College Quarterly July 1989 - Issue 5

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COLi;EGE QUARTERLY Issue No. 5 July 1989

Resident artist for All Saints' ALL Saint~· stude nt ~ haw a unique l1pporlllnity thb year to gai n valuable :lfl i ~tic cxp..:ricm:c. I! come~ as pan of the progra1nmc to fm.ter Art~ :11 the college. with Larry Mitchcll. a W..:,l Australian hom paint..:r. to spenu all of third term in resid,•nce at the College. The t\n' ·Foundation i~ parucularl) plc~ed to \\dcom.: L:trr) a~ the fir~!. ol "hat i., hupcd to b..: nHln) . :m''" 111 re'idence 111, it.:d to " or!.. at the Colh:ge. Larr) ha' \\Url..ed c\ten~I\CI) 111 England "luch culminated "ith a ~ucce,;,ful exhibit at the Ro) :11 t\ cadem) . Ho:: i;, currently preparing for a majnr solo C\hibition at the t\ gnc\\ Gallcr} 111 Lunclon to open in March 1990. with another planned for the prc~ti ge~ Redf..:m Gallet'). al'o in London. later the ~a me year. Larr) ht1~ di,played hi, talent~ '' 1dely in \V..:,tcru 1\u~trali:tl\l<l. "ith ~oln cxhibih at the 1- r~ mamlc J\n~ Cemre and in Gcraldton. On hi~ rctum from England. further e\hibitiOih arc planned for P..:nh :md ~ lelboume. Student;, "ill come 11110 dail) comae! "ith the ' 1.,11ing :mi't. The~ " ill be abk wob.,cr\e the crc:uhc procc,s from initial dra\\ mg~ through to the completion of the li 111 ~h.:d can' a'c~ . The,..: painting' will be exh1hited alnng~idc the "url.. nf ~wdcn t s at the annual An Exhibition in October. In addition to the day-to-da) inllu.:nce Lnrr) will h:tve on the "ork of the An D..:p:mm~:m. a number of evening and wecl..end "orl..<,hop' ha' c been org:m1~.:d. The'>e" tll pro' ide par.:nh and other membe('). of th.: t·omnttulit) "ith the <)pponunit~ to gain ~tudi o pral'lll:c unde1 the dirccuon and guid:mce of an .:'tab· li,hcd ani'-!. Details o f tl~e\c cour'e' <Ire ava il:1bk lrom the Col lege. lt i' al,o intended that an ·open door· polit.:y will operate th roughout the third term. Parent~ and other intcrc:-.ted people ll'ill be 11ble to visit

Lorry i\11 itrll elf -to hare daily contact with students.

More news on the a rts. Page 6 th..: Mudio whenever the) wi~h rcgardle'S of that ma~ be u'1ng :tdpccnr faeilit1e' at the 'ame time. For tho~e '' ho h,t\ e ,lt'htuce. thc bc~l time to ' 10.11 "ill be on either a \\ ednc,da) or Thursd.t) morning. To thi' end. th,• College Cl..lend~ an open ill\'ilal ion to nil" hurcad thi~ magazine to ~hare this unique opponunit) o l ob~crving an an i~ ! in reside nce. All these exdt ing d(•vclnpmcnts have been da"e~

Snap, Crackle and Pop - - -- - -------. SIIOL LD \ Ou ~ee a Year 12 ~tuclent arm ing earl) to ~cl;ool on a Tu~d:.y morning.) ou ml"t not tlunl.. it i~ because the) arc trying to catch up on a~~i g.nmem worl... Tite) are in fact. having "ith the Principal and Mr~ London. In ullth.:rc wi 11be a series of' ten breakfasts. duri ng whic h time. every Y..:ar 12 student will have the opportunit y to ta lk infonnully to both Mr and Mrs London.

Mr London believe' the hr..:akta:-.1 will give he and his wife the opponunit) to get to ! all the Year I:! 'tudent~ on a more pcr,onal le,el. pamcularl ) thn;.e he doesn' t ~:omc imo direct comact \\ ith through his literature classes and other ' pccilic ac tivities. Swdents choose "hi eh hrea l..fa:-.t they would like to a11end and two members of the College staff arc also invited to each or the hreal.. f:lsts.


made p<miblc b) the :~ddition of a ne" An room " htch ., no" lull) opemuonal. Pan ol the fadlitic~ in the Art ..:omplcl.. " ill be reorgani,ed 10 pro' ide adetlu:tte ~pace for a temporal) 'IUdlo. The Arh· Foundation':.aim t :> to extend the programme lOCO\ era " ide ~pectrum ofthe Arh including music. drama and literature a, \\'('11 as the visu:1l a11s. We look forward with eager anticipation to the r.::~ull ~ ur thi~ exciting venture.

Guest s peakers announced IT is "ith plea,ur..: that we announce thc gucM \' for the Year 12 Dinner and for Speech Ntght 19~9. Elizabeth JoiiC). the acclaimed We:>tCm Australian author. will gh e the main addre~:> at the Year I::! Dinner on Frida) ovcmbcr 3. The guc~t ~pcnker for Speech Night. to he held at the Perth Concert Hall on Nove mber 30. wi ll be Mr D:wid 1alcolm QC. the Chief' Ju~­ tice of We~tcrn Australia. We lnok forward to both of these occasions.

