotions + events, notes (11/7/19 - 1 hour) 2. Discussion regarding regions in/outside of MI to promote at with management, brainstorm/develop general ideas, reach out to other motivated individuals with an interest in promotion, begin creating portfolio (11/8/19 - 2 hours) 3. Create the official management street team chat, discuss management expectations of street team, submission proof and timeline (11/9/19 - 2 hours) 4. Management video chat, discuss layout of team, develop checklist and timeline of what needs to be done/when to release announcement (11/10/19 - 1 hour) 5. Develop ways to boost "The Underground" event, develop incentives/rewards for members, finalize member expectations with management (11/11/19 - 2 hours) 6. Begin Google Doc of requirements and general overview for the promotion team, create tally spreadsheet on Google Sheets (11/12/19 - 1.5 hours) 7. Finalize Requirements/Overview document and tally spreadsheet, seperate market regions, create street team Facebook group (11/13/19 - 2 hours) 8. Write/develop/revise post to share across social media inviting people to apply, share/discuss with management team (11/14/19 - 1.5 hours) 9. Post street team publicly on the Panky Rang Facebook group, begin accepting member applications and compile names within tally spreadsheet, forward to management (11/15/19 - 30 minutes) 10. Finalize member rewards/incentives list with management team, continue promoting street team across social media (11/16/19 - 30 minutes) 11. Launch "The Underground" earlybird campaign, work on boosting promotion efforts, personal promotion through social media (11/17/19 - 30 minutes) 12. Launch official street team to the general public, share across all Panky Rang social media platforms, continue compiling names (11/18/19 - 1.5 hours)



1. Introduction to company, discuss general overview of how management wants


make it accessible only to management team (11/19/19 - 2 hours) 14. Begin creating weekly/monthly calendars for members, add in specific criteria, draft up general overview, discuss with management (11/20/19 - 2 hours) 15.Draft up a variety of incentives and rewards for the weekly/monthly calendars for street team members (11/21/19 - 30 minutes) 16. Begin creating The Underground event playlist on SoundCloud, adding in at least 10 songs, remixes and mixes by each (11/22/19 - 2 hours) 17. Draft up message to greet artists, reach out to The Undergrounds artists, begin collecting artist biographies to be shared on the event page, share document with management (11/23/19 - 2 hours) 18. Gather final artist biographies for The Underground, place each bio on the Panky Rang management Google Doc, begin writing personal introductions, include website links for each [SoundCloud/Facebook] (11/24/19 - 2 hours) 19. First artist announcement on The Underground event page, management discussion on how to push sales for Black Friday (11/25/19 - 1 hour) 20. Second artist announcement, share across social media (11/27/19 - 1 hour) 21. Third artist announcement (11/29/19 - 30 minutes) 22. Fourth artist announcement, management brainstorm call (12/2/19 - 1 hour) 23. Fifth artist announcement (12/4/19 - 30 minutes) 24. Sixth artist announcement, create draft of a giveaway post to post across social media for The Underground (12/9/19 - 1.5 hours) 25. Seventh artist announcement, management review of calendar, begin prioritizing content, update the Google Doc (12/11/19 - 2 hours) 26. Management team chat, fieldwork evaluation submission (12/12/19 - 1 hour)



13. Create/file master contact spreadsheet with all team members/contact info,



General overview of the street team member

Panky Rang Michigan Promo Team Facebook group I

expectations, incentives, forms of communication

assisted in creating and moderate for. Used for

and venues created through Google Docs.

announcements, updates and guest list opportunities.

Flyer for the first Panky Rang curated event hosted in Detroit. I worked on developing techniques when it came to boosting ticket sales and creating special promotions.



Permanent Address: 468 Crediton St, Lake Orion, MI 48362

CAD for Visual Merchandising & Presentation: Fall 2018 - Software applications specific to visual merchandising in retail and virtual environments. Emphasis on creation of merchandising directives for product display.

+ (248) 462 - 5991 kowalski2aa@gmail.com linkedin.com/alisonkowalski alisonkowalski.wixsite.com/portfolio

Visual Merchandising: Spring 2018 - Visual Merchandising for fashion product promotion and branding. Techniques of styling and window display. Creation of merchandising directives. Professional practice via team-based project completion.

The Art of Event Planning: Spring 2018 - Responsible for the coordination and facilitation of Thread's VIP Reception.

OBJECTIVE A college undergraduate looking for a full-time position in Visual Merchandising and Event Management. I have the ability to identify the latest and current trends, and am able to work with all departments including: sales, design, production, advertising and public relations. With prior experience in the industry, as well as my area of study, an internship will assist me for a career upon graduation in December 2019.

