KIWIN'S DCON 2015 Program

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Registration & Check-in

6:00—6:30 P.M.

Candidates’ Meeting

6:45—8:45 P.M.

Opening Session

8:55—10:55 P.M.


11:00—11:30 P.M.

Nominating Conference

11:00—11:45 P.M.


12:00 A.M.


SATURDAY, APRIL 18 8:30—9:00 A.M.

Workshop 1

2:40—3:10 P.M.

Workshop 6

9:10—9:40 A.M.

Workshop 2

3:20—3:50 P.M.

Workshop 7

9:50—10:20 A.M.

Workshop 3

4:00—4:30 P.M.

Workshop 8

10:30—11:00 A.M. Workshop 4

4:40—5:10 P.M.

Workshop 9

11:15 —1:45 P.M.

Second Session

6:15—9:00 P.M.

Awards Session

2:00—3:15 P.M.

House of Delegates

10:00—11:45 P.M. Governor’s Ball

2::00—2:30 P.M.

Workshop 5



6:45:—8:00 A.M.


9:00—12:00 P.M.

Farewell Session




























This program belongs to: _____________________________ Club: _____________________________


INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Dear Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN'S Key Clubbers, Have you ever thought about what it means to be a Key Clubber?

You are someone who puts others before yourself. You care about your world and the people living in it. You are making a better life for others. You are changing your community, and, together, we are changing the world. I think that is why I love Key Club so much. Obviously, Key Club means something to you, too, if you are here this weekend. For that, I thank you. Our organization wouldn’t be what it is without you and our 270,000 members throughout the world who are selfless and passionate. As your International President, I have worked tirelessly with our 12 International Board Members and countless leaders in 33 Districts to make sure that your Key Club is successful. The club level is the most important level of Key Club International, and our goal is always to better our clubs. International is here, and will always be here, to help you. With that said, I am always available if you have questions. My job is to serve you, and I will continue to do so until the end of my term. Hopefully, we will see you at our International Convention in Indianapolis in June 2015! We have a goal of 2,000 attendees, and, with stellar entertainment and the endless experiences available for you and your club, it won’t disappoint. Prepare for the best week of your life! On behalf of Key Club International, I would like to, again, thank you for your commitment to our organization and its mission – to change the world. I am so proud to be a part of this organization by your side.

Yours in service,



Maria Palazzolo 2014-15 Key Club International President ..................................................................... 2



The culmination of the KIWIN’S year is finally here: the KIWIN’S District Convention! This is when we celebrate service, learn about leadership, make friendships that last a lifetime and – of course – have fun while doing everything. On behalf of the 2014-15 District Board, welcome to the 2015 CNH KIWIN’S District Convention in Woodland Hills! This is a time where KIWIN’S comes together to celebrate the many goals that we completed and the people we have served. Your never-ending service and dedication has been phenomenal. This weekend, KIWINNERS from all across the district will gather together and celebrate a year of service with their Ohana. Throughout this weekend, there will be opportunities to be recognized for your outstanding achievements, expand your KIWIN’S knowledge, and share ideas, projects, and experiences with hundreds of other KIWIN’S members. The 2015 District Convention theme, “You’ve Got Mail! KIWIN’S Delivering World Class Service” which was chosen to honor the 100-year anniversary of Kiwanis! I’m so happy you’re all here to celebrate a year of service to your home, school, and community with the entire KIWIN’S District! I attended my first District Convention in 2013 as a sophomore with small goals and ambitions. I left convention that weekend with not only post-DCONsyndrome, but also a newfound sense of inspiration that has expanded my dreams limitlessly. Past KIWIN’S members and every one of you that I have met has shaped or inspired me in enormous ways. KIWINNER’S, I hope you have a special experience this weekend as we celebrate the impact that you made on your home, school, and community. I can’t wait to meet all of you this weekend. Congratulations on all your achievements!


Hello, Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S!



DISTRICT SECRETARY Hello KIWIN’S, I remember just a year ago, I was scrambling around at DCON, wanting to prove to everyone that I was ready to become the next District Secretary. I was prepared to fulfill all the duties required within my position and I was so ready to use what I could do to make KIWIN'S have the best year. However, what I did not see coming was so much that I would learn from this experience as a whole.

In all honesty, being a part of District Board took a lot of strenuous effort and work, and of course there were times of breakdowns. But I can truly say that the experience was all worth it because I learned that when people care about something so much, it can drive them to do some pretty awesome things. For instance, look at how strong our District was this year. We fought through struggles and encouraged one another to bring ourselves back onto our feet. The members and the adults were our biggest supporters and I am so grateful to be a part of an organization that consists of these type of people. Obstacles are always difficult to overcome, but the fact that we as an entire District was able to move forward was remarkable to witness. It was an experience that really proved how strong and passionate KIWIN'S is. I think that it's truly amazing to see how fast twelve months of my term just slid by. Those twelve months consisted of my emotions, my work, my pride, and my joy. KIWIN'S will always remain a of me, and it will continually remind me to be a servant towards the people I encounter. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to be a part of such a humbling experience and I hope that you all can continue to leave behind new legacies every year. Kiwanis hit its 100th anniversary of service just this year, so I hope that our generation can be the next ones to step up to that level. Whether it be by taking leadership roles, or even by being a devoted member, I encourage all of you to be proactive and exemplify what we're all about: family and service. Thank you to the Kiwanis adults, thank you to District Board, and of course, thank you to all the members that made this year happen. I wish all the best for you in the upcoming year.

Love always, In caring and service,

Jennifer Ngo 2014-15 KIWIN’S District Governor ..................................................................... 3

Sylvia Kwon 2014-15 KIWIN’S District Secretary ..................................................................... 4



Welcome to District Convention 2015! As we reach the end of the service year, I hope each of you has accomplished something special and unique during your KIWIN’S experience. Whether it be reaching 50 hours of service, taking that risk to further your leadership. or hosting more fundraisers for the Eliminate Project, there definitely is something worth celebrating. You, yes you, are the testament of the success that KIWIN’S has achieved over the course of this year; YOU have served and impacted your home, school, and community through your dedication to service and your fervent passion for this organization. As a freshman, I came to my first District Convention in Woodland Hills with wide eyes and curiosity about what KIWIN’S stood for. Little did I know that four years later, I would grow to love KIWIN’S this much. I came back home that Sunday realizing that my life had changed; the friends I met, the memories I made, and the stories I heard had opened my eyes to a whole world of service. With a renewed sense of motivation, I made it a goal that one day I would be able to say I made a difference on someone’s life. District Convention is more than just a weekend-long celebration— it serves as a reminder of all the reasons why we joined KIWIN’S, all the reasons why we stayed, all the obstacles that we overcame, and all the success that we achieved. KIWIN’S would not be the same district if it were not for you and your unswerving devotion to service within the Kiwanis Family. This weekend, I am confident that you will have the time of your life. Cheer your hearts out. Attend workshops. Cherish every moment you spend with your Ohana. I hope that you will be inspired to serve just as I was four years ago. Whether it be your first or last convention, I hope that you will able to bring something valuable back home so that you can deliver world class service to your community. Continue the passion and remember to keep KIWIN’S close to your heart wherever you go.


