Le Journal Senior Issue

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Le journal The Senior issue A Publication of Notre Dame de Sion

10631 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64114

Volume 31 Issue 6 May 2013

What’s inside The issue

Left to right, top to bottom: Sarah Marquardt, Megan Benson, Jane Crook, Michaela Bukaty, Sarah Holland, Hannah Tutera, Caroline Thompson, Elizabeth Gianino, Mary Kate Kelly, Jodie Rellihan, Laura Klover, Carolina Dugan, Emma Eveld, Hannah Malvey, Maggie Gorman, Bethany Barber, Claire Willman, Nicole Mangiaracina (Photo by Kristine Sullivan)


Editor’s Ink News in Brief Cover Story

24 On the cover



Photo Essay

Cover PHOTO BY: Mary Kate hense and kristine sullivan COVER design by: Sarah allen and mary kate hense

-2- what’s inside



In Each Issue

by laura travis Arts & Entertainment Editor We’ve all heard that annoying cliche saying “less is more” probably millions of times. Well, I’m here to tell you that statement is completely untrue, at least when it comes to one of my least favorite things-packing. My name is Laura Travis, and I am an overpacker. My mom has always tried to get me to “pack light“ since I started packing on my own for trips when I was about nine, but I just can’t do it. I have always stood firm by the idea that it is better to overpack than underpack. However, with college approaching, and the fact I barely got my suitcase zipped on spring break, I believe that it may be time to reassess my philosophy. Take It With You Depending on where you’re going and how you’re getting there, try to wear bulkier items that take up a lot of space in your suitcase. If you’re traveling somewhere cold, wear your coat on the plane or bring it with you. You can also pack clothes in your carry-on if you’re flying as long as you bring a big enough bag. It is always a good idea to have some extra stuff anyway

in case your luggage gets lost. No Repeats In addition, never bring more than one of a bigger item. I learned this lesson the hard way. Last year on the Model UN trip to Washington D.C., I brought two coats, three pairs of boots and a few other pairs of shoes in addition to that. The trip was about four days long. Not my smartest decision. I actually sat on my suitcase to get it closed the last day. Ask Yourself Questions Every time you pack, go back over your luggage and assess what you are bringing. Ask yourself questions. Do you really need to bring seven pairs of Nike shorts? Can you wear that dress more than once? Did I really need three pairs of boots for my D.C. trip? No, I didn’t. One could have sufficed, maybe two at max. I don’t think I even wore all three pairs. I completely believe it is better to be overprepared than under-prepared. If you’re going somewhere where it rains a lot but it isn’t raining the day you get there, definitely bring a jacket for later in your trip, but don’t bring three jackets. That isn’t being prepared. That is just unnecessary. It takes practice. But next time you go somewhere, try to think hard about what you really need. Do be prepared, but don’t stuff your entire closet into your suitcase. Although portable closets would be really cool, they are impractical and don’t exist. Just try to pack smart and think about what is going in your suitcase before you zip it shut.

Le Journal Le Journal is the official publication of Notre Dame de Sion High School 10631 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64114 MEMBER Missouri Interscholastic Press Assoc. National Scholastic Press Assoc. International Quill and Scroll CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Maura Eveld Delaney Bates







WEB-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elizabeth Gianino



REPORTERS Sarah Allen Emma Dopheide Kim Fryer Mary Kate Hense Ashley Herring Madison Hummel Meghan Lally Dana Routh Kristine Sullivan Georgia Thompson Katy Zahner

the editor’s ink This will be the 24th Le Journal I’ve ever read (yes, I have scoured each newsmagazine front to back since freshman year). For 12 of them I’ve gotten to be a part of the actual publication process. And these last six were extremely special to me. So naturally I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on myself in writing this final Editor’s Ink. It has to be perfect. How do I even start? What all should I say? What would be the perfect last column? First and foremost, I need to do my usual - reference several articles that appear on the following pages. After all, the past two months were, as always, filled with news to cover and stories to tell. Like visits from the infamous Blake School (page 7) and adorable Roland Levi (page 10). Also, we elected new StuCo officers (meet them on page 7) and debuted more than 100 prom dresses (see the 2013 styles on page 9). But this time I can’t finish it off there. This time I have the privilege of mentioning something else, something noteworthy enough to fill 12 pages. The Class of 2013. Ninety-six seniors are featured on pages 12 through 23. You’ll read directly from each senior an honest opinion or a funny anecdote about her past four years. Every response is different, but I noticed they all share in two aspects. One: our undeniable class spirit. I might be slightly biased, but the Class of 2013 rocks. Would Food for Thought be such a successful class rivalry (and in turn, an extremely productive food drive) without our push sophomore year? What other class has students betting to dye their hair and actually following through with it? Why wasn’t it surprising we all held hands during the school song at our last all-school mass? Fellow seniors, take a look at what a successful group

of young women we’ve become. We’ve gotten accepted into some pretty fantastic universities (page 14). We’ve shown dedication on the court, diamond (page 23) and easel (page 21). We may have begun our years in the old freshman hallway, timidly plastered against our locker doors as the rest of the school stormed through. But since then we’ve proven our timidness to have disappeared and our drive to have bloomed. So, yes, we share in our undeniable class spirit. But we also share in our undeniable Sion spirit. After four years, I think it’s safe to say we’ve all caught it. We’ve caught it from our teachers, whom we all want to take to college with us. The thought of losing 10 such valuable members of the faculty has brought tears to my eyes several times (see pages 11, 15 and 16). From our classmates (special spotlights on pages 17, 18 and 19). And from the atmosphere, which many seniors described in one word as “passionate” and a “sisterhood.” I know writing another 30 paragraphs still wouldn’t do this justice. Putting four Sion years into words is an impossible task I just realized, so I guess my dream of “perfect” won’t happen. Seniors know what I mean. And juniors, sophomores, and freshmen - I promise you will. One last thing: The most common response to the question “Sion in one word?” was “Vive.” Long live the Class of 2013. Long live Sion.

Maura Eveld Co-editor-in-chief


Alison Long

PUBLICATIONS BOARD Alison Long Penny Selle Michelle Olson Kay Walkup Carole Wall-Simmons Melissa Wilcox Delaney Bates Maura Eveld

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Le Journal welcomes letters submitted by readers. The staff reserves th right to edit length and minor grammatical errors, but the letter’s message will not be altered. The staff reserves the right to review letters and edit material that is inappropriate. Libelous, slanderous or obscene letters will not be printed. Letters must be signed.

Photo of the Issue

Spanish teacher Maggie Adler shares a moment with survivor Roland Levi at the Holocaust memorial service. (Photo by Kim Fryer)

editor’s ink -3-

All Created Equal The debate on equal rights is a continued struggle in society today. BY SARAH ALLEN Reporter “All men are created equal.” This mere one sentence in the Declaration of Independence has had an immense impact throughout history in hopes of creating equality for all types of people. On Aug. 28, 1963 in the midst of the groundbreaking civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quoted this sentence in his famous “I have a Dream Speech.” This one sentence emphasized the hypocrisy of America for preaching equality within a foundational document while at the same time discriminating against people because of the color of their skin. This one phrase also represents the supposed mission of America. All people should be treated equal. But today, is this necessarily true? Are all people truly equal? Look around. It is obvious that discrimination and inequality is still existent in our society. First and foremost, today gay couples are legally barred from being able to have the basic human right of marriage. According to a General Social Survey, from 2009-2011 there was an eight percent change, from 39 percent in 2008 to 45 percent in 2011, of people in favor of same-sex marriage. Millions have joined the fight to win the freedom for same-sex couples to get married. Though many of these people are not gay, they believe for the right of marriage that they feel should be offered to all couples. President Barack Obama is the first president in our history to come out in support of same-sex marriage. “When it comes to the law, everybody should be equal before the law,” President Obama said in an interview on March 27 on the television network Univision. In May of 2004, Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage. Today, eight other states - Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Washington have followed Massachusetts’ lead. These major strides in marriage equality are

equality in the United States

representative of the progress toward equality. Pop culture figures and musicians are also embracing and defending same-sex couples. The popular rapper Macklemore has come out in support of marriage equality. In his song “Same Love” with Ryan Lewis, featuring Mary Lambert, he encourages human rights for all, singing, “I might not be the same, but that’s not important. No freedom till we’re equal, dang* right I support it.” Gay couples aren’t alone in their fight for

“Our youth culture has also come to embrace equality for all.” -junior sarah allen equality in today’s society. Discrimination is also present against people who are of a different color of skin. During Martin Luther King, Jr.’s time there was intense discrimination against African Americans and dark skinned people. Today this discrimination has shifted to the Hispanic and Latino population with antiimmigration legislature. In hopes of stopping illegal immigration in Arizona, the Support Our Law Enforcement And Safe Neighborhoods Act, or the Arizona Senate Bill 1070, was passed. This law was the broadest and strictest anti-immigration legislation ever passed in recent U.S. history. The Arizona immigration law received national attention and sparked national controversy. Many believe the law violates civil rights by encouraging racial profiling. The Arizona law allows lawenforcement officers to verify the citizenship of individuals they stop if they have reasonable suspicion that they may be in the United States illegally. The debate over the law created mass opposition because of its support of determining citizenship by

the color of one’s skin. Colombian Grammy winner Shakira visited Phoenix City Hall on April 29 in 2011 saying that she is against the law because “it is a violation of human and civil rights”. “This law goes against all the principles of prosperity that we know and promotes discrimination and resentment,” she said. On June 25, 2012, the immigration law was brought to Supreme Court in the hearing Arizona v. United States. Basically, the justices agreed to uphold the law allowing Arizona’s police to investigate the immigration status of an individual if there is reasonable suspicion that they entered the country illegally. Therefore racial profiling against Hispanics is still prevalent. Hispanics and Latinos everywhere are still trying to win equality and be included in the “All men are created equal” mission of the Constitution. Women, too, are still fighting the battle. Many are moving for a passage of an equal rights amendment so that “All men created equal” can be changed to “All men and women are created equal.” Aug. 18 in 1920, American women won the basic human right of voting through the ratification of the 19th Amendment. Gaining suffrage was just the first stride in the fight for women’s equality, but it was hardly the beginning. Since the 1920s women have continued striving for equality before the law and society. Today this fight continues. It is 2013 and our country has yet to achieve the passage of an equal rights amendment which would finally label women as equal to men. Hopefully women will continue to fight to be equal in the eyes of the law and hopefully change that revolutionary sentence from “All men are created equal” in to “All men and women are created equal.” As a student at Sion, students are sometimes guarded from the discrimination and inequalities in our society. Many Sion students don’t realize that discrimination is foregoing in American society. Sion has instilled in us as students that everyone is created equal and that everyone deserves equal rights. If Sion girls realize the discrimination and injustices in our world they will be determined to make them stop. Determined Sion girls are a force to be reckoned with.

