Shannon Davies (Class of 1999) has initiated a scholarship for Brain Cancer Research after his son Ethan was diagnosed at 20 months old with a rare brain tumour, known as ependymoma, was wrapped around his brain stem and growing into his spine. He had surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment at Princess Margaret Hospital and recent scans show no sign of the tumour.
Bride-to-be Danielle Synen, soon to be Baker, joins bridesmaids Kyla Smith, Ashlee Cunningham and Ashlee Cross to vote at Shelley Primary School for the State Election on Saturday, 9 March 2013. Danielle and her husband Todd went to Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Langkawi for a 2 week honeymoon. Danielle, Kyla, Ashlee and Ashlee are all from the Class of 2002.
Shannon and his wife Christie-Lee established the Ethan Davies Scholarship for Brain Cancer Research in partnership with the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research. Since May last year, they have raised over $200,000 for the Scholarship. They require approximately $150,000 each year to keep it running. The first Scholarship will be awarded in 2014. The annual Scholarship will support the research of a trainee neurosurgeon at the Institute. Research will particularly focus on ependymoma. If you are interested in supporting the Ethan Davies Scholarship please email: Shannon practises as a Commercial Lawyer, primarily specialising in commercial real estate transactions and Ethan is now a big brother to twin sisters Charlotte and Jessica.
If you can spare an hour, or two please contact: Grace Itzstein on (08) 9313 9358
Andrew (Class of 2003) proudly stands next to his sculpture ‘Talking Heads’ which was recently installed on the Senior School Common at ASC. Andrew’s design won the 2008 City of Perth Youth Award and a prize of $1000 when he was in Year 12. The original brass sculpture is in the park on the corner of Thomas and Hay Street, Subiaco with a plaque in the pavement inscribed with his name. The College has since commissioned the second sculpture.
CAITLYN THOMAS Caitlyn (Class of 2008) is studying a double degree in Economics and Commerce at UWA and currently working in the Economics Department of UWA as a Research Assistant. During the past semester she has been Tutor in Charge for a second year Economics unit. Caitlyn is looking forward to going to Hong Kong next semester on a student exchange program. old saints newsletter
For these reunions to proceed, a Class Coordinator from each year group is kindly requested to help assist the event. If you are willing, please email: Alumni & Promotions Officer, Mary Thornton: mary.thornton@
20 Year Reunion (Class of 1993)
CHRIS JOHN PONDERS THE FUTURE before taking the big step!
Friday, 23 August 2013
Chris John (2005), brother David (2004) and Reece le Juge de Segrais (2005) spend a few moments pondering Chris’s future before he made the best decision of his life marrying Izelle Joubert, an ESL Primary School Teacher. Chris and Izzy married on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 at Bridgeleigh Reception Centre, Wanneroo before honeymooning in Bali. They met in Leonora when both were teaching.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Old Saints' Reunions in 2013
Friday, 26 July 2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013 - 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Last year we had over 23 Old Saints at the Career Expo and we are hoping that with your support to have even more people this year!
Keeping Old Saints Connected
15 Year Reunion (Class of 1998)
OLD SAINTS - WE NEED YOU! CAREER EXPO 2013 We need representatives from all occupations, but especially the medical and health professions, to advise our current Year 10 students.
CONGRATULATIONS to Susan Prout (née Sephton) (Class of 2001) and Andrew Prout (Class of 1998) on the birth of their son Harry Fraser Prout on Friday, 7 June 2013.
What are you up to? Got married? Started a family? Graduated from Uni or travelling the world? Whatever you are up to we love to hear what you are doing! Email: and share your career, personal life and photographs.
25 Year Reunion (Class of 1988) 5 Year Reunion (Class of 2009)
March 2014 TBC 10 Year Reunion (Class of 2004)
May 2014 TBC
SCOTT MAISEY (Class of 2002) married Dana
Roberts surrounded by Old Saints: Evan Litis, Max Ashford, Andre Winata, Damon Johns, Matt Evans, Ben Geling, Wes Lee, Trent Stead and sisters Tess (Class of 2007), Sarah (Class of 2010) and brother Jake (Class of 2004). They were married at UWA and had their reception at the Boat Shed, South Perth before enjoying a skiing honeymoon in Austria and France. Scott is a Civil Engineer and Dana a Lawyer.
