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Food is essential for all functions of the human body. In particular, Organic agriculture is practiced under the principles of health, ecology, and care, all of which promote human wellness. Due to the environmental, health, and economic benefits of organic farming, Qatar should embrace organic cultivation methods. The thesis is about educating Qatari families and people interested in horticulture about growing toxin-free and organic crops. In particular, the case will deal with biological cultivation production utilizing hydroponic method, considering the characteristics of crops cultivated without chemicals and without involving genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The hydroponic system is growing plants in water reinforced with nutrients instead of soil. 1 The proposal aims to take people through three journeys, where in each joureney people will experincce the nissicety on healthy food and the simplicity of impleminting the hydroponic system to extract organic production. The hydroponic system is a sensitive method due to the exclusive water dependence, which can cause some diseases like Fusarium and Verticillium diffusion rushing through the system2. Therefore, interviewing Ashraf Arafeh, an expert in artificial intelligence (AI), Arafeh has collaborated the AI with the hydroponic system to simplify the cultivation process. Since the hydroponic system relies on the water, there are several questions that need to be asked regarding the diseases that water can cause and how to reduce theses microbocial disease. although, the hydroponic system requires consistent maintenance and monitoring, AI takes a very important role in controlling the maintenance and monitoring of the hydroponic system. As well, understanding the hydroponic environment requirements will help draw interior design characters for designing my thesis. Horticulture is a very difficult field here in Qatar due to the nature of soil, brutal climate3, and other reasons. Therefore, to get a better understanding of general plantation management and the obstacles that stand in the way of producing organic and local production, interviewing Mohammad AL-Khater will be one of the initial steps for this project. AL-Khater is one of the partners of Torba farm (a farm which produce local and organic production), benefiting from AI-Khater experience in farming will be the purpose behind interviewing him. asking him specific question about what are the obstacles that he faced to grow a healthy and sustanible crops, and how he was able to overcome theses obstacles. With regards to a doing precedent study , A tour of Torba Market and the farm will benefit from learning a proper interior design aspects for agriculture . Torba is a Qatar-based initiative that displays locally grown produce and artisanal goods from Qatar and abroad year-round4. The tour of the market will support qualitative information about the architectural and interior design characters of the building. The information will help in understanding the demands of the space that contains plants, like the installation materials, how the climate is controlled in the space, what are the electrical systems implemented in the space, how the building is oriented, and more. The tour of the market will benefit extract the negative and positive experience with agriculture, and these knowledge collected will assist in avoiding making the same mistakes and be aware of the obstacles that can stand in the way. A quantitive data will be elaborated from two books: “ Hydroponics: A Practical Guide for the Soilless Grower” by J. Benton Jones and “ Soilless Culture: Theory and Practice” by Micheal Raviv and J.Heinrich lieth. The books will benefit in extracting the initial information about how to practice a proper hydroponic agriculture. The books contain certain topics that will support the project such as, each plant demand a specific ratio of water and minerals. Identifying the ratio will help determine the percentage of water needed and minerals for a certain number of plants; this information will be involved in the design strategy to customize beds for the plants.
Shortage of food and produce is a crucial problem that is expected to rise in the coming years due to the economic, political, and environmental issues around the globe. Also, due to the high demand for food, the plant cultivation process has been altered to include the usage of toxins such as pesticides and chemicals and genetically modifying seeds. ( What Are Bio-Foods?) The thesis is about encouraging the Qatari families to adopt hydroponic systems in their backyard garden. planting in Qatar. In particular, the case will deal with hydroponic cultivation production, considering the characteristics of crops cultivated without chemicals and without involving genetically modified organisms. The hydroponic is one of the fastest growing methods, and there are other systems that can be involved within hydroponic system such as aquaculture. One of the fascinating parts of the hydroponic is the soilless part, which makes planting a clean and easy pursuit that can be activated at small home gardens. Primary research including questionnaires may accommodate people’s opinions toward planting. Furthermore, the hydroponic system can be investigated through later precedent studies.
Hydroponics for the Home Grower
Author: Howard M.Resh Year Published: 2015 Citation:
In chapter eight, the book highlights the sources of nutrients in soil versus hydroponics. The nutrients in the soil come from a breakdown of organic matter through microbial organisms and animal decomposition. Animals that consume organic matter of the humus of the ground excrete simpler forms of organic compounds. Later on, the compounds are decomposed into simple compounds by the microorganisms. Lastly, the release of inorganic elements into the soil water to form the soil solution brings these essential minerals in contact with plant roots, where they are absorbed. On the other hand, In hydroponic culture, plants grow in containers that are wrapped. These containers will sit on return channels underneath to collect the spent solution and recycle it or drain it away from the growing area. The nutrient solution passes the root and is distributed precisely near the plants’ base with a drip irrigation system. The nutrients sources for plants must be highly soluble and of high purity. Hydroponic suppliers handle many blends of nutrient solution due to the variety of plants, and each plant demands a different ratio of nutrients.
The book is relevant to the proposal because one of the most critical elements after water is nutrients. The hydroponics system demands nutrients to grow, and leafy plants require different nutrients from tomatoes and broccoli. To better understand