The Metro Minute (V2I4)

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“ yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream. - Kahlil Gibran, writer




CONTENTS Introduction 01 02 04 05

:: :: :: ::

Cover Quote of the Issue Contents About the Issue


06 :: What’s Jammin’ with Josef 07 :: Tidings from Tae 08 :: DLT Updates


10 :: Past Club Events 18 :: Past Division Events 20 :: Past District Events

Focus 22 24 26 28

:: :: :: ::

Spotlight on Elections Metro Monster Memories Josef's Memories This Year in Numbers

Up Next

29 :: Upcoming Events

SubB News

31 :: Updates by Jenny Park 4

about this issue Hello Metro Monsters! Isn't it crazy to know that the 2015-16 term is coming to an end? It seems just like yesterday when we saw our friends get elected, or when we were new members deciding whether or not it'd be worth it to go to that first general meeting. Time has definitely gone by quickly, but it does not quantify how much we've accomplished over this past year. We've seen a lot of changes, made a lot of memories, forged new friendships, and done a lot of meaningful service for our community. Metro has grown a lot this year, and it would not be where it is now if it were not for your unswerving passion for service and your love for Circle K International. This issue is focused on you, on us, on Metro; it serves as a reminder of all the memories we've made together as a division and everything each of us has been able to contribute towards changing the world through service, leadership, and fellowhip. The Spring Issue of The Metro Minute is a special issue dedciated towards honoring our memories and our future. With two spotlight features focusing on elections and Metro memories, this last issue emphasizes the amazing experiences we've had over the year and how Metro will continue to develop over the upcoming term. Enjoy the last issue of our division newsletter, have an amazing time at District Convention, and remember to keep service close to you wherever you go. Read on!


what's jammin' with HELLO METRO MONSTERS! I can’t believe it. It’s my last update for the Metro Minute. Cue the tears! Since the last issue was released in January, I have been up to a lot of things. Pretty much all of my weekends have been dedicated to Circle K. From January District Board Meeting to Kiwanis Midyear and to DLSSP North and South, I have been travelling throughout our District representing all of you at these various events. Aside from this, I have been working to ensure that our division is ready for the new term. This includes hosting my last Divisional Council Meetings as your Lieutenant Governor, speaking with the newly elected boards, training your Lieutenant Governor Candidates, and preparing for District Convention. A lot has definitely been going on these past few months, and I still have a few things to do after the term ends. In the next few months, I will be working with your newly elected Metro Lt.G to ensure that they have the best start possible. We have definitely made a lot of progress this year, and I will work to ensure that it continues. In addition to this, I still have one more event to plan…METRO BANQUET! All of you deserve a night to celebrate the accomplishments we have made this past year, and I want to give you all the best event I possibly can. Although my term expires at the end of this month, I will still be doing whatever I can to ensure the continued success of our division. So…what have I been up to outside of Circle K? The rest of my time has pretty much been consumed with schoolwork. This quarter, I took super difficult classes (against other people’s advice), and I am paying for it with my sleep (and sanity). In fact, I am actually taking a break right now from studying


josef //

for my Biochemistry final…which is in a little more than 36 hours away. It’s okay quarter promises to be better. My classes will pretty much be more chill, and I will be focusing on other things then, such as job-hunting and working on my research project. With my last year in college in front of me, I am working to make sure I am as prepared for applying to medical schools as I possibly can be. My goals for the next two years are to get a high score on my MCATs, publish a paper on my current research, and find a job as a medical scribe. Wish me luck! This year has definitely had its highs and lows. There were times when I felt like I could do anything that I wanted to, and there were moments where I just wanted to disappear. To be honest, I took on a lot of commitments this year, and that often times led to me being extremely stressed out or in danger of just failing at everything I did. Luckily, I persevered, but what was my secret? Throughout this year, I was never alone. Although I sometimes complained that no one was there to support me or to pick me up when I needed help, there was always someone there, and I just had trouble recognizing them. My secret…people who care… people like all of you. No matter how worthless I thought I was or how inadequate I thought the things I did as Lt.G were, all of you always believed in me. On top of that, all of you offered to be my support and assist me whenever you can. Honestly, I wouldn’t be here writing this message…almost to the finish line of my

term…if it weren't for you. You were my drive, my support, my inspiration, and my family. Thank you. I have thoroughly enjoyed being your Lieutenant Governor. If you asked me right now if I would change my decision to run, I wouldn’t, even with the knowledge of the consequences. My term as Lieutenant Governor only lasts a year, but the family we have formed will last forever, so please know that I will still be here for you whenever you need me. Always your friend,

