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Current Status: In Brazil, Skype interviewθ25k RMB/month before tax Name: Fabiano Age: 29 years old Working Experience: 3 years Language(s): Portuguese, Spanish, English Year of graduation: Graduated in 2013 from Fluminense Federal University, Brazil Degree: Bachelor of Architecture Design area: Architectural design Field of specialization: Concept design, detail design, construction design Cities to work in: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, North America, UK, Europe 0U )DELDQR JUDGXDWHG LQ ZLWK %DFKHORU RI $UFKLWHFWXUH KH VSHFLDOL]HV LQ DUFKLWHFWXUDO FRQFHSW GHWDLO DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ GHVLJQ 3URMHFWV W\SH LQFOXGH UHVLGHQWLDO PL[HG XVH RIILFH DQG SXEOLF EXLOGLQJV 6RPH RI KLV ZRUNV LQFOXGH *UHHQ &DPSXV FRPSHWLWLRQ LQ ,WDO\ 5H 7KLQNLQJ 6KDQJKDL FRPSHWLWLSQ &RZRUNLQJ 6SDFH LQ %UD]LO DQG YDULRXV UHVLGHQWLDO SURMHFW LQ %UD]KLO
PORTFOLIO Fabiano Prates Ravaglia architecture . urban design
03 Introduction 04 Resume 05 2016 . Green Academy - Italy 11
2015 . Treehousing Durban - South Africa 2015 . Oporto Coworking Space - Portugal
2014 . National Library Annex - Brazil
2012 . Re-Thinking Shanghai - China
26 2016 . Gloria Apartament - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
2015 . Botafogo Apartament - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 2015 . Freguesia Penthouse - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 2014 . Beach House - Espirito Santo - Brazil
2013 . Mixed Use Complex - Final Thesis - Bachelor’s Degree
Hello! This portfolio brings together a selection of the main projects carried out over my academic career and recent professional experiences in addition to several competitions. I’m a young Brazilian architect and urban designer who currently runs my own as private practice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Throughout my academic years I had the chance to work in multicultural environments and several scientific research, both in Portugal and Brazil. From those interdisciplinary centers of excellence, I have always kept up my curiosity and ongoing effort to improve to respond the contemporary needs and future issues of humanity. Since my first year under graduation I joined architecture offices in internships which allowed me extensive experience in different scales and project types as commercial, residential, corporate, and estate market. At the same time, I took part in national and international competitions and received several awards. As an architect and urban designer, I am passionate, motivated and proactive. I always work at my top performance level, adapt easily to new situations, and like to engage in collaboration teams. As a problem solver I find solutions through the creative process. I aim at highly appealing projects of interesting yet functional design that trigger emotion. I would like to expand my knowledge and skills in new methods and practices involving the relationship between architecture, urban design, sustainable enviroment and construction systems.
Fabiano Prates Ravaglia Brazilian, born in 25.02.1987
2006 Started Bachelor’s Course at
2015 International Competition
Fluminense Federal University bachelor degree in Architecture and Urbanism School of Architecture and Urbanism
Honorable Mention Oporto Coworking Space organized by AWA, Portugal.
(EAU |UFF), Brazil.
2008 Workshop . Interchange France - Brazil
"Urban Planning Project in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro" Ecole Supérieure d'Architecture Paris Val de Seine (Paris, France) with EAU |UFF (Niterói, Brazil).
2012 International Competition Shortlisted “Let’s Paint Shanghai with Fireflies”, Re-Thinking Shanghai by 10design, China.
2008-2009 Junior Research Project . Scholarship
2012 International Competition
"The City and the Law" advised by Dr. Cristina Lontra Nacif
2009-2010 Academic Exchange . Portugal
“Building for Changes”, Designing For Adaptable Futures by Loughborough University, United Kingdom.
Oporto University, Faculty of Architecture (FAUP) represented by the Pritzker winners Siza Vieira and Eduardo Souto de Moura.
2012 Junior Research Project . Scholarship
"Environmental Equity in Greater Rio de Janeiro" advised by Ph.D. Thereza Carvalho
2013 Final Thesis Presentation
"Mixed Use Complex"advised by Dr.
Maurício Campbell graduated as Architect and Urbanist (bachelor’s degree) with a 10 from the jury’s board.
.work 2016 fpr Studio - Founder, Ceo Private practice studio working with residential, interior design and commercial projects. In addition, I've been working in partnership with other architecture offices, supporting the concept ideas with high design and archviz skills.
