Lot 6
7 Bull Sale Saturday, Mazrch 13, 2021 th
Ogallala Livestock Auction Market • 1pm MST
f r i e n ds & fellow c a t t lemen
Welcome to our 7th Annual Bull Sale. We invite you to come to the sale in person and hope to see you ther. We realize not all will be comfortable coming and we understand. With that said we will be using Cattle USA as an online bidding format. The sale barn will be more than willing to help walk you through process to get set up to view and bid online. Hopefully with 2020 behind the future can and will be very bright. We are still charging into 2021 with a renewed sense of optimism, and as we see the markets getting better we hope that you will consider our program as your seedstock supplier. We have made some adjustments to the way we develop the bulls this year. The bulls still run in a 50 acre pasture, but we have switched to a high roughage mixed ration. I believe this will help with the longevity of the bulls. We are still concentrating on performance and carcass traits in these bulls without giving up on the maternal side. We don’t believe in single trait selection as these bulls have to fit a number of environments and breeding situations. The bulls are athletic and good footed and have had to navigate the Sandhills of Nebraska up until weaning when we bring them back home to be developed. We will have a small number of fall bulls in the sale this year. These 18 month old bulls are out of our best cows as we have made our fall program a strictly embryo transplant program. These bulls should cover more cows and have been a great value buy in years past. We are continuing to grow our fall calving program and hope to have more “Aged Bulls” for you in the future. Customer service is our number one priority and we value your success as customers. We want to help you market your calves in any way we can. We would love to visit with you before you sell either your steers or heifers and help you get them advertised however we can. The bulls are guaranteed through the first breeding season. If you have a problem let us know as soon as possible so we can get you a replacement if needed or a credit towards a future sale. If you’re not happy, neither are we! The bulls will be moved to the sale barn in Ogallala on March 11th. Before that they can be viewed anytime here at the place. Please feel free to call or come and visit anytime. We hope to see you sale day!
The Kobersteins Jason, Krystle, Kinsley, and Kanin
March 13, 2021
1pm Mountian Time [ Please join us for lunch before the sale! ]
Sale Location
Ogallala Livestock Auction Market — Ogallala, Nebraska
Col. Kevin Schow — 308-280-0340
Sale Day Phones
Jason Koberstein — 970-520-2385 Ogallala Livestock — 308-284-2071
Sale Representatives
Jim Gies, Western Livestock Journal — 308-454-3836 Randy Rasby, Livestock Plus — 308-539-6195 Alan Sears, Western Ag Reporter — 970-396-7521 Levi Landers, Angus Regional Rep — 308-730-1396 Drew Feller, The Fence Post — 402-841-4215
Livestock Mortality Insurance
A representative from American Livestock Insurance Company will be available to assist you with mortality insurance for your purchases.
Terms and Conditions
EPDs are current as of 2/5/20. Updated EPDs can be viewed at www.angus.org. See page 4 for more information on EPD selection tools.
HD50K Testing
Lots that have been Zoetis HD50K tested are designated by the HD50K logo. That data is incorporated into their EPDs. The EPD table with the gold (online) or gray (print) header represents the HD50K rankings.
Online Bidding
Online bidding will be available through CattleUSA. Please visit, beta.cattleusa.com or call 580-237-4600 to regisiter for a buyer number before the sale. You can also call the Ogallala Livestock Auction Market at 308-284-2071 to set up online bidding.
Photography, Vidoegraphy & Sale Book ALM, LLC Allison Manchster — 219-776-0594
Cattle sell under the Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Assocaiton.
Inspection of cattle
Bulls will be at the sale barn March 7th at Ogallala. Prior to March 7th, they can be seen at the ranch.
Free Delivery within 300 miles. $75 credit if picked up Sale Day
Jason & Krystle Koberstein 29813 CR 36 Holyoke, CO 80734 970-520-2385 | kfangus@hotmail.com
AMERICAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION SELECTION TOOLS Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Accuracy (ACC), is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted whether the animal has a genotype and the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis. Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers. Birth Weight (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), feed efficiency expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed. Yearling Weight (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Height (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to the that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.
at the pastern and appropriate toe length and heel depth. Pulmonary arterial pressure EPD (PAP), is expressed in millimeters of Mercury (mmHg), with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire should produce progeny with a lower PAP score to decrease the risk of progeny contracting high altitude disease most commonly experienced at 5,500 ft or greater in elevation. CARCASS Carcass Weight (CW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Marbling (Marb), is expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Fat Thickness (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. $VALUE INDEXES $Value Indexes, reported in dollars per head, are multi-trait economic selection indexes where a higher values suggest more profit when comparing two individuals. Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences in progeny from conception to weaning by decreasing mature cow size and improving docility, foot structure and fertility while maintaining weaning weights consistent with current production. Weaned Calf Value ($W), expressed in dollars per head, provides the expected difference in future progeny preweaning performance from birth to weaning. Cow Energy Value ($EN), is expressed in dollar savings per cow each year due to lower cow maintenance energy requirements (due to lactation and body size) with a larger number being more favorable. Feedlot Value ($F), expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning feedlot merit (growth and feed efficiency) compared to progeny of other sires assuming producers retain ownership of cattle and sell on a carcass weight basis. Grid Value ($G), expressed in dollars per carcass, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit, including quality and yield grade attributes, compared to progeny of other sires. Beef Value ($B), expressed in dollars per carcass, represents the expected average differences in the progeny postweaning performance and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. This index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot and sell on a carcass merit grid. Combined Value ($C), an index, expressed in dollars per head, includes all traits that make up both $M and $B with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid.
MATERNAL Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first–calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is more favorable. Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires. Maternal Milk (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Mature Weight (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires. Mature Height (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires. MANAGEMENT Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility in a sire’s offspring compared to another sire. Claw Set (Claw), is expressed in units of claw-set score, a lower EPD is more favorable, indicating a sire will produce progeny with more symmetrical, even and appropriately spaced toes. Foot Angle (Angle), is expressed in units of foot-angle score, a lower EPD is more favorable, indicating a sire will produce progeny with an angle closer to 45 degrees
MAKE EARLIER, MORE ACCURATE DECISIONS. THE LATEST ADVANCEMENT IN ANGUS GENOTYPING TECHNOLOGY FROM ZOETIS AND FULLY ENDORSED BY THE AMERICAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION AND ANGUS GENETICS, INC. Zoetis is pleased to announce HD 50K™ for Angus, a new genotyping platform developed in partnership with AGI for Angus seedstock producers. HD 50K™ for Angus replaces i50K™ and the previous version of HD 50K, and represents the latest advancement in Angus genotyping technology.
• 17 Ph.D. geneticists driving cutting edge research and development as well as field and customer support across the livestock business • First to market with novel wellness traits in dairy cows and calves • Development of innovative decision support tools • Unmatched technical support and customer service
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All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Services LLC or a related company or a licensor unless otherwise noted. GeneMax™ Advantage is a registered trademark owned by Certified Angus Beef, LLC. © 2018 Zoetis Services LLC. All rights reserved. 50K-00026
Reference Sire K C F Bennett Leverage AAA 18805759
DOB: 09/21/16
Basin Payweight 006S
Basin Payweight 1682
BW 1.7
WW 85
Connealy Consensus
Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
21AR O Lass 7017
Tattoo: D677
YW 147
CW 69
MARB 0.56
RE 0.84
FAT -0.008
Leverage is owned with Knoll Crest Farm in Virginia and is siring extra growth in a moderate birth package. His daughters have calved here and look to very promising cows with added rib shape and beautiful udders. Leverage will have a lasting impact in our herd.
