The Knoei Colab helps teenagers choose a path they love: start a business... fast track into University... get straight to work - or all 3! Set yourself up with the thinking skills to take off into a future that ignites your passions. And you also get a Nationally Accredited Diploma of Entrepreneurship and Innovation*.
We have pathway agreements with Universities that recognise a selection rank to Diploma graduates e g QUT provides a selection rank equivalent to an ATAR of 87.
Depending on the degree you choose to study you may gain credits through our partner universities. Some of our pathway universities offer up to a 8 units as credit or recognised prior learning, decreasing the overall cost and time of your degree
The completed Diploma gains you 8 QCE points towards your QCE.
Get ahead of the pack by making employers aware that you’re eager to learn and challenge yourself beyond what is expected. The skills you learn will set you up and help you be work ready all wrapped up in a Digital Learning Certificate and a Skills Vault to show employers these skills
Are you ready to get started with a brilliant business idea now?
Why wait for a university degree when the Colab will support you with the knowledge you need to get lift off and into the market. Colab Students and Alumni have access to partner awards programs, innovation festivals and incubators during and after the Colab.
During the Colab you will have the support of general business mentors and also specialised mentors from your industry stream. You’ll meet some amazing businesspeople and build relationships to kickstart your business network. Some businesses offer Colab graduates internships on completion of the course.
In the Colab you:
attend either in-school and after school over 18 months with one 90 minute class per week either virtual or face to face depending on your school.
allow an extra 3 hours per week for for self paced study and to work on your business.
do some pre reading and online learning content prior to the weekly tutorials.
access masterclasses, entrepreneur interviews and tools to support you through our online learning platform. work with a peer group of students from your school and others at our learning labs. There are usually 2 full day learning labs per term (face to face or students attend virtually).
Say goodbye to boring classes and hello to hands-on, project-based learning!
The Knoei Programs will open your eyes to the awesome opportunities that lie ahead in industries as diverse as robotics, creative, tech, manufacturing and sustainability.You’ll be personally mentored by industry leaders while you start up your own business to solve a real-world problem.
Only with Knoei can you make build social capital with industry contact, boost your job prospects, set up a business or side hustle AND graduate with a qualification and proof of your portfolio of skills. Now, that’s innovative.
Critical thinking
Self insight
Working with team dynamics
Emotional intelligence
Self organisation
Define a minimum viable product
Build and maintain business relationships
Decision making
Developing the solution
Market research
Evaluate marketing opportunities
Project management
Problem solving
Rapid business planning
Research and develop business plans
Small business structuring & setup
Business strategy
Small business financial basics
Design product experiments
Interpret market research
Business model design
Getting to market
Clear communication
Presentation skills
Secure funding to launch and grow
a startup
Small business funding
Once you graduate with the 10733NAT Diploma of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (provided by Monarch Institute 22530) you can use the qualification as an alternative pathway or early entry to university. In addition you may receive credit towards a relevant Bachelor program degree options include Business, Engineering, Science and Creative Industries. Other university pathways will be ready for 2024.
ATAR selection rank 87
ATAR selection rank 73
ATAR selection rank 75
ATAR selection rank 82*
*Un SC awards a seect on rank of 8200 to Diploma Graduates UniSC have pre-assessed cred t pathways from th s Diploma and has determ ned students may be el g ble for up to 8 courses cred t (one year ful t me) into both the Bacheor of Bus ness and Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
*Fina credit is determ ned at po nt of appl cat on and may be impacted by factors such as electives taken with n the Dipoma and Major chosen with n a Bachelor’s degree
You will have access to mentors from the following organisations...with more industry groups still to come.
Distance Ed Mountain creek high
I’m helping care for my Mum who is home with MS while working at a restaurant as a kitchen hand and will be paying for the course myself. I love Minecraft that’s how I got interested in landscape design...I want to learn future skills and start my own business as well as go to Uni.
