AC Tell Spring 2014

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in this issue:

S p r i n g T wo T h o u sa n d a n d F o u r t e e n


AC Students Changing Their World


Open to God’s Calling


Leading the Way in Brisbane



AC Postgraduate courses in 2015! See page 4

Sydney Brisbane Auckland Global Online |

“Our vision is to have effective Christian leaders in all disciplines and vocations. With thousands of AC graduates around the world, I keep hearing reports of how God is using them to bring glory to Himself.� - Assoc Prof Stephen Fogarty, AC Principal and CEO

Sydney PO Box 337 Parramatta, NSW 2124 Australia P +61 2 8893 9000 F +61 2 8893 9099 ABN: 13 072 747 187 Brisbane PO Box 1503 Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 Australia 1300 228 355 Auckland PO Box 12747 Penrose Auckland 1642 New Zealand P +64 9 580 1500 F +64 9 579 5150

Inside AC Tell Jesus the Leader


New Degrees Announced for 2015!


AC Students Changing Their World


AC at a Glance


Coping with Mountains: Reflections on Hebrews 11:3 10 AC Alumni: Dr Jennie Bickmore-Brand


Investing In Future Generations


Open to God’s Calling


Record Numbers of AC Graduates! 18 Last, But Certainly Not the Least


ACNZ Graduation Marks the Beginning of a New Chapter 20 Leading the Way in Brisbane 21 A Career Change to Make a Difference 22 AC Resources Now Available on Kindle 23 Coming Up 24

A word to you...

To the ends of the earth…

Assoc Prof Stephen Fogarty, AC Principal and CEO

Jack Zoutenbier, AC New Zealand Principal

Thank you for taking the time to read the Spring 2014 edition of AC Tell. My hope is that this magazine informs and inspires you as you read about our students, alumni, faculty and latest news.

It is a great privilege to educate the future leaders of tomorrow. As a small, but growing team, it’s exciting to see how God has been using ACNZ as part of His plan to tell the Good News of Jesus.

It’s been an encouraging time of growth for AC. We recently received approval of four new higher education awards, which I hope you’ll turn to page 4 to read about.

At ACNZ we have had a busy and rewarding last 12 months. Amidst many developments, we had our first Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry students graduate! I hope you’ll turn to page 20 to read more about how we are equipping students in New Zealand to be great Christian leaders.

AC is passionate about equipping students to be the best leaders they can be, whether that is in ministry, music, counselling, teaching, chaplaincy or business. Our vision is to have effective Christian leaders in all disciplines and vocations. With thousands of AC graduates around the world, I keep hearing reports of how God is using them to bring glory to Himself. Your support is integral and we are thankful for any involvement you have with AC. As you read through this magazine, please pray. As God enables you, please consider investing in AC, whether it is with your time or money, to help us continue training students to change their world for Jesus and move towards our vision of becoming a Christian University. Sincerely,

What continues to encourage us at ACNZ is the commitment of our students and their willingness to answer God’s call on their lives. With our first Bachelors’ students graduated, we pray that many more will follow as they go out and make an impact in their sphere of influence for Christ. Sincerely,

Jesus the Leader By Assoc Prof Stephen Fogarty, AC Principal and CEO John 21:1-25 describes a post-resurrection encounter between Jesus and seven of the disciples, including Peter and John the author. The passage provides insight into John’s perspective of Jesus as a leader.