KF Leverage 0124 AAA 19831361
DOB: 02/29/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Barbara 618
Barbara OF Plattemere 341 Adj. WW 753
Adj. YW 1499
Adj. IMF 7.44
CED BW WW YW MILK 9 0.9 82 146 32 CED BW WW YW DMI 25 34 20 13 96 CEM MILK MW MH CW 58 26 30 58 15 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 109, YW Ratio 110 • High Marbling bull here, 163 IMF Ratio
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Maverick T43 TC Total 410 Barbara of Plattemere 325
Baldridge Jennings Z064
Act. BW 81
Tattoo: 0124
MARB 1.34 SC 26 RE 24
KF Pam 480
PAM of Plattemere 82
FAT 0.01 HP 70 TEND 28
DOB: 02/29/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Connealy Mentor 7374 Jaze of Conanga 234 Mytty In Focus Plattemere Rosa 368
Connealy Counselor
KF Rosa 695
Plattemere Rosa 391 Act. BW 90
Adj. WW 788
Tattoo: 0166
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Adj. YW 1558
CED BW WW YW 0 3.4 85 150 CED BW WW YW 96 96 10 6 CEM MILK MW MH 58 71 26 37 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 114, YW Ratio 115 • Awesome performance here
Adj. IMF 4.83
MILK 26 DMI 95 CW 11
CW 73 YH 17 MARB 29
AAA 19831439
CW 65 YH 44 MARB 67
73 84
Adj. RE 14.9 MARB 0.46 SC 59 RE 60
RE 0.52 DOC 16 FAT 65
FAT 0.026 HP 25 TEND 8
Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Plattemere Queen W 913
Connealy Comrade 1385
KF Queen W 6185
Plattemere Queen W 996 Adj. WW 752
Tattoo: 0214
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Adj. YW 1454
CED BW WW YW 7 1.9 85 146 CED BW WW YW 60 81 4 4 CEM MILK MW MH 31 76 34 35 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 109, YW Ratio 107 • Nice profile on this bull
MILK 21 DMI 95 CW 12
DOB: 02/24/20
K C F Bennett Leverage
FAT -0.002 HP 2 TEND 7
Adj. IMF 4.62
$M $W
KF Leverage 0214
Act. BW 84 RE 0.83 DOC 93 FAT 39
Adj. YW 1490
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. RE 15.5 MARB 0.68 SC 1 RE 19
Adj. WW 783
CED BW WW YW 11 0 82 140 CED BW WW YW 38 69 7 11 CEM MILK MW MH 13 74 26 37 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 113, YW Ratio 110 • Big Stout bull here
KF Leverage 0166 AAA 19831400
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 Connealy Lead On PAM of Plattemere 74
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Tattoo: 0149
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Act. BW 79 RE 0.84 DOC 88 FAT 59
DOB: 02/12/20
K C F Bennett Leverage
Adj. RE 15
CW 69 YH 77 MARB 4
AAA 19831385
Basin Payweight 1682
KF Leverage 0149
Adj. IMF 4.43
MILK 24 DMI 100 CW 10
CW 60 YH 37 MARB 68
Adj. RE 15.1 MARB 0.33 SC 17 RE 29
RE 0.7 DOC 66 FAT 8
FAT -0.036 HP 76 TEND 30
KF Leverage 0143 AAA 19831379
DOB: 03/01/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Pam 4100
Pam OF Plattemere 84 Adj. WW 703
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 TC Total 410 PAM of Plattemere 77
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Act. BW 92
Tattoo: 0143
Adj. YW 1442
CED BW WW YW 9 1.5 74 139 CED BW WW YW 20 31 19 4 CEM MILK MW MH 87 19 11 20 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 102, YW Ratio 106 • Another good Leverage calf
Adj. IMF 3.82
MILK 35 DMI 90 CW 5
CW 74 YH 11 MARB 57
AAA 19831431
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Maverick T43 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Plattemere Queen W 968
Baldridge Jennings Z064
KF Queen W 6171 KF Queen W 407
FAT -0.036 HP 59 TEND 39
Adj. WW 727
Adj. YW 1437
CED BW WW YW 5 1.5 81 141 CED BW WW YW 71 64 6 15 CEM MILK MW MH 41 57 41 50 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 105, YW Ratio 106 •˜Cover Photo Bull
Tattoo: 0203
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Act. BW 84 RE 0.89 DOC 72 FAT 11
DOB: 02/17/20
K C F Bennett Leverage
Adj. RE 15.9 MARB 0.48 SC 45 RE 17
KF Leverage 0203
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. IMF 3.46
MILK 25 DMI 97 CW 19
CW 61 YH 44 MARB 79
Adj. RE 16.3 MARB 0.56 SC 75 RE 20
RE 0.84 DOC 83 FAT 22
FAT -0.023 HP 76 TEND 30
KF Leverage 0175 AAA 19831408
DOB: 03/01/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M HA Program 5652 Plattemere Queen W 915
Sitz Upward 307R
KF Queen W 4146
Plattemere Queen W 971 Act. BW 82
Adj. WW 763
Tattoo: 0175
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Adj. YW 1432
Adj. IMF 5.37
Adj. RE 15
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE FAT 8 0.1 83 138 39 62 0.66 0.63 0.013 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP 66 55 12 19 91 50 16 34 48 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 35 12 48 35 32 36 63 69 13 *Recommended for heifers * WW Ratio 110, YW Ratio 105 *Plenty of growth in this bull
KF Leverage 0200 AAA 19831428
DOB: 02/19/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Blackbird 497
Blackbird of Plattemere 458 Adj. WW 781
Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 SydGen Mandate 6079 Blackbird of Plattemere 439
A A R Ten X 7008 S A
Act. BW 92
Tattoo: 0200
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Bennett Leverage
Adj. YW 1429
CED BW WW YW 4 2.1 81 149 CED BW WW YW 88 90 10 2 CEM MILK MW MH 96 13 17 23 • Recommeded for cows • WW Ratio 113, YW Ratio 105 • Out of a real good producing cow
Lot 7
Adj. IMF 4.25
MILK 32 DMI 99 CW 11
CW 70 YH 22 MARB 16
Adj. RE 14.6 MARB 0.67 SC 5 RE 55
RE 0.67 DOC 87 FAT 71
FAT 0.015 HP 61 TEND 21
Lot 8
KF Leverage 0193 AAA 19831424
DOB: 02/12/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Daisy 6172
Plattemere Daisy 413 Adj. WW 750
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Maverick T43 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Plattemere Daisy 375
Baldridge Jennings Z064
Act. BW 84
Tattoo: 0193
Adj. YW 1406
CED BW WW YW 6 -0.4 77 132 CED BW WW YW 23 10 24 27 CEM MILK MW MH 62 15 48 62 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 108, YW Ratio 103 • Good Jennings mother
Adj. IMF 4.21
MILK 37 DMI 90 CW 16
CW 67 YH 45 MARB 31
Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705 PA Safeguard 021 Plattemere Rosa 391
K C F Bennett Fortress
KF Rosa 7117 KF Rosa 427
FAT 0.019 HP 93 TEND 45
Adj. WW 751
Adj. YW 1402
CED BW WW YW 5 1.6 85 147 CED BW WW YW 32 50 6 10 CEM MILK MW MH 75 19 29 31 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 109 YW Ratio 103 • Stylish looking Bull
Tattoo: 0182
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Act. BW 86 RE 0.65 DOC 25 FAT 63
DOB: 03/04/20
K C F Bennett Leverage
Adj. RE 15.3 MARB 0.75 SC 3 RE 36
AAA 19831414
Basin Payweight 1682
KF Leverage 0182
Adj. IMF 3.56
MILK 32 DMI 93 CW 9
CW 69 YH 36 MARB 64
Adj. RE 16.5 MARB 0.43 SC 29 RE 10
RE 1.01 DOC 91 FAT 46
FAT -0.015 HP 62 TEND 40
KF Leverage 0138 AAA 19831374
DOB: 02/14/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 HA Program 5652 Plattemere Queen W 915
Baldridge Atlas A266
KF Queen W 619
Plattemere Queen W 971 Act. BW 72
Adj. WW 693
Adj. YW 1381
CED BW WW YW 14 -1 80 138 CED BW WW YW 7 12 14 18 CEM MILK MW MH 20 42 61 71 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 100, YW Ratio 102 • Sure shot heifer bull
Adj. IMF 4.95
MILK 28 DMI 95 CW 15
CW 70 YH 55 MARB 46
AAA 19926603
DOB: 02/20/20
RE 0.77 DOC 22 FAT 37
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF College Queen 5262
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Maverick T43 HIGH PRIME 4037 Pam of Plattemere 88
Baldridge Jennings Z064
KF Pam 617
Pam of Plattemere 93 Act. BW 87
Adj. WW 746
Adj. YW 1364
CED BW WW YW 8 0.8 75 118 CED BW WW YW 13 15 22 81 CEM MILK MW MH 10 78 85 92 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 107 , YW Ratio 107 • Moderate bull with a good Ribeye
Adj. IMF 3.96
MILK 22 DMI 63 CW 31
CW 55 YH 82 MARB 53
83 93
$B $C
FAT -0.014 HP 51 TEND 8
DOB: 02/28/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Dolly 4136
Dolly of Plattemere 403 Adj. WW 642
CED BW WW 14 0.9 76 CED BW WW 1 17 22 CEM MILK MW 32 44 45 • Recommended for heifers • YW Ratio 97 • Good bull for heifers
$M $W
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 S S Objective T510 0T26 Dolly of Plattemere 391
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Act. BW 77
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Adj. YW 1311
YW 129 YW 43 MH 48
Adj. IMF 3.74
MILK 30 DMI 65 CW 44
CW 46 YH 73 MARB 35
81 136
AAA 19831432
FAT -0.012 HP 67 TEND 22
Adj. RE 13 MARB 0.63 SC RE -
RE 0.46 DOC FAT -
FAT 0.003 HP TEND -
Adj. WW 554
Tattoo: 0204
Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 V A R Reserve 1111 Plattemere Daisy 380
KF Daisy 416
Adj. YW 1242
CED BW WW YW 5 2.7 79 143 CED BW WW YW 66 80 4 4 CEM MILK MW MH 92 67 7 11 • Recommended for cows • DNA likes this bull • Mother is a stout broody cow
RE 0.77 DOC 70 FAT 47
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
KF Daisy 6131
FAT 0.01 HP 80 TEND 44
Tattoo: 0150
Adj. IMF 4.64
DOB: 02/22/20
Connealy Comrade 1385
Act. BW 88 RE 0.67 DOC 57 FAT 76
KF Leverage 0204
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Adj. RE 16.3 MARB 0.68 SC 32 RE 57
YW 108 YW MH -
K C F Bennett Leverage
Adj. YW 1249