My fellow KIWINNER’S,



DISTRICT BULLETIN EDITOR Hello KIWIN’S! I cannot believe it is already time for DCON! To all those returning, ready for another awesomeconvention? To those that are first timers, welcome!! You’re in for an experience of a lifetime.

This weekend, all the different divisions of KIWIN’S join together as one, big ohana. There are fun, crafty workshops, informative ones that guide future leaders, and ice breakers! It's the time to learn more about our district and what it stands for, and the power of 500 people cheering. It marks the end of the KIWIN’S year, and for some, the end of their time in high school. It’s also a time of renewal. The said graduates are moving on to a completely different school, possibly very far away from home, and some of us just starting their new positions of leadership. It's also a time to look back, and see all that you have achieved so far. It's the time to remember the good times, the struggles, and the service you have put into this year. I recall the surprise I felt when KIWINNER’S from all sorts of divisions greeted each other like old friends. Now, I understand that the kind of bond you establish at this event is incredible and everlasting. I hope all of you cherish the memories you create here, and wish you the best of luck in your pursuits.

Best regards,

Jay Park 2014-15 KIWIN’S District Bulletin Editor

In the spirit of service,

Allen Pham 2014-15 KIWIN’S District Treasurer ..................................................................... 5

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Xin chào! Hello, KIWIN’S Ohana! Thank you all for gathering here in Woodland Hills, California. This weekend is a time for cheering, learning, and serving while reflecting on the past outstanding year. Together we will raise money for the Eliminate Project and create new memories that we will carry on with us forever. This year’s DCON theme, “You’ve Got Mail! KIWIN’S Delivering World Class Service,” impels us to take what we learn at convention everywhere we go. What you learn this weekend can be carried with you for the rest of your life, so don’t miss a moment! Your District Board All-Stars has worked extremely hard on putting this convention together. We all look forward to helping you grow and achieve new heights in your lives. From special guests to workshops, utilize what is provided to learn all about being a leader and serving your community. In addition, this weekend is also a time for electing the new leaders of the district while celebrating those who are retiring. Good luck to everyone who applied for awards and good luck to all candidates! It was an honor serving as your Key Leader Ambassador and District Convention Chair for this past term. As a senior, I am able to look back on my career with this amazing district with a sentiment of joy and satisfaction. District Convention is the largest event of the year and it would not be possible without you, the members, supporting the Board along the way. KIWIN’S is a resilient, spirited, service-oriented organization that I have had the pleasure serving for the past year. I personally hope you all enjoy this convention and remember it as one of the most fun events you have ever attended. Thank you again for attending the Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Key Club District Convention 2015. I look forward to meeting you all, hearing your fantastic KIWIN’S enthusiasm, and listening to your stories of service. As the 2014-15 KIWIN’S District Convention Chair, I welcome you all to KIWIN’S District Convention 2015!

Yours in service,

Dennis Takeshita 2014-15 KIWIN’S District Convention Chair ..................................................................... 7


Hola! Aloha! 你好! 안녕하세요! Kumusta!





You’ve got mail, California-NevadaHawaii KIWIN’S Key Clubbers! Welcome to the annual District Convention! We’re finally here; I’m sure you all have been counting down the days since last April. I’m proud to say that after a productive year of caring for our homes, schools, and communities, we are finally here. This weekend is sure to be a blast, and let me assure you, you all deserve this. Take this weekend as an opportunity to celebrate this year’s accomplishments, prepare for the upcoming year, and meet friends who share the same life’s passion as you. While District Convention should be focused on summing up the past year, more importantly, it should prepare us for the new one, whether that be through workshops, officer training, or elections for next year’s District officers (governor, secretary, treasurer, and editor). For veteran attendees, enjoy this weekend because it’ll be over before you know it. For novices, get ready for one of the most novel, yet best experiences of your lifetime. For all of you, take this time to step outside of your comfort zone, and meet new Key Clubbers. Doing so will make this experience more meaningful for you. Finally, I’d like to say thank you all for the effort you’ve dedicated to this organization throughout this past year. Without your hard work and commitment, the KIWIN’S District wouldn’t have progressed nearly as much as it did. For all of those contributions, thank you. You have made a meaningful impact on not only this district, but all of Key Club International, and more than that, on the entire community. It has been such an honor to work with such a passionate, enthusiastic, and devoted group of individuals. After a life-changing term as Trustee to such an excellent district of Key Club International, I can’t wait to meet you all this weekend. Moreover, I hope to see you all again in Indianapolis, Indiana for Kiwanis’ 100th anniversary at the 2015 International Convention. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone! We are Ohana.

Yours in service,

Tashrima Hossain 2014-15 Key Club International Trustee ..................................................................... 8




It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 39 Annual KIWIN’S District Convention in Woodland Hills. “You’ve Got Mail! KIWIN’S Delivering World Class Service.” Each year we have the pleasure to meet at our district convention to celebrate our accomplishments, honor our best, elect our new district officers, learn some things to improve our clubs, meet new people, and party. I hope you follow the rules, enjoy all the convention has to offer, make some new friends, and elect the best officers to lead the organization into the future. As many of you may know I will be stepping down as your District Administrator at the end of this convention. I wanted to take this time to thank you, the KIWIN’S family: the club and district board members and officers, the faculty and Kiwanis advisors, my incredibly dedicated committee of Kiwanis Regional Advisors, the other District Administrators, and the Kiwanis Governors who showed their faith in me. It has been my honor to serve as your District Administrator. I would be remiss if I did not thank the District office staff, Bruce Hennings, Pete Horton, and the CNH Foundation for their dedication and support of this program and to me. You have truly made my job easier. Have a wonderful time and enjoy all the convention has to offer. Your District Board has worked very hard to provide the best convention experience possible.


Greetings KIWIN’S members, Faculty Advisors, and Kiwanis members,




Hello KIWIN'S !!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the Warner Center for KIWIN'S 39th Annual District Convention. "You've Got Mail……..KIWIN'S World Class Service!"


We have had an exciting year of service. Every Division has shown strong support of "Project Eliminate". You have saved so many babies and performed record breaking service in your communities, Divisions and District. I am so proud of all the KIWIN'S members who have shown their true OHANA. This year's District Board has worked tirelessly all year long to ensure that our district was the best. The District Board has planned a great District Convention so make sure you attend as many workshops as you can to learn more and more about KIWIN'S. Remember that if you are a delegate for your club, be sure that you make the most intelligent decisions for the future of your District. I hope that each and every KIWIN'S member, Advisor, chaperone and guest has the best experience at our District Convention.