Josef Madrigal

Metro Division Lt. Governor 2015-16

+ tidings from


IS THIS THE BIG BLUE BUS HEADING TOWARDS METRO?! For those of you who I have not had the chance to meet, my name is Tae Hyun Lim and I am honored to serve you as your District Governor! Can you believe that the time is almost here? Exactly one year from now, you had all dedicated yourselves to a year of commitment, hard work, and an experience you will come to never forget. Some of you have decided to get off on the next stop while others have decided to renew this statement. Whichever it may be, you have been of great importance to Metro's success and will always be! My first exposure to Metro Division was during my first year at UCLA's Pillow Fight. Since then, I have been able to visit many of your schools and see in person just how much you love your organization and your dedication to passion. It is something that I always share to others as you were one of my inspirations that kept me going. For all the accomplishments, pat yourselves on the back because you really deserve it! For all the veteran members, I hope you made this year the one to remember! I hope you continue striving for not only your careers but also your life! Never stop paving your road to success because it starts and ends with you. Enjoy the detours and breaks but one thing to do is never stop moving forward. Life is all about enjoying it to the fullest with the people you love and the things you enjoy doing.

now? Go to events you have never been to before! Experience and learn new life skills. Each event has its exposure in all fields and you can take what you learn with you wherever you go. Last but not least, dont be scared! College is a new environment and it should be all about trying new things. Conquer your fears and show yourself just how much you can change by being you. Circle K has taught me many thing I can’t learn elsewhere. It really gave me a new chapter in my life and I hope you can make the most of your time in college. Cherish every moment as if it was your last and make it a Circle K experience you will never forget. Enjoy the last issue of the Metro Minute and I hope to see you all at DCON! All the best,

Tae Hyun Lim CNH Circle K District Governor 2015-16

For all the new members, I hope this year was an exciting one! It's okay to be nervous and shy as I was just as much my freshmen year. If no one has told you already, I want to challenge you to do a couple things within the next year! Say a simple 'hi' to the people you have never met before! They say friends you make in college will be friends for life so why not start



PAULA LE // EA What's up Metro?! For the past few months, I've mostly been working on the DCON program! It's definitely taken a lot out of me, but I can't wait for all of you to look at it during the big celebration. Recently, I hit Platinum! This is one of my biggest achievements, and if you had a goal for the MRP too, I hope you reached it. Shout-out to all of those who ran for a position in your club! I just want to say that running for a position alone takes a lot of courage and no matter the results, you are great. To all the 20152016 boards of Metro, you're almost there! Let's all celebrate together at the grand opening of DCON.

NATALIE MANN // CSULB This time last year, a board full of first years were elected to lead CSULB Circle K into the 2015-2016 term. We were transitioning with our new board and trying our best to figure out what we could do to help our club grow. Little did we know that we would become a bigger, amazing family that has triumphed in the tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship. It has been so incredible to be a part of such a caring division. You all have provided us with so much love and support. It has played a crucial role in fostering our passion for Circle K and increasing our involvement in the division. We love you all so much! I am so grateful to have served on the Division Leadership Team with such dedicated individuals. Although my time as president is coming to a close, I have cherished every moment of stress, joy, and love in Circle K with all of you. Thank you for having me and I wish you all the best as we transition into another wonderful term full of service, leadership, and fellowship with Metro!


LINDON TRAN // SPIRIT Hello Metro! I hope that the new year is treating you well so far! Since it is elections season, I want to give a big congratulations to those of you who have been elected or appointed so far. I’m excited to see what you will all be able to accomplish in the upcoming term. As for me, I’m currently working with Josef to start preparing spirit items for District Convention so that Metro can leave its mark on CNH! DCON 2016 is coming soon, so I hope you’re all looking forward to a weekend of excitement, celebration, and new beginnings. Keep up the great service, Metro! See you all at DCON!

MEGAN BALDADO // CSUN Hi! I’m Megan Baldado, CSU Northridge’s President! I don’t even know what to say. I just started as president and our term is already coming to its end. This will be my first and last introduction in the Metro Minute. I know I have not been president for the entire term, but I am glad to have a great support system from my club. If you do not know, I was secretary this 2015-2016 term so stepping in, as president was a big change. It’s very bitter sweet, but I’m glad to have shared this experience with you all and I am excited to see what is in store for us in the future.


