National Nubian Networking has served the Nubian community since May 2002, has a group & community page on Facety Book, a Ning website & Yahoo group. Alison Bajaican is on Twitter, Plaxo, LinkedIn, Myspace, Skype & Facety Book also. BB pin: 27EA31A4 or 28710607. An inclusive information service and e-network (without prejudice) of African and Caribbean professionals and other interested/like-minded bodies. Comprised primarily of TUC affiliate unions and their associates. African selforganisation group with a focus on linking the scattered Diaspora, at home and abroad.
The primary aims of this group are to educate; stimulate conscious & intelligent debate; keep things positive and encourage sharing of relevant, factual information about African history, events structured around our history and to acknowledge the current contributions of Africans MAKING history today!
"The term African-British is the name now used to describe the community previously mislabelled as Afro-Caribbean, Black British, UK Black, Coloured, Black Other and Black. It embraces all British nationals with antecedents originating directly from Africa or indirectly via African diasporic communities, such as those in the Caribbean and South America". (Quote from The Ligali Organisation)
"The term ‘Black’ is used as a generic term in reference to all communities facing racism due to the colour of their skin. We are aware of the popular usage of the term as reference to African-Caribbean communities and the use of the term by political activists, which embraces Asian and African-Caribbean communities. We value cultural diversity and the richness of these communities. Therefore, we seek to be inclusive by making reference to Asian, African, Caribbean and other communities as far as possible. The issue of the importance of unity in the struggle against racism and for racial equality cannot be understated. We believe it is healthy for our movements to debate terminology, so that unity can be created". (Quote from 'The Black Manifesto')
Alison BAJAICAN CEO: National Nubian Networking I am a pro-active net-worker amongst other BME staff groups in several government departments and professions. My growing involvement in UK and US black- led networks and community activists enables me to examine 'black people's lost connections with each other and facilitate reuniting the Diaspora’. I have attracted the support of several Black- led consultants via circulation of informative community e-mails promoting activities and events not usually covered by ethnic media/press. This is all done without remuneration as a service to the Diaspora and like- minded individuals working in the EqDiv field. Born and raised in Leeds, West Yorkshire and fondly known as the "Straight- Talking Northerner". More Action, Less Talk! Visioning is second nature, success is routine and excellence is habit...