2014-2016 RPA| Ravaglia&Philot Arquitetura Co-Founder, Ceo Flexible organization working as collaboration and partnerships, we designed residences, retails, interior design, graphic design and technical consultants.
2013-2014 Provecto Smart Offices - Arquitect Architecture office focused on corporate architecture, working in viability studies, concepts, executive project, budget support and work monitoring.
2013 Ivan Rezende Arquitetura - Junior Arquitect Worked developing concepts studies, executive project, construct and furniture details to high standards residential projects also interior design and real estate development. 2011-2013 Brookfield Asset Management, Inc. Internship Arquitect Worked in the executive project department in Brookfield Property Group developing office buildings, retail, multifamily, and hotel in Rio de Janeiro. Provided support to compatibility all kinds of executive projects, ongoing project survey, suppliers proposals and budget control, monitoring approvals of environmental licenses.
2010-2011 CHY |CHY Arquitetura - Internship Arquitect Worked developing concepts studies, legalization and executive projects, construct and furniture details to high standards residential projects also interior design and retails.
2008-2009 Santa Irreverência Arquitetura Internship Arquitect Drafter concepts studies, executive projects, construct and furniture details to high standards residential projects also interior design and the main flagship stores in Brazil.
2011 Exhibition Selected Project “Building with Ground. Theory, method and pratice” Exposed work at 9th Architecture Biennale of São Paulo by IAB SP.
2010 National Competition Winning Proposal “Concept and Practice Slum Upgrading” by Rio de Janeiro City Hall, Brazil.
2010 Selected Conferences Honorable Mention “Housing Units Project built in Soil-Cement Wall for Rural Settlement”, Poster Awarded by the National Meeting of Research and Graduate Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (ANPARQ), Brazil.
2009 Selected Conferences Publication “Housing Units Project built in Soil-Cement Wall for Rural Settlement”, Publication Awarded by the Iberoamerican Seminar on Building with Ground (SIACOT), San Miguel Tucumán, Argentina.
2009 National Competition Honorable Mention “Gantries of Darwin Ways's"organized by Environmental State Institute (INEA), Government of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. * My work has also been published in several online and press national and international architecture publications such as O Globo, Casa&Construção, Homify, Archdaily, Freshome and Artpower.
.language Portuguese English Spanish German
mother language fluent written and spoken fluent written and spoken currently learning
.software AutoCad Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign SketchUp 3ds Max Vray MSProject Microsof Office Revit Archicad
Green Academy “Centro di Sostenibilità di Marzabotto” 2016 Marzabotto . Italy - DISMECO/YAC 8.000 sqm
museum administration coworking space coffee & shop technical areas university labs public space
Dismeco campus entrance 10min 5min
Lama di Reno 30min. to Bologna 1,5h to Firenze
parco regionale storico di Monte Sole
The original building, an old paper factory, operates as a main core for public and high traffic activities, taking advantage of its wide enclosed spans and double ceiling heights to distribute exhibition spaces and create several vertical circulation axes, preserving most of its exterior brickwork claddings and recomposing them with dismantlement material when needed. As the building goes up, a new transparent shell takes place, acting as an observing spot for the rich landscape of Monte Sole’s historical site. The Center aims to offer to all its visiting public different levels of sustainable solutions, bringing Marzabotto site’s memory to life as a solid conjoint. The proposal moves towards the revitalization of an industry through a collage of its own memory with its existence within the city, assembling a large program of activities, to built up with green and wellness concepts, using many viable green solutions, that can coexist through straightforward solutions.
level 2 level 1 mezzanine level 0
building technology
terrace level 2 level 1 mezzanine level 0
The retrofit interventions on the original faรงade builds up as an enhancement of the original volume, proposing a dynamic ensemble of fills and voids, using demolition brickwork to compose a uniform cladding. By demolishing most of the internal and nonstructural partitions, new administrative and museological functions become possible, levels are reorganized and mezzanines provide flexibility where elevated ceiling heights are not necessary. Most of the original columns and beams remain exposed with their original concrete, new vertical circulation systems are designed to organize different sections, and the exhibition route is defined by a circular, closed track. At the very top of the original building, a new green roof and a sensorial garden compose an open terrace which tops off the experience with an observatory, a training center and a coffee shop. The new building takes on a narrative approach, stablishing a dialogue with the old one both in height and volume, composing a visual unit that spans through all its extension, except for the laboratories on the first floor and the open terrace. Glass boxes provide lighting and landscape views for the research activities, as the sculptural roofing element acts as a reinterpretation of the concrete canopies of the factory. The building technique is composed of a metallic structural grid with a reinforced concrete basement, providing floors with great flexibility. A double ventilated faรงade closes these spans, with bi-fold micro perforated corten steel cladding panels and a triple layer of low-e glass, allowing for maximum ventilation and lighting control in every single room.