Always Remember….One Mission One Family

One Word


In caring and service,

It has been my greatest honor and pleasure to serve with you this year. You make my Heart Smile Margo Dutton KIWIN’S District Administrator

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Dave Wallach KIWIN’S Assistant District Administrator ..................................................................... 10



Executive Board

Jennifer Ngo District Governor

Sylvia Kwon District Secretary

Allen Pham District Treasurer

Jay Park District Bulletin Editor

Nikita Lee Membership Services Chair

Jade Wong

Appointed Board

LeAnn Pham Awards Chair

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Dennis Takeshita Convention Chair/ Key Leader Ambassador

Policy Chair/ Key Leader Ambassador

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Lt. Governors

Sena Ji Crystal Division

Kelley Ray Goldstone Division

Karina Gonzalez Diamond Division

Elaine Cheng Jade Division



Margo Dutton District Administrator

Dave Wallach Assistant District Administrator

Bruce Hennings Director, Service Leadership Programs

Robert Santo Crystal Regional Advisor

Sharon Kang Emerald Division

Dawn Bayer Kris Ross Mark Ross Diamond Regional Diamond Asst. Crystal Asst. Regional Advisor Advisor Regional Advisor

Ken Umbarger Emerald Regional Advisor

Pat Umbarger Mahmood Bashir Brett Butler Emerald Asst. Goldstone Jet Asst. Regional Advisor Regional Advisor Regional Advisor

John Carlos Sapphire Regional Advisor

Manuel Santiago Jet Division

Not pictured:

Sammantha Garcia Ruby Division

Sarina Vang Sapphire Division

Jeffrey Fielding Turquoise Division

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Larry Lewis, Jade Regional Advisor Pandora Turner, Jade Asst. Regional Advisor Jeff Dimsdale, Jet Regional Advisor

Shirley Ventura, Ruby Regional Advisor Cecilia Rexford, Turquoise Regional Advisor

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CNH Kiwanis Governor

Alan Guire

First Lady

Melissa Guire

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Cherice Gilliam Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis District Governor-Elect


OUR MISSION District Mission Statement KIWIN’S, the 32nd district of Key Club International, is a student-led organization that enthusiastically promotes the development of character and leadership through community service within the Kiwanis family.

Int’l Mission Statement Key Club is an internal student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to perform service, build character and develop leadership.

Motto “One Family. One Mission. One Word: KIWIN’S.” “Caring: Our Way of Life”

Core Values Jacqueline Tsang

Joshua Nuesca

2014-15 Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District Governor

2015-16 Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District Governor

The core values of Key Club are leadership, character building, caring. and inclusiveness

Pledge I pledge. on my honor. To uphold the Objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school, and community; To serve my nation and God; And to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Byron Montilla

Tae Hyun Lim

2014-15 Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K District Governor

2015-16 Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K District Governor

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1. Curfew is strictly enforced. 2. Unnecessary noise or disruptive behavior at any hour is prohibited. 3. All KIWIN’S members must be accompanied by an advisor throughout Convention. 4. The KIWIN’S District reserves any right to have its Kiwanis Leadership and/or Hotel Security inspect any room at any time during convention. 5. All attending KIWIN’S members are mandated to attend all Convention sessions and activities. 6. No drugs, intoxicants, fireworks, or weapons are allowed at any time. 7. No KIWIN’S member will drive a private vehicle to, from, or during Convention. 8. No KIWIN’S member will have a member of the opposite sex in his or her room at any time. 9. No KIWIN’S member will be admitted to any Convention Session without being properly registered and in accordance with the dress code. Wristbands and name badges must both be worn at all times.



Any infraction of the Convention rules will be reported by the Sergeant-At-Arms to the KIWIN’S District Administrator and other proper authorities. Such infraction will be seriously dealt with and may include dismissal from the Convention with notification to the parents, school, principal, sponsoring Kiwanis club, and/or local authorities.


Any infraction of the Convention rules will be reported by the Sergeant-At-Arms to the KIWIN’S District Administrator and other proper authorities. Such infraction will be seriously dealt with and may include dismissal from the Convention with notification to the parents, school, principal, sponsoring Kiwanis club, and/or local authorities. 1. KIWIN’S Convention attendees must participate in Convention activities. This includes all general sessions, workshops, caucuses, and scheduled social events. 2. Students cannot leave convention activities without an advisor. If a student has a health-related situation, the advisor must accompany the student back to the hotel room. 3. Advisors must accompany their KIWIN’S club members to general sessions and are responsible for keeping their attention on the Convention proceedings. 4. At no time during the Convention weekend are advisors allowed to drink alcoholic beverages or consume illegal drugs. 5. At no times are male and female students allowed to be in the same hotel room. Advisors may not enter the room of students of the opposite sex unless for a health emergency. 6. Advisors are required to accompany students in the elevator and to the rooms during sessions, workshops, caucuses, and other scheduled events.

10. No person will deface, destroy, or remove any hotel property. 11. The hotel swimming pool, spa, and fitness center(s) are off-limits to all KIWIN’S Convention attendees at all times during Convention.

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7. Advisors are required to make sure that each student is in his or her room by curfew.

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THE ELECTIONS PROCESS A primary function of District Convention is to elect to the upcoming Executive Board of the KIWIN’S District. The elections process is designed to ensure that each elected candidate is the best and most qualified leader to serve on the KIWIN’S District Board for the upcoming term. We ask that you take the process seriously, as the candidates this year have worked tirelessly on their campaigns. Candidates’ Booklet Every two delegates from each school will receive the Candidates’ Booklet, which will detail each candidate’s information. We ask that each delegate keep this booklet at all times, especially during Caucus, Nominating Conference, and House of Delegates. EXTRA COPIES WILL NOT BE GIVEN OUT. Caucus Caucus will occur after the 1st General Session. Please find your assigned room according to your respective division on the workshop matrix and head to the caucus room immediately after the 1st General Session. During Caucus, the candidates’ campaign managers will each speak for 1 minute; afterward, the candidates will have up to 5 minutes to speak, followed by a 4 minute questioning period. Nominating Conference Should there be 3 or more candidates running for one position, a Nominating Conference will occur. All delegates must report to the room assigned immediately following the Caucus session. At the Nominating Conference, delegates will determine the 2 final candidates who will proceed to the next round of voting. General Session Address During the 2nd General Session, each candidate will be given up to 2 minutes to address all Convention attendees. The results of the Nominating Conference will be revealed during this session. House of Delegates After the Second General Session, the House of Delegates will meet. The candidates will have one last time to address the delegates with a speech up to 2.5 minutes. From there, the Executive Committee will ask questions to the candidates and delegates will vote.

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2. Delegates are expected to arrive promptly to both the Nominating Conference and House of Delegates. Any delegate who arrives late to any of these events will be denied voting privileges. 3. During the Caucus session, all members must remain courteous and respectful toward the candidates. Any disrespectful or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated by the Caucus moderators. 4. Questions asked during the questioning period must pertain to KIWIN’S. Questions related to sex, race, religion, or political affiliation will not be tolerated. . 5. Caucus moderators reserve the right to overrule any question deemed inappropriate. 6. Candidates may not be touched or asked to add any object to their personal attire or general physique. 7. No objects may be thrown or propelled by any means in the Caucus rooms. 8. Adult advisors may not ask questions to candidates or suggest a question to any student. 9. Adult advisors are forbidden from advising any candidate on the campaign process during the convention and/or campaigning on behalf of any candidate.


