L i vi ng Well
The top 5
basic life skills
Written by
Bec Dudley
that everyone should learn
Iandamlearning a big believer in self-education basic life skills is a
fundamental skillset everybody should have. We are constantly reminded that the world is a different place today, so we need to pivot, readjust and tweak our old ways while still holding onto our sacred core values. This is our challenge as we grow older. When thinking about my top five I noted there were two that would never have entered even my top 10 list when I was growing up. Can you guess which two they are? 1. Learn how to cook Number one because my kitchen is the heart of the home. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the enjoyment on the faces of those you love eating the food you have cooked. 2. Learn how to manage your finances A book that changed the financial trajectory of my family’s life was “The Barefoot Investor” by Scott Pape. It
VISION SCREENING Good vision for learning, good vision for life!
is easy to read and for single people, young families, empty nesters and retirees. 3. Learn how to declutter successfully We live in a world where we have more “stuff” in our lives than ever before. Become familiar with the 5 second rule - pick up an object and if you can’t remember when you last used it within five seconds then you have to get rid of it (brutal, but effective). 4. Learn how to breathe and ground yourself to reduce stress One of the simplest and most effective ways to destress is to take 3 deep breathes and walking barefoot on the beach or grass. 5. Learn how to grow a vegetable garden Start off small and if you have limited space try growing your vegetables in pots. Check out Krisy’s ‘My Garden Gate’ Column if you want to learn more.
25% of Australian school children have a vision problem and two-thirds of those children have never had an eye exam. We’re out looking for those children with undetected vision problems. About 1,000 students per year take part in the vision screening program. For the past 12 years we have offered a free vision screening program to year 1 and year 4 students across most schools in Hervey Bay. A report goes home to parents, and, if the child has failed in any areas of the vision screening, then a full eye examination is recommended with an optometrist who has a special interest in children’s vision, an optometrist who will take the time to make children feel comfortable, to get the best results.
Colour vision / Binocular vision / Eye acuity We do not receive any subsidies, we do it because it’s a good thing to do and we care about eye health.
Phone 4197 1475 | 67 Main St, Pialba Book online: Do you have a different top five? If you would like to share or comment on the two that wouldn’t make my list when I was young, then pop on over to my Business FB Page @ MyHealthMattersWithBecDudley and share in the comments ‘your top 5’ in the pinned thread.