College Quarterly October 1989 - Issue 6

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COLLEGE QUARTERLY Issue No, 6 October 1989

College dazzles with its 'Joseph' FOUR nighh of high qualit y. high energy entcrtninmcnt ht up All Saint'.' College in Augu~t '' iLh the ,t:~ging of .. Jo,eph and the Amazing Tcchnicolor Drcamcoat". The thous:md~ of hours spent in preparation were well rewarded with the production proving an unrivalled 'uccess. To allribute the \UCCes'i to ,eJected individual\ would be unfair, a' "Jo~cph'' i, a production which succeed~ or faih. not on the pcrfonnance of individuab, but on the feeling generated by the entire ca~l. Thb perfonn ance certainly wccceded and left many "ith tune!. and dance routine~ S\\ irling 111 their head~ for day!.. "Jo~eph" i~ an ithptring :.101) of triumph over adver>ity. Although the Andrew Lloyd Wchbcr{fim Rice production t:l~C~ some liberties wi th the Biblical accoun t. the produc t ion ·~ mc~~age oft he need tO accept and cncnurage the drcame~ in our ~ocict} remain~ 'trongl) 111 locu,. The All Saint-· production u\ed a variety of thea trical techmquc' to explore a wide cros~­ ~cc tion of m u~ica l genre~ from the punk/ cin:ll' of the l'hrnadite' through the MiddleEa~! Oil Baron P()liphar, to the Eh i~ and Charle' Amavour roullnc,. ·n1e cncrg) cre:ncd l>y the ea, t in their presentation of the majM 'ongs kept the audience huhbling along with the m. The delightful cameo rok~ und the interplay hct\\CCil dtantttCI" \\Cre expk,Hed w their fuiJc,t. TI1e set de,tgn "a' brilliant m"' colour and \Implicit). the ltght ing effectively created the nwod and the cn:-tu m c~ and prop~ employed a clever combination uf both modem and period ~t) le~.

TI1e band pm' ttkd a re\Lraincd and unified backmg. ~upporung the finely \ung chorus "ork . A' fo r the Individual lead role,. the swdems :-.howcd a line grallp of :tcting technique a~ they developed their characters with 'en'>itivity and the odd touch of rimou' comed~ . "Jo,cph and the AmaLing Tcchnicolor Or..:amcoat" wa' a night of fun. l'rivolity and comedy. Heart)' cong ra tulation~ arc extended tn the emir~ ca\1 and ere'"· wi th a ~pecia l commendall(lll fur the 01rector. Mr Simon Ciip,on. who-.c creati\ c idc<h Jnd dream' made thi' a produc11on of diSilncuon.

- Or t>amela Howat

Students sho w their theatrical talents duri11g the staRing fi[ "J oseph and til t> A mating Tedmicalor Dreamcoat".

I w ri1e 1hesc no1es in the quiel of 1hc s1om1. 1he period after the College produc1ion. W e were thrilled by rhe level of support that was given by pare01s and f ri ends during the fo ur-night season.


group to \\-Ork '"'ith. Parcm<, who'>e children participated in the show ~ hould feel proud. and ju-.tly

o. On the Saturday ~:ve nin g l publicly thanked all the staff and sw dents invol ved in the 1-how fo r thei r cxcellc m co ntributi on ~. Forthose who aucnded on other evenings. I reir eratc my praise and Lhanks.

li was also pleasing to nore grandpare OI!> and fom1er

tude01s. especially those who had been invo lved in ..Salad Days··. coming along to see whether we were keeping up the standard.

In not naming individuals. I have fol lowed MrGip~on· l> wishe that all of1he people im olvcd in the production should be -,ccn "" n team. Col lege productions provide an excellent opportu nity to :-cc genuine team work in action and ·'Jo:;cph.. w:h no exception.

I hope that the 1ircdnes ha!> been over-come by tho e who participated in the production. 0 doubt all the participant'> wi ll treasure the memorie!> for a long time.


On a per1-onal note. i t was encouraging for me to ()bserve the high level of 1-upport !hat the caM gave one ano1hcr. They we re cerlainl y a friendl y

T o thc tcam l !>ay -





Archdeacon -------------. Michael Pennington :

A life-time of service

... rcs pon~ible for developing and implementing strategies for the g rowth and c tablishme m of parishes.