NOW that the College ha · completed a success fu l capital fund rai sing camp<li gn: now that the ideas of the Sambell Cemre are fast becoming a three-dimensional realit y: no\\ that the Art Room and the Maintenance Workshop are nearing completion. we are deeply invo lved in the area or phys ical resource!>. T o the the neighbours of the College. there are tangible :.igns of growth and development at the All Saims· College. But growth has occurred in less tangible areas al so. The academic and non-academic staff now totals 90 peopl e. lt would be easy to consider the~e people as merely employees. people who cc working at A ll Saints" College as j ust another job. ju~t another school. lt would be easy to highlight problems and minor ma11crs overl ooked or forgo11en by a staff member in the course of a bu sy day. or week. lt is not so easy however. 10 find exnmples o f times when staff are praised or thanked for the day 10 day excellence, ca re and ex tra efforts that they put imo the College commu nity.


During the last few years. especially during the l a~ t decade. more and more has been cxpec ted of a College ~ta ff member. at a time w henthae has pos~ ibly been le ~s public recognition of their selfless efforts. Independent schools in panicul;lr. place ex tra demand~ on their staiT. at times, outside o r the n orm~l oper<lling hours. I do not aim here 10 highlight any panicular ~x amp le as more imporl<lllllhan any other. but the recem " Camp Week" included nearly all

staff. both academic and non-academic. in ex tra time above and beyond norma l expectation:-. including :~ lot of evening and weekend work. in addition 10 the dem and~ o f the week itsel f. We do have an excellelll stall They arc hard working. keen to develop the ~tucle nt s in their care. keen 10 ex tend thcmsel ve~ through membership of their assot:iati ons. through further study. and a11endance at weekend in-servi ce courses and College$pOnsored professional deve lopment. T heir quality is reflected in their willingness to engage in se If-crit icism and genuine refl ection. I simply encourage readers of CQ 10 nunure the Maff through simple affi rmation ~ ami appreciative comments. T he whole College mem ber~hi p will bcneli t from such an approach.

"So then we must all,·ays aim ut those things that hrmg peace and that help lt! stren~then one wtmher." (Rlmwm 12.1'./ 9)

- Mr A .H. London

The David Southwell Memorial Scholarship Fund REA DERS of CQ ,,,ill have noticed. I am sure. the obitual") wriucn about D;wid Southwe ll. The Co ll ege·~ Board of M anagement ha~ now decided to creat e a memorial to David and his work in the Co llege by c~tabl ishi ng a M emorial Scho larship Funci. In time.lhis fund should enable monies to be given 10 deserving students 10 furt her thei r

education. or their tui ti on in the area of music. Friend' of the late David Southwcll are invited lO contribute towards this i\rlemori al Scholar:.hip Fund. Cheques may be sent 10 the Principal's Secretary. M rs Va l Paync. a l the College and .<.hould be made pa yable 10 the Davicl Southwell M emorial Fund. A ll contributions w ill be gratefully received .

Sambell Centre update _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Building is well and truly uuderway 0 11 the Sa m bell Centre.

S uz anne Du Guesclin at home with her children.

Busv., Suzanne is P & F Secretary MRS Suzanne Du Gucsclin is this year'\ P & F Secretary and \he i~ indeed one busy lady. As if managing a l"amil) and being P & F Secre tary i,n·l enough. Su1.annc al.;o belong.; 10 the Ladie~ Forum and ha~ helped in the College Canteen until recelll l) v. hen ,he tool.. up employment in the ~et:retaria l fie ld. The Du Gue~di n fnmily c;1111e 10 Pert h in Jl,l~7 after l'leeing the notunou~ Melbourne weather in -.earch of ~un~h i nc. Their elde\t daughter. El i; abeth, ha' hcen .11 All Sallll\. College ,ince the family arri\(:d and j, now in Year 9. S u tann~ graduated a\ .1 prinHII"} ~choo l teacher nnd taught fone' erul} cars in Vic toria before , 1:1n ing a family.

HOPES of having. the M u~ic/D ra m a complex and Chapel completed by 'ovember are f;1~1 bcc<'ming rcali~abl e.

The builders, Hallcraft Pt) Ltd COI11111Ue to meet the time ~chedu l es ~et out earlier in the year. 1l1e building\ t'Ollectiv..-:ly will make up the Sambcl l Centre for which over S500.000 "·" raised by the College last y.:ar. Tht' ,1ppeal <lltractcd 1renwndous ouppon from the College fami ly and it b li111ng tha l thc ~uc.;ce~~ of the appeal b hemg. rewarded with the early sut:t:\!~~ of the Cent re·~ cons I rucuon .

:i ..)

he late Most e11erend . T. Sambe/1


A fev. years ago. feeling the need to get bacl.. imo the work force. Suzanne wmpleted a 'hurt 'ecretanal cnur'~ ,llld worked for \CIIlle time" ith an insurance J\ll ihl' expent' llCl' ~tand~ her 111 good ~lead 10 t.:arr~ 0 111 the r••lc of P & F Sccre tar) and wgether w11h ' uppon from her hu\band Hubcn. J\"i~tant Sl)iici tor and Sc..:rctary of the SEC. \he 15 >ure to do a wonderful,1oh.




Will be held in the Performing Arts Centre from Wednesday 16 - Saturday 19th August , starting at 8. 00 p.m . Pr ices are


Adult $10 .00 Student/Pensioner $ 5.00 Family ticket (2 adults 2 children) $25.00

Be early , fi l l in the return slip and don't miss out on the best seats . Please make payments to AS C Product i ons and return the slip and money to Mr Kelvin Barthol omeusz , or post to A S C Productions , P 0 Box 165, Wi l l etton 6155 . (For furt her information please ring 332 5458.)