1. All delegates must register and have their credentials checked at the Delegate registration table during Friday night’s registration period. Delegates must be registered prior to the Nominating Conference and House of Delegates.


To maintain order throughout the elections process, please observe the following rules:

DRESS CODE All Convention attendees are expected to follow dress code for each session. Business formal Males: Dress shirt, slacks, necktie, blazer, formal shoes Females: Dress, suit, skirt, slacks, blouse, appropriate shoes

Business casual Males: slacks, collared shirt, appropriate shoes Females: Slacks, skirt, blouse or collared shirt

Spirit/casual + Convention shirt Males: shorts, jeans, collared shirts, sweatshirts, appropriate t-shirts Females: Shorts, skirt, shorts, jeans, collared shirt, sweatshirt, t-shirt

Any clothing with inappropriate language or graphics will not be permitted during Convention. Any shirts or skirts deemed to be of inappropriate length will not be allowed. Skirts must not be shorter than 4 inches above the knee. No short shorts. Attendees must wear closed-toe shoes (exception for heels) during convention. All participants are required to wear name badges for access to any convention event.


10. Candidates are forbidden from using any social media or publiclyaccessible source to conduct their campaign . ..................................................................... 23

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FOLLOW US @CNHKIWINS AND TAG US! Tag us in your photo at District Convention and use #kiwinsdcon2015. You will receive a chance to be featured on our Convention highlights!


LIKE: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CNHKIWIN’S Get the latest convention updates on Facebook! Send us a photo of you at Convention and you will have a chance to be featured on our page!


TWEET US @CNHKIWINS AND #KIWINSDCON2015 Join the discussion and live-tweet everything that’s happening at DCON! Let us know how you’re feeling.


SUBSCRIBE TO KIWINSChannel To watch videos of District Convention and of KIWIN’S during the 2014-15 year, subscribe to our channel!

8:30—11:30 A.M. Hidden Hills

2014-15 Board Meeting 2014-15 KIWIN’S District Board

8:30—12:00 P.M. Hollywood

2015-16 Board Training Kenneth Umbarger, 2015-16 District Administrator Jeff Dimsdale, Jet Regional Advisor

3:00—7:00 P.M. Convention Lobby

Registration Delegate certification SAA registration Section II Awards drop-off

5:15—5:45 P.M. Salons C-D

Adult Orientation

5:15—5:45 P.M. Beverly Hills

Sergeant-At-Arms Orientation

6:00—6:30 P.M. Salons A-B

Candidates’ Meeting Required for all District candidates.

ELIMINATE FUNDRAISING ELIMINATE WALK Get some exercise and fun on Sunday with your Ohana before leaving convention! Led by District Board All-Stars and Mr. Gaytan from Downey High School, it will definitely be a morning to remember! Register for $5 at the merchandise booth.

SESSION SHOUT-OUTS Give a shout-out to your best friend, club advisor, or board members! Even ask someone to prom? Why not? Buy a shout-out for $1 at the merchandise booth.

NAME BADGE RIBBONS Want to swag out your convention badge? Purchase tag ribbons for $1 each.

DISTRICT BOARD DANCE RAFFLE Got a crush on a Board member? Buy a raffle ticket for $1 for a chance to win a slow dance with the board member of your choosing at the Governor’s Ball.

MIRACLE MINUTE @ GOVERNOR’S BALL District Board members will be carrying baby bottles on the dance floor during the Governor’s Ball. Donate by stuffing his or her bottle with money!

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FRIDAY, APRIL 17 (continued)


Club/spirit attire

7:00—8:45 P.M. Salons E-J

Call to Order Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Presentation of Kiwanis Governor & First Lady Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Kiwanis Governor & First Lady Remarks Alan Guire, Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis District Governor Melissa Guire, First Lady

Flag Salute Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair

Presentation of Key Club International President Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

National Anthem Angelina Susanto, Member

Governor’s Message Jennifer Ngo, District Governor


Key Club Pledge Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor

International President Remarks Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President


Invocation Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor

Introduction of Keynote Speaker Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair Keynote Address Bernadette Lim, 2011-12 KIWIN’S District Governor & Founder & Executive Director of Women SPEAK Sergeant-At-Arms Announcement Sharon Kang, Emerald Division Lt. Governor

Administrator’s Message Margo Dutton, District Administrator

Elections Procedures & Caucus Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary & Elections Chair

Introduction of District Convention Chair Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Nomination of Candidates Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Welcome to Convention Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair

Introduction of District Awards Chair Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Introduction of Special Guests Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair

Presentation of Pre-judged Awards LeAnn Pham, District Awards & Recognition Chair

Presentation of Kiwanis Division 25 Lt. Governor Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary Welcome to Division 25 Robert Cox, CNH Kiwanis Division 25 Lt. Governor

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Club Webpage Jay Park, District Bulletin Editor Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor

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FRIDAY, APRIL 17 (continued)



KIWIN’S Week Sharon Kang, Emerald Division Lt. Governor Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor


Most Interclubs Sarina Vang, Sapphire Lt. Governor Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair Single Fundraiser Allen Pham, District Treasurer Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor Single School Service Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor Jade Wong, District Policy Chair


Single Service Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor Sammantha Garcia, Ruby Division Lt. Governor





8:55—10:55 P.M. Salons A-B Salons C-D Hidden Hills Pearls

Caucus Session Goldstone, Emerald Ruby, Sapphire, Jade Jet, Crystal Diamond, Turquoise

9:30—11:30 P.M. Woodland Hills

Awards Judging

11:00—11:30 P.M. Hidden Hills

Nominating Conference

11:00—11:45 P.M. Salons A-B Salons C-D Ventura Pearls

Meet & Greet Emerald, Goldstone Jade, Ruby, Sapphire Crystal, Jet Diamond, Turquoise




ELIMINATE Fundraising Announcement Allen Pham, District Treasurer

8:30—9:40 A.M. Salons E-J

Talent Contest Screening

Special Announcements Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair

8:30—9:40 A.M. Woodland Hills

Oratory Contest

1st Session Spirit Stick Bernadette Lim, Keynote Speaker


Adjournment Jennifer Ngo, District Governor


Business casual attire Lei Making for ELIMINATE Kris Ross, Diamond Regional Advisor

8:30—9:00 A.M. Pearls

Aloha! Make the world more beautiful by learning how to make ribbon leis!. Once you are done, you can purchase ribbon to make your own! All proceeds go to the Eliminate Project!

Follow us, tag us, like us! @cnhkiwins ..................................................................... 31

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8:30—9:00 A.M. Hidden Hills

SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued) World Class Organizations for World Class Causes Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor & Sarina Vang, Sapphire Division Lt. Governor

You’ve Got Money! Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President & Tashrima Hossain, Key Club International Trustee

8:30—9:00 A.M. Calabasas

Learn about Key Club’s Youth Opportunities Fund and how you can apply for a grant to fund your dream service project! Delivering World Class Service LeAnn Pham, District Awards Chair & Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor

8:30—9:00 A.M. Salons C-D

Community Cooperation Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor & Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor Ever need some help with events? Ever want to work with outstanding organizations and businesses? Learn how from Lt. Governors Karina and Sena! Your Voice Heard ‘Round the World Patrick Young, Goldstone Division & Anne Park, Diamond Division

8:30—9:00 A.M. Beverly Hills

Need to work on those “likes” and “ummms?” Just come to this workshop and learn tips and strategies on how to overcome your struggles with public speaking. Past Los Altos KIWIN’S President Patrick Young and South High School President Anne Park will help you learn how to speak in public!

