Le Journal February Issue

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Le journal sion scholar bowl PG. 7

sion alumnae business pG. 14

chiefs hire new coach PG. 8



A Publication of Notre Dame de Sion

10631 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64114

Volume 31 Issue 4 february 2013

What’s inside

Arts & Entertainment Editor

16 Children in Sudan, Africa enjoy the fresh water well funded by the junior class. (Photo submitted by Water Harvest International)


Student Body President Hannah Tutera pumps up the large crowd that showed up for the basketball game against the St. Teresa’s Academy Stars. (Photo by Kim Fryer)

In Each Issue


Editor’s Ink

10-13 20

Cover Story

My Life Is Awkward Photo Essay

15 Sophomore Madi Porter models the Sion uniform that will be worn beginning in the Fall of 2013. (Photo by Lucy Gasal)


PHOTO BY: laura travis On the cover Cover COVER INSET PHOTOS BY: olivia latham, maura eveld and MCT campus

-2- what’s inside



by laura travis

Third quarter, the period following the jubilation of the Christmas season, has descended upon Sion. Characterized by self-professed insomnia and a rise of early onset senioritis in underclassmen, this dark time usually brings incomparable amounts of stress to all students. Though students often feel the need to give into this stress, that is not necessary. Third quarter is a hard time of year: the weather is awful and cold, the sun barely gets the chance to shine, homework piles up and people are cooped up inside most of the day. However, there are many things to do to help make second semester stress a little more tolerable. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep With the giant amount of homework, studying and stress, it becomes easy to feel the need to pull allnighters and forget to take care of yourself. Staying up too late every night will make you tired the next day, and chances are you won’t perform your best at school. Make a cut-off point each night. Depending on your homework load and schedule, find a spot where you will stop what you’re doing and go to bed every night. If you know you may have homework you won’t finish, do your homework for your morning classes first then try to finish your afternoon homework in study hall, or in the morning before school. Or, just try starting your homework earlier. If you find yourself coming straight home and not starting until 7 p.m. every night, it may be time to rethink your schedule. Study Buddy Studying is no fun, and it is even less fun when you go at it alone. Finding a study buddy can be the key to making studying at least somewhat enjoyable and more productive. However, the key is finding someone with similar study habits to you. And someone who actually wants to study. A study date can be either completely beneficial or totally unproductive depending on how it is approached. Try to keep each other on track. Studying for a big test can sometimes be a daunting task. It helps to have someone to face it with. Work It Out A really great way to release stress is to exercise. Also, don’t think that just because you don’t play a varsity sport or have a membership at Lifetime Fitness or Title Boxing Club, you can’t get active. And being active doesn’t necessarily mean having to run on a treadmill for two hours. Get outside and take a walk around your neighborhood. Jump rope. Shoot hoops in your driveway. Stack your algebra and chemistry textbooks and lift them. Just do something. You will feel better and less stressed because exercise releases endorphins which makes you happier (props to Legally Blonde). Dance Party A really great way to destress is to dance like no one is watching. Create a random, crazy jam out session in the privacy of your own room. Find the most annoying song you can - “Beauty and the Beat” and “Diamond” are some suggestions - plug your headphones in, shut your bedroom door and just go. Do your best crazy dance and sing as obnoxiously as you can because this is your time to blow off steam. For more Travis' Tips, go to lejournallive.com.

Le Journal Le Journal is the official publication of Notre Dame de Sion High School 10631 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64114 MEMBER Missouri Interscholastic Press Assoc. National Scholastic Press Assoc. International Quill and Scroll CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Maura Eveld Delaney Bates







WEB-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elizabeth Gianino



REPORTERS Sarah Allen Emma Dopheide Kim Fryer Mary Kate Hense Ashley Herring Madison Hummel Meghan Lally Dana Routh Kristine Sullivan Georgia Thompson Katy Zahner

the editor’s ink When I was looking at the list of stories this issue, I couldn’t help but notice two sets of stories that sharply contrast one another. Exhibit A: Candy versus fitness. Our Sion Spotlight of the issue showcases two alumnae’s mark in the Kansas City area — a nut and candy shop in Leawood, Ks. (page 14). I was lucky enough to write this story, and I can say from experience it’s hard to limit yourself when tasting all the samples in there. And then, just five thin pages later, the A&E section boasts a spread on recent health and fitness trends (page 19). So, which should you read first? Eat the treats then burn those calories, or get some exercise before stuffing your face? It’s up to you. Exhibit B is a bit more serious: violence versus security. Unfortunately our news section comes before the cover story this issue, but perhaps reading the cover story first makes more sense. On pages 10-13 we analyze the apparent growth in mass shootings within the past 20 years, and the importance of mental health awareness today. It’s not a light read, but it’s an important one. We find some solace in knowing that our school has beefed up its security policy in light of recent happenings. Learn the specific changes on page 7. Well, those were the two obvious contrasts, but I think I can dig to find a few more.

How about opposite sides of the globe? Kim Fryer’s “diary” this issue professes her dream of living in Santiago, Chile this summer and her struggles to get there (page 15). Turn the page and Sudan, Africa is noted as the location for the junior class’ dream-come-true well. Opposite sides of the brain? The news-in-brief section (page 7) caters to those right-brained thinkers with blurbs on Fine Arts Friday, the Poetry Out Loud competition and the upcoming student production of “Jabberwock.” But the left-brainers might find Sion’s recent partnership with a UMKC engineering program or the Scholar Bowl team more interesting. This last one may be bit of a stretch: Opposite outfits? Page 17 debuts our new uniform for the 2013-2014 school year, while the Catholic Schools Week video on lejournallive.com highlights the many themed out-of-uniform days we celebrated. So I guess I’ve self-proclaimed this Le Journal the “issue of opposites.” I can’t say these differences were planned, but I don’t think it was a costly mistake. Instead, I think this accurately parallels accurate news: varying, disagreeing, broad, true.

Maura Eveld Co-editor-in-chief


Alison Long

PUBLICATIONS BOARD Alison Long MIchelle Olson Penny Selle Kay Walkup Carole Wall-Simmons Melissa Wilcox Delaney Bates Maura Eveld Meghan Gordon Lauren Ruiz

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Le Journal welcomes letters submitted by readers. The staff reserves the right to edit length and minor grammatical errors, but the letter’s message will not be altered. The staff reserves the right to review letters and edit material that is inappropriate. Libelous, slanderous or obscene letters will not be printed. Letters must be signed.


Sophomores Isabel Grojean, Courtney Tushaus, Elizabeth Herbert and other classmates study for a world history test in the commons during their fourth hour study hall. (Photo by Delaney Bates)

editor’s ink



New Rockhurst Policy Splits Hairs

Come next fall, each Rockhurst student will lose about 60 hairs. Hairs that will be sent off to be tested for drug use and binge drinking. Rockhurst High School announced this new policy Jan. 3, and the first tests will be conducted in the 2013-2014 school year. While Rockhurst’s Board of Trustees unanimously voted in favor of the system, many scoff at the idea, angered by an invasion of privacy. But if the students are following the law as they should be, what’s the big deal? It’s not as if marijuana, PCP, cocaine and opiates are currently legal and Rockhurst is putting in place a new rule to ban them. No - all Rockhurst is doing is reinforcing a long-standing law that forbids dangerous drugs. So, students should already be abiding by these standards because of potential legal and health consequences. And if they are, the drug test shouldn’t be a concern. “If the students have nothing to But, the hide the test shouldn’t matter.” truth is, not all - Lucy Hodel, senior teenagers are perfect. Drugs and alcohol are “The school has a right to available, and know if their students are peer pressure is doing drugs to protect them.” - Mary Mertes, sophomore real. According to a Centers for Disease Control “The students should be held and Prevention accountable for their actions survey, in 2011 40 while representing Rockhurst.” - Mary Kate Kelly, senior percent of high

schoolers in the United States used marijuana at least once. Twenty-two percent had five or more drinks of alcohol within a couple of hours, the definition of binge drinking. Rockhurst High School reported that the testing was not put in place because of any serious problem with drugs and alcohol at the school, but simply to strive for an overall healthy student body. And, according to junior Matthew Brocato in an interview for Fox 4 News, this policy is now one more way to avoid peer pressure. “They’re going to completely understand. ‘Hey, do you want to try this?’ ‘No, I go to Rockhurst,’” Brocato said. “There’s nothing they can say. That’s the perfect excuse.” It’s the perfect excuse because now, students will get caught. No more sneaking under the police’s radar. Violators will test positive, so students must say no if they want to attend Rockhurst High School. And Rockhurst is even taking a “health and wellness approach.” If a student tests positive a first time, parents will be notified and counseling will begin. But no disciplinary action will occur, and no teachers will be told. The student will have 90 days before being tested again, and it is then that a positive test could result in disciplinary action. A pretty fair system, compared to what would happen if the police had caught the student. And it works. Christian Brothers College High School began this same drug and binge drinking hair