Getting Married? Have you thought of using the All Saints’ College Chapel? Please contact: for further information. old saints newsletter
Street Address Ewing Avenue, Bull Creek, WA 6149 Postal Address PO Box 165 Willetton, WA 6955 Phone (08) 9313 9333 Fax (08) 9310 4726 Email
vol. 3, JUly 2013
From the Old Saints' President Petra Lushey Welcome to the third edition of the Old Saints' Newsletter for July 2013 All Saints' College has just launched a new website containing our own Old Saints' Facebook page where you can join your year group to start reconnecting with all your old school friends and get up-to-date information on upcoming Reunions! Check out – you can take a virtual tour around all the new buildings and go to Community/Find an Old Saint and click on 'Join Your Year Group.' The annual Careers Expo is on Tuesday, 6 August 2013 and we are seeking Old Saints to volunteer a couple of hours to share their chosen career path with the Year 10 students. First-hand knowledge is always extremely valuable and can inspire a student. Last year we were delighted that 23 Old Saints attended and spoke with students, on a one-to-one basis – this year we want more! Email the Careers Counsellor, Grace Itzstein, if you are able to assist. I would like to congratulate ASC Year 6 student Catherine Choong (pictured with sister Alison (Year 8) and brother Dean (Class of 2011, studying Medicine at UWA) who recently received the 2014 Old Saints' Scholarship. We wish Catherine the very best for the remainder of her education at ASC. Congratulations to Jemma Van Ryt (née Blenkinsop) (Class of 2003) and her husband Ben on successfully reaching the semi-finals of a very public renovation of their home on Channel 7’s House Rules! It certainly looked like an exciting adventure to be part of and their house has received an amazing transformation. JOIN YOUR YEAR GROUP ON OUR NEW OLD SAINTS FACEBOOK PAGE!
Like the Old Saints Facebook Page and join your Year Group using the 'Join Your Year Group' tab! Congratulations to Rebecca Long (Class of 2010) for filling her whole Year Group in less than 30 minutes! old saints newsletter
OLD SAINTS star in the opening of the Centre for Performing Arts
'Together We Are' unveiled Students of the Class of 2010 attended the unveiling of the ‘Together We Are’ artwork by acclaimed Perth artist Simon Gilby in the Centre for Performing Arts on Wednesday, 17 April 2013. These exquisite pieces incorporated work by former students from the Class of 2010 who made the brass leaves.
Adam Mitchell (Class of 1996) and Deborah Ng (Class of 2007) joined Ernie Dingo and Minister of the Arts John Day to officially open the new Centre for Performing Arts on Thursday, 14 March 2013. Adam, an award-winning Stage Director wellknown for his inventive contemporary theatre productions, was MC for the evening. He is currently working at the Black Swan State Theatre Company and is a member of the Lincoln Centre’s Director Laboratory in New York, Artistic Director of The Performing Arts Perspectives and directs productions with the Musical Theatre and Classical Voice Departments at WAAPA.
5 Year Reunion: Class of 2008 On Friday, 17 May 2013 the Class of 2008 gathered at the Tradewinds Hotel, East Fremantle for their 5 Year Reunion. The former students welcomed the new All Saints' College Principal, Belinda Provis to her first ASC Reunion (Belinda - top right - with Jeanette Rose, Matt Cornish and Helen Aguiar). Thank you to those who attended:
Photo L-R: Louise Elscot, Amy Kirke, Melissa Liu, Simon Gilby, Michael Millett, Samantha Denford, Tzar Leonardi, Rebecca Long, John Blaxill, Daniel Costantin and Jaelle Wiedemann.
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Marcel Teschendorff and Patrick Hansberry (Class of 2008) are currently working with an Ecuador Government Ecology Volunteer program on the Galapagos Islands.
Aliesha Edwards (née Flottman) (Class of 1997) has young twins and is studying a Law degree at the same time! Melissa Evans (née Smith) (Class of 1997) is married and working as a Criminal Lawyer for Legal Aid. Briony Hills (née Whitmore) (Class of 1993) is expecting her second child after being in the WA Police for 15 years, of which she spent eight in Forensics.