I’m looking for something to apply myself to. I am not sure what I want to do after school. I love film, art and innovation and am passionate about ocean sustainability In the Knoei Colab I get to explore all of these passions
Distance Ed Glasshouse Christian College
I’m running my own business already in skin products but im looking to create something that makes a long term impact. I found a co-founder in the Colab and we are working on solving a problem around teen health when they move out of home. .
I love a good debate particularly around politics - the problem I am working on in my start-up is to improve plane travel for people in wheelchairs
Doing a Diploma may seem like a lot of work, but you’ll be supported by our Knoei team, your mentors and your school. Before you start classes, you will be invited to attend an Orientation session to help you get started.
Your support team includes:
your Knoei facilitator who delivers the weekly virtual tutorials your Knoei student success coordinator who is available with any questions
your assessment facilitator who reviews your assessment submissions
your business mentor who supports you through the whole program
your industry mentors who will be matched to you once your business idea is confirmed and will work with you at the Labs.
Not ready to enrol? - Scan here to join a virtual information session and learn more
IfyouchoosetoundertaketheKnoeiColab makesureyoumeetwithyourGuidance CounsellororVETorPathwaysteamto discussfurthersubjectselectionoptions foryourQCEandATAR.
AtminyouwillneedtocompleteMaths andEnglishandupto3othersubjects
Your10mincallwithourstudentsupport teamwillbeanopportunitytodiscussyour specificneeds.Yourschoolmayhave enoughstudentstorunaclassoftheKnoei Colabinthecurriculumotherwiseyouwill attendweekly90minutetutorialsandpre selectedtimesacrosstheweek.Askyour schoolwhentheycanprovideaspareclass foryoutoattend.
Youneedtobeaminimumof15yearsof ageattimeofcommencement.Ata minimumyouwillneedtoapassinMaths andEnglishItispreferablethatyouhave participatedinanin-schoolor extracurricularinnovationactivitysuchas roboticsoranotherinnovationprogrambut thisisnotessential.
Priortoenrollingyouwillneedtoattendan informationsessiontolearnmoreabout theprogram.
Ifyouwouldliketocontinuetoknowmore -completeaGetStartedform
andattenda1-1withoneofourteam memberstomeetparentandstudent.
Afterthissessionifweboththinkthisisthe rightprogramforyouryoungperson,we willsendyouaninvitationtoenrol.The enrollmentformwillrequireyoutoinclude yourUSI(UniqueStudentIdentifier)and selectyourpaymentoptionsYouwillthen besentalinktocompleteaLanguage LearningandLiteracy(LLN)Quiztoensure youareabletosucceedatDiplomalevel. AfterpasssingtheLLNyouwillbeinvoiced a$395nonrefundabledeposit.
Wewillsendthroughaconfirmationof enrolmentandpaymentoptions.Payments optionsafterdepositpaymentareeither $3100upfrontora$1300paymenton commencementandthen$300permonth for6months(notethiswillincura4% merchantfeeinadditiontothemonthly payment)
Weofferlimitedindustryandcommunity supportedscholarships.Youcansubmit yourapplicationforapartlyfundedplacein theColab.
You’llreceiveaonboardingemailwithall theinformationyou’llneedfortheColab includingstudentloginsandtimetables.
The Knoei Colab is a collaboration between Groei Education (Groei) and Monarch Institute. This team brings together real entrepreneurs & innovators, industry expertise and experienced educators to provide an alternative career pathway for students.
Groeiisaninnovativeeducationorganisationwitha combinedbusinessexpertiseofover50years.Our successcomesfromthepartnershipswebuildwith ourclientstomakerealimpactthroughdesigning peergroupprogramsthatsupportandenablegrowth.
MonarchInstitute(RTONo:22530),isanestablished trainingproviderinprofessionalservicessectorswith over10,000studentstrainedacrossarangeof nationallyrecognisedandaccreditedcourses.Wewon the2021awardfor‘ExcellenceinCurriculumDesign andInnovation’.Ourcoursesaredesignedbyindustry professionalstogiveyou‘streetcred’andwedothis byincorporatingreal-worldchallenges.