Complementary feed stuffs for livestock

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LEONARDO DA VINCI VITRUVIAN MAN The Humus Technology C omplementary F eed S tu FFS F or l ive S to C k
5 Products 6
About us
Humus in nAture
tHe Humus tecHnology
Vitapol pulVis
Vitapol suspension
Vitahorse suspension
FulVix pulVis
Ferropig pulVis
effect of feeding VitAPol to fArm AnimAls 10 imProVement of tHe immune system in breeding stocks witH VitAPol
effect of VitAPol on milk AflAtoxine content 13 VitAPol feed tests witH Piglets 14 VitAPol feed test - lAying Hen 15 t a
le o F C ontents



Our products containing humic acid is able to decrease forage use, improve general immune conditions and consolidate special toxic materials as well as positively affect a lot of physiological processes. The usefulness of the humic acidic products and the customers’ satisfaction is clearly expressed by the Animal Husbandry Prize received at the National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition of 2011.


Our Company is engaged in humic acid research for more than 15 years. Humic substances as natural biologically active polymer molecules are predestined as the "future" substances in the intensive agriculture. The basic raw material of our products is the globally unique high quality natural humic acid minerals (leonardite, peat) that is mined in Hungary. We use raw materials of exceptional quality to manufacture final products for animal breeding, for plants, for human health and for environmental protection.

We are producing raw materials, finished products


The virus adsorption and synthesis blocking effect in case of several RNA and DNA viruses as well.

Antibacterial and fungicide effects - It is a considerably fact that the effective dose of humates are far below that of the antibiotics

Immune system intensification

The effect of humates on microbes

Detoxifying effect

Oestrogen effect

Antiphlogistic effect




Humic substances are biological-chemical-geological decomposition products of plant origin. The largest part of the terrestrial biomass are composed of Humic Substances, which are the single most important source of continental biomass reformation. The beneficial effects of Humic Substances in Agricultural and Medical applications stem from their Humic Acid content.


The decomposition of the biomass of plant origin starts with a chemical-biological oxidation, during which the basic compounds of Humic Substances are formed from lignins, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, etc. Other parts of the biomass, such as proteins, cellulose and other carbohydrates decompose. Later in the Humification process most molecules undergo a transformation, that results in the formation of a quinon-hydroxi-carboxyl structure, then a polymerization. Under extreme conditions, if the deposits become exposed to water and air, the so-called re-oxidized coals are formed, which are termed as peat or „leonardite”. Only certain types of peat or „leonardite” deposits are utilized as raw material sources of high quality humic-acid-based products.

Good quality peat deposits are relatively rare. And among those, the best quality is mined in Hungary.

We use raw materials of exceptional quality for our production purposes. The Hungarian origin peat and leonardite deposits are of the best quality materials in the world. After careful selection and thorough physical separation of the raw material, we manufacture products for ecological farming and companies that require high quality humic acids for their formulations. By using our propriety extraction methods, we also offer different grades of purified humic acid and fulvic acid products ranging from soil conditioners and mineral fodders to the environmental protection industry and human medicine.

Humic and fulvic acids are organic complex forming molecules of exceptional vital effects that facilitate the uptake of microelements. They help the power generative and protective capacity and play a major role in detoxication.

The „fourpowers” of humic acids – effective uptake, biological effect, detoxication, natural product – surpass the traditional complex formers.

humic acid content Diamond FORMATION OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES Peat Time Brown coal Leonardite Black coal


Our Humus Technology products exclusively contain natural raw materials, natural humic/fulvic acids, minerals and micro elements. They contain minerals and micronutrients in an organic humic acid complex form, so they are easily absorbed in the digestive tract of animals, thus promoting the digestibility of feed and a better specific feed consumption. Humic acids as


blocks the absorption of several RNS and DNS viruses

has antibacterial, and fungicid effects

helps microelement intake, supports the micronutrients bioavalabity

participates in biochemical processes of the immune system

catalysizes the cellural energy producing processes

specular complex-forming capacity is larger than that of syntethic chelate formers

its strong chemisorbtive molecules can inactivate poisons/toxicants

they form stronger complexes with metals of a bigger molecular weight and evacuate toxic heavy metals

it’s appetitive, stops vomit and diarrhea.