diagram ORIGINAL ROOFING +17.80
ROOFING + 17.80
42 42
+15.70 41 . Green Roofing 42. Skylights 43. Solar Panels
44 37
+14,50 44. Sensorial Garden 45. Organic Garden 46. Community Gym
+10.60 30. Startup Rooms 31 . Coworking areas 32. Temporary Exhibition space 33. Training Center 34. Coffee Shop 35. Belvedere Loungue 36. Terrace with Sensorial Garden 37. Balcony
LEVEL 2 38
+11.00 38. Conference rooms 39. Kitchen and Coffe 40. Living areas
7 39
23 24 22
+6.10 Museum Exhibitions: 22. Education, Literature and Book 23. Paper Encyclopedia 24. Culture and Art in Paper in Contemporary Society 25. Administration (Museum and University Directors Board)
+7.50 26. Living Area 27. Classrooms 28. Study rooms 29. Video streaming and webcasting production
14 15
17 18 21
+4.00 17. Living Area 18. Coworking space 19. Reading room 20. Meeting room 21 . Balcony
20 19
3b 3b
+3.00 14. Coffee shop 15. Kitchen 16. University administration
3a 3
LEVEL 0 +0.00 1. Museum access; 2. Information desk 3. Paper and Recycling Museum Exhibitions: a. Recycling, Science and Industry b. The Origins of Paper 4. Souvenir shop 5. Auditorium; 6. Museum management 7. Technical areas 8. Dismeco open park
5 1
11 13
6 10
+0.00 10. Entrance hall 11 . Labs 12. Training Center Dismeco Exhibition 13. Lecture Space
exploded view Main Accesses Vertical circulation axis Emergency circulation axis Toilets
Considering the beautiful architectonic expression of the industrial plant and its outstanding features as a composing object of Marzabotto’s landscape, the proposed interventions are delicate and punctual, strengthening the existing body as a revamp for flexibility within its internal spaces. Several levels and rooms are interconnected and integrated through different floors and volumes, which allow the visitors to establish a desired continuity between the museum exhibitions and the common study areas.
section detail 1
border masonry + waterproofing membrane + rolled zinc sheets + polymeric cement finishing filling + waterproofing membrane + 80mm insulated Roofmate + zinc sheets edge beam and parapet, exposed concrete finish rolling sunscreen 625 x 625mm mineral acoustic ceiling, hidden frames black anodized aluminum frame, triple Low-E Reflex glass curtain exisiting column + drywall encasing, steel profile baseboard and ceiling molding, matte white paint finish floating paving with vinyl planks covering subfloor leveling + underfloor heating system existing beam and column, matte black paint finish dark grey electrostatic paint coated aluminum sheets
edge beam, exposed concrete finish suspension track for flexible lighting
anchoring galvanized steel studs steel frame cantilever anchored in existing edge beam recessed spotlights
removable suspended Baffle acoustic panels, 200mm thickness edge beam, exposed concrete finish existing beam and slab, exposed concrete finish HVAC duct system suspension track for flexible lighting
original brickwork with thermal grouting, matte colorless sealing membrane
high density gravel base with draining system mid density gravel base light aggregate coarse sand
galvanized steel wall framing studs 80mm double plasterboard panels, rockwool filling high density water repellent coating polymeric cement finishing + matte colorless sealing membrane concrete flooring, metalling epoxy finish
permeable cement paving subfloor leveling + underfloor heating system light concrete subfloor reinforced concrete slab
section detail 2
ventilated facade, corten steel cladding anchored in galvanized steel clips leveling + waterproofing membrane + grouting, marble sill and covering compressed cement flooring sheets, grouting and asphalt membrane sprinkler pipe HVAC duct system 625 x 625mm mineral acoustic ceiling, hidden frames and recessed lighting bi-fold opening system, corten steel perforated cladding panels light anodized aluminum frame, triple Low-E Reflex glass curtain
rough granite floor leveling layer + waterproofing membrane + thermal layer light concrete subfloor reinforced steel deck slab galvanized steel railing rough granite sill edge masonry + waterproofing membrane granite interior finish corten steel exterior finish
sprinkler pipe HVAC duct system rolling sunscreen 625 x 625mm mineral acoustic ceiling, hidden frames and recessed lighting vinyl flooring planks subfloor leveling + underfloor heating system light concrete subfloor reinforced steel deck slab structuring steel beam, H-section supporting steel beam, H-section HVAC duct system 625 x 625mm mineral acoustic ceiling, hidden frames and recessed lighting light anodized aluminum frame, triple Low-E Reflex glass curtain