though Rockhurst stated that the test is not being implemented because of “extraordinary drug and alcohol abuse.” It seems like a waste of time and resources for Rockhurst to begin this witch-hunt when many of its students do not have drug and alcohol abuse problems. The $60 fee that will be put in place to fund this testing could benefit so many other school programs other than drug testing. Every time a student drinks a beer or hits a joint they are making the conscience decision to put their fate into the hands of the law. Legal and parental ramifications are already reasons enough to say no, so why does Rockhurst need to add on to the pile of consequences? Students with a legal history of drug or alcohol abuse should be drug tested at school, not the majority who says no every weekend. As 14- to 18-year-olds, students should be allowed the ability to make their own decisions whether they are considered right or wrong. I can only imagine the thick air of mistrust that will hang in the halls of Rockhurst after the first drug and alcohol test is conducted. It will distract

-4- editorials

from what high school is really about. Education. Let the parents take control of their child’s weekend activities, not the administration who is supposed to be focusing on their academics. Even though this test will not directly affect my life, I sympathize with these students. Their lives are already controlled enough — high school is about making our own decisions with the principles and ideals that have been drilled into our heads since the first day of freshman orientation. After this drug and alcohol testing is implemented, Rockhurst students will be given the same kind of trust they had in grade school. None.

- Drawing by Jessie Brown

test in the 2007-2008 school year. In an interview with The Kansas City Star, school president Mike England reported that more than 99 percent of the tests were negative this year. Clearly, Rockhurst’s intention of an honest, healthy student population can be achieved with this fair, reasonable system. Don’t do drugs or alcohol? You have no worries then. Struggle with peer pressure? Now here’s an excuse. Have a serious addiction? There is help.

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As a senior Sion student I understand that my gray pleated skirt and uniform polo never really come off. We are the face of Sion at all times and especially on the weekend. But when faced with life’s temptations and dilemmas, our representation of the school we attend should not be the only factor in our decision to say yes or no to drugs and alcohol. Beginning in the 2013-2014, school year Rockhurst High School will conduct a mandatory hair drug test at least once to all of its students. According to the Kansas City Star, this test will detect evidence of illegal drug use and binge drinking. If a student tests positively after the first test no disciplinary action will be taken, but a private meeting will be conducted with a school counselor and the student’s parents. A second positive test could result in disciplinary action. As a private institution, Rockhurst has the right to test their “I think that Rockhurst is going students in this to lose a third of their student way, but I find body.” it an extreme - Danielle Hogerty, senior invasion of privacy for the “I think that taking hair is way school to take too much of an invasion of this “guilty until privacy.” proven innocent” - Megan Sloane, sophomore approach with its students. It “If it doesn’t interfere with them is immediately at school, Rockhurst shouldn’t incriminating get involved.”- Claire Elbert and the entire student Katherine Baker, juniors body even

A survey of 166 students voted whether they agree, disagree or don’t care about Rockhurst’s new drug policy.

Up in Arms Americans should continue to have was felt and the same question asked in 1999 when the the right to bear arms without further massacre occurred at Columbine High School. Is gun control the answer? regulations.

In order to stop events like these from happening again, President Obama and many other legislators Reporter are calling for gun control. Emotions caused by such It was a day that will never be forgotten. The catastrophes are inevitable, but these emotions should pain that overcame a nation. The piercing felt in hearts not dictate law. across the country, as if the bullet hit each American America has always been the land of liberty. heart. The strife that burdened every step when As terrible as these events that have transpired are, thoughts of families who lost vulnerable children to freedom should not be taken away from American senseless violence came to mind. citizens. It is not fair to take guns away from the people Questions hung in the air as to why this tragedy who do not abuse their right to bear arms. Liberty had to happen. Painful tweets and photos capturing does not mean control. Liberty means independence, the emotions of the catastrophe are etched upon our choice, decision and freedom. American citizens have minds. They generated heartbreak and made your always had the gift of liberty, and to rip away their blood boil in a confusing twist of animosity and rights to bear arms is violating the second amendment sorrow. The pain that weighed on people across the and more importantly, their freedom. country after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting President Obama has formulated a gun control was a pulverizing force crushing the hearts of adults plan. First on his list is to implement universal and children alike. background checks on all people purchasing guns, The Sandy Hook, Newtown, Conn. shooting is not just federally licensed firearm dealers. This means just one of the many terrible incidents of senseless private and gun show dealers will also be required to violence that have occurred in the past year. Questions run background checks on their customers. President have been raised of how to prevent further events like Obama also intends to strengthen the background this from transpiring. check system for all gun sales just to be certain guns do Over the summer, the same pain was felt and the not end in the hands of people who are not qualified same question was asked when a shooting occurred to have them. at the Aurora, Co. movie theater. The same anguish There is nothing wrong with these background checks being implemented. While it may be an invasion of privacy, the benefits of making sure mentally unstable people do not acquire guns outweigh the negatives of peoples’ privacy being violated. But President Obama wishes to pass a stronger ban on assault weapons. People will find a way around the banning assault weapons. Assault weapons are no different than any other type of gun. All guns are Permissive assault weapons. The guns with the title of “assault weapons” may be bigger and more powerful, but all types of guns have the ability to kill someone. The president also wants to put a law in place that will limit ammunition magazines to 10. Restrictive Albeit 11 or more ammunition magazines can kill more people than 10, 10 ammunition magazines can also kill many people. Do 10 ammunition magazines not pose a problem also? It is an equitable compromise that the President is willing to allow 10 Restrictive ammunition magazines to still be used, however it is just confounding that the fact ten ammunition magazines can also do great harm is not recognized. Here’s the truth: No matter how hard the United States fights to stop these horrifying events, people will Restrictive always find a way to commit crimes. The most deadly school massacre occurred in 1927 in Bath Township, Mich. The antagonist did not use guns to kill the 38 elementary students and six adults, but explosives. Attackers who want to hurt and kill people will find a way. Restrictive Guns will never go away. The beauty of America is peoples’ freedom, and the fact they can own their own guns. Perhaps instead of gun control to stop these incidents, combating violence with self defense is the answer. Restrictive Dr. John R. Lott, who is the co-author of "More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws," is in favor of using guns for self defense. He says that guns make it easier for bad things to happen, but they also make it easier for Restrictive people to protect themselves and stop bad things from


FireArm Regulation Around the world

America Canada

Germany China

Australia Mexico

United Kingdom

Obama’s Road

to gun control

Strenghten current background check system for gun sales

Give law enforecemnt additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime

Require background checks for all gun sales

Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons

Limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds happening. People who abide by the law and suspend their gun use will have no way to protect themselves. This proposed law will hurt the vulnerable more than it would help. Lott also claims that gun control laws tend to have the opposite effect of their intention. Gun control laws tend to increase crime. Allowing people to protect themselves with guns decreases crime. Self defense seems to be the obvious answer to stop these random acts of violence. Foxnews.com reports a small school district in Texas, the Harrold Independent School District, is allowing teachers and staff to carry guns in order to protect against the possibility of school shootings. Superintendent David Thweatt says making schools gun-free zones is simply inviting people in to take advantage of their vulnerability. With all the talk of gun control in the air, the thoughts of the victims of gun violence still remain. The pictures of the victims families will forever remain printed on brains and hearts. They are the reason so many are fighting for gun control. People want gun control as a way to ensure nothing like the Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings will ever happen again. The only way to fight these inevitable forces is through the power of prayer and self defense. Why implement a law for the people who already abuse their rights if they are not even going to follow the new law? Even if the person does not use guns to attack, they will find other ways. This is a sinful world filled with tragedy and sadness. However, nothing will stop an assailant in search of victims. Nothing, not even a law.




in brief

student production

poetry out loud byGasalLucy by Sarah Holland

Author, cartoonist and journalist for the New Yorker, James Thurber lived an eccentric life in Columbus, Oh. Writer, director and self-proclaimed eccentric, senior Marina Dennis is directing a play, “Jabberwock,” about the life of Thurber, a life of turning everyday frustrations into comedy. Dennis has been working since January on casting, directing and editing the play and will continue working until its opening weekend on April 5-6. She did not write the play as she did last year, but will make edits to the play originally written by Thurber himself. Dennis said not writing the play made the process easier, but there is still a lot of work involved. English teacher and supervisor Shawn Watts is excited to see the final outcome. “I am there for the whole process,” Watts said. “It’s really neat to watch the production develop from beginning to end, and I think this play will be great.” The lead role of James Thurber will be played by junior Cory Cole. Dennis said her enthusiasm and talent landed her the role. Cast member and veteran to the stage senior Ellie Fritts says she is nervous and excited for Jabberwock. Fritts will be playing Georgiana Littlefield, the risqué daughter of General Littlefield. “I really suggest people to come to the play,” Dennis said. “It shows support and they won’t be disappointed.”


