Cookie Volunteer Manual
Everything you need for an Altogether Awesome cookie season!
Crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut and striped with dark chocolaty coating
Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling
Traditional shortbread cookies that are delightfully simple and satisfying
$5 Tagalongs®
Thin Mints®
Crisp wafers covered in chocolaty coating made with natural oil of peppermint
$5 $5
Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating
Crunchy graham sandwich cookies with creamy chocolate and marshmallowy filling
Savannah Smiles®
Did you know that our cookies have...
Crisp, zesty lemon wedge cookies dusted with powdered sugar
• NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup • NO Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs)
Rich, buttery cookies with sweet, crunchy toffee bits
• NO Artificial Flavors in Toffee-tastics
• Girl Scout S'mores and Do-si-dos are made with Natural Flavors • Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving • 100% Real Cocoa • Hearty Whole Grain Oats in Do-si-dos • Thin Mints are Vegan • Toffee-tastics are Gluten-Free • RSPO Certified (Mass Balance) Palm Oil
The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES®, THIN MINTS®, TREFOILS®, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE®, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE PROGRAM®, GIRL SCOUT S’MORES™ and the Trefoil Design are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA licensee. SAMOAS, TAGALONGS, DO-SI-DOS and SAVANNAH SMILES are registered trademarks of Kellogg NA Co. TOFFEE-TASTIC is a trademark of Kellogg NA Co. Copyright ®, TM, © 2017-2018 Kellogg NA Co.
RS RSPO-1106186
Product formulations can change at any time. We encourage you to check the ingredient statement on each package you purchase for the most up-to-date information on the ingredients contained in the product in that package. For more details check with Little Brownie Bakers.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Altogether Awesome! Girl Scout CookiesÂŽ are awesome for all kinds of reasons. They are delicious, and everybody seems to have a favorite flavor. Most important, they are part of a 101-year tradition that helps power girl success! The Girl Scout Cookie ProgramÂŽ gives girls the opportunity to do and learn amazing things, all while building lifelong skills, friendships, and confidence.
Thank you so much for all you do in your community to support the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world!
2017-2018 Cookie Program
Cookie Resources
Volunteer Resources
5 Steps to Cookie Success
Cookie Calendar
Your Cookie Team
Council Promotions
Volunteer Responsibilities
How Girls Sell Cookies
The Cookie 411
The Business of Cookies
Girl Rewards
Placing Orders and Managing the Sale
eBudde Quick Facts
Picking up Cookies
Top Selling Tips
Booth Selling Tips
Safety Tips
2017-2018 COOKIE PROGRAM The Girl Scout Cookie Program® is an awesome starting point for building on these five essential skills that girls can use for a lifetime: Goal setting—as she sets cookie sale goals and makes a plan to reach them. Decision-making—as she decides how her troop will spend the cookie money. Money management—as she makes a budget, takes orders, and handles customers’ money. People skills—as she learns to talk and listen to all kinds of people while selling cookies. Business ethics—as she is honest and responsible every step of the way. Your time and talents are valuable to girls and to the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Thank you for helping build a program where girls learn, grow, and make a lasting impact on the world.
COOKIE RESOURCES Be sure to take advantage of all the awesome resources available online to guide you through a fun and successful Girl Scout Cookie Program®. eBudde: Your Command Center for managing the cookie sale. Order cookies, track girl activity, and order girl rewards. ebudde.LittleBrownie.com VIP eTraining: Get step-by-step Girl Scout Cookie Program training whenever you’d like it! VIPeTraining.LittleBrownie.com GSSN Website: Visit gssn.org/CookieSellers to find procedures, resources, and other helpful information. Baker Website: The website of our official Girl Scout Cookie baker. Find girl activities, marketing ideas, cookie facts, program resources, and clip art to help girls prepare for the cookie sale. LittleBrownie.com Little Brownie Bakers YouTube Channel: Visit youtube.com/LittleBrownieBakers to view our library of inspiring videos featuring real girl stories and selling tips.
