KIWIN'S Fundraising Resources

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cebook as well as through announcements in our faculty advisor’s class and during our general meetings. Anyone was able to sign up through a Google Form and the brackets for the tournament were set up by a randomizer. The Wii U and Game was generously lent to us by a member who seemed very eager to be a part of the event. The event was carried out successfully, earning us

The audience cheers as the two players start their match to win the tournament’s grand prize.


Hi there!

During the month of January, I, along with serWednesday – Show your K-Spirit! vice projects member and historian Allie Chang, created a weeklong event dedicated to raising On Wednesday, we wear our KIWIN’S gear. Because Wednesdays were meeting days awareness and funds for the Pediatric Trauma Program. The week goes as listed: for us, we decided to make this day a

simple one and have all of our members Monday and Tuesday – Super Smash Bros. 4 Tourshow their support for this cause by wearnament ing their KIWIN’S shirts and spirit gear. This event was one of the popular ones among the gamers of our school. We figured that Thursday – The Book Doctor With this event, since this game has become pretty big in our we were able to get members involved area, we figured it’d be fun to make a tourwhether it was donating books throughout nament featuring SSB4! the day, disinfecting/cleaning them, or helpThis event was pretty simple to set up. We asked ing us deliver the books to local children’s our faculty advisor a week beforehand if we hospitals. During lunch, both cabinet officers could use his room for the tournament and and members helped clean each books usspread the word about the event through Fa4

ing wipes to get off any stains or marks that were on the books, as well as check for any damaged parts. Overall, we were able to get in more than fifty books for the children’s’ hospital! The books provided had a wide range of genres, from fables to fairytales to informational, allowing more children to enjoy this diverse selection.


Friday – Membership Induction This event was also very popular among the members. After receiving the members’ cards, handbook and pins, the executive board figured it’d be nice if the members got to have a small celebration for becoming a paid KIWIN’S member. Anyone was invited but only members from Glen A. Wilson KIWIN’S were able to receive their pins, certificate, and ID cards. We got a lot of help from both our advisors Mr. Wallach and Mr. Bashir and our cabinet members. Mr. Wallach was able to order the food for the banquet, which cost us around $150 and Mr. Bashir helped us contact the Hacienda Heights Community Center to reserve the venue for the event. Cabinet members helped us set up a couple of hours beforehand. Also to make the event more entertaining, we asked a couple of groups and performers from our school to showcase their talent such as our Glen A. Wilson Dance Team, violinist Kalvin Chang, and singer Katie Mclemore. Through admission fees and donations, we were able to earn a net profit of $55 (after deducting from fee from decorations and food). Saturday – PTP Ice Skating Fundaiser I had our service projects committee member and historian, Allie Chang contacted Anaheim Ice three weeks before the day of the event. The manager of the ice rink was more than happy to let us host a fundraiser at the venue! This event, unfortunately, was not as successful as we hoped. It clashed with 2 other events – our Red Cross homeless shelter event and the dance team’s competition. All in all, the weeklong event helped us promote the goals of the Pediatric Trauma Program. Though I have to admit that it was tiring, it also felt rewarding as we earned over $200 for PTP. It may have been our first time doing this sort of event, but the results showed that this may be an event that can become an annual (or maybe even a district wide) event! I mean who knows!


Hey KIWIN’S! This past November Edison KIWIN’S very own publicist Julio Gonzalez, or as he is better known on YouTube, ThatOneTomahawk agreed to host a 24 hour livestream to raise money for Project Eliminate where he played games such as Outlast, the Impossible Game, and Minecraft and talked to his fans the entire Thanksgiving night and day after. Through this fundraiser, we were able to both money and awareness for Project Eliminate and KIWIN’S as seen through the side bar chats from fans and strangers alike. My heart soared every time someone made a donation, no matter how big or small and it was great seeing the national community being able to connect on an Internet platform. Planning the fundraiser wasn’t much work on the board’s part; it 6

was mostly a matter of figuring out the best time and date, and we all agreed Thanksgiving would be a good day to host it. Most of the planning is credited to Julio as he had to prepare for staying up for 24 hours and also publicizing the event a week before and days leading up to it, lining up with his duties as our publicist. All in all, this has been our most successful fundraiser thus far and it was fun to do.


On Thursday, December 16 a handful of Torrance High KIWIN'S officers attended the Torrance KIWANIS meeting at Sizzler's. At this annual event, our club literally "Takes Over" a KIWANIS meeting. This year, our club president, Jordan Uyeki ran the meeting. After announcements and a slideshow reviewing the years' events, the fun began. The Torrance High board members sold raffle tickets and began auctioning gift baskets to the KIWANIS members. Some of the gift baskets were See's Candy, an Asian Snacks, a Bath and Body Works, as well as many others. Many of the contents were graciously donated by many companies. At the conclusion of the auctioning and selling, everyone participated in happy and sad dollars, and Jordan adjourned the meeting. The Torrance High Board members handed out goodie bags containing snacks donated by the store Marukai and a Holiday greeting card. The money raised totaled to an amazing $500. The day became even greater when we received a $500 check from KIWANIS to use towards DCON. Torrance High KIWIN'S is very grateful for the opportunity to run the KIWANIS meeting and for the generosity of the KIWANIS members.