(tear off)

(tear off)


$10.00 Adult Child/ Pensioner $ 5.00 Family $25.00


l___ l I___ ¡ I (2 adults 2 children)

Please tick the date required.

Thurs . 17


Please find enclosed a total amount of $,_ _ __ Tickets to be posted to the foll owi ng : Name._________ _ _ __ _ _ ___ Address

Total $_ _ _ __ $_ _ _ __ $,_

_ __


College archives -keeping a varied record of our history \ 110 liN pmmoted the ttlca of an t\nglit·an College South olthe Ri' er'? \V a~ th..: land a gmnt fromtht: Government or provided h) the Anglt.:an Church? Who "as the firM College Captain'! To an~wer the~e ;tnd many <>t h~.:r que:.tions, we need ac~:c'~ to a record of the life ol 1\ 11 Sainh ·Col lege. ~bowi ng how th ing<. u~ed to be ~llld pro' iding a mtionalc for change~ the Colkgc ha~ uudcrgon..:. 'I hi' wi ll only be possible if both priut and photographic ma11.:riab documen ting the activ ities of the College arc prc~ervcd for lu ture genera tions. A collection of ~uch lllaU.:riab. the basis of the Collegc archives. ha' :dread) hecn cstablhhcd. We arc fOrtlJJUIIC that the Foundation Principal. Dr Eric Speed. anticipated the need Ior l..eeping record:. to provide documentation of the pa,t. From the' cry beginning. Yal Pay ne. the Principal\ 'ccrctar~ .l..cpt book, of newspaper anicle~. recording 1.!\l.!nt' ~igniticant wAll Saints' College and placing them in the context or the time. Mr5 Pa} ne aho began thc 'eric:. ol Colkge album~. providing a pil:torial n:cord of , eH~nL' and change, in the buildint; progmmmc. The collection of photograph' i' increa$ing and '0 is the collection of College memomhilia including P & F brochure~>. copic-. of Columha and other College magatines. and drama and athlcue' carnJ\•al programmes. A~ the years go by. minute bool" of College organi~atiOn\. such a!. the Student Council. the P & F and the Board. will become inncasingly valuable. providing a record of the deci~ion making proee~' in the College. Late in 19!lS. Librarian Jan Riky,Ullencl~.:d a cour~c in archive administration ancltogetllcr with Bev Bee. a foundation parent. auenclcd a M:ric> o f ~cminar~ on FLASHBACK : llrigadier f/.8 . Norman the preservationof:trt·hivc ma tcriah. run by the presents .loann e Lee Tlwm.wu ( If), of Royal Western /\ustntlian lliswrical Society Rossmoyne, with a dictionaryf or beiiiK th e anclthc Sodety of A rdl i vi~ ts. first student to enrol at the school (t\ ugust Thisycar.theCollege has allocated a budget I R. 1979). fort h~ archive~. Money h a~ been spent on the purchase of archival 4uality ;~lbun" and <Jcid free paper. The P & r: have a l ~o pru\'icled photographs. \\ ork has begun on photogntph· money for the purchase of a Mationel') cuping them so that we can mal-e another cOp) of board and a liling cabinet for !> of archi' c the print when the original image linall) fad~.:, , materi:lls. "ithtn the air<·onditioned cn\'ironThis is a project of the Club~ and Socictic~ ment of the Librar) wor"room. TI1e prc,el'\·agroup run b) Bradcn Short. the Photograph) uon of material!>. Midi a' photograph,, depend~ Teacher. on a ~toragc environment free Irom temperature 1rs Bee ha gencrou,ly provided time to e'treme,. like th<hC cxpcrient•ed in a We,tem AuMr:tli:Ul SUI111111!f. begin organi$ing the growing t'OIIcction of fom1al and ca.,ual photograph~. We hope that Many of the earl)' College phntograph~ other parenL' anti pa.'t student~ "tll become were in colour and ha,·c a Iread) 1>hO" 111oigns of involvt:d. assisting" ith the t} ping ofdoeumenfading. A~ there :m: no negative~ nfthe,c earl)

tat ion re lating to the photographs. Any donat i on~ of memorabi lia connected with the College (newspaper art iclcs . photographs. etc.) would be mo't welcome. As we approach the ten th anniversary of the College's foundation. it is evident that there have been qui te a few changes to College life ~i nce the l>Chool opened in 1981. The very name of the College ha1. changed. from All Saints' School to All Saintl> ·College. TI1ere have been change., to the uniform and totheorganiMHional 'tntcture. B) taking care to preSCI'\'Cand organi'e our record~. future hi'iorians or biographen. "i 11 have an~wer;to question~ about the origin' of the College. a windo" to education in an Anglican ~chool of a panicular generation. or perhap~. detail' of the ~tudent days of a future prime mini!>ter or archbishop!

Telephone Tree an effon to enhuncc thc c•<i,iting lines of communication bct\\Ccn the P & 1- \OCiety and College parcnts. a ne" method of communication h:b been devbed. The Telephone Tree. as it i' to he known. is a novel idea throu gh whid1 important inrormotion can he rclnycd to all parent>. The tree operate$ by a ~mall number of people ma telephone contact with another small group o r people. The system begins wi th :16 group kaders who find fou r paren t~ prepared to ring three others with the message. In this way more tha n 400 parents can be contal·ted in a very ~hort timl.!. 1t bcnvi~agccl t he 'Y:>tcm" ill C)lll) need 10 be u'ccl three or fourtime~ annually.