Hey Metro! I can't belie ready ending. It feels so ple of months ago, I w to CKI. Here we are now with my first year of coll been absolutely amazin tunities I've received an I was able to meet not the rest of CNH. Althou to a close, I am confiden made with one another the meantime, DCON is LAX Marriott. Let's celeb


Hey Metro! I hope that amazing for you as it h so much as president seen my members gr service minded indiv end is here, I feel co batch of leaders will d Good luck to all the n Always ask for help if your entire division o around, Metro peeps!


eve that this term is alo strange that just a couwas just a new member w, and I'm almost done lege. This year in CKI has ng thanks to the oppornd all the lovely people only in Metro, but also ugh the term is coming nt that the bonds we've r will always remain. In s coming -- see y'all at brate!


t this year has been as has for me. I've learned t of my little club and row as leaders and as viduals. Now that the onfident that the new do even greater things. newly elected officials! you need it, you have on your corner. See ya



Hello Metro! My name is Andy Kim and I am your current Division Videographer! So what I have been doing in CKI is taking pictures for my home club, CSULB, and taking pictures for the division as well! I have also been making recap videos for the division as well! I recently applied to be a part of Appointed Board for my home club as the Historian/Cinematographer!

Hola!!! Well its me for the final time!! Well for this term!! It was great being able to serve as the President for CSUDH CKI this year. It has been a pleasure to take this club to new heights and I hope for the best for the upcoming term. I probably don't say this a lot, but I am beyond proud of what CSUDH has done and I am truly happy calling you my home club! The new board has so much potential and I can't wait to be a part of your upcoming accomplishments. It was also fun being part of Metro and communicating with all the presidents. I love each and every one of you! Mama Bear out!

LISA CHONG // UCLA Hi Metro! This is my last update as president of UCLA CKI. I just want to say that my year here with you all has been the biggest journey I've taken. From all the ups and down, I'm glad to have been a part of this family! Of course, I'm not graduating so I'll see you all next year as well! I'm proud to say that this upcoming board is up and at them so watch out for them! It's never goodbye, it's only the beginning!

DANDE WANG // USC USC CKI has just finished our elections in one meeting! It was a close call and we are very happy and proud of all the people who ran. It was a bigger election than previous years. Please welcome the new board when you catch them at DCON and future events! I’d also like to take this time to thank everyone for the insane year. I grew so much learning from each one of you. USC wouldn’t be a club today if it wasn’t for all the support that was received throughout Circle K. Thanks to my soon-to-be immediate past board. They’ve been incredible leaders that helped our club grow and continuously grow. I’m excited to see USC CKI under new leadership!


RECAP // From January to March, our clubs have been engaging in a multitude of service events across Los Angeles and Southern California. Read all about what the members of Metro Division have been up to during these past few months, and reflect on all the amazing things we have been able to accomplish during the final quarter of the 2015-16 term!



USC CKI members beautified West Adams Preparatory High School with Key Club Division 35 West in Los Angeles' Pico-Union neighborhood.

On February 6th, 2016, USC CKI had the opportunity to lend a helping hand to West Adams Preparatory High School, a neighbor located about a mile away. After being split up into teams of 3-4, we spent the morning helping out by picking up trash around the school. We scoured the school, from roaming the hallways to clearing the garden. Luckily with such a large group of dedicated volunteers, we were able to get the school almost spotless in no time. The entire group of volunteers came together for the second half of the campus beautification to break apart a large pile of dirt, and to move that dirt to sparse areas of grass on the field and around other locations at the school to help induce the growth of new grass. This was a wonderful opportunity for not only USC CKI members to bond and serve, but also to connect with our local community. We were able to meet with Key Clubbers from Division 35 West, as well as mingle and get to know students from West Adams Prep itself. 10

As some of the older volunteers of the group we were able to set the example for others and lead through our actions. It was very heartwarming to come together as a community and work together towards the advancement and improvement of one of our own. The ability to give back is always an amazing and gratifying experience, and the ability to give back directly to our community and neighborhood is even more so. It helps to motivate volunteers to put in extra effort and energy towards the cause, as it literally and figuratively hits close to home. As the 2015-2016 term comes to a close, USC CKI could not have asked for a better opportunity to uphold the tenets of service, fellowship, and leadership all in one event, It gave us a renewed strength to keep fighting on, and we’ll continue to serve, build friendships, and lead as we transition to the next term!



by natalie mann | csulb

Circle K members from Cal State Long Beach joined hands with other Circle K clubs to educate residents of Compton about fire safety.

