SINCERITY PA NDO R A ( 2 0 1 7 ) Down to earth Wholesome and cheerful Compassionate and intimate Feeling of kindness, comfort The Pandora ad represents Sincerity because it shows a wholesome and intimate setting between two partners during the holiday season. The overall ad aesthetic is down to earth and shows the couple enjoying comfort of each other's company, relaxing, and celebrating their heritage. The ad demonstrates image of the user by recreating common experiences between partners and encouraging the idea of gift-giving. The couple is relatable, inflicts emotion and makes the viewer feel kindness towards their loved ones. VOGUE; NEW YORK VOL. 207, ISS. 12, (DEC 1, 2017): 120, 121.
EXCITEMENT CHA NEL ( 2 0 1 7 ) Daring, spirited and imaginative Bold and experiential Up-to-date and revolutionary Adventurous and energetic The Chanel ad featured represents Excitement because it shows a bold and daring look and outfit by the model. The model is the main focus of this ad, seeing how we will react to it. The look is imaginative and experiential, and easy to grab one's attention. It shows the viewer that the brand is not afraid to take risks. It is clear the brand is targeting a specific audience and is worn by those who prefer excess & audacity and are born to stand out. The ad demonstrates image of the user by being very pro-logo. VOGUE; NEW YORK VOL. 207, ISS. 3, (MAR 1, 2017): 2, 3
COMPETENCE SK E CHER S ( 2 0 1 8 ) Reliable and experienced Intelligent and successful Knowledgeable Customer-Service focus The Skechers ad featured represents Competence because it implies them as a reliable and successful brand, shown by the model looking happy and eager to wear them. Skechers are known for their strong customer-service focus and wide target audience. This ad is built using image of the user because it displays their product being worn by someone who is in their target market looking confident and proud to wear the brand. The ad demonstrates the versatility of Skechers and how they can be worn in a variety of settings, are durable and worn by successful people. VOGUE; NEW YORK VOL. 208, ISS. 4, (APR 1, 2018): 149.
SOPHISTICATION A MA Z O N FA S HIO N ( 2 0 1 5 ) Affluent and wealthy "Old money" Charming Experienced The Amazon Fashion ad featured represents Sophistication because it shows confidence, a passion for high-end fashion and simple looks with no logos. The customer who wears these items are already established and do not worry about money. They are experienced at knowing what they want when they want it, and looking their best. This ad is image of the user driven because of her confident persona and charming attitude. She looks successful, smart and happy, something that is sought after by women. VOGUE; NEW YORK VOL. 205, ISS. 9, (SEP 1, 2015):, 322, 323.
RUGGEDNESS MO NCL ER ( 2 0 1 5 ) Tough and outdoorsy Strong, powerful and masculine Nature centered person Enjoy experiences, pushing boundaries The Moncler ad featured represents Ruggedness because it shows a powerful and masculine scene with a nature oriented person. The ad is fierce and doesn't feel like it's about clothing at all. It demonstrates pushing boundaries, daring to escape and the power of nature. The ad almost looks as if its an art piece, which would consider the brand a work of art in itself. Based on you how interpret the ad, there are many symbolic references in this ad, including the use of the color white and the owl. The ad is user driven because it makes the viewer feel fierce, inspired, and curious to know more. It encourages experiences and playing outdoors. VOGUE; NEW YORK VOL. 205, ISS. 9, (SEP 1, 2015): 176, 177
WORKS CITED V O G UE / PR O Q U E S T Advertisement: Amazon fashion. (2015, Sep 01). Vogue, 205, 321-321, 322, 323, 324. Retrieved from http://cmich.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.cmich.idm.oclc.org/docview/1723696883?accountid=10181 Advertisement (chanel). (2017, Mar 01). Vogue, 207, 2-2, 3, 4, 5. Retrieved from http://cmich.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://searchproquest-com.cmich.idm.oclc.org/docview/1877701980?accountid=10181 Advertisement: Moncler (moncler). (2015, Sep 01). Vogue, 205, 176-176, 177, 178, 179. Retrieved from http://cmich.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.cmich.idm.oclc.org/docview/1723696898?accountid=10181 Advertisement: Pandora. (2017, Dec 01). Vogue, 207, 120-120, 121. Retrieved from http://cmich.idm.oclc.org/login? url=https://search-proquest-com.cmich.idm.oclc.org/docview/1978657076?accountid=10181 Advertisement: Skechers. (2018, Apr 01). Vogue, 208, 149. Retrieved from http://cmich.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://searchproquest-com.cmich.idm.oclc.org/docview/2025257542?accountid=10181