Camp Week 1989 GREi\ T '~c:uher. grea1 1iming and grcal swff ~uppon. All 1hese facwrs Ctlntnhulcd 10 ll camp \lccf.. a grea1 ,uc.:.:s~ during 1hc third wee I-. uf 1enn 1wo. The l'l11in: secondary ~CCi iOn ur I he College '~ cm on camp~. You can imaginr lhc ~!a ll de' clopmcm 1ha1 wa;. nece~~<tr~ : the prohkm~ of cx1ra mcdacal'>. '1aff 1raining. urdcring nr food. bonf..ang of ,jlc<,. and man) and 'anrd

''""'· '\nu

m.1~ thanf.. 1hi\ crc;ucd r;uher a head· ache tor 1hc CtmpCo-ordinator. \lr Bt tdnllanson. hu1 he rccc11ed a hagh 1c1c1 ut 'tafl ~upp.m. cmnplcmcnt.:d b) the cfflm, of nonacadt'llliC 't:'IIT. parent~ and fom11:r ~ludcnl\. Each )'car group headed for a d aI fcrcnl and cxci1ing d.:o,linalion. !"he X"\lrouped ofT w l·airhridgc F;m11 10 1a"c pan an gmup devclopmcnl ami :m arc·

For the Year 9·, i1 ""~off 10 lhl' '-:angn Broo" 13u'h Camp. The) ''ere given an mtro· duc1inn to ou1door education a' 11cll .1 ... gmur dynamac~ and ph) ... ical C\lcnston. The Yc.1r IOanclll Mudelll"'crc 'omc11 h.u dllfcrclll. ha' ang cagh1 camp\ 10 chOO'-C frnm. each cunccmraung on a panacular Jt:til 11). 1'ho'c IO\Cr\ ur I he w::ner could a!lend :t divmg camp at 1hc I IJII:Jr~ ·:.. Boa! Ha rbour or pank•p:Hc in tllher 11a1cr spons a1 Woodmnn·, Puinl. Fur I he people who preferred dry land. lh\.·~ could gn hor,c-riding at Am1acblc or J0\111· clnlup. or af C) cling was more their ~• ylc. 1hc

Wlto is photographing w/wm? \1011 Vallc~ ""' thcirde,unatmn. The thnll· '' could euhcr go ab,ctling and rock dimbmg 111 lhe KclnhcOII/t\rmadale region or do11 n 10 ~largaret Ki1 er rur ab~cillng.. Gl\ ing ancl t:anocing. Tho~c swdcm~ \I ho ~>ould r:uher thinJ.. and projcc1 1heir vic11 ~ th rough de hale wen I 10 Rounc't bland. The Year 12 ,1udcm' woJ.. a more low-J,.e) rc1rea1 1o 1he Poim Pcron camp '-ile.

Students take to tlte water.

Scmhng lhl' 11 hole 'ccond3.r) College nn camp m th~· ,ame 11111e loll<med the rccomrncndalion ul the 19HX Camp Poliq Re1 tell Cummlfh.:c. ch;urcd b~ Mr~ L. K1r"c. A rc1 1c11 ol "C:lmp Week'' i-. current!) undcr11 a) hu t a1 1hi~ ~wge it ,eenb 1ha1 the vcn1ur~ 11 "' nHN wcces,ful. Nex1 yea r -.lwuld M.'e an c4uall) varied programme. with a few rcfinemcm~ .

Taking a we/1-eamed breather.

FETE '89 UPDATE Quiz Night THE Quit. Nit.rlll on Friday, May 12. wa~ tl re~<>tmding ~ucce~~ !hank~ to 1hc 'uppon of p;1rcul'-. '-luclem!>. former ~llldenl' and fncnd' ul I he C(lllcge.

\lore than Lhree hundred people ;ul~·ndcd the fun-filled mgh1 of cmenrunmem at th~· Pcrlonnang An~· Centre. Fe" oftho~c prc,. en1 rcuarnctl home 11 i1hout 11 mnmg 'omc fnnn ol pr11e. or pnzes. More than 1wo 1housaml dollar' "·" ratscd on the mgh t 1hrough ikke a 'ales, rhc "C'amcru and wa lk rn~rHran:-blor radio nuc1inn". and 1h..: sale or · goodic~·. proviCkd hy Ihe Ladie' · Forum. The P & F Socae1y is mo~t gra1dul for I he help of :tllllllhC "ho made 1he nigh! pM,ihle. from lhe College Bursar-cum-Compere. Mr

Allnn BrOI\ n. 10 I he mums for ~crump1ious biscuils.

Chocolate Drive THE Eas1er Chocol:uc Dri1c. rcqumng cuch \lllden11o >t'll a e<nlon of lillccn fundraismg. chocobte,. w:h ICr) llllll'h :1 ·~~~eet' 'uc.:c''· To date. 7.000 ha' been raa,ed. TI1c th•JCOiate ,upplicr' ,attlthc College had been one ol the mo'1 'uccc,,ful 111 1hc metropoliwn :~ re:~ for i1~ ~izc. We arc mo~1 gr:ueful for the 111ne Mrs ~1<-.nil-.a Dunne1 'pen1 in org.ani'ling Ihe Chocolalc Drive:. 11 hkh includctl :1 vcr) (!fficicnl dismbul ion sys1em and I he ~.:ollcct ing and ha nk ing of the money rcccivcd.