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. WW 639
CED BW WW 8 1.4 63 CED BW WW CEM MILK MW • Recommended for cows • Good younger bull
Tattoo: 0180
MARB 0.74 SC 10 RE 57
Connealy Earnan 076E MCC SuperMama 0139 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Dolly of Plattemere 413
KF Dolly 4156
Act. BW 81 RE 1.12 DOC 93 FAT 43
CW 70 YH 29 MARB 44
Adj. RE 15.5
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
KF Dolly 6142
MILK 25 DMI 100 CW 12
DOB: 03/03/20
MCC Essential 4069
KF Leverage 0180 AAA 19831412
AAA 19831386
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Adj. IMF 3.92
KF Leverage 0150
K C F Bennett Leverage
Adj. RE 15.4 MARB 0.59 SC 42 RE 10
Adj. YW 1259
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. WW 718
CED BW WW YW 4 2 89 161 CED BW WW YW 45 45 6 2 CEM MILK MW MH 87 68 9 23 • Recommended for Cows • WW Ratio 104 • Nice early growth to weaning
15 $W
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 PA Power Tool 9108 College Queen Plattemere 67
KF College Queen 787
Tattoo: 0109
Tattoo: 0190
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Baldridge Atlas A266
FAT -0.003 HP 73 TEND 1
DOB: 03/04/20
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Act. BW 83
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Bennett Leverage
AAA 19831421
K C F Bennett Leverage
Adj. RE 15.6 MARB 0.73 SC 6 RE 37
KF Leverage 0190
Basin Payweight 1682
KF Leverage 0109
Basin Payweight 1682
Tattoo: 0138
Adj. IMF 3.13
MILK 24 DMI 95 CW 8
CW 50 YH 27 MARB 66
Adj. RE 14.6 MARB 0.45 SC 20 RE 4
RE 0.97 DOC 95 FAT 13
FAT -0.039 HP 36 TEND 66
KF Leverage 0155 AAA 19831391
DOB: 02/09/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Connealy Black Granite BAF Forever Lady 1080 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Plattemere Queenie 892
KF Stonecutter 501
KF Queenie 7204
Plattemere Queenie 936 Act. BW 85
Adj. WW 639
CED BW WW 7 0.1 65 CED BW WW 46 40 44 CEM MILK MW 91 92 80 • Recommended for heifers • Good marbling in this bull
Adj. YW 1218
YW 104 YW 63 MH 74
Adj. IMF 4.83
MILK 22 DMI 39 CW 69
CW 34 YH 59 MARB 7
Adj. RE 13.8 MARB 1.03 SC 20 RE 44
RE 0.63 DOC 48 FAT 86
FAT 0.047 HP 26 TEND 74
Lot 20
KF Leverage 0114 AAA 19831352
DOB: 02/23/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Ruby of Tiffany 1467 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157 Adj. WW 577
CED BW WW 5 1.5 59 CED BW WW 37 29 61 CEM MILK MW 66 45 80 • Recommended for cows • Good solid calf
AAA 19839352
GAR-EGL Protege Baldridge Blackcap T163 PA Power Tool 9108 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801
Baldridge Waylon W34
Act. BW 77
20 KF Leverage 0270
Tattoo: 0114
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Bennett Leverage
Tattoo: 0155
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Adj. YW 1145
YW 100 YW 57 MH 80
Adj. IMF 3.74
MILK 28 DMI 77 CW 41
CW 46 YH 68 MARB 58
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318 Plattemere Weigh Up K360
KF Ruby of Tiffany 683
T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157
Adj. RE 14.6 MARB 0.64 SC 18 RE 11
Act. BW 84 RE 0.93 DOC 23 FAT 13
FAT -0.033 HP 66 TEND 13
DOB: 03/08/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Queen W 5180
Plattemere Queen W 970 Adj. WW 778
$M $W
CB Block Party 156 Baldridge Blackcap Mary Y43 Mytty In Focus Plattemere Queen W 916
Baldridge Accelerator A005
Act. BW 83
Tattoo: 0189
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Adj. YW -
CED BW WW YW 7 1.2 70 124 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MW MH • Recommended for cows • lot of potential in this young bull
Adj. IMF 5.68
99 152
MCC Essential 4069
KF Barbara 698 KF Barbara 445
Act. BW 86 RE 0.71 DOC FAT -
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 PA Power Tool 9108 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801 Adj. YW -
Adj. IMF -
DOB: 03/08/20
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
Adj. RE 15.9 MARB 0.62 SC RE -
AAA 19831344
K C F Bennett Leverage
FAT -0.001 HP TEND -
Adj. RE RE 0.89 DOC 52 FAT 21
FAT -0.015 HP 66 TEND 18
Adj. WW 725
Tattoo: 0103
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Connealy Earnan 076E MCC SuperMama 0139 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara of Plattemere 348 Adj. YW -
Adj. IMF 3.93
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 11 0.6 75 121 28 46 CED BW WW YW DMI YH 7 16 30 69 40 35 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB 51 31 82 52 54 72 • Recommended for heifers • Big Ribeye in this moderate stout young bull
KF Leverage 0103
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. WW 715
Tattoo: 0270
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB 3 3.1 75 133 29 66 0.65 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC 22 46 17 6 95 38 12 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE 63 50 31 59 10 81 18 • Recommended for cows • To young to get an adjusted Yearling weight *Nice bull
KF Leverage 0189 AAA 19831420
DOB: 03/15/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. RE 16.9 MARB 0.46 SC 38 RE 24
RE 0.86 DOC 94 FAT 59
FAT 0 HP 22 TEND 51
KF Leverage 0188 AAA 19831419
DOB: 03/12/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
AAA 19831410
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 Mytty In Focus Plattemere Queenie 892
Baldridge Atlas A266
KF Queenie 6212
Plattemere Queenie 924 Act. BW 77
25 KF Leverage 0178
Tattoo: 0188
Adj. WW 716
Adj. YW -
Adj. IMF -
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318
KF Queen W 6148 KF Queen W 1458 Act. BW 76
RE 0.66 DOC 34 FAT 60
FAT 0.016 HP 67 TEND 6
AAA 19956733
DOB: 03/15/20
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318 Baldridge Atlas A266
KF Becky Lee 6207
SandPoint Becky Lee 1603 Act. BW 81
Adj. WW 768
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 7 1.1 77 132 28 51 CED BW WW YW DMI YH CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 111 * Could work on large framed heifers
AAA 19959580
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 Connealy Consensus 7229 Becky Lee of Conanga 74 Adj. IMF -
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318 S Whitlock 179
KF Reva 7246
Plattemere Reva 201
Act. BW 75 RE 0.68 DOC FAT -
FAT 0.01 HP TEND -
AAA 19831396
DOB: 03/16/20
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318 Baldridge Jennings Z064
KF Queenie 6169
Plattemere Queenie 936 Act. BW 77
Adj. WW 763
Tattoo: 0162
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Maverick T43 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Plattemere Queenie 892 Adj. YW -
Adj. IMF -
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 8 1.1 74 135 33 70 CED BW WW YW DMI YH 26 37 39 20 74 84 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB 66 24 60 74 18 11 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 110 * Good carcass figures on this guy
Adj. RE MARB 1.12 SC 23 RE 19
CW 57 YH 66 MARB 33
Adj. RE MARB 0.82 SC 3 RE 37
RE 0.64 DOC 96 FAT 73
FAT 0.021 HP 74 TEND 2
RE 0.81 DOC 26 FAT 18
Adj. WW 744
FAT -0.021 HP 87 TEND 7
Tattoo: 0194
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
S Chisum 6175 S Pride Anna 709 SydGen Mandate 6079 Plattemere Reva 178 Adj. YW -
Adj. IMF -
CED BW WW YW MILK 9 0.3 77 136 26 CED BW WW YW DMI CEM MILK MW MH CW • Recommended for heifers • BW Ratio 95, WW Ratio 108 • Another good young Leverage calf
KF Leverage 0162
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. IMF -
DOB: 03/21/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. RE MARB 0.76 SC RE -
Adj. YW -
26 KF Leverage 0194
Tattoo: 0137
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Adj. YW -
Adj. WW 759
CED BW WW YW MILK 18 -2.2 63 112 40 CED BW WW YW DMI 1 7 43 32 80 CEM MILK MW MH CW 59 3 76 79 19 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 110 *Sleep all night heifer bull
23 KF Leverage 0137
Tattoo: 0178
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Connealy Consensus 7229 Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 Baldridge Jennings Z064 Plattemere Queen W 969
Connealy Black Granite
Adj. RE -
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB 11 -0.2 74 134 29 51 0.63 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC 2 4 21 22 86 36 41 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE 63 54 28 36 35 54 30 • Recommended for heifers • Another younger bull that should be ideal for heifers
DOB: 03/16/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. RE MARB 0.66 SC RE -
RE 0.58 DOC FAT -
FAT 0.018 HP TEND -
Reference Sire EXAR Monumental 6056B AAA 18379347
DOB: 01/11/16
Varilek Product 2010 04
3F Epic 4631
BW -0.8
WW 67
A A R Ten X 7008 S A
WY Rita C085
FWY 7008 of C085 4029
Zebo Queen 1072
CED 10
Tattoo: 6056B
YW 122
CW 55
MARB 1.41
RE 0.71
FAT 0.023
Momumental is an ABS sire that has been used for calving ease and added marbling with adequate growth. His daughters are well made with nice udders with added length. These bulls should some awesome feeder cattle.