Jesus and the disciples (vv. 1-14) The opening of the passage introduces the seven disciples and Peter as a leader within the group. He leads them in a night of unsuccessful fishing. We can picture the disappointed disciples in the boat. Then Jesus shouts an instruction from the shore, they obey, and a bountiful catch ensues. Disappointment is replaced with excitement and anticipation as they wonder whether it is Jesus. When they come to the shore Jesus has prepared breakfast for them. The disciples experience the familiarity of another meal of bread and fish with Jesus. The aimlessness of the recent past is starting to dissipate in the light of his reappearance. The account of the fishing indicates that human effort will be unsuccessful unless it is at the direction of Jesus. The breakfast indicates that Jesus provides sustenance for his followers. Together, they suggest that Christian mission flows from fellowship with Jesus. Such mission has an inward and an outward aspect. The inward relationship of feeding and fellowship provides the capacity for the outward task of fishing for men. Union with Jesus is the indispensable basis for service for Jesus. Jesus and Peter (vv. 15-19) The breakfast is the setting for a conversation between Jesus and Peter in which the symbolism of sheep is used to focus on Peter’s responsibility for those within the Christian community. Jesus three times asks Peter if he loves him. Three times Peter responds affirmatively and Jesus tells him to care for his flock. The threefold questioning of Peter’s love for Jesus is powerfully evocative. It brings to mind the threefold denial of Jesus by Peter and stimulates us to contemplate the nature of love and commitment to another. We feel pathos for Peter’s frailty and we are inspired by Jesus’ restoration of Peter to the position of caring for the Christian community. Jesus and the Beloved Disciple (vv. 20-25) The third scene is also dominated by the conversation between Jesus and Peter and the issue again is obedience to Jesus. Peter enquires as to the fate of the disciple whom Jesus loved. This description of John is evocative and portrays Jesus the leader as having a warm and familiar relationship with his followers. Jesus does not appear to be an aloof and detached leader. Peter is told that the fate of John is not his concern. John’s role is to testify to the message of Jesus. This is different to the role of Peter and to the roles of the other disciples. The role of each is assigned by Jesus and they succeed as they hear his voice and follow his instructions. Each should concentrate on his own calling without comparison with the other. The important thing is that each one follows Jesus. Jesus the Leader The progression of mood throughout the narrative is from uncertainty and possible despair, through to excitement, and on to the sense of purpose and challenge that comes from the commission of Jesus. We are inspired to contemplate the possibilities of a life that is committed to the leadership of Jesus. He is the leader who loves and provides for his followers, who is able to give the necessary direction and instruction to produce successful ministry, who confronts and converts weakness and failure, and who restores those who respond to him. Any leader will benefit from studying and seeking to emulate the leadership qualities of Jesus that are demonstrated in John 21. To lead is to be an agent of positive change and to inspire and empower followers toward noble goals.

Assoc Prof Stephen Fogarty, reflects on the leadership of Jesus and believes, “Any leader will benefit from studying and seeking to emulate the leadership qualities of Jesus that are demonstrated in John 21. To lead is to be an agent of positive change and to inspire and empower followers toward noble goals.�

With four new courses on offer, AC will further equip students for a future of powerful ministry.

New Degrees Announced for 2015! Alphacrucis College is excited to announce the approval of four new degrees. From 2015 we will be offering the Graduate Certificate in Leadership, Master of Arts, Master of Leadership and Doctor of Ministry. After a range of higher education and VET course approvals in 2013, including the Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Ministry double-degree, the news of four more course approvals is another move forward for both AC and the ACC movement.

Master of Arts Based on popular demand for a Master of Arts degree with a range of majors, this course will allow students to specialise in one of five areas: Christian studies, Communication, Pastoral Ministry, CrossCultural Ministry or History. Graduates of this course will have a thorough understanding of Christian worldview and its integration with vocation and community.

Graduate Certificate in Leadership This course provides a broad understanding of leadership principles, as well as critical and creative thinking skills which are valuable for any professional context. A pathway to the Master of Leadership program, this degree provides the opportunity for students to explore the implication of their faith in their professional context.

Doctor of Ministry The Doctor of Ministry is designed for graduates with significant leadership experience in churches, para-church ministries, educational institutions and secular organisations who want to further enhance their skills for ministry within church, academic and community settings. The research thesis submitted as part of this degree will investigate and address an issue in the profession of Christian ministry which will make a significant original contribution towards the advancement of professional Christian ministry practice.