On January 19th, 23 CSULB Circle K-ers joined forces with other Kiwanis family members and organizations to give back to the Compton community. The Compton area often faces many accidental fires due to the lack of fire safety equipment and smoke detectors. CSULB Circle K was paired with the American Red Cross to educate residents about fire safety and to offer free smoke alarm installations. Initially, we were trained on how to educate the families on fire safety, how to install the smoke alarms, and how to fill out the proper forms to check in on these families. After training, we set out to install fire alarms that had already been requested by certain families. Together, we installed multiple smoke alarms for families in need and helped to educate many individuals on fire safety. We were also able reunite with members from Magic Kingdom, Foothill, CSUDH, and ECC. Ultimately, it was a great morning full of service with our Circle K family.



by aja nunn | ucla

Vounteers from UCLA Circle K took the Big Blue Bus to Santa Monica, where they engaged in a beach clean-up and had a post-service social!

On Sunday, February 21, the beach patrol and I set out to Santa Monica Beach for the Santa Monica Beach Cleanup event. We were off to a bad start, unfortunately, due to the fact that we rode the bus to everywhere except where we needed to go (bus routes changed recently). However, once we arrived at our destination, things started looking up. The beach patrol split into 3 groups consisting of 2 people each. We set off in different directions in search of any form of trash littering the area. Nick Stringfellow and I went through seagulls, around city runoff, and dug through sand to fill our trash bag. It was nice to see that there wasn’t as much trash as there was at the last beach cleanup event I went to. After 2 hours, our beach patrol groups met back up. Sarah and Matthew’s group went surprisingly far down the beach

to collect trash! Once we discarded our trash bags and gloves, we were off to the social. We were originally not going to have a social due to everyone’s busy schedules, but we decided to take a mini gelato trip once we finished cleaning. We ended up going to a super cute place called Dolcenero Gelato. They had tasty flavors, and everyone enjoyed the refreshing snack; I highly recommend it! My comrades even enlightened me on what a brain freeze was/felt like. After we finished, we crossed the street to the conveniently placed bus stop and waited for our ride home. Given our previous experience we were hoping for an easy ride back, and we got it! Beach Cleanup and Gelato Social were a success. We beautified the beach for other beachgoers and rewarded ourselves with some delicious treats.


SERVICE by megan baldado | csun HALF-MARATHON CSUN Circle K bonded over a 12-hour service half-marathon through a series of table-top events.

On Friday, Feb 26, CSUN CKI hosted a Service Half Marathon. It was a 12 hour-long event where our members could work on various tabletop projects on campus. I was one of the few who were able to stay for the entire 12 hours. The Service Half Marathon was really fun because we were able to use our creativity while doing all of the projects we worked on. We loosely followed a schedule. From 10am-1pm we made care packages for the homeless. Each package had tissues, a toothbrush, a granola bar, fruit snacks, a water bottle, and Band-Aids. We made an assembly line so everyone had a specific item to place in the bags; this made everything go smoothly. After making the care packages we also wrote letter to go with them from about 1pm-3pm. The letters had a list of all the items in the bag and something that everyone wrote to lift the spirits of whoever the bags end up with such as jokes. It was really fun to decorate the cards especially coming up with some jokes to write. Around 4pm we took a quick break and started to clean up. Our library closes at 5pm so we had to change locations. Most of us were also getting really hungry as


well, but not to worry, because food was provided! We went to an empty classroom and a small group went to get pizza, soda, and other snacks. We played music, relaxed, and just enjoyed each other’s company before getting back to work. We officially got back to work around 6pm, but there was still plenty of food and snacks to keep us going for the remaining few hours. We started working on different projects: pillow making for the homeless and activity book for children, which we worked on these until 10pm. We all had the opportunity to pick which project we wanted to work on. I was able to work a little bit on both. Making the pillows was my favorite. It was very relaxing to cut and tie the fabric. I also worked on making the activity books. The books were basically filled with puzzles children would like to do. It included mazes, word searches, crossword puzzles, tic tac toe, mad libs, Sudoku, unscramble, connect the words, and color pages. I personally enjoyed creating the mazes. I am really glad I was not only able to come to this event, but also stay for the entire duration of it. It was tiring, but it was still great to spend time with friends while doing service.

CLOUD 9 by dercy de la cruz | ecc On a Sunday afternoon, ECC Circle K helped Cloud 9 operate a booth that allowed children to paint.