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Awards Chair Leann Pham and Turquoise Lt. Governor Jeffrey Fielding are ready to help you recognize your members and peers for their outstanding service. Come and learn how to apply for awards as well as make them!

8:30—9:00 A.M. Warner Center


8:30—9:00 A.M. Salons A-B

Come learn about KIWIN’S Preferred Charities and the impact they make throughout the world. Lt. Governors Sarina and Kelley will guide you in helping these outstanding charities. Fundraising 101 Allen Pham, District Treasurer & Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair Need help raising money for your club, other charities, or even yourself? Come to this workshop to learn how they have helped their clubs successfully fundraise! Coming Together Forever and Always Brandon Doan, Jet Division

8:30—9:00 A.M. Hollywood


9:10—9:40 A.M. Pearls

9:10—9:40 A.M. Hidden Hills

Learn how to make your team stronger through the tips and strategies given by Jet Division Spirit Coordinator, Brandon Doan. Business casual attire

Lei Making for ELIMINATE Kris Ross, Diamond Regional Advisor Aloha! Make the world more beautiful by learning how to make ribbon leis!. Once you are done, you can purchase ribbon to make your own! All proceeds go to ELIMINATE! Breaking the Antarctic Ice Sharon Kang, Emerald Lt. Governor; Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Lt. Governor; Manuel Santiago, Jet Lt. Governor; Leann Pham, District Awards Chair Craack! Watch as your shyness melts away like ice on a summer day. Play fun games led by District Board members. After this workshop, you will have lots of fun and break out of your shell!

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SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued)

You got in! Getting Yourself to College Nick Alexander, CSUN Assistant Registrar & CNH Circle K

Take a Trip to Indy Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President; Tashrima Hossain, Key Club International Trustee; Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair Travel to Indianapolis through this presentation about the 2015 TriCon ICON in Indianapolis. Learn about the in’s and out’s of the Key Club International Convention. Meet and serve with members from around the world!

Learn all about efficient planning for your service projects and fundraisers.


9:10—9:40 A.M. Salons C-D

9:10—9:40 A.M. Hollywood

Pave your way to a smoother application process. Learn from the experts who judge your applications themselves. Underclassmen, this is the workshop for you if you are planning to attend community college or a four-year university after high school.


9:10—9:40 A.M. Salons A-B

9:50—11:00 A.M. Woodland Hills

Impromptu Essay


Business casual attire

9:50—10:20 A.M. Pearls

Continuing with the K-Family CNH Circle K 9:10—9:40 A.M. Beverly Hills

Learn from current Circle K members in this workshop about joining the college level branch of the K-Family. Like KIWIN’S, Circle K works hard throughout the year to make the world a better place.

Service, school, family, sports…do you need help trying to manage them all? Then come to this workshop to learn tips about handling your time and stress. Our District Board members are prepared to help you get through your tough schedule.

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Lei Making for ELIMINATE Kris Ross, Diamond Regional Advisor Aloha! Make the world more beautiful by learning how to make ribbon leis!. Once you are done, you can purchase ribbon to make your own! All proceeds go to ELIMINATE! Delivering Leadership Around the World Jade Wong & Dennis Takeshita, Key Leader Ambassadors

9:50—10:20 A.M. Salons A-B

Breathe In, Breathe Out Jennifer Ngo, District Governor; Elaine Cheng, Jade Division Lt. Governor; Kelley Ray, Goldstone Lt. Governor; Sammantha Garcia, Ruby Division Lt. Governor 9:10—9:40 A.M. Calabasas

Planning, Packing, Projects! Oh my! Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair; Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor; Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor; Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor

Take your leadership with you wherever you go by learning about the Key Leader Camp. Key Leader Ambassadors Dennis and Jade are prepared to help you get to Key Leader! Helping Healers Heal Children Allen Pham, District Treasurer; Elaine Cheng, Jade Division, Lt. Governor; Sarina Vang, Sapphire Lt. Governor; Special Guests

9:50—10:20 A.M. Salons C-D

Want to know more about Pediatric Trauma Program, our minor emphasis? Great! Then come to this workshop to find out what it is, what KIWIN’S is doing to help, and how you can help too!

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9:50—10:20 A.M. Beverly Hills

SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued) HEY KIWIN’S!!! Lili Anne Labaco, Goldstone Division & Tracey Hoang, Jet Division

Inquire to Inspire Jennifer Ngo, District Governor; Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary; LeAnn Pham, District Awards Chair; Maria Palazzolo, Int’l President; Tashrima Hossain, Int’l Trustee

10:30—11:00 A.M. Hidden Hills

Ever wonder how District Board and International Board handles everything? Come ask our board members about their lives and be inspired to become leaders like them.

9:50—10:20 A.M. Hollywood

In 2011, KIWIN’S raised money to help build a school in Kenya. Learn how KIWIN’S was able to do so through One Dollar for Life! Lt. Governors Manuel and Jeffrey will teach you how to get involved to help. Live2Learn How to Help Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor; Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor; Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor


9:50—10:20 A.M. Calabasas


Dolla’ Dolla’ Dolla’ Bill Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor; Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor 10:30—11:00 A.M. Salons A-B

10:30—11:00 A.M. Salons C-D

Countries around the world face low literacy rates due to inadequate educational facilities. Come to this workshop to learn how to improve education for children. WORKSHOP 4

Business casual attire

Lei Making for ELIMINATE Kris Ross, Diamond Regional Advisor 10:30—11:00 A.M. Pearls

Aloha! Make the world more beautiful by learning how to make ribbon leis!. Once you are done, you can purchase ribbon to make your own! All proceeds go to the Eliminate Project!

How do you feel…about coming to this workshop to learn how to be an effective spirit chair? Glen A. Wilson President Lili Anne Labaco and La Quinta Spirit Chair Tracey Hoang will teach you how to create new cheers to help your division win that spirit stick! Money On My Mind Allen Pham, District Treasurer; Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Lt. Governor; District Treasurer Candidates Learn about tips and tricks to being an effective club treasurer, from fundraising to communication. (Required for all 2015-16 club treasurers.) Click, Click, Click Jennifer Ngo, District Governor; Jay Park, District Bulletin Editor; District Bulletin Editor Candidates This workshop will teach you about what it takes to be a great technology chair, webmaster, historian, or bulletin editor! (Required for all 2015-16 technology chairs, webmasters, historians, and bulletin editors.) Get Yourself Far! Jeff Dimsdale, Jet Regional Advisor

10:30—11:00 A.M. Beverly Hills

10:30—11:00 A.M. Calabasas

Come to this workshop to learn from Jet Regional Advisor, Mr. Dimsdale about goal setting. Setting goals is an important skill that will get you to new heights! Leading Your KIWIN’S Club Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor; Jade Wong, District Policy Chair; Nicolette Cruz, Jade Division Lt. GovernorElect; Richie Chu, Jet Division Lt. Governor-Elect These past presidents and vice presidents are here to help you learn how to effectively lead your KIWIN’S club. (Required for all 2015-2016 presidents & vice presidents.)