As a result of the abovementioned effects it directly and indirectly strengthens the immune system,

due to its oestrogenetic effect it increases fertilisation effeciency and the number of live birth.

natural agents, are possible alternatives of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic preparations in many ways. Thanks to their unique composition our Humus Technology Products have a positive effect on every organism, it strengthens the immune system, and it helps the profitability of farming.


Enhances weaning weight, balanced litters

Decease mortality and use of medicines

Prevents and stops diarrhoeal illnesses

Improved feed utilization

Improved fertIlity percentage

Binds toxicants

Strengthens bone system and feathers

Absorbs ammonia smell

Makes Salmonella infection sparser

Reduces stress sensitivity

Induces sufficient blood Fe content

rarely occurs abortion, placenta retention and Obturator nerve paralysis

stimulates uterine involution, has a positive effect on oestrus, improves the fertilization index, facilitates fetal attachment, increases the number of live births

reduces calving interval

increases milk yield

reduces incidence of latent and subclinical mastitis, and somatic cell number reduction is expected

reduces the production reducing effects of heat stress

reduces incidence of footboard disease

strengthens the immune system


Vitapol ® Pulvis

Only contains natural materials. Binds toxicants and chemical residues. Enhances stress endurance. Its use results in a faster weigth gain and in a healthier stock. Decreases mortality.


Humic acids: 80.00 %* Phosphorus (P): 0.10 % Moisture: max. 20.00 % Sodium (Na): 0,10 % Calcium (Ca): 4.50 % Iron (Fe): 16 000 mg/kg Magnesium (Mg): 0.80 % Manganese (Mn): 150 mg/kg *in organic material

target SpeCieS: livestock indiCationS For uSe: Vitapol® mineral feed exclusively contains natural raw materials, natural acids, minerals and microelements. It contains minerals and micronutrients in an organic humic acid complex form, so they are easily absorbed in the digestive tract of animals, thus promoting the digestibility of feed and a better specific feed consumption. Humic acids as natural agents, are possible alternatives of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic preparations in many ways. Thanks to its unique composition Vitapol® has a positive effect on every organism, it strengthens the immune system, and it helps the profitability of farming. doSage: the average dosage is 1 % of the daily feed, 10 kg/t paCkaging: 25 kg paper bag

Vitapol ® Suspension

It can be mixed into the milk or milk replacer of calves or poured on the feed. For piglets serve on a tray on the first week. Strengthens the immune system and prevents diarrhea.

CompoSition: Moisture: 85.00 % Sodium (Na): 0.02 % Humic acids: min. 80.00 % Iron (Fe): 800 mg/kg Crude ash: 6,00 % Manganese (Mn) 18 mg/kg Calcium (Ca): 1,10 % Zinc (Zn): 8 mg/kg Magnesium (Mg): 0.10 % Molybdenum (Mo): 0,6 mg/kg Phosphorus (P): 0,02 % Cobalt (Co): 0,4 mg/kg target SpeCieS: calves, piglets indiCationS For uSe: Vitapol® Suspension is excellent for newborn calves and piglets. It prewents and stops diarrhea, and helps to create a healthy intestinal system. Based on farm experience, it can stop diarrhea of calves in 5-10 days. It contains minerals and micronutrients in an organic humic acid complex form, so they are easily absorbed in the digestive tract of animals. If used for prevention, you will have healthier and more resistant young animals. doSage: the average dosage is 100 ml/calf/day ont he first 30 days. For piglets, 100 ml/litter/day on the first two weeks. paCkaging: 20 kg bucket



Vitahorse ® Suspension

CHOOSE THE WINNER! Improved vitality, excellent race performance, wellbalanced and stabile neuro-system, reduced risk of injuries.