Volunteer Blog: Check out the volunteer blog for exciting girl activities and booth ideas. blog.LittleBrownieBakers.com
Digital Cookie: Girl Scouts can set up their own personalized sales pages, take credit card payments and ship cookies directly to their customers. Find out more at gssn.org/digitalcookie eBudde Troop App: Place orders on your mobile device! Videos, training, and eBudde help are built right in. Learn more and download the app at LittleBrownie.com Booth Sale Recorder App: Record sales in real time at booths, making recordkeeping a snap. Download this free app in iPhone App Store or through Google Play. Cookie Locator: Help friends locate the closest cookie booth with this app. CookieLocator.LittleBrownie.com Girl Scouts of the USA: Locate info on the Girl Scout Cookie Program and national cookie badges and pins. GirlScoutCookies.org Built By Me Cookie Meeting Planner: An online tool to help plan a custom cookie season. CookiePlanner.LittleBrownieBakers.com
VOLUNTEER RESOURCES We support you with lots of awesome online tools and resources. Easily link to all of them from the volunteer page at LittleBrownie.com.
Kick off cookie season Help girls get ready by selecting learning activities that fit their experiences and interests. You can start by creating a custom plan with the Built by Me online tool. Next, kick off your first cookie meeting with a video! Cookies Live! videos are engaging, interactive shows that inspire girls to reach high goals. Girls learn selling tips and have loads of fun along the way. First-time sellers love Cookie Rookie. Made especially for young girls, this show teaches cookie names, how to ask customers to buy and more essential skills. Turn teens into Cookie Captains. Keep experienced teens interested in the cookie program and give them a chance to give back with the Cookie Captain program. Older girls love being mentors to Cookie Rookies.
2 3
Set goals and track progress When you help girls set high goals for the cookie season, they learn an important skill for life. Encourage girls to set two types of goals: Something they’d like to try and something they can do to help others. Visit the Volunteer Blog for goal-setting games and crafts.
Have a family party Hold a short family meeting so girls can tell their families about their goals and ask for assistance. At the meeting, help parents understand the value of the cookie program and the basics of how to get involved by showing them the new Cookies 101 Family Guide (available to download at gssn.org/cookieresources). This guide assures them the program is simple—and fun!
Sell beyond family and friends For girls to reach high goals, they will need to expand their circle of customers. Don’t worry, customers are eagerly looking for their favorite Girl Scout Cookies. We have loads of selling tips, learning activities and crafts for girls on the Cookie Rallies and Activities for girls pages at LittleBrownie.com.
Celebrate and share your success When girls reach their goals, celebrate! Thank customers and share their stories, maybe by posting on the Samoas Cookies Facebook page.
Troop Product Sales Coordinator (TPSC) in place with a signed agreement. Troop materials picked up. Troop ACH Form submitted online.
December 15
Have a Troop meeting with girls and their Cookie Supporter! Collect signed Parent/Guardian Permission Forms. Turn forms into your SUPSC.
January 5
Reno/Sparks Cookie Kickoff
January 6
Distribute Cookie Materials to girls
January 7
Pre-order sales! (Initial order taking) No money collecting at this time.
January 7-21
Cookie Booth Scheduler opens— round one Each troop can select up to two (2) cookie booth locations.
January 22 at 7 p.m.
Troop pre-orders due in eBudde
January 23
Cookie Booth Scheduler opens—round two Each troop can select up to four (4) more cookie booth locations. Troops who didn’t select cookie booths in the first round can select six (6) at this time.
January 26 at 7 p.m.
Cookie Booth selection process open for any remaining booths to be chosen. Troops can select up to 40 Cookie Booth locations!
January 28 at 7 p.m.
Pre-order cookies available - TPSC’s pick up cookies from SUPSC’s
February 10-17
Girls deliver all pre-sale cookie orders to customers and collect money
February 19-23
Reno Cookie Cupboard opens for additional cookie pick-up
February 20
Cookie booth sales!
February 23-March 18
Pre-order cookie money due to the TPSC from girls
March 5
First ACH (Automated Clearing House) bank sweep. 25% of cookie orders will be deducted from your troop bank account.
March 9
Last day to exchange any full, unopened cases of cookies to any cookie cupboard. Cookies are non-returnable.
March 9
Last day to access Digital Order Card (DOC) in Digital Cookie platform
March 18
All remaining money due to TPSC from girls
March 18
Final ACH bank sweep. All final paperwork and slow pay reporting due to GSSN.