ARCIIDEACO l Michael Penningron ha, been " memhcr of the College Bourd for the pa\t four )eUJ' a, lhc Archbi,hop·., rcpre-,cnwtivc A' f:1r h:lck a~ he can re member he wtt$ aware of a vocalion to the ordained mmistry. This awareness w:1. enhanced a~ a choirboy. first ut St Colum bal- in Hawthorn and l:ucr St Matthew~. Marryatville, both in Suuth Au~tra­ lia. From Ycar 6 he attended St Peter· s College which, together\\ ilh many other opportunitie~. provtdcd u context in which hi" calling l<l the prit::\thood \\a' aniculated. honoured and nurtured. H~ believe!> he owe:- much to the Sclwor~ Cha pl.1in. nnan ~lacdonaltl. who later became theA!>'l'•t:lrlt BllthopofPenh. Michachtrongly believe<, it j, an important function of Anglican School' to foster a ~cn~e of vocation. lo con· tribute ~ign ilican tl y 10 the dcvclopmelll o r fulurc lcadcr~hip 111 the Church both clerical and lay. Lpon tini,hmg ~chool. Michael read Art' ut the Univcr~i t ) of Adelaide and Thcolog) tll St John'!> College in Morpcth SW. He w(L~ made Deacon on St Mutthia~ Da) in 1961 and Prieltl on the 'ame day,, year later. He began hi-. mini~try in EliLabclh. thcn u fa,t gmwing ~atc llite town north of 1\del:udc. The Church wa~ ~upported by St Pcrer\ C()llege Mbsion, p~~rticularl y in its caring worl... and rcgulurcontacl was maintained between school and pari~h communith::.. The Church \\a~ verv much mvolvcd 111 cornmunit) de\ clopmclll imd addrc!-~ing :.ociul need'. 'lllkhad wu' mvohed with colleague'

in the P&C :md School Hostel<>. lt ''a-. th.:-rc Phihp. the b-.t member of his family. \\U~ bom. lichacl came to Perth m 1973 at the im ita· tion of the ;\ rchbi,hop of Perth. Geoffrcy Sambcll. to become the Rector of the Group Pari~h of Spcarwnod/Willagee - an expcri· ment in team ministry. During lhi' peri<Jd. hi~ involvemem 111 community development led to him becoming Chaim1an of th~: Fremantle Regional Counci l in the Au~tmlia A,<.i<;Lance Plan. Michaelthcn moved to the Applecro~l- parISh wh1ch \1 a' h1' first appointnlet\1 to .m alrcad) well c't abh~hed pansh. In order to equip him~df u~ u 'Piritual direcwr. Mich.1el p:1rtic1patcd 111 a lour-year programme at the Centre tor C'hrhtiun pirituality of the Gene m I TI1eologicnl Seminary ew York for Sptritual Dire~.: tor~. Th 1~ involvcu four v1si ts to the USA. While at Applccross. M ichael wa~ involved in the development of the Pa~tora l Assi~tant~ Mini-.try \1 llhin the Dioce~e and wa~ mndc an honoruf) C':mon of S t George~ Cathedml. lie then became the Archdeacon of Swan. After nme) ea~ a1 Applecro,s, Michael "as invited by the J\rchbi,hop to become the Archdeacnn for Pari'h Development- the po,iuon of\\ hi eh he 110\1 hold!.. Thi ~ po it ion call' on hi:. cxpcril.lnce 111 C'ltabli~hi ng cong.rcgmion-. tn new area~. He b re,ponsiblc for developmg and implementing strategies for the gn)wth and es t ahli~hme nt of pHri~hes. At the ~u mc time he maimain~ hi~ intere~l in the worl.. of ~piritual direcuon and continue' to be a 'ource M m~pu·.u ion for All S:unt~' College.

Arclldeaconl'rliclwel f'enningron

from the Me thodist und Prcl>bytl.lrian Churchel. in establishing: the Elinbcth Counselling Centre. ll was during hb time at Elitahcth that he married hi;. wife J·h::nher and their two daughte" Helen and Elinbeth were bom. In 1967. Michael \\3, invited hy the new Bishop of onh We~t t\u~traha. lio\\ CII Witt. to become the Recror of the Port I led land Parbh. This pari~ h included many of the Pilbara·s mining town~ as well '" the:.Hilion~ in between. I lis ta~k of gathering and ~erving church communi ties in each of the tow n~ and ministtlring to people scatt.:rcd throughout the bush. was no mean feat considering the va't distances to be travelled in such ::1 location. While in Port lied land. he became involved


Scholarship winners for 1990 CI-IOLARS HIPS to All Saims· College were highly conh.:stcd with mor.: than I 00 ~ tu­ den t' sitting the All Saintl>' Cullegc Secondary ·chonl Scholarship Exm1111lal ion {A.C.E.R. ). Sl'lcn of these 'IUth:nh 11crc inter\ icwcd. 11 uh four proving ~uccc<.\lul - two for upper 'eC()IlUary and ''' o for lower ~ccondary.

