Old Saints' Newsletter Dovetails October 2017 - Issue 12

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SAVE THE DATES! REUNIONS FOR 2018: (Dates and venues still TBC) 5 Year (Class of 2013) – Friday, 9 March 2018 10 Year (Class of 2008) – Friday, 13 April 2018 15 Year (Class of 2003) – Friday, 25 May 2018 20 Year (Class of 1998) – Friday, 15 June 2018 25 Year (Class of 1993) – Friday, 31 August 2018 30 Year (Class of 1988) – Friday, 14 September 2018

DoveTAILS DoveTAILS Old Saints’ Association Ewing Avenue, Bull Creek WA 6149 P (08) 9313 9333 E mary.thornton@allsaints.wa.edu.au www.allsaints.wa.edu.au

K e e p i n g

o l d

Volume 12 [october 2017]

s a i n t s

c o n n e c t e d

Heritage Week: Old Saints win the coveted sports shield Heritage Week culminated in the annual Old Saints v Students’ Sports Event on Friday, 5 May in the ASC Indoor Sports Centre. The Old Saints retained the shield defeating the students in all three games of soccer, netball and basketball. This year some much younger students participated (from as young as Year 7) and thoroughly enjoyed interacting and playing against the Old Saints. More than 32 Old Saints enjoyed the annual event and welcomed the students’ enthusiasm. Thank you to our regular sausage sizzlers, Sonia Johnson (née Reed 1985), Bruce Lee (1986) and Adrienne Wright (née Hartley 1986) for keeping the players fed and watered.

From the Old Saints’ President The Old Saints have been involved in some wonderful events with the College over the last few months.

Have you registered your business card details on the Old Saints website? It is a great way to support fellow colleagues and source someone to help you!

Heritage Week in May was a tremendous success and culminated in the Old Saints being victorious in the sports event against the students. The highlight of the week was most definitely the historic Foundation Parents’ and Staff Morning Tea and Campus Tour to thank them for their amazing support and courage by investing their child’s future in a ‘new and developing’ College in 1981.

Do you need a baby-sitter? The ASC Babysitting Club may be able to assist! If you would like to know more please email: babysitting@allsaints.wa.edu.au

I would like to thank the many Old Saint volunteers who came along to support The Futures Expo in August. The Year 10 students always welcome the down-to-earth feedback volunteers give them regarding their chosen career path. We greatly appreciate the time you give back to the College community.


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Thank you to Oliver Beath (1998), Daniel Lambert (2014) and Christian Long (2013) for coordinating the teams and to all those who played: Kent Brinklow (1994), Thomas Capstick (2015), Rubee Curtis (2015), Jack Fletcher (2007), James Goor (2015), Nicholas Iuliano (2014), Peter Kroeger (2009), Daniel Lambert (2014), Gavin Lambert (1985), Bianca Lambert (2015), Kristina Lang (2014), Mackenzie Long (2014), Christian Long (2013), Lara McInnis (2015), Kai Metzner (2015), Amy Neill (2016), Braydon Nicholas (2016), Drew Nicholas (2016), Sam Palmer (2016), Amber Plant (2016), Ethan Smith (2013), Dylan Smith (2012), Cameron Steinsvaag (2013), Matt Stidolph (2015), Arif Atkins (2014), Alasdair Taylor-Newman (2008), Lucas Teunissen (2015), Vinodh Thilaganathan (2010), Hannah Thomter (2015), Isabella Tufilli (2015), Euan Tyler (2015) and Emily Werner (2014).

And if you prefer a bit of sport tipping, you can now enjoy the new Competitions we run on the Old Saints website. Keep your eyes open for the many ways you can now reconnect with the Old Saint community. Mrs Sian Angel (née Morgan, 2002)

Old Saints’ President

Throughout the week students participated in various activities including an Art Competition, the Old Saints’ Challenge – ‘Can you build a newspaper shelter that can withstand simulated light rain, wind and hailstones in 15 minutes?’ and two fundraising sausage sizzles which raised $887.00 in aid of the Ethan Davies Fellowship for brain cancer research in children.

Foundation Parents’ and Staff Morning Tea On Thursday, 4 May 2017, the Old Saints were delighted to welcome more than 30 parents from 1981 and three Foundation staff members, Mrs Léonie Kirke, Mr Mark Stapleton and Ms Jill Williams, back to the College. Everyone appreciated the opportunity to reminisce with old friends and see how much the campus had changed since 1981 – some had not returned since their child had graduated.

