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Fraternity Updates
Committee Applicants Wanted
International Council is seeking nominations and applicants for members to serve on the 2022 Elections Committee. The committee’s central function is to assemble a strong and balanced International Council ballot of members qualified to lead the Fraternity and advance its mission. Candidates with personal or professional experience in recruiting, hiring and interviewing are encouraged to apply. Visit ® alphagammadelta.org/elections to learn more. Applications close Sunday, August 1.
IHQ Wins Big at Fraternity Communications Association
IHQ's Communications & Marketing Team virtually attended the Fraternity Communications Association annual conference and won four honors during its highly competitive awards competition, including: 2nd place Magazine Page Design, 2nd place Magazine Spread Design, 2nd place Annual/Biennial Report and 3rd Place Alumnae Engagement. More than 747 award entries were received by 51 fraternities, sororities and professional societies.
Additionally, Chief Marketing Officer Wendy Theus Barker, Gamma Alpha–University of Georgia, was elected 2021-22 President of FCA's Board of Directors. "It is an honor to serve the Fraternity Communications Association and to see our team recognized for its hard work and creativity," Wendy said. "I'm excited to see how the next year unfolds."
DEI Update
UNPACKING ALPHA, GAMMA AND DELTA - The Fraternity is thrilled to announce a new online program for all collegiate members. The diversity, equity and inclusion-focused modules will be released beginning in October, and points for completion will be awarded toward Collegiate Good Standing. Required sessions include: Understanding Implicit Bias, Understanding Privilege, Being the Dot: People of Color in White Spaces, Protecting the Sisterhood: Healing Ruptures in the Wake of Offense and My Sister’s Keeper: Allyship and You and Her Too. Created in collaboration with Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton and Campuspeak, it is generously funded by the Foundation.
EQUITY EDUCATION FUND - During Alpha Gam's Day of Giving, four matches and challenges benefiting our Equity Education Fund were met early in the day, raising more than $3,500! The fund supports Fraternity initiatives and programs to prepare members as citizens and leaders of our diverse global community, with an emphasis on education related to racial equity. Email Foundation Executive Director Julie Waitman at à jwaitman@alphagammadeltafoundation.org to learn how your gift can make an impact on these efforts.
TOWN HALL - International Council will host a Virtual Town Hall July 21 as a follow-up from the DEI Listening Session held on April 4. All collegiate and alumnae members are invited to register and submit questions at www.bit.ly/AGD-Town-Hall
.Learn more about the Fraternity's continued work to foster a loving, equitable and inclusive experience for all members of Alpha Gam www.alphagammadelta.org/our-commitment.
Remote Advising Opportunities
Did you know you can now serve as a remote advisor for a collegiate chapter? If COVID-19 taught us anything, it’s that we have the tools and resources to support members from anywhere. If you're interested in honing your skills while making an impact on a collegiate chapter and its members, apply at ® bit.ly/remote-advisor. Position vacancies are listed at ® alphagammadelta.org/volunteer.

Join the Alpha Gam Book Club
Connect with alumnae of all ages and walks of life to discuss themes important to women. Discussions are led and moderated by volunteers and take place online. The new book list will be released soon, so join the Facebook Group at www.bit.ly/AGD-Book-Club.
Fraternity Wellness Resources
Mental Health Resources - Impact Talks are monthly wellness-themed webinars offered to all collegians and alumnae. Presented by Fraternity partners Dr. Daryl Appleton and Jennifer Weaver-Breitenbecher, LMHC, of Polaris Counseling & Consulting, these 30-minute webinars cover topics like impostor syndrome, managing uncertainty and holistic wellness. Follow us on Facebook for registration and session information or log into Acorn at www.acorn.alphagammadelta.org to access recordings from previous Impact Talks.
Group sessions are available to collegiate chapters as they navigate tough chapter situations, manage relationships, hold members accountable and foster a sisterhood around care and support.
VeriSky Partnership - The Fraternity has partnered with VeriSky, a virtual event planning platform designed to help chapters save and store all documents needed to plan and host safe, fun events. We are pleased to provide collegiate officers the tools needed to navigate event-planning while reducing the risks associated with events.
Alcohol Skills Training Program - ASTP educates collegiate members on high-risk situations in order to minimize potential negative consequences through preventative action, reduced consumption or abstinence. Guided by a volunteer facilitator, each Alpha Gam chapter receives the ASTP on a 3-year rotation. In the past year, more than 50 chapters participated in ASTP virtually. Member feedback indicates the program is well-received and adjustments to the virtual presentation have been effective.
Alumnae Dues Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to our final 2020-21 Heritage Badge Giveaway winners: Jean Donnenwirth Hussey, Theta Phi–University of Tampa, Anne Stanton Rubsamen, Delta Alpha–University of Southern California, and Susan Dade Butler, Gamma Xi–Murray State University. Thanks to all members who paid their voluntary Alumnae Dues last fiscal year. See page 10 to learn how Alumnae Dues benefit members of all ages.
Talent of Leadership
Selected by International Council each year, the Talent of Leadership Award is to given to alumnae who exemplify the best of Alpha Gam through contributions to their professions and communities. Nominations are made by an alumnae chapter/club, collegiate chapter or individual members of the Fraternity and, whenever possible, awards are presented at the recipient's local International Reunion Day celebration. Congratulations to the 2021 recipients:
Bonnie Everhart Theta Rho–Barry University Community Service
Kathleen Hansen Fox (shown above) Gamma Lambda–Longwood University Community Service
Monique LeBlanc Guilderson Alpha Eta–Dalhousie University Medical and Health Sciences
Julie Payne Kitchmeier Epsilon Rho–Texas A&M University Higher Education & Student Affairs
Helene Martucci Lamarre Beta Xi–Purdue University Education & Career Development
Li Li Leung Alpha Beta–University of Michigan Business & Athletics
Marsha Moore Alpha Eta–Dalhousie University Literary Arts
Renee Skau Delta Theta–University of Idaho Higher Education & Residential Life
Rebecca Davis Wendorf Xi–Illinois Wesleyan University Vocal Performance & Entrepreneurship