5 minute read
1- Utility and miscellaneous The occupancy classification of the utility and miscellaneous group will be implemented in the greenhouse and aquarium.
Regarding the (Neufert Architect’s Data Book)
Greenhouse Occupancy load is: 9 Area Sq.m: 264
The ventilation of a greenhouse should be considered and designed to near suites the temperature outside. About 20% of the roof area must open as a ventilation band or a single casement to achieve this.
For the insufficient natural shading outside or intense sunshine, sun protection will be necessary. The effect of external sun protection is more significant when the distance between it and the glass is large enough.
Aquarium Occupancy load is: 29 Area Sq.m: 137
The aquarium is one of the virtual spaces that people will go through in the building; therefore, it is important to consider people moving around the vertical transparent pipes that will hold the fish. (Refer to figure), the space between the pipes will be less than 1m.
Occupancy load is: 26 Area Sq.m: 35
The storage group’s occupancy classification will be used to determine the storage area used to store all the aquarium and hydroponics supplies. Most of the supplies that will be stored are equipment that will be used in the studio and equipment used to maintain and work on the hydroponics and aquarium—the height of the store area normally proscenium the height +2 m.
Fig. 7. aquarium area, the vertical pipes.


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