Available full time/part time in Parramatta, Brisbane and Global Online. Master of Leadership The Master of Leadership program draws on AC’s expertise in leadership and record of educating successful leaders. Graduates of this course will have an in-depth understanding of leadership, integrated with Christian worldview, vocation and community standards. Students will be prepared for further study through a structured program of independent research. Available full time/part time in Parramatta, Brisbane and Global Online.

Available full time/part time in Parramatta, Brisbane and Global Online.

Available full time/part time in Parramatta, Brisbane and Global Online. For more information on all of our degrees please go to


AC Students Changing Their World 6

As AC is both a vocational and higher education provider, students are offered the unique opportunity to progress in their studies all in the one place. Offering certificate, diploma, bachelor, masters and doctorate levels of training in a range of areas from business, theology and education – AC has many study pathways in a range of subject areas. AC students, Mary and Emma, both studied the Bachelor of Ministry (formerly Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry) and have progressed to the Master of Theology degree.

A heart for refugees Having completed her Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry with AC, Mary decided to continue studying with AC for her Master of Theology. Mary works with Wesley Mission as the Cultural Coordinator for North West and South Victoria. For the last eight years, Mary has been working with refugees, working in a range of roles from immigration policy writing to being the Religious and Community Manager at Villawood Immigration Detention Centre. Living in Melbourne, Mary is further developing her ministry by studying through AC’s Global Online campus and through intensives. Mary says, “I took a week off work for the intensive – but it’s worth the travel because I believe in AC and the support that they provide. I could have gone to another Bible college closer to home but I just felt that this is where I belong. AC gives you a sense of belonging.”

Mary Vijendra, Master of Theology student

Mary cites the rapport formed with lecturers as being the standout for her during the study for her Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry with AC. “The first week into my degree I was a bit overwhelmed. Narelle sat back after class with me and walked me through some of the content. Every time I did an assignment she was more than happy to review it and say, ‘If you want a high distinction this is what you would address.’ These are definitely some of the things that attracted me to come back. The lecturers at AC have taught through their own lives that evangelism is living an exemplary life, one that radiates at its core love, compassion, commitment and faith.”

“I’ve learnt so much about life and spirituality on many different levels which has been both inspiring and challenging.” Emma Austin was greatly impacted by her studies at AC during her Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry and has gone on to the Master of Theology. Emma says, “At the bachelor’s level I experienced a tremendous amount of growth. By the time I finished I wasn’t the same person at all. I loved the wide variety of classes and experiences, especially having the opportunity to study in Israel and Turkey. I’ve learnt so much about life and spirituality on many different levels which has been both inspiring and challenging.” An avid learner, Emma found the prospect of further research with AC appealing due to the lively academic culture. Emma reflects, “I love that AC provides so much potential for growth. It isn’t just ‘go there, do the study and leave – that’s it.’ There is a strong and supportive academic community that inspires students all the way from the vocational program through to the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. There’s always something new to be learned. I love that I get to take the next step in my learning journey by doing the master’s at AC. I know it’s not only the students who love the college. It’s easy to see that working at AC is not just a ‘job’. The fact that most of the staff members have been committed to AC year after year inspires me to stay connected to the community. It’s a great place to get involved and it’s always moving forward.”

Emma Austin, Master of Theology student


AC at a Glance Over the last ten years, AC has experienced a period of unprecedented growth. From 2003 to 2013, the College has enhanced its offerings to become a multidisciplinary college with awards in both Vocational Educational and Training (VET) and Higher Education. AC Central is located in the geographic heart of Sydney, in the emerging cultural hub of Parramatta. With other campuses in Brisbane, Auckland and Global Online, alongside partner colleges located throughout Australia, AC is well positioned for future growth.


Our dedicated team of staff AC administration and academic staff are devoted to professionalism and Christ centeredness in the work they do. With the growth of AC, the number of faculty and staff has increased greatly. In 2003, there were 14 staff, in 2014 there are 65 full time staff and another 50 sessional staff. Today, AC has over 20 faculty members who hold doctorates (including one Professor and five Associate Professors) and many more junior faculty on a doctoral pathway. Dedicated to research and innovation, AC’s faculty are leaders in their fields in business and economics, education, leadership, bible, theology, music, counselling, chaplaincy and missions.