high density gravel base with draining system mid density gravel base light aggregate coarse sand permeable cement paving compacted soil Enkadrain + asphalt membrane + leveling grout
full height double glass partitions polymeric cement finishing + matte colorless sealing membrane subfloor leveling + underfloor heating system light concrete subfloor reinforced concrete slab
polymeric cement finishing + matte colorless sealing membrane waterproofing membrane + grouting dense concrete subfloor reinforced concrete slab
housing public library technical areas technical school restaurant shops public space
“Growing Identities” 2015 Durban . South Africa - FAO UN 14.000 sqm
es N
i St
es N
i St
Ingc uce Rd
Ingc uce Rd
in L
es N
in L
i St
Ingc uce Rd
Treehousing Durban
winter peak shading summer peak shading
1. simple extrusion - aligning neighbor height
3. rotation - maximizing views 2. echeloning - promoting terraces and shadows for the first and shaded faces floor opened to the city
4. optimal shape with shadows throughout the year
re esi s de dent ntia iall u ia un nitss an and d prriv ivat ate at e te te ac terrac aces es
Designing in wood as the gesture by itself can already address many points in carbon emissions savings. The design embraces a mixed use of glued laminated timber parts for beams and pillars, in aclear modulation of many clusters, and cross laminated timber panels for both vertical and horizontal closings. The sustainability plans also reach higher levels of
consciousness and empowerment, as the proposed program embodies a technical school for carpentry and wood related crafts, planting a seed for future development in wood buildings in South Africa, recognizing their benefits and encouraging greater use of both wood in buildings and renewable biomass to meet society’s broader energy needs.
avoided greenhouse gas emissions: 19.528 metric tons of CO2
estimated volume of wood used: 10.894 cubic meters
carbon stored in the structure: 9.187 metric tons of CO2
total potential carbon benefit: 28.715 metric tons of CO2
vi w fro view rom m Jo Joha hann n es Nikosi St
commerce floor 3
structural solution 1 different patterns of wooden brises 2 cross laminated timber wall panels 3 cross laminated timber floor 4 wood joist 5 glued laminated timber beams 6 glued laminated timber pillars 7 metal sheet joints
view from the back street
14 Rooftop 652 sqm technical pavement
5.5 structural buffer transition between 10x5m and 5x5m beam modules
13 Housing 780 sqm
5 Mixed 1408 sqm
12 Housing 950 sqm
public library and restaurant
Housing 1110 sqm
School 1408 sqm technical school for capentry and wood crafts
Housing 1025 sqm
Commerce 1370 sqm multiple stores and renting spaces
9 Housing 1135 sqm
2 Commerce 1370 sqm multiple stores and renting spaces
Housing 1385 sqm
residential access
commerce access
Housing 1259 sqm
1 Public 150 sqm constructed 2130 sqm open free open space for informal trading activities
6 Housing 1510 sqm distributed among 4 housing modules
longitudinal section
housing units
Oporto Coworking Space [Honorable Mention] 2015 Oporto . Portugal - AWA 5.000 sqm
coworking labs/meeting technical areas service/administration coffee/bar shop/market public space
aerial site plan
How can one make a space promoting the right conditions for the young creative professionals to work in Oporto city, create new perspectives for underused land and consider Oporto and Gaia’s historical contexts and sighs without becoming too much of an arrogant? The first question to be answered was how to establish the connection of the site with its surroundings, as the connection areas with the existing city happened through different areas and levels. The bridge built with a strong modernist gesture some years ago is today a stranger in the middle of a historic and traditional area of the city. By the time, it answered some questions back to the city but they seem outdated now. This gap of languages created
between two very different moments of local urban fabric. The response to implantation and form were designed to respect the main directions of the traditional city geometry at the same time it becomes more fluid towards the bridge structure. As an effort to dialogue with the site’s many different levels and slopes, the project stablishes four main access points that redirect to the all the other spaces. The main purpose of the design is to create a combination between the private areas for specific activities and public areas open to general purposes, from exhibiting artwork and production to making people interact with each other. The project also invites visitors and tourists to get closer to the amazing view of Douro’s River, Luís I Bridge and the city of Vila Nova de Gaia.