March 23
Troop Girl Rewards order due in eBudde
March 23
YOUR COOKIE TEAM Questions? Please contact your Service Unit Product Sales Manager (SUPSC). For additional assistance, reach out to us at girlscoutshelp@gssn.org or 775-322-0642.
SUPSC Contact Information *Please do not distribute. Alturas – Timmarie Blankenship, r5beans@frontiernet.net Carlin – Jennifer Taylor, jjjohnson1082@hotmail.com Carson City – Lesli Hewitt-Spears, xotcdvm@aol.com Carson Valley – Yvonne Brown, yvonne@ipc-nv.com Comstock – Casey Rizzo, caseys66@hotmail.com Eastern Sierra – Matt Don, iwishiwasskiing@yahoo.com Elko – Jessica Rackley, gstrooop323@gmail.com Ely – Mary Kerner, elygirlscoutmom@gmail.com Fallon – Lanie Baty, lanie@cwo5usn.com Hawthorne – Felicia Harter, sugargirl184_2000@hotmail.com Northern Paradise – Natalia Martinez Berry, bunchaberries@gmail.com Owens Valley – Yvonne Freeman, yfreeman41479@gmail.com Pah Rah – Shurolin Blender, sblender.gs@gmail.com Peavine Foothills – Kate Marsh, girl.scouts.troop.563@gmail.com Portola – Michelle Peralta, los6peraltas@gmail.com Sierra Valley – Melissa Flatley, supsc634@gmail.com South Reno – Evelyn Cameron, camfam100@aol.com Spanish Springs – Michelle Sprague, shellers15@gmail.com Spring Creek – Jennifer Fuller, pointmic@hotmail.com Susanville – Jennifer Stephenson, mortimer2421@yahoo.com Tahoe Shores – Hedy Lim, hedylim@gmail.com Truckee – Kelli Anderson, kelligrant9@gmail.com Virginia Lake – Lori Haase, lori_haase@yahoo.com Winnemucca – Cassandra McClure, dmcclurec@hotmail.com
COUNCIL PROMOTIONS Cookie Pro Contest Join us in celebrating the cookie entrepreneur skills of Girl Scouts nationwide—unlock an awesome, limited-edition Cookie Pro 2018 patch while earning a chance to be featured on a Girl Scout Cookie package! Who can participate in this contest? All registered Girl Scouts from participating councils who are selling cookies during the 2017/2018 Cookie Season. When can girls participate? January 2–April 30, 2018 How can girls participate? By submitting their personalized Cookie Pro Résumé along with a photo. Her Cookie Pro résumé should include: A photo of herself, cookie badges and skills she’s earned, memorable troop and customer experiences, what her troop has done or plans to do with its cookie earnings, and her best-selling tips for crushing cookie sale goals!
Gift of Caring Program GSSN participates in a virtual Gift of Caring (Cookie Share) Program, where girls can learn about and practice philanthropy by donating a portion of their troop proceeds. GSSN will give any donated cookies from your troop to one of the nonprofit organizations listed below. Blue Star Moms of Nevada Children’s Cabinet of Nevada Reno/Sparks Gospel Mission Salvation Army Food Bank
Food for Thought Food Bank of Northern Nevada NV Citizen Project Think Kindness
*To choose this option, be sure to enter the amount of cookies you would like donated in the Gift of Caring column in eBudde.
VOLUNTEER RESPONSIBILITIES It’s a labor of love! The main job of the cookie volunteer is to: • Be a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer. • Honor and live by the Girl Scout Promise and Law. • Follow all policies and meet all deadlines.
Here’s an overview of your roles and responsibilities: Before the sale • Complete training. • Review troop information after council imports into eBudde® (the baker’s online order management system). Notify GSSN of any discrepancies.
During the sale • Enter orders from girl order cards and keep eBudde up-to-date. • Monitor online sales from Digital Cookie, which will be visible in eBudde. • Coordinate booth sales. • Arrange cookie pickups from your Cookie Cupboard and briefly store cookies until girls pick them up (or ask another volunteer to do so). • Collect money from those picking up cookies, issue receipts, and make frequent bank deposits.
After the sale • Fill out rewards order in eBudde. • Help girls deliver donated cookies to your chosen organization, or to the place designated by the council (or ask another volunteer to do so). • Distribute girl rewards in a timely manner. • Keep troop records. • Celebrate with the girls!