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 authorizes creation of a Civil Rights Division and a Civil Rights Commission.

President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to limit discrimination in the work force.

Immigration laws are brought before the Supreme Court in Arizona v. United States.



June 25, 2012

august 18, 1920

august 28, 1963

may 2004

December 2013

American women win the right to vote through the 19th Amendment.

Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in favor of equality for all races.

Massachusettes becomes the first state to legalize gay marriage.

Supreme Court agrees to hear a major case on gay marriage.

-4- editorials

Media in the Mourning

Students continue the nationwide trend of #RIPTR in remembrance of Tyler Rathbun. (Photo submitted by Kim Fryer)

Does media invade the privacy of those mourning after tragedies? BY SARAH HOLLAND Sports & News Editor

“Rest in peace. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.” A sweet sentiment. What used to be written in greeting cards now congests the Facebook walls of those deceased. But how personal is a comment or a “like”? Congesting Facebook walls with halfhearted comments and likes is impersonal. Worse is media reporters using the social media pages of those grieving for their own stories. As soccer season rolls around, Shawnee Mission East students can’t help but think of Tyler Rathbun, a local hero on and off the soccer field who died in an ATV accident in the fall. Everyone remembers the #RIPTR that spread from SME, schools around the area (including Sion) and colleges with SME alumni. Kamran Tavakolinia, a friend of Rathbun’s, feels social media is both constructive and destructive. “I feel like it helps but it also doesn’t. It helps in that people like myself who knew him well can express our feelings of how we love him and miss him,” Tavakolinia said. “But it doesn’t help when kids that don’t know him make a post about it to see how many likes or retweets they can get. I respect how they commemorate a hero like Tyler, but sometimes they

Put a Ring On It

Tradition will continue as juniors receive their class rings May 1.


As a student wrapping up the loose ends of my junior school year, I think deadlines, ACT testing and semester exams are arriving all too quickly. But at least I can look forward to a few things. Summer, of course. But also the long-awaited junior ring ceremony. The Sion ring is a tradition held here at Sion. In 1927, Cartier designed Sion’s beautiful and unique ring exclusively for this school. Today we have a choice between an imperium ring, a mix of silver, gold and palladium, a 10-karat gold ring or a 14-karat gold ring. The ring bears the insignia that unites all members of the Sion community. The company Balfour constructs the rings to have each girls initials and graduating year carved within them. One of the things that makes this night even more fun is seeing all the girls dressed up. Who knew that we all could transform from the messy bun hairstyles to the bouncy groomed curls and fashionable sun

overdo it.” Spring break. A time of relaxation with family and friends turned tragic for the Bressette family of Overland Park, Kan. when a flight information sign toppled on members of the family, killing 10-year-old Luke Bresette. The Kansas City Star quoted the father of Luke’s Facebook page in their article; “knowing that so many people are praying and thinking of us is amazingly helpful.” Courteous of the Star to not intrude on a mourning family for a quote? Yes. Invasive to go to the father’s Facebook page? Also yes. Senior Michaela Bukaty, whose cousin’s best friend was Luke, said the media coverage was “awful and invasive.” The media made all their tweets and Facebook statuses public. However, there is a good aspect of social media publicizing a tragic event in that many people offer their support and prayers. Additionally, many people and foundations have offered money and meal plans. It was a morning like any other at Sandy Hook Elementary until shooter Adam Lanza wreaked havoc on the school, shooting and killing 20 children and six adults. During the day of the shooting, most broadcasts featured endlessly repeated closeups of parents reuniting with their children, as well as those still struggling to find theirs. Succeeding days offered dresses. Lets not forget about, as my dad would call them, the skyscraper shoes. As part of the ceremony each year a senior presents a ring to each junior, or if you have a friend or family member who is an alum they are more than welcome to present the ring to you. Senior Mary Kate Kelly was happily surprised last year when her sister Sarah, who she thought couldn’t come home from college, gave her her ring. The class ring means multiple things to different people. It acts as a daily reminder of the love you have for Sion, or just how proud you are to be a part of your graduating class. I like to think of it as a special bond that I will always carry with me. I will take the memories that Sion has bestowed upon me and carry them to the next chapter of my life. I believe that this ring will make me not only part of my 2014 graduating class, but also connected to every other Sion graduate who wears it worldwide. As the last Hense girl to go through Sion, I feel that I pretty much know the ins and outs of this school. I was able to observe from afar my sisters’ experiences here. Maybe this has lead me to pick the courses I have, or simply what teachers I need to make my best friends. But, I would love it if my sisters, a freshman and senior in college, were able to come and surprise me

a relentless succession of parents recounting the terrifying details of a tragedy they barely had a chance to register. While it may be important for the media to report on violence without sanitizing its impact on victims, there were times that the media coverage intruded on what should have been private moments. The “perfect picture” is just insensitive at a time like this. The Newtown Bee posted on its Facebook page for the media to leave families of the deceased alone. “PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE VICTIMS,” the note said. “We acknowledge it is your right to try and make contact,” the paper added on Facebook. “But we beg you to do what is right and let them grieve and ready their funeral plans in peace.” A tragedy is an understandably sensitive time for friends and families of the deceased. They depend on each other for support. Prayers are always welcome, but media invading the privacy of those mourning is crossing the line. All mourners of the above tragedies agree that it is great when community members join together to celebrate the lives of the deceased and social media is fairly harmless. However it is the media in the form of reporters and cameras that take it too far. Strangers shoving cameras in the face of those mourning is insensitive and inappropriate. Tyler Rathbun, Luke Bresette and all Sandy Hook victims will forever be remembered in our minds and hearts as we pray for those victims and their families.

The Sion ring will be given to the juniors on May 1 at 7 p.m. (Drawing by Allison Elsbernd)

with my ring as Sarah Kelly did. Not only one but both sisters traveling back from Mizzou to present me with my ring would be a very special and memorable moment that I know I would never forget. If this does happen, kudos to my mother for planning a surprise and actually keeping it from me. Junior year is a year of trial and error. It’s the foundation needed to be able to make a great senior class. This ceremony celebrates the transfer of school leadership from the seniors to the juniors. I am confident that receiving my ring will not only act as a pretty new piece of jewelry but also the constant reminder that I am part of the respected class of 2014 and of the entire Sion community.

editorials -5-


In brief

Perfect act Walking into a crowded testing room, BY KRISTINE Sullivan

junior Nicole McMindes was ready to take the ACT. It was her first time taking the actual test so she wasn’t expecting anything amazing. So she was shocked when she got her scores back, the perfect 36. “I was really surprised when I saw my score, at first I didn’t think it was mine and I thought it was the example of what you could get,” McMindes said. “Then I ran to tell my mom and she thought I was injured because I was so excited.” According to college counselor Erin Stein, only .01 percent of people that take the ACT can achieve the perfect score. Colleges are impressed by the score and are even more impressed if the student has the grades and challenging classes to reinforce the test score. McMindes said she isn’t sure where she wants to go to college, but she is looking in the Midwest and is looking at schools that have the top programs. McMindes took the SAT two weekends before the ACT, so she studied for the two of them at the same time by studying a few sections a day. She said her least favorite section on the test was math because she has a limited amount of time. Her favorite section was English because she enjoys the readings and gets really in depth with her responses. “I did not necessarily enjoy taking the test, but Mary Horn was sitting next to me,” McMindes said. “She is kind of a lucky charm.”

BY KRISTINE Publication awards Sullivan Both the yearbook and the newspaper

staff received numerous awards for their recent publications. Quill and Scroll, an international high school journalism honor society, recognized four staffers for their work in the 2011-2012 Le Flambeau. The Journalism Educators of Metropolitan Kansas City awarded six Le Journal students and seven Le Flambeau students in categories such as graphic design, feature stories and photography. The Missouri Interscholastic Press Association also honored both publications, totalling 36 awards. *go to lejournallive.com to see specific student awards

Local Family MOurns byrouthdana

Luke Bresette’s funeral was held on April 6 at St. Thomas More Church. It started at 10:05 a.m., as major league baseball games traditionally start, because of Luke’s love for the game. One thousand of Luke’s classmates, friends and family released hundreds of balloons in front of the church in honor of his life, according to KCTV5. On March 22, the Bresette family was returning home to Overland Park, Kan. from a vacation in Destin, Fla. During a stop in Birmingham, Ala., an arrival/departure screen at the $201 million renovated section of the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport collapsed from the wall onto the mother, Heather Bresette, and three of her sons, 8-yearold Sam, 10-year-old Luke, and 5-year-old Tyler.

-6- news

boston bombing

Student’s aunt gets stuck in the category. “Our family is very relieved to know that she and marathon mayhem.

other family and friends that were there are all okay

BY KATY ZAHNER AND MEGHAN LALLY now,” Baker said. “It was a huge sigh of relief when we

Reporters found out they were not hurt.” Though Brafford was planning on spending a Monday, April 15 marked the 116th annual week in Boston after the marathon, she opted for Cape Boston Marathon, representing runners from over Cod to avoid the post-bomb chaos in Boston. 90 countries as well as participants from every But the race wasn’t over. Now it was a race to find state domestically. According to the online Boston the perpetrators. And on the evening of April 18, the Magazine and NESN news, there were over 500,000 police chased down the two men accused of planting spectators present to cheer on the 29,000 runners. the bombs. Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev died in the But at the end of the 26.2 resulting gunfight, as mile race, many exhausted well as an MIT police runners were merely feet officer. away from reaching their With the majority goal when two groundof the transportation shaking explosions beat entering and exiting them to the finish line. Boston shut down, the At about 2:50 pm, manhunt was in full most of the non-competitive force for the 19 year runners were entering old younger brother, into their 26th mile. This Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev. not only marked the last According leg of a long marathon, to USA Today, the but was the portion of the brothers lived in the race dedicated to those killed in the Newton, Conn. United States for about a decade, and prior to that, shooting. The first explosion detonated in a crowd lived in a region of Russia near Chechnya, known for consisting of mostly friends and family of the runners its radical Islamic uprisings. as they came into this last stretch of the race. With the help of the entire Boston community The emotional repercussions of this terrorist working alongside the police and FBI, Dzhokhar was attack were felt locally as well. The Boston Marathon eventually found in a boat in a woman’s backyard. He bombs were felt by junior Katherine Baker all they way had a gunshot wound to the throat, and was in critical in Kansas City, Mo. condition when the police found him, but is recovering “When I first heard about the bombs, all I could at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. think about was if my aunt and other family was okay,” A week after being captured Dzhokhar is Baker said. “It just made me really nervous.” starting to communicate through writing to answer Baker’s aunt, Rita Brafford, was 15-20 seconds investigators’ questions. According to an AP News from the finish line when the first bomb went off. The report, the brothers planned on taking their remaining second bomb went off about a half a block behind her. explosives and detonating them in New York, “She was in the middle of it, and she was so specifically Times Square. Luckily, Boston Police were blessed that she did not get hurt,” Baker said. able to intercept them April 18, the night they planned Baker said Brafford is doing fine now, but is their second terrorist attack. a little upset she did not get to complete the race. There are still so many unanswered questions as However, the race committee calculated the finishing to the motives for this tragic event, and investigators times for everyone who was unable to complete the are working tirelessly to find those answers. Though race. The race managers calculated Brafford’s and this run has slowed down, Boston, and all of America, realized she would have received a medal for her age will keep running.