What’s in a name? Sitting at the foot of the cross, Alphacrucis is the brightest star in the Southern Cross formation. In 2011, Southern Cross College was renamed to Alphacrucis College (AC) to encapsulate the beginning of a new era and vision for the College.

Commemorative Painting by Tim Hall

AC Growth 2003-2013 Total Equity

Total Equity

$20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 2003

















Enrolled students (VET and HE) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2003





Annual Income $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 2003












Coping with Mountains: Reflections on Hebrews 11:3 10

By Dr David Parker While reflecting on Hebrews 11 I’ve puzzled over verse 3, as it doesn’t appear to fit with the rest of what the author is doing. I understand, ‘That the universe was formed at God’s command’; Genesis 1 makes that abundantly clear. I also understand that, ‘What is seen was not made out of what was visible,’ whether that is a reference to creation ex nihilo (out of nothing), or the fact that ancients couldn’t see the sub-atomic particles we know about from modern technology. But why put this verse between defining faith in verse 1, commending arguably the ‘heroes of faith’ in verse 2 which are then unpacked in verses 4 onward, and then the five examples prior to the common denominator summary of verses 13-16? I offer the following as a possibility. It is surely unarguable that God is the one commending Abel (11:4), God who ‘beamed up Enoch’ (11:5), God who warned Noah (11:7), and God who called Abraham and empowered him to father Isaac by empowering Sarah to conceive (11:8-12). In other words, the real actor behind all of these miraculous events is God, though to almost everyone else, Enoch’s disappearance was a mystery, the flood was a ‘natural disaster’; Abraham’s exodus was lunacy and Isaac’s birth showed there was life in the old boy yet! Believing that God merely spoke and existence became, is the greater for which all other ‘miracles’ are the lesser in a typical ancient kal va-chomer or a maiore ad minus from greater to lesser argument. If there is a God who merely spoke and the cosmos is, then Enoch’s transference, Noah’s rescue from

the flood and Isaac’s birth are trivial in comparison. If there is a God who merely spoke and the cosmos is, then my impossibilities are trivial and the (ultimate) outcome is certain. I’m more enabled to face life with that kind of certainty than with a view that all is chance or conspiracy. Your mountains, like mine, may appear insurmountable. But for this kind of God, they are trivialities that in no way impede the destiny prepared for you and me. Murdered by the jealous, deserted by the promotion of a loved one, rejected by everyone (except maybe family?) or misunderstood by all but a handful, is no obstacle to God. Hang in there; we are encouraged it will be worth it in the long run, probably spiced with some delicacies along the way. I am not trivialising yours or my own life trials but merely trying to relativise them. In God’s big scheme of events, our mountains are His molehills. It doesn’t lessen the pain, the anxiety, the hardships, the cost; believe me, I know, perhaps not to the extent of many of you, but to some degree. I heard Pastor Jack Hanes recently calculate that if 1000 years is as a day for God (2 Peter 3:8), then an earth life is 57 minutes. Not a bad take on things really. Dr David Parker, Head of New Testament Studies at Alphacrucis College, is the recipient of the inaugural AC Principal’s Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. This award is both student and peer nominated. David received the award at this year’s graduation.

“Your mountains, like mine, may appear insurmountable. But for this kind of God, they are trivialities that in no way impede the destiny prepared for you and me.”


Dr David Parker receiving the inaugural AC Principal’s Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at this year’s graduation.