an urban block between the site and its immediate surroundings. Today the place is a terrain vague
3 4
site plan
sol st
sĂŁo luĂs st 2 3
gen sousa dias st / bridge 4 6
new st 5
exploded view 1. coworking 2. public/transitional spaces 3. coffee/bar 4. belvedere 5. services and administration 6. parking area 7. open exhibit/market
passeio das fontainhas
actor diaz sq 2
main section
National Library Annex “Echoes of Transformation”
2014 Rio de Janeiro . Brazil - BN / IAB 12.000 sqm
public library technical assets offices bookstore/coffee/ restaurant events/ exhibitions technical area public space
This competition invited to transform a former Agriculture Ministry grains warehouse into an annex for the National Library. The site was a polygon located Rio’s port area, a degraded region undergoing deep changes by a large urban renovation program. The building comes with very rigid negotiation terms in which its main condition was to become a complicated arrangement of different parts, side attachments are demolished, creating big expansion assets. Connections given the high intricacy of the new additions programme, giving them articulate features in order to stimulate room transitions. Since the Library’s required complex program did not fit the terrain, more levels were created in order to achieve a larger gross area for the activities. Given the high intricacy of this final program, the proposal aims to encourage transitions and flows by designing large articulating axes. Drawing on empty space the main addition is a big tapered volume, creating an open square integrated to the whole Seaport renovation initiative. The lofted shell surrounding and connecting the elements stands as an aesthetical, thermic and acoustic solution. Thinking the building as a coherent unit and as an open, public space was the main goal. As the final solution started to look like a little intricate city within walls, we recurred to subtraction, lifting and enveloping as methods of softening its brutalist dialogue.
INVITATION an effort to expose the weaknesses of its surroundings, an open invitation to the passers of the new waterfront
all the blocks are connected the sidewalks of Binario Ave in the first floor; contact become wider, cutting into points among different the building sectors promote barrier-free circulation
solar radiation analysis model
panelling surfaces
as the program becomes unclosed to the main pedestrian accesses, it integrates and enlarges the public spaces around and below the building
perceiving the building as a unit is possible through its permeable facade that also operates as a thermal and acoustic barrier
graded shading mask envelope
facade modules permissive to strict
TERRACE +20.65
level 0 view - lobby
LEVEL 3 +16.55
LEVEL 2 +12.45
level 0 view - bookstore and coffee shop
level 0 view - information desk
LEVEL 1 +8.35
LEVEL 0 +0.00
exploded view public
main accesses
level 1 view - reading room services vertical circulation axes
steel profiles vertical steel stud 40x140 ventiladed facade tiles extruded metal sill
anodized aluminium miter with double glazing
grouting and 60x120 ceramic tiling regularization layer asphalt mantle waterproofing cement filling layer inverted edge beam with white pva finish acoustic ceiling panels with hidden profiles and floating trims inner sunscreen curtain system
typical facade section
longitudinal section
Re-Thinking Shangai “Let’s Paint Shangai with Fireflies” [Shortlisted]
2012 Shangai . China - 10design
parks infrastructures restaurant/pubs/night clubs museums/libraries sports centers public space subway/train stations
s uz hou c r
sector 1: urban park by the river river depollution center subway station
sector 2: mixed used center wood roofing park civic center
sector 2,5: firefly farm
sector 3: open museum smart roofing park
sector 4: mixed use center sports center urban park by the river
These lightning bugs emmit bioluminescence to attract both mates and prey through chemical reactions in a very little scale. So, why not use them to make some urban constellations?
Biotechnology is strictly necessary in order to achieve a whole new level of biological modelling and manipulation. A new micro-environment will be created within the city in order to keep fireflies alive and self sustainable.
Different firefly species emmit different light colors. They can be red, yellow or atomic green. We shall use them to give an amazing glow to Shanghai's cityscape. Different light patterns could help identify different city sectors, and so on.