“She was in the middle of it, and she was so blessed that she did not get hurt.” -Junior katherine baker

Meet the new stuco officers

President Moira quinn

vice president natalie caruso

secretary katie pendergast

what are you looking forward to next year?

what are you looking forward to next year?

what are you looking forward to next year?

I am beyond excited to lead the school and to make everyone feel at home. I can’t wait to help guide the school to become its best.

Next year I’m looking forward to the new schedules with class meetings possibly being built in so StuCo girls can talk to their grades individually so we can get the student body’s input as much as possible.

The thing I am looking forward to most for next year has got to be the new freshman officers. I think that the freshman can add really great ideas to our StuCo.

what do you plan on doing next year?

what do you plan on doing next year?

what do you plan on doing next year?

I plan on making it the best year of our lives basically. Rejuvenate the food drives, encourage everyone to participate in school related activities, add some spunk and spice where necessary.

Next year we plan on having an even more powerful StuCo, encouraging everyone to share their opinions and be a part of Stuco, and making sure everyone feels included.

I think we are going to build on this amazing year, but I think with each different leader, new and different ideas will be added.

What is your favorite thing about stuco?

What is your favorite thing about stuco?

What is your favorite thing about stuco?

Watching the faces of my fellow students change to awe whenever they are happy of something that we have done. I love informing people about what exciting things are going to happen in the year.

My favorite thing about StuCo is being able to have a say in our school activities. I love being able to talk to my friends and people in my class and hearing their input and being able to talk about it at StuCo meetings.

Probably the “StuCo family.” I have met some of my very best friends on StuCo, and am constantly amazed and inspired by the amazing women that I get to work with every day. StuCo is hands-down my favorite thing at Sion and I would not trade being on StuCo for the world.

Blake School Visits Sion

The choir from The Blake School traveled to Sion.

BY LUCY GASAL Photography Editor Four hundred girls sat restlessly in the bleachers as they waited for The Blake School to perform for them. The performance started off with an all-boys singing group with hip-swaying and hand motions to Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the U.S.A.” Although the all-boys group received much applause after their performances, the girl’s singing groups got equal praise for their performance of “Taylor the Latte Boy.” Twenty years ago Brian Olson, the music director at The Blake School, contacted principal Michelle Olson (no relation) to start setting up visits between the two schools. Since then, students from Sion and the Blake school have been exchanging visits every three or four years. At first, The Blake School’s band just started visiting. However, about three or four years ago their choral department started visiting as well. The visits between Sion and The Blake School give students the opportunity to connect with each other

from two different cities. Carrie Enstat, director of the The Blake School choral department, came with students from The Blake School to perform during the assembly. “I looked forward to them coming, they are really good singers,” senior Jodie Rellihan said. “I enjoyed their performance this year. I liked the a Capella groups.” Students from Sion also visited The Blake School and Minneapolis two years ago. The girls not only perform for the Blake School but they also get to explore Minneapolis. “It was a lot of fun; they let us wander around downtown and we got to walk through the sky ways they have around the city,” senior Christina Flucke said. One of the best parts of The Blake School coming is the prospect of interacting with boys, according to some. “The girls love the guys,” Adams said. Not only did the girls get to perform at The Blake School, but they also ate lunch with them before they performed in front of the whole school. “There were a lot of cute boys; they were really receptive and they cheered a lot after we performed,” Flucke said.

Brookside Soccer Brookside Soccer grows in size as more high school students take interest in recreational soccer. BY GEORGIA THOMPSON Reporter We all remember it. Running around on a seemingly giant grassy field with boys and girls from our kindergarten class. Back then, most of us tiny players didn’t know which direction our team was playing and spent most of the game picking at the weeds. Today, though the players are older and much more skilled athletes, this idea of friendly competition and fun through the sport of soccer lives on. The phenomenon of joining a Brookside soccer team has taken over Sion in the last few years, with involvement from girls of all grades. Participating in Brookside soccer, senior Maggie Gorman said, is perfect for those wanting to be involved in a sport that they no longer play competitively. “I wanted to join a team because I used to play soccer and stopped about a year ago,” Gorman said. “I really wanted

to start playing again and this seemed like a good opportunity. Our team is definitely just for fun and everyone just has a good time.” Founded in 1977, the Brookside Soccer Club has blossomed from its original group of just 25 players to its current 2,000. It is this non-for-profit organization that strives to provide an environment of fairness, safety and fun for Kansas City youth, brooksidesoccer. org states. According to the organization’s website, the Brookside Soccer Club’s mission is to deliver quality youth soccer programs that build positive character through participation in a fun, familyoriented soccer environment. But it is the welcoming and fun spirit that a Brookside soccer team provides, sophomore Isabel Grojean said, that encouraged her to join with a group of her Sion classmates and Rockhurst friends. “It’s just for fun and we don’t care about winning or losing at all,” sophomore Elizabeth Herbert said. “I like playing because it’s something to do during the day and on weekends when there is nothing to do. Plus, I get to be with my friends, and what is better than that?”

news -7-

Soccer Sisterhood

The weekend’s laughter is silenced as the girls begin to warm up. Composing a game face, the Sion soccer team prepares to take on it’s opponent, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School. But unlike other opponents, the girls on the other side of the field have become close friends in a matter of days. Every other year, a handful of Sion soccer girls host two DSHA players for a weekend. DSHA is an all girls Catholic high school in Milwaukee, Wis. The following year, Sion travels to Milwaukee to stay with DSHA girls. The tradition started in 2006 which was the current Sion coaches’ second year at sion. Head coach Matt Darby first suggested the idea because he had a similar experience in high school. “He did an exchange with Marquette University High School while he was playing at Rockhurst High School,” Assistant coach Carolyn Darby said. “He has always talked so highly about that experience.” Carolyn went to DSHA so they came up with the idea to do an exchange with Sion and DSHA. Carolyn said it went perfectly the first year, and they’ve been doing it every year since. One tradition is the visiting team always attends class with the host team. So each DSHA player “shadowed” a day at Sion with one of the Sion players. On Friday, the two went head to head for an annual

meet the managers



game, and this time DSHA was victorious over Sion. Barnthouse said. “When we see them after a year it still Playing a new best friend in a competitive match may seems like we’ve been friends forever.” seem awkward, but senior Jane Crook says said it’s just Last season, Barnthouse and Freshman Anna the opposite. Romano stayed with the same DSHA player. Barnthouse “You may think recalled how much fun it would be weird it was and how she still that you suddenly carries many memories have to put on a game from the trip. face but it’s really “I remember we not,” Crook said. “If went to this restaurant there’s any tension called Spin where after the game it’s so there were ping pong easy to forget about tables everywhere,” it because we have a Barnthouse said. “We huge party after.” had dinner and played After the game, with each other all one of the hosting night. It was so much players has both fun.” teams and their This year, families over for the Milwaukee girls dinner. This year, Hosts from the Sion soccer team take their guests from DSHA in visited during junior Sophomore Sara Milwaukee for an outing on the Plaza. (Photo submitted by Betsy and senior prom, but King’s house was the Barnthouse) Crook said they didn’t hotspot. Finally, they let that stop the fun. attended mass together on Sunday morning and then The lowerclassmen girls took them to a Royal’s game headed to the plaza for a day of fun before the girls and Saturday night, followed by a team get together. families from DSHA flew back to Milwaukee. “This weekend is a wonderful way for the girls Junior player Betsy Barnthouse hosted two girls to make friendships through the sport of soccer,” this season. Barnthouse said even though the visit Carolyn said. “We always want the girls in the Sion was so short, they truly connected with the girls and soccer program to have great experiences and create created great friendships. lifelong memories; this event is always one of their “The DSHA girls and Sion girls become so close,” most cherished experiences.”


Soccer team takes part in a longstanding tradition with a Milwaukee allgirls school.

Elizabeth Prusa

Hannah snyder

What is your favorite part?

I love chilling with the girls and meeting girls from other grades. Sitting on the bench during the game is a lot of fun. Bus rides are fun because normally I’m sitting on some bags or am by some random freshmen making a fool out of myself.

Getting to know and meet all these different girls and enjoying the weather, finally! I also enjoy getting to go to the meets and cheer everybody on.

What do you do for the team?

During the game I keep stats on who makes shots, shots on goals, who starts the game, corner kicks, and goals that are made. I am now the “voice of the Storm” so I announce the teams.

I time events and record distance and help at practices and meets. I also just support the girls by cheering them on.

At the first game it was at Aquinas, I was going out to my car to get some sunglasses (it was a tad sunny) and was going down this hill thing and ended up tripping in mud. My whole skirt back, covered in mud, and my shorts under my skirt were also covered in mud. I walked back laughing and asked for some pants to wear.

My friend Natalie Ismert, who is also a manager, and I bought an inflatable chili pepper as our team mascot. I think the coaches were very confused at first but it has finally caught on.

What is your favorite funny story?

