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Issue 1 / February 2009

News in brief: 1. New president – Great Start! 2. Burns Night – 14th year gathers more supporters than ever 3. Kyiv Hospital #2 receives new oxygen concentrators, new donations voted for 4. Lions PR strategy renovated

New president – Great Start! In the midJanuary 2009 Kyiv Lions Club President Curtis Bjelajac (BJ) started to make his mark on the Club.

The NEWSLETTER of kyiv lions club

Burns Night 2009 Burns Night 2009 was a spectacular evening with great food, lots of drink, and fantastic entertainment.

The guests enjoyed Ukrainian and international stars such as Mika Newton, Boney M and the famous rock band from Scotland, The Red Hot Chili Pipers, who rocked the house! The surprise of the evening was the performance of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk who delighted the public with a few of his most famous songs ‘unplugged’. The Golden Lottery added $25,000 to KLC funds and a new Mitsubishi Lancer X to the Commercial Director of Politik Hall Magazine Mikhail Karpov. Overall, the event is set to raise over $100,000 for KLC to be used in support of the needing in Kyiv and in Ukraine. On behalf of all the Lions and friends, we would like to thank Lion Stuart McKenzie and his team for putting together this fantastic event!

Curtis “B.J.” Bjelajac joined KLC in May 2007. Looking to increase his contribution to the Club’s activities, in April 2008 Lion BJ volunteered to take on the duties of the Club Secretary. The Secretary of the KLC is responsible for a large part of the administration of the Club, and with this increase in responsibility came a higher profile within the organization... p.2


Issue 1 / February 2009

The NEWSLETTER of kyiv lions club

Kyiv Hospital #2 receives new oxygen concentrators Kyiv Lions Club helped the All-Ukrainian Association of Palliative Care with $3,086 for the purchase and installment of two Millennium M5 Oxygen Concentrators in the palliative care ward in Kyiv city hospital #2.

KLC Board members have successfully put together PR strategy for 2009. The strategy was devised by Lion Martin Nunn, Head of the KLC Public Relations Committee, and his team from Whites Communication.

These oxygen concentrators are essential for the elderly patients with incurable diseases (cancer, heart and geriatric diseases). The equipment will help about 100 patients. The use of concentrators prevents complications in the cardio-vascular systems, brain and other important body systems. Therefore, the oxygen that has been made available to the patients will considerably improve and prolong their lives.

New president – Great Start! In mid-October 2008 Mr. Bjelajac was nominated by Lion Ken Nachbar, KLC Past President, to become the 2009 KLC President, and in midNovember 2008 the members of KLC voted unanimously to elect Lion BJ as President .


BJ holds an MBA in Entrepreneurial Studies and International Management from the Anderson School at University of California, USA, and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from California State University Long Beach.

Lions PR strategy renovated

Since 1999 BJ has been working as the Chief Financial Officer at the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU). The year has just started but Lion BJ has enough enthusiasm and a great team to master any complications and make 2009 a successful year for Kyiv Lions Club!

As soon as the board agreed on the strategy the team approached various media outlets and now KLC has eight media partners that will support the Club throughout the year. Among this media there are seven publications: Natali, Politik Hall, Kontrakty, Molod’ Ukraine, KP Media, Business Ukraine and Gallery; and UBC TV channels. Media Partners will join the Lions at the General Membership Meeting on March 16th where they will have an opportunity to present themselves and meet the members. They will also be presented with Media Partner Certificates signed by the President of Kyiv Lions Club.

2009 promises to be an exciting year for Kyiv Lions Club!


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