Have you ever imagined facing a squad of ninja fleas, or restraining a maned wolf in a fit of rage? Maybe saving a bow-head whale stranded on the beach? And what if that was part of every day life of a stray, would that help? And what if her sidekick was a rat? Even more, what if they found all of that through social network? Not even then? Well, that is what Goldie’s Adventures is all about: sustainable solutions through creative process. The missions shown each episode serve as a way for the public to playfully deal with conflicts that could come up in their real lives. Notions of fondness, ecology, sustainability, moral, ethics, educations, friendship, citizenship, prejudice, inequality, cooperation, and creativity. Get it? Let’s have fun and help Goldie make our community better place!
# Creative Process # Inclusive and Sustainable Values # Transmedia Universe
Albert Einstein has said that the problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the same thinking that created them. In my own free translation of that: think different! But how can we think different if we were conditioned to always have the same ideas, inside a box? Who will dare to think different and be called a fool, or snobbish? Humans are social beings, they want to be accepted. To do that, belong to a group, you have to have compatibility, similar behaviors and habits. You can only be accepted if you have common ground and it has been like that for as long as we know it. But, why? Because it is more comfortable that way. With time we stop wondering why and fall into automatic mode. Since it is easier, quicker, and less painful, we enter a comfort zone. After all, I’ve heard people say that thought are dangerous. They are dangerous because we do not allow ourselves to think different! Or because we were not motivated to do so, or because we do not want to leave this comfortable zone. However, if we did it would allows us to acquire knowledge and to evolve. More often than not, that only happens when we have a big problem, then it really is dangerous. But a problem like that is usually created by ourselves. That’s alright, after all, who says a problem has to be a bad thing? Problems are actually opportunities! They are opportunities for change, to do things differently. You only have to see it from a different angle. Goldie’s Adventures provide the tools to make viewers think and see conflicts from another angle, creating alternatives through creative process, showing that it is possible to teach someone to be creative, and that there is no mystery in doing so. We expect to show that creativity can be taught, learned, and used in every day life with the same applicability as math - a subject so famous for solving problems with logic. The choice of protagonist who is no an idealized figure did not come by chance. Most heroes of animated TV shows nowadays are unconventional characters.
Building the protagonist: Goldie is the archetype of the generous hero: she possess noble values, she feels for others, she puts other animals’ interests before hers, and treats everyone who needs help as her equal no matter what they are or where they come from. She is not afraid of a challenge. Her only fear is thinking that all of her hard might have been for nothing. Motivation: Been validated and accepted. Conscious desire: Help others righteously seeking the common good, doing something that others will remember her by, making friends. Seeking to help others to reach their goals, always trying to explain her motivation. Unconscious desire: Because she was outcasted at the beginning of her adult life, Goldie wants to be accepted and validated, all of her actions are, unconsciously, motivated by this desire. Clear change of reaching this goal: On every episode Goldie will have a chance to reach her goals as long as she can find a balance between her rational mind and instinctive soul, using moderation. Reaching a limit: For being brave and quick tempered, Goldie wants to set things right immediately. Instinctively at first, but her limit is reached and put to test when she has to hold herself back and analyze the problem through another angle, and, rationally, conquer her objective..
Identifying with the audience /Empathy: • Caring for others - When other animals need help, Goldie will help them, generating identification with the child, since it cares for your pets, stuffed animals. and toys; • Values - From Goldie´s attitudes, children will be identified by their qualities and values, humanizing them; • Projection - Because Goldie is a heroine and face various conflicts, the audience will admire her and even imitates there, wanting to have some of its features. Point of view / values: • Inclusion | To not have prejudice against those who are different • Courage | To not give up when facing a challenge • To be deserving | To deserve true friendship • Initiative | To not do something by themselves, to seek adult supervision • Respect | To give voice to those who wish to speak • Positivity | To believe in a solution, even to problems that seem unsolvable • Creativity | To look for different alternatives to the same problem • Perception | Problems can be opportunities • Up-to-date | To know what is happening the world through different media • Persistent | To never give up after being met with the first obstacle • Cooperation | To help and be helped without judgement • Kindness | To wish well to others and not expect anything in return • Honesty | To always tell the truth even if it is bad Basic characteristics : Quick tempered, just, brave, strong, agile, smart, happy, brute, docile, noticeable, loyal, crafty, active, expert, wise, friendly, freedom fighter, protective, moderate.
Building the supporting character: McCuddly is the archetype of the follower. He likes to be led and hates taking on big responsibilities or making difficult decisions. He believes in his capacity as the sidekick of the leader and considers himself useful when he is doing it. He is very easy-going, polite, restrained and rational. This character is also the comic relief of the series through his funny traits. As such, part of the emotional tone of the episodes and suspense scenes are soften, and seen under a different light. McCuddly feeds the story and it feeds him, making the story more dynamic and full of life. Motivation: Feeling safe and cared about. Conscious desire: repay all the love and friendship Goldie has given him, helping her so that all animals can solve their problems and have something to eat. Unconscious desire: By being loyal to Goldie, McCuddly does what he thinks is expected of him, and that, in retribution, he will always have a home and a friend, and never be left alone. He does not think he can survive alone, and is always looking for someone to lean on for support and guidance. He does not trust his own reasoning nor his judgment. Clear chance of reaching a goal: On all episodes McCuddly has a clear chance to reach his goals. Whenever he realizes other characters are in trouble and he has to trust his own opinion exposing them to the others or even taking action and directly influence the out coming of cases.