HOW GIRLS SELL COOKIES Selling practices vary from council to council. In our area, girls sell cookies through these channels: Order taking Girls ask neighbors, friends, and family members to place orders for cookies. They write their orders on the paper order card, which is turned in to the cookie volunteer. The volunteer enters these orders in eBudde. Payment is collected when girls deliver cookies a few weeks later. Booth sales/ direct sales Troops buy cookies and resell them directly to customers, often at booths in high-traffic areas such as groceries, malls, or sporting events. Booth sale times and locations are organized by our council and troops can only sell at approved locations.
Digital Cookie™ Girls create customized websites and send emails to people they know, asking them to buy cookies. Customers place online orders and have the option for the cookies to be shipped directly to their homes. Orders appear automatically in eBudde. Find out more at gssn.org/digitalcookie. Ž
THE COOKIE 411 The Cookie Program runs January 7 - March 18 Part of the appeal of Girl Scout Cookies is that they’re a special treat you can only get for a limited time each year. Girls are only permitted to sell within this time frame. Whether these cookies are unsold or paid for and being re-sold, it is not allowed via booth sales or any public forum. You may continue to sell to friends and family anything unsold until June 1, 2018.
QUICK FACTS • There are 12 Packages per case of cookies. • Girls order in packages. Cookies are non-returnable once signed for by a girl. • Troops order in full cases. Cookies are non-returnable once signed for by a troop. • Our cookies are specially baked for Girl Scouts by Little Brownie Bakers! There are only two authorized bakers for Girl Scout Cookies across the nation.
Traditional Varieties: $5 per box Do-si-dos, Samoas, Savannah Smiles, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Trefoils Premium Cookies: $6 per box S’mores and Toffee-tastic
How the cookie crumbles Troop Proceeds 16% Council-sponsored programs, events, properties, training, and other support
Girl Rewards 1% Cost of Cookies 23% Service Unit Proceeds 1%
Troop proceeds for girls All Troops are automatically set to recieve $0.82 for every package sold, along with corresponding rewards per number of boxes sold. Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador level troops have the option to “opt out” of recieving rewards and instead earn $0.87 for every package sold. (See page 16 for more information).
THE BUSINESS OF COOKIES Here’s how our council handles... 1. Ordering There are no limits to the amount of cookies you order, however, all cookies ordered and signed for may not be returned to a Cookie Cupboard or the GSSN Council. To determine how many cookies to order for your troop, please contact your local SUPSC. They can let you know the typical amount sold within your area. 2. Delivery TPSC’s will be notified by SUPSC’s of initial cookie order delivery location and dates. 3. Booth sales • Every cookie booth requires a minimum of 2 registered adults and a minimum of 2 registered Girl Scouts at all times. • Troops can select their desired cookie booth locations and times though the eBudde booth selection process online. Cookie booths are scheduled in two-hour time increments. • For high-traffic booth locations that have two entrances, each door will be listed as a separate cookie booth location so all troops to have the opportunity to sell at a high-traffic location. • Need to cancel a Cookie Booth? You can do so at least 24 hours in advance in eBudde. Once a booth has been canceled, another troop will be able to select it. • TPSC’s will be required to submit a Booth Sale Log report at the end of Booth Sales.
4. Lemonade Stands A Lemonade Stand is when a girl and her Cookie Supporter set up to sell cookies in her own front yard. Lemonade stands may not be conducted at or near a known cookie booth location and may only take place during the same time period as cookie booth sales. (If you live in the city of Sparks, you may be required to obtain a permit for your Lemonade Stand.) 5. Returns, damaged products, leftovers • If a customer chooses to return a product, accept the returned product from the customer and offer them an even exchange for the same or other variety of product. • If your troop receives a damaged product (dented packages, crushed, etc), please contact your SUPSC to schedule a damaged cookie exchange with a local Cookie Cupboard as soon as possible. • Cookies cannot be sold to the general public after June 1, any leftover cookies are to be written off on your troop end-ofyear financials and used as troop snacks or donations. 6. Money handling • Make sure you’re sending weekly reminders to parents, collecting funds in a timely manner, and depositing them into the Troop Bank Account regularly. If you’re having trouble collecting payment, please notify your SUPSC for assistance. (SUPSC’s may contact GSSN for additional assistance if needed.)
