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On our way to being a climate neutral organisation
Our aim is to have reduced our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 30% by 2025 relative to 2018. We will compensate for the other 70% by investing in certified projects that are active in removing CO2 from the air.
This will make us a climate neutral organisation. Of course, this is not the overall and final solution. We will be reducing our emissions even more after 2025.
Because we have replaced diesel vehicles with electric alternatives, we used less diesel in 2021. This has reduced our scope 1 emissions considerably. We were also able to reduce our gas consumption by 20.4%.
Replacing diesel vehicles with electric vehicles does mean that we used more electricity. This can be seen in the rise of our scope 2 emissions
Improving together
Only 0.74% of the total emissions at Allshoes is related to scopes 1 and 2. The other 99.3% arises from the activities of our manufacturers and partners (scope 3). We may not be the direct cause of these scope 3 emissions, but, in our opinion, they are still part of our impact and responsibility. We are working together with our suppliers and partners towards lower CO2 emissions. Our goal is to have reduced the emissions per product sold by 25% in 2025 relative to 2020 (scope 3).
The number of footwear items sold increased by 13.4% in 2021 relative to the previous year. This translates into rising emissions. However, the emissions per product sold have decreased. See the ‘Scope 3 emissions per pair of footwear sold.’
The primary reason for this reduction is that suppliers are using relatively less energy for the production of one pair of shoes. Furthermore, more environmentally friendly materials (= materials with lower CO2 emissions) were used in 2021.
“There is a great need for openness and honesty about sustainability among our suppliers and purchasers. Labelling products or developments as ‘sustainable’, whether relevant or not, without providing proper substantiation has given rise to much scepticism about the developments of sustainability within companies. Because we have made sustainability measurable at Allshoes, our actions can be properly substantiated and our performance is demonstrable. This ensures a clear story and, not unimportant, huge impact.”
2.6% 94.5%
Material production
Energy suppliers (gas and electricity)