-6- news

sarah UMKC & SION byholland

Before 1920, women did not have the right to vote and had no voice in shaping their world. While women can now vote, they are still striving for gender equality. And Sion is part of the movement taking strides to close the gender gap. Katherine Bloemker, Sion alumna and assistant teaching professor of the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at University of MissouriKansas City, selected Sion as a partner for their Society of Women Engineers. “I selected Sion for this program first of all because I am interested in getting more young girls excited about engineering and computer science,” Bloemker said. “As an alum of Sion, I knew it would be a great place to find some really bright and talented girls who have all the skills to go into math and science careers, but just haven’t been exposed to what engineers and computer scientists really do.” Science teacher Kathleen Teel has more information about this program for any girls interested. The Society of Women Engineers is meeting on Feb. 22 for Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. UMKC’s female engineering and computer science students are also planning to assist with the newly formed robotics club at Sion. They will also talk to several classes about engineering opportunities for women. Sion students are also invited to volunteer at UMKC’s first Tech Challenge robotics competition in February. “There are so many opportunities out there for women in these fields,” Bloemker said.

While some teams may practice with basketballs, tennis rackets and golf clubs and practice in a gym, on a field or run along Wornall as cars woosh by, one team at Sion meets Tuesday after school to practice jeopardy-style questions to compete against other schools. Sion’s Scholar Bowl team began a few years ago after the mother of junior Cory Cole asked counselor Erika Ellwanger if Sion had a team. Cole had competed on her grade school’s quiz bowl team and wanted to continue in her high school years. Ellwanger told them that Sion used to have a team but no longer had anyone to coach. So, Cole and her mother decided to take on the task. “My mother volunteered, not really knowing how much of a time commitment it would turn into, and suddenly we had a small, only slightly organized scholar bowl team,” Cole said. "This was my freshman year.” Two years later, Sion’s Scholar Bowl team has grown to around 14 regular members with a Varsity and JV team. Math teacher and Scholar Bowl sponsor Marilyn Stewart said that the girls are placed by both their grade level and experience with Scholar Bowl. For example, a senior who joined Scholar Bowl this year is part of the Varsity team because she has a greater chance of knowing harder questions than someone in a lower grade level. The girls compete in jeopardy-style competition against other Scholar Bowl teams from other area schools such as Park Hill. Many of the topics are typical high school subjects such as literature, science and math but it also includes topics such as sports and current events. “Scholar bowl, in essence, is sort of like that math thing at the end of Mean Girls,” Cole said. Besides travelling around to compete, the girls on Scholar Bowl have also formed a unique bond and enjoy spending time practicing. However, Cole said it is more about having fun, and the girls always enjoy expanding their knowledge. “Just like sports teams, scholar bowl girls really bond with each other and it’s a great way to meet girls of other grades,” senior Kathryn Surmeier said. Surmeier encourages new members to join Scholar Bowl since much of what is asked is about everyday life. The Scholar Bowl team offers students a chance to take part in the team and be part of a family if athletics or the arts may not be for them. Stewart said she takes great pride in leading a team where knowledge is power. “I really like sponsoring a club that reinforces academics,”

for full stories go to lejournallive.com

Fewer than 100 years ago, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus. Exactly 50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous “I have a dream” speech during a march on Washington for jobs and freedom. And Sunday, Jan. 20, Americans across the nation witnessed something people fewer than 100 years ago would have never imagined possible: the second Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama and the second term of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream coming true. However, Jan. 20 is just the beginning of celebrating African American history. The month of February is annually not only a month for heartshaped boxes of chocolates and love letters, but also it is dedicated as Black History Month. The faculty and staff have been asked to submit a few facts about and photos of two significant African Americans relating to their subject field that will be posted around the school. Science teacher Kathleen Teel picked the first African American female to receive a Ph.D. , Aprille Ericsson. Social Studies teacher Jennifer Brown-Howerton said she wanted more time to focus on the Civil Rights Movement. “I don’t need a month to celebrate black history,” junior Brelahn Wyatt said. “Every day I celebrate black history, no matter what the calendar says.”

Girls line up on either side of the south six, waiting for their turn to recite their poem. Nerves and eagerness fill the air as each girl enters into the classroom, one at a time. Hand gestures and poetry consume the girls as they all strive to win the Poetry Out Loud contest at Sion. Poetry Out Loud is a contest that empowers young men and women to appreciate poetry by reciting it. There is a school wide competition, regional and statewide competition that lead to the national finals. The contest partners with the Poetry Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. Students recited poems such as “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost. Freshman Alyssa Moncure was the winner this year with her recitation of "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou. English teachers such as Janet Zacharias also have students recite poetry in the classroom. “I think the classroom participation is important. It gives everyone the opportunity to find something new that they might enjoy doing.” Zacharias said. Sion has only participated in Poetry Out Loud for five years. “It takes bravery for someone to stand up and recite a poem,” Zacharias said. “The contest itself is a great experience.” Students are also encouraged to read poetry out loud because they gain confidence speaking in front of an audience. “I enjoyed doing it,” senior Isabel Evans said. “It was very good practice for public speaking.”

SCHOLAR BOWL byTravisLaura

New School Security Improved school security precautions were taken as result of recent shootings. BY Madison Hummel


Reports on random acts of violence consume the news everyday as innocent people across the nation are victims of these violent acts. Today's viewers have become so accustomed to violence that it doesn’t faze them any more than the local weather does. But heads were turned when 26 people were killed in Newtown, Conn. at an elementary school when a gunman opened fire on innocent children and faculty. Panic flooded the nation as schools scrambled to assess safety behind their own doors. Sion was one of many schools to construct new precautions in hopes of keeping students secure. Office Manager Mary Sellmeyer said before new measures were taken, all doors outside the building remained locked, except the doors in the courtyard where students pass in between classes. A security guard is on duty throughout the school day. Visitors must buzz in at the front and wait behind the locked door until allowed in by front office attendants. “All visitors are given a sticker to wear so faculty and students know they are approved to be in the building,” Sellmeyer said. “If we’re unsure why they’re here, they are asked to wait outside until it is confirmed the reason for visiting.” New precautions include classroom doors locked throughout the school day. This way, if an unwanted intruder was to invade the school, doors would already be locked. The faculty of Sion has thoroughly planned safety instructions for teachers and students to take if necessary. Teachers are instructed to turn off the

Russia passed law which no longer allows Americans to adopt Russian children.


Three Sion girls blend in perfectly in their gray skirts and white polos. But they share a unique story - each girl was adopted from Russia. However, in December 2012 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Dima Yakovlev Law which states Americans can no longer adopt children from Russia. This law was passed and named after Dima Yakovlev who died in 2008 when his adoptive father left him in a car and he died of a heatstroke. Some officials say that this law was created in retaliation for the Magnitsky Act that the United States passed as a human rights bill targeting Russians. “It would be hard to imagine if the law had been made17 years ago,” senior Megan Benson, who was adopted at age one, said. According to WNTC CBS North Carolina affiliate, an estimated 700,000 children live in Russian orphanages and

lights and gather the class into the corner, away from the windows. Administrators would navigate students locked out of classrooms and lead them to safety. Everyone is to wait in silence until help arrives and the situation is secure. In a 41 Action News interview, Head of School Christina Broderick talked about schools, including Sion, taking a closer look at security. “You can prepare yourself for an event like that by being proactive and responsive and have a balanced approach,” Broderick said. “Being prepared for events Security guard Gary Boyd monitors the Sion parking lot and parts of the building from an emotional throughtout the day. (Photo by Madison Hummel) response, not just ‘are our doors locked’ or ‘what kind of glass do we have their own safety and the safety of those around them. in the windows’ but really knowing who are your first Sion, along with schools across the nation, can only prepare for the worst and hope that danger stays clear responders.” Random acts of violence are making headlines from their doors. “With the nature of violence of today, we always across America today. Innocent people are victims of ruthless violence. No one can begin to understand have to be prepared,” English teacher Sally Frederick why or how such terrible things happen. Tragedies like said. “It makes us more aware of how precious life is, the Newtown school shooting cause people to reassess and that’s part of our mission at Sion.”