• Checks: GSSN highly discourages accepting checks, as this can pose a risk to the troop. However, we realize it may be unavoidable from family and friends. If your troop chooses to accept checks, they should always be made out to the troop, (not an individual girl, parent/legal guardian, GSSN, or Girl Scouts), returned checks are the responsibility of the troop to collect on. • Credit Cards: The Cookie Program is now a high tech affair! Some troops are processing their cookie payments using an iPhone or Android phone with a credit card reader. The decision to use a credit card app should be made by all members of the troop. Troops assume all added costs associated with accepting credit/debit cards. 7. Tip Jars vs. Donations Girls may not directly solicit for any cash in the form of tips. However, they may have a display for customers to purchase cookies to be donated through the Gift of Caring Program. All Gift of Caring Program donations need to be tracked in eBudde.
GIRL REWARDS Girls can earn a wide variety of rewards for their achievements in the Girl Scout Cookie Program! Rewards are cumulative and provide tangible goals for girls in order to acknowledge their participation and effort. All Troops are automatically set to recieve $0.82 for every package sold, along with corresponding rewards per number of boxes sold. Rewards options include: Official Girl Scout badges, patches and other reward items listed on the order card below, GS Bucks to use toward annual membership dues, council-sponsored activities, resident camp, GSUSA Destinations, and merchandise from the GSSN Shop.
Opting Out of Rewards Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador level troops have the option to “opt out” of recieving rewards and instead earn $0.87 for every package sold. (Mixed-level troops are not eligable to opt out.) Troops will still recieve cookie patches.
The Girl Scout Cookie Activity Pin All girls who participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program are eligible to earn the annual Cookie Activity Pin, which recognizes the “5 Skills” learned and practiced during the sale. Girls can collect a different color of pin every year. Get details at GirlScouts.org.
EBUDDE™ APPS eBudde Troop App
The eBudde Troop App enables volunteers to place initial orders from their mobile devices. Video training and eBudde help are built right in.
Booth Sale Recorder app With the Booth Sale Recorder app for smartphones, volunteers can enter the number of cookie packages sold at the cookie booth, select which girls will receive credit, and send the information directly to their eBudde accounts.
PLACING ORDERS AND MANAGING THE SALE Meet eBudde™—the power tool for cookie volunteers The online eBudde system is the home base for cookie volunteers. It’s where you’ll enter cookie orders, reserve cookie booths, manage pickups, place girl rewards orders, and more!
Cookie Locator mobile app The Cookie Locator mobile app is the most delicious app ever! Cookie Customers can use their smartphones to find cookie booths nearby.
Booth Scheduler Volunteers, please keep Booth Scheduler in eBudde up-to-date so customers can find you with the Cookie Locator mobile app.
Cupboard Keeper mobile app The Cupboard Keeper mobile app helps cookie cupboards digitally track cookie pick-ups. Volunteers place orders in eBudde, then sign for their cookies at the cupboard and a receipt is sent electronically and recorded in eBudde. Be sure anyone picking up cookies is registered in eBudde.
eBudde™ Help Center The eBudde Help Center is a dedicated website that provides direct support to volunteers using eBudde for both digital and traditional sales.
EBUDDE™ QUICK FACTS eBudde is a cookie volunteer’s best friend. Here’s where you’ll order cookies, track deliveries and more. eBudde training will be available to make the season a snap. Here are some quick facts.
INITIAL ORDER All Users 1. ebudde.LittleBrownie.com 2. Enter your email address, temporary password: council specific default password. Click LOGIN. 3. Change your password, enter/review contact information, Click SUBMIT. 4. System works through tabs at top of page. Click each TAB to enter each page. Contacts Tab 1. Review information; edit as necessary. Setting Tab 1. Enter number of girls selling and registered; goal in packages. 2. Enter banking information. 3. Click UPDATE to accept all changes. Girls Tab 1. Enter names of girls, GSUSA ID, grade, click box for registered, enter goal in packages, enter t-shirt size. 2. Click UPDATE to accept all changes. Initial Order Tab 1. Click each girl’s name; go to bottom of screen, click squares to begin entry. 2. TAB to enter your girls total cookies order in packages by variety. 3. Press ENTER (on keyboard) or OK button. 4. Repeat for each girl.