Pianist Deborah Ng performed a breathtaking piano recital at the opening of the CPA. She is currently completing a Master of Music in Performance at the Royal College of Music in London. She has studied widely, at the University of Melbourne and the Australian National Academy of Music. Deborah has performed as a concerto soloist with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and Fremantle Symphony Orchestra Photos: Top R-L Adam Goor & Deborah Ng (Class of 2007); Mark Balding (Class of 1988) & Sonia Johnson (Foundation Class of 1985). Bottom L-R Gemma Peters (Class of 2002); Shawn Brogden (Class of 1995)
Caitlin Frank (née O’Neill) (Class of 2006) married a charming American man in January this year and now lives in Chicago. Ferris Xu (Class of 2009) won the Price Waterhouse Top Student Prize and has recently started work as an Actuary.
Mikki Armstrong, Kyle Beattie, Elise Bertoncini, Kyle Buchan, Jade Burton, Hannah Cauchi, Amy Chant, Taryn Clark, Mitch Collins, Matthew Cornish, Mathew Dalton, Ariana Davis, Emma Dolzadelli, Kelly Ellison, Duncan Franey, Jayden Franklin, Dillon Gorton, Tom Guthrie, Vasili Hatzis - College Captain 2008, Rachel Hatton, Andrew Hosking, Elliot Jameson, Nina Juniper, Kieran King, Emma Kroeger - College Captain 2008, Guru Kugananthan, David Laan, Seona Main, Natasha Mayer, Rebecca McCracken, Sarah McGeorge, Dane McKnight, Demi Migliore, Lauren Minosora, Jake Osborne, Bryce Parsons, Olivia Pickering, Natalie Pound, Aaron Rodrigues, Jeanette Rose, Ben Sashegyi, Alasdair TaylorNewman, Caitlyn Thomas, Rhea Thomas, Tahnee Vidler, Thomas Walkemeyer, Thomas Watt, Ben West, Natalie Whiteside, Alice Winton, Oliver Witschge, Brooke Yallop and staff members: Belinda Provis - Principal, Mary Thornton, Vanessa Browne, Greg Hill, Helen Aguiar, Jaelle Wiedemann, Mona Lingensjo and former staff member Erin Blair.
OLD SAINTS RETURN TO ASC AND STAR IN A FAZIOLI EVENING Violinist Kylie Liang (Class of 2001) and pianist Deborah Ng (Class of 2007) gave stunning performances at the Fazioli Evening in the new Centre for Performing Arts on Monday, 18 March 2013. Kylie began learning the violin at age nine and has gone on to achieve an outstanding career as a violinist. She has studied in Melbourne, Sydney, at the Vienna Conservatory and has performed as a soloist with the Geelong Philharmonic Orchestra. Since her return from Vienna, Kylie has resumed with WASO and has been acting in the role of Associate Principal 2nd Violin. old saints newsletter
BUDDING OLD SAINTS' SINGERS WANTED! DON’T BE LEFT STANDING! Were you in the Senior School College Choir or have you taken up singing since you left ASC? This year the College Music Concert will conclude with a mass SATB Choir item of alumni singing with the College Choirs and we are seeking Old Saints who would like to participate. The two concerts are on Thursday, 12 and Friday, 13 September 2013. The first of four rehearsals is on Thursday, 18 July - 6.30pm - 8.30pm. For more information please contact: Anette Kerkovius, Director of Music and state your voice type - soprano, alto tenor or bass:
This is your opportunity to leave a legacy of your connection with ASC by donating a tax deductible gift of $1000 towards a seat in the Centre for Performing Arts. Your contribution will be an investment in All Saints' College's future and one that will be remembered in years to come. To make a donation please email: old saints newsletter
DID YOU KNOW? - There are now over 50 Old Saints living in Victoria!
Maybe you are living near an Old Saint and never even knew it! Our new College Principal, Belinda Provis, is heading to Melbourne in early August for a conference and would love to catch up with you for a drink while she’s in town. Email: with your current contact details so we can advise you of the meeting time and place.dvise you of the meeting time and place.
SURVEY TO HELP OUR ASC STUDENTS FOLLOW THEIR DREAMS! We are inviting all Old Saints to complete a confidential survey which will be used by the Career Counsellor, Grace Itzstein, to assist in guiding existing students in preferred WACE courses and educational institutions: Destination_Survey
old saints newsletter