Russian Adoption ban

about 1,000 children are matched with American families every year. “This law is upsetting because the kids deserve better,” freshman Kristina Hagedorn, who was adopted from Russia with her younger sister at age seven, said. “Kids are released from orphanages at age 16 and are expected to learn how to survive on their own.” Junior Katie Fairbanks, who was adopted at age two with her brother, finds the law extremely sad because of the opportunities she has been offered in America. Hagedorn lived in an orphanage for two years before being adopted and knows firsthand what living there was like. “When I was living in the orphanage I didn’t feel loved,” Hagedorn said. "And when I was blessed with my family who loved and supported me I knew I could accomplish things that I couldn’t before." Many of the families who were

excited about bringing home their children will no longer be able to. Forty-six families aprroved before Jan. 1, 2013 can continue the adoption process, according to CNN. But since passage of the Russian law, 500 children that were already matched with a family will not be able to begin a new life in America. “I can’t help but be concerned about it because the many opportunities that are here to share with them are no longer possible,” Fairbanks said. “There are so many orphans in Russia that need to be in a loving home.”

Junior Katie Fairbanks was adopted at the age of two along with her brother.

Senior Megan Benson was adopted at the age of one.

Freshman Kristina Hagedorn was adopted at age seven along with her sister.



Dancing to Victory

The dance team traveled to Chicago, Ill. to perform in the regional competition. By Georgia Thompson


The team huddled in a tight-knit circle, sparkling uniforms gleamed in the massive lights. As an anxious Hail Mary escaped each girl’s lips their stomachs churned in anticipation. They formed two symmetrical lines, and finally Sion’s name was called. As they looked out into the crowd of enthusiastic parents and sternfaced judges, the girls adorned their practiced, perfect dance team smile, and got into formation. They were ready. Saturday, Jan. 12, the Dance Team performed in the Regional competition in Chicago, Ill., and were both satisfied and motivated by the results, junior Madi Lamb said. Taking home third place in kick and seventh in pom served as a prelude to the upcoming Nationals Competition in February. “Since our competition in Chicago was against a lot of the same teams that we will compete against at Nationals, we got to see what we were up against and have motivation after the competition to come back and work hard to be able to be successful at Nationals,” freshman Megan McCormack said. The competition this year, coach Shelli Vaughn said, was difficult due to the large amount of nationally ranked teams Sion was up against in the Varsity High Kick and Large Varsity Pom divisions. Despite the steep competition, Vaughn said she is content with the

outcome. “We were very pleased to receive the third place award in High Kick and were only five-tenths of a point from placing second,” Vaughn said. “We were seventh in pom and felt good about receiving both experience performing in the highly competitive Large Pom division and great feedback on our choreography.” For the nine Going to Regionals was a dream come true for the nine freshmen on the dance team. freshmen on the (Photo submitted by Jackie Meister) preparation for the upcoming Nationals. team, Regionals “Our next step—return to practice and perfect was their first time performing in a competition of this magnitude. But for all the dancers, junior Kirsten routines and choreography in preparation for the Rasmussen said, it was a wonderful opportunity for National Dance Team Championship the first weekend in February,” Vaughn said. “Our goal is to do our best. team bonding, regardless of the results. “I had no idea what this trip was going to be like As long as we can walk off the floor feeling confident but it was a good eye-opener and will prepare me for that we gave it our all, we will have met our goal.” Nationals,” McCormack said. “Also it made me get to know all the girls on the dance team better. Having to Nationals Update: Dance team placed fourth in Varsity live with them for a weekend definitely made us closer.” High Kick and sixth in Large Varsity Pom. For photos and The dance team spent the next few weeks in scores, go to lejournallive.com

CHiefs hire new coach

'01 cover story -8- sports -8-





Andy Reid was hired to coach the Kansas City Chiefs Jan. 4, 2013. Reid previously coached the Philadelphia Eagles and was defeated by the New England Patriots at Super Bowl XXXIX in 2004. Pictured here are the trail of Kansas City Chiefs head coaches leading to Reid.

Athletes Go All-Metro

Brydie O’Connor

By Emma Dopheide


Each year, the Kansas City Star releases lists of the All-Metro sports teams, the high school athletes who have excelled in their sports and deserve to be recognized. Tennis coach Karen O’Neill believes that girls are selected for the tennis All-Metro team by their season records, as it is an individual sport. She said that Sion often has a couple of the city’s top players, and this year is no exception. Senior Brydie O’Connor was recently named to the Kansas City Star’s All-Metro honorable mention team for doubles tennis, with her partner sophomore Michaela Henne. O’Connor has now received this award for all four years of her high school tennis career. The girls had an exceptional season, ending O’Connor’s time at Sion on a good note. O’Connor has been playing tennis since she was eight years old. And she will continue playing in college for George Washington University in Washington, D.C. “I was excited and proud that I had so much fun on the high school tennis team, but was also recognized for my accomplishments,” O’Connor said.

The Storm basketball team defeated the Stars in a rivalry that brought fans in masses.

Amanda Malecki

Kristine Sullivan

Michaela Henne

By Shannon Laird

By Emma Dopheide

A dedicated student. A committed golfer. And now, junior Amanda Malecki has been named one of the Kansas City Star’s All-Metro honorable mention student athletes. “When I found out I got honorable mention I was completely overjoyed,” Malecki said. “I was shocked because I didn’t think I would actually receive it.” Malecki has played golf for as long as she can remember, but she started getting serious when she was nine or 10. “My parents introduced me to golf when I was little,” Malecki said. “I picked it up from them.” Although golf has been a very important part of her life, Malecki said she doesn’t want to play in college. “Even though it would be so fun,” Malecki said, “I just don’t think that I would have the time to balance golf and school.” Malecki knows this honor is something she should be proud of and she continues to play golf outside of the fall season. “I think what makes golf so important to me is that it’s a tough mental game and requires more skill than some people think,” Malecki said.

Not yet All-Metro, but well on her way, junior Kristine Sullivan spends nearly every waking moment training in the pool. The team practices every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, as well as each day after school. They even practice on Saturdays. With so much effort dedicated to the sport, it is not surprising that some, like Sullivan, are very successful. “The only person that I feel should be recognized is junior Kristine Sullivan,” head swim coach Paul Winkeler said. Sullivan has one of the fastest 200 IM times in the state, at two minutes and 14 seconds. Sullivan also has five state qualifying times this year. She swims on the state-qualifying 200 Medley relay. And on top of everything she swims anchor for the 400 free relay, which is also state-qualifying. After swimming competitively for six years, and putting many hours into perfecting her strokes in order to get the fastest time, Sullivan said that it is rewarding to see so much effort pay off. “It’s nice to see all your hard work pay off, by going as fast as you can and seeing how good you can do,” Sullivan said.

Three years old. A tennis racket almost bigger than the entire body. Reaching for a goal she didn’t even know existed. Sophomore Michaela Henne, named one of the Kansas City Star’s All-Metro honorable mention student athletes, began her journey toward tennis recognition as a toddler. “I started playing when I was three,” Henne said. “But I didn’t start playing year-round and competitively until I was nine.” Henne said she was very excited about the honor and that she never expected to receive it. And after her successful high school season in which she took fifth place at the Missouri State High School Activities Association MSHSAA Championship, earning All-State honors with her doubles partner Brydie O’Connor, she hopes to take this sport beyond high school. Despite her busy schedule, tennis is an important part of her life. “Tennis is important to me because it is something besides school to work hard at,” Henne said. “I can work at it to be the best I can be.”