Cloud 9 is a relatively new organization that has popped up in Los Angeles County recently. Its focus is to help the homeless, but it does not stop there. Cloud 9 recognizes that homelessness also impacts animals and children. On the 28th of February, El Camino College attended the Cloud 9 event and to our suprrise, they had a booth for pets and another booth for children. The pet booth had animal food, toys, and various medicine for pets. It was the first time I had seen an organization that deals with homeless people also think about pets that don't have permanent homes. At the event, ECC helped man the children's booth and we helped small children paint their merry hearts out with paper and wooded squares as their canvas. Sometimes parents dumped their very young children so we could take care of them which was a little worrying, but the they managed to return for their children. Some of the little kids were very little, in the age range of two to four years old which made them very fun. Seeing them just splash around the paint was very refreshing because the older ones were very careful with the paint whereas the smaller ones did not hold back in their enthusiasm. Most of us were kept busy, but overall it really was such a treat to know that we helped brighten up the days of little kids who may not get to have a Funday Sunday often.


SING by fred gallevo | csudh THE NIGHT AWAY CSUDH Circle K hosted a spectacular karaoke social for its members in Torrance. The members had a great time singing their favorite songs!

On Friday March 4, CSUDH along with Kari from El Camino College went to a karaoke social in Torrance, CA and we had a great time. It was a fun event to all the members who attended and there were many talents in the club. I didn’t even notice that our members had great talent in singing. The social was at Max Studio in Torrance, where we got to participate in singing our favorite songs. This was my first time attending a karaoke social because I used to just sing in my own home whether in my room or when even in the shower. The event was a huge success to me and to the club because we would definitely do it again in the future and invite other schools to come and sing with us and see who’s talented enough to sing. I want to give a shout out to our Social chair Bryan Hickman for making this social into a huge success and I would like to give a shout out to Kari De Luna from El Camino College for coming out to our social and singing with us, classic hits to Disney songs at the end the night. All of us got up and night the night away to “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” from Mulan. We will make it happen again as a future event for our club and hopefully as a divisional event.


CAMPUS CLEAN-UP by calvin ly | ucla UCLA CKI members took their time to sort out trash and recyclable materials on campus.

On February 20th, UCLA Circle K held their Campus Revitalization event where members were split off into groups and ventured around campus, transferring recyclables found in trash cans into the recycling bins in which they belong to promote a cleaner environment. There were many lessons learned at this event. One: College students drink a lot of coffee. Every single trash can was filled with coffee, especially those in North campus (probably from all those essays). Two: What can be recycled is definitely not common knowledge. Trash cans, which are strictly meant for food waste, were filled with magnitudes of paper, plastic, and other recyclables. And lastly, people simply don’t realize the importance of recycling. The recycling bin is almost always placed next to the trash can, so there isn’t really a reason why recyclables should be placed into the trash can, besides lack of knowledge. Also worth mentioning is the fellowship aspect of the event. Being placed into smaller groups allowed for good ole’ bonding. I was able to talk to people whom I knew of, but had never formally met. We played many games such as Underground (a game that I’ll forever hate), Concentration, and naming a medical condition for each letter of the alphabet. Additionally, when we opened cups of coffee in order to recycle the lids, coffee would splatter on everyone’s arms, ensuing a feeling of camaraderie. All in all, it was a fun event that unfortunately displayed college students’ lack of knowledge of how to keep a clean environment.




DIVISION by ethan wynne | csulb

Metro members participated in a division-wide dodgeball tournament hosted by CSUDH CKI in Carson.

Last January’s DCM had one word on everyone’s mind… DODGEBALL! The stage was set for some epic throws, dazzling dodges, and a great time at Stevenson Park! At the beginning of the DCM, the dodgeball teams registered and began warming up while the rest of Metro relaxed, caught up with friends, and enjoyed the beautiful Sunday afternoon. However, whizzing of dodgeballs and the cheers of the spectators soon consumed this beautiful Sunday afternoon! There were four teams – two from CSUDH, one from CSUN, and one from CSULB – of 5 members each and each team was entered into a semi-final format tournament. Each “game” was best of three, meaning that two teams would play to first to two wins, then the winner of each of these battlefields would advance to the finals, as well as the other two teams would play a consolation game! In the end, the final scores of each game didn’t and still don’t matter because we all had so much fun either playing in the dodgeball tournament or cheering on all of our friends. So after the final and last whistle blew, everyone was a winner of the January DCM Dodgeball Tournament! Following the official tournament, more dodgeball games were played involving anyone at the DCM who wanted to play,