Upper Secondary Schola rship Recipients Eliza beth Dillon ELIZABETH emcred All Saint..: in 19,6 a~ a Year? 'tudem. She i~ al..cen ~tudcnt of ciencc. mathematics and the humani t ic~ and takes pan in a number of extra-curricular activities. including school clcbat111g and the College.: Concert 13nnd. Elizabeth is a mcrnhcr of the College·~ Science Extension Pwgr.:umnc and the Au~tralian Mathematical Olympmd Committee\ Problem Solving Projec1. She hopes to study la11 or l>Cicnce at the Univcrsity of We~tern Au~tralia on completion of her studies at All Saintl> '. Some of Elizabet h·~ interest:- include playing the piano and llutc. npcr:uing her PC{XT comptucr and she is :m avid reade r.

Brian Murphy URIA too entered All S:unt~· College a~ a Year 7 student in 19R6. He has great music:•lralcnt and is a stalwan uf the College Concen 13aml where he play' r h~: ,a ~aphonc. Brian has al~o been a mcmbcrofthe West Au~tralian Youth Ja11 Band for the la't four years.

Elizabeth Oil/on

Brian Murplty

Brian won the Yc:.r 9 Academi<· Prite last year and al~o received ~ccond place 111 a ' tntc wide mathemat ic~ compctition. His ambition is ro become a Commerical Lawyer, after compkung a commerce/law double degree ut UWf\ orMurdoch Univcf'ity. Brian·s oul~idc Hllcrc\1), mcludc ~qua-.h, tcnnb. golf. cricl..ct and reading.

Lower Secondary Scholarship Recipients Ca mero n Fletcher CAMERON of Ea~t Fremantle is currently in Grade 7 m Richmond Primal) School. Hi~ schofa.,ric intcre'h lie in t11c licit!" of mathematics and cre<Hive writing. \lhilc hi~ hobbies include cheslt. reading and playing the piano. Camcron has a wide variety of sporting intcresb. including rcnnb. cricket and golf. lie h currently :1 member of the East Fremantle nder 11 Team.

Annual College Ball

Cameron Fletclter

Andrew Slwgg

Cameron i~ the only scholarship winner who i.s not currentl y attending All Saint<;' and is looking forward to joining the school in 1990.

Andrew Shugg A DREW ha.\ been attending All S:1int~. College ~ince Year 5. He is 110\1 a Ycar 7 <;tudent and i1. a rcpre~en­ tative on the Collcgc·~ Student Council as wcJJ a:. being a member of the College Chel-~ and Science C lub~. And rew devotes mos t of his Jcburc time to reading. model building and lL~semhling electronic kits. I k ~~ :1bo a member of the Fir:.t Willcuon Scout Group. Andrew Ita<; been teaming the piano for the past four year:. and :.ince hi!> enrolment at All Saints· College ha., been practising the clarinet. lie is now a member of the College Concert Band and nex t yea r hopes ro extend hb repe rtoire to the ba~lt ci:Jriner. The College congratulate all four of our 1990 Schola~htp winner .

Music practice in Sambell Centre next year MUSIC pmcticc will be our of the clas:.rooms and inltl th.: Samhell Centre practice r<>om' a~ or next yeur. Clas. room ~ have never been the 1110$1 :.uitable place for prar.:tkc. but the Sambcll Centre \"ill prm ide nXllll'> '>pccifically structured for the large variet} ot mstrument" played by All $:lints· 'tudcnt,., An ex:1mple of tillS 'Lructural difference t'> a !>pccial drum room which "ill have a linoleum tloor and a ..,pcc•:~l l ) eo1Nrueted roof. A huge gwup practice room i!. abo being l'(lnMructcd 10 facilita te group work.

Heady to dance.from lef t: Frank Clay . S u:.omte Em•es, CaJriona W/11/,\'Ch,


H.~~ lemonJ,

Sim on

B olfmd 011d }aS0/1 Smith .

STUDE TS.tcacherlo and parents da nced the night away tu popular Perth ha nd Slim Jim and the Fats at t hi~ yL·ar~ Annual College 13nll. The Social Comm111ec and in particul:•r Kn,ty Barr. Sarah Carnc :md Sue M:dc). did a tnnra:,uc job of the night :11 the H)all RegenC) Hotel and en,uring its !.uccc,~. They are ro be congratultued for their effon~.



New syllabus


T HE introduclion of the new ma the ma tics sylla bus in 1988 thro u~h the Unit C urriculum has proved hig hl~ successful. This .' ear. student h<H econtinued 10 r e!> pOnd well to Lhe challenge of stud.' ing rveral mat he matic stra nds concurrently and their sta ndards are pleasing. The ado1>tion of the new syllabus is essential because the six new upper school mathematics cour. es soon to be introduced (Year l l : 1991, Year 12: 1992 ) a sumc . pecilic new SJ IIa bus content COH!r ed in Year lO.