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10:30—11:00 A.M. Hollywood


Youth Protections Guidelines (Advisors Only) Margo Dutton, District Administrator & Alan Guire, CNH Kiwanis District Governor

11:15 A.M—1:45 P.M. Call to Order Salons E-J Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Being a Kiwanis or faculty advisor takes a great amount of responsibility. This workshop will prepare you to help your students throughout the year.

Flag Salute Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor

Secretaries Serving Successfully Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary; District Secretary Candidates

Invocation Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor


Monthly Report Forms, meeting minutes, sign in sheets… if this rings a bell then this workshop is for you. District Secretary Sylvia and this year’s District Secretary candidates have prepared to let you know all about being the secretary of a Key Club. (Required for all 2015-16 club secretaries.)

Patriotic Song Kourtney Nguyen, Member


10:30—11:00 A.M. Ventura

Business casual attire

Key Club Pledge Jade Wong, District Policy Chair Introduction of Special Guests Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Lunch Presentation of Executive Board Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Presentation of District Bulletin Editor Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Remarks Jay Park, District Bulletin Editor Presentation of District Treasurer Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Remarks Allen Pham, District Treasurer Presentation of District Secretary Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Remarks Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary

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SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued)


SECOND SESSION Presentation of International Trustee Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Remarks Tashrima Hossain, Key Club International Trustee


Major Emphasis Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor Sammantha Garcia, Ruby Division Lt. Governor


Most Improved Club Allen Pham, District Treasurer Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair

Presentation of 2015-16 SLP Governors Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Kiwanis International 100th Anniversary Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President


Presentation of the Key Club International President Jennifer Ngo, District Governor


Remarks Joshua Nuesca, Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District Governor Tae Hyun Lim, Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K District Governor

ELIMINATE Presentation Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor & ELIMINATE Committee Chair Mahmood Bashir, Goldstone Region Advisor Introduction of Candidates for District Office Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary & Elections Chair Candidates’ Remarks Executive Board Candidates 2nd Session Spirit Stick Joshua Nuesca, Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District Governor Tae Hyun Lim, Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K District Governor Alan Guire, Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis District Governor

Introduction of Kiwanis Rose Float Chair Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair Rose Float Check Presentation Dave Wallach, Asst. District Administrator & Rose Float Chair


Service Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor Elaine Cheng, Jade Division Lt. Governor


District Project—ELIMINATE Allen Pham, District Treasurer Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor


Minor Emphasis Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor

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Announcements Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair Sharon Kang, SAA Chair Adjournment Jennifer Ngo, District Governor 2:00—3:15 P.M. Ventura

House of Delegates

ELIMINATE WALK! Come to the fundraising table and register for $5! ..................................................................... 42



2:00—2:30 P.M. Pearls

Delivering Service with your Fellow Mail Carriers Anna Wu, Division 35 Kiwanis One Day Chair

Business casual attire 2:00—2:30 P.M. Hollywood

Helping Out Our Ohana Nicolette Cruz, Jade Division Lt. Governor-Elect; Richie Chu, Jet Division Lt. Governor-Elect; Sophia Uemura, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor-Elect; Danilene Prodon, Emerald Division Lt. Governor


2:00—2:30 P.M. Salons A-B

Foundation President Mr. Kiner is here to discuss with you how Kiwanis can help you get money to further your college education and your home club’s finances. Scholarships and club grants are very helpful, so come and learn how to get them!


You’ve Got Admission, Now Get Tuition! Russ Kiner, CNH Foundation President


Aktion Club, a branch of the Kiwanis Family for the disabled, does a service project in which members make dolls. Come to this workshop to help our K-Family Ohana with their service project!

2:40—3:10 P.M. Pearls

2:00—2:30 P.M. Warner Center

Free money? Yes! Come to this workshop and how to get financial aid. Lily Vidal from CSU Northridge is here to discuss how you can apply for financial aid to help you get money for school.

2:40—3:10 P.M. Hidden Hills

be great leaders of KIWIN’S.

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Helping Out Our Ohana Elise Umetsu, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor-Elect & Reba Mathew, Sapphire Division Lt. Governor-Elect Aktion Club, a branch of the Kiwanis Family for the disabled, does a service project in which members make dolls. Come to this workshop to help our K-Family Ohana with their service project!

Take yourself to Hawaii by coming to this workshop! Learn how to dance like the beautiful Hawaiian wahine then perform your dance at dinner. Show everyone that KIWIN’S members hula dance the best! Making Sure your Message is Received Fountain Valley KIWIN’S

2:40—3:10 P.M. Salons A-B

Why Didn’t My Mail Go Through? Anthony Orejana, Diamond Division Lt. Governor-Elect; Reba Mathew, Sapphire Division Lt. Governor-Elect; Elise Umetsu, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor-Elect Don’t get angry! Learn how to problem solve with your Lt. Governor-elects. Problem solving is a great skill to learn to

Business casual attire

Hula Dancing Kris Ross, Diamond Regional Advisor

Free money! This is not a hack! Lily Vidal, CSUN Director of Financial Aid 2:00—2:30 P.M. Salons C-D

Come learn from the Hacienda Heights Kiwanis member, Division 35 Kiwanis One Day Chair, and former KIWIN’S member, Anna Wu, about the Kiwanis One Day projects that different Kiwanis Clubs do.

2:40—3:10 P.M. Salons C-D

#instafamous #kiwinsdcon2015 Come to this workshop to learn everything you need to know about utilizing social media to help publicize your club’s events. Fountain Valley High School is here to teach you their tips and tricks to getting members to come out to events! Uniform on Point Pat Umbarger, Asst. Emerald Regional Advisor & Tae Hyun Lim, CNH Circle K District Governor Ever wonder why you get two forks at dinner? Or what you should wear? Or how you should behave? Come to this workshop to have your questions answered!

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2:40—3:10 P.M. Warner Center

SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued) Case-by-Case Scenarios (Advisors Only) Alexander Gaytan, Downey HS KIWIN’S Advisor

The Mail-Carrier’s Rulebook Nicolette Cruz, Jade Division Lt. Governor-Elect; Ruby Lt. Governor-Elect

3:20—3:50 P.M. Salons C-D

Learn the essentials for being a great and successful student servant leader through this workshop.


Business casual attire Donated, Decorated, Delivered Sharon Kang, Emerald Lt. Governor & Dawn Bayer, Asst. Diamond Regional Advisor

3:20—3:50 P.M. Pearls

Come to this service project to decorate books that will be donated to local charities. KIWIN’S members will be writing nice messages and decorating the inside front covers of a variety of books. Brighten someone’s day through this great service project. Hula Dancing Kris Ross, Diamond Regional Advisor

3:20—3:50 P.M. Hidden Hills

3:20—3:50 P.M. Salons A-B

Take yourself to Hawaii by coming to this workshop! Learn how to dance like the beautiful Hawaiian wahine then perform your dance at dinner. Show everyone that KIWIN’S members hula dance the best! Keeping Mailmen on the KIWIN’S Route Nicolette Cruz, Jade Division Lt. Governor-Elect & Richie Chu, Jet Division Lt. Governor-Elect Maintaining members is a struggle faced around the district. Come learn tips from former presidents about keeping membership attendance from falling!