AC Alumni:

Dr Jennie Bickmore-Brand (Master of Arts (Leadership) 2004)

The Power of Life-long Learning 12

A passionate patron of education, Dr Jennie Bickmore-Brand was already a successful academic, with both a master’s degree and a PhD, when she came to study the Master of Arts (Leadership) at AC. Jennie then went on to become a lecturer in the Leadership Program, where she also developed AC’s Master of Teaching (Primary). It was fitting that Jennie delivered the Occasional Address at this year’s graduation, as the first Master of Teaching (Primary) students graduated. Throughout her career, Jennie has been influential in the education sector - teaching, leading, and working as a consultant for organisational leadership and government policy. Jennie says, “I believe education is the passport to freedom. For example, if you look at developing countries, the whole community can be transformed when people - particularly the women are educated with literacy.” Specialising in adult learning, organisational development and leadership psychology, Jennie has been an advocate and deliverer of innovative solutions in many school, tertiary education and community contexts. Jennie’s work has had a significant impact on education in Australia with her PhD findings and publications influencing the teaching of maths across all age groups. You may have seen Jennie on The Project on TV. She also serves as an education expert and has served as President for two terms on the Australian Council for Adult Literacy. Jennie strongly believes in the power of education and the important role that a teacher has to play. Jennie reflects, “Many people have ‘lies’ spoken over them about their abilities, however, education in the area of their passion can release them from a life of oppression. I believe God

has a purpose and plan for everyone and the goal of a teacher is to find the key to unlocking that for each person they teach.” Jennie’s thirst for further learning brought her to AC, as she wanted to develop her biblical and theological understanding, as well as her leadership skills. While Jennie previously studied theology, she appreciated the different approach to study that AC provided. Jennie says, “It was so different studying at a place where they were spirit-filled and had an eschatological understanding of what they were teaching. I felt part of the body of Christ in class. My prayer when I came to AC was to write what I was learning on my heart and not just have it as head knowledge - it’s still my prayer whenever I read or study something.”

If you are AC alumni, we would love to hear your story! Contact us at

I believe God has a purpose and plan for everyone and the goal of a teacher is to find the key to unlocking that for each person they teach.

- Dr Jennie Bickmore-Brand

Investing in Future Generations You can be a part of AC’s outstanding record of training men and women in their academic and spiritual development. Thousands of our graduates serve the church of Jesus Christ throughout the world. There are many more thousands to come. AC is committed to becoming a Christian university; a vision which we believe will add to the educational landscape and future of our great country. We see this goal as an opportunity to equip future generations of Christian leaders across religious, social, economic and political sectors. There are a number of ways you can support our college, our students, and our vision. Further information is available at or you can contact us at and 02 8893 9000. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

University Vision Fund

The University Vision requires an initial investment of $5,000,000. Your support, whether large or small, will help AC move towards this goal.

Scholarship Fund

Scholarships are a vital way that you can help passionate, Christ-centred students attend AC. AC’s Scholarship Fund has helped many students unlock their potential and go on to change their world.

Church Partners

Many churches around Australia are joining with AC as Church Partners, investing in leadership training and receiving powerful benefits for their pastors and members.

Investments in the Scholarship Fund have helped students to follow their passion for ministry.


AC is very grateful of the support we receive from students, alumni, friends, churches and organisations. You can become a regular supporter, or make a one-off donation. Contact Ashlyn Kapinga-Cresswell on 02 8893 9000 or for more information.

Wills and Bequests

To leave a bequest is one of the most powerful ways in which a person can contribute to their community for the future generations to come. Previous bequests received at AC have made a significant impact on our growth as a College. Your bequest will impact future generations of students and help us to achieve our goal of becoming a Christian university. Request a copy of our new Wills and Bequests brochure from or 02 8893 9000 (Ashlyn Kapinga-Cresswell) or

“To be given a scholarship to study in Australia is a dream come true – it is a big step towards becoming a pastor and helping the local community.” Taras Mekeda, Bachelor of Ministry 2014



Record Numbers of AC Graduates! On Saturday 3rd May, 2014 AC held its annual graduation at Parramatta Town Hall.