Sha rron Wheeler HARRO\i 1'- a graduate of Claremom Teachel'\ · Cullcge and ha-. prcvluu'l> "Prked a.'\ a Lecturer in Mathematic-, and Computer Studie~ <11 the we,t t\u~tmlian College of Ad\'anced Educauon. Sh:1rron IS married and hvc;. nearby !he College 111 Willeuon. She has a number of 1 n1cres1~ including cooking and renova ting old hOU$C'-. A~ide from leachi ng. Sharron and her husband operate a marketing bu~inc~~ which they hope will nourish in the fut ure.

Glenis Bascombe GLE IS i~ a new-comer to All Saint'' thi;, year after teachu1g at De Vialar College for ~ome years. She ha.~ l\\0 children. Mallhew (a Year 11 All aim,· 'tudcnt) and Alio,on. Gleni~ enjoy' hcing acti\'e. el>peci;lll) in aerobic:- and 'a1hng. She hopes 10 compete thl\ ~ummer in her Srunt :!8 Yacht.

Patricia Tyrrell PATRICIA i., ongiMll) from Dublin .md cmagratt:d to Melboumc 111 1983 \\here ~he taught at Billanook College. She moved to Perth "hen her hul>band "a' tran,ferrcd in hi!. cmplo) mcnt and h<b -,inn:" orkcd ;11 All Saints' College. Patricia ha~ four children. one of" hom. Simon. j, 111 Year I) 111 All Sa i n t ~·. De~pi t c al l the many chore:. involved in looking af1er :t fanul) of ~ix. Pa~ricia ~till finds lime to engage in her favourite purlouil' ol wa1er ,port ~. ~cwi ng and reading. A recen t initiative nf1hc Ty rrell family" a;, the purcha'>c uf :1 Che,tnut Farm in Bridgctown. The Tyrrelb have alrcad) prnudl) hanc\lcd their fiN crop of che,tnut;, and hope the farm" ill reach full procluction in nine ycan..

Per cy Jordon PERCY came to All a1nt-· aflcr teaching for fifteen year~ al l orth Lake Scnwr High School. Ol'igin:lll)' from Sco1land. Percy b a gntdua h: of G l :l~gtlll Umversity. Pcrcy'-, hobbie~ include golf. phila1ely and reading. He is 3 member nl till' WA Opera Compan) and enjoy.; all lh e theatre. Pc re~ aho conJ>idcrl- him,clf a t·onnoi~,cur of fine food '' hil't flO"C\\Ing ,1 Oair him<,c)f fur COOkmg. l>l·rc~ has two adult children and he IS also a gmntlfather.



makes sense----tudent inter e t, involvement a nd success in extra-curricular ma thematics activities has incr eased su bstantia lly during 1989. All Saints' College students have pa rticipa ted in the Aust ralia n Mat hs Co mpetitio n. Ma th-0-Quest. Students' Mathematics Competition (IBM). Austra lia n M ath O lympiad, School Ma thema tics Enrichment Course (Sta te and Natio nal), M.A. W.A. (iarnes' Ca mps a nd Maths Circle.

Debbie Coombs OEBBI£ was the inau1wral Mathematic!>· teacher at All Salilts. College an 19X I. Havmg ~ oung children. \he decided ntll to tal..e up thl' fu ll-time position in 1982. but returned 10 the College 10 teach in tandem "tth Robin v:tn Oongen in I 98-. Oebbie tool.. a fun her break in 1987 to ~pc nd the year in England with her family. Prior to teaching m All Saint~ ·. Dcbbic ~pent four y.:ar:. at Moora and South Fr.:mamle High School ·. he ha" al~o worked on o pan-time basi~. \Hlling material for the Educ:uion Dcpanmcnt. lecturing at the School of Mine, and tutoring for Murdoc h University. This. together with her own ~ lll die~ in computi ng. enabled Debhie 10 pur ue her intere~t in Mathematic'. Debbie" main hobby is visiting the famil} ·, fam1 in Donnybrook. where he enjoy' the peace and tram.1uilily of being away from the l'tty.