NET PROFIT: $400 7

the losers to have a second chance of playing if they had lost the first round of games. Lastly, we had to supply the players with snacks, such as slushies, popcorn, and candy. We were able to profit $57 from snacks alone! This event proved to be a huge success and we are aiming to open this event up to more people for next year. We will also be hosting another event similar to this one, except with Super Smash Bros in Late January/ Early February! We hope to improve the formatting of the gaming event for The New Super Smash Bros for all to enjoy. Marina’s first ever Race4Charity event was hosted at the cafeteria of Marina High School. This event was planned a few months in advance. We had to determine the game that seemed to be the most attractive that student will play in order to help charity. We also wanted to have this event to be an interclub event with Marina’s own Nerd Club. We first had to decide the location for this event. It was convenient to have the event at the cafeteria because the location had a large space for many people to come and the location had a projector for us to display the game. Our faculty advisor, Cory Rasmussen, allowed us to use his Wii-U and the new Super Mario Kart for this event. We then chose the price to be $5 per player and that all of the money will be donated to the Live2Learn Foundation. After getting the location and game, my board and I decided to start advertising 2 weeks prior to the event to keep the hype from dying out. We also had to work on the winner’s bracket, which we allowed 8



The first thing we did was ask our faculty advisor to see how many teachers would participate to make this event happen. Once we felt like we had enough we went out and bought our supplies. We bought boxes, construction paper, and markers. We planned to have sort of a penny war like set up. There would be boxes in each of the teachers’ rooms and students would vote by putting money in their favorite teacher’s box. Then we posted pictures of teachers and signs on their doors letting students know which teachers were participating in the event. Overall, we had a lot of involvement with staff around the school and even our principle had a little fun while doing it. Of course we had some stress setting it up but that’s to be expected. If this event were to be done again I recommend planning a date before any other fundraiser like a penny war. Also always ask the teachers first so you know if you have enough teachers to have the event before you buy your supplies.



work together. We stressed, panicked, cried (mostly me), fell, danced, and rose our way to the top.

Hey KIWIN’S! I’m so excited to tell you guys about Edison KIWIN’S’s first ever, DANCE SMACKDOWN 2K14!!! It was an event that was planned in a huge time crunch, had tons of last minute changes, cast a huge amount of stress on board, but was the best thing that could’ve happened to Edison KIWIN’S this summer. Executive Board learned so much through this event, not only about planning events and fundraising, but also our dynamics and how to

As club treasurer I knew I would be the person in charge of the fundraiser so at first I took pretty much all of the work under my wing, while only consulting with board when making decisions or asking for their opinions on things. However, quickly falling under stress, I knew I couldn’t plan the entire thing myself so I delegated different jobs to each board member (ex. food, stage/sound equipment, advertising, location, etc.). So I highly suggest for other treasurers to follow this same method when planning big fundraisers and to follow up with each person on their job to check for progress on a very


regular basis to remind them of details and to give them a deadline to work towards! There are a lot of things we would change if we plan another Dance Smackdown or any other big event. Our mistakes this time around include: not planning early enough, not sorting out all last minute details, serving food when there wasn’t a demand for it (lost money), not securing competitors early on, and getting the location literally the night before. All of board thought throughout the entire planning process we were going to have to cancel the event during every obstacle we encountered, but I’m proud to say I stood obstinate and protected the event and pushed them to make it work, even when our location cancelled on us the day before the event. But of course the credit of the fundraiser is shared between all of my board, and especially 13-14 Executive Board who took a lot of their personal time to help and guide us extensively. The Smackdown is something that I poured my entire heart and self into, and I will treasure it for the rest of my life. Even though we didn’t fundraise a huge amount of money for Live2Learn Foundation, everyone said they had a good time and that’s all we could’ve asked for.