All Sa ints' College Cook Book

ONE of1he Col kg.:·, nc\1 project~" ill oo a 4

College Cook Souk. The Coo" Book wall he produced wilh I he help or several mothers. c.:oorclin;uing 1hc receiving of' recipes and orgotnising I) pc 'cumg ,md production. We hope 1ha1 !Ill' high qualily book. mcludang more th:ln :200 a.:ctf'IC'· "all be on sale pnor w 1hc Fe !C.

T he Big Day DOl\ 'T rmgc11hc Fctc wall bc held on Oclober ~I . We "maid ''ill appreca:ue an) help you can nffer. Wl• arc ' donmaon,. rurlicu l :~rly from members of1he College lamdy. for 1hc auc1inn: hoped 10 be 1he b iggc~1 ami bcs1 1hc Colkgc has ever had. For fu nhcr infom1:11itln on lhe Fete. plea>e comnc1 Monika Dunnc1 on 3305109 or Kclvm Banholomcuv .11 1hc College on 3325451!.


What some of our ' 86 leavers are doing now

1988 Rotary Exchange winners

HA VEyouever\1 ondered '' h:u hu' hi!come of pa\t 'tudcnt- of the College. \\'dl. helm\ i' an update of" hat ' ome oft he 1986 graduate' of the College are up to.

David Ad a ms OAVID i' m hh linal ~car of ,\ n:ounun,; stud) at f·remamle T,~chmcal Col!t:ge. after "hieh he mlt.:nd' to complete a Bu'>im•" dc,;rcc atuni,Cr\it~. I h: hopes this" ill lead 111 a i'arccr in the private sector. David has a number of fond nu:morie~ \lf,\11 Saint~· Cnlkg.c rncludmg Mr . taplewn ·' e\hilar:urng ncral SIUdies ell~' Jnd \l r

',. .-,,' ' ""

Gla~heen · '


lie r.·. memb..-r' "-.l r Brll . . Bracbh<m ;~, the mo't , ~ environmemnll> l.'onscious teacher at the College a~ Davrd's t·lass were always pi,~king up liucr ror not completing home work commitment~ . David h:r' ju~t purchased a D:u''"' .:!-lOK coupe. "hich he hope~ to restore 10 it<. origrnal condrtion. ll i~ future .ambition ho"e'er. ''to O\\n a four \\heel dri'e ;md to tr:l\·ef around Au .. traha. '


ing cla"e'.

Ma rlo Blackbeard \lt\RLO ha, been accepted 11110 the Pohcc ForCl'. He nlll t i nue~ to enjO) the nu tdnur life and file~ to ;.url as much as pos~i blc .

Andrew Blackburn A DREW •~ in his tlmd yea r of a four ~·ear Bachcloruf m:ial Wo1rk course dt Cunin Uni' cr~ity.

G r a nt Br inklow GRANT h rn hb third )C:tr of an Accountmg major at Cunin Uni,ersiL) aiming for a Bachelor of Bu~inC'l< degree. H..- i:. pl.mnrng a

career in chartered accoumanc~. Granttnr' cllcd to E urope in 19RR and hopes to travel ar<lund the wtJrld in the near future.

Helen La nce IIELE is curren tfl y a Service Counter Oft1ccr for the Wc~tpac: Bank in Kc\\ <fah:. She enjoyed a trip to Singapore in 1\)XS.

As hley Lans ley ASHLE'l rJ. current I~ cmpiO)Cd '' rth the Ro)al ;\n~tralian ;'l.a\~ and •~ ~tationcd 111 Cairn' on board :1 ,flip named "Fiinder,... I k •~ \LUll) rng to bt: a Rccon.ling Surveyor and hnp.:'> tO l'CCl)ll le ;tn t>l'ficer.

Kerri-Ann Mclnnes KERR I-1\N has progressed in a ve ry shurt time to become an f\r.:·a Sales Ma nager at Target. Victoria P:~rl.. .

Pictured above are thrc•e formu All Saints' studems. Sean Ladlow. IJei'J'" Bollard a11d R obi11 Pearson. k'/10 wereall'artled Rotary exchange scholarsllips in/9/UJ. Here the three proudAu.,sies are preparing ttJ leat·e ftJr their temporary homes. Del)'// is Slllying ill Anchorage, r\la ka. Sean with a family in Milwaukee. 1\'iswnso/1, a/Id Robin with a family in Vtmcou•·er. British Columbia. A large 1111111ber ofstudellts hm·e again applied for the schemt• i11the hope ofspending a most raluable year in a fon!i~n COI/1111)'.

LETIER FROM DEVYN BALLARD Ti lE following i~ <Ill extract from a letter sent to Mr Banholomeu~t. from exchange student Devyn Ballard in May. "I arrived rn Ala<.ka on January I0. in tlle height of Winter. !thought that the temperature difference oi 80 tlc!!ree~ "a' diflicuh to ph~sicall) comprehend but Ahbka re:tll} lllrned the ''eat heron for nw. The) decided to subject me to tempcrmun:s around the -60 degrees mar!... Believe me. it wa.-.cold outside but i n ~ide it felt wnrm. The.: only time I reall y reh the cold \\ ll~ waiting fort he yellow school bus at 7 am every morning. T he cold wa~ so c\lremc thm it swng my face.:. I ~tarted school on Januaf) 14. I have never been soscared orintimrdated in my life. l anend West Anchorage lligh School. one of the ~ix major hrgh ' choof, in the AnchorJge ;1rea. Mine is perhap' the largehl in the area. "ith :!000 tudem~ in only four grade . IL is impossible to get through the cale teria line :11 Junchlime. (I thought All Saints' was bad!J l run swd yi ng subject!' which aren ·, terribly taxing. but I enjoy them. Summer vacation has just commem:ed and the seniors have graduated. Graduation in America is such a big thing. There :~re hundred~ of family partie$ in which evef)one is expected to allend. Before Graduation ho\\C\I!r I <;tudied Eco-