Some fireflies have the ability to fly, others don't. A huge network of light and transparent strings would do the job of distributing them randomly along the CREEK
Suhzhou creek has a central paper on Shanghai’s urban dynamics and has been a spot for Chinese government's public interventions in the last decades, mostly near the intersection with Huangpu river with Pudong’s stunning and emblematic skyline. This project pretend to work on Suzhou area to investigate its potentials as a connecting axis between downtown Shanghai and its suburbs, once there have been efforts towards water purification, creation of public spaces and urban spots such as art districts and shopping areas. However, we want to address Suhzhou as a wider zone: the one connecting downtown Shanghai to other peripheral areas due its strategic geographical position. Firefly system will be a sub-effect of a new way of thinking the public space. Bright city lights, usually cast by skyscrapers and neon signs, will now have a different meaning, creating beautiful landscapes and being used combined with museums, art and sports centers, night clubs and many other urban hardware.
Attempting to lessen the cliff between public and private spaces, paces, street namic. light, museums can act as a central element in this new urban dynamic. organic shapes will behave as a frame for contemporary art developing new relations whithin the citie’s core.
Smart roofing will be steel frames filled with dynamic perforated membranes connected directly with weather systems, which can change their density based on real time forecasts.
Promènade / algorithmic archways are fresh design structures used to print passageways and guide routes through the gardens, defining a strong graphic relation between shadows and lights.
ies firefl city built
new u DAY How to rediscover freedom and knowledge in such a different way without forgetting the local culture? Proposing a design where obsolete buildings can dialogue with wide opened spaces and promote a course where people can interact with them as the same time new conceptual constructions are increased in such an urban area seems to be a right direction to make a dynamic connection between past and present. NIGHT Restaurants, pubs and nightclubs can be considered areas that complement each other by creating an economic sector of the entertainment. It will feed not only the global and local tourism, but also will promote a dynamic environment, providing entertainment for the residents. This type of service will bring vitality to this area not only during the night, but also during the day. MIXED The fast cities goes, the fast people wants to be. The rush of modern life speeds up our daily activities and brings a huge necessity of entertainment and leisure. Even though people have lack of time, citizens still in need of places where they can work mental and corporal abilities. Offering a mix of experiences and possibilities will increase the pleasure of rediscover an urban life.
. PRIVATE PRACTICE Gloria Apartament Interior Design Renovation 2016 Rio de Janeiro . Brazil 60 sqm (under construction) Apartment before the renovation
Toilet (room not included ) Bedroom 9.90 sqm
Terrace 16.50 sqm Kitchen 4.40 sqm Living 28.70 sqm
Hall 4.10 sqm Floor Plan
home home me offi ffice ce and din inin ng room
living and guest room
bed dro oom
deck ter de erra ra ace c
Botafogo Apartament Interior Design Renovation 2016 Rio de Janeiro . Brazil 55 sqm Apartament before the renovation
3 6
4 2 1 5
1. Living 2. Bedroom 3. Toilet 4. Guest room 5. Kitchen 6. Laundry 7. Balcony
19.50sqm 11.90 sqm 2.86/1.65 sqm 4.40 sqm 6.05 sqm 1.80 sqm 1.70 sqm
Floor Plan
An old apartment with fragmented spaces but with a huge potential for better use through integrating rooms using same coating floors and color composition. In addition to the renovation of all coatings, the apartment gained a large living room with rustic references in order to rescue client's affective childhood memory. This project included a full refurbish creating a new suite, guest room, a large living, toilet, kitchen with
laundry area and also a balcony. All rooms was necessary to design custom carpentry, demolishing old coatings to install new one as ceramics and wallcoverings, a custom light design and facilities projects. After all, the decor complements the rooms with comfort and wellness.
Freguesia Penthouse Interior Design Renovation
2015 Rio de Janeiro. Brazil 150 sqm. [under construction]
1. Living 2. Kitchen 3. Laundry 4. Lavabo 5. Service WC 6. Bedroom 1 7. Bathroom 1 8. Bedroom 2 9. Bathroom 2 10. Balcony
Demolition and Construction Plan
23.40 sqm 10.85 sqm 3.80 sqm 1.35 sqm 1.52 sqm 9.51 sqm 4.00 sqm 10.05 sqm 2.72 sqm 11.00 sqm
3 2 6 7
8 9
Lower Floor Plan
Lower Floor Section
Penthouse completely refurbished , considering the renewal inspired by the contemporary design. The newly purchased apartment needed a makeover to suit a large family. It required the construction of a new suite and the adaptation of other rooms with bathrooms. Furthermore, the living room previously divided, has been integrated into the kitchen through sliding doors joinery which provide to control the integration. A new staircase with floating steps, more inviting, was designed to access the penthouse's second floor . The master suite has been expanded to allow a large closet for the couple, as well as take advantage of the balcony with a hot tub. Outside, a terrace with a traditional brick barbecue grill and deck with swimming pool complements the family recreation on the sunny days of Rio de Janeiro.
