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Energy at suppliers

We also encouraged our suppliers to reduce their energy consumption and to convert to renewable forms of energy. This has already had an effect. In 2021, the average amount of energy used for the production of one pair of shoes was reduced by 9.5% relative to 2020.

By the end of 2024, all suppliers must have converted to green energy. We monitor the annual energy consumption by our suppliers through our environment management platform (read the Ecochain section on page 40-53).

13 The data in the report concerns the following brands: Redbrick, Mr.Miles, Strövels, Grisport, Reebok Work, Vismo, Eurofort, ToWorkFor and Sika.

Walking on sunshine

The roof of the factory of our Italian producer Grisport, where all Grisport models are produced, holds at least 15,000 m2 of solar panels. That is the size of two football fields. This field of solar panels produces 70% of the power needed for production. The factory also has 700 m2 as a ‘green roof’. An internal microclimate has been created to help fight pollution.

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