Lot 27
Lot 28
KF Monumental 0120 AAA 19831358
DOB: 01/28/20
3F Epic 4631
FWY 7008 of C085 4029
$M $W
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 S S Objective T510 0T26 Dolly of Plattemere 375
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
KF Dolly 8166
Dolly of Plattemere 405 Adj. WW 764
AAA 19831362
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085
EXAR Monumental 6056B
Act. BW 72
28 KF Monumental 0125
Tattoo: 0120
Adj. YW 1468
CED BW WW YW 11 -0.9 63 118 CED BW WW YW 26 23 51 35 CEM MILK MW MH 47 44 46 63 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 110, YW Ratio 108 • Big , stout bull here
Adj. IMF 4.38
MILK 28 DMI 56 CW 51
CW 46 YH 55 MARB 36
EXAR Monumental 6056B FWY 7008 of C085 4029
K C F Bennett Fortress
KF Dolly 8079 KF Dolly 5142
Adj. RE 16.5 MARB 0.72 SC 60 RE 30
Act. BW 78 RE 0.68 DOC 82 FAT 16
FAT -0.007 HP 53 TEND 40
DOB: 01/29/20
3F Epic 4631
Adj. WW 710
Tattoo: 0125
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705 JMB Traction 292 KF Dolly 1
Adj. YW 1454
Adj. IMF 5.01
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 15 -2.5 57 110 37 44 CED BW WW YW DMI YH 1 3 82 51 53 95 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB 41 10 90 90 75 5 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 103, YW Ratio 107 • Sure shot calving ease with added marbling
Adj. RE 14.2 MARB 1.18 SC 40 RE 69
RE 0.54 DOC 62 FAT 45
FAT 0.013 HP 93 TEND 87
29 KF Monumental 0127 AAA 19831364
DOB: 02/01/20
3F Epic 4631
AAA 19831381
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085
EXAR Monumental 6056B FWY 7008 of C085 4029
Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705 EXAR Denver 2002B QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355
K C F Bennett Fortress
KF Blackcap 8115
Quaker Hill Blackcap 4EX1 Act. BW 71
32 KF Monumental 0145
Tattoo: 0127
Adj. WW 735
Adj. YW 1404
Adj. IMF 7.32
CED BW WW YW MILK 16 -3.5 64 120 36 CED BW WW YW DMI 2 2 66 37 76 CEM MILK MW MH CW 74 8 87 92 73 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 106, YW Ratio 103 • Make sure to find this guy sale day!
CW 49 YH 95 MARB 1
FWY 7008 of C085 4029
RE 0.67 DOC 42 FAT 69
KF Queen W 7144
Plattemere Queen W 951
FAT 0.037 HP 27 TEND 64
DOB: 02/11/20
3F Epic 4631
FWY 7008 of C085 4029
KF Queen W 7196
Plattemere Queen W 952 Act. BW 78
Adj. WW 761 WW 89 WW 4 MW 8
Adj. YW 1401
KF Monumental 0205
CED 12 CED 14 CEM 52
Lot 30
BW -1.3 BW 20 MILK 76
DOB: 02/23/20
Adj. WW 650 WW 74 WW 26 MW 32
MILK 17 DMI 94 CW 13
Adj. YW 1300
YW 133 YW 23 MH 46
CW 61 YH 29 MARB 40
CW 71 YH 69 MARB 23
Adj. RE 15 MARB 0.62 SC 8 RE 12
RE 0.94 DOC 59 FAT 46
FAT 0 HP 62 TEND 96
EXAR Monumental 6056B FWY 7008 of C085 4029
KF Maverick 791
Baldridge Maverick A289 Act. BW 75
RE 0.79 DOC 71 FAT 41
FAT 0.007 HP 22 TEND 95
RE 0.61 DOC 72 FAT 83
FAT 0.037 HP 72 TEND 85
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 CB Block Party 156 Baldridge Maverick T43
Basin Payweight 1682
Tattoo: 0147
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085
Adj. WW 625
Adj. YW 1300
Adj. IMF 3.87
CED BW WW YW MILK 7 -0.1 61 116 27 CED BW WW YW DMI 70 82 22 13 80 CEM MILK MW MH CW 4 49 13 21 9 • Recommended for larger framed heifers • Mother is an excellent made cow
CW 61 YH 42 MARB 20
Adj. RE 14.3 MARB 0.81 SC 65 RE 26
RE 0.66 DOC 32 FAT 54
FAT 0.029 HP 62 TEND 67
Tattoo: 0205
Adj. IMF 5.22
MILK 21 DMI 85 CW 56
MARB 0.77 SC 31 RE 12
Adj. IMF 4.38
DOB: 02/01/20
3F Epic 4631
Adj. RE 14.7
BW 0.7 BW 36 MILK 94
Act. BW 71
YW 152 YW 14 MH 13
Adj. IMF 5.08
CED 8 CED 26 CEM 65
AAA 19831433
AAA 19831383
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 Mytty In Focus Plattemere Queen W 887
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Adj. YW 1389
33 KF Monumental 0147
Tattoo: 0221
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085
EXAR Monumental 6056B
Adj. WW 720
CED BW WW YW MILK 10 1.1 76 137 28 CED BW WW YW DMI 19 52 31 17 82 CEM MILK MW MH CW 31 22 17 38 16 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 104, YW Ratio 102 • Could work on larger framed heifers
30 KF Monumental 0221 AAA 19929132
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 Mytty In Focus Plattemere Queen W 909
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Act. BW 84
Tattoo: 0145
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085
EXAR Monumental 6056B
Adj. RE 16.1 MARB 1.41 SC 2 RE 50
DOB: 02/01/20
3F Epic 4631
CW 51 YH 68 MARB 5
Adj. RE 14.2 MARB 1.07 SC 11 RE 55
• Recommended For heifers • ET calf out of a donor we raised that you will here a lot more from!