free of charge! A lot of people joined in, formed into teams, and had a blast playing. All the games were superbly organized and refereed by our California State University Dominguez Hills family, so they deserve all the love in the world for selflessly running this amazing tournament smoothly and efficiently. After an awesome but exhausting day of dodgeball, everyone gathered and relaxed around Josef for… THE DCM ITSELF! The DCM was informative and fun as we were updated with all the impressive achievements and the exciting upcoming events for each club! As a whole, our Metro division is doing an incredible job serving our communities, and is possible by our passion and love for service. All in all, the Dodgeball tournament was an enjoyable and exciting event for our Metro Division. This tournament was great bonding for the division, something that is really important for all of us as a division. In fact, my personal favorite part of the day was getting to know so many more of my Metro Monster family, and I look forward to meeting everyone in the future to come! The bonding that takes place at events like this really displays that we are one big Metro family, so I look forward to the bright and beautiful future that is in store for our lovely division.



DISTRICT by lily lequang | ucla

Members in the southern region of CNH Circle K International gathered and engaged in a day of meaningful service for various communities in Orange County.

On Saturday, February 20th, the members of Metro Division joined the rest of the CalNev-Ha District for District Large Scale Service Project South, or DLSSP. DLSSP North and South are annual events designed to gather the combined efforts of the members of our district to bring forth a unified change in the community. After arriving early in the morning to the meeting location, Stanton Park, all drivers and members in attendance were registered, given their respective volunteer assignments, and provided a small breakfast to start the day. Following a short opening session and some introductions, members split up and headed towards the volunteer site that we were assigned to. At Veterans First, volunteers cleaned the interior of the different houses occupied by the veterans, as well as groomed the vines covering the fences surrounding the property. Circle K members at the Heritage Museum and Santiago Park Reserve worked to clear the weeds and intrusive plants that had taken root across the sites. With two other District Service Committee members, I had the chance to visit all three locations to volunteer for a short amount of time and ensure that the projects were running smoothly. I was really grateful for the opportunity to experience each of the different sites and to work alongside so many different Circle K members. After volunteers completed their projects, they all headed back to Stanton Park, where they were able to enjoy TWO slices 20

of pizza, fruit snacks, chips, and apple juice after their morning of hard work. Drivers were even treated to free churros! During lunch, members had the chance to mingle with others from across our district, meeting up with old friends or making new ones. Afterwards, we grouped together for closing session, where we debriefed about each volunteer sites and Circle K members shared their own individual experiences and the new memories they gained from the day. Overall, I had an amazing experience at DLSSP South this year. This year’s DLSSP was unique in that we were able to contribute towards this year’s District Service Initiative, Hope for the Homeless, as well as our upcoming DSI, Serve to Conserve: Planet Conservation. By having this variety in service projects, members were able to gain further insight into the importance of these causes as well as find ideas for possible future club service projects that will align with these initiatives. Although this was only my second year attending DLSSP, the event was especially memorable to me because of the larger role that I was able to play in bringing it to life, having had the opportunity to help plan the event, execute logistics the day of, and spend time at all three of the volunteer sites. However, the best part of my day – and what I feel is the most special aspect of DLSSP – was having the chance to connect with others through my love for service and create bonds and memories across the district.




As the 2015-16 term comes to an end, CKI clubs are transitioning leadership through the election of new officers. Our members in Metro have elected new leaders to serve their respective clubs for the 2016-17 term. Meet these new officers and get to know them over the next year!

CSU DOMINGUEZ HILLS // President Fred Gallevo Vice President of Admin Sam Ong Vice President of Service Vy Nguyen Secretary Kelsey Chan (not pictured) Treasurer Yander Grajede

CSU LONG BEACH // President Ethan Wynne Vice President of Admin Sean Villaverde Vice President of Service Alyson Brown Secretary Cindy Bui Treasurer Wyleen Olaes


CSU NORTHRIDGE // President Isaac Miller Vice President of Admin Alex Nguyen Vice President of Service Oscar Robles Secretary Connie Ng Treasurer Valery Aquino

UC LOS ANGELES // President Albert Truong Vice President of Admin Katherine Pham Vice President of Service Marcela Caldera Secretary Lindon Tran Treasurer Alondra Covarrubias

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA // President Crystil Quiroz Vice President of Admin Diana Karapetyan Vice President of Service Ashley Ta Secretary Emily Sun Treasurer Michelle Liu