Reaching a goal: Because of his low self-confidence, on all episodes McCuddly is pushed to conquer his fears whenever he needs to express his opinions, which is fundamental for the rational resolution of episodes. Many times he is able to see a detail that had escaped the other character’s attention. Point of view / values: • Inclusion | To not have prejudice against those who are different • To be deserving | To deserve true friendship • Creativity | To look for different alternatives to the same problem • Up-to-date | To know what is happening the world through different media • Cooperation | To help and be helped without judgement • Kindness | To wish well to others and not expect anything in return • Loyalty | Effort and commitment towards Goldie • Friendship | To bring oneself closer and loyal to everyone one meets • Gratitude | To recognize and pay back all the assistance received • Love | Actions motivated by fraternal feelings Empathy with the audience: • Caring for others - McCuddly want to help Goldie to care for others, so the audience will identify with him, because children often want to help adults to care for other animals and toys; • Values - Since McCuddly attitudes, children will be identified by their qualities and values, humanizing them; • Projection - McCuddly wants to help in the missions, so the audience will identify with him, because not every child wants to be the leader, just be part of the adventure. Basic characteristics: Cowardice, weak, fragile, clumsy, foolish, loyal, crafty, distracted, tense, speaks too fast, shy, scared, fearful.
McCuddly finds out that some turtles have mysteriously vanished from the sea, and the main suspicion is kidnapping. After becoming aware of the situation, Goldie starts investigating the case with the help of a German Sheppard of the Federal Police. While they gather information at the location, they are nearly captured by the bad guys, but they are able to flee. When they get back to the QG, they use the creative process of Moodboard to elaborate a plan to end the illegal smuggling scheme. The protagonists conclude that they will need responsible human beings to properly resolve the situation and get the villains arrested.
After offering shelter to the a snake that had surrounded the Eden Hostel for days, Goldie finds out why it was out of its habitat. An illegal deforestation in an ecological preserve nearby is forcing wild animals to look for shelter elsewhere. Goldie and McCuddly decide to help their new friend to go back home. In order to do so, they will need to generate possibilities through the “what if” technique to develop a plan and stop the deforestation in the area.
In a hot summer morning, McCuddly wakes up incredibly itchy, and Goldie finds out he has fleas. When they go out, Goldie realizes he is not the only ones: many animals in the block have the same problem. Goldie removes McCuddly’s fleas e talks to one of them. The little flea tells her there is a plan to dominate all animals in the neighborhood. So Goldie uses the process of systematized inventive thought to find a solution for the problem, a treatment and the sterilization of the environment. However, to do that, Goldie will have to fight an arduous battle against a battalion of ninja fleas who will try to stop her in all possible ways.
Ao dar abrigo a uma cobra que há dias rondava o terreno do Hostel Éden, Pepita descobre o motivo dela estar fora de seu habitat. Um desmatamento ilegal em uma reserva ecológica perto dali, está obrigando os animais silvestres a procurarem abrigos em outros lugares. Pepita e P. Lúcio decidem ajudar a nova amiga a voltar para casa, só que para isso terão de gerar possibilidades através da técnica “e se” para desenvolver um plano e deter o desmatamento na reserva.
Via text message, Goldie and McCuddly are informed that many cabybaras have been run over: they risk their lives searching for food across a highway. Now little Goldie and her faithful helper McCuddly will have a tough nut to crack. They use the process of connections and analogies to create underground passages and passages under bridges and directing fences, preventing their friends from being run over and making it possible for them to search for food..
Goldie and McCuddly are going through difficulties due to the drought of the previous year, but via WhatsApp messages they find out there are other domestic animals going through tougher situations. There is few drinkable water, they are very tired and dehydration and respiratory diseases are eminent. Our heroes have an idea through the method of creating relations by crossing words randomly of elaborating an animation to be posted online with a list of guidelines of healthy routines that could meet the basic survival conditions of these animals.
Goldie is catching up on her friends’ lives in a news feed of a social network when she finds out that many dogs are organizing a mobilization to attack stray cats. Now Goldie has to run against the clock to prevent the bullying from happening using the method of putting herself in someone else’s shoes.
Goldie is listening to music on her cell phone when she gets a call for help via sound message: birds are suffering due to the strong heat caused by the greenhouse effect. They have a few suspects: cattle from the farm where they live, because cattle farming represents 16% of world emissions of greenhouse gases. When investigating the matter, Goldie finds out that the bovines are not the culprits, but the farmers who do not invest in improved pasture and balanced diets. So, with the help of the birds, Goldie uses the inversion technique to elaborate a strategy to improve the feeding of these animals and teach the farmers a lesson by setting up poop traps against them.
