Dealing with complaints

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PASSENGER GRIEVANCES EXERCISE Why do airline passengers complain?

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 1. Flight problems Air travel is not always reliable. Customers can often encounter flight problems or cancellations, delays, misconnections, or any other deviations from schedule with or without warning from the airline.

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 2. Baggage Even if you make it to your destination on time, there's always a chance that your baggage won't. Passengers complain about lost, damaged or delayed luggage, charges for excess baggage, carry-on luggage problems, and difficulties with airline claims procedures.

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 3. Reservations, ticketing, and boarding Getting your ticket right is an important part of traveling by air. Airline mistakes occur in the areas of reservations, customers obtaining their tickets, and passengers boarding the plane.

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 4. Customer service Unruly, rude, and unhelpful employees can be a problem in any business - and airlines are no exception, as evidenced by the complaints about poor cabin assistance and treatment of delayed passengers. Passengers also complain about poor airline food

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 5. Refunds What happens if you miss your flight or want to switch to a different one? Sometimes it's not so easy. People often complain about obtaining a proper refund from an airline for unused or lost tickets or fare adjustments

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 6. Disability Despite the fact that some airlines provide disability awareness training for their employees, many people still complain about issues related to people with disabilities

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 7. Oversales It's a problem most people probably don't worry about when they reserve their tickets, but it seems that many air passengers still have to deal with overbooking on airplanes.

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 8. Fares Air travel can be expensive, and where there are high prices, there are bound to be complaints. Passengers complain about incomplete information about fares, discount fare conditions, overcharges, and the cost of fares in general.

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 9. Other There are countless "other" problems that customers can come across when traveling, such as problems with security and bodily injury, but the most common are complaints in the realm of frequent flyer miles.

TOP 10 PASSENGER GRIEVANCES 10. Discrimination Not including discrimination complaints related to people with disabilities, there are usually many other types of civil rights complaints lodged against airlines.

PASSENGER GRIEVANCES EXERCISE What shouldn´t you do if ever presented with a passenger complaint?

PASSENGER GRIEVANCES  Ignore anybody  Sigh or Tut  Roll your Eyes  Discuss Passengers or

personal lives within Earshot

 Blame Others  Argue  Get Angry  Turn your Back on a pax

PASSENGER GRIEVANCES Stay Calm Apologise Show Interest and empathy by listening Clarify by repeating the Grievance Acknowledge the Problem and walk away Use the Passenger’s name Suggest Solutions Take Action & Follow Through Thank the Passenger for the opportunity to help  Make a good will gesture  Listen to their feedback         



 Body Language

 Understand

 Tone of Voice

 Eye Contact

 Look The Part

 Be Sincere

 Listen  Smile

HOW AM I BEING PERCEIVED?  Am I Listening?  Am I acting Interested?  Is my Body Language right for the Occasion?  Is the Tone of my Voice correct for the Situation?  How is my Appearance?


 Learn From Others  Take Pride in your Work  Be Enthusiastic  Be Tolerant  Be Willing to Change  Co-operate with Others  Keep a Sense of Humour


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