One of my favorite memories in the Metro Division was the Metro Key 2 College (K2C) held at USC last September. Having all of Metro come together to help educate Key Clubbers and KIWIN'S really exemplified the true meaning of the Kiwanis Family. In between guiding tours, facilitating workshops, leading small group discussions, participating in a panel, and creating a PTP dolls, all of us had something to contribute and share. It was an honor to help give advice to these high school kids and to help their college dreams one day become a reality. Additionally, since K2C was also one of the first divisional events of the new school year, it was also a great place for me to connect more with old and new faces alike. Being a rather small club, USC CKI could have not pulled off such a K2C alone – teaming up with the rest of division to create and execute this event meant so much to our club. It was so heart-warming for me to see everyone working together and to hear about people’s different experiences as well as the different stories of how many of us found a home in CKI.

crystil quiroz, usc


HO-HO-HO! MERRY METRO CHIRSTMAS! One of my favorite Metro memories hands down is our Holiday New Member Induction Ceremony at ECC's very own Kiwanis's Hermosa Beach Hall. Not only were the decorations and atmosphere super festive, but we had loads of time to bond with each other. When I saw our new Club Members go up and get inducted by Josef, I was overjoyed and shed a few happy tears. This event marked new beginnings for our newest members and showcased how much love and support we have as a division! Plus I felt super pumped teaching ECC's new cheer to all the schools! The food was delicious!! I loved the fact that I got to eat and bond with USC while we felt sorry for a birdie that was stuck inside the hall and could not get out. And who can forget the slideshow or the lip sync video our Divisional Board put together for us?! I truly loved this event and I will forever cherish it in my vault of memories.

karina perez, ecc

During this last year with the Metro Division, my favorite memory would have to be our December DCM and Holiday Celebration! With finals looming, I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a little stressed coming into our December DCM... But, like always, the friendliness and enthusiasm that hit me right as I walked in the door began to thaw those cold thoughts, and I ended up having an amazing time attempting to work on our service project (crafts are hard...), celebrating with my fellow Monsters, and just letting go of my stress with my Metro family! Also seeing all of our Metro Monster Babies getting inducted reminded me of when I was a new member, and the wonderful experience I knew they would have with their club, Metro, and CKI in general brought me back to life and reminded me to make the most out of CKI.

nick stringfellow, ucla

RIES >> The memories that shine the most are the ones we share with others, so for me, seeing new members get inducted into the division, making new memories for themselves, is the memory I cherished most. Metro’s new member induction was one of my favorite Metro memories of the year. Seeing my beautiful new members get inducted into the Metro family, I felt a sense of pride and joy for them. Thinking back to how much I’ve changed and grown in this organization I can’t wait to see the different paths they will take on themselves. The mostbeautiful thing about this event was the same joy and pride that I felt for my new members I saw in the eyes of my fellow returning members for their new members as well. It has been an amazing year in Metro and I can’t wait to see what amazing new memories we will make in the term. Mwah Mwah.

michelle chung, csulb

My favorite memory from Metro Division would be the Divisional New Member Induction we had early December 2015. This event celebrated and inducted all of the people who joined the Metro clubs throughout all of 2015. During this year, our club at CSUDH got a lot of firsttime members; with this being after December’s DCM, most of our new members got to experience their first DCM as well. Overall, I really enjoyed this event because our new members enjoyed this event as well. It was a great opportunity for me getting to know not only the new members of my club more, but members from other clubs of Metro. Additionally, the whole induction went very well; the venue was nice thanks to ECC CKI; the food was really good; the video presentations were intriguing. In my opinion, the most memorable experience from that event was the whole induction ceremony. Eight of our members were inducted divisionally by Lt.G Josef. It was very heartwarming to see all of the new members recognized in our division, and I hope all of them are enjoying CKI .

carlos ong, csudh

Recently, I got to participate in the dodgeball tournament held by CSUDH. Although we were competing against each other, I did not feel pitted against my fellow metro monsters. I felt a family coming together for some fun! I also got some unexpected serious bonding with my home club homies. We decided we wanted to have our own shirts and wound up spending the entire night decorating them. This was also an opportunity for some of our members to step way out of their comfort zone and do something that terrified them. We honestly thought we would only play one game and be out. Valery was so pumped after the first game that she wanted to continue playing, even though she was still scared. That was the best moment for me seeing everyone letting lose and having fun. We only got 4th place, but the memories we have (especially of making our shirts) will be the lasting impression. We all get together and enjoy each other's company, and it really isn't about being better or winning the club of the month. We all strive for those things, but what really counts are the friendships we've fostered here in Metro Division and the barriers we break for ourselves.

isaac miller, csun



by josef madrigal

JOSEF'S MEMORIES [1] DISTRICT CONVENTION 2015 This Convention was honestly one of the most stressful times of my life. A few hours before House of Delegates, I was crying in the lobby. I had to constantly remind myself to just breathe. I was a mess…and the mess just got larger when I found out I was elected. This was the start of the year-long journey that I have had with all of you.