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Promote your business!

Tanya Cole (1987) Tanya Cole (1987) lives in Dunsborough with her husband and three gorgeous sons. With a background in Occupational Therapy and personal experience of domestic violence, Tanya has developed a passion for healing, spiritual development and helping others gain self-insight, freedom and joy…through creativity.

Don’t just ‘Google it’ the next time you need a tap fixed, a make-up artist, a dentist or a lawyer!

Check out the Old Saints’ Business Directory first to see if an Old Saint can help you. We already have more than 30 business cards on the site so don’t hesitate to upload your business details by logging onto:

Tanya is an art mentor for people with disabilities and an online art teacher. She is also a counsellor, using a unique approach helping people tap into their own creativity to find solutions and inspire the human spirit. ‘My focus as an exhibiting artist is in painting portraits mainly using acrylic paints; however I do incorporate mixed media and am currently exploring oils too. I love to keep a balance between painting loosely and exploring with lots of layers and texture. Occasionally, I bring in animals and flowers to my work but there always has to be a face and expression of soul.’


To view more of Tanya’s work visit: www.tanyacolearts.com

Yean Ng and Jack Sealy (2012) Katie McKay (2005)

Kyla Ringrose (née Smith, 2002)

On the sunny banks of Ascot Racecourse, Jack and Yean couldn’t help but notice the disappointing array of socks worn by gentlemen punters and so emerged the vision to create the new standard in sock wear. Jack and Yean decided that the humble black sock lacked the class and personality of the modern young adult. From here, stemmed the inspiration for Toe the Line. Finally, after months of late nights and searching for perfection, they have recently launched the first Chapter of the New Standard in sock wear – Toe the Line.

Congratulations to Katie who recently became one of just 12 Australians to receive a Marten Bequest travelling scholarship. Katie will be given $50,000 as part of the scholarship and will use this money to live in New York for the next two years while she attends the Manhattan School of Music. Photo: Courtesy of the Community Newspaper Group


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Kyla is a paediatric dietitian who specialises in ‘fussy eating’ and has set up her own business, Mealtime Building Blocks, to help families who struggle with their children’s eating habits. If you have fussy eaters in your house, check out the fussy eating blog and weekly food product reviews at www.mealtimes.com.au. Kyla and Adam will be hoping they don’t have a fussy eater in beautiful little Elsie Ringrose!

‘The relationship with the Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation (CLCRF) started because Yean and I both wanted to give back to an organisation. Traditional wool and synthetic socks irritate children’s sensitive feet when having chemotherapy and this is where our combed cotton socks are ideal. Along with the playful designs, we saw a great opportunity to help out a worthy cause. At the launch we auctioned the first pair of socks and raised $1500. Toe the Line then donated a dollar for every pair sold on the night which amounted to $185. We now have ongoing plans to convert our socks into children’s sizes as well as create a Chapter for CLCRF’ Jack said. Need a new pair of socks? Check out: www.toetheline.co

Competition Fun!

The Old Saints are delighted with the launch of its first online competition - the 2017/2018 Premier League Predictor competition! Keep your eyes open for all the competitions coming up which include the Oscars, Super Rugby, NRL and AFL series. There’s lots of fun and prizes to be won! Make sure your contact details are up-to-date on the Old Saints’ website (link above), so you don’t miss out on the next competition.

Did you know? All Saints’ now offers an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship for students entering Years 7 to 11. DoveTAILS Volume 12 | october 2017


Class of 2002 15 Year Reunion

Class of 1997 20 Year Reunion

The Class of 2002 came together for their 15 Year Reunion at the Young George, East Fremantle on Friday, 19 May 2017. With a number of new babies born and due for this year group we were delighted to see you all together again as the next generation of Old Saints continues to gather momentum!

On Friday, 16 June, the Class of 1997 reminisced at the Young George in East Fremantle. It took them no time at all to start laughing at school day memories!

Thank you to all those who attended: Aleisha Anderson, Sian Angel (née Morgan), Danielle Baker (née Synen), Alex Beilby, Gemma Brogden (née Peters), Ashlee Cross (née Martinson), Ashlee Cunningham (née Ruthenberg), Erin Furness, Adam Hogg, James Howie, Thomas Kooy, Petra Simojoki (née Lushey), Naveen Mahendran, Kyla Ringrose (née Smith), Christopher Stibbs and Claire Webster (née Fisher).