5. BOOTH – Click BOOTH, bottom of screen, click squares to begin entry. TAB to enter in boxes and variety number of cookies for booth sales. ENTER (on keyboard) or OK button. 6. OTHER – Click OTHER, bottom of screen, click squares to begin entry. TAB to enter in boxes and variety number of cookies for booth sales. ENTER (on keyboard) or OK button. 7. Review IMPORTED row quantities (if applicable). 8. SAVE the page. 9. Review the totals at the bottom, if correct Click SUBMIT order. You cannot change order after it has been submitted. Contact your volunteer manager or the product sales staff to make changes. 10. Print copy for your records.
Reports Tab 1. Need additional information on delivery sites? Click Reports Tab and run Delivery Stations report. Delivery Tab 1. Review, and enter delivery information. SUBMIT information. 2. Select time slot if applicable. 3. Print Confirmation Form. Rewards Tab 1. Click FILL OUT next to Initial Rewards Order. 2. Review Girl orders and Submit if applicable. 3. Enter or review total rewards earned. 4. Click SUBMIT to submit your order.
(Booth Sales Tab)
(Girl Orders Tab)
Council Sites 1. Click the Council Sales button. 2. Find booth sales you would like to sign up for, click date and time. 3. Click time slot and click submit button. Troop Requests 1. Click the My Sales button. 2. Click add a location. 3. Fill in location site information, date and time range. 4. Click update. Request will be pending until approved or denied. REMEMBER: Please keep Booth Scheduler in eBudde up-to-date with your group’s times and dates. This data powers Cookie Locator and allows customers to find you.
1. Update girl orders to include all additional packages sold and payments made. 2. Click Save to save your information. Rewards Tab 1. Click FILL OUT next to Final Reward Order. 2. Review Girl Orders and Submit. 3. Enter or review total rewards earned. 4. Click SUBMIT to submit your order. Transactions Tab 1. Enter troop-to-troop transactions (if applicable). 2. Enter pending order to the cupboards (if applicable). 3. Click Save to save your information. Deposit Tab 1. Click add a deposit at the top of page. TAB through boxes, press ENTER on keyboard. 2. Enter on Deposit tab: bank, date, transaction number, and amount of deposit. (use decimal points, 157.50) GOC (Gift of Caring) Organizations Tab 1. Enter in troop Gift of Caring organization(s) information (if applicable). Sales Report Tab 1. Review final package numbers. 2. Review your receipts. 3. Review your Gift of Caring (if applicable).
PICKING UP COOKIES GSSN Council Cookie Cupboard Hours Monday: CLOSED Tuesday - Friday: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sunday, February 25 & March 4: By appointment
Cookie Cupboards open February 20! • Additional cookies will be available from your local Cookie Cupboard. • For cookie cupboards outside of the Reno area, check with your SUPSC for dates and times. • Cookies may not be returned, but damaged packages or cases may be exchanged at Cookie Cupboards for the same flavor. • Be sure to take the troop’s order directly home and keep cookies away from direct sun, snow, smoke, or pest.
Cookies by the carload Use this guide to approximate how many cases of cookies will fit in your vehicle. The amounts assume the car will be empty except for the driver and uses all space except the driver’s seat. Safety Note: Avoid carrying cookie cases and children in the passenger area of a vehicle at the same time. Car Type
Number of cases
Compact car
Hatchback car
Mid-size sedan
Sport utility vehicle
Station wagon
Minivan (seats in)
Pick-up truck (full bed)
Cargo van (seats in)
TOP SELLING TIPS Door-to-door sales Encourage girls to canvass their communities with buddies and an adult, leaving no doorbell unrung! • Girls can take orders door-to-door at the beginning of the cookie sale with their order cards. • Girls can sell door-to-door with cookies in hand. After cookies are delivered, load up a wagon with cookies, make signs, and you are ready for a neighborhood walkabout! Online sales Customers buy more cookies when girls sell online. With Digital Cookie®, girls can send cookie customers to their website to order and pay for their cookies online. Social networking Online social networking sites are a great place for teens (13 and older with parental permission) to ask for cookie orders. Be sure girls follow the GSUSA safety guidelines for online marketing. Telephone sales It’s fast and easy to sell Girl Scout Cookies by phone. • Girls can review order cards from previous years and contact these customers again. • Once cookies have been delivered, girls may want to call customers, thank them for their orders and ask if they need additional cookies. • Try a text-a-thon. Girls may want to text their friends and family to let them know it’s cookie time and to ask for orders.