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3:20—3:50 P.M. Calabasas


“Hi! My name is ____. Nice to meet you!” Learn how to network effectively through this workshop led by Jet Lt. Governor-Elect Richie and Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District Governor Joshua Nuesca.

Creative Designs From the Masterminds Olivia Chang & Olivia Tang, Goldstone Division


2:40—3:10 P.M. Hollywood

Worldwide Connections Richie Chu, Jet Division Lt. Governor-Elect & Joshua Nuesca, CNH Key Club District Governor

Learning how to handle with certain situations and certain scenarios is essential for teachers and staff members that watch over students. Learn from an experienced faculty and Kiwanis advisor about different issues that have occurred in the past.

3:20—3:50 P.M. Warner Center

Want to learn how to make all the beautiful posters and backdrops you see? Come to this workshop and learn from the creative minds behind the scenes at Glen A. Wilson High School. Trivia Crack Joshua Nuesca, CNH Key Club District Governor & Tae Hyun Lim, CNH Circle K District Governor Come ready to answer questions about history, science, geography, entertainment, art, and sports! CNH Key Club District Governor Joshua and the Circle K District Governor Tae Hyun are ready to test your knowledge!

4:00—5:10 P.M. Calabasas

Talent Contest Rehearsal


Business casual attire Donated, Decorated, Delivered Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair

4:00—4:30 P.M. Pearls

Come to this service project to decorate books that will be donated to local charities. KIWIN’S members will be writing nice messages and decorating the inside front covers of a variety of books. Brighten someone’s day through this great service project.

#KIWINSDCON2015 ..................................................................... 46


SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued)

4:00—4:30 P.M. Salons A-B


Which division has the most spirit? Come to this workshop to find out! Will it be Turquoise? Jet? Goldstone? If you want to do spirit battles, then come to this workshop moderated by Lt. Governors Manuel, Jeffrey, and Karina!

4:40—5:10 P.M. Pearls

Come to this service project to decorate books that will be donated to local charities. KIWIN’S members will be writing nice messages and decorating the inside front covers of a variety of books. Brighten someone’s day through this great service project.

4:40—5:10 P.M. Hidden Hills

Advisors’ Ice Cream Social (Advisors Only)

Are You Smarter Than a Key Clubber? Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President & Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Using the Key Club Stamp Allen Pham, District Treasurer & Jay Park, District Bulletin Editor 4:00—4:30 P.M. Salons C-D

Key Club graphic standards are crucial to making the perfect publication. Learn all about graphic standards and how you can utilize special fonts, logos, and graphics designed for Key Club. “Parli” like the Pro’s Jade Wong, District Policy Chair; Tashrima Hossain, International Trustee; Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor

4:00—4:30 P.M. Warner Center

4:00—4:30 P.M. Ventura

Come to this fun and unique Parliamentary Procedure workshop to learn how to conduct official meetings! Policy Chair Jade Wong, International Trustee Tashrima, and Lieutenant Governor Kelley will teach you how parliamentary procedures work. Family Around the World Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary; Joshua Nuesca, CNH Key Club District Governor; Tae Hyun Lim, CNH Circle K District Governor Learn about the Kiwanis family and how we are changing the world together!

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Test your knowledge of Key Club International and of the KIWIN’S District through this workshop. Who knows the most about Key Club?! The winner will receive a special prize at the end!

Business casual attire Donated, Decorated, Delivered Sammantha Garcia, Ruby Division Lt. Governor


4:00—4:30 P.M. Hidden Hills

Keeping Up That KIWIN’S Spirit Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor; Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor; Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor

Running for Executive Office 2014-15 KIWIN’S Executive Board 4:40—5:10 P.M. Salons A-B

Curious about the responsibilities of an Executive Board member? Come to this workshop to learn all about the responsibilities of our current Executive Board. Applying for Appointed Board 2014-15 KIWIN’S Appointed Board Members

4:40—5:10 P.M. Salons C-D

4:40—5:10 P.M. Woodland Hills

4:40—5:10 P.M. Ventura

If you aspire to be on the appointed board of our District Board then please come to this workshop! Learn about how you can apply and what you can do to enhance your application. Helping Those Around the World Elaine Cheng, Jade Division Lt. Governor Learn all about how Elaine Cheng impacted her community and the world through service from Oakland to Haiti. All About That Service Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor; Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor; Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor Get some cool, new ideas for service projects and hear all about the different service events that the 2014-15 Lieutenant Governors during their term.

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SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued)

Business formal attire AWARDS SESSION

6:15—9:00 P.M. Salons E-J

Call to Order Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Presentation of CNH Foundation President Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Flag Salute LeAnn Pham, District Awards Chair


PTP, Foundation Presentation & Scholarships Russ Kiner, CNH Foundation President Margo Dutton, CNH Foundation Vice President


Presentation of the William A. Dunlap Fellowship Russ Kiner, CNH Foundation President Margo Dutton, CNH Foundation Vice President


All-Star Award Tashrima Hossain, Key Club International Trustee


KIWIN’S Member of the Year LeAnn Pham, District Awards Chair


Faculty Advisor Hall of Fame Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair Sarina Vang, Sapphire Division Lt. Governor


Distinguished Advisor Hall of Fame Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair


Sandy Nininger Medal Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Sharon Kang, Emerald Division Lt. Governor


Sid Smith Award Margo Dutton, District Administrator


Distinguished Club Secretarial Team Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary Elaine Cheng, Jade Division Lt. Governor


Distinguished Club Treasurer Allen Pham, District Treasurer Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor

National Anthem Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor

Introduction of Special Guests Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair Dinner


Key Club Pledge Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor


Invocation Sammantha Garcia, Ruby Division Lt. Governor

Hula Dancing Kris Ross, Diamond Region al Advisor Awards Ceremony & Talent Show LeAnn Pham, District Awards Chair





Partners in Service Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor Club Video Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair Jay Park, District Bulletin Editor Early Bird Dues Recognition Allen Pham, District Treasurer Elaine Cheng, Jade Division Lt. Governor District Members of the Month LeAnn Pham, District Awards Chair

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SATURDAY, APRIL 18 (continued)


10:00—11:45 P.M. Salons E-J

Governor’s Ball



Distinguished Club President Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President


Distinguished Club Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor Jade Wong, District Policy Chair


Robert F. Lucas Distinguished Lt. Governors Margo Dutton, District Administrator


Governor’s Award for Outstanding Board Member Jennifer Ngo, District Governor


Governor’s Award for Outstanding Advisor Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Special Presentations Resolutions Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary & Elections Chair Elections Results Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary & Elections Chair Presentation of Spirit Stick Tashrima Hossain, Key Club International Trustee Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President SAA Announcements Sharon Kang, SAA Chair

