General Guidelines There are many factors that can affect thyroid health. Fortunately, this gives us many ways to optimize its function. We can utilize nutrition and lifestyle habits, as well as vitamins and supplements, to keep our thyroid gland in its best form, naturally. Evidence suggests a gluten-free, anti-inflammatory diet could support a healthy thyroid gland. Many studies indicate a correlation with celiac disease, or general gluten intolerance, and autoimmune thyroiditis.1,2,3 This suggests that a gluten-free diet could be beneficial for those with thyroid conditions, particularly those of autoimmune origin. Other components of a well-rounded diet include healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Some important nutrients for thyroid health include iodine4, selenium5, and zinc.6 Adding sources of each of these nutrients in the diet or taking them in supplement form can be an important piece to supporting thyroid health. We’ll cover some of our favorite thyroid supporting nutrients in this guide. Additionally, high stress levels can have a negative impact on thyroid function7, which makes it important to incorporate stress reduction techniques into our daily life. This can include breathing practices, exercise, and improved sleep. If stress is chronic, supplemental support such as herbs or amino acid therapies can help protect the thyroid from the damaging effects of frequent tension.8
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Thyroid Superfoods Brazil Nuts Brazil nuts are perhaps our most well-known dietary source of selenium, a nutrient that’s essential for proper thyroid conversion.9 Just 3 brazil nuts per day meets the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for selenium, making them a fantastic snack for thyroid support.10
Seaweed An amazing dietary source of iodine, one of the most important nutrients for thyroid health.11 In the US, our primary dietary source of iodine is table salt, which can carry its own health risks.12 With many health conscious consumers turning to mineral-rich salts in lieu of table salts, iodine deficiency is of greater risk, making sea vegetables of all types even more important as dietary iodine sources.
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Eggs, well known for their choline content, are also a dietary source of iodine9, a mineral not readily present in the standard American diet. Additionally, they are a great source of vitamin A, healthy fats, and protein. When healthily prepared, organic eggs are a staple in an anti-inflammatory diet.
Fatty Fish Fish is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, a fundamental piece in an anti-inflammatory diet. Fish can also be a dietary source of iodine.11 We suggest opting for wild-caught, sustainably-sourced fish.
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A WORD ABOUT GOITROGENS Goitrogens are foods that can have a negative effect on thyroid function by inhibiting the body’s ability to use iodine.13 However, many known goitrogens are considered to be a component of a healthy diet. To combat the goitrogenic effects of these foods, try lightly cooking, or steaming the vegetables rather than eating them raw, increasing iodine intake, and rotating them in your diet to avoid an overabundance. Examples of some of the most common goitrogens are: • Broccoli • Cabbage • Cassava • Cauliflower • Kale • Lima Beans • Millet • Soy • Sweet Potato • Turnips
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Foods to Avoid/Include VEGETABLES (Preferably Organic) INCLUDE: Artichokes Arugula Asparagus Carrots Chard Parsnips Peppers Seaweed Squash Yams Zucchini
EAT IN MODERATION, PREFERABLY COOKED: Bok Choy Broccoli Broccolini Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Collards Kale Spinach Zucchini
FRUITS (Preferably Organic)
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Apples Avocados Bananas Berries Cherries Grapes Lemons Limes Kiwifruit Mango Melons Oranges Peaches
Fruit juices that have been sweetened and fruit products with added sugar
Beans Chickpeas Lentils Peas
Lima beans
Buckwheat Oats Quinoa Teff Wild Rice
Processed grains like cereals, pastries, bread, pastas, and millet
Game Meats Grass-Fed Beef Organic Chicken Organic Eggs Pork (Antibiotic and Nitrate-free) Wild-Caught Fish
Processed and cured meats
Avocado Oil Avocados Coconut Oil Nuts Olive Oil Seeds
Corn Oils Fried Foods Trans Fats Vegetable Oils
EAT IN MODERATION: Dairy products if well tolerated
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How Stress Affects the Thyroid Stress can sometimes be unavoidable, which is why our bodies are equipped to handle temporary and moderate amounts of stress. However, problems can arise when stress becomes a chronic issue. Under stress our bodies produce the glucocorticoid cortisol. Cortisol has many functions in the body, one being suppression of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, where many of our hormones, thyroid included, are regulated.14 Cortisol is also a known immunosuppressive that could have triggering effects for autoimmune conditions.15,16 More and more studies are pointing to the correlation between stress and thyroid ailments, particularly of autoimmune origin.8,14,17 Therefore, modulating our stress levels can be an important piece in maintaining both our general health and our thyroid health.
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Tips for Stress Management Breathing Exercises Deep breathing has been shown to modulate the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and shift the body from a sympathetic, or fight or flight, state into a more parasympathetic state.18 Breathing techniques can be a valuable tool to reduce stress or anxiety. Try diaphragmatic breathing as an easy place to start:
2. Place one hand on the belly
3. Take a deep breath in
4. Exhale through the mouth
Sit down or lie on your back comfortably with knees bent to support the spine.
through the nose and feel your belly expand slowly.
and one on the chest.
as you feel your belly contract and your belly button retreat toward the spine.
5. Repeat for 10 rounds.
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Sleep Well Sleep disturbances can distort our body’s natural production of cortisol. Studies suggest that sleep deprivation leads to higher levels of cortisol during the day.19 Sufficient sleep is vital to the health of our HPA axis and global hormone production.
Physical Exercise A regular exercise routine has been shown to modulate stress and its physical effect on the body.20,21 Studies show that regular exercise reduces cortisol levels in the body.22 Physical activity may also boost endorphins, our feel-good hormone.23 Many forms of exercise show benefit, from yoga to weightlifting, so choose an activity that is enjoyable to you and incorporate it into your daily routine.
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Amino Acids and Botanicals Supplements, including adaptogens, amino acids, and botanicals, can help the body adapt to all types of stressors, whether physical or mental.
Ashwagandha A popular adaptogen that helps to tone the nervous system. It has been shown to reduce the rise in cortisol that we see in states of chronic stress.24 Ashwagandha may also support healthy thyroid function.25 Other popular adaptogens are holy basil, an ayurvedic herb with a long history of supporting a balanced mood under chronic stress26, and rhodiola, an herb traditionally used to enhance stress resistance.27
L-Theanine An amino acid that has been observed to promote the reduction of stress and induce relaxation. Clinical studies suggest that L-theanine may increase alpha-wave activity in the brain.28 Studies also suggest that L-theanine could increase serotonin and dopamine levels.29,30
GABA An inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning it mediates or turns down the feelings associated with anxiety. Similar to L-Theanine, supplementing with GABA has been shown to increase alpha-wave patterns in the brain and reduce anxiety levels.31,32,33
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Please Note: The information contained within this document is for educational purposes only. It is provided as nutritional support suggestions, not as medical advice. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These suggestions may serve as a starting point, but the ultimate decision concerning nutrition and recommended supplements is the responsibility of your healthcare practitioner.
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