Bruce G roves BR UCE c;ommenced \\ at All Saulls' m 1982 and w:h appointed Head of M:uhemmics in 1983. Hi' lnh.:rt!'>t in mathematic~ education and curriculum de\ clopment has led Bruce IO being one or the Independent School representath CS on the Se(.'OI1dary Educ<Hion Authority"s M:llhcm:uies Syllabu~ Commiuec. Ht: ha~ enjoyed the challenge of contributi ng to the new upper ~chool mathematic, course~ and during the recent :.cmcstcr break. 13ruce was involved 111 the cvaluauon group 'tudying the K- 12 ~ ! athematic' Syllabu for the Nauonal Curriculum Project. Bruce and hb family live in Willetron \vhcre he is a memtw· of the local Bull Creek/Bateman Parish. His three yo ung daughter~. Sarnh (2). Kate (5) and Emma (9) arc fam iliar faces on campus as they have often been used by <.tudems in Early Childhood Studies. The girls arc all enrolled as future All Saint~ · ~tudent . Bmcc·, main interc~t i~ ba~ketb:tll \\ hich he umpires. i~ a member of the State Basketball Lc:1guc P;mel and ~pcnds much of hi\ 'pure time in the S.B.L.. Senior League and Willenon competitions.

IBM Students' Mathematics Competition THIS year. 26 student' from yea rs 9 to 12 have taken pan in either theJunaor orScniorDivbionofthe IBM Students" Mathemmic ~Com ­ pctition. run by the Mntlwmutic1ll A:.~oc in t ion of WA. Together they have earned All $aims· the best re~u lls ever in these eompet i 1ion~. In the Jumor Di\ bion '' e had two money prize winnc~ in Paul Flo\\erde\\ ( Year 10). \\ ho ranked 15th in 1h1<. 'talC\\ ide compcuuon. and Cl a ire Young ( Ye:tr 9). \\ ho c:unc 1:\rd. In addition. Ceniticates of Merit \\Cre awarded 10 Nicola Murray ( Yc<~r 9> and to Charle~ Cordingley and Gentrd Mitchell of Yt:ar I0. Year 12 ~tudem Michael Camarri received a ~ubstanti<ll ca~ h prize for achieving the distinction of first place 111 the Senior Di' hinn. This appear\ 10 be Michael·, \\a) of making monC) -he imprm ed upon hb sec;ond place in the Junior Division in 1 9~7. Simon Hamson (Year 11) received a Cenificate of Merit for coming J4th. These ~ t udems arc all congratulated ror outstanding perfonnanccs in a very dil ficull cornpctiuon.

Robin van Dongen ROBIN ha' been mterested 111 Mathematics since be1ng ~elected 10 attend .1 School M:uhemati c~ Enrichment Course \\hile in Year 11 at high school. She began ut A11Saints' in I 984 when she wa' appoi nted 10 the pantime staff and ha~ worked in a talldcm capacity ~i nce 1985. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree from UWA. Robin taught at the Pre~byterian Ladie~ College until 1974 \\hen ~he left 10 have children. She continued to work m the e'cnang\ through the Techmcal Educauon D1vision. now known ns TAFE. Rob in is a keen member of the Mathematics A~~ociution of WA a nu encourages ~tudenh to auend their :activities. Her other mtcreM~ include badminton. reading and tape tries. She spends man) winten' eekend~ watching her husband and ~on play soccer. \\ hil~t the family abo enjoy~ cumping. canoeing tllld relaxing around the puol in summer.

Mathematical Games Camp Competition 0 C~ again All Saint~' was repre:.entccl h)' a team of four talented studen ts. The team members - Eliznbcth Dill on. Elizabeth Redman. Brian Mwvhy and Stevcn Ong - combined well to come 12th overall in the -W·school compel it ton. (Our be~ I effort m 1987 \\a' lOth.) Thc~e re~ult' retlect the hig.h standard~ 111 mathematical ne-hie' cment.' .11 the College.


A dynamic WHE. All Saint'· Collegl! began. the late Archbi~hop Sambell had a visiOn for Wc~tcm Au,tralia to l'rc:uc :m Anglican School and Pari'h in a dynamic union. Hi\ vi,iun ha~ become a reality. with the Bullcrcck congrega· tion s teadily growing and receml) recomm itting itself w this union with the Collcgt•. The congrcgation has cenainl) c01m: a long way ~incc Ken Mclntyrc was appuintl!d College Chaplain ;tnd Parish Priest. ! O\\ the parbh ha.\ dtvidcd into three paru. and three l'lerg) wuh a Chaplam to replace Ken. A me:t\Urc of the growth or thi' union come' from the le' cl or contribution to the All Saint~· College Sambell Centre from a congrl!· gat ion which. only two and half) cars ago. had an annual mcome of $ 12,000. Another more visible indication b !-Cen Sunday by Sunday where the congregation include~ the Principnl. the Chaplain. staff member,. members of the P & F and f;~milie\ of All Saint~' st.udcnts. The uwulvcmcnt goc~ even funher. The Princtpal and Chaplain are ex-officio mcml>er' t>f the Bullcrecl-. Vc~try. the Rector i~ on the College Board. and member. of the P<~rbh arc regularly Ill' ued to participate in the Buildmg and Ground~ ('ommiuee. To cap it off. the College and Parish have develn1>cd an agreement for the Parish to w.c the new Chapel ;.h its place of worship. Thc Parish itself ha~ just bought thl: Bullcreek Rectory on Ewing Avenue and its immediate financia l objectives arc to raise it:. income 10 pay for thi~ new acquisition. become financwlly loclf-rcliant nnd donate 20 percent of it~ income to the College as pan of the clo,c