Lot 31
• Recommended for heifers • Flush brother to lot 30 • These 2 bulls should sire an excellent set of feeder calves
KF Queen W 7196 — Dam of lots 30 & 31
34 KF Monumental 0107 AAA 19926602
DOB: 01/22/20
3F Epic 4631
EXAR Monumental 6056B FWY 7008 of C085 4029
Connealy Black Granite BAF Forever Lady 1080 Sitz Upward 307R Pine View Rita X019
KF Stonecutter 501
KF Rita 8144
Pine View/KF Rita A111 Act. BW 64
Adj. WW 665
CED BW WW 13 -0.2 65 CED BW WW 11 36 45 CEM MILK MW 31 32 21 • Recommended for Heifers • BW Ratio 85 • Calving ease for sure
Tattoo: 0107
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085
Adj. YW 1251
YW 117 YW 30 MH 24
Adj. IMF 4.24
MILK 24 DMI 81 CW 35
CW 55 YH 51 MARB 24
Adj. RE 13.4 MARB 0.68 SC 37 RE 34
RE 0.7 DOC 21 FAT 61
FAT 0.027 HP 59 TEND 47
Reference Sire Bar R Jet Black 5063
AAA 18389838
DOB: 07/30/15
Connealy Consensus 7229
Connealy Black Granite
BW 1.5
WW 76
YW 137
Sitz Upward 307R
Bar R Anita 7081
Bar R Iris Anita 0113
Eura Elga of Conanga 9109
CED 10
Tattoo: 5063
CW 66
MARB 0.59
RE 0.82
FAT 0.010
Lot 35
Lot 36
35 KF Jet Black 0228 AAA 19831445
DOB: 02/16/20
Connealy Black Granite Bar R Iris Anita 0113
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 Nichols Extra K205 Plattemere Reva 178
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
KF Reva 6226
Plattemere Reva 180 Adj. WW 701
AAA 19831448
Connealy Consensus 7229 Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081
Bar R Jet Black 5063
Act. BW 77
36 KF Jet Black 0233
Tattoo: 0228
Adj. YW 1327
CED BW WW YW 10 0.1 72 125 CED BW WW YW 42 32 43 40 CEM MILK MW MH 27 38 55 75 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 101 • A bull with a lot of look here
Adj. IMF 4.47
MILK 30 DMI 61 CW 35
CW 61 YH 97 MARB 74
Bar R Iris Anita 0113
RE 0.82 DOC 11 FAT 49
G A R Predestined Shamrocks Beebee Queen 3095 S S Objective T510 0T26 Plattemere Queen W 905
PA Power Tool 9108
KF Queen W 5119
Plattemere Queen W 942 Act. BW 81
FAT 0.024 HP 88 TEND 90
Adj. WW 692
CED BW WW 14 1.8 75 CED BW WW 15 70 34 CEM MILK MW 86 32 52 • Recommended for heifers • Big Ribeye with a high $C
Tattoo: 0233
Connealy Consensus 7229 Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081
Bar R Jet Black 5063
Adj. RE 14.9 MARB 0.36 SC 12 RE 20
DOB: 02/21/20
Connealy Black Granite
Adj. YW 1270
YW 130 YW 25 MH 27
Adj. IMF 4.63
MILK 29 DMI 49 CW 22
CW 67 YH 57 MARB 37
Adj. RE 15.8 MARB 0.72 SC 37 RE 6
RE 1.14 DOC 3 FAT 43
FAT -0.001 HP 92 TEND 72
Reference Sire DL Dually
AAA 18608253
DOB: 01/03/16
KG Solution 0018
DL Sonic 444
BW 1.9
WW 91
DL Incentive 228
DL Karama 39
DL Incentive 2103
DL Barbara 792
Tattoo: 86
YW 164
CW 55
MARB 0.48
RE 0.47
FAT 0.017
Dually was used here for added growth and he delivered. These bulls mashed the scales down every time they went across. He was used successfully on heifers and will keep your Milk EPD in check.
Lot 37
KF Dually 0159 AAA 19831394
DOB: 02/01/20
DL Sonic 444 DL Incentive 2103 Baldridge Atlas A266
KF Barbara 7126 KF Barbara 2
Act. BW 88
38 KF Dually 0141
Tattoo: 0159
AAA 19831377
KG Solution 0018 DL Barbara 792 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39
DL Dually
Adj. WW 840
$M $W
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara OF Plattemere 341 Adj. YW 1547
Lot 38
Adj. IMF 4.7
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 1 4.2 96 156 11 56 CED BW WW YW DMI YH 95 99 5 26 76 63 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB 28 99 17 60 29 47 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 121, YW Ratio 114 • An absolute tank of a bull with a ton of performance
83 135
DL Incentive 2103
MARB 0.69 SC 87 RE 54
KF Blackbird 780 KF Blackbird 497 Act. BW 81
RE 0.6 DOC 5 FAT 72
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Blackbird of Plattemere 458
Baldridge Atlas A266
Adj. RE 14.4 FAT 0.029 HP 49 TEND 56
Adj. WW 681
CED BW WW 9 -0.4 75 CED BW WW 50 33 31 CEM MILK MW 7 94 14 • Recommended for Heifers • YW Ratio 110 • These Duallys flat grow
Tattoo: 0141
KG Solution 0018 DL Barbara 792 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39
DL Dually
DOB: 01/28/20
DL Sonic 444
Adj. YW 1492
YW 147 YW 5 MH 39
Adj. IMF 7.05
MILK 11 DMI 94 CW 53
CW 41 YH 64 MARB 23
Adj. RE 13.6 MARB 0.99 SC 71 RE 100
RE -0.03 DOC 1 FAT 94
FAT 0.057 HP 36 TEND 17
Lot 40
39 KF Dually 0153 AAA 19831389
DOB: 01/28/20
DL Sonic 444
AAA 19831345
KG Solution 0018 DL Barbara 792 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39
DL Dually
DL Incentive 2103
KF Dolly 7192 KF Dolly 1451
Adj. WW 727
$M $W
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 T B A Powerhouse 1162 Dolly OF Plattemere 385
Baldridge Atlas A266
Act. BW 84
40 KF Dually 0104
Tattoo: 0153
Adj. YW 1417
CED BW WW YW 3 3 78 137 CED BW WW YW 85 86 16 14 CEM MILK MW MH 3 97 5 14 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 105, YW Ratio 104 • This bull checks a lot of boxes
Adj. IMF 4.32
MILK 10 DMI 77 CW 45
CW 44 YH 17 MARB 25
82 147
DL Incentive 2103 Baldridge Atlas A266
KF Barbara 7172
Barbara OF Plattemere 340
Adj. RE 15.4 MARB 0.91 SC 32 RE 53
Act. BW 77 RE 0.62 DOC 1 FAT 49
FAT -0.001 HP 77 TEND 12
Adj. WW 710
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 Riverbend Mile High 3718 Barbara of Plattemere 337 Adj. YW 1323
Adj. IMF 5.82
CED BW WW YW MILK 10 -0.4 71 126 21 CED BW WW YW DMI 31 26 25 26 84 CEM MILK MW MH CW 42 76 29 59 53 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 103 • A Dually over 1 for mabling is rare air!
Tattoo: 0104
KG Solution 0018 DL Barbara 792 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39
DL Dually
DOB: 01/28/20
DL Sonic 444
CW 44 YH 67 MARB 10
Adj. RE 14.4 MARB 1.21 SC 89 RE 46
RE 0.6 DOC 16 FAT 92
FAT 0.058 HP 60 TEND 51
KF No Doubt 0236 AAA 19831451
DOB: 02/16/20
Mogck Bullseye
Miss Blackcap Ellston J2
Thomas Queen Mother 5009 Thomas Queen Mother 0206
BW 2.3 BW 19 MILK 92
Lot 41
Adj. YW 1239
YW 154 YW 9 MH 38
Adj. IMF 3.53
MILK 17 DMI 90 CW 19
CW 74 YH 71 MARB 34
Connealy Confidence Plus
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
K C F Miss 1682 D673 Thomas Patricia 9705
Act. BW 75 RE 0.79 DOC 6 FAT 84
FAT 0.027 HP 1 TEND 79
AAA 19831466
BW 0 BW 7 MILK 86
DOB: 02/17/20
Adj. WW 755 WW 61 WW 38 MW 42
Adj. YW 1360
YW 112 YW 42 MH 37
MILK 14 DMI 54 CW 39
CW 50 YH 76 MARB 64
RE 0.72 DOC 52 FAT 89
FAT 0.057 HP 5 TEND 85
Adj. WW 736
Adj. YW 1312
Adj. IMF 4.1
Adj. RE 15
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE 13 -0.9 80 144 29 58 0.95 0.91 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC 6 5 22 18 81 87 98 35 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT 5 50 43 56 16 11 17 32 • Recommended for heifers • The only Confidence Plus son in the sale out of super good cow • I like this bull a lot
Tattoo: 0257
Adj. IMF 5.33
Tattoo: 0254
Connealy Tobin Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 Connealy Consensus Elbasta of Conanga 9703 Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 S S Objective T510 0T26 Thomas Patricia 71138
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. RE 13.3 MARB 0.66 SC 8 RE 34
DOB: 02/15/20
Connealy Confidence 0100
KF No Doubt 0257 Act. BW 80
CED 8 CED 12 CEM 14
Adj. WW 679 WW 84 WW 16 MW 29
AAA 19831742
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 Mytty In Focus Thomas Queen Mother 7403
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Act. BW 89
43 KF Confidence Plus 0254
Tattoo: 0236
MOGCK Sure Shot Mogck Mary 1255 SydGen C C & 7 Miss Blackcap Ellston D154
Hoover No Doubt
FAT -0.007 HP 55 TEND 81
Adj. RE 16.1 MARB 0.71 SC 15 RE 26
• Recommended for cows • Out of one of our best Donor cows and flush brother to lot 42 • Moderate framed bull with added performance
Lot 42
• Recommended for heifers • Flush brother to lot 41 • Extra stout maderate framed bull
KF Weigh Up 0222 AAA 19926605
DOB: 02/20/20
Sitz Upward 307R
Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara of Plattemere 337
Connealy Right Answer 746
BAF Forever Lady 1080 SF Forever Lady 9405 Act. BW 82
Adj. WW 750
S A V Final Answer 0035 Happy Dell of Conanga 262 Woodhill Foresight SF Forever Lady 281 Adj. YW 1464
Adj. IMF 4.38
CED BW WW YW MILK 16 -0.9 71 139 26 CED BW WW YW DMI 10 35 42 5 86 CEM MILK MW MH CW 67 78 33 47 30 • Recommended for heifers • A Weigh Up out of Stonecutters mother • A beef bull
Thomas queen mother 5009 — Dam of lots 41 & 42
Tattoo: 0222
Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M G A R Retail Product Barbara of Plattemere 311
CW 58 YH 51 MARB 38
Adj. RE 15.7 MARB 0.55 SC 76 RE 27
RE 0.8 DOC 11 FAT 22
FAT -0.006 HP 86 TEND 61
Reference Sire Jindra Acclaim
AAA 17972810
DOB: 01/13/14
Jindra Double Vision
Jindra 3rd Dimension
BW 1.2
WW 72
YW 141
Connealy Impression
Jindras Enchantress J 102
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111
Jindras Sapphire J 417
Tattoo: 134
CW 76
MARB 0.77
RE 0.59
FAT -0.012
Acclaim has sired added growth with extra length. His first daughters in production here are making nice cows.