[2] LA FOOD BANK WITH METRO WHOA! This was my first ever divisional service project. I remember being so worried that nothing would go as planned, but everything went pretty well. The service project was great, and it really allowed us to bond as a division. After this, I was pretty much set on making divisional events a regular thing in Metro.


[3] PRESIDENTS' RETREAT Honestly, one of my biggest concerns upon taking office was Presidents' Retreat…because there were no showers. Nature and me are not very good friends, and I was very scared to go. Fortunately, I had six awesome people helping me cope throughout the weekend. I would not have survived without all of the Presidents there and without all the bonding.

[5] FALL

This was my term, first brea whether people k confided issues I w showed s kept on g

[4] OAKLAND PRIDE PROJECT One of my favorite service projects happened during my summer trip to Berkeley. During this event, we were working to restore a community building in Oakland. Most people who know me also know that I have two deathly fears: heights and spiders. Guess what…I faced both of those fears that day. I know that my screams will forever be engrained into the memory of all those at that project site.

[6] METRO MEMBER INDUCTION During one of our one-on-ones, Mondo had brought up the idea of having a Divisional New Member Induction, and I immediately agreed. I remember not sleeping the nights before the event because I was working to make sure everything would go according to plan. Though I was worried things would fall apart, they didn’t, and we were able to put on a beautiful event…plus thanks to Allen and Lindon, pasta was made available to all!

[7] JANUARY DB WEEKEND This weekend was when I felt especially close to my fellow District Board members. They played a key role in supporting me throughout the term, and my year would not have been as fun if they were not around. We’re all different. We had different ideas and opinions, but we were able to work together and make this year great. Fun Fact…I hit my head on the top of the gazebo right before this was taken…there was blood coming from my head.


pretty much the halfway point of , and I had already gone through my akdown as LTG. I did not really know or not I could keep going, but a few kept pushing me through. At FTC, I d to the whole Division about the was going through, and all of you so much support and so much love. I going because of all of you.


[8] WHAT'S NEXT? Although it’s the end of my term, I am still not done making memories with all of you. We still have so many adventures to go through as a division. Let’s make more memories together!














BANQUETS CSU Dominguez Hills Friday, May 6 CSU Long Beach Saturday, April 9 CSU Northridge Friday, May 13 El Camino College Friday, May 20 UC Los Angeles Sunday, April 17 University of Southern California Saturday, April 23 Division Banquet TBD - Details to be released by Josef Madrigal

KIWANIS FAMILY EVENTS Kiwanis One Day with Division 13 April 2, 2016 California Hospital Medical Center Contact Alex Gaytan: KIWIN'S 40th Annual District Convention April 15-17, 2016 LAX Marriott Deadline to sign up: April 3 Contact SAA Chair Natalie Mann:

DISTRICT EVENTS Spring Training Conference South May 7, 2016 CSU Fullerton *Required for officers* 30



HAPPY SPRING, METRO DIVISION! With summer fast approaching and the dust settling into new CKI term, I wanted to introduce some international updates for you all: Who could say no to some free money?! A great opportunity to recognize the hard work that we all do is by supporting our academic needs; Kiwanis International is proud to present the Mayfield, Cunat, and Himmel Scholarships for the 2015-2016 year awarding anywhere from 500-2,500 USD to a CKI member that best exemplifies the three tenets of CKI. All awards are to be postmarked by April 15 to be eligible. I also wanted to announce that Early Bird Registration is still open until April 15th for CKIx in Toronto, Canada this summer from June 22-26! If you would like to attend, there are great leadership opportunities such as applying to be a PATH leader as well as International awards available for your club to consider! For more information about any International updates, feel free to email me at subregionb@circlek. org and thank you all for your diligence this past year, it's been an honor working with you all! Live to serve, love to serve!

Jenny Park CKI Subregion B Trustee 2015-16



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