Melissa Arendts MELISSA i~ at the R&l Bank·~ Head Office"' a ledger examiner. She ha. conunm:d to play netball ~mcc lea\ mgAll Samts' and now p lay~ for the HBF team. Melissa b planning a holiday to Thailand in N()vcmber.

David Burbidge DAVID bin hi~ 'econd year at Cunin Umvcr'ity ,wdying. Information Procesl>ing in f3u,ine~:.. He •~ u member of the Bull Creek/ Batem<lll P:1mh and through ht-.. involvcml!nttn the church choir and playing the trumpet during ~ome ~en·icc.'>. he has continued to pur~uc lm. interest\ 111 mu,ic. The Re1·erend Haward Eaton and The Reverend Pam Halbert.

rela tionship between the two. The congregation b chaructcrised not only by the relaxed. pcr~~lnal and friendly worship style but by its commitmem to lllU!oiC - a band each Sunda) .ju.nior and ~eni()rchoir~ and tradillonal. modem and ch;arbmatic mu~tc . Lcadcr!>hip in "orship h. :.harcd among clergy and members of the congregation <~nd much love and care in times of m:ed i~ offered. Parishioners meet regularly for fe llowship. prayer and Bible studie~. There is currently one shared service a year wi th the College and the Parish looks forward to this growing. The Pari~ h in vite~ allmcmbc~ of the College community to JOin them at 9.55arn any Sunday and welcomes an) con tribution~ to help funher develop the relation,hip with the Coll.:ge.

Primary students help break world record

Mark Cargin i~ an apprentice electrician with Electrical in Cunning Vale. He went to Bali arld Singapore in Februaf) wi th former Mudents. Jumuhon Mc\Vhae and Stephcn Young. Mark hope<. to smn hi~ 0\\ n bu~ine~~ in the near fu tu re.


S toke·~

Peter Chiang PETER i<. Mudying Mechanical Engineering <H the Univc~i t y of We~tcm Australia and ha~ recently complctcd an instructOr's course in Tai Kwon Do. Unfortuna tely time restraint- have prevented Peter continuing hi.s imerests in music since leaving the College.

Sally Porter SALLY i" \tlld) ing Physiotherapy at Cunin Llnive~it) . She hall recently begun coaching )OUnger 'tudcnt~ in tmmpolining.

Peta Wright PETA i' working as a priv<He secretary to an executi ve of BP Australia. She continues to live an activc Iire~tylc, cnjoying all waterspon' and playing h•L~kethal l ror Tangncy's divi ... ion I side. Pctu aiM> coachc<o junior ba:.l..ctball.

Rolf Vickers ROLF wa' \\Orking a~ a hrc\\Cr at the \1atilda Bay Brc'\ Ill!! Compan) be lore ha\ ing an lll'l'l· dent playing Rugby. He ha!> been off" or!.. for ~evcral month'\\ hi le undergoing a knee n::construction. lt ~eem~ unlikely that Rolf "'ill l'()tllinuc wi th comart spons after th i~ and may have to sculc for surfing wi th his mate:. Ru N.:II Howson and Co. Wt· \\ i~h him a l>JX'edy recover) .

Studems shtJw tiff their large blanket.

ALL Saints' primary students have kniucd their way into the Guinnes~ Book of Records by joining wi th many other Mctropolit:lll schools to put together the world's largest blanket. lt wu~al l in uid of the Blanket Appeal designed to raise money and blan ket!. for Perth ·~ needy dunng wuucr. Thank\ to the effort. of our primary mother~. grandmothers and Mudent!.. the All Saint's Primary Depanment were able to donate three and a half hand made blanl..eb 1\l the appeal.


College duo strike high note at Eisteddfod

Support our College Family




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FUTURE CQ's will contain a section d isplaying the business cards of members of the College Family. These business cards could represent parents, former students, suppliers, or any o ther group which is supportive of our College. These businesses will be advertised free of charge and we ask you to support them if you have a need for the services they offer.