A sea of orange balloons lit up the sky as AC graduates processed from AC Central through the heart of Parramatta’s CBD. It was an exciting and historic day as we acknowledged the achievements of our largest ever group of graduating students. 559 students graduated from courses ranging from certificate through to master’s degrees. 100 students attended the ceremony and Parramatta Town Hall was filled to capacity with over 500 people supporting the graduates. This year’s ceremony also celebrated the first Master of Teaching (Primary) graduates. Guest speaker, Dr Jennie Bickmore-Brand, who was instrumental in the original development of the Master of Teaching (Primary) program for AC, delivered the Occasional Address and inspired students with her testimony of God’s direction and guidance throughout her career. Next year’s graduation will be held on Saturday 2nd May, 2015.

AC celebrated the achievements of students at this year’s graduation at Parramatta Town Hall.

Students at the Diploma of Ministry intensive at AC Central, Parramatta.

Last, But Certainly Not the Least Alphacrucis College recently hosted 67 church leaders for the Diploma of Ministry (Leadership) RPL intensives in Sydney and Hong Kong. Pastors with more than five year’s experience were eligible for the program. With the highest number of participants in the history of the program, the Hong Kong and Sydney classes were abuzz as leaders gathered to enrich their knowledge through both theoretical and practical training, as well as share in times of fellowship and encouragement. Organised by the Director of Vocational Education and Training, Pastor Dean O’Keefe, these classes were the last in a series of successful Dip Min RPL intensives held in Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, and Hong Kong over the last two years. Feedback from students, including ACC state executive members, highlighted how valuable the course was in their leadership training. Pastor Bronwyn Bonnell commented, “I feel like we were ‘walked through’ the process from start to finish, pre-application to the end of the week. All of the communications were engaging. I feel like AC is family and I will definitely be pursuing further study.” Students who participated in the intensives benefit from credit into further studies. AC can help you and your ministry, visit for more information.


ACNZ Principal, Jack Zoutenbier and AC Principal and CEO, Stephen Fogarty with one of ACNZ’s first Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry graduates, Paul Change.


ACNZ Graduation Marks the Beginning of a New Chapter By Jack Zoutenbier, Principal of AC New Zealand campus Graduation was a significant and historic event at ACNZ this year, as we graduated our first degree students! After a challenging process, ACNZ was granted accreditation by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) in 2012 for the Bachelor of Contemporary Ministry. As NZ has a seamless educational framework, a number of students were able to transfer advanced diploma credits into the degree. This meant they were able to finish their requirements at the end of 2013 and graduated at our ceremony in April this year. Our guest speaker was Member of Parliament, Pastor Jonathan Young. The address was stirring and encouraging. Also, contributing to the atmosphere of the occasion was our first serious integration of Māori culture. One of our graduates led a Kapahaka team and opened the ceremony with a Powhiri. This is a very touching and meaningful way of welcoming people in the Māori tradition. It reflects our heritage and partnership with the Tangata Whenua and also highlights our commitment to other cultures in New Zealand.

Having delivered the degree for 18 months, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority arranged a monitoring visit in May this year. This is a rigorous process but we achieved a very good report. This has really established us as a degree provider in NZ! Our need for research outputs and qualified lecturers is largely met through our trans-Tasman faculty. We are very grateful to the AC lecturers who come from Sydney to teach part of the program. We are excited that our own PhD candidates are making good progress in their study and over the next few years we expect to have an increasing residential faculty with doctorates. It has been a momentous last 12 months for ACNZ and we look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in the year ahead.

AC student, Senior Pastor Geoff Blight, says, “If I, as a leader, am to be leading an ever growing and developing team, then I need to be ever growing and developing personally.”

Leading the Way in Brisbane Geoff Blight is the Senior Pastor of Life Church Brisbane, a congregation of over 600 people, with many ministries, including Brisbane Christian College, a school of just under 700 students. With a hunger to undertake further study, Geoff is currently studying the Master of Arts (Christian Studies) through AC’s Brisbane campus. Learning to balance study and ministry commitments has proven worthwhile for his development as a leader. Geoff says, “Studying at AC has forced me to consider and research things that would not have otherwise been part of my regular routine. I have been able to apply leadership paradigms and concepts back into my real life, leadership and ministry context.” Geoff’s first passion is to see people respond and establish a personal relationship with Jesus. “Seeing them go on to discover their unique call in God is why I am in ministry,” says Geoff. As someone in a position of senior leadership, Geoff recognises the importance of study in fostering leadership development. Geoff reflects, “If I, as a leader, am to be leading an ever growing and developing team, then I need to be ever growing and developing personally.”

