Fall 2013 Individual taks_ Søvika Water research center Almudena Ruiz-Giménez Úbeda
Almudena Ruiz-Giménez Úbeda
Søvika water research center “Learning by doing”
Attracting social capital The central premise of social capital is that social networks have value. Social capital refers to the collective value of all “social networks” [who people know] and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other [“norms of reciprocity”].
Using higher education as a driver to attract socialcapital, and as a tool to break the conventional segregation of age groups.
Søvika valley actual situation 4
London educational environment 5
Educational buildings Sandsli, Bergen
Sandsli only has kindegarten and elementary schools. After elementary school kids and teenagers have to leave the area. There is no common area for educational activities that can bring people together.
Kindergarten - Elementary Scool.
Distance education 0,5 km
Around Søvika valley leisure, recreational
Every educational building in Sandsli is closed island seperated from the outside. not taling advantage of the site qualities is a waste, there is also little interaction between different age groups. Each school building has its own cantina and playgrounds, none have sports facilities , leading to them having to move to the “Sandsli” sport center through a busy area for vehicles. The current situation of being a pedestrian is privileged and safe for the presence of children. The goal with the intervention in the area near the lake is to become an attraction for the educational buildings in the area.
Educational building around the valley.
Study1:Kindergarten environment
Study2: Fuji Kindergarten, Tachikawa Tuzuca Architects, Tokio, Japan.
Not potential of growth because of lack of space. Residential environment: Not potential of growth because of lack of space; industrial environment: close to the road, danger situation for kids; green environment: growth potential and posibility of breaking the existing barriers nature.
The second example is a kindergarten in Japan. The conclusion from this example was to analyse the operation of this kind of spaces designed just for an expecific age. 560 children. 1094.83 m2 building area.
Study3: Science Campus Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. The first example is the Science Campus in the University of Madrid. The goal is to show the organization and hierarchy of the buildings inside of the same educational level. In the 30s, began the project in University City in Madrid, by architect Modesto Lรณpez Otero and Bravo (director of the School of Architecture from 1923 to 1955). The idea was to bring a city like Madrid Modern city concept for students with all the powers together in one area surrounded by greenery. The urban structure consisting of a central axis, Avenida Complutense, and its tributaries, roads that connect to the faculties.
MTM architects were in charge of the design of this new building. It was opened in 2006 after three years of construction. Due to regulations, the building could not exceed 9 meters high, which is why so to collect the full program decided to include an underground part. The building area is 5,600 square feet, 4 floors, 2 plan
The architecture to be seen in buildings is classic, based on the constructions herrerianas of the Spain of Philip II, and ignoring the currents of modern European Mies and Le Corbusier. The building Pharmaceutical Laboratories is part of the University Complutense of Madrid. Located in an area marked by the presence of three great powers built in the 30s, Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry. The labs are part of a secondary group buildings which surrounds these three faculties.
Study4: Research center. Workspace + Education Moorhead Environmental Complex
Pond Educational building:
.208 m2
Artificial Wetlands gardens: .60-70 m2 Science building / Library:
.682 m2
.72 m2
Natural Wetlands gardens: .432 m2 Green house:
.306 m2
Storage building: .1032 m2 (24mx43m) Rain gardens:
.405 m2
Connection between different functions Science Campus_Madrid University. All the elements are connected with each others by a common volume.
Kindergarten The different programs in the building create a closed circle.
Research centre The connection between the programs depend in each other. The Spine.
Bergen centre
Søvika valley
New centre development with bybane
Flesland airport Sandsli
New centre development with bybane
Bergen centre Science Bergen university
Flesland airport
_Regional Level
_District level
Science research center of the university
Companies interested in the research
in Bergen. The university of Bergen is a cornestone of European Maritime science. It has supported research in water science extensively.
Sandsli companies
and influence of the oil extraction and the affect in theWW water. New talents and start-up.
_Local level: Revitalization of the Valley. Conexion with the different cuarters Revitalizing the valley will attract the residents and schools in the area.
The site The site is located at the end of the gtreen corridor, it contains high quality landscape and water features, however the area is neglected and abandont. The valley is also with proximity to the fjord to the East.
Water posibilities
Green space Pedestrian area
Pandora analisys
Qualities of the area. 20
The Valley
Interactions with water
the project is located in the Eastern edge of the Søvika valley. The water becomes the attractor. the project take advatage of the water elemnts in the site through education and workspaces.
Lake Wetlands River Valley
“Learning by doing�
Green Values Act as the catalyst to promote and facilitate sustainable and better
Education Create a diverse and evolving learning ecosystem.
Learning with the water
Water research centre Situation plan
The “Søvika Valleyâ€? research center is a place for recreation, education and working. It also contribute to a sustainable environment, combining green design and water. Water is one of the qualities of the site and will be incorporated in the design concept. The small river offers the potential of running water on the location, slowly floating towards the main axis of the Research center. The water basins are situated on different levels and offer recreational settings. A coherent green and water structure will be the strong fundation for the development of the Research Centre. The park has a strong identity based on the presence of water and the interaction of it with architecture. To create a park that forms an entity it is important that the different elements are connected The water will be used in the research centre in several ways; in a spatial way, creating some distance and views in the park; in a functional way, being places where the rainwater can be collected and provides life to the rain garden; and in a poetic way, reflecting skies and reflecting artificial light in the evenings. the layout will foster a safe places for children playing, enjoying and learning with the water.
Plan site
New mobility system
Pedestrians area. Following the river creates another direcction that brings reachners to the area.
Søvika farm
Creating a connection with the water and its qualities (wetlands, river, lake).
Sandsli Center
Residential area 28
Scenarios Possibilities of combination of the volumes, scale 1:500
Revitalizing the river and protecting by densifying.
The Spine. Two main directions and the growth occurs around the two axes.
Grid system obtained from the educational buildings analysis 30
Revitalizing the river and following the path.
Scenarios Possibilities of combination of the different elements and the water
Grid 12x12 m. The grid is determined by the direction of the River and the direction of the path.
Connectors/Platforms that allow the circulation.
Integration of the water with the different buildings
Building growth. Combination of different programs.
Adapting to the landscape The final placement of the buildings adapt to the landscape.
E:1_1500 34
The courtyard
Directions, river and path. 35
Plan and section site E:1_1000
Assembly The combination of the main elements: walkways, buildings and gardens.
Wetlands Gardens. Bigger size and wildness growth of vegetation. Def: A wetland is a land that is saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally, such that it takes on the characteristics of a distinct ecosystem. Rain gardens. Controled gardens for research. Def: A rain garden is a planted depression that allows rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas, like roofs, driveways, walkways, parking lots, and compacted lawn areas. This reduces rain runoff by allowing stormwater to soak into the ground (as opposed to flowing into storm drains and surface waters which causes erosion, water pollution, flooding, and diminished groundwater).
Ground plan E:1_500 40
Buildings organization Plan site 1:1000
Science_Research buildings .Workspaces, meeting rooms,
Public building
.Library, Exhibition area, Administration, Auditorioum, Workspaces.
Green House
Axonometric E:1_500 42
Circulation through the buildings Integrating the path 44
Ground level E:1_500 46
First level E:1_500 47
Buildings organization Transversal Section 1:200
First Floor
Ground floor
Buildings organization Transversal Section 1:200
First Floor
Ground floor
Buildings layout Longitudinal Section 1:200
First Floor
Ground floor