45 KF Acclaim 0252 AAA 19831463
DOB: 02/15/20
Jindra 3rd Dimension
Jindra Acclaim
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 Connealy Right Answer 746
BAF Forever Lady 1080 SF Forever Lady 9405 Act. BW 84
Adj. WW 692
Tattoo: 0252
Jindra Double Vision Jindras Sapphire J 417 Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102
S A V Final Answer 0035 Happy Dell of Conanga 262 Woodhill Foresight SF Forever Lady 281 Adj. YW 1276
Adj. IMF 4.29
Adj. RE 13.7
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB 11 -0.3 58 124 36 55 0.52 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC 40 56 45 2 58 9 67 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE 55 5 11 13 19 76 9 • Recommended for heifers • 3 Flush brothers out of Stonecutters mother • Put these 3 together to have an excellent uniform set of calves
RE 0.77 DOC 4 FAT 18
FAT 0.005 HP 33 TEND 10
Lot 45
46 KF Acclaim 0217 AAA 19831441
DOB: 02/23/20
Jindra 3rd Dimension
Jindra Acclaim
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 Connealy Right Answer 746
BAF Forever Lady 1080 SF Forever Lady 9405 Act. BW 74
Adj. WW 670
Tattoo: 0217
Jindra Double Vision Jindras Sapphire J 417 Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102
S A V Final Answer 0035 Happy Dell of Conanga 262 Woodhill Foresight SF Forever Lady 281 Adj. YW 1240
Adj. IMF 3.73
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 Connealy Right Answer 746
BAF Forever Lady 1080 SF Forever Lady 9405 Act. BW 77
RE 0.57 DOC 42 FAT 39
FAT 0.017 HP 25 TEND 64
DOB: 02/20/20
Jindra Acclaim
Adj. RE 13
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB 12 -0.4 62 124 30 57 0.69 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC 56 83 41 5 21 6 79 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE 39 33 24 18 29 51 43 • Recommended for heifers • 3 Flush brothers out of Stonecutters mother •Put these 3 together to have an excellent uniform set of calves
AAA 19831459
Jindra 3rd Dimension
KF Acclaim 0247
Adj. WW 571
Tattoo: 0247
Jindra Double Vision Jindras Sapphire J 417 Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102
S A V Final Answer 0035 Happy Dell of Conanga 262 Woodhill Foresight SF Forever Lady 281 Adj. YW 1192
Adj. IMF 3.86
Adj. RE 14.6
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB 12 -1.3 48 99 30 45 0.69 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC 21 17 88 49 23 65 37 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE 74 41 84 84 51 33 50 • Recommended for heifers • 3 Flush brothers out of Stonecutters mother • Put these 3 together to have an excellent uniform set of calves
RE 0.51 DOC 46 FAT 54
FAT 0.031 HP 55 TEND 71
Reference Sire ACC Ascension 7014
AAA 18708556
DOB: 01/23/17
Basin Payweight 006S
Basin Payweight 1682
BW 0.9
WW 79
YW 150
V A R Discovery 2240
CoX Rita 7O80 Y03S
CoX Y03s Rita 4192
21AR O Lass 7017
Tattoo: 7014
CW 68
MARB 0.77
RE 0.73
FAT -0.004
Ascension is owned with Angus of Clear Creek and ABS. He was used for calving ease and added growth with adequate muscle shape. His first daughters have very nice udders and his sons can add a little extra milk where needed.
Lot 48
Lot 49
48 KF Ascension 0246 AAA 19831458
DOB: 02/18/20
Basin Payweight 1682
ACC Ascension 7014 CoX Y03s Rita 4192
EF Complement 8088
KF Queenie 6228
Plattemere Queenie 932 Act. BW 86
Adj. WW 721
49 KF Ascension 0260
Tattoo: 0246
AAA 19831469
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 V A R Discovery 2240 CoX Rita 7O80 Y03S
$M $W
Basin Franchise P142 EF Everelda Entense 6117 Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Queenie 842 Adj. YW 1417
Adj. IMF 3.84
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 17 -1 58 116 44 51 CED BW WW YW DMI YH 1 14 33 11 92 26 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB 61 2 31 13 22 25 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 104, YW Ratio 104 • Ascension has made some beautiful females
90 149
CoX Y03s Rita 4192
MARB 0.85 SC 68 RE 57
KF Dolly 5133
Dolly of Plattemere 413 Act. BW 91
RE 0.5 DOC 53 FAT 80
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Maverick T43 Mytty In Focus Dolly of Plattemere 396
Baldridge Jennings Z064
Adj. RE 16 FAT 0.021 HP 33 TEND 67
Adj. WW 671
Adj. YW 1303
CED BW WW YW 6 2.6 69 129 CED BW WW YW 35 64 20 5 CEM MILK MW MH 20 55 8 18 • Recommended for cows • Good performance on this guy
Tattoo: 0260
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 V A R Discovery 2240 CoX Rita 7O80 Y03S
ACC Ascension 7014
DOB: 02/15/20
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. IMF 2.85
MILK 27 DMI 86 CW 13
CW 61 YH 44 MARB 62
Adj. RE 15.4 MARB 0.5 SC 24 RE 10
RE 0.87 DOC 74 FAT 11
FAT -0.038 HP 98 TEND 96
50 KF Enhance 0199 AAA 19956689
DOB: 01/25/20
SydGen Exceed 3223
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308
SydGen Enhance
SydGen Rita 2618
KF Dolly 8078 KF Dolly 553
Adj. WW 734
$M $W
baldridge Xpand x743 Baldridge Isabel Y69 PA Power Tool 9108 Dolly of Plattemere 426
Baldridge Capable C772
Act. BW 72
Tattoo: 0199
Adj. YW 1411
CED BW WW YW 10 -0.5 60 113 CED BW WW YW 5 8 60 53 CEM MILK MW MH 24 7 85 34 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 106, YW Ratio 104
Adj. IMF 4.77
MILK 34 DMI 73 CW 49
CW 43 YH 34 MARB 39
81 130
AAA 19831387
RE 0.56 DOC 7 FAT 66
FAT 0.034 HP 89 TEND 73
S Chisum 6175 S Pride Anna 709 Connealy Right Answer 746 SF Forever Lady 9405
S Whitlock 179
KF Forever Lady 8057 BAF Forever Lady 1080 Act. BW 66
Adj. WW 687
CED BW WW 8 -0.3 76 CED BW WW 17 12 6 CEM MILK MW 5 66 32 • Recommended for heifers • High IMF bull • Ratioed 137 for marbling
Tattoo: 0151
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308
SydGen Rita 2618
Adj. RE 14.1 MARB 0.64 SC 17 RE 36
DOB: 01/29/20
SydGen Enhance
KF Enhance 0151
SydGen Exceed 3223
Adj. YW 1257
YW 130 YW 24 MH 32
Adj. IMF 6.25
MILK 26 DMI 93 CW 6
CW 67 YH 19 MARB 33
MARB 0.85 SC 5 RE 62
Aim High The Targeting the Brand™ logo highlights registered Angus bulls with greater genetic potential to produce calves that meet the most challenging specifications of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand.