Workplace sales • Girls can contact business owners or managers to request permission to sell cookies at a workplace. • Girls can either make a quick “sales pitch” at a staff meeting or make sales calls around the office, depending on the wishes of the business. • Once employee sales are completed, the business may allow girls to leave an order card in a visible spot. Leave a note from your troop outlining their goals and plans for the cookie proceeds. (For safety reasons, please remember not to list the girls’ last names or phone numbers on the order card or note). An adult at work may oversee the card, but it is the girl’s responsibility to fill all orders, write thankyou notes and oversee delivery. • Girls should establish a date and time to pick up the order card and deliver the cookies. Booth sales help girls reach more customers Booth sales are a great way to increase your troop’s success. Remember, you must have the appropriate permission from authorities and the GSSN Council before the booth sale. Possible high-traffic locations include: • Grocery stores • Sporting events • Parks • Banks • Malls • Universities
BOOTH SELLING TIPS Offer the Gift of Caring Program option During booth sales, ask customers to donate cookies to a worthy program. Promote the option with posters and a special box (or wagon) for donated cookies (or tally donated boxes on a large chart).
Give away bite-sized samples Let customers have a taste so they can try something different—they may even find a new favorite. Keep the variety’s nutrition label in full view in case a customer has food sensitivities.
Share goals with customers They love to hear how girls are making a difference, so encourage girls to make posters, banners or t-shirts to get the word out.
Make cookie bundles Attach a ribbon and a handmade card for maximum impact.
Give away recipes Encourage customers to try something new by offering a recipe card with every purchase of multiple boxes. Find recipes at littlebrowniebakers.com/cookies/girl-scout-cookie-recipes
SAFETY TIPS Be sure girls understand and follow these safety rules: •S how you’re a Girl Scout—Wear your Girl Scout vest or sash and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout. •B uddy up—Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun. •B e streetwise—Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling cookies. •P artner with adults—If you’re a Daisy, Brownie, or Junior you must be accompanied by an adult when taking orders or selling/delivering product. If you’re a Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador you must “buddy up” when selling door-to-door. Adults must be present at all times during cookie booth sales. •P lan ahead—Always have a plan for safeguarding money. Avoid walking around with large amounts of it or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults who should deposit it into your Troop Bank Account as soon as possible. •D o not enter—Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys. •S ell in the daytime—Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult. •P rotect privacy—Girls’ names, addresses, and email addresses should never be given out to customers. Use a group contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information, reorder or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the product sale. Girls should never take credit card numbers. •B e safe on the road—Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles. •B e net wise—Take the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge (girlscouts.org/help/internet_safety_pledge.asp) before going online and follow the specific guidelines related to marketing online. •B e aware of the premises—Our council guideline is that if a minor cannot enter a premises unaccompanied, she should not sell Girl Scout Cookies in front of it. Parents/guardians should make decisions for their girls based on the community they live in and their family values.
Thank you! We hope the information we’ve provided will help you have a fun and successful Cookie Program! On behalf of the GSSN Board of Directors, staff, and especially the girls of the Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your generous support of the Cookie Program. It is only with dedicated volunteers at the troop level that we are able to have a successful, safe, and fun Cookie Program for girls. Your support ensures that Girl Scouting will continue to offer opportunities for girls of northern Nevada and eastern California for years to come. If you have any questions not covered in this troop manual, contact your SUPSC. If you need additional information, please contact us at girlscouts@gssn.org.
The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES,® THIN MINTS,® TREFOILS,® GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE,® GIRL SCOUT COOKIE PROGRAM,® DIGITAL COOKIE® and the Trefoil Design, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. GSUSA is the owner of the Girl Scout badge and Cookie Activity pin programs referenced in these materials. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA licensee. SAMOAS, TAGALONGS, DO-SI-DOS and SAVANNAH SMILES are registered trademarks of Kellogg NA Co. TOFFEE-TASTIC is a trademark of Kellogg NA Co. Copyright ®, TM, © 2017-2018 Kellogg NA Co.