NET PROFIT: $51.63



Hey KIWIN’S! So for the month of December, Richmond decided to host an Awake-a-Thon which had great outcomes. Planning the event took some time because our advisor was always so busy. It’s okay though, the officers still managed to plan and execute the event by being optimistic

and having excitement towards raising money for DCON. So for the event, we charged each member $10 for staying over our RPAL from 7PM7AM. The experience at the Awake-a-Thon was amazing. It was great seeing everyone bond by playing pool, basketball, badminton, soccer, volleyball, watching movies, playing soda pong, eating delicious food, and even singing while a member played the ukulele. Bonding for


twelve straight hours helped shape the club in becoming closer even though most of the members got tired towards the last few hours. My overall experience at this event is bittersweet. The event was sweet because everyone had a blast, and it was bitter because I really wanted to sleep. It’s all gravy though, staying up definitely paid off, literally. If y’all are interested in hosting an Awake-a-Thon, just be prepared to keep your members in company with fun activities and ice breakers, pie sleepers, hold raffles for pieing officers, have fun, and maybe drink COFFEE because you will be drained by the end of the night. In service, Shawndy Saephan Richmond High School 2014-2015 Treasurer NET PROFIT: $366



Hey KIWIN’S! The month of July was filled with bonfires, summer assignments, tutoring, dance battles and parties! It was a great month for everyone as they try to keep their friendship strong and bonds stable by attending KIWIN’S events. KIWIN’S events are not only beneficial to the community but are also an opportunity for socializing and meeting new people. One particular occasion in which an event was an opportunity to meet new people and to have fun was the Nickelodeon Kid’s Sports Choice Awards! On July 17th, La Quinta KIWIN’S and Westminster Key Club planned to go to the Nickelodeon Sports Awards as a whole group. Brittney Vu, the treasurer from Westminster Key Club organized this event for all of us.

The chaperones were Paul Duplessis and LQ KIWIN’S advisor, Ms. Aguilar. The event’s call time was 10:20 at Bolsa Grande High School. A total number of 40 members from both schools attended. The event was at UCLA and it provided an opportunity for people from both schools to interact and to get to know one another better. Each person that attended resulted in 8 dollars for their respective school, so each school received 160 dollars. This event was special because many members were able to meet their favorite celebrities and the people they idolize. Some celebrities included Carmelo Anthony, Megan Fox, Russell Westbrook, Kevin Durant, Dwayne Wade, Marshawn Lynch, Stephen Curry, Pharrell Williams, and Dwayne Johnson. We helped cheer and we were a great audience to the live show. I had an amazing experience because it was my first live show and I was able to see my favorite athletes in person. All the members were very excited and energetic, which was a good sign that we did a good job planning the event. Overall, this was a great event and fundraiser, because


alley was filled with screams of excitement, groans of disappointments, and sounds of laughter. At the beginning of the event, everyone was extremely competitive, challenging one another and trying their hardest to win. However, as the night went on and people had their hopes and dreams crushed as the bowling ball continued to roll into the gutter, people began abandoning this competitive attitude and began adopting a more fun and experimental attitude. They began doing different things, such as bowling on the ground, rolling it super slowly, bowling backwards, th On January 24 , 2015, we hosted our annual and many other different things. Bowl to Eliminate. As the members walked into Overall, this fundraise was extremely successful. the bowling alley hoping for a good time, they Not only was this fundraiser one of our major saw two tables. The first table was the check in, fundraisers of the year, but we had 70 members where members had their presale ticket num- come to support our fundraiser with people bers written down and had their hand signed to from as far as Turquoise Division coming to supverify that they had already paid and checked port us. We were able to raise $400 in the name in. Then, they would move to the second table, of Project Eliminate and donated 10% of the where we, the board members, assigned them funds while saving the rest of the money to help lower the cost of District Convention. However, to different bowling lanes depending on who the most successful part of the fundraise was they wanted to bowl with. As people began not the amount of money that we raised, but coming, this process helped make the check in rather the fun atmosphere that we were able to process fast and efficient. create for our members. This fun environment After they checked in, the members went to allowed our members to enjoy their time while knowing that they were helping out the comtheir assigned lanes and met up with their munity. friends, where they began socializing and bowling. Although most of the people were not good at bowling, it was a fun experience as everyone challenged each other over bragging rights. Throughout the night, the bowling



Hey KIWIN’S! On October 4th, Edison KIWIN’S held a joint Beach Volleyball Brawl fundraiser with La Quinta KIWIN’S. This was the first time the two clubs ever worked together for a fundraiser. Kenny and Kathy planned the event over social media and it worked out surprisingly well. They split tasks up evenly regarding getting advisors, getting volleyballs, and getting water and ice. Knowing that Kathy couldn’t let down another club pushed her to work even harder for the event and

made her push her fellow officers to help with it regarding getting competitors. The event itself was a lot of fun, both clubs got a lot of positive feedback that people had fun. The event was homage to the summer of 2014 and it stimulated physical activity and socializing between two Jet schools that


don’t have a history of being close, something Kenny hopes he can change this year. As for tips the two would give other treasurers planning any competitive event, the two biggest things are location and contestants. Our location for the Brawl was changed last minute due to unforeseen reservations, so it would be wisest to triple check that a location is set in stone. Contestant retention had to have been the most stressful part of planning the event. In order to prevent people from flaking and dropping out at the last second, I would encourage treasurers to take some small form of collateral from contestants to secure their spot and ensure they come on the day of the event.





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