11. Master Bedroom 12. Bathroom 3 13. Hot Tub Balcony 14. Circulation 15. Bedroom 3 16. Bathroom 4 17. Terrace 18. Deck Pool
Demolition and Construction Plan
17.70 sqm 3.25 sqm 4.90 sqm 2.60 sqm 10.80 sqm 2.80 sqm 12.70 sqm 13.40 sqm
13 18
14 11
Upper Floor Plan
Upper Floor Section
Master Bedroom
Bedroom 1
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3
Residential Construction and Interior Design 2014 Espirito Santo . Brazil 322 sqm (under construction)
Situated in Marataizes, EspĂrito Santo coast, a beach house takes advantage of the long and narrow aspect to create openings, green areas and volumes. Unpretentious and dimensioned for a couple with two children, the house invites and establish human relations with its surroundings. The seaside climate and heatstroke define circulation flows and interaction, creating open spaces for a house that aims fluidity, lightness and simplicity. The ground floor has a large living room with integrated kitchen that opens to the outside area through sliding doors. In addition, a guest room is designed with suite, a service space, with suite for staff, and laundry facilities. A service entrance allows access to outdoor shower and barbecue. On the second floor, three suites - one master and two for children - accessed by floating stairs and a glass roof. A large balcony dialogue with the street and a more reserved as a green terrace.
fa acade de - firstt co onccep eptt st stud ud dy
Ground Floor Plan
Upper Floor Plan
courtyard concept study view
+10,50 +9,90 +8,40 +7,85 +7,30
+0,50 +0,00
AA’ Section
+10,50 +9,90 +8,40 +7,85 +7,30
+0,50 +0,00
BB’ Section
+10,50 +9,90
+10,50 +9,90
+5,25 +4,65 +4,15
+0,50 +0,00
+0,50 +0,00
CC’ Section
DD’ Section
integrate kitchen view
master suite view ma
b dr be droo om viiew
Mixed Use Complex Final Thesis ( Bachelor’s Degree)
2013 Rio de Janeiro . Brazil 217.000 sqm
The proposal approach the issue of complex building for the multiple uses justified as a personal uneasiness, arising from the daily routine lived over the past few years in Rio de Janeiro.The degradation analysis of the current configuration process of commercial and corporate enterprises transform the simple experience in a closer look, who pretend to analyze the city's infrastructure shortcomings that increasingly produces a sprawl model, with scattered growth vectors , generating the need for major infrastructure works. The region shall be implanted the Complex has extreme importance regarding the integration of mass transit close to several subway stations and modal trains, as well as closeness to bus terminals, also turning into a common point on the path from numerous lines of municipal and inter-city buses, besides being considered a highway access node to the central area, south and north of downtown and also access to the Rio-NiterĂłi Bridge.
Location schematic view
Designing a multiuse project is to be sensitive to the current city demands with benefits that include a wider range of housing and density; low distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other destinations; compact development; becomes an attractor for the neighborhood, being a strong character for new investments; encouraging the use of pedestrian and bicycles. The complex master plan was defined through concepts such as accessibility, permeability, density and visibility and to create a new architectural landmark towards the region and a new destination into the city. Adding different uses - shops and restaurants, cinema, corporate towers, offices and hotel - the project creates a reference in the landscape, values the surrounding area, provides and sets a new destination business, leisure and services. However, legislation for the ground is not suitable for verticalization in just one building all the required uses. Therefore, it has been necessary sectorize in three different towers.
Aerial schematic view
Flow paths for pedestrians, cyclists and definition of square green areas
Main ground floor with shops, cinema and hotel facilities
Second floor with shops, restaurant, hotel facilities (spa, pool, bar/coffee)
Floor 1-16 Office Tower
Floor 1-16 Corporate Tower
Floor 17-21 Towers Conection with food plaza, meeting rooms, gym and a green rooftop square with panoramic view
Floor 22-30 Office Tower
Hotel Tower with 28 floors of different types of rooms
The volume has been defined through the environment observation, since the entire region is surrounded by hills whose occupations are slums, being those built through growth set by autoconstruction, who contains great formal and compositive diversity. It is important to note that the slum is being handled only as a conceptual reference. When we look at a mumber of houses in the slums, are notable elements as additions (defined by terraces, balconies or building another messy pavement) and subtractions (such as garages, covered yards, reserve elements for future expansion, terraces), plus vertical circulations can take place through metal spiral stairs or shaped into concrete. The overlapping slabs is also an element which contributes to strengthening a horizontal marking and it can be easily seen. Thus, these elements have guided all integration main intentions with the surroundings. Commercial towers - offices and corporate towers, are used generously subtractions throughout their vertical integration to provide space for integration and interaction of users, allowing the creation of green terraces. For some units there is provided the possibility of balconies. Moreover, the connection of both towers (between floors 17/21) was proposed to connect service floors offered to the users, such as restaurants, meeting rooms and gym, and turn the rooftop in a large suspended square, thought to provide a panoramic view of the entire region.