Moisture: 85.00 % Iron (Fe): 800 mg/kg Humic acids: 80.00 % Manganese (Mn): 18 mg/kg Crude ash: 6,00 % Zinc (Zn): 8 mg/kg


Calcium (Ca): 1.10 % Molybdenum (Mo): 0.6 mg/kg

Magnesium (Mg): 0.10 % Cobalt (Co): 0.4 mg/kg

Phosphorus (P): 0.02 % * in organic mater Sodium (Na): 0.02 % target SpeCieS: hobby and sport horses indiCationS For uSe: VitaHorse® contains exclusively natural raw materials, organic acids, minerals and micronutritives. The minerals and micronutrients are as an organic humat-complex form, so the bioavailability in the animal’s digestive tract are excellent. VitaHorse helps the availabilty of nutrients, so the effectiveness of the whole feed too. Humic acids help the power generative and protective capacity and play a major role in detoxication. If used for prevention, you will have healthier and more resistant horses. doSage: Mares: within 3-4 weeks before foaling, to have healthier foals born, and to improve the quality of milk. The daily intake is 2-3 dl/mare, add VITAHORSE suspension to the fodder. Foals: 1 dl/foal/day, mix it into the fodder. Race horses: starting 1 month before racing season, 2-3 dl/horse/day, add into the fodder.

paCkaging: 20 kg bucket



Strenghtens the immunesystem of honey bees, replenishes mineral and trace elements. The natural antibacterial, antiviral and fungicide effects of ImmunoBEE help the colonies in the battle against pathogens and stress factors.

CompoSition: Humic acids min. 9 % Calcium 0,10 % Magnesium 0,02 % Sodium 0,35 % Potassium 1,64 % Phosphor 64 % Iron 160 mg/kg Zink 5 mg/kg Manganese 21 mg/kg Selen 0,2 mg/kg target SpeCieS: bee indiCationS For uSe: Mineral fodder, administer it in water. Use it in spring and summer. For weak colonys, continuous feeding of Fulvo-BEE is proposed. doSage: 10-30 ml/10 liters water paCkaging: 1 l plastic bottle


Strenghtens the immunesystem of honey bees, replenishes mineral and trace elements. The natural antibacterial, antiviral and fungicide effects of ImmunoBEE help the colonies in the battle against pathogens and stress factors.

CompoSition: Moisture 83.0 % Magnesium (Mg): 0,025 % Humic acids: 11.0 % Phosphorus (P): 0,005 % Crude ash: 5.50 % Iron (Fe): 800 mg/liter % Potassium (K): 1.40 % Manganese (Mn): 15 mg/liter Calcium (Ca): 0,25 % Zinc (Zn): 10 mg/liter Sodium (Na): 0,20 % Copper (Cu): 1 mg/liter Selen 0,2 mg/kg Molybdenum (Mo): 1 mg/liter Cobalt (Co): 0,3 mg/liter

target SpeCieS: bee

indiCationS For uSe: Mineral fodder, administer in sugarsyrup or alone. Use it in spring and summer. For weak colonys, continuous feeding of Immuno-BEE is proposed. doSage: Mix 10 ml of ImmunoBee to 10 liters of sugar syrup (50% concentrate) paCkaging: 1 l plastic bottle





General health state of calves is especially important. The strength of calves' immune system determines the resistance against illnesses and the intensity of development. The preventive and therapeutic application of our products solves the following problems:

1) age: 1-30 days after birth

2) reason: to prevent or treat diarrhea and to improve condition

3) product: Vitapol Suspension

4) dosage: 100 ml/calf/day mixed into the milk, or milk replacer

5) expected effect: Given as a prevention, no diarrhea during the suckling age occurs. Condition of the calves will be spectacularly better (compared to their previous condition or to control animals). It can provide solid constitution, which is the basis for future production. If you give it to an already sick animal, approx. in 10 days spectacular improvements in health status can be seen, diarrhea stops/moderates.

Cows 1.

1) age: starting 20 days before calving until the end of lactation (300 days)

2) reason: binding aflatoxin

3) product: Vitapol Pulvis

4) dosage: depending on the level of aflatoxin in milk

a. 0,05 µg Afla M1 (50 ppt) 100 g/cow/day

b. 0,1 µg Afla M1 (100 ppt) 150 g/cow/day

c. 0,15-0,2 µg Afla M1 (150-200 ppt) 200 g/cow/ day

5) expected effect: 5-10 days after application of Vitapol, aflatoxin disappears from the body, M1 level in the milk remains below the limit. It does not have any side effects like clay or silica toxin binders. As an alternative, beneficial effects of Vitapol can be seen on reproduction and feed conversion, whose rate can vary depending on farm conditions.

Cows 2.