Travelling to Turkey this year as part of his studies was a highlight for Geoff. “The sense of history was awe inspiring as you walked down streets that had seen centuries; and as you sat in the Ephesian theatre where they rioted to stop the influence of Paul in Acts 19.” As well as the Biblical history side of the trip, Geoff greatly valued the time he spent getting to know the lecturers and other students. He reflects, “I very much enjoyed the thoughtprovoking discussions with Van Shore and I will always cherish the opportunity to attend the dawn service at Gallipoli.”


Master of Teaching (Primary) graduate, Charlotte Wong, felt called to a career change from accounting.

A Career Change to Make a Difference At AC, many students have taken the leap of changing careers through the Master of Teaching (Primary). According to a survey conducted by Open Universities Australia, teaching is now the most popular choice of study for over 30s, with respondents citing the flexibility of the work and importance of education being top of the list as to why they have undergone a career change. For Charlotte Wong, a career in accounting didn’t feel like the right fit. Charlotte says, “I always wanted to be a teacher and I got into doing accounting instead. After working in the accounting industry, I realised I am more of a people person so I started working as the counsellor for my church. Part of me really wanted to have an impact on the younger generation. Using the love, the passion that I have – I thought teaching would be the place where I can really help.” Starting again with study can be a daunting prospect, and often this is the stumbling block for many considering a career change. Charlotte enrolled in AC’s Master of Teaching (Primary) in 2011. She reflects, “I think the hardest challenge is to start all over again. AC recognises not only my past academic studies but my experience in ministry. I feel valued as an individual and motivated to learn more from the seasoned, knowledgeable, yet humble lecturers.”

Charlotte has greatly enjoyed the Christian focus on teaching at AC and is passionate about making a difference in the lives of children. Charlotte says, “The Jesus-centred message was evident in how we can put our faith into practice in a school setting. Values like that really help me to understand that I’m not just here to work – I care about more than getting a pay cheque.” With the flexible mixed-mode delivery format of online study with a week long face-to-face intensive for each subject, the Master of Teaching (Primary) is an ideal course to study and balance work and family commitments. See for more information.

AC Resources Now Available on Kindle Raising Women Leaders: Perspectives on Liberating Women in Pentecostal and Charismatic Contexts Edited by Assoc Prof Shane Clifton and Assoc Prof Jacqui Grey Pentecostal and charismatic churches should be at the vanguard of raising female leaders. They share a history grounded in the pioneering ministry of Spirit-filled women. They have formal structures of ordination based in giftedness rather than gender. And they develop their theology out of a shared spiritual experience that overcomes the barriers of class, race and sex. Despite these potential forces for equality, women in many churches still experience sexism and find it much harder than men to rise to senior positions of leadership. This book responds to this situation. It is driven by a passion to reclaim the tradition of empowering women. It seeks to provide the next generation with theological and practical tools that will help them follow the leading of the Spirit in the pursuit of their goals and dreams. AC’s Dean of Theology, Assoc Prof Shane Clifton and AC’s Academic Dean, Assoc Prof Jacqui Grey, bring together the expertise of authors from various scholarly backgrounds including exegetes, theologians, historians and philosophers, along with leadership theorists and practitioners, all from diverse denominational backgrounds. Together, they share the belief that the gospel facilitates liberation from oppression and encourages all people, women and men alike, to flourish in life and ministry.

P.S. I’m Single: Reflections on Singleness Edited by Assoc Prof Lily A. Arasaratnam Edited by AC’s Director of Research, Assoc Prof Lily Arasaratnam, five single people ranging from late 20s to mid 50s, share their counsel from both personal and professional perspectives on the subject of singleness. P.S. I’m Single offers a welcome message to anyone who is looking for something different from the generic brand of books on singleness. Written with incisive wit, and realism, and tackling biblical, theological, pastoral and sociocultural perspectives, the writers explore the hard questions about being a single person in today’s society, offering a refreshing new view on the singles’ experience.