nomic~. lndividtml Reading. US Government. Foods :! and Record Keeping. I found it so easy in fact. I arn on the Honour Roll for being in the top 2 percent of my cl as~. Maybe I should h:nc done m} TEE O\ er here. The 'cnior' only have to <;it one hour te 1~ (usual!) multiple chllitC) to graduate. I ha\C learnt ho" to do both do" nhrll and cros~·COUillf)' '"-irng. In April. I Wlli> a "trnn'lntor" for the Au~tralian Ski team in the World Junior Alpine Ski Championships. nre Americans genuint!ly believe Lh::n Au~Lrali:ln$ don' t speak English. I humoured them nnd m:tnaged lo get out of :1week of ~c:hoolt o ski. I love my relationship with all the other exchange 'tudcnts. l11cy arc wonderful n the} arc all\ ays there "henever ) ou feel homesicl. lt' \ great. I change host families in June. Before moving in\\ ith Ill) new farnil) I will vbit m) grandfather Ill Jamaic:J and then ny LO e~IILIC for three week<. to meet up with the other exchange students. We are going on a bu~ tour of the West coast. IL take~ u~ to San Fransisco. Los Angeles (Disneyland and Universal Studios) and San Diego. I cun't wait. I wi ll 0) down to Colorado to meet my host family ''hen the tour ends:·

~©iNJii'fR<O@lWli'~©!NI$ - - - - - - ALL Saints' College Quarterly welcomes any contributions on past and present personalities with close ties to All Saints'. Photographs should accompany your reports where possible. Send contributions to Kelvin Bartholomeusz, Executive Officer, at the College. 5


Support the Family College

The B]irth of the Arts' Foundlation LATE in 19!>7. Arni r Mcshgin.lhcn a year six sllldelll. came 10 see the Principal with a cheque forS 150. The m oney had been aw(lrded 10 the College by the Royal Australian Institut e of Architect for the effon s of Ly nse) Flowerdew and Amir in thei r annual cornpetilion. At the time. 1he Principal did 1101 wan! the money (A little-known story) 10 be ab~orbed iruo r(:currei11 reve nue ur in10 1h1e purcha~e of ~peciali~l certa inly come 10 fruilion. books which might have va lue 10 only a small The f\ n s· Found:uion r~ sponsoring Mr number of swde111s. l ns1ead. Mr London apLarry Mi1chell as this year · ~ A nisi in Residence proached the College F'oundation 10 support the as wel l as the 19R9 I naugural Cremive Wri ting concept of an Arts Foundation - 1he first Compcli tion. wi1h prizes at Primary . Lower cormiblllion of funcl:s to conic from the Secondary and Upper Secondary levels. awarded money. Mr London a u ribute~ hb idea for the Ans· The i dea of 1he A rrts· Foundation was to Foundation l o the original success of Amir make 1he f\rb more acces~ible to a large numMcshg in ;rnd Lyn ~ey Flowc rdc\~ . ber of College members. The concep1 has

T HE futu re College Quancrlie:- wi ll all conta in a column di ~playing the business cards of fou r me m ber~ or the College fami ly. T hese bu~ iness ca rds could reprcscm parcnb, formcr students. suppliers, or any oihcr group which is supponive or the College. These bu~inesscs wi ll be ad' cnised fret' of charge an cl we ask you to suppon them i r you ha ve a need for the ~e rvice> they offer.

Creative Writing Cotnpeti tion THE English Deparrnnent. in conjunction with the College Ans· Foundation. is holding an inaugural Crea tive \V riling Competition this year. The competi tion\\ il l have th re~ division~: Years 11and 12: Years 8.9 and 10: and Yea rs 5. 6 and 7. A 550 fi rst priZ<! will be awarded fort he Year 11 and 12 wi nner and a SJO fir~t prize for each of the other 1wo cl ivisions.

All finalist s in the competition will have the ir cntric~ published in a ~pecial literary magazine in Term Ill. Studem, muy submit any work cr~at i ve writing. poetry or pro ·e. as l ong as it is original and totally th~i r own work.. The compe tition wi ll be judged by the Principal and the Head of English. Mr S. Gipson.

HUGH EVANS OEAlEA PIIJNCIPAL • PtA ..ovas •51 11)0 XleS A~I1""' ~W it &10


Telephone: 459 4444

Ion Glbson !Se (HQM). PhO MESA


Art extension near co•npletion- -- - -- - - I NTEREST in An i s being furthcr fostered in the College wit h the new extension to the An Complex near complet ion.

The courtyard wi ll be landscaped wi th plams and small trees to crea te an :lltractive. open space as well as pmviding a source of

Art Teacher, Mr Kei th Brewin. expects the increased space wi ll relieve the crowded condirions and allo'' for course expansion, including Applied An in Yc;~r 11,

inspirat ion for drawing. Studems invo l ved in Early Chi ldhood Studies may al o use the area "hen a ~arc. enclosed space i s uecdccl for the study of young children at play. T hccxtension.LOgetherwi th the open courtyard. wi ll complete the link between all areas of the Prac tical and Creative Arts fac ully. providing easier access to all pans o r th e complex. The new extension is being buill as pan of the College's minor works programme.