Mic/w e/ Gurr (left) and ./ulitm Smirke at the piano. ROSS N OR Tl< !.'....t.O'f"

ALL Saints· Year I 0 sw dcnt Julian Srnirkc and Year 11 SIUdcnt M ic hael Gurr achieved ouiS\anding rcsuhs in the South Suburban Music and D rama Society Eistedd fod. win ning a variety of award!i. Ju lian received a plaque for winning the ··secondary Piano Trio·· section and was also fi rst in the ··sc.~t Own Compositions··. M ichael won the ..Senior Phlllo Recital ... ""Secondary Piano D uet.. and the ..Secondary Piano Trio... H e was al~o awarded the Eva Blaki e Special Music Award for achiev ing the highes t piano aggregate. 353 ou t of a possible 400. over the entire EiMeddfod. A~ a result of their fine perfonnances. Michael and Ju l tnn (wi th T ri nity College ·s Rodney Cusack ) have be..:n invited to perfom1 their ..Trio .. for the Canning Music A uthori ty . Mich:tel has also been invited to be a guest solo nrt ist at the Society's nex t Festival.

354 1580

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Can you help make Pate?


H elper$ arc urgently needed to assi~t in the m<tking of pate for the College Fe te. T he pate w ill be made in the H ome Economics Centre at the College on T hursday. October 19 nnd at 6pm . If you ca n help. please ri ng Jackie Smi th on .1 10 2106.

Planning and hard work set to pay off


AFTER a year of planning and a grea t deal of hard work by all members o f the College. Fete "R9 promises to be the biggest and bes t ever. We hope we can count on ynur ~upport on October 11 and assure you that yo u w ill not be disappointed w i th the quali ty of products for purcha e or the ~chetl ulcd .:verm including, a giant auction. fashion parade and ··side Show Alley ... Proceed~ Crom Fete "Sl) will be <.li!.tributed to buy furnitu re for tile new Sambcll C.:ntre and help to mee t the P & F Society.sloa n repayments for tJ1c Sport and Recreation Centre at the College.

Arts' Foundation sponsors writing competition T HE Arts· Foundation ha~ the init iative this year by sponsoring the inaugural All Sa int~· College Creati ve Writi ng Competition. To emer the compeiition students w.:re asked to submit pieces of creative writ ing. wit h no rcl>triction~ on form or :~ t y le. Cash prizes were awarded. with the Year 11 and 1:! wmner receiving $50.00. Wi nners in the Lower Secondary and Primary categories won; $30.00 e<tsh prit.c.

Don ' t miss our 'Iced Cake' Competition


(Former a nd current stude nts)

T he winners of the 1989 Creati ve Writ ing Compet ition were: • Year~ 11 nnd 12: Zcrn L icw • Years!! to 10: Elizabe th Dillon • Year~ 5 to 7: Joanna K ent. Congra tulati ons to thcs..: th ree wi nner:; for the superb quality of their wor k . l t LS hoped that this com peti tion can be run on an annual basi:. and assist in promoting higher st a ndard~ of cre;Hive writing at the College.

I F you consider you:.el f ~· bi t of a w hi;r in the ki tchen. don "t forget enter our .. Iced Cake Com pe tition" to be held during the fete on Saturday. Oc tober 2 1. T he condit ions of entry arc very simple. A l l you have to do is bring along a cake wh ich you h<JVC made and iced yourscl f. T he co~ t of entry is the donation o r your cake to the ca ke stall. T he onl y other cond ition i s that cake~ need to be at the stal l before 11am on the Sa turday. T he winner will be announced at 12 noon. GOOD LUCK ! 10




Talented Wayne striving for the top in hockey FORMER ~tudcnt Wa) ne lllatCJl'l)'l..', 'poning career ha gone ahead in leap:- and bounds 'incc his move to Canberra in 1988. Wayne ha~ dedicated hi~ ~poning talent!> to hockey. being ~elected in both the Au~trulian Capual Territor) 's Men·~ team and the Under 21 team which htl~ juM competed in a Perth Championship. Waync was :1lway' a talented spon~man at All Sai nt· ~ and ha alway~ wun tc<.l to be the bl'St ;~t whmcver he Wayne Blazejczyk - ready for hockey action choose!.. Howcve1·dedication t\J r• $port doe~ hnv..: i t~ him the freedom to pursue Waync·!> other sporting intercM~ include prohlem~.e~pecially when trying tu hoh.J down Waync has tr:wel led a great de:ll ~incc leavw:we ~kiing and basketball but with the prc~ ­ a full-t lmcjob. Wa)1ne has found it difficu lt in ing All Saints'. visiting Expo. going to Tasma~urc~ of hi' commitments he has found the pa~t obtaining pennancnt po,itic>n' a' there nia with the Under 2 1'!> and !ravelling to Adelittl~ time recently for other interest.... arc few employer!> with the ability to allow their laide fm the Au. tralian Hock e) Champion· All Suint,· College wbhes Wayne the bc<ot emplo)ce~ to be JW:I) for long p..:riod~ to ~hips. He was thrilled to c:Hch up \\ ith hi~ oflud.. 111 hi~ ~pmung e<~reer :md hopel. that one CQmpcte. Waynr I'> curremly doing bar-\\Ork 111 friends and family in Jul) "hen he retumcd to da\ he "111 be the first former ~tudent to Queanbcyan which.., \\Ori-ing uut \\ell. !P' 1ng Perth. rc1;re..,em Au 1ralia in the Olympic Games.