-8- sports


Gatsby Gala 2013

Dress to Impress Prom dress styles seen at the Gatsby Gala on April 13 at the Sheraton Hotel

1. Long and Strapless “I really wanted to stick with the tradition of having a long dress for prom. The unique pattern on my dress was the deciding factor.” -Allie Lampo, senior 2. Long and Straight “I actually had that dress from a pageant I was in and loved the way it was straight down and not poofy.” -Ellie Fritts, senior



4. Short and Sparkly “I chose my dress because I really liked the comfort of having sleeves. I was able to dance without worrying about my dress.” - Lucy Curfman, senior

5. 3.


You are Cordially Invited... Hope Kimzey, Senior

“I went to my boyfriend’s house in the middle of the night and lit 100 tea candles to light up a walk way in the dark from his house to his back yard and spelled out ‘Prom?’ with more candles.”

3. Long and Flowing “I wanted to find a long dress that would fit my body type and was blue. My dress was exactly what I wanted.” -Elizabeth Prusa, senior

5. Staying with the Theme “I love The Great Gatsby as well as the 1920’s as an era, and I wanted to do something unique for prom.” -Sydney O’Dear, junior

Students find creative ways to invite their dates to Prom.

Natalie Wood, Senior

Mary Grace Adkins, Senior

“I asked my boyfriend by setting up an Easter egg hunt in his house. He came home to instructions, and eventually he found the eggs that spelt out prom.”

“Over spring break I decided to get a henna tattoo on my back that said ‘Prom?’ and ask my boyfriend to put some sunscreen on for me until he noticed.”

arts & entertainment -9-

A Hidden Child Finds Love Roland Levi shares his story of living as a hidden child of the Holocaust protected by the Sisters of Sion. He emphasizes the importance of proclaiming love even when hate seems inescapable. BY SHANNON LAIRD Features Editor He wakes up to a bright, warm spring morning. It’s a typical school morning. He puts on his pants with a shirt and tie, and a sweater over the top. Everything is sized for a small five-year-old boy who suspects nothing of the dangers awaiting him outside. He steps onto the streets of Antwerp, Belgium, holding his big sister’s hand as they walk together to Notre Dame de Sion school. He knows his parents have become more nervous lately but he doesn’t understand why. Today seems like just another morning. He arrives at the place where everyone knows him as Bobby. The only difference about today? Today he will be arrested by the Nazi soldiers. This story, although unique to one specific individual, had become an all too common occurrence for the Jewish people during World War II and the Holocaust. They awoke to days that appeared normal from the outset but quickly delved into chaos, and their worlds were turned upside down. This is the story belonging to Holocaust survivor Roland Levi. “I remember two Nazi soldiers at the door of my classroom coming to arrest me as my teacher said, ‘let’s have a prayer for Bobby Leri,’” Levi said. “I remember

by the numbers 1.1 million

children died during the Holocaust

number of hidden children of the holocaust



Number of Concentration Camps during the Holocaust

-Information from randomhistory.com

-10- features

my sister Nadia being arrested the same day and yelling in the streets, ‘I am not Jewish. I am not Jewish.’ I remember my mother crying. And I remember my father in chains.” According to Levi, this is the moment his family was separated. His father was sent to a concentration camp called Breendonk as a political prisoner. His

“I remember my sister Nadia being arrested...and yelling in the streets, ‘I am not Jewish. I am not Jewish.’ I remember my mother crying. And I remember my father in chains.” -Roland Levi

something. Your dad was a real hero.’” Although living through the Holocaust was a nightmare come true for his sister Nadia, according to Levi, the worst part for him came after the war as he grew older and understood what had been done to his people. “The scary part for me was after the war,” Levi said. “To be a Jew in Europe during the late 40s and early 50s was very hard. Everyone hated my religion. But the worst part was the fear that the Neo-Nazis would return.” After the Holocaust Memorial Ceremony, where Levi told his story to the entire high school community, students and faculty alike were moved by Levi’s message and his kindness toward every single individual. “I was moved by how he feels like his story can touch the present generation. He emphasizes leaving H-A-T-E out of our vocabulary, but that can also be brought to the need to be kind to everyone, accept others for their differences,” theology teacher Stephanie Pino-Dressman said. “The other part of his story that stood out to me was that it is known that the Sisters of Sion would care for someone who is not Christian, that his parents would know that Sion is a sanctuary even in the midst of the Holocaust.” Despite all the pain Levi has encountered, he now lives in St. Louis, retired from his restaurant business. He is married to the woman he claims to have a “big love story” with and has added five children and six grandchildren to his family. He is a frequent speaker at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in St. Louis, Mo. and proclaims a message for the world to hear. “I have to tell you something that is very important to me. A promise you can give yourself. Don’t use the word ‘hate.’ Erase it from your vocabulary. H-A-T-E. Forget the word hate,” Levi said. “Love and be a good person. That is what I hope to accomplish with the elimination of that word.”

mother, his sister and he were sent to Bergen-Belsen, which was an assembly place for Jews before they were sent by train to Auschwitz. And it was at BergenBelsen that he and his sister were sent to an orphanage controlled by the Nazis for children 16 and under until they were old enough to be taken to the concentration camps. “For a five year old alone, the Holocaust could be very scary,” Levi said. “I lost my parents, I lost my home and I lived in an orphanage. But I was lucky I had my sister with me. I was very lucky.” Before the war, and before their arrest, Levi’s father owned a printing company. He printed false ID’s and passports for his family, changing Levi’s name from Roland Levi to Bobby Leri. “My father was born in Bulgaria. Once he had married my mother and my sister had been born, they moved to Belgium. It was 1933,” Levi said. “My father already believed the Nazis were going to invade the majority of Europe and began making the false IDs and passports so we would be ready when we needed to be. And he enrolled Nadia and I in Notre Dame de Sion so we would appear to be Christian children.” Levi’s parents died shortly after the war in the late 40s, and he was sent to an orphanage in Brussels to finish his education. Levi remembers flashes of moments involving his father to this day. “I remember the doors of the [Nazi] orphanage opening and my father standing there waiting for me,” Levi said. “And I remember when I was 15, getting my passport and the man Roland Levi held his audience captivated as the silent gym heard him tell his story of there said, ‘I will tell you being protected from the Nazis by the Sisters of Sion in Belgium. (Photo by Shannon Laird)

saying goodbye emma andrew marshall bydopheide Registrar Andrew Marshall has been at Sion for four years. His official duties are PowerSchool database management, scheduling, report cards and transcripts, re-enrollment tracking and producing the annual student directory. He said he has enjoyed his time at Sion, but is leaving this year because it’s time to move on. “I feel like I have accomplished everything I wanted to this position and now its time for a new challenge,” Marshall said. Although he’s leaving Sion, he won’t be going far. Marshall plans to stay in the Kansas City area. “I will work in the non-profit community and likely move to a university setting,” Marshall said. Marshall said his four years at Sion, and the people he met here, have had a definite impact on him. “I have made a lot of friends in this welcoming community,” Marshall said. One of these friends is counselor Erika Ellwanger, who works closely with Marshall regarding school schedule, school records, grades and transcripts. Ellwanger said both she and the school will miss Marshall’s hard work and hilarious personality. “He will be hard to replace,” Ellwanger said. “I’m not sure where we would have been without his guidance and knowledge with PowerSchool.” Ellwanger said she and the other counselors have enjoyed their time working with Marshall. She said they would definitely miss him next year. emma Maryvonne marshall bydopheide She has been a teacher at Sion since before all current students were born. But she has chosen to retire this year. After 31 years, French teacher Maryvonne Marshall has decided that this year will be her last. Marshall first came to Sion through a connection with someone who was already a teacher. She said when she interviewed she immediately connected with the head of the language department. “I came to the interview, met Sister Lucienne, and it was love at first sight,” Marshall said. Although Marshall said she has loved her time at Sion, this year was the right time to retire. She is excited to spend more time with her husband, who is also retired. “I’m very happy for her, but sad for me, Sion and the students,” French teacher Pam Dykes said. Marshall says that she doesn’t have any definite plans after retiring. She and her husband plan on being flexible and seeing what will happen. “We plan to spend more time together, travel a bit, be available to our grandchildren and volunteer. We’ll see,” Marshall said. “We don’t want to be tied down.” Junior Lauren Hunt said she was upset about Marshall’s retirement, but appreciated everything she taught her. “I’m sad that Madame is leaving because I loved having her as a teacher,” Hunt said. “But I know how hard this decision was for her because of her many years at Sion. I think she made the right one. She will be truly missed.” Marshall immediately knew what she would miss most about Sion. “The girls,” she said. “The liveliness of the girls.”

Faculty members announce their retirement from the Sion community. by sarah maggie adler holland “Silencio clase,” Spanish teacher Maggie Adler

said with a smile as her sixth hour Spanish IV ACCP class settled down and took their seats. After a few minutes of conversation about their weekend or how their day was going, which Adler insisted be in spanish, the lesson began, but the energy never left the atmosphere. The girls continued to laugh and smile, and the feeling of “family,” as senior Michaela Bukaty describes the class, was truly felt. After 17 years, Adler is taking an earlier retirement from her Spanish teaching position in order to spend more time with family. “I have two daughters,” Adler said. “One lives in San Jose and the other lives in Nashville. I have hardly been able to visit them so this gives me the opportunity to go travel and see them and have more family time.” Adler, who teaches Spanish II Honors, Spanish II and Spanish IV ACCP, affected many students. Bukaty said she could not hold back her tears when Adler made her announcement. “I’m sad she’s leaving because she is so involved in the community and it will be weird not having her here when I come back to visit,” senior Meghan Gordon said. Similarly, senior Jessie Corbin said she is heartbroken because Adler taught her for two years, and she is a major contribution to the school as a whole. “It’s definitely a sentimental thing to be leaving with the Class of 2013 because I have taught many of these girls for three out of their four years,” Adler said. “I’ll miss the contact with my students and almost two decade’s worth of friendships on the faculty.” by ashley herring Megan McDermott joined the Sion faculty in 2004 as senior theology teacher, senior service project coordinator, and senior class sponsor. After nine years of teaching in the theology department, McDermott will be taking a sabbatical as a time of rest and restoration, and she will be going back to school. She also said she wants to be able to spend more time with her family. McDermott was accepted into the Masters in Social Work program at the University of Kansas. She said she is excited to be a Jayhawk with some of the seniors this fall. The senior service project has been built into something special because of McDermott. She said she loves walking with the seniors through their senior year, and she develops a close relationship with them. “McDermott’s experiences of being in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps allowed her to live in solidarity with the marginalized,” theology teacher Bonnie Haghirian said. “She brings a lot of knowledge as well as insight to my understanding of social justice.” McDermott said she will miss sharing an office with theology teacher Jessica Hull and will miss being surrounded by such a well-grounded faculty. She loves how intellectually engaged each teacher is with the subject he or she teaches. Her two daughters will keep her involved in the Sion community. In a few years, she will even have her own daughters at the high school. After leaving a school full of girls, McDermott said, “I am hopeful and positive for the future world. I see smart, socially engaged, aware young women who are going out into the world and doing amazing things which keeps me hopeful about the world.”

