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International President's Viewpoint
From Our International President
Re-emergence is the word that seems to best sum up the next season of our lives. With the availability of vaccines, I’m finding my calendar beginning to fill—and after more than a year of physical isolation—I relish doing things and spending time with others.
I feel re-emergence within Alpha Gamma Delta, too. There is a palpable excitement over finally being together in person again. Our International Headquarters staff has returned to the office. Alumnae groups are beginning in-person gatherings, and most collegiate sisters were finally able to have events this spring. Even this issue of the Quarterly feels like a celebration, as our fiscal decisions of the past year have allowed us to return to print editions twice a year.
It’s fair to say this past year challenged us to figure out how to do sisterhood when gathering in person wasn’t possible. Some of how we adapted to a virtual environment will remain an important part of the Alpha Gam experience as we move forward—in all ages and stages of membership.
As last year's virtual recruitment format proved to have advantages, many campuses are keeping some virtual elements during early rounds of Primary Recruitment. Fraternity-wide, we hosted a number of virtual Initiation services. This will evolve into an important training tool for collegiate officer teams.
The online experience has also become an important way for our alumnae members to connect. I am especially thrilled with the many Facebook affinity groups that have formed. These online spaces for sisters with common interests strengthen our overall community and allow members to expand their circle of sisterhood around the world. Be sure to check out the growing list of groups on page 30.
June marks the beginning of new 2-year Volunteer Service Team appointments for the Fraternity, and I am immensely grateful for the number of sisters who responded cheerfully to the call to serve Alpha Gam. Our recent, first ever Academy for VST Committee Members provided insight on Fraternity Operations, DEI initiatives and current trends in higher education, as well as built excitement for our International Convention in Louisville next summer. I virtually met with each newly appointed committee chair and enjoyed seeing their excitement and hearing how they will work with their teams to keep Alpha Gam moving forward. I am so very excited to see how they will impact the Fraternity over the next few years!
On July 21, International Council will host a Virtual Town Hall to provide an update on the state of the Fraternity and answer member questions, many of which are related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion questions that emerged during listening sessions held over the past year. A link to submit questions and register for the Town Hall are available on page 6.
While I look forward to visiting with sisters in person across the US and Canada again, I am so thankful that we have shown the ability and agility necessary to thrive in virtual spaces.
Loyally in Epsilon Pi,
Dr. Lee Woodham Langub, International President, Gamma Alpha–University of Georgia