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Thank you to all who attended: Claire Booker, Brendon Dunlop, Jacinta Dunlop (née Cubitt), Kathryn Engelter (née Adams), Christopher Gray, Taryn Hansen (née Jones), Leah Hayes, Maleny Jacobs (née Street), Meghan Mattiaccio (née Grant), Alexander McConville, Dani McDonald (née Green), Felicity Munro (née Fletcher), Karen Nelson (née Nichols), Janelle Osenton (née Booth), Kelly Parks (née Heuchan), Kathryn Pitts (née Nunis), Kathy Potter, Melissa Rainey, Merrilyn Richards (née Booth), Alex Robertson, Georgia Stafford (née Clark), Karri Steele and Lisa Tibbits. Former staff member, Pat Tyrell and Alumni & Promotions Officer, Mary Thornton, were also in attendance.


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Class of 1992 25 Year Reunion The Class of 1992 had no problem recognising each other again, 25 years since they left ASC. They were reunited at the Young George on Friday, 1 September 2017. Thank you to all those who attended: Julia Alexander, Katie De Jong (née Third), Jeffrey Docking, Liz Du Guesclin, Genevieve Eddison (née Gimblett), Katherine Ellery (née Kent), Christopher Fowler, Cher Gibellini, Nicole Ho (née Heng), Natalie Keenan (née Cossill), John McConville, Kristen Nowak, Katherine Pilmoor (née Forster), Michelle Richardson (née Rooke), John Riches, Melissa Templeton (née Frodsham), Samuel Tribe and Tania Wild (née Jackson). Former staff members, Marilyn Knox, Mark and Pam Stapleton, Robin van Dongen and Alumni & Promotions Officer, Mary Thornton, also attended.

Class of 1987 30 Year Reunion On Friday, 15 September, the Class of 1987 reminisced at the Young George in East Fremantle and within minutes of the event starting it sounded as if they had never been apart! It was great to see so many of you there, particularly Bec Craig who flew in especially from South Australia for the event. Thank you to all who attended: Alistair Monson, Angela Allan (née Walmsley), Bec Craig (née Morgan), Benjamin Heuchan, Catherine Houden (née Riches), Craig Palmer, Damon Smirke, Elaine Daniels (née Gibson), Elizabeth (Siân) Halliwell, Emily Murphy (née Coxon), Fletcher Barr, James McNeill, Jane Cook (née Hunter), Jeanine Halley (née Bronwasser), John Redman, Jon McWhae, Justine Gilmour (née Jordans), Paul Gardner, Peta Evans (née Wright), Robert Trinder, Ruth Darch (née Edwards), Sarah Gray (née Geary), Sascha Gardner (née Brand), Vanessa Mansfield (née Cooper), Wayne Blazejczyk. Former staff members, Léonie Kirk, Marilyn Knox, Anthony Radich, Peter Simpson and Mark Stapleton, along with Alumni & Promotions Officer Mary Thornton, also enjoyed catching up with the Class of 1987.


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DoveTAILS Volume 12 | october 2017


ASC Futures Expo

Profiles on Expo speakers

Held on Tuesday, 26 July the 2017 Futures Expo was well-supported by Old Saints who chatted with Year 10 students about their chosen career path in a relaxed and informal setting.

Michael Millett (2010)

Thank you to the many Old Saints who so generously gave up their evening to help students gain a better understanding of the wide selection of career choices available at the annual ASC Futures Expo. This year the event was held in the stunning Years 5/6 building. The students commented on how rewarding it is to talk to Old Saints who provide honest, down-to-earth, facts about their various careers – not just the ultimate rewards, but also the pitfalls and diversions they may have experienced along their career journey. The knowledge they share with current students is invaluable and the Old Saints represented a diverse selection of careers. Simon Acomb (2010) - Accountant (Audit), Mark Balding (1988) General Manager - ICT, Louise Biggs (2010) - Paramedic, Gemma Brogden (née Peters - 2002) - Teacher, Shaun Choo (2001) - Digital Advisor, Mathew Collings (1998) - Associate at Resource Capital Funds, Shannon Davies (1999) – Law Partner at Solomon Brothers, Brad Franklin (2006) - Mining Engineer, Mt Whaleback, BHP, Luke Harris (2006) - Planning Officer, Casey Hogue (2011) - Emergency & Critical Care Veterinary Nurse, Nicole Koch (2009) - Physiotherapist, Jordan Korol (2012) – Medical Student, Ashley McPhail (2012) Youth Worker and Volunteer, Michael Millett (2010) - Draftsman, Tim Oliver (2003) - Software Engineer at Realm, Kathryn Osmetti (2011) - Makeup and Special Effects Artist, Angus Penno (2002) - Oil and Gas - Concept Engineer at Shell, Philipa Seth (2011) - Physiotherapist, Xander Sinclair (2007) - Graphic Designer, Cam Steinsvaag (2013) - Student and Intern at TechnipFMC, Alasdair Taylor-Newman (2008) - Senior FX Consultant, George Tyler (2009) - Occupational Therapist and Meagan Wood (2007) - Nurse and Midwife.