Globalization and the Mission of the Church By Assoc Prof Shane Clifton and Prof Neil J. Ormerod Various social, political, economic and cultural commentators are presently arguing that human history is reaching a decisive stage in its development, a stage marked by increased interconnection between peoples, the compression of space and time, a sharing of ideas at unprecedented levels, global trade and finance, and so on. The shorthand word used to encompass these phenomena is “globalization.” From its inception in the missionary mandate of Jesus (Matthew 28), Christianity has had a global dimension to its mission. Christianity is not a spectator to globalization but one of its agents, one of the forces at work which have extended interconnection between peoples, shared ideas and promoted social, political and cultural links. AC’s Dean of Theology, Assoc Prof Shane Clifton and Prof Neil Ormerod, Professor of Theology at Australian Catholic University, consider the churches response to the impact of globalization on vital, social, cultural, personal and religious values. The book brings together the perspectives of Catholicism and Pentecostalism, the former providing a depth of wisdom and tradition, the latter drawing on the insight of a newly emerging movement that has taken root in every continent with remarkable energy and enthusiasm.

These books are available through Amazon for Kindle, or alternatively through AC Reception call 1300 AC TELL (1300 228 355) to order your copy.


Coming Up You are invited to the following AC Events!

Further details are available at | | 02 8893 9000 September


24 AC Afternoon Tea: 5:00pm ACC VIC State Conference Geelong Performing Arts Centre (GPAC) 50 Little Malop Street Geelong Vic. 3220

24 AC End of Year Celebration Dinner: 7pm Waterview Convention Centre, Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127


October 3 The Heartbeat of the Classroom Master of Teaching (Primary) Professional Development Day: 9am-3pm AC Central, 30 Cowper St, Parramatta NSW 2150 7 AC Afternoon Tea: 5:30pm ACC Qld State Conference The Deck, Calvary Christian Church - Sunshine Coast campus, 212 Crosby Hill Road, Tanawha, Sunshine Coast Qld 4556 9 AC Lunch: 12:30pm ACC NSW State Conference Port Panthers, 1 Bay Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 15 ACNZ Lunch: 1pm NZ AOG Conference Kings House Napier, 218 Riverbend Road, Meeanee, Napier 4110

May 2015 2 AC Graduation Parramatta Town Hall

Intensives These intensives are available for new students – You can enrol for credit or just do the course for fun! Further details are available at | | 02 8893 9000

October 20-24 History of Christianity AC Central, Parramatta

November 17-21 Ignite Church Planting AC Central, Parramatta 24-28 STINT Cross Cultural Ministry AC Central, Parramatta

December 1 (2014) - January 15 (2015) World Harvest Institute intensive – AC Central, Parramatta 22

AC Lunch: 1pm ACC WA State Conference Foyer, Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah WA 6210 24

AC Lunch: 1pm ACC Tasmania State Conference 5 Mertonvale Circuit, Kingston (Kingborough Life Church).

The world-renowned World Harvest Institute missionary training program is conducted as a 6 week intensive every summer. With over 3500 past participants, this effective training program is an essential course for those considering long term deployment in missions. Contact for more information. For additional information on the wide range of cross cultural ministry subjects that AC offers at many different levels, go to our one stop shop of missions course information

strengthening and developing leaders New Postgraduate awards available in 2015 Doctor of Ministry Master of Arts Master of Leadership Graduate Certificate in Leadership

Enquire now




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PO Box 337 Parramatta NSW 2124 P +61 2 8893 9000 | 1300 AC TELL (1300 228 355) F +61 2 8893 9099 E


PO Box 1503 Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 P +61 7 3253 1300 | 1300 AC TELL (1300 228 355) E


PO Box 12747 Penrose Auckland 1642 P +64 9 580 1500 F +64 9 579 5150 E

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