It is anticipated that the new room will be used primarily for Upper School studcms, prov iding them w ith an area they can identify wi th. T he adjoining open cou rt yard'' ill be pan! y COI'ered allowing studems to use thi~ area in inclemem weather.

Craig Baines

Wildcat in the making?

BUSINESS SERVICES Ma..,agemenl Consuhanrs Emo&oyment Agents

Brian T D~tle • tn




in terstate tea m. His ultimate am bition is 10 play in the National Basketball Leagut:. hopefully for the Wildcats. which are coached by former All Saints· teacher, A lan Black. A t the age or 14. Crnig is already 180 ems or six feet tall and atth b stage i t seems that the sky b the limit. Crai g began hi basketball career when he lost interest w ith football ;u1d a friend encouraged him to give basketball a try. H is parents have al ways been supportive th roughout his sporting li fe and are involved in rundraising to help mee t the cosL\ o r the State team play ing in the ational Championships.


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MI) Slreet



v.nJ t. e t.YOW.S & oo







TALE TED all-round sportsman and All Saims· Year 9 student. Craig Baities, has been selected in the State Under 16 Basketball Squad. 11e was chosen in the initial 35 man squad after making it into the Willenon eombincd side. fo llowing excellen t performances for the Pumas' Under 16 A division team. T he squad has since been shortt)ned won ly 20 pl:1ycrs with Craig holding a posi tion. A fina l team of 12 wi ll be chosen for the imerstate championships after three months of intensive and gruelling train ing. Crai g has ~Cl himsel r J number or uoab. the first of ~vhic h is to make the l"inal in the'e

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457 3450


Aiming for a high profile .. A COMMITME T 10 improving 1hc profile ofsr on and recrea1ion wirh in I he College:· Thm' s rhe aim of rhe young. friendly and emhus ia~ l ic Phys ical Educa1io0n Depar1men1 in 19llY. T hey believe !here iis treme ndous spon ing ralent in rhe College. However, to 1rain and harness rh is abiliry and ,: reate an erllhusiasm 10 compere. s1aff. s1uden1s and pan': ill~ need 10 work roge rher as a ream. Already rhi is beginning 10 occur and rhc

That's the word from the young and enthusiastic team at the P.E. Department P.E. ream is pleased 10 see an increasing com mitmem and spiri1 from srudent in many evcn1s rh is year. They are looking forward 10 coni inued com mi1men1 and invol vemem from l he who le College communily as

I he

year unwinds. The P.E. Depanmem is mo 1 grareful for rhe suppon rhey·ve received from former ILIdems rhi year. They exrcnd thanks 10 Jodie Knigh1inrhe area of dance: Kim Raynor. Karen Evansand M ichaelaSrone for coach ing netball: Robcn and Andrew Sm ylh for helping wi th hockey; Tony Connors for his suppon wi rh rhc Rugby Team: and Scou Wauers for his ass islance w irh rhe Firsr Eighreen Football team.


Peter Whipt>

NEI L j oined I he All Sainrs' srafl" al rhe beginning of 19ll9. al"lcr lciathing al St Mark' s A nglican School.

PETER has a wide experience in sports' coaching and spons · medicine. having worked in a .. Lifespon .. gymnasium a~ well as reaching at Peninsula Grammar School and Kilbreda College in 1he Eastern StaleS. Percr moved to Western Au~trnlia early in 1989 10 rake up his <tppoimmenl ar A ll Saims· :md resides wi rh his wi re Karhy in Florelll Park. Peter hope~ 10 complere his Master of Science Degree ar the Univcrsiry of WA. In his ~pare rime. when he ha any. Pererenjoys surfing. >wimming, gol f. arhlerics and exercise physiology I n order 10 g ive his body I he occasional break. he also enjoys reading and keeping up to dare wirh currenl affairs.

eil h;1~ a variery of ~poning inlcresls inc luding rugby league. squash and rouch fool ball. He keeps himsel f fi t and hca hhy rhrough a programme of weigh! lr<lining and ru nn ing. This is an area in which he i ~ wd l quali f"ied. having been a fi tn ess insrructor wirh rhe Lorcb· 1-ka llh Club prior 10 h is appoimmem in rhe reaching field. N eil, his wife Jenni , and one-year-old daughrcr Kris ri live near rhe College in Wilier IOn.

j enny PendlebwJ'

Jenny Pendlebury -Department Head

Neil Col/ius

A ll Saints ' Karate Kid DALLAS Br.:nnan. a Year8 Al l Saint!>· ~lll­ cl.:nr. is -,omc th ing of our' ery own Kara1e In jus11hrc.: ~hon years. Dallas h;l~ achreved a purple bell in Kara1e and h:t-; raj..en p:ut in 1hree wu rnam~n t .;. Ahhough he is )Cl 10 \\' Ill one of rhe'e toumamenrs. he has produced ~ome excellcr11 re~u lb . Rect:ntl) . he gave a dcmonsrration o f h t~ Kararc talents 10 h r ~ En,glbh Cla~s. fonunarely for rhe College. doing -,o w irlloul damaging a single <k sk.