1) age: any age

2) reason: individual or population level diarrhea

3) product: Vitapol Pulvis

4) dosage: for 3 days 300 g/cow/day, then for 14 days 100 g/cow/day

5) expected effect: diarrhea stops on the fourth-fifth day and milk production reactivates

Milking cows

To exploit the generic capabilities of milking cows we have to supply the necessary energy, protein and fibers in necessary ratios. It is especially important to supply the appropriate amount of minerals, micronutrients and vitamins.

The general health state determines quality and quantity of milk so the high level of immune system has economical interest. Preventive application of our products ensures good quality milk with less medicine use.





The health state of piglets is especially important. Piglets weaned with a strong immune system grow faster and avoidance of diseases can be achieved. It is important to emphasize the future demand for the solution of oral-iron supply of newborn piglets.

Piglets 1.

1) age: after farrowing from day 1 to day 15.

2) reason: immune strenghtening, diarrhea, anemia,

3) product: Vitapol Suspension

4) dosage: 100 ml/litter/day, on a tray

5) expected effect: intestinal flora and intestinal villous develop sooner, they get quickly used to solid feed. Therefore a better weight gain can be measured at weaning and in the nursery stage. In the suckling phase, there is a measurable additional weight gain of 10-15 g/day, afterwards in nursery about 1020 g/day. Diarrhea at this age can be prevented, that can also result in weight gain. Because of its high mineral content, Vitapol Suspension is also an excellent supplement to prevent anemia.


Layers/parent couples

During industrial egg production, mortality parameters can be improved by developing a strong immune system and by preventing illnesses of the digestive system. Application of our products improves economic parameters even in case of high efficiency systems. The result of healthy birds with a high level of production parameters are achieved by mixing Vitapol into the feed. Breeding stocks and parents need special feed, due to the fast growing and large weight which are not the most important parameters. Moreover, the application of our products helps the development of a strong immune system to improve production parameters.

1) age: after 70 life weeks until slaughter. In case of moulting from the start of production to the end.

2) reason: After the last third of production and after moulting for improving eggshell quality, production intensity and feed utilization.

Piglets 2.

1) age: from weaning (21-30 days) until moving to fattening (90 days)

2) reason: to prevent diarrhea and to improve weight gain in the pre-fattening stage

3) product: Vitapol Pulvis

4) dosage: 0,8-1% (8-10 kg/t) from the prestarter and starter feed

5) expected effect: daily weight gain is 30-50 g/day higher in these 60 days. Diarrhea caused by weaning and feed change can be prevented or mitigated. (Depending on farm circumstances, drug costs can be saved.)

3) product: Vitapol Pulvis

4) dosage: 0,8-1% (8-10 kg/t) into the feed

5) expected effect: depending on farm conditions egg production and feed utilization improve mortality by 2-5% and the number of broken eggs reduces by 10-20%


Imrovement of immune system and productions parameters of breeding-stocks with vitapol®

We carried out our trial with COBB-500 chicken breeding stocks from Denmark. We analyzed the parameters of two experimental chicken-houses (15300 pullets and 2346 roosters) feed continuously with Vitapol and of two chickenhouses (18360 pullets and 2754 roosters) we used as control.

Both the control and the experimental groups got

the same basic feed (own excellent quality product controlled in our laboratory), and the same vaccines. Into the experimental group’s feed we mixed the Vitapol in 0,3%-calculated to the total feed-(from the 2nd week to the 21st week).

The experiment started at 25th of May, 2001 in Bakonypölöske, Hungary on the No. II and III. chicken farms of Gallus Ltd.


Effect of Vitapol on milk Aflatoxine content

1. Farm: - test time: 2013. february-march - average number of milked cows: 350 - total daily milk: 8 570 - average milk/cow/day: 24,5

Effect of Vitapol on milk Aflatoxine content

Monitoring of aflatoxine contamination of feed and milk on two hungarian dairy farms, before and after Vitapol treatment.

Monitoring of aflatoxine contamination of feed and milk on two hungarian dairy farms, before and after Vitapol treatment.