Netballers reach the Grand Finals ALLthreeAIIS:IInb' Ye:•r 11 and I:! netball playing 111 the A'~ocmted Catholic College' (ACC> competition reached the Gnmd Final uf the Suuthcm Clu"er. They pia) ed their linat-. on Augu~t I 5 again~tthrce Corptl'• Chri,tt team' and all "ere narrowly defeated. Thi\ wa~ the third year in uccession that :Jilt he ACC nctball team ~ from All Sa int ~· College rcuehed the Grand Final. Succc~l. wa~ a l~o fon hc~,ming for All Sain t ~' in the WANA wi nterrompctil inn. Four of the six team~ rcachcd 1he ~cm i­ rinals. Three were ~uccessfulma ~ ing it into the Grand Final~. Alt hough two tcarns were narrO\\ ly c.lcfcatcd. the A2 Senior team won by three v.ouk Th~ Collct:e congratulate~ the 1111.:mber' ul all the~e netball team' for th~ C\ccllcnt performances.

Golf course revamped


THE tollo\\ ing 'tuden~ have received College Colour- for out1>tandmg performance.. 111 thdr ':triou~ fields: J\ larcl" Bcnho\\ - Football Sarah Carnc - 1 et ball Jo-Anne Father' - Dance i\manda Fro<.l\ham- Dance Daren Hill - Cricl..ct Ad:un Jacl.. ... on - Concert Band Julie Lchman- ctball Kim Scott - Sport Congr:uulutions arc extended to all t h c~c student \ .

Successful year Ti lE hCly.., ·basketball team have completed a mo't \lll'CC\~fu l yc:tr by reaching the Stat~· Coca Cola Cla"ic Final\. The) dclcatcd Cetil Andre\\<. Semor High Sd1ool I 02 to 75 point~ in the first final but un(ortun:llel) to~t the folio\\ ing game Ill Kent Street Scmor High School b) 15 point~. Congratulauon, to .lllteam member:-.

Award Most Consbtcnt B. Fenn Under 19 A2 S. Came Lmler tl) A2 J. Lehman L:ndcr 19 A2 ~~ Perl..<> Lndcr 19 AJ B. Lie" elltn Under 19 3 C. McCunville nder I q A4 L. ~ lo1Nm Under 16 B3 A. Do\\ hng Under 16 ('I Most l mpro H~d M. Halliday Under 19 .1 K. Jacbon Under 19 4 L. Downc~ Under 16 IB E. Quartcnnainc Under 16 BJ V. Thomp~on Under 16 C I Netball Rcr>rescnlali \'C ,\ward I VX4 - !N S. Carnc J. Lchman 1984 - 1!9 R. Tyndall IIJR5 • 89 L. Hc~·dcs 19!15 - X9 J. Overington 19X5 - 89

College Colours

Band tipped to tour N. Z. S ha1111 n'hitela K· retriet•ing a ball duriiiR a pull-pull competition held ret'e/111)' 0 11 tlte course

Since the Colle!!c·, 19!W Golf Cl:ll>\tC. a numbcrofimprove1~Cill'• have heen mudc to the All Saints' College Golf Cour,e. Addi tional bunkers haw bccn created 10 make it just that little bit more cliftieult to reach the greens.

TilE College Band ma) be touring 'Je\\ Zealand earl) in 1990. t\ plunning commiuee has been formed to luol.. into the tOur\ po~'1t>ilit) and atthh <.tage arc negotiating \\ ith airlines and rour compa-

nu:,. Band Leader. Kcnh 1\laughan. hopes to ha' e more dt.:lailo; ~honly :U1d will keep parent~ informed.

The !'evcnth hole has ttlso hl•cn improved to include a two- tiered green. This revamped course wa~ put to the t~o:st for the first time on October I with the ru nni ng of the Fonncr Students' Association\ Golf Da) and was proved up tO'tandard.


An.v articles or ideas ror stories for CQ mn.v be ~ivc n to Kelvin Bartholomcusz at All Sai nts ' College. Feel free to call Kch in on 332 53~~.

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