PERSONAL SKILLS Visual Merchandising Computer Aided Design Graphic Design Customer Service Personal Sales

Fashion Show Production & Promotion: Spring 2018 - Experiential course involving aspects of fashion show production. Event design, planning, staging, and promotion.

Microsoft Office Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Lectra Kaledo Mock Shop


Planning Recreation Programs & Events: Fall 2018 - Focuses on planning and executing the details of an event for the community.

EMPLOYMENT Third Key Claire's 2019 - Present • Su p p o r ti n g Sto r e M an a g e r a n d A s s i s t a n t S t o r e M a n a g e r w i t h t h e a c h i e vem en t o f r etai l s t o r e t a r g e t s b y d r i v i n g s a l e s • De l i v er i n g sal es th r o u g h f r i e n d l y a n d e f f i c i e n t c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e , w h i l e en su r i n g c u sto m e r s h a v e a f u n , e n j o y ab l e s h o p p i n g e x p e r i e n c e • De m o n str ati n g Cl ai r e ' s p r o d u c t s • Assi sti n g c u sto m er s w i t h t h e i r q u e r i e s u s i n g p r o d u c t k n o w l e d g e • Assi sti n g wi th p r o c es s i n g s t o r e d e l i v e r i e s , v i s u a l m e r c h a n d i s i n g , st o c k takes, m ar kd o wn s a n d p r o m o t i o n s Sales Associate Kohl's Department Stores 2017 - 2018 • W o r ked as a team to p r o v i d e t h e h i g h e s t l e v e l o f s e r v i c e t o c u s t o m e r s • Op e r ated a c ash r egi s t e r t o p r o c e s s c a s h , c h e c k & c r e d i t t r a n s a c t i o n s • P r i o r i ti zed o f f er i n g K o h l s c r e d i t c a r d t o r ew a r d l o y a l s h o p p e r s • M a i n tai n ed kn o wl ed ge o f c u r r e n t p r o m o t i o n s , p o l i c i e s a n d p r a c t i c e s • Balanced the needs of multiple customers simultaneously in a fast paced environment

Certiport - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 National Retail Federation - Customer Service National Retail Federation - Sales National Restaurant Federation - ServSafe Alcohol • • • PROFESSIONAL • DEVELOPMENT • Thre a d's Fashi on S ho w C o mmi t t e e M e mb er F A M D B anque t C oord i na t o r F A M D S t ude nt A ssoci a t io n M e mb e r N YC Prof e ssional S t ud y T o u r e mpowHERme nt Movement Electronic Music Festival Summer Camp Music Festival Panky Rang Productions

LEADERSHIP Organization of Women Leaders

Planned Parenthood Next Generation


Sales Associate

C&O Sportswear

2017 - 2018

An swer ed c u sto m er c a l l s a n d e m a i l i n q u i r i e s Ha n d l ed th e c ash r eg i s t e r o n a d a i l y b a s i s Co m p l i ed wi th sto r e s e c u r i t y , s a f e t y a n d l o s s p r e v e n t i o n g u i d e l i n e s Re sto c ked an d d i sp l a y e d g a m e d a y a p p a r e l Designed display windows and dressed store mannequins

Ann Taylor Factory Stores Sales Associate 2016 - 2017 • I n sp i r ed c u sto m er s b y o f f e r i n g s t y l e a d v i c e t o f e e l c o n f i d e n t • E m b r ac ed an d p r o m o t e d A n n T a y l o r ’ s B r a nd Vi s i o n a n d v a l u e s • Cr e ated p er so n al an d c o n v e r s a t i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e s t h a t c o n t r i b u t e d t o l a st i n g i m p r essi o n s o f t h e b r a n d • Re c o ver ed an d r ep l en i s h e d s t o r e w h i l e m a i n t a i n i n g v i s u a l m e r c h a n d i s e p r ese n tati o n s • De l i v er ed ex c ep ti o n al c l i e n t e x p e r i e n c e t h r o u g h r e l a t i o n s h i p b u i l d i n g • K n o wl ed ge o f c o l l ec t i o n , i n v e n t o r y a n d l o c a t i o n o f s p e c i f i c c l o t h i n g

EDUCATION Central Michigan University

2016 - 2019

• F a sh i o n M er c h an d i si n g m a j o r / E v e n t M a n a g e m e n t m i n o r • Ba c h el o r o f Ap p l i ed A r t s : F a s h i o n M e r c h a n d i s i n g a n d D e s i g n : F a s h i o n M e r c h an d i si n g • Graduation date: December 14, 2019

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