2. Farm: - test time: 2013. april-july - average number of milked cows: 1 100 - total daily milk: 29 550 - average milk/cow/day: 27,3

Effect of Vitapol on toxin content of TMR in vitro 0,4 0,6 0,8

1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 Aflatoxin B1 koncentráció (PPB)

Afla B1 (PPB) Afla B1 limit

Farm 1. aflatoxin B1 content in TMR during the test

Aflatoxin B1 koncentráció (PPB)

Aflatoxin B1 koncentráció (PPB)

Aflatoxin M1 koncentráció (PPB)

Aflatoxin M1 koncentráció (PPB)

Afla B1 (PPB) Afla B1 limit 0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,09 2013. 2. 21. 2013. 2. 23. 2013. 2. 25. 2013. 2. 27. 2013. 3. 1. 2013. 3. 3. 2013. 3. 5. 2013. 3. 7. 2013. 3. 9. 2013. 3. 11. 2013. 3. 13. 2013. 3. 15. 2013. 3. 17. 2013. 3. 19. 2013. 3. 21. 2013. 3. 23. 2013. 3. 25. 2013. 3. 27.

0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,09 2013. 2. 21. 2013. 2. 28. 2013. 3. 7. 2013. 3. 14. 2013. 3. 21. 2013. 3. 28.

Afla M1 (PPB) Afla M1 limit

1 1,2 1,4 1,6

Afla B1 (PPB)

Afla B1 limit

Farm 2. aflatoxin B1 content in TMR during the test

Afla B1 (PPB)

Aflatoxin M1 koncentráció (PPB)

Afla M1 (PPB) Afla M1 limit 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 2013. 4. 18. 2013. 4. 25. 2013. 5. 2. 2013. 5. 9. 2013. 5. 16. 2013. 5. 23. 2013. 5. 30. 2013. 6. 6. 2013. 6. 13. 2013. 6. 20. 2013. 6. 27. 2013. 7. 4. 2013. 7. 11. 2013. 7. 18. 2013. 7. 25.

Farm 1. aflatoxin M1 content in milk during the test 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8

0,000 0,010 0,020 0,030 0,040 0,050 0,060 0,070 0,080 2013. 4. 17. 2013. 5. 17. 2013. 6. 17. 2013. 7. 17.

Afla B1 limit 0,000 0,010 0,020 0,030 0,040 0,050 0,060 0,070 0,080 2013. 4.… 2013. 4.… 2013. 5. 1. 2013. 5. 8. 2013. 5.… 2013. 5.… 2013. 5.… 2013. 6. 5. 2013. 6.… 2013. 6.… 2013. 6.… 2013. 7. 3. 2013. 7.… 2013. 7.… 2013. 7.… 2013. 7.…

Aflatoxin M1 koncentráció (PPB)

Afla M1 (PPB)

Afla M1 limit

Afla M1 (PPB)

Afla M1 limit

Farm 2. aflatoxin M1 content in milk during the test

Effect of Vitapol on toxin content of TMR in vitro Farm 1. aflatoxin B1 content in TMR during the test Farm 1. aflatoxin M1 content in milk during the test Farm 2. aflatoxin B1 content in TMR during the test Farm 2. aflatoxin M1 content in milk during the test -20 0 20 40 60 80 DON Afla T 2 F 2 Toxinbinding effect with 1% Vitapol dosage 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 Aflatoxin B1 koncentráció (PPB)

Vitapol Feed tests with piglets

1 st. Test

5000 piglets per group (control, Vitapol)

Vitapol was giwen from day 1-4 on trays ad libitum.

The piglets were counted and weighed at weaning (28 days)

2 nd. Test

Two sights

1. farm (Szilfás) 1500-1500 piglets / group (vitapol/control)

2. farm (Nagykonda) 600-600 piglets / group (vitapol/control)

Vitapol suspension was giwen from day 1-4 on trays ad libitum. From day 5-15 Vitapol pulvis mixed in feed in 1% dosage.

The piglets were counted and weighed at weaning. (28 days)

Bonafarm Group, Dalmand, Hungary

Vitapol Feed Test Laying hen

Vitapol Feed Test Laying hen

Company: PaMiRa Group, Kruczyn (Pl), Marius Pachura a family owned integration with ower 3 million layers

Start of the test: 18.02.2013.

Vitapol Feed Test - Laying hen

Test length: 43 days

Company: PaMiRa Group, Kruczyn (Pl), Marius Pachura a family owned integration with ower 3 million layers

Company: PaMiRa Group, Kruczyn (Pl), Marius Pachura a family owned integration with ower 3 million layers

Animals: Lohman Brown 73 week old, moulted

Start of the test: 18.02.2013.