Senior Sydney Harris grabs the rebound as the Storm crushes the Stars. (Photo by Kim Fryer)

After the JV team crushed the Stars 49-34, the fans waited in the stands in anticipation for the varsity game to begin. As Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” blared over the speakers, Sion fans were fired up for the start of the game. “Once we saw the crowd, we were ready to play,” Harris said. “We played off their energy and that is what made the game more fun and special.” Varsity player Kristen Murphy said the team gets more nervous for this game, especially with big turnouts. Coach Jared Pitts said when you add that this game is the rival, along with the size of the crowd that will be there, it’s natural for the girls to get more nervous for this game. “I thought the fan support was outstanding,” Pitts said. “It seemed like we had way more students, faculty and Sion supporters than St. Teresa’s did in their own gym.” The Storm prepared for the game

all week at practice. Varsity player Camille Keane said she prepared for this game by working hard at practice and telling herself that she needed to put all of her talent on the court. “We always pump ourselves up with music, typically rap, and then we always rampage in the locker room,” Harris said. “That’s a tradition.” For some players this was their last chance to beat the Stars on their turf. Harris said it was emotional thinking back on all the games played in St. Teresa’s gym over the years. Sion dominated the Stars, winning 56-35. With 17 points, Murphy was the leading scorer. Scream team leader Jane Crook said that parents thought we beat St. Teresa’s in both spirit and in the game. “The atmosphere was purely electric,” Crook said. “There was so much pride out there and everyone was having fun.”

Features Editor


Storm Dominates Rivalry

By Ashley Herring


Sion fans were decked out in patriotic attire with red, white, and blue face paint. Betsy Ross, George Washington, and Ronald Reagan were even in attendance. St. Teresa’s fans dressed in a denim theme, and almost resembled one giant pair of blue jeans, calling themselves a “Jean-Age Dream”. High school rivalry proved to be at its peak when the Sion vs. St. Teresa’s basketball game tipped off Thursday, Jan. 24. “I remember losing to them last year,” senior Sydney Harris said. “And this year there was no way that would happen again.”

(Photo by Elizabeth Gianino)

By Shannon Laird

Features Editor

Sports -9-

With the recent tragedy of the shooting in Newtown, Conn. and the rise of mass violence, Americans start to look for solutions to stop the violence. Most ask themselves:

when Tragedy in Newtown One second they were learning five plus five, the next they were hiding from a man with a Bushmaster rifle. Twenty children didn’t make it. Twenty children that will never go to prom. Twenty children who won’t live to see their 18th birthday. Twenty children that will never graduate from high school. Twenty Sandy Hook Elementary children that will never grow up. Dec. 14, 2012 in Newtown, Conn. is a day no one will ever forget. A day full of cascading tears, gunshots, frantic fears, tight hugs and sorrow all across the country, and the world. According to the Washington Post, the first 911 call was made at 9:35 a.m. Word flew quickly, and dozens of EMTs, many police cars and bystanders in general showed up to help or observe the chaos. A 20-year-old man named Adam Lanza allegedly committed the deadly crime, launching countless bullets into the bodies of children and teachers alike, according to CNN. He used a semi-automatic .223 Bushmaster rifle, a Glock pistol and a Sig Sauer handgun. His mother was found dead at her home nearby the Sandy


Hook Elementary school. CNN also reported that Lanza shot himself after he killed 26 people. “It’s just disgusting to me that somebody would do that,” senior Brittany Koppers said. The lives of 20 innocent children and 6 hard-working adults were taken that day. Among the dead was Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, Sandy Hook’s principal who tried to shield the students from the gunman. “They kind of died as heroes. Especially the teachers that sacrificed their lives for those kids,” senior Mary Kate Kelly said. “And the kids, they died as innocents. They died in all the hearts of the Americans.” According to CNN, Hochsprung had even recently put in a new security system keeping in mind the safety of all the children at Sandy Hook. But that didn’t stop Lanza. The Newtown shooting is now the second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, following close behind the Virginia Tech massacre, where Seung-Hui Cho who had shown previous signs of mental illness, took 32 lives. Now, the Newtown shooting has revived awareness of security and mental

of died as “They kind heroes. ” - mary kate kelly, senior

-10- cover story


end? Story and layout by Sarah ALlen and emma Eveld

Sandy Hook volunteer fire fighters salute a funeral procession near Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. (Photo by MCT Campus)

health issues all over the country in schools and in homes. Funds for the victims’ families and Newtown in general have been coming together to help the affected. People can go to newtownyouthandfamilyservices.org

to donate to the cause. “I think it doesn’t really make as huge of an impact on your life,” Kelly said, “until it’s your school.” (Story continued on pg. 12)

cover story


Rise in mass shootings in america In 2012 alone, 84 people have been killed as a result of mass shootings. These catastrophes have revealed the obvious rise in mass violence in America. Six of the 12 deadliest shootings have occurred since 2007, according to the Washington Post. “I think that the shootings in Columbine, Virginia Tech and Aurora had the most impact on society and showed that mental illness is the big problem,” junior Kamryn Schropp said. Littleton, Co., April 20, 1999. Eighteen-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold, both aiming to create “the most deaths in U.S. history,” according to Klebold’s video made before the shooting, opened fire throughout Columbine High School killing 15 and injuring 24. This shooting ranks seventh in deadliest shootings. The Columbine shooting was one of the first mass acts of violence to gain widespread media coverage. In 2010, the book "Columbine" by David Cullen was published trying to put the pieces together on why these two teenage boys created such devastation in their high school. He found that both shooters were struggling with depression and mental illness. “The one biggest thing we can/should do is address depression,” Cullen said in an email. Even novels about school shootings started to appear postColumbine. Jodi Picoult’s novel "Nineteen Minutes" depicted a school shooting in New Hampshire driven by a 17-year-old boy who was being bullied and was depressed. The situation portrayed in the novel is similar to the situation in the Columbine Shooting. On April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech student Cho, 23 at the time, went on a shooting rampage throughout the college campus. Cho killed 33 and injured 23. During the winter of 2005, records show that Cho had two telephone conversations and one in-person visit with mental health professionals at the Cook Counseling Center. Cho indicated in the second phone call that he was having symptoms of depression and anxiety. He also was having trouble concentrating. He refused to come in for counseling despite his symptoms. The shooting at Virginia Tech was labeled as the deadliest shooting according to the number of deaths resulted from the massacre. The most recent shooting before Newtown was in Aurora, Co. during the opening night of the final installment of the Batman series, “The Dark Knight Rises.”

On Aug. 20, 2012, 24-year-old James Holmes dressed up as the Joker and ambushed the people in the theater, shooting 12 people and injuring 58. The shootings in Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Aurora opened up the American people’s eyes to the rise in mass violence and how they need to be stopped. All of the shooters in these three tragedies showed previous signs of mental illness, according to MotherJones.Com. “I feel like by hitting the root of the problem: mental illness, future tragedies like Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech and Newtown can be prevented,” Schropp said.




1. A man stands in reverence at the public memorial site for the 12 killed in the Century 16 Theaters in Aurora, Co. on July 28, 2012. (Photo by MCT Campus) 2. Students grieve for a fallen classmate on the hood of her car one day after the shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Co. (Photo from MCT Campus) 3. Students mourn the loss of victims from the shooting on April 16, 2007 on Virginia Tech’s campus. (Photo by MCT Campus)

12 3


San Ysidro, Calif.

Luby’s cafeteria

-12- arts & entertainment

Kileen, Texas

Immigration services in new york fort hood

post office in Oklahoma

university of columbine texas

and camden, NJ (a tie)


According to the Washington Post

Deadliest shootings In America Virginia Tech 8 4 6 9 5 7 11 Newtown

Mental illness


Information from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


1 in 4 adults

suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year in America


of Americans age 18 and older suffer from a mental disorder


57.7million 87.7% said yes


said mostly


said no

-Survey taken from a group of 81 randomly selected Sion students.