In a harsh winter, a sea-lion who is an informer to Goldie is carried by a current from the Malvines and has one of his partners killed along with fish that have been mysteriously asphyxiating in a beach. When investigating the cause of death, Goldie finds out that the fish eat domestic waste discarded in the oceans, mainly plastic bags. Aware of that, our heroine uses the creative technique of 360o analysis, generating different solution possibilities for the issue. The solution chosen is the creation of a fanpage with games at the school of the community with the purpose of making children aware of recycling and proper waste disposal. As a result, Goldie can teach future generations and influence the behavior of current ones.
EP. 10. STRAITJACKET OPERATION One day at night, McCuddly sees scary photos in a social network on his phone. They look like they had been taken from a horror movie. He shows them to Goldie, who soon finds out the photos show animals running away from a decontrolled rabic maned wolf. Goldie uses the creative process of nature observation to elaborate a daring plan, capture the wolf without getting infected e hand it to humans who can vaccinate it.
EP. 11. HEAVY LOAD OPERATION Goldie finds out on a social network that a right whale in reproduction period that was moving towards the beaches of Santa Catarina, in the South of Brazil, stranded in the shore of a beach in Rio Grande do Sul, also in the South of Brazil. Now Goldie and McCuddly have to run against the clock using the systematized inventive thought technique to come up with a way to move the whale before it stops breathing and being able to reproduce.
EP. 12. EPISODE – RABBIT IN THE HAT OPERATION Goldie and McCuddly are informed via social network that there is a mob of wild animals dealers smuggling European rabbits to be raised as pets. Now Goldie embarks on a risky adventure to stop the smuggling. She uses the process of putting herself in someone else’s shoes and disguises as a rabbit. She is captured on purpose so she can plot with the other animals about a way of escaping and disarranging the gang.
EP. 13. GOLDEN TAMARIN OPERATION McCuddly is liking some updates from friends on his timeline when he comes across a different, dark and shaky selfie. It is a baby golden lion tamarin who was kidnapped and is working as a slave in a circus. He is suffering abuse. Goldie and McCuddly promptly take the call and using the creative technique of defectology they create a trap to free the tamarin and take it back to its habitat.
The production schedule is based in the Gantt chart, due to the view feature, through the horizontal bars, the tasks and the interdependence among them, showing the time required for the fulfillment of each stage. Thus, it allows the designing of simultaneous phases, performance and commitment of the different work teams involved. For the production schedule of the series “Goldie’s Adventures”, in the moment that the project is found, a graph that does not address the description and dates of each task, but a wide view per episode is proposed. This option becomes the most appropriate, since it demonstrates in a simple way how to enable the project within 12 months, based on the simultaneous production of six episodes, with three teams (two episodes per team). Then, when the first team delivers its share of two chapters, it will be already available to start the fourth lot and the cycle goes on.
TRANSMEDIA UNIVERSE Goldie’s Adventures is part of a transmedia project that will be developed with other audiovisual products, mainly the feature film Golden Stone, and another television series called Éden - Haven of Heores and web series Goldie Puppy - all in animation. These stories will complement one another. The descriptions and summaries of the transmedia main audiovisual projects, especially the web series Goldie Puppy, follow below as well as a link where you can enjoy the promo with some concepts of the projects:
GOLDEN STONE Feature film Pedro lives in a dry and poor land in the co untryside of Brazil. He is a very imaginative and clever 10-year-old boy who dreams about becoming a scientist. One day, an outsider crosses his path and accidentally leaves behind a piece of paper with a secret content. It is the prototype of a machine that can produce gold. At this moment, Pedro's destiny changes forever: now, he has the opportunity to make his dream come true.
Eden – Haven for Heroes tv series
GOLDIE PUPPY web series / vod
Goldie, McCuddly and other charaters are from the series Goldie’s Adventures and many of the subjects addressed in the series will be the grounding for the composition of musical themes. The stories will be built on easy lyrics, catchy choruses, and repetitions.
Eden – Haven for Heroes is an adventure series in 2d cutout animation which features different professions throughout 13 episodes of 11 minutes. With comic tone, the series aims to show the professions through everyday problems that, day by day, are exposed in newspaper articles. These problems will be solved through the perception of Mr. Adam, a 50-year-old widower and owner of Hostel Eden, where he knows all the residents. Thus, Adam is able to identify the student of the right profession to assist him or her in every mission and to solve different problems.
U$ 839.500,00 U$ 537.280,00 U$ 83.950,00 U$ 218.270,00 U$ 1.679.000,00 U$ 32.289,70
U$ 30.000,00 U$ 45.000,00
Alopra Estúdio with this table presents its strategy for raising funds, leaving for the coproducer, at his country of origin, to collect the remaining 50% of the project's budget by his own means. Each coproducer will have exclusive rights in all negotiations in its territory. The rest of the territories will be divided according to the part's percentage over the project.
The following table is a simulation of the possible results in 7 years. Over the result in each year, the coproducer's participation is applied to simulate the proper profit.