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Alley Times Magazine

Miami, FL / Brooklyn, NY / Montevideo, Uruguay, United States

FREE MAGAZINE / REVISTA GRATUITA Alley Times is a space where nimble and young minds adopt the pragmatism instilled in that study hall or by the word of others. It is a place where there is no such thing as mistakes, but experience, sharing ideas and developing them. It is giving a voice to the bohemian artist; it is telling skeptics that they are artists. Art involves creating, imagining, talking, and at Alley Times all arts dance. We invite you to sit back and enjoy the show. Alley Times es un espacio donde mentes ágiles y jóvenes adoptan el pragmatismo inculcado en ese salón de estudio o por la palabra del prójimo. Es un lugar donde no existe el error, sino la experiencia, el compartir ideas y desarrollarlas. Es darle una voz al artista bohemio, es decirle al escéptico que es artista. El arte involucra crear, imaginar, conversar, y en Alley Times todas las artes bailan. Te invitamos a sentarte y disfrutar del espectáculo.