SUNDAY, APRIL 19 6:45—8:00 A.M. Convention Lobby


FAREWELL SESSION Convention shirt





Distinguished Club Vice President Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor Jay Park, District Bulletin Editor

9:00 A.M.—Noon Salons E-J

Call to Order Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Flag Salute Sylvia Kwon, District Secretary Patriotic Song Gabby Lopez, Member Invocation Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor Key Club Pledge Elaine Cheng, Jade Division Lt. Governor Introduction of Special Guests Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Breakfast Advisor Recognition Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Talent Show

Presentation of Convention Advisor Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair

Adjournment Jennifer Ngo, District Governor

Remarks Kenneth Umbarger, Convention Advisor

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SUNDAY, APRIL 19 (continued)


FAREWELL SESSION On to International Convention Tashrima Hossain, Key Club International Trustee Maria Palazzolo, Key Club International President

Impromptu Essay Contest Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Allen Pham, District Treasurer


Keeping in KIWIN’S Spirit (KIKS) Elaine Cheng, Jade Division Lt. Governor Manuel Santiago, Jet Division Lt. Governor


T-Shirt Contest Sharon Kang, Emerald Division Lt. Governor Jeffrey Fielding, Turquoise Division Lt. Governor


Membership & Motivation Karina Gonzalez, Diamond Division Lt. Governor Kelley Ray, Goldstone Division Lt. Governor


Poster Contest Sammantha Garcia, Ruby Division Lt. Governor Dennis Takeshita, District Convention Chair


Scrapbook Nikita Lee, District Membership Services Chair Sarina Vang, Sapphire Division Lt. Governor


Talent Contest Jade Wong, District Policy Chair Jay Park, District Bulletin Editor


Oratorical Contest Sena Ji, Crystal Division Lt. Governor


District Administrator’s Award Margo Dutton, District Administrator

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Administrator’s Farewell Margo Dutton, District Administrator Presentation of District Governor Allen Pham, District Treasurer



Governor’s Award Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Convention Highlights



Convention Attendance Dennis Takeshita


Governor’s Farewell Jennifer Ngo, District Governor Retirement of 2014-15 Kiwanis Committee Alan Guire, CNH Kiwanis District Governor Installation of 2015-16 Kiwanis Committee Cherice Gilliam, CNH Kiwanis District Governor-Elect Retirement of 2014-15 Lt. Governors & Appointed Board Alan Guire, CNH Kiwanis District Governor

Installation of 2015-16 Lt. Governors Cherice Gilliam, CNH Kiwanis District Governor-Elect Retirement of 2014-15 Executive Board Alan Guire, CNH Kiwanis District Governor Installation of 2015-16 Executive Board Cherice Gilliam, CNH Kiwanis District Governor-Elect Banner Passing Jennifer Ngo, Immediate Past KIWIN’S District Governor Closing Remarks 2015-16 KIWIN’S District Governor Adjournment 2015-16 KIWIN’S District Governor

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“DISTRICT BOARD ALL-STARS~ Thank you so much for all that you’ve done for me and the District itself! So many great memories, I’m so sad to see it all end! I love you weirdos from infinity and back! Remember all the nicknames I gave you all? Yeah…. good times.. good times… Remember when we went through Nikita’s, Karina’s, and Sharon’s old facebook photos? I hope that Nikita finally gets a pony one day. I seriously will miss you all so much! I know that we will see each other again one day, but I hope that we will never forget all of our good memories! It was a bumpy road for us All-Stars, but we stuck together till the end. Sadly, the end is here and it’s a bittersweet goodbye for me! I seriously am not sure if i’m gunna cry on Sunday when we get retired, but if I do… please… no flash photography. And all to all the Jet Manatees, I will speak how I feel at banquet, so wait a few more months! And to all the KIWIN’S members out there! Thank you for sticking with us through the thick and thin, I know it’s been a crazy year of service! Thank you for all you dedication and hard work that makes KIWIN’S what we are today! Make sure to thank your chaperones, advisors, board members, and if you see a DB member who ISN’T running around, thank them too! All of us put a lot of hard work to make this year happen, so let’s all love one another and celebrate our accomplishments!! And I have one last question for you… HOW DO YOU end a paragraph like this? Hahahahaha -With service, love, and spirit, Manuel Santiago 2014-2015 Jet Lieutenant Governor


“It is one of my biggest accomplishments to watch Edison KIWIN'S rise to the top with its dedicated and really cute board and general members. “ - Richie Chu “Thank you Michelle Hwang for being so passionate about KIWIN'S. Without you, who knows where Edison KIWIN'S would be?” - Richie Chu "Hey Jet Presidents! I love you like XO. I can see your halo(halo halo). I like you so I put a ring on you. I'm drunk in your love! ILYSM!" -Beyonce Knowles, aka not Manuel Santiago

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Thank you Goldstone division for being the best Ohana an LTG could ask for!


Much love, Kelley Ray ADVERTISEMENTS

FOUNTAIN VALLEY YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST!!! I'm proud of old board for doing so well, but now it's the new board's term, so good luck you guys! Also, proud of the members because you guys are the coolest people ever and I'm glad I met all of you who are so dedicated to KIWIN'S! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND KEEP DOING YOU BARONATEES! B4L BARONATEES 4 LIFE!! - Calvin Chau

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To the most AMAZING members a president can ask for: WOW. What a year! We packed ourselves with service, socials, fundraisers and more. Through it all, you guys stayed dedicated and filled with spirit. I'm devastated that we will need to part this year, but remember I'll always be around!! KEEP UP THE LOVE & SERVICE! -Your 2014-2015 President, Christine Chau

To my loving and hardworking team of board members, All of you continue to amaze me at the dedication you put into KIWIN'S!! I'll never forget the fun things we have done together like spamming the board chat with stickers, watching Kevin's shuffling video together, Jacob's odd urge to sing at events, Julie's KPOP obsession, and way more memories that can't fit my word limit! I love you all so much and I'll miss you dearly! Especially Jennifer Le and Julie Quan! Best of luck next year. I believe in you two and your board 100%! -Your loving president, Christine Chau

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WORKSHOP NOTES ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ..................................................................... 64


















































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Marie Sullivan


Juliana Lin


Monty Tripp


Traci Kisner


Betsey Garrison


Marty Sinthavanarong


Toni Symonds


Chi-Yan Chan


Nida Guanzon


Elizabeth Pluta


Libby Vance


Angela Chou


Rosa Rios


Elizabeth Steinfield


Violet Gonzalez


Lani Nguyen


Cathy Mills


Vanessa Porter


Kristen Blahnik


Kathy Choi


Angi Lee


Chris Garsevanyan


Lisa Ollivier


Annalyse Bailey


Lynda Kim


Daniel Kim


Christine Cowley


Christopher Chiang


Catherine Reidy


Mary Nguyen


Lani Chiang


Jennifer Zhou


Denisa Nakano


Bernadette Lim


Ernae Mothershed


Kennedy Roberts


Mandy Griffith


Erika Goto


Denise Pong


Daniel Lim Jennifer Ngo

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Our Convention Office is located in the Malibu room throughout the weekend.



KIWIN’S DISTRICT OF KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL ..................................................................... 69


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