JEN Y 1augh1 science prior 10 her appoinunent a1 All Sainrs· where she has been for the pa$1 ~even years. She was prorn oled 10 lhe posirion of lhc Head of P.E. Dcpanmem rhis year. As well as running a very busy and ac1ive deparunenl. Jenny is al so involved in man y olher areas of College life. These include organising and coaching nerballream s w play in a wceJ..end cnmpcr irion along wi1h managing and assil>ling 1he rlm"c dance groups. Jenny ~ays I his has been very exciting and rewarding work. Wi11l 1wo new :.laff members this year even more enlhusiasm and v irali ty has been brought to the Depanmem. Jenny's in1eres1s include w ind;,urfing and scuba diving. She i~ a member of ba~ker ba ll and mi xt.!cl nerball reams and w ke~ pan in ae rob i c~ c la~scs. Jenny and husbanu Ken ~pcnd much l'f' 1heir 'pare lime renovaring an old houst' in Fremanr le.

Dallas joined the Japan.:;e Kara1e r\s.;oc:ialion in Spcan\ ood three ~ear~ ago. al'rcr be in£! in,pircd by 1he movie .. Karale Kid''. Ili ~ Year 9 sisrer T amara. i~ al~o raking pan in Kara te lc~sOih and ha;, achrcvcd a green bell.

Peter \\' hipp

I l Cricke1 ream" hich reached rhe r\ di\'ision f"inal. Similarly in Boys Baskcrball. the Senior A grade ~idc had an olllstanding 'ieason. going rhrough "irhou1 losing a game. The B gn1de Bo~ s Baskerball ream also produced some excellem re, ulrs. only lu~rng :1 few games.

Summer Sports PARTICIPATION in the Carhul ic Schools ~ummcr spon s compclilion proved 10 be a grt:al ~uccess tor 1he College. w i th many rea ms ~chieving ou1 ~1andi n g resuhs. Tho~e on 1he vicrory lisl included 1hc Fir~l


On 1n Tennis. and the Girl ·' Senior team reac hed rhe linals bur were narrowly defeared by Mercede~ College. Orher srudems also enjoyed raktng pan in some of the less comperiri vc activiries.


Sc<)tt W atters flies hig~l with the Eagles

Jonathon Greville makes it into State Under 16 rugby team JOt ATHO Greville. an A ll Saims· Year 11 student. has been chosen in the State Ru gby team tO take part in the ational Carnival in Darwin on June 30. He was selected in the State squ~d after fine performances for his local dub. Western Subu rb~. in their Under 16 · s division. Jonathon wa~ one of sixty players chosen initially in the squad. and after hard training and practice games, was selected in th e final21 to mix it w ith the cou ntry·~ best rugby playe r~ in Darwin. Jonathon followed whm has become very much a family tradition when he &~arted playing rugb} for All Saims· in Year 7. His two elder brot her~. Tim and Jeremy both pia~ eel for College. Jonathon has many other sponing interest and love~ all outdoor activitie~. particular!) ...urfing and wind surling. He i~ also J..nown for his talent!> ou t of the ~po rtin g arena in mu,ic. being the drummer for the All Saints· College band. With all these in tere~t>. it may seem hard to see how Jon:uhon rind~ an) time ro sllld). He is however. performi ng very well in hi> schoolwork and has his sights se t on an Economics or Commerce course at the University of Western Australia.

Scott Wailers doinrg his best for the Eagles. W HE Scoll Wailers played his first game for the West Coast Eagle~ rccemly.MafT:111d slllde m ~ of All Saims· College watched hi performance with grem amicip:nion. The reason for such a vested imerest was that Scott became the first A ll Saims· former swdem to play in the V ictorian Football League. Scott became a star at Sou th Freman tle as a tal ented. young rover. He nt1W has the potential to became a key player in the Eagles· line-up. The College wishes Scon furt her football success. We hope in the near fu ture. many more students will be !'lying the All Saints' flag as they represent State and Australian te;nns in various sportin g events.

J Ollatltoll Gre1'il/e

Interhouse Cross Country IT WAS a spectacular sight on May 11 when the whole school assembled for the start of the lnterhouse Cross-Country event. All primary and secondary swdents compe ted for their house wi th Forrcst being the vic tors. scoring 934 poiims. T hey were closely f'ollwcd by o·connor on S86 poims. Murdoch on 74 1 and Stirling scoring 668. Some fine individu1al perfonnances were recorded on the day wi th the w inners in each division as fo llows:

• Year 5 Gart h B ra dshaw (Stirling) in l2A 5 minutes. Oanielle Smith (Murdoch ) in l 4.09 minutes. • Year 6 Shawn Brogden (F'orresll in 1037 minutes. Lisa K een (Murdoch ) in 12.83 minutes. · Year 7 Chadd Heatley lO'Connor ) in 9.40 minutes. Shauna Caple (M urdoch) in 11.49 minute • Year 8 Peter McApp ion (Forrest) in 15A7 Shelley J ordons (Stirling) in 19.52. • Year 9 Adam Passmore (Forrest) in 14.39.


K atie T hird (M urdoch ) in 19.39. • Year 10 RhJon Johnson (Murdoch) in l3.59 minutes. Megan Perks (Forresl) in 21.1 3 minutes. • Year 11 J ohn M urray( O'Connor) in 15.27. Kim Scott (O'Connor) in 19.04 minutes. • Year 12 Jason Wright (Stirling) in 13.33 minutes. Sar ah Carne (Forr est) in 19.39 minutes. Congratul ations to these winners and all competitors who completed the course.

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