megan mcdermott

Joan Knotts bylallymeghan After a septenary of years teaching math at Sion, Joan Knotts is retiring. Her husband is too, and the two of them plan to travel the globe together with their newfound time. “We are going on a cruise in June from Montreal to Boston, and are riding in the Montreal Bike Fest ‘Night Tour’ the evening before our cruise, and are looking forward to that,” Knotts said. “It is a huge event.” Knotts also plans on celebrating her wedding anniversary overseas. “To honor our 40th wedding anniversary which is May 19, we are also going on a cruise in October,” Knotts said. “It starts in Athens, goes to Israel and ends Istanbul.” Along with exploring the world, Knotts and her husband also plan on spending time with family and volunteering with their church, which includes taking a mission trip to South Africa. Before Knotts begins her adventures, she will end her teaching career at Sion this spring. Knotts said she is most proud of the AP Calculus test scores. “The AP test scores have had an average of 4,” Knotts said. “Last year there were more fives than fours.” Knotts is also proud of something she and the Class of 2014 accomplished together. “Another thing that I enjoyed at Sion was having the opportunity to go in with the sophomores on the well project,” Knotts said. “I was happy we had the opportunity to do that.” Knotts also enjoyed the all girls atmosphere about Sion, and will miss the fun and scholarly students. “I will miss the social interaction with students, teachers, and staff most,” Knotts said.

gary adams bylallymeghan

Ten years of a Sionian musical career is coming to a close. Gary Adams is retiring after coming to Sion in 2003. Adams taught at Sion for one year in 1991, but did not feel ready to begin the journey as a music director. When Adams returned full-time in 2003, the music program began to change. However, Adams claims it was a group of people that made a difference in the musical program, not just him. “It’s always a village, not just I,” said Adams. “The school has been nothing but positive in supporting the arts in general.” He said he loves and will also miss the openness to all faiths, the faculty and the students. “I will miss making music with the students,” Adams said. “I will miss their zaniness, light heartedness, goodness, compassion and depth - that’s what I’ll miss.” With his retirement, Adams hopes to compose, collaborate with a lyricist in California and write for orchestra. He also has many other plans. “I am learning alternative farming methods because I live on a farm and have never really been able to do anything with it. I am a freelance musician, and all the great composers spoke German, so I want to learn German. Also, my wife and I have four kids,” Adams said. “All of this takes time.” Senior Jodie Rellihan said she will miss his ability to find beauty in people, places and pieces of music where others may find none, and how he is always able to brighten someone’s day. “I will especially miss how beautifully he plays. His passion for music is one I have never seen matched,” Rellihan said. “When he is playing the piano, you can see his passion for music simply radiate. He has impacted my life more than he will ever know.”

features -11-

class of


sion sports

They may have spent their first days at Sion wearing silly hats called beanies, but on the last day they will be crowned with a laurel wreath of knowledge. Those years in between nurtured new friendships, successes and passions. The 96 seniors of the Class of 2013 share some memories and a laugh as they celebrate their Sion high school career.

blood drive

united we stand

Fine Arts Day

kim emma fryer

mary grace adkins

Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Mrs. Knotts’ room. We have a special bond. Funniest pink slip? For being a “brat” after E. Eveld hit me with a hammer. When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? I try not to relive freshman year.

university of missouri

kim fryer callan bell

Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Wilcox, because of reasons. Funniest pink slip? I had a shadow and I gave her one of those punch balloons. Let’s just say Wall wasn’t having it. Sion in one word? Home

saint louis university Funniest pink slip? Sophomore year I got a pink slip from Mrs. Barwinski because we threw a clump of brownies at freshman during lunch. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Mrs. Koehler’s office because of the candy and a place to sit.

-12- senior section

university of kansas

creighton university

University of Kansas

Funniest pink slip? For not “talking quietly as a mouse.” My bad, Mrs. Norberg. What will you miss most about your senior class? Our natural ability to absolutely demolish every other grade in everything and anything during our four years at Sion. Sion in one word? Extraordinary

seniors rock the house

kim fryer

bethany barber st. olaf college

kim fryer kate bello

Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Section 821-910.916 in the library. (Preferably with friends for discussion.) Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Mrs. Murphy. Her quirky European history stories make my day, and we can discuss German Expressionistic films from the 1920s.

RockHurst University

kim fryer

megan benson

Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Senora Adler, she’s an amazing listener and gives great advice. What will you miss most about your senior class? I love how I can talk to girls from every friend group, and this year has been the best because of the girls in our class.

Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Mrs. Stewart because she never runs out of anatomy stories. What will you miss most about Sion? Being able to roll out of bed 30 minutes before school starts. Funniest pink slip? I’ve never gotten a pink slip...

kim fryer

delaney bates texas christian university

kim fryer laura belpedio

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? President, I rocked that. Funniest pink slip? Cutting the rug in Mrs. Dreas’ room. What will you miss most about Sion? The spirit of the school.

saint louis university

kim fryer

megan bohannon

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Um. Well. I choked on a Fruit by the Foot so I had to regurgitate it at the lunch table. Sion in one word? Empowering

kim fryer

michaela bukaty


the senior dance

pumpkin carving

sion olympics Themed sporting events

class competition

University of missouri

What will you miss most about your senior class? Our amazing spirit and drive. What will you miss most about Sion? I will miss my art class and all of the great conversations I have had with teachers. I will also miss the lunch lady, Mrs. Athlea.

kim emma fryer

emily chu

What teacher would you take with you to college and why? I would take Sra. Adler to college with me so she and I could check out all the muchachos guapos (at the Naval Academy of course). Sion in one word? It would have to be, family. Or classy. Classy family?

creighton university

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Probably when Grace Keane wore jean shorts under her skirt. Every. Single. Day. What will you miss most about your senior class? The fact that we all get weirdly possessed when any other grade tries to beat us at something. And Marina Dennis of course.

georgetown University

london college of fashion

What teacher would you take with you to college and why? I would take Mrs. Blasdel to college with me because she would know how to correctly approach all of my problems in life. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus.

loyola university maryland

kim fryer gigi conger

winter formal

kim fryer jessie corbin

kim fryer

sarina clark

kim fryer colyer alexandra

university of missouri

RockHurst University

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Maddie Roederer, Jodie Rellihan and I wore our Sion skirts to the freshman mixer because we thought it would be funny, then we got made fun of for it in the senior skits. Sion in one word? Sisterhood

Emporia state university

kim fryer

meg cowan

Sion in one word? Family. What will you miss most about Sion? The faculty. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Stein’s office. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Ready to Go” by Panic at the Disco.

What will you miss most about Sion? Definitely the uniform. Now I’ll actually have to think each morning about what I’m going to wear. What will you miss most about your senior class? My friends.

kim fryer

kaila cranwill

kim fryer mia cotter university of notre dame What teacher would you take with you to college and why? Mrs. Knotts so she can make me videos. What will you miss most about Sion? Rolling on the floor in senior hallway. Sion in one word? Fun

Sion in one word? Spontaneous When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? One memory I have is Winter Formal. It was the first dance I ever had a date, and he happened to be a foot shorter than me. (Awkward!)

kim fryer

bailey crawford

senior section


st. louis university

University of arkansas

Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? I would take Kram, he’d keep me on track and make sure I live radically like my fellow REPCs. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “On Top of the World” by Imagine Dragons.

kim fryer marina dennis

Washington University

Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Kram, I’ve had him three years in a row and I could use some Chopin while I study. What will you miss most about your senior class? All the amazing girls.

kimJane fryer crook

Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Mr. Adams, because who else will constantly remind me to play with dynamic contrast. Where’s your favorite place to go in Sion? The library. It’s so peaceful.

kimLucy fryer curfman

kansas state university

University of missouri

Sion in one word? I’m not going to ask. Where’s your favorite place to go in Sion? The Old Grande Salle, I sit on the stage and whistle and freak out everybody who walks through.

Funniest pink slip? I got a pink slip freshman year for being obnoxious... but I wasn’t even talking. Sion in one word? Family. Where’s your favorite place to go in Sion? The New Grande Salle.

University of Mississippi

kim fryer mallory elder

2013 College Acceptances

montanta st

north dakota st

lewis & Clark college portland state

univ. of wyoming

college of st. benedict st. olaf college univ. of minnesota

drake simpson college univ. of iowa coe college

marquette michigan st

univ. of utah colorado state Univ. of Denver Univ. of colorado regis

Univeristy of arizona

creighton Univ. of nebraska lincoln UNiv. of nesbraska omaha

villanova univ. of pittsburgh Univ. of pennsylvania allegheny college bryn mawr college carnegie mellon

univ. of okalhoma langston univ. of tulsa

SLU fontbonne avila KC art institute UMKC lindenwood mizzou maryville truman st missouri st drury northwest missouri st rockhurst stl college of pharm. washington univ.

University of arkansas ole miss

dartmouth boston college emmanuel college cornell harvard college univ. of ny - albany mount holyoke syracuse Fashion institute of technology suffolk

towson loyola

drew seton hall miami of ohio univ. of delaware oberlin college georgetown xavier george washington college of william & mary george mason james madison murray st randolph macon duke UNiv. of n. carolina at chapel hill sewanee elon vanderbilt costal carolina

Univ. of chicago Loyola Notre dame augustana st. mary’s depaul northwestern Depauw

ku k-state baker benedictine emporia st JCCC pitt state

university of texas TCU SMU university of texas-austin University of Dallas University of north texas trinity texas A&M baylor rice st. edward’s

-14- senior section

Funniest pink slip? Throwing food out of the classroom window at the freshman during their lunch with Megan Benson. Where’s your favorite place to go in Sion? Ellwanger’s office to skip out on class.



gonzaga western washington

FIDM, los Angeles univ. of southern california Univ. of san francisco Univ. of san diego Univ. of california santa cruz saint mary’s college of california

cigi danda


where to?

kim fryer carolina dugan

kim fryer

auburn univ. of alabama samford

savannah college of art & design univ. of georgia

university of tampa flagler college flordia state

International: Univeristy of the arts: london college of fashion


Murray State University What teacher would you take with you to college and why? Mr. Adams- to keep me positive, motivated and looking at the good things in life. What will you miss most about Sion? My friends that I have made here.