Minimum Genetic Requirements Marbling EPD (Marb)
Dollar Grid Carcass Index ($G)
For more information on Targeting the Brand™ visit CABcattle.com.
Adj. RE 14.1
Only 1 in 4 non-parent Angus bulls qualify.
RE 0.59 DOC 2 FAT 89
FAT 0.013 HP 84 TEND 14
Reference Sire Stevenson Declaration 70748 AAA 18836115
DOB: 01/19/17
Jindra 3rd Dimension
Jindra Acclaim
BW -0.2
WW 79
YW 146
S A V Thunderbird 9061
RL 0145 Image 102
RL 9061 Birdie 3102
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111
Tattoo: 70748
CW 69
MARB 0.54
RE 0.49
FAT 0.030
Declaration is owned with ST Genetics and Stevenson Angus. He is a calving ease bull with added growth. He has a very balanced EPD package and we will be used here more in the future.
KF Declaration 0207 AAA 19865602
DOB: 02/23/20
Jindra Acclaim
AAA 19865613
Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 S A V Thunderbird 9061 RL 0145 Image 102
Stevenson Declaration 70748 RL 9061 Birdie 3102
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Duchess T69 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Plattemere Queenie 928
Baldridge Atlas A266
KF Queenie 783
KF Queenie 5123 Act. BW 79
54 KF Declaration 0220
Tattoo: 0207
Adj. WW 654
Adj. YW 1337
Adj. IMF 4.75
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 6 1 72 132 19 54 CED BW WW YW DMI YH 83 70 23 9 56 38 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB 34 62 20 30 35 94 • Recommended for cows • Nice made bull that will keep that milk in check
Stevenson Declaration 70748 RL 9061 Birdie 3102
KF Promise 731
KF Promise 5253 Act. BW 82
RE 0.47 DOC 43 FAT 20
FAT -0.013 HP 90 TEND 32
AAA 19865633
DOB: 03/01/20
Jindra Acclaim
RL 9061 Birdie 3102
KF Queenie 423
Plattemere Queenie 928 Act. BW 90
Adj. WW 743
CED BW WW 7 1.4 72 CED BW WW 45 46 29 CEM MILK MW 97 3 48 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 107 • Nice ribeye in this guy
AAA 19865648
$M $W
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 Connealy Impression Plattemere Queenie 908
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Adj. YW 1319
YW 118 YW 41 MH 78
Adj. IMF 3.9
MILK 32 DMI 64 CW 49
CW 43 YH 53 MARB 50
Adj. IMF 5.5 CW 47 YH 88 MARB 13
72 118
Stevenson Declaration 70748 RL 9061 Birdie 3102
KF Stonecutter 501
KF Erica Lady 718
KF Erica Lady 5134
Act. BW 81 RE 0.53 DOC 63 FAT 91
FAT 0.04 HP 30 TEND 17
DOB: 03/07/20
Jindra Acclaim
Adj. RE 15.6 MARB 0.58 SC 31 RE 67
Adj. YW -
Adj. RE 14.2 MARB 0.87 SC 92 RE 73
RE 0.48 DOC 71 FAT 94
FAT 0.061 HP 25 TEND 59
55 KF Declaration 0245
Tattoo: 0239
Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 S A V Thunderbird 9061 RL 0145 Image 102
Stevenson Declaration 70748
Adj. WW 639
CED BW WW YW MILK 12 -1.1 62 112 37 CED BW WW YW DMI 31 20 57 45 32 CEM MILK MW MH CW 82 1 88 95 55 • Recommended for heifers • Good marbling with an IMF Ratio of 120
53 KF Declaration 0239
Tattoo: 0220
Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 S A V Thunderbird 9061 RL 0145 Image 102 Barstow Cash MCC Supermama 6022 Baldridge Jennings Z064 G A R Promise 2908
MCC Cash 5031
Adj. RE 13.1 MARB 0.33 SC 41 RE 57
DOB: 03/06/20
Jindra Acclaim
Adj. WW 740
Connealy Black Granite BAF Forever Lady 1080 Baldridge Jennings Z064 KF Erica Lady 1312 Adj. YW -
Adj. IMF 3.97
CED BW WW YW MILK 6 1.5 80 143 43 CED BW WW YW DMI 86 77 16 10 50 CEM MILK MW MH CW 80 1 36 58 26 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 107 • Good performance in this youger bull
Tattoo: 0245
Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 S A V Thunderbird 9061 RL 0145 Image 102
CW 62 YH 19 MARB 75
Adj. RE 15.2 MARB 0.38 SC 83 RE 46
RE 0.73 DOC 40 FAT 61
FAT 0.013 HP 50 TEND 63
56 KF Traction 5111-0139 AAA 19831375
DOB: 03/03/20
JMB Traction 292
Plattemere Reva 201
S A V Final Answer 0035 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 Connealy Impression Plattemere Queen W 887
K C F Bennett Absolute
KF Queen W 603
Plattemere Queen W 979 Adj. WW 625
Adj. YW 1255
Adj. IMF 3.18
CED BW WW YW MILK CW 5 1.4 60 106 24 34 CED BW WW YW DMI YH 34 50 69 71 10 83 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB 82 66 69 86 75 89 • Recommended for cows • These 5111 calve have been crowd favorites
AAA 19839351
Sitz Top Game 561X JMB Emulota 013 SydGen Mandate 6079 Plattemere Reva 178
KF Traction 5111
Act. BW 77
59 KF Weigh Up 7152-0269
Tattoo: 0139
Plattemere Queen W 981
RE 0.65 DOC 90 FAT 27
FAT -0.022 HP 85 TEND 64
KF Queenie 8120 KF Queenie 6228
DOB: 03/13/20
JMB Traction 292
Plattemere Reva 201
KF Rita 6251
Pine View/KF Rita A111 Act. BW 76
AAA 19831457
Basin Franchise P142 EF Everelda Entense 6117 Sitz Upward 307R Pine View Rita X019
EF Complement 8088
Adj. WW 760
CED BW WW 6 1.3 67 CED BW WW 36 47 64 CEM MILK MW 63 35 82 • Recommended for cows • WW Ratio 110 • Nice well balanced bull
Adj. YW -
YW 115 YW 66 MH 71
Adj. IMF -
MILK 30 DMI 54 CW 68
CW 45 YH 84 MARB 22
DOB: 03/20/20
JMB Traction 292
$B $C
BAF Forever Lady 1080
Plattemere Reva 201
RE 0.78 DOC 88 FAT 60
KF Dolly 5149
Dolly of Plattemere 402
FAT 0.015 HP 94 TEND 43
KF Dolly 632
KF Dolly 1306 Act. BW 76
Adj. WW 671
61 $M $W
Adj. YW -
CED BW WW YW 6 0.1 59 113 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MW MH • Recommended for heifers • Nice set of figures on this bull
Adj. IMF -
84 153
KF Stonecutter 501
KF Dolly 8083 KF Dolly 518
Act. BW 86 RE 0.71 DOC FAT -
FAT -0.014 HP TEND -
DOB: 01/29/20
Hertha of Conanga 1639
Adj. RE MARB 0.93 SC RE -
AAA 19928890
Adj. IMF 4.56
MILK 20 DMI 58 CW 56
KF Gary 0198
Connealy Gary
Adj. YW -
YW 116 YW 44 MH 28
Connealy Niobrara 5451
Adj. WW 668
CED BW WW 14 -1.8 62 CED BW WW 19 20 59 CEM MILK MW 74 87 49 • Recommended for heifers • BW Ratio 93
Tattoo: 0113
Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Maverick T43 PA Power Tool 9108 Dolly OF Plattemere 385
Baldridge Jennings Z064
Tattoo: 0244
Sitz Top Game 561X JMB Emulota 013 S S Objective T510 0T26 Dolly of Plattemere 392
JMB Traction 292
Act. BW 76
Sitz Top Game 561X JMB Emulota 013 SydGen Mandate 6079 Plattemere Reva 178
KF Traction 5111
Adj. RE -
Connealy Consensus 7229 Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 Connealy Right Answer 746 SF Forever Lady 9405
KF Stonecutter 501
58 KF Traction 5111-0113 AAA 19959579
Adj. IMF -
DOB: 03/08/20
Connealy Black Granite
Adj. RE MARB 0.94 SC 94 RE 40
Adj. YW -
60 KF Stonecutter 0244
Tattoo: 0118
Sitz Top Game 561X JMB Emulota 013 SydGen Mandate 6079 Plattemere Reva 178
KF Traction 5111
Adj. WW 752
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE FAT 11 0.1 83 149 28 69 0.46 0.72 -0.005 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP 68 50 5 11 76 9 15 4 84 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 94 11 17 11 5 45 45 85 39 • Recommended for heifers • WW Ratio 102 • Mother is in the donor pen and you will hear more from her in the future
KF Traction 5111-0118 AAA 19831356
Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705 EF Complement 8088 Plattemere Queenie 932
K C F Bennett Fortress
Act. BW 68
Tattoo: 0269
Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 G A R New Design 5050 Plattemere Queen W 918
KF Weigh Up 7152
Adj. RE 13.9 MARB 0.21 SC 67 RE 55
DOB: 03/25/20
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Adj. WW 670
CW 37 YH 34 MARB 65
Adj. RE 12.8 MARB 0.55 SC 21 RE 71
RE 0.48 DOC 55 FAT 69
FAT 0.011 HP 40 TEND 13
Tattoo: 0198
Connealy Confidence Plus Britha of Conanga 167 Connealy Consensus Herra of Conanga 4462 Connealy Black Granite BAF Forever Lady 1080 JMB Traction 292 Dolly of Plattemere 391 Adj. YW 1214
Adj. IMF 3.91
Adj. RE 11.2
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE FAT -2 3.9 87 154 15 56 0.47 0.74 0.027 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP 78 67 11 5 77 72 16 36 53 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 99 90 17 40 30 46 23 81 33 • Recommended for cows • Excellent growth numbers on a bull that got sick and got a little behind after weaning
62 KF Leverage 9522 AAA 19517940
DOB: 09/11/19
Basin Payweight 1682
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318 baldridge Xpand x743
KF Ruby of Tiffany 6510 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157 Act. BW 86
Adj. WW 643
63 KF Leverage 9520
Tattoo: 9522
AAA 19517939
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Hoover Dam Baldridge Queen S87 PA Power Tool 9108 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801 Adj. YW 1582
Adj. IMF -
K C F Bennett Leverage
K C F Miss Consensus Y318 baldridge Xpand x743
KF Ruby of Tiffany 6510 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157
Adj. RE -
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB 2 2.3 81 143 27 69 0.86 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC 72 63 6 4 99 46 21 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE 73 62 43 40 13 32 56 • Recommended for cows • Big time growth bull that should be a sale day favorite
Act. BW 71 RE 0.7 DOC 62 FAT 84
FAT 0.023 HP 97 TEND 60
DOB: 09/07/19
Basin Payweight 1682
Adj. WW 546
Tattoo: 9520
Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Connealy Consensus Thomas Patricia 9705
Hoover Dam Baldridge Queen S87 PA Power Tool 9108 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801 Adj. YW 1361
Adj. IMF -
Adj. RE -
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE 4 1.5 70 129 42 61 0.71 1.19 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC 63 35 28 10 98 27 30 69 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT 83 1 38 24 17 39 2 10 • Recommended for cows • These Leverage bulls will leave you excellent set of replacements
FAT -0.048 HP 66 TEND 20
64 KF Monumental 9518 AAA 19519040
DOB: 09/03/19
3F Epic 4631
Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 A A R Ten X 7008 S A FWY Rita C085
EXAR Monumental 6056B FWY 7008 of C085 4029
G A R Predestined Shamrocks Beebee Queen 3095 Connealy Thunder T B A Ruby of Tiffany 403
PA Power Tool 9108
T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801 Act. BW 77
Tattoo: 9518
Adj. WW 647
Adj. YW 1405
Adj. IMF -
Connealy Black Granite
BAF Forever Lady 1080 SF Forever Lady 9405
Bar R Iris Anita 0113
T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801 Act. BW 74 CED 7 CED 28 CEM 22
BW 2.7 BW 50 MILK 31
Adj. WW 627 WW 80 WW 19 MW 34
Adj. YW 1494
YW 144 YW 15 MH 22
Adj. IMF -
MILK 30 DMI 94 CW 26
CW 61 YH 31 MARB 16
AAA 19525880
Act. BW 83 CED 6 CED 77 CEM 45
Lot 65
BW 2.3 BW 88 MILK 56
Adj. WW 542 WW 68 WW 36 MW 30
• Recommended for cows • High growth, Big ribeye bull
Lot 66
DOB: 09/07/19
• Recommended for cows • Flush brother to lot 65 • Good 18 month old bull
Adj. YW 1335
YW 122 YW 38 MH 38
MARB 0.81 SC 86 RE 63
RE 0.44 DOC 26 FAT 53
FAT 0.028 HP 31 TEND 46
FAT -0.012 HP 77 TEND 27
RE 0.72 DOC 6 FAT 71
FAT 0.024 HP 95 TEND 25
Hoover Dam Baldridge Queen S87 PA Power Tool 9108 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801
baldridge Xpand x743
KF Ruby of Tiffany 6508 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157 Adj. WW 612
Tattoo: 9504
Adj. YW 1422
CED BW WW YW 1 2.8 83 144 CED BW WW YW 97 98 8 5 CEM MILK MW MH 70 33 11 35 • Recommended for cows • Extra growth with high $C • You will like this big rugged bull
Adj. IMF -
MILK 29 DMI 73 CW 9
CW 74 YH 25 MARB 56
Adj. RE MARB 0.54 SC 47 RE 27
RE 0.74 DOC 2 FAT 10
FAT -0.024 HP 21 TEND 5
Tattoo: 9519
Adj. IMF -
MILK 28 DMI 70 CW 30
RL 9061 Birdie 3102
Act. BW 81
66 KF Jet Black 9519 AAA 19520150
CW 42 YH 35 MARB 41
Adj. RE -
Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 S A V Thunderbird 9061 RL 0145 Image 102
Stevenson Big League 70749
RE 1.09 DOC 23 FAT 20
DOB: 08/26/19
Jindra Acclaim
Adj. RE MARB 0.94 SC 25 RE 5
Adj. IMF -
68 KF Big League 9504
G A R Predestined Shamrocks Beebee Queen 3095 Connealy Thunder T B A Ruby of Tiffany 403
PA Power Tool 9108
Adj. YW 1407
CED BW WW YW MILK 11 -0.3 57 112 24 CED BW WW YW DMI 44 50 63 28 16 CEM MILK MW MH CW 50 60 36 34 57 • Recommended for heifers • Out of Stonecutters mother • Should sire some nice replacements
Tattoo: 9516
Connealy Consensus 7229 Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081
Bar R Jet Black 5063
S A V Final Answer 0035 Happy Dell of Conanga 262 Woodhill Foresight SF Forever Lady 281
Connealy Right Answer 746
Adj. WW 518
Tattoo: 9505
Jindra Double Vision Jindras Sapphire J 417 Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111
Act. BW 73 FAT 0.012 HP 30 TEND 20
DOB: 08/27/19
Jindra Acclaim
65 KF Jet Black 9516 DOB: 09/01/19
AAA 19519016
Jindra 3rd Dimension
Adj. RE -
CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE 0 1.4 71 130 21 59 1.36 0.88 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC 80 59 30 14 96 55 20 36 CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT 78 70 37 27 34 1 20 55 • Recommended for cows • High marbling bull that should make a heck of set of feeder calves
AAA 19520149
KF Acclaim 9505
CW 67 YH 71 MARB 42
Adj. RE MARB 0.75 SC 33 RE 45
69 KF Big League 9506 AAA 19525881
DOB: 08/28/19
Jindra Acclaim
Stevenson Big League 70749 RL 9061 Birdie 3102
Hoover Dam Baldridge Queen S87 PA Power Tool 9108 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 801
baldridge Xpand x743
KF Ruby of Tiffany 6508 T B A Ruby of Tiffany 1157 Act. BW 76
Adj. WW 577
Adj. YW 1419
CED BW WW YW 4 3 79 134 CED BW WW YW 96 100 4 9 CEM MILK MW MH 44 65 5 8 • Recommended for cows • Flush brother to lot 68 • Excellent figures for this guy
Tattoo: 9506
Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 S A V Thunderbird 9061 RL 0145 Image 102
Adj. IMF -
MILK 24 DMI 61 CW 3
CW 77 YH 5 MARB 40
Adj. RE MARB 0.58 SC 29 RE 37
RE 0.66 DOC 39 FAT 23
FAT -0.004 HP 23 TEND 92
Jason & Krystle Koberstein 29813 CR 36 Holyoke, CO 80734 970-520-2385 | kfangus@hotmail.com
Lot 49
7 th Annual Bull Sale • March 13, 2021 • 1pm MST • Ogallala, NE