getting to the root Newtown and the many other mass shootings have brought up the question of how to stop the rise in mass violence. Many look to the issue on gun control. Others look to stop the popularity of violent video games like “Halo” or “Call of Duty.” But some look to help people with mental illnesses, which is usually the root of the problem, based on the recent shootings. “I think it’s not necessarily a gun issue, but more of a mental health issue,” Koppers said. According to psychologytoday.com, when a mentally ill individual has not medicated and also abused either alcohol or drugs, there was a significant increase in serious and violent acts. Helping the mentally ill is an important factor to stopping mass violence just like gun control and awareness of the toll of violent video games on teenagers’ minds. Kansas has taken that step to help these people. Recently, after the events at Sandy Hook, Gov. Sam Brownback proposed directing $10 million to improve mental health services, according to the Kansas City Star. Cynthia Keele, the National Alliance on Mental Illness Executive Director in Missouri, wants to follow along the lines of Kansas’ ideas on the subject. “I believe increasing our state's programs to provide treatment and services to persons with mental illness will serve to reduce violence,” Keele said. Keele understands that mass violence and mental illness cannot be solved

not necessarily a “gunit’sissue but more of a mental health issue.” - brittany koppers, senior with one simple program. She thinks that there should be more programs regarding education to parents and teachers about mental illness. She also mentioned a program called Crisis Intervention Training which trains police officials how to help people with mental illness. According to Keele and NAMI, there needs to be more psychiatric hospital beds available, coordination with the mental health centers and psychiatric nurse training. Keele believes that Missouri needs to expand funding for the Assertive Community Treatment program. This program has been around more than 30 years and is proven effective with persons who are the most seriously ill, including those who are homeless. Organizations such as ReDiscover, a nonprofit community mental health agency with two locations in Kansas City, are here to help, too. ReDiscover offers talk therapy, psychiatric medications, group counseling and many other forms of help, depending on the person. “Most people dealing with mental illness are in crisis and need some hope that the future can be better," CEO of ReDiscover, Alan. L. Flory, said. "We offer that, in a caring manner." Flory said that he believes helping people with mental health issues isn’t the only aspect that needs to be given more attention, but is one of the key parts to helping diminish mass violence. Flory also made the point that resources should be provided to find and attempt to help those who do not ask for help. “Using this approach would have helped some of the individuals who became mass shooters,” Flory said. Recently National Public Radio spoke with Dr. Carl Bell of the Institute of the Prevention of Violence. One of Bell’s main points was that our society needs to be more aware of people with mental illnesses and to help and support them. It can do a lot. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older suffer from a major depressive order. Other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and other mood disorders are more common than you think. “How else can we help? Learn the facts about mental illness,” Keele said. “The scariest thing about mental illness is how little people know.”

arts & entertainment


Sion Spotlight

Sisters, Sweets and Stuff Sion alumnae Denise Mueller Kelley, ‘82, and Suzanne Mueller, ‘96, own and operate a local nuts and candy shop, We B Nuts and Stuff. BY MAURA EVELD Co-editor-in-chief Three hundred sixty degrees of sweet and salty treats. Of candied pecans. Of dark chocolate sea salt caramels. Of almond buttercrunch. Three giant walls showcase thousands of wrapped packages. The center of the store boasts a ring-shaped counter loaded with more goodies to taste-test. Bright candy photographs frame the ceiling. Just over a year ago, no such place existed in Kansas City. And alumna Denise Mueller Kelley, class of 1982, noticed the absence. “My daughter loves nuts, so one Valentine’s Day [February 2010] I tried to find fresh nuts here in the Kansas City area for my daughter and my niece and nephew,” Kelley said. “But I couldn’t find any fresh, quality nuts in Kansas City.” Kelley said she researched and discovered that there were no true candy and nut stores left in Kansas City. “And so I just saw a need,” she said. After about a year and a half of searching for various companies and chocolatiers, she decided to take on a new challenge, securing their Ranch Mart location at 95th and Mission in October of 2011. But Kelley said she knew she couldn’t do it alone. With a phone call to Arizona, her sister Suzanne

Mueller, class of 1996, was on board. “I wanted a new move, a new change,” Mueller said. “It was good to come back and be around family again.” December 12, 2012 marked We B Nuts and Stuff ’s first birthday. “Fortunately we opened at the holidays, so it was crazy in here,” Kelley said. “Basically we opened at Christmas, and then we slid right into Valentine’s Day, and then you have Easter and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.” The sisters agree that holidays bring the most customers. In the two weeks before Christmas, they sold over 300 pounds of dark chocolate sea salt caramels, Kelley said. As store owner, Kelley runs the business side while Mueller manages the storefront. Their brother John Kelley also works at We B Nuts and Stuff, managing internet sales and helping out at the shop. “Luckily it’s a fun business,” Kelley said. “People come in and they experience the store and it’s a fun atmosphere.” Mueller said she loves to make the products jump at the customer. Everything needs flair, she said, so she rearranges the shelves every day to showcase certain products. “You can’t really have a bad day in a candy shop,” she said. Even working with siblings? “It’s a laugh a minute,” Kelley said.

“you can’t really have a bad day in a candy shop.” -suzanne mueller

Sisters Denise Mueller Kelley (left) and Suzanne Kelley, both Sion alumnae, opened We B Nuts and Stuff in December of 2011. (Photo by Maura Eveld)

With a year and two months to look back on, Kelley said she would call the nut and candy store a success. And it’s still spreading, she said. “There’s nothing like us in Kansas City,” she said. “It’s unique, different, quality and fresh. That’s kind of why we’ve taken off.”








6% NUTS 30% Store manager Suzanne Mueller helps a customer at We B Nuts and Stuff. Mueller moved from Arizona in October 2011 in order to assist her sister Denise Mueller Kelley with the shop. (Photo by Maura Eveld)

-14- features


- Based on a poll of 88 students

Diary of an Exchange Student Host

With Santiago in my future, my recurring But they did. Ha. Funny how things like that happen. Of course, they said yes, when I had already accepted bad luck seems minor. BY KIM FRYER Reporter

We anxiously peered over the Gate 57 walls at the Kansas City International airport. Dozens of travelers with bags in hand waltzed off the plane, making their way towards the baggage claim. Adorned in our grey kilts, we laughed nervously while holding up welcome signs and scanned the crowd of people for five nervous Chileans. My knees were weak and palms were sweaty and I actually thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. After waiting for what felt like hours, the moment I had been waiting for finally arrived, and five Chileans beaming with excitement stepped into the airport and into the city that would be their home for the next five weeks. Three months before this moment at the airport, I found myself sitting next to junior Claire Boehm during the Sion exchange presentation. “We should totally do this,” I whispered to Claire and she nodded excitedly back at me. A summer in Santiago, Chile? It sounded too good to be true. I pictured myself roaming the streets of Santiago, my parents half-way across the world, laughing alongside the girl I would be paired with who would undoubtedly be my soul-sister. It sounded like bliss to me. But then the Associate Head of School Kay Walkup told us the catch. My daydream of a summer in Santiago came to a halt. You didn’t get to travel to Chile over the summer unless you hosted a Chilean in your home in January. I toyed with the idea in my mind. A random girl. Living in my house. Eating my food. Breathing my air. I didn’t think it sounded right. Let’s face some facts: I am spoiled. Rotten. Totally, completely, spoiled. I don’t like having to worry about other people needing things in my house. I’m the youngest, therefore, I am used to being on my own. It’s just the way I’ve always been, I’m independent. So naturally, the idea of someone busting in on my royal home didn’t sound like something I was interested in. But I wanted to go to Chile. I thought about it a lot and decided I could bear four weeks with a house guest if it meant four weeks in paradise over the summer. I pitched the idea of the exchange to my parents just to see their reaction, and there was not even a glimmer of hope in my mind that they would say yes.

the fact that they would say no. It wasn’t until the night before the Chileans arrived that I realized what I had gotten myself into. I was literally going to pick this random girl - a stranger - up from the airport and bring her to my house. And she was going to live with me. For five weeks. Even though we knew nothing about each other. It sounded like the beginning of a horror film to me. Girl picks up stranger, welcomes her into her home, gets brutally murdered, the end. I fell asleep that night questioning my parents’ decision to let me do this and realizing that the bubble I had been living comfortably inside was about to be popped by a Chilean girl named Isa. The ride to the airport was the longest drive I have ever experienced. I rode in the back of the Boehm’s car and listened to Claire and her mom argue back and forth. Claire seemed to be experiencing the same kind of mixed feelings I was. “Mom, stop it. Stop saying this is all going to be perfect. It’s not like she’s going to step off the plane, take my hand and then all the sudden we’ll realize we are