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After completing his Masters of Professional Engineering in Mechanical Engineering at UWA, Michael’s interest in Biomedical Engineering led him to complete a thesis on a novel solution to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm rupture prediction (primarily based on mechanical engineering analysis).

Casey Hogue (2011) Having always had a passion for animals, Casey completed a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing before working as a GP Vet Nurse. The opportunity for her to develop her career became available and she now loves working in the area of Emergency and Critical Care.

David John (2004)

Old Saints can play an invaluable role in offering work experience placements to students within their own business or the company/ institution in which they work. Year 12 student, Ryan Claridge, was fortunate to be placed with David John as a mentor at Mel Maria Primary School recently. Futures Coordinator, Grace Itzstein would be delighted to hear from you if you can help with work experience: grace.itzstein@allsaints.wa.edu.au

Oliver Kingsnorth (1999)

Angus Penno (2002) Angus has worked in the energy industry with Shell for the last 10 years, mainly on Gas/ LNG processing. After spending time working in Geelong, Aberdeen and Norway, Angus has returned home to Perth (with his wife, Justine, and their two young children) as a Senior Concept Engineer.

Oliver enjoyed a quick tour of the College campus when he was in town recently. Having spent the last 10 years living in Wellington, New Zealand, he has just started a new job at Silvester Clark, a small local company that focuses mainly on structural engineering.

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Old Saints’


Bianca Suban (née Monaco, 2004) Geoff Lee (2002)

Bianca and Nick welcome Jack Suban 28 June 2017 SJOG Murdoch Hospital 3.045kg

Glenn Angel (2002) and Sian Angel (née Morgan, 2002) Glenn and Sian welcome Darcy Edward Alexander Angel 5 June 2017 2.39kg 49.5cm


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Geoff and Sophie welcome Tristan Archie Lee 27 May 2017 3.655 kg 51cm Baby brother to Edmund

Kirstin Lopdell (née Osmetti, 2002) Kirstin and Caleb welcome Solomon Robert Brian Lopdell 23 February 2017 at 4.15pm 3.54kg 51cm

Erin Kerr (2003) Congratulations to Erin and Jim Harvey on their engagement. Family and friends celebrated at Ramon’s, Willow Pond, on 15 April 2017. Erin and Jim are looking forward to their upcoming wedding on 20 January 2018 at the Burswood on Swan.

Pip O’Meara (née Lambert, 2006) Pip and Ben were married on 7 January 2017. They began their married life in an Orphanage in South Sudan. Ben had already spent a year doing Missionary work in East Africa. Pip and Ben’s new initiative is a not-for-profit gym, Power to Empower, in Jandakot.

Matthew Goor (2006) and Amy Goor (née Prentice, 2006) Matt and Amy’s eyes hadn’t come together until they shared Mr Kealley’s English and Mrs Turner’s History classes in Year 12! After their TEE exams had finished, their dating days started. On 19 November 2016, 10 years and two days from when they first started dating, Matt and Amy married under the trees and sunshine at Bay View Park, Mosman Park. Groomsmen, Adam Goor (2007), James Goor (2015) and Joshua Wasley (2006) and Bridesmaids, Rebecca Prentice (2008) and Caitlin Frank (née O’Neill 2006) officiated. It was followed by a reception at Little Creatures in Fremantle where family and friends were entertained by Master of Ceremonies, Luke Harris (2006). Old Saints’ Tegan Miller (2006), Luke Hosking (2007) and Alexander Sinclair (2007) were also among the guests.