Start of the test: 18.02.2013.

Test length: 43 days

Company: PaMiRa Group, Kruczyn (Pl), Marius Pachura - a family owned integration with ower 3 million layers

Technology: One stable, kage technology, two separate feed silos and feeding rounds.

Test length: 43 days

The test showed a 23,3% (73 hen) decrease in mortality for the Vitapol group!

Feed usage was reduced due to Vitapol by 5,15 tonns (appr 5,2%)!

Feed: the feed of the Vitapol group contained 1% (10 kg/t) Vitapol pulvis. No other changes int

Animals: Lohman Brown 73 week old, moulted

Animals: Lohman Brown 73 week old, moulted

Start of the test: 18.02.2013.

Number of animals (aprox.): Vitapol group: 19200, Control group: 19200

Technology: One stable, kage technology, two separate feed silos and feeding rounds.

Technology: One stable, kage technology, two separate feed silos and feeding rounds.

Test length: 43 days

The total egg production was 2394 peaces more for the Vitapol group at the end of the test!

Feed: the feed of the Vitapol group contained 1% (10 kg/t) Vitapol pulvis. No other changes int he feed was made.

Feed: the feed of the Vitapol group contained 1% (10 kg/t) Vitapol pulvis. No other changes int he feed was made.

Animals: Lohman Brown 73 week old, moulted

Number of animals (aprox.): Vitapol group: 19200, Control group: 19200

Number of animals (aprox.): Vitapol group: 19200, Control group: 19200

The test showed a 23,3% (73 hen) decrease in mortality for the Vitapol group!

Technology: One stable, kage technology, two separate feed silos and feeding rounds.

Feed usage was reduced due to Vitapol by 5,15 tonns (appr 5,2%)!

The test showed a 23,3% (73 hen) decrease in mortality for the Vitapol group!

The test showed a 23,3% (73 hen) decrease in mortality for the Vitapol group!

Feed usage was reduced due to Vitapol by 5,15 tonns (appr 5,2%)!

Feed usage was reduced due to Vitapol by 5,15 tonns (appr 5,2%)!

Feed: the feed of the Vitapol group contained 1% (10 kg/t) Vitapol pulvis. No other changes int he feed was made.

Number of animals (aprox.): Vitapol group: 19200, Control group: 19200


Feed usage


The total egg production was 2394 peaces more for the Vitapol group at the end of the test! 90 92 94 96 98 100

The total egg production was 2394 peaces more for the Vitapol group at the end of the test! 90 92 94 96 98 100

Feed usage


The total egg production was 2394 peaces more for the Vitapol group at the end of the test! 90 92 94 96 98 100

0 200 400

Feed usage Control feed usage Vitapol

Feed usage Control feed usage Vitapol

hens Mortality Control Mortality Vitapol


Control Mortality Vitapol



695 000

694 000

693 000

000 694 000 695 000 Total Eggs Egg peace Vitapol Egg peace Control piece piece

Egg peace Vitapol Egg peace Control

692 000

Mortality Control Mortality 691 000

Total Eggs

691 000 692 000 693 000 694 000 695 000 Total Eggs
Tonns 691
Feed usage Feed usage Control feed usage Vitapol 692
0 200 400 693


The Vitapol® product line of Alpha-Vet Animal Health Ltd. won the Grand Prize for Animal Breeding on the National Agriculture and Food Industry Exhibition (OMÉK) 2011 and 2015.

„This prestigious award, Animal Breeding Prize OMÉK 2011 is a great honour for the entire company group and acknowledgement of the hard and steady research and development work of my colleagues, we started more than 10 years ago. Our goal has always been to develop products meeting the requirements of organic and biological farming, and being economically used in large-scale farming as well! We are pleased about our successes, but we are looking forward and wish to introduce major improvements and innovations in nutrient supply and plant-conditioning as well. As a result, we have big hopes about GREEN SHIELD ® , which could open a new chapter in the chemical-free cultivation.”


Alpha-Vet Animal Health LTD

7. Homoksor Székesfehérvár, Hungary 8000

Export Office: E-mail:

Livestock Breeding Prize Prize Livestock

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