"Get used to it. This stuff will happen to her all the time." -Junior Claire Boehm soul sisters. THIS IS AWKWARD.” Claire was freaking out and I was silently saying amen to everything she was saying. Awkward was the perfect way to describe what I was imagining. It wasn’t going to happen immediately, and I knew that. I just prayed we would get along. Fast forward to today. I’m sitting in bed and Isa, my Chilean exchange student, is sleeping across the hall from me as I slave away at my homework. We have just had the first weekend of her trip to America and I could not be more exhausted. I have literally seen more of Kansas City in the past four days than I have in the 17 years of living here. Introducing a new city, let alone a new country, to someone who has never been there is a difficult, but fun, task. I took the natural approach to things

by planning all our activities around food. Our first official dining at an American restaurant was Chipotle Mexican Grill. Gourmet eating, I know. Boehm and her exchange student Renata Pardo accompanied us and we were anxious to see how they would respond to eating the deliciousness that is fake, American style Mexican food. Thankfully, they loved it. I’m pretty sure I would have hated all Chileans had they said they didn’t like Chipotle. No one at the table could finish their burrito and it was decided that Americans eat way too much. Tell me something I don’t know. The car ride home was pretty entertaining as we blasted some quality American music. Thrift Shop by Macklemore proved to be the Chileans’ favorite song. We made it a solid 10 minutes in the car when I realized I couldn’t find my purse. My purse that had about $200 worth of babysitting money, my mom’s credit card, my license and my favorite lipstick in it. Needless to say, I was freaking out. We raced back to Chipotle and searched the entire proximity, thankfully finding it behind the counter. “Get used to it. This stuff will happen to her all the time,” Claire told the Chileans as I continued my panic attack. It was true. Bad things follow me around like a storm cloud. It was two full days later that the next fiasco happened. Welcome to America, I have bad luck. I was squeezing between two cars on the street and clearly came a little too close to the other vehicles because I rammed into another car. And took their side mirror off. Like the mirror literally just fell off. Fantastic. Isa’s mouth dropped open and she gasped. Junior Sydney O’Dear happened to be watching the entire accident on the sidewalk with her Chilean, Maria Jose Vergara, who found the entire situation hilarious. Thanks for the support everybody. Being the complete baby that I am, I burst into tears, but to Maria Jose and Isa it was just another stupid thing that happened to the American chick with bad luck. Undoubtedly there will be more unlucky moments, but also many good memories in the next four weeks. So I will do it all with a smile on my face, because in the back of my head, I still remember my dream of a summer in Santiago. And in less than six months, that dream will become a reality. Keeping that thought in mind helps me realize that all this is worth it. Next year I won’t be writing about the struggles of hosting an exchange student. (I fear Isa will go back to Chile and tell all the Chileans her host watched Netflix and ate pizza rolls all day. But that’s an American tradition, right?) I will be writing about the glorious life of an exchange student. And honestly, I couldn’t be more excited... bad luck or not.





sion “

Sarah Moss

Australian exchange student

‘Well’ do it for Africa

-Photo submitted by Water Harvest International

Class of 2014 completed their goal to build a well in Africa.


Everyone has a childhood dream: becoming the first woman president, saving all endangered species or being a superhero. But as you get older these dreams may change. The class of 2014’s dream was to construct and plan a $3,500 well at a school in Sudan, Africa. And this dream came true this January. “Coming into sophomore year I wanted to bring something different to the table,” junior Julia Balmaceda said. “I really thought that the class should focus not only on school priorities like dances and grades, but what we could do for others.” Balmaceda also said that in the beginning of freshman year in religion class they watched a movie called “Millions.” It was about a boy who raised and donated money in order to build a well. Sophomore class sponsor Amy Vandenbrul had the students seek approval from Alice Munninghoff in order to partake in such a big project. Balmaceda, junior Kristen Murphy and Associate Head of School for Advancement and Enrollment Celeste Greenlee gathered to organize fundraising options that went beyond asking parents for money, but more creative ones that would not conflict with the school’s general fundraisers. “We had huge plans of getting t-shirts, buying reusable cups, having

-16- features

in a well project at her own church about a year before this project began. However, she and her husband could not find anyone else to go in with them on the cost. Knotts said that when the sophomore well project began, she was a bit surprised that they were taking on such a big project. Although as time went on she noticed how persistent the sophomore class and their officers were throughout the year raising the money needed. “After discussion with my husband, we decided that we would match the money the students raised if they got to the halfway mark by the end of the school year," Knotts said. "And they did — so we did!” The well was drilled in November and the Water Harvesters website posted live pictures once it was completed and up and running at Cornerstone Orphanage and school on Nov. 16 where it benefits 1,200 people in the surrounding community. Alumnae Relations Coordinator Lauren Golden sent out a press release once the class completed the project, and 41 Action News station called back and asked if they could interview a few students. -Photo submitted by Water Harvest International On Thursday, Jan. 10, Balmaceda and Harvesters International, the well O’Dear did just that. O’Dear said that drilling company, for monitoring the it was awesome to have the opportunity to be on the news but at the same time students' funding progress. When asked how the class of 2014 it was really nerve-racking. Although in decided on this project, Vandenbrul the end it was a great experience and so responded, “I think it came from the much fun, she said. “My reaction was one of joy and class of 2014 having hearts larger than hope for the future,” Vandenbrul said. the world.” Second sophomore class sponsor “That a small group of girls at a small Joan Knotts also had a passion for school could make such an impact is this project. Knotts became interested every educator’s dream.”

car washes and it was pretty apparent that we were over-complicating things,” Balmaceda said. “We ended up raising money through very simple things like bake sales, raffles, donations and getting part of the profit from Morp, Earth Day and Civvies.” The bulk of the money was raised through bake sales held here at Sion and at Rockhurst High School. “I think we raised about $400 at Rockhurst. It was pretty sweet,” junior Sydney O’Dear said. “The boys really liked cupcakes, and they finished off Maggie Wilcox’s German chocolate cake, which was huge, in like 15 minutes.” Vandenbrul guided junior class secretary Mary Sizemore in how to deposit money using appropriate deposit forms. They dealt with Water

The all-girls is definitely the biggest difference. It felt normal again. It was good to be back with my friends and having homework surprisingly.

The environment here is more relaxed and friendly. It is much smaller than my school. There’s a lot more color in the building.

” “

Katherine Baker

Junior transfer from Blue Valley

Sam Thomas

Australian exchange student

The biggest difference is the schedule. In Australia we only have four classes a day and two lunch periods. We also don’t have all this white club purple club week.

My first impression of Sion was that everyone was so nice and welcoming. The culture is very different and Sion is way smaller than Shawnee Mission East.

” “

Logan Tate

Sophomore transfer from Shawnee Mission East

Anny Fogle

Freshman transfer from Whitefield Academy

My first impression of Sion was how nice everyone was. My favorite thing about Sion is the opportunities to do more with my education.

Uniform Update

Both the grade school and high school will have new uniform requirements for the 2014-2015 school year. BY MAURA EVELD Co-editor-in-chief

At the grade school, girls through fifth grade will wear a purple, white and black plaid jumper, skirt or skort. Shirt options for boys and girls include a purple or grey polo. Boys will wear black pants or shorts. High school girls will wear a purple or white polo, middle school a purple or gray polo. All are worn with a gray kilt or slacks. There will be two styles of kilt, one pleated and one A-lined. For dress uniform days, girls will wear a white blouse with a purple, gray and black striped tie. “The uniform at the high school isn’t really changing all that much,” Broderick said. “We are tightening it up a little bit, and we are providing

When Head of School Christina Broderick was hired for the 2012-2013 school year, the Board of Trustees assigned a six-point list of directives for her. The first bullet: “Ensure that there is a meaningful and ongoing implementation of the One-School model, understood by all.” With the “One-School model” high on her priority list, Broderick planned one Sion Family Spirit Night per quarter as well as “Coffee with Chris” dates and “Welcome Wednesdays” at the grade school. The next step? Uniform updates. “From the theme of one school, we wanted our look to be unified,” Broderick said. “And I really believe in using our school colors for school pride in our uniforms. So we looked at a way that we could go from kindergarten through 12th grade, and ask at every step, what does it look like to go to Sion?” Director of Public Relations and Marketing Emily Taylor said the update had a marketing and branding incentive as well. Freshmen Kat Qamar, Maano Khan, Selena Hunter and Laney Ulowetz “Especially at the grade and junior Mary Sizemore model all the options for the new uniforms. school, [right now] we don’t really (Photo by Emily Taylor) distinguish ourselves from other charter and public school uniforms,” Taylor said. a dress uniform that has an updated tie. Everyone “People will start to associate the [new] uniform with seems to be rather excited about it.” The new sweater options include a purple or black cardigan, v-neck vest or v-neck sweater. All tops will have a new embroidered Sion logo. Broderick said she chose Mills Uniform Company to be the provider for both campuses because she had worked with the company in her former position. “The quality of the uniform was what I was most impressed with,” Broderick said. “I think we’re going to be proud of wearing it because it’s going to always look good and be long-lasting and durable.” Broderick said they had to start researching in October, and since she had only been at Sion for a month, she wondered if it was too Students from the grade school try on their new uniforms. (Photo by early. Emily Taylor) “It wasn’t,” she said. “People were excited about it. They wanted input, and so we asked Sion.” Although students can start wearing the new a range of parents from the grade school to the high uniform for the 2013-2014 school year, both campuses school: What are you looking for in a uniform, and won't be required to fully wear the new uniforms until what quality are you looking for? So we feel like we met those needs.” the 2014-2015 school year. What does this entail?



