End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL502 PPP Name: Alex Patrick Student ID: ap254841 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note - This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.) Learning Outcome
Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Storyboards, Development Sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)
Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
5A3: Demonstrate an informed understanding of professional context of their practice within the creative industries and cultural environment. (Knowledge & Understanding - Research and Critical Awareness)
This is evidenced in my blog posts where I have discussed how I would like to become a painter and how I am considering where and what my work fits in and on.
5B2: Identify and analyse the Discussed in blog posts focusing on my struggles challenges and opportunities with visual signature and finding a way I like offered by future working. developments within individually appropriate areas of creative practice. (Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)
5C2: Develop a body of work in response to a defined brief that effectively demonstrates professional working practices in research, planning and communications. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Conceptual Development)
Evidenced in my research and prep for my creative report, and my actual creative report
5D2:Employ a range of appropriate professional communication methods to record and present their own creative practice, concerns and ambitions. (Key Transferable Skills, Organisation,
Evidenced in blog posts