“Slums series - Removal Cartographies” (2004|2007) Copyright: Dionisio González
“Slums series - Removal Cartographies” (2004|2007) Copyright: Dionisio González
The hotel and spa dialogue with the other towers from the moment that keeps subtractions to provide terraces between the rooms and private balconies in some units. However, instead of using terraces modules as additions, the hotel's tower volumetry seeks horizontal elements to strengthen the linearity of the basement. The structural concept used as complex as formal concept, since the subtractions reach up to four floors, generating structural instability and large swings. To optimize free spans, the best choice was the Vierendeel beams system, composed solely of vertical and horizontal elements. Support large spans, with excellent mechanical properties. It was considered in the use of concrete project for the entire structural system from pillars, ribbed slab and central rigid bodies in reinforced concrete that define the vertical circulations.
houses typologies on hillsides close to the site
hand drawings perspectives from the surrounding volumetry
sections of facades demonstrate the formal diversity designed with additions and subtractions
B’ Machado Coelho St. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
16 17 18
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
Afonso Cavalcante St.
Ulisses Guimarães St.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 17 16
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
16 17 18
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Ground Floor Plan
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 4 3 2 1
13 14 15 16 17 18
A’ 6 7 5 4 3 2 1
Floor 2,12,22,32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
6 7 5 4 3 2 1
Floor 3,13,23,33
Office Tower Floor 1,11,31
Floor 4,14,24,34
Floor 2,12
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Floor 3,13
Corporate Tower Floor 1,11
Floor 4,14
OFFICE TOWER - heig ght: 14 147, 7,50 5 m CORPORATE TOWER - height: 83,0 ,00 0m
40 Floors, being divvid i ed into:
23 Floors, being divided int nto: o:
2 floors of shops / restau urants ts 3 floors intended for or resstaurantts 1 floor mee eting g roo ooms 2 gym floors 1 flo floor techn hnical areas 31 offi ffice ce floors in differrent si sizes:
2 floors of shops / restaur ura ants 2 floors intended for restaurants 1 floor meeting roo oms 1 floor technical are eas 1 te t rrace (suspend nded ed square) 16 6 corporate offi ffice ce floorss in di diff fferent sizes:
Type1: 456 - 32 sqm Type2: 152 - 44 sqm Type3: 152 - 55 sqm Type4: 92 - 88 sqm total: 852 rooms
Type1: 1 32 32- 665 sqm m Type2: 8 - 735 sqm m total: 40 roomss
HOTEL TOWER - he eig igh ht: 19.50 m
32 Floors, being divvid ided ed int nto: o: 1 floor hotel technical areas, main n entrance, bar, shops and cinema 1 floor hotel technical areas and meeting rooms 1 restaurant floor, kitchen and spa 1 terrace deck with bar and coffee shop 28 floors with rooms of different sizes: Master Suite: 28 - 86 sqm Premium Suite: 196 - 57 sqm Standard Suite:168 - 28 sqm total: 392 rooms
Floor 17- restaurants (connection towers) B’
exploded view 1. coworking 2. public/transitional spaces 3. coffee/bar 4. belvedere 5. services and administration 6. parking area 7. open exhibit/market B
Typical hotel room floor plan
total areas Undergrounds
43.706,20 sqm
Public square
13.575,40 sqm
Shops, restaurants and cinema
13.934,70 sqm
Office Tower
48.954,66 sqm
Corporate Tower
25.353,25 sqm
Connection tower’s floors
23.561,86 sqm
Hotel & Spa
47.736,10 sqm
216.822,17 sqm
BB’ Section
AA’ Section
Concept view to standard hotel room
Section view to standard hotel room
View from the hotel balcony room
View from the public square in ground floor with shops and cinema