3. 1. The grade school offers a kilt option. 2. The high school dress uniform sports a tie. 3. The purple polo is an everyday option with the gray kilt. (Photos by Emily Taylor)



VALENTINE burritos benefit post-prom WHo WHat

Sion and Rockhurst students Chipotle burrito sale - $8.50 each


Feb. 6-8 with delivery Feb. 12


Cafeteria Sign-up


Benefits post-prom party

“I’m buying one because my boyfriend loves Chipotle and I love him. The best way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach,” senior Alex Lozano said. “Since my boyfriend is no longer at Rockhurst I’m buying myself one so it looks like someone else bought it for me,” senior Maddie Roederer said.


My Life Is Awkward:

Valentine’s Day

Like it Love it Hate it

“I only like it because people can still screen shot the picture,” freshman Andy Swee said “I love it because you can send really unattractive pictures to friends," freshman Becca Renton said. “I hate it because I don’t really see the point in it. It's not even a real form of communication,” senior Callan Bell said.

“Well I’ve been single for 18 years now so...” -Elizabeth Prusa, senior “In third grade a boy slipped a note in my bag that said ‘You are a dessert flower.’ He meant ‘desert’ but that doesn’t make it any better. It was so weird.” -Amelia Lester, sophomore “My boyfriend at the time got me bears that made noise and kissed when I took them out of the bag. He had no idea they did that and got so embarrassed.” -Jane Crook, senior “A guy who liked me (but I didn’t like him back) sent me a box of chocolates a week after Valentine’s Day.” -Emily Schnitker, junior

-18- Arts & Entertainment

Title Boxing Club is trending at Sion as the newest workout facility in 2013. BY Delaney Bates Co-Editor-in-Chief The room was bright with blaring music. Boxers ran around the room for their warm-up with the occasional bear crawl or shuffle. The instructor yelled, “Time to get to the bags” after a few minutes, and the boxers ran to the nearest punching bag and started working out. At Title Boxing, you don’t only get a workout, but you can also learn how to box and protect yourself. Title boxing currently has seven locations in Kansas City that will help you get and stay in shape for spring break or the summer season this year. Title boxing isn’t cheap (about $59 a month), but according to Sion students, it is worth the extra buck. “I love going to Title for the kickboxing classes because they’re so energizing. The entire time you workout, music is blasting and the instructors are really encouraging,” senior Ally Ungashick said. Title boxing offers different types of classes everyday

Where you can box in KC 119th Overland Park, Kansas 148th & Metcalf, Kansas 87th Lenexa, Kansas 153rd Olathe, Kansas 76th & Stateline, Kansas 121st & State Line, Kansas Lee's Summit, Missouri at 50 Highway and SW Jefferson Street


of the week, but you have to check out specific locations to see when the instructors offer the classes. Each class is only an hour, but junior Lexi Johnson considers it a challenging workout. “My favorite part of the class is when I’m done with the class because it’s challenging, "Johnson said. "But within the class, my favorite part is the fifteen minutes of core and ab strengthening." Junior Hanna Meek has been going to Title Boxing for about three years. In that time, she has developed relationships with the trainers that have enhanced her workouts. “I take certain trainer’s classes like Cam, Rod, Deron, Jessie, and Justin, because they are the most intense and push you," Meek said. "They are such great, nice people, but the best part is the really intense workout. It makes you feel great." Meek goes to the Title Boxing Clubs located on 119th Street and 148th Street. All three girls said that you see results with Title Boxing Club, but it is also a commitment according to Ungashick. She said it’s a big commitment because if you stop going for a certain amount of time, it’s hard to get back into the swing of things. Each of the girls goes to Title Boxing often. Ungashick goes at least twice a week, and gets a good deal on the price because she works at Celsius Tannery next door. Johnson goes five to seven times a week, and her family has purchased the family membership which is about $1,100 a year. Meek’s family won the membership at an auction three years ago, and she still goes there today. She works out at Title Boxing every day, and sometimes twice a day. All three girls have had good experiences with Title Boxing and would suggest that their friends go. “I think people are starting to join it more because it is such an intense workout and it only lasts an hour,” Meek said. “You go hard-core for an hour a day and you’re done. It doesn’t take up much time and you get great results fast.” New Year’s resolutions impact membership numbers at Title as well.

Fusion fitness

Seniors Alexis Wolfe and Maggie McLiney go together to Fusion Fitness and are hooked. There are two locations in Kansas City (Mission Farms and Overland Park). Individual classes are $15, but a student package is $150.

Alexis Wolfe: “Fusion is a mix of Pilates and yoga and cardio, so you tone and lose weight but don’t get bulky.”

Maggie McLiney:

Fusion Fitness offers 12 different classes.

“It’s only an hour, but they don’t have water breaks or anything, so you go hard for an hour.” “I really suggest everyone tries fusion, it’s a really fun workout and you start seeing result right away. I have done a ton of different workouts, but fusion is by far the best.”

“Fusion fitness is a workout studio designed transform your body by elongating your muscles, decreasing body fat, improving cardiovascular endurance and increasing flexibility.”

“I love Fusion because no two classes are the same. You are getting a full body workout and not even realizing it. Yes, it is extremely hard, but the music is going and you don’t even notice that you are covered in sweat.” “I have never had a harder workout in my life, but you will shed pounds and build muscle within the first week.”

Senior Stephanie Reynolds purchased a three month membership for Title Boxing Club. She also boxed everyday, or twice a day, throughout the summer. She said, "It's really addicting. You get such an adrenaline rush from it." Reynolds said once you go, you want to go back to Title Boxing Club again. (Photo by Delaney Bates) “Title always becomes popular in the beginning of the year with New Year’s resolutions,” Johnson said. Kevin Beck, desk manager of the Title Boxing on Stateline Road and 121st Street said that the evening classes are the most popular.

Creamsicle Breakfast Smoothie Makes: 2 Servings, 1 3/4 cups each Though it tastes like those iconic vanilla-andorange popsicles, this smoothie is balanced with carbohydrates, protein and essential electrolytes. 1 cup cold pure coconut water, without added sugar or flavor 1 cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt 1 cup frozen or fresh mango chunks 3 tablespoons frozen orange juice concentrate 2 cups ice Blend coconut water, yogurt, mango, orange juice concentrate and ice in a blender until smooth. Eating Well Magazine

Arts & Entertainment


1st Place Seniors 117.5 points

2nd Place Sophomores 107.5 points

3rd Place Juniors 74.5 points

4th Place Freshmen 54.7 points


olympics “U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” Chants like this could be heard from each grade throughout the entire school. The annual Sion Olympics had begun. As tradition dictates, the games kick off with a choreographed dance from each grade. A score was given from 0-10, 10 being the highest, by the guest judges: Adam Levine, Christina Aguilera and Cee-Lo Green from The Voice, better known by the student body as librarian Jennifer Campbell, Spanish teacher Leah La Faver and Alumnae Relations Coordinator Lauren Golden. After the scores had been given, the games began as faculty got down to business in a cutthroat game of knockout, with two faculty members representing each grade.

-20- last look

(Top left) Seniors Hannah Tutera and Grace Keane cheer on their classmates for spirit points during the Mario Kart Nintendo 64 game. (Photo by Sarah Holland) (Middle) Junior Moira Quinn flaunts her red hair during the Junior Dance to the song "Girl on Fire." (Bottom) Sophomores perform their dance as Courtney Tushaus jumps on the "dance box" that lights-up with pressure. (Top right) Senior Scream Team leaders Meg Cowan, Audrey Saracini and Jane Crook pump up the crowd while leading this year's Sion Olympics. (Photos by Lucy Gasal)

The classes would be judged based on spirit and overall involvement, rather than who actually won the series of relay races, musical chairs, and tug-of-war as in years past. Senior Scream Team leaders Jane Crook, Meg Cowan and Audrey Saracini designed the entire event, from who would compete to what the games would be to how each game should be judged. And according to Crook, the day was a huge success. “The best moment for me was at the end when Mrs. Koehler came up to us,” Crook said. “She told us that it had been the best Sion Olympics ever. I’m so proud of what we did and so happy that everyone had fun.”

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