Kimberley Wilkinson (née Ashton, 2009)

Alison Hutchings (née Dempster, 1999)

Kim and Luke were married on 25 March 2017 at Mornington Springs, Harvey. Luke proposed to Kimberley in Savannah, USA while road tripping through the States in July 2016.

Alison and Michael met on St Patrick’s Day in 2012 and were married on 28 January 2017 at Royal Randwick Racecourse. No wedding would have been complete without their faithful dogs, Baxter and Oscar!


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Adam Goor (2007) Adam and his wife, Jen, found a silver lining on a seemingly grey cloud when they set about collecting donations of children’s toys and books. They did this in memory of their nephew, William, who would have had his first birthday on 28 August 2017. On this day Adam and Jen donated the gifts to the Department of Child Protection in Armadale which will be gifted to foster children at Christmas.

Old Saints’ Scholarship Winner Congratulations to Oliver Wright (Year 6), son of Adrienne (née Hartley 1986), who received the Year 7 Old Saint Scholarship for 2018. Students are not academically tested, however they must demonstrate leadership and commitment qualities either through sport, community group or club involvement and be the child of an Old Saint parent.

We’d love to hear from you Recently married? Started a family? Graduated from university or travelling the world? Whatever you are up to we’d love to hear from you. Email the Alumni & Promotions Officer: mary.thornton@allsaints.wa.edu.au and share 13

details of your career, life and photographs.

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Lauren Huddy (2015)

Cameron Kerr (2001)

Earlier this year Lauren joined a team from the International Surf Life Saving Association (ISLA) and was deployed on a mission to Pangandaran, a remote part of Java in Indonesia.

Congratulations to Cameron who recently received his Captain’s Wings in the United States. Cameron and his wife, Kate, live in Traverse City, Michigan and his trips always start in Detroit and take him anywhere as far West as North Dakota and all the way to the East side of the US. Cameron works for Endeavor Air (a regional airline owned by Delta) which operates all the way up and down the East coast, from Montreal and Ottawa down as far as Florida and Georgia. He also instructs trainees to fly the 1954 PiperSuper Cub on floats.

Theodore Kenworthy-Groen (2014) Theodore was awarded a scholarship to participate in the 2017 UCLA Study Abroad program run by the Perth USAsia Centre at UCLA. Theodore enjoyed lapping up the Californian sunshine: “The psychobiology and integrative medicine courses I studied were part of Summer Session A. I must say the integrative medicine unit was a blast. From numbing acupuncture to zapping TENS units and then to calming Tai Chi and back again, complementary and alternative medicine presents itself as an exciting field to embrace. Squeezing everything LA and American College has to offer into six weeks was a challenge, but no doubt an enjoyable one that really sold the merits of studying in the United States,” Theodore said.

Declan von Dietze (2011) Congratulations to Declan on breaking the record for the fastest officially recorded time taken to complete the 1,000-kilometre Munda Biddi trail on a mountain bike. Declan completed the ride from Albany to Mundaring in four days, six hours and 39 minutes, nearly a full day faster than the previous unofficial record.

He set out to break the record to inspire people to take up mountain biking. “It was a very tough, very long four days and definitely some of the hardest riding I’ve had to do.

Lauren joined other volunteers from around the globe in the training and development of local lifesavers. This extended volunteering shows an over and above commitment to delivering the messages of beach safety and the Fremantle Surf Life Saving Club mission of “Saving Lives, Building Better Communities.” “I am planning on heading back to Java this December to run another

program with ISLA and hopefully I will have raised enough funds to be able to take a defibrillator with me. Once I return from my upcoming trip to the Cook Islands conducting another ISLA project I can focus on my fundraising campaign.” Lauren said. Lauren has been nominated by her club to be a baton bearer in the Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton Relay. Lauren was nominated for her outstanding commitment to the Surf Life Saving cause, as well as her commitment and enthusiasm to the club and we wish her well in her endeavours.

Photo: Lauren is pictured far right

We’ve got the world’s longest [offroad] mountain bike trail here and after a few years of planning I am stoked to finally reach the finish of the trail and get to celebrate what I have done,” Declan said.

He completed the ride unassisted, sleeping on the ground about three hours a night and riding up to 20 hours a day. He was accompanied by a film crew, but they were not allowed to help him in any way.


Volume 12 | october 2017


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