What teacher would you take with you to college and why? Kram because I love all the funny things he says. Sion in one word? Inviting When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Norberg’s biology.

kim fryer emory Alexandra

Kay Walkup



Creighton University


t is difficult for junior Madi Lamb to imagine scrambling from class to class, through the crowded hallways, and not seeing the face of Kay Walkup, who is always ready to meet you with a smile. Though the daily presence of this administrator will soon be something of the past, her influence on the Sion community has been profound, Principal Michelle Olson said. Through her 33 years at Sion, Walkup has performed multiple roles. She began as a counselor, then the Academic Dean, Mission Director, and finally the role she plays today, the Associate Head of School for Curriculum and Mission Formation. But, Dean of Students Fran Koehler said, it’s Walkup’s heart and enthusiasm for her role at Sion that has allowed the school to maintain its unique identity. “The mission our school and the relationship with the Sisters of Sion has been nurtured and has blossomed because of Mrs. Walkup’s dedication, love and passion for the school,” Koehler said. “She has impacted the community in so many ways, but the tunnel vision in making sure that we keep the mission and the vision of the sisters alive has always been in the forefront of her mind.” Along with her work in maintaining Sion’s goals and values, Walkup has formed special relationships with her fellow administrators, both inside and outside of school.

kim fryer

Isabel Evans

faculty spotlight

“She was actually one of the first people to visit me in the hospital when Ann Marie was born. Our daughters grew up together,” Olson said. “We are great friends. She is like the big sister I never had.” Due to the absence of Walkup next year, a multitude of changes will occur, including the dividing up of her jobs. These roles will be taken over by current teachers and new additions to the Sion administration. Walkup feels confident that she is leaving her positions in good hands. “Each person who follows me will bring their own special gifts and talents to the job,” Walkup said. “Change and growth are a wonderful part of life and in the words of the Pope who blessed Sion to come into being as a religious order in the 19th century, ‘Sion will go on forever.’” Through marrying in the Sion Chapel, having her daughters grow up in the community and graduate from the high school, and working in the faculty for over three decades, Walkup has lived her life through Sion. She says that it is difficult to clearly envision her life without being involved in the activities of the school. Walkup looks forward to what lies ahead after her life at Sion, including enjoying the outdoors, hobbies and volunteer opportunities, but she will continue to remain present in our community. “I will continue to be the designated representative of the Sisters of Sion to the school’s Board of Trustees and to be involved with a number of projects with the Sisters of Sion,” Walkup said. “And don’t be too surprised to see me on the bleachers at sporting events next year, in the audience at the plays, and still involved as a number one fan of Sion.”

-Kay Walkup

college stats for the class of 2013

96 senior class

317 number of college acceptances

45 number of colleges attending fall 2013

50/50 Public Universities vs private

kimEmma fryerEveld

University of Notre Dame

“Change and growth are a wonderful part of life and in the words of the Pope who blessed Sion to come into being as a religious order in the 19th century, ‘Sion will go on forever.”

By the numbers

Sion in one word? Unity Funniest pink slip? No pink slips. I’m obviously an angel. What will you miss most about your senior class? I will miss how strangely competitve and protective of each other we are...I love it.

kim fryer maura eveld

What teacher would you take with you to college? It’s a tie: Mrs. Long or Mrs. Middleton or Sra. Schendel. Or Mrs. Knotts or Kram. Eek or Blasdel or Wilcox... Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? New Grande Salle by the benches under the big window.

university of missouri

What teacher would you take with you to college and why? I would take Senora Gomez, she is my biggest support system here, and we’re good friends. I tell her everything. What will you miss most about Sion? I’m going to miss my senior class.

chloe fernandez Benedictine College

kim fryer christina flucke

Sion in one word? Genuine Funniest pink slip? Freshman year I remember the one time I forgot my beanie in a classroom. A senior from my peer ministry group caught me and forced me to sing in front of like three of her friends.

Pittsburg State University

43 percent attending out of state

Funniest pink slip? Out of all the pink slips I have received, my funniest one was sophomore year when I got one from throwing food out the window at freshmen. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The hallway...DUH! I guess I just like to wander.

kimellie fryerfritts

senior section -15-

colorado state university

St. Mary’s College of CAlifornia Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? I would take Mrs. Long so she can help me photoshop my pictures before I put them on Facebook. Sion in one word? United

kimlucy fryergasal

University of Missouri

kim fryer Meghan Gordon

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Almost wiping out during the beanie assembly. What will you miss most about your senior class? Our unrivaled spirit and our undying passion for Sion, its students, and one another.

Creighton University What will you miss most about your senior class? I will miss walking down the senior hall everymorning and seeing 96 girls who have become my sisters. Which teacher would you take to college with you? I would take Sra. Adler with me because she’s absolutely hilarious and such a wonderful teacher.

emma kim fryer

maggie gorman university of MIssouri

kim fryer addy harris

Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Adler because she’s adorable and fun. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? NGS because I love how it’s strictly a senior area.

University of Nebraska

What will you miss most about your senior class? What I will miss most about this class is my K-40 group and all the friends I’ve made over the past 4 years.

kimsydney fryer harris

-16- senior section

Which teacher would you take to college with you? Ms. Amy because she could teach me how to be more green in college so I could fit in better in Colorado. What will you miss most about your senior class? I will miss all of the girls and how we can put our minds together and make something amazing.

miami university

kim fryer gates caroline

Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The tech room for newspaper work night. I have never laughed so hard until going to these. When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Two words: Vera Bradley.

kim fryer Gianino Elizabeth

michelle olson BY MAURA EVELD Co-editor-in-chief


he first time she e n c o u nt e r e d Sion, we were her rivals. She coached basketball at Bishop Hogan High School against Sion coach Dennis Conaghan in the 1980s. Now she has announced that her 20th year as principal will be her last. Michelle Olson, hired by former head of school Alice Munninghoff in 1993, will finish her career at Sion with the graduation of her daughter Ann Marie. “I can remember the first time I saw her in the faculty lunchroom when she was touring,” Kay Walkup, Associate Head of School for Curriculum and Mission Formation, said. “She had on a navy blue suit and an Oxford shirt, and high heels if you can imagine.” Olson had worked in several school settings before coming to Sion. She taught and coached at Bishop Hogan High School, worked in the admissions department for the University of Des Moines and taught science and coached boys’ golf at St. Pius X High School. Then the superintendent of the diocese, who had been her principal at Hogan, gave Munninghoff her name when the position opened up at Sion. She was hired in April of 1993. “The school was a lot different then,” Olson said. Under 200 students. A total of 17 full- and parttime teachers. No air conditioning, computer lab or regulation gym. A one-person cross country team and no dance team program. That’s the Sion Olson first worked with. “She came in to the school at a time when our enrollment was really struggling because we had just been through the transition to lay ownership of the school,” Walkup said. “The sisters announced that they were leaving in ‘89, and as people stood and watched what was going to happen to Sion under lay leadership, they were just afraid to put their daughters in.” Walkup said she believes Olson will be most remembered for building the enrollment of the school. When the school transitioned to lay leadership, many families were hesitant to enroll their daughters because they weren’t sure if Sion would make it, she said. “In my first 11 years, she was my sixth principal. Six principals in 11 years is a lot of change, and she then brought stability to that position and to the school in a sense,” Walkup said. “You can only endure so many changes in leadership and maintain your identity as a school.” Olson said the goal was to eventually graduate

faculty spotlight

100 students per class. “Then we began to grow and we didn’t have room anywhere. We were packed in here,” Olson said. “So we rented classroom space across the street. First four rooms, then eight rooms, and then 12.” Since then, the school population has more than doubled. And the facility has gained 10 classrooms, the commons, a new gym, the New Grande Salle and the chapel. So after 20 years of growth, why leave now? “I’ve been here 20 years and I need a change,” Olson said. “I’ve been discerning that for a couple years now, thinking about it. And you know Ann Marie’s graduating, so I of course wanted to be here with her and be able to be a part of that.” Olson said the principalship wasn’t always easy at times, but she enjoyed the challenge. She said she was blessed to have Munninghoff and Walkup as strong female professional role models. “Being a principal at an all girls school for 20 years is quite an accomplishment. It’s a very hard job, but there’s lots of rewards to it,” Dean of Students Fran Koehler said. “She’s the contractor that builds the house, and she oversees that everybody’s doing their job. But if somebody doesn’t, then it still falls back on her.” Koehler said Olson may be known to have a tough outer shell, but those who really know her realize that she’s a marshmallow inside. “I will say that she also always, always supported her staff. And I think that’s a principal’s role even if the staff person needs to be worked with later,” Walkup said. “They always I think have felt her support. And I think that’s really important.” Olson said she will greatly miss the faculty, whom she said is like family. She said she will also miss all the girls and the spontaneity they exude. The everyday of Sion atmosphere has been crazy, bumpy, funny and fun, she said. “It’s like the girls’ second home, and that’s what I always wanted it to be for everyone. And it was. And it has been, before I was here,” Olson said. “You’re comfortable here and that’s important. And I feel very protective of everyone, most certainly.” Next year the official titles of the administration positions are changing, and the high school principal will now be called the Upper Division Head. Next year the Upper Division Head will be Natalie Helm, former principal at St. John LaLande Catholic Parish. “I’m confident Ms. Helm will do a wonderful job,” Olson said. “But it’s been a good 20 years. I’m fortunate and very blessed. Very blessed.”

University of Missouri

Kansas State University What will you miss most about Sion? I wil miss the caring faculty and staff. The girls and the faculty really welcomed me with open arms. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “We’re all in this together” from High School Musical

Allie Hennes

Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Maintenance man Chris. I’m obsessed with that man. He bows to me. What will you miss most about Sion? The casual atmosphere and family-esque qualities.

university of Kansas

Sarah Holland

Funniest pink slip? Not just talking, talking LOUDLY. Sra. Gomez loves me. Sion in one word? Sisterhood. What will you miss most about Sion? The tightknit community amongst the faculty and girls.

Lucy Hodel

Mary Humphrey

Funniest pink slip? Mama K wanted to give me a pink slip for a black t-shirt under my school shirt, but when I showed her it was my senior shirt, she let it go. What will you miss most about your senior class? How much we rock at food for thought.

-Photo submitted by Sarina Clark

Mary Kate Kelly

What song sums up your experience at Sion? The School Song. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The New Grande Salle. What will you miss most about your senior class? Our freedom compared to the other grades and how fun and rebellious we are.

University of Missouri When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? I remember Ms. Roederer screaming “Party In The USA” down the halls. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? My favorite place is the NGS bathrooms because they are so roomie!

Danielle Hogerty Harvard University

Grace Keane

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Mrs. Norberg’s weebeasties. Funniest pink slip? Kram told me I had to either throw out my McDonald’s Diet Coke or get a pink slip. I love my Diet Coke. So I chose the pink slip.

Sarina Clark

university of Kansas

Hope Kimzey

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Grape launchin in the lunchroom with Hannah Tutera. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? That random make-shift testing room by the counselers’ offices.

University of Notre Dame

University of Missouri Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? I would take Kram with me to college to remind me that two-thirds of the world eeks out a meager existence of poverty. What will you miss most about your senior class? Our spirit.

University of Missouri

Laura Klover

Senior’s successful modeling career is possibly a thing of the past.



he final bell of the day rings and students race to their cars in a rush to get to the usual after-school activities. Sports practice, babysitting, math tutor and a heavy load of homework are among the common list of hobbies and activities. But senior Sarina Clark is different. While most students are on a sports field wiping sweat from their faces, Clark is having her hair and makeup done in preparation for a photo shoot. Sarina Clark found her calling when her mom brought her into a modeling agency at the ripe age of 10. “[My mom] was told by some of her friends that I should try it,” Clark said. Given Clark’s tall and lanky build as a child, her mom agreed with friends’ encouragement to try out modeling.

The suggestion proved to be perfect for Clark, because her modeling career immediately picked up. She was hooked. While most 11 year olds are struggling through awkward phases and practicing their multiplication tables, Clark was traveling to Orlando, Fla. for a modeling competition where she was able to meet models and actors from across the globe. “It was really awesome getting to meet all of these people at such a young age,” Clark said. But her success as a model did not end in middle school. Her talent and drive helped her to continue her career as a model and continues to present her with new and amazing opportunities today. Last year, while modeling in the Fashion for a Cause fashion show, a benefit for Women’s Health Services, Clark was introduced to celebrities Giuliana and Bill Rancic. Giuliana was the host of Fashion for a Cause, whose proceeds went to Truman Medical Center. “Giuliana was a really nice person to talk to and I enjoyed meeting her backstage before the show,” Clark said. Aside from meeting celebrities and traveling the country, Clark has also experienced the thrill of crazy photoshoots. In the midst of Kansas City’s large snowstorm over the winter, Clark took part in a photo shoot where her face was covered in blue paint and her hair was teased while confetti, snow and paint blew all around her. The numerous interesting photo shoots and opportunities that have been presented to Clark as a reward for her hard work may be coming to an end, however, as college approaches. Though Clark admits she is unsure whether she will continue to model next year, her work did play a factor in deciding her college. “I want to focus on my schoolwork, so we’ll see where my future goes,” Clark said.

senior section -17-

Which teacher would you take to college with you? Mid because he would probably motivate me to run. When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? When I spilled my Chinese food across the cafeteria. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Waka Waka” by Shakira.

kim fryer Hannah krumm

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Freshman year getting the maximum number of pink slips for being out of uniform. Funniest pink slip? Profanity from Bob Lampen

Brittany Koppers

anna koutelas

university of Kansas

University of Missouri

What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” by Miley Cyrus. Sion in one word? Vive. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Ellwanger’s Office.

Randolph Macon College Which teacher would you take to college with you? Mrs. Murphy because she’s a lawyer and that might be useful. Funniest pink slip? I got a pink slip for wearing a cat ear headband on Halloween.

University of North Texas

University of SAN FRANCISCO

University of Kansas

Shannon Laird

Which teacher would you take to college with you? Sra. Adler, so she can help me pick out “los chicos guapos.” What will you miss most about Sion? My uniform. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Jack and Diane” by John Mellencamp.

kim emma fryerlatham Olivia

kim fryer

jade latson

marina Dennis Senior Marina Dennis says her time at Sion has helped her become who she is today. BY EMMA EVELD


Managing Editor

he girl who seems to know about anything and everything. The girl who loves musicals, plays and educational television. The girl who can rattle off weird facts like they’re times tables. She’s quirky and isn’t afraid to share her personality and talents with Sion and her class of 2013. Senior Marina Dennis said she has really come out of her shell here at Sion. According to Dennis, getting involved in the musicals and plays freshman year really helped her become the Marina she is today. Dennis’ passion for musicals and plays helped her decide to take on the student production of Jaberwock this year. Dennis said it had a great storyline and found it to be very funny and interesting. “Apparently what Marina can do is far more than the average 18 year old, as I saw on Friday when

-18- senior section

Alyssa Krol University of Missouri

Allie lampo

What will you miss most about your senior class? The diversity and ability to look to one another. What will you miss most about Sion? The atmosphere. What song sums up your experience at Sion? Home by Phillip Phillips.

Johnson County Community College

Seton hall university Sion in one word? Influential. When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? My Michael Jackson dances are pretty memorable. What’s the funniest pink slip you’ve ever received? For saying my track practice was hard...

Which teacher would you take to college with you? Mrs. Middleton because I love her attitude toward teaching and her movie recommendations. What will you miss most about Sion? The uniform. I’m going to miss that every weekday, for the rest of my life.

I chaperoned the production,” Librarian Jennifer Campbell said. “Everything went wonderfully and the play was well produced and hilarious!” Not only is Dennis involved in theater at Sion, but she is also on the Siren staff. As co-webmaster of the Siren, Dennis designs and puts together all of the pages on the website through a program called Illustrator. “She succeeds at everything she puts her mind to. Scholar bowl, directing, acting, ceramics, and more,” senior Kathryn Surmeier said. Campbell said she just does what she needs to do to get it done, even if she sacrifices a little of her sanity in the process. “If Marina has an idea she likes, look out, because she will find a way to make it happen,” Campbell said. Not to mention, she also has a wealth of knowledge she loves to share with everybody. So, where does Marina come up with all these strange stories and facts she’s so well known for sharing with everyone? “Educational television,” Dennis said. “I’m

Sion in one word? Unforgettable. What will you miss most about your senior class? Our random ideas. What will you miss most about Sion? Jade Latson’s witty remarks. Funniest pink slip? From Mrs. Blasdel for my nose piercing.

kim fryer

Alexandra lozano

-Photo by Emma Eveld

addicted.” Dennis watches shows like “Dark Matters: Twisted but True” and Morgan Freeman’s “Through the Wormhole.” Dennis says she will most likely end up at Kansas State next year for college. “I definitely want to design things for a living. I’m still going to write and do a whole magnitude of other things in my spare time, though,” Dennis said. Dennis admits that Sion has really let her reach for her full potential, and not be afraid to be a little weird at times. “When I came to Sion I felt more comfortable in my own skin,” Dennis said. “I’ve also found that you can be completely crazy and no one blinks or judges you. I’m living proof.”

texas christian unvisersity Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Sra. Adler because she’ll help me scout out the chicos guapos. What will you miss most about Sion? The comfortable atmosphere, uniforms, people and teachers.

kim fryer lauren martin

university of kansas

Avila university

kim fryer

Hannah Malvey

What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Waka Waka” by Shakira Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The couches in the New Grande Salle. What will you miss most about your senior class? Our enthusiasm at school events. We are so competitive and spiritfilled.

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? When we were selected as the KCTV5 Cool School of the Week. Sion in one word? Family What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Me and My Gang”

kim fryer Nicole Mangiarcina

kim fryer sarah marquardt

kansas state university

Fontbonne university

University of Arkansas

Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Mr. Conaghan. I’m gonna miss that bonsai boy. Sion in one word? Home Funniest pink slip? I put my backpack on top of the lockers. I guess it’s supposed to go inside.

Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Mrs. Frederick, so she can edit my essays and we can drink tea together. What will you miss most about Sion? Literally everything, except for biology tests.

Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Mr. Conaghan’s office because he’s the coolest guy I know. And I hid my backpack from Lamp first hour every day in there. What will you miss most about Sion? The unlimited amount of food.

kim fryer annie mckenzie

By the numbers:

Allie Hennes

Class of 2013 heading to the big three university of kansas

8 kansas state university


-Photo by Maris Panjada

Senior transfer student Allie Hennes makes the most of her one year at Sion.

university of missouri


kim fryer maggie mcliney




hen you see senior Allie Hennes walking through the halls on any given school day, you are guaranteed to see a bright bubbly smile and a warm personality to match. This demeanor makes it hard to believe Hennes has only been at Sion for a year. Hennes’ family moved to Kansas City shortly after she wrapped up her junior year at Mercy High

in Omaha, Neb. Although she admits the thought of entering a new school as a senior was nerve wracking, she credits the welcoming environment of Sion for helping calm her nerves. Members of the senior class reached out to Hennes before the school year began through Facebook and helped her feel more comfortable, so by the first day of school she said she already had a group of girls to talk to. In addition to the welcoming environment, Hennes launched herself into numerous activities at Sion to help her get involved, such as the yearbook staff. Hennes said she knew taking part in as many activities as possible would make her short time at Sion worthwhile. “I wanted to work on yearbook at Sion because I had worked on it my sophomore and freshman year at my old school, and it seemed like a good way to get to know people,” Hennes said. Through the work with her various clubs, her help to the yearbook staff and leading a Kairos retreat, Hennes has gotten to know a large variety of people. Hennes was voted prom queen attendant, the second runner up for prom queen on April 13, 2013 at the Sheraton Hotel. This honor is voted on by her classmates who have only had the opportunity to know Hennes for this year, a testament to Hennes genuine personality. “Allie is such a genuine, kind person who is nice to everyone and has made the most out of having to transfer her senior year,” senior Lucy Curfman said. When asked to sum up her experience at Sion, Hennes smiles and recalls, “The smiles in the hallways, from teachers and students both of whom I know and don’t know, that is what makes Sion the great place that it is.”

senior section-19-


University of kansas




Lots of love to the fab five! Amazing season girls! @MalloryElder @Syd_Har33 @jodieMFrellihan@gracekeane33 #JessieCorbin

What will you miss most about Sion? Waking up and not caring what I look like. Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Mrs. Stewart because she could help me get good grades. What song sums up your experience at Sion? The school song.

Grace Keane @gracekeane33

We are the storm. Always and forever.

Sion Kairos Truths


Whenever I need help with something, I just hold my necklace in my fingertips, smile, and pray to God for his help.



Proud to be a member of the NDS Class of 2013! So much love goes out to every member of our class. Pledge your allegiance and #unitedwestand

kim fryer ariel o’bannon

Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Sra. Adler because she’s fun and she gives great advice! Funniest pink slip? Putting a piece of chicken in my friend’s bag. Sion in one word? Fun

@macklemarge never fails to put a smile on anyone’s face. Her sense of humor is off the wall and she is a great example of a leader.

My dad just called and told me C-Brod got arrested and to turn on the news. After bawling he said April fools. I’m alone and vulnerable.

Mary Kate Kelly


My school is better than your school #highschool #vivesion

-20- senior section

Andrea Nash university of missouri

Sion in one word? Energetic Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? My favorite place to go is the pleather lounge. What will you miss most about Sion? The familiarity of it all.

What will you miss most about your senior class? Our love of spontaneity i.e. sledding or flying kites as a group during lunch. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Ironically, the chapel. It’s quiet and isolated and I like to read in there.

kim fryer sara owens

kim fryer

Jillian nelson university of missouri

kim fryer Lauren o’bannon

What will you miss most about Sion? Seeing my friends every day. Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? I would definitely take Mrs. Teel to college with me. She’s the sweetest human being I have ever met.

University of Kansas

kim fryero’connor Brydie

What will you miss most about Sion? I will miss being with all of my friends I’ve made over the past four years. and I will also miss going to school with my mom. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Girl Just Wanna Have Fun” by Miley Cyrus

What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus What will you miss most about Sion? That awful smell in the basement that never seems to go away. Sion in one word? Family

kim fryer maris panjada

Loyola University Chicago

University of San Diego

Funniest pink slip? Kram issued me and Erin Welsh a fake pink slip upon our refusal to join class one day because he wasn’t wearing his maroon mock turtleneck. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “The Motto” by Drake.

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? I remember when half the population of the school was wiped out because of swine flu, myself included. What will you miss most about Sion? I will miss the girls I got the opportunity to know better.

kim fryer

kim fryer parker morgan Sarah Allen

kim Annfryer marie olson

university of MissouriKansas city




kim fryer

george washington university

Sion Kairos Truths

Hannah Tutera

Carnegie Mellon University

Sion in one word? Integrity Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The yearbook room - I can’t even imagine how many hours I’ve spent there over the past three years, summers and breaks.

jeharrah pearl Jeharrah

ap art

Art students aspire to create amazing art with the reward of high scores. “It’s really hard to get those upper AP art grades,” art teacher Linda Blasdel said. “But this year, I think we will be seeing some high scores.” AP art is a junior and senior class. Students submit breadth and concentration art pieces throughout the year and ultimately create an AP portfolio that is sent digitally to the college board in May. According to Blasdel there is a lot of outside of class work, but the students get to explore a wide range of techniques, media and style with their artwork. See all AP artwork on lejournallive. com.

callan bell

ally ungashick

anna koutelas


y favorite part of AP art is how small the class is and how we all grow from and get inspired by each other’s art. We learn more with every new piece.” -Callan Bell, senior.

emily chu


y favorite thing about AP art is the class size. I love that it is small enough to get a lot of advice from Mrs. Blasdel and I also feel extremely close to all of the girls.” -Emily Chu, senior.

christina santner

truman State University

kim fryer elizabeth prusa

What will you miss most about Sion? I will miss everything about Sion. I love the girls of Sion, and they are the best girls who run the world. I’ll miss my locker too. Sion in one word? A lifestyle, amazing, rememorable, too many words can be used, not just one in my book.

university of missouri Funniest pink slip? While on a nature walk freshman year, Lamp gave me a pink slip for singing opera. What will you miss most about Sion? Having my outfit for school already picked out for five days a week all year long.

missouri state university

kim fryer jodie rellihan

Which teacher would you take to college with you? Obviously Mr. Adams because then we could sing and dance and play piano and crack jokes and have long discussions about life and proper etiquette. What will you miss most about your senior class? Seeing these women everyday.

northwest missouri state

kim fryerroederer maddie

Sion in one word? Enlightening When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Scrambling for a seat next to the ocean pole in the Biology lab. What will you miss most about Sion? Our passion for success.

texas christian university

kim fryer stephanie reynolds

Which teacher would you take to college with you? Mrs. Wilcox so she could help me with my essays. What will you miss most about Sion? All my Sion sisters. What will you miss most about your senior class? Everyone

university of mississippi

kim fryer

lauren ruiz

What will you miss most about Sion? Food for Thought. Funniest pink slip? Definitely the pink slip from Mrs. Koehler for carrying my coat. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The faculty bathrooms by the front office.

kim fryer andrea santa maria

senior section -21-

class of 2013 through the years

frank and gina arrive sion is named cool school

freshman year

2nd place in fft american idol construction on the main building

drew university

kim fryer christina santner

Funniest pink slip? The time I tried to get away with wearing blue leggings and no socks. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Time of your life” by Greenday. Sion in one word? Dysfunctional. Just kidding probably vive.

Benedictine college Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Sra. Schendal. She is incredibly passionate about Spanish. And who wouldn’t want to hear about Roby and Mila? Sion in one word? Sisterhood.

kim fryer caroline thompson

University of Missouri

kim fryer audrey saracini Saint Louis Univeristy

kim emma fryerSurmeier Kathryn

Sion in one word? Family. What will you miss most about your senior class? The warmth and friendliness to every single person in the class. When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? The old freshman hallway.

kimhannah fryer tait

University of Notre dame

Which teacher would you take with you to college? Mary Murphy because we both know how to rock a yellow cable knit sweater. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The vending machines because some days you need to get yourself a D7 to get through the afternoon.

What song sums up your experience at Sion? “Home” by Phillip Phillips. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? Mobile Unit. The rotting bench outside trumps all. Which teacher would you take to college with you? Kram so that I don’t eat the gooseberries.

kim fryer kathryn thompson Loyola chicago university

What teacher would you take with you to college and why? C-Brod. I have always wanted to experience her in the night life. Sion in one word? #goldenpotato

What will you miss most about Sion? Rolling out of bed and being instantly ready for school. When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Getting booed when we performed our FFT skit because we started chanting “freshmen”....

Hannah Tutera

avila university

kim fryer Jenna Stanek

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Awkward and naive. What will you miss most about your senior class? All of my best friends that have become my sisters. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “You’re Gonna Miss This” by Trace Adkins.

langston university

THe university of Texas at Austin

Texas Christian University

-22- senior section

What will you miss most about Sion? The water main breaks and competitive spirit. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The pleather lounge because I like the word pleather. Sion in one word? Vive.

sophomore year

Which teacher would you take with you to college and why? Connie because I will need humor to keep my stress levels low. Sion in one word? Hungry. What will you miss most about Sion? After school dance parties in the cafeteria.

kimkayla fryertanner

Saint louis university

kim fryer Laura travis

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? My first civvies day I wore a Victoria’s Secret Pink hoodie, jean capris, and Adidas. I thought it was really cute. Sion in one word? Amazing.

University of Missouri

Ally Ungashick

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? Killing bees in Mrs. Dreas mobile. What will you miss most about Sion? Dance Team!!! Funniest pink slip? I got one for going to get a drink...

caitlin weishar

1st place in fft golden potato

1st place in fft united we stand theme

junior year

faculty meeting skit


Purple hair grace keane hits 1,000 points

university of missouri

kim fryer Erin Welsh

Which teacher would you take with you to college? And why? Hilge because she lights up my world like nobody else. Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? The kiln room because it’s warm and cozy. Sion in one word? Psychedelic.


kim fryer Claire Willman

kim emma fryer

Southern Methodist university Which teacher would you take to college with you and why? Kram because he has a lot of life experience. Where is you favorite place to go in Sion? Ellwangers Office. Sion in one word? Sorry 3 words....a good time.

When you think of freshman year, what memory comes to mind? I try not to think about freshman year, it was too awkward. Which teacher would you take to college with you? And why? Mrs. Wilcox so she can write all my papers.

chris flucke benedictine college overall batting average: .721

george washington university 4 time all state champ

grace keane

St. Louis college of pharmacy What will you miss most about Sion? The funny skits and having a uniform. What song sums up your experience at Sion? “The House that Built Me” by Miranda Lambert . Sion in one word? Comfortable.

Creighton university

college athletes Maddye Wilson

kim fryer Alexis Wolfe

kim fryer Tiara White

senior year

brydie o’connor

Where is your favorite place to go in Sion? OGS- it’s quiet and there’s a Steinway. What will you miss most about Sion? Faculty, water main breaks, and the school song. Sion in one word? Unpredictable

Undecided Sion in one word? Determined. What will you miss most about Sion? I will miss the close knit relationship I have with the faculty. What will you miss most about your senior class? The spirit we had as a senior class.


winning both sta basketball games

kimNatalie fryer wood

harvard university 13.96 points per game average senior section -23-

fine arts day


ach year, Sion students are encouraged to strut their talents during a day completely devoted to arts. Fine Arts Day has become an annual celebration in which art shows and musical and dance performances as well as art shows consume the day. Art work was portrayed all around the school including a sidewalk chalk competition in which this year’s theme was Wizard of Oz. The Siren and AP Art gave a presentation followed by a performance from the infamous Blake School. Following the performance was a schoolwide talent show that showcased poetry, singing, and acting. “When we perform, it’s a little crazy.” Junior Sam Ruiz said. “There’s a buzz of excitement and energy before we go on, and there’s absolutely nothing like the feeling of pulling off an awesome performance.” 1. Senior Emily Chu competes in the Wizard of Oz-themed side walk chalk competition. (Photo by Krstine Sullivan) 2. Maintenance staff member Chris Spiwak dedicates a song to the graduating senior class and faculty. (Photo by Kristine Sullivan) 3. Junior Anna Hamilton sings “Silver Linings” by Kacey Musgraves after she performed a yodling number. (Photo by Kristine Sullivan)


2. -24- last look


4. Junior Jessie Brown draws a yellow brick road scene with the help of juniors Lily Schaffer and Sara Dalton. (Photo by Kristine Sullivan)


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