THE LIBRARY COURSE Master Course Fall 2012 Almudena Ruiz-Giménez Úbeda
master course BAS aug_dec 2012
Library Course The course consisted of 20 students from 4th and 5th yeae. The aim was the design and construction of the school library in a semester . The course started from scratch in an open space but limited area by the existence of foundations, including the design and construction of a new floor, walls and interior. The goal was to create a space large enough not only for storing books, but also to achieve a workspace where students could concentrate without noise and movement characteristic of the school. The course was challenging for most students because most had no knowledge in the field of construction, and also an opportunity to come into direct contact with ladder and architecture. This master also served the students to experience both individual work and group work, closer to professional life.
Teachers: Cecilie Andersson (Architecture), Eva Kun (Art), May Elin Bjerck (Art), Jacob Schroll (building), Sigurdur Gunnarrson (construction/engineering), Harald Røstvik (sustainability). Workshop:Concrete elements (practical workshop at Skjold with betong Hasse) Seminars: Wood seminar in collaboration with KHIB, HIB and the county, Bricks and concrete seminar arranged by ‘Building without borders’. BLOG: 2
Scale 1:1
Concrete workshop The concrete workshop teached us how to use this material and understand/learn its function and composition. We designed three forniture elements for the library; one bench, one movible element and one group table. Our group of 6 people designed and created the group table. The idea with the table was creating in the library a space were groups of people could work together. The workshop lasted one week and some weekends during the year.
Teacher: Eva Kun
Reading Space Task: create your personal reading space in scale 1:1.
Floating, the sensation of being higher than the rest of the world, creating a relaxing situation, the perfect space for reading. Variable structure that allows the person to adapt the position until they are confortable, when you are reading, you get tired of being static, you need to move.
Teacher: Eva Kun
Light texting How does the light influence in architecture?
With this workshop we were able to experience the influence of the light in the environment. First we started with small scale elements like a book and the change of their aspect because of the light. The second part of the workshop we worked with construction materials and the influence of the light in them.
Teacher: May Elin Bjerck
Epoxy workshop Texting with the floor was an interesting exercise. The first idea was using epoxy as the material for the floor. After texting with it, we realized that it wasn´t the best solution looking at the future. The material was not as strong as we though.
Scale 1:1
Fjarland Trip Fjærland is the district surrounding Fjærlandsfjord, a branch of Sognefjord. Fjærland has 300 inhabitants, and is part of Sogndal municipality. The centre in Fjærland is Mundal, about 3 km from the main road, down the fjord. Most people in Fjærland are engaged in farming and tourism. In Fjarland we got in contact with the book stores by adding an element that would stay in a book for the next custormer to discovered it.
“La felicidad no es hacer lo que uno quiere, sino querer lo que uno hace” “Happiness it´s not doing what you want, is loving what you are doing”
Scale 1:1
Process The first months of the library course were focus on findig the best way to develop the design and construction. We went through numerous solutions and differents desings proposals. It was an important part of the course were the limits didn´t exist and we could propose creative solutions. After this first stage, we divided the tasks in four design groups: furniture, floor and light, outer walls and innter walls.
Furniture group
Floor and ligh group
Outwalls facade
Inner walls facade
Scale 1:1
Situation plan BAS is the School of Architecture in Bergen. The growth the school is experiencing school requires the creation of a library capable of responding to the needs of 180 students. The school is located in a privilaged situation in the north of Bergen Sentrum, in Sandvikens neighborhood. The school is an old factory which makes it special. Concrete architecture combined with wood structures in the inside.
BAS (bergen arkitek skole)
Bergen centre
BAS (bergen arkitek skole)
Scale 1:1
techical drawings
Library plan
Individual Silent work zone Storage Zone Group and magazines zone Copy zone Entrance
Group work
Inner Walls Quentin Colas Lina Maria Martin Bord Almudena Ruiz-GimĂŠnez Ăšbeda Double walls that spatially created a good connection to the existing massive wood elements in the school. Structure wood elements:
Entrance elevation
East elevation
Scale 1:1
Inner Walls Structure
Inner Walls composition The windows openings created a visual connection withe the outside of the school from the hall. This was one of the whises from the school students.
The group created a two layered wall that function as a sound-buffering wall for the noise coming from the halls. An important qualitie is the clean visual connection created by the big windows oppenings. The frames, structure and isolation for the windows was designed and built by the group. 3 vertical openings, windows 1.95m x 0.89m. Big opening creating the connection with the sea, windows 1.5m x 1.1m .
Scale 1:1
Windows appearence
Scale 1:1
Inside part of the wall
Scale 1:1
Outside part of the wall
Scale 1:1
Construction chronology
First approach with the construction field. Taking the existing walls in the space down. Cleaning the space, and learning from it. First direct contact with the foundations limits.
Digging in the floor. Taking away the existing one to create a new concrete floor. Creating the new floor with the different layers. This moment was when we saw that the library started to be built.
Structure of the walls. Using a wood structure to create the innes spine of the inside and outside walls.
Texting with the windows. The windows were not framed. The insolation and the frame was created and texted was created before christmas. The frame: wood, insolation and glass protection.
Closind the outside walls. The windows used in this walls were insolated. 2 of the windows allow the ventilation. Placed in the north and west facade.
Instaling the water pipes layer for the hitting in the flood. Covered the floor with the last concrete layer. Adding a membrane for the drying in christmas holidays time.
Starting with the shelves. The shelves are a steel structure covered by wood. The first stage in the creation was to cut and weld the steel pieces necessaries for the structure.
Closing the outside of the walls. Firs the structure was covered and closed by a membrane that would keep the isolation inside and after that the cladding was placed. Wood panels 5mm thick.
Inside part, clear and light plywood panels, 5mm thick. For protection the panels were painted with white-transparent tone.
All the walls are isolated with isopur. The isolation process was one of the last ones in the course.
Last layer of the floor, bamboo panels.
New light system. Arragenment of the glass and wood door, 2.5m heigh. Lifting ot he shelves inside.